INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL FLOW IN TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT Or. Ion Grigore Sian Senior Researcher, I.G.F.C.O.T., Romania Commission No. IV The investigating character system context and the complex objectives of the territorial management are presented; it is illustrated by Oltenia mining basin (MB). The integrated information flow (territorialgeographical) and automatic mapping in territorial monitoring (AMTM) facilitate to pass from intuitive to computer-assisted territorial management designings (CATMo). The technological flow of the terlitorial management designing,averaged by present-day space manifold functions (urban, rural, touristic, hydrographic, forestry), is a matrix-scheme for the limited, natural and modified resource management. Key Words: GIS/LIS, Land AppLication, Thematic SYSTEM ANALYSES (SA), REGIONAL APPROACH (RA) "behaviour" (presuming change study, that is, positive and negative process dynamics). Obviously, analysing only the set of the territorial system interactions with its various functions, they appear to be proper to the regional industrial weight as against the open and underground coal mining (brown C?al~. So, in such a case, the system analySIS 1S most favourable if the space approach is to be regionally. The RIS knowledge, including all constituent elements and its functions, is a sine qua non condition to improve the professional designer's skill which he needs to "convelse" with Nature,' and last but not the least, with Society (the user). THE COMPLEX OBJECTIVES AND TERRITORIAL MONITORING: AMTM INFORMATION FLOW This research objective is the territorial or social-space systems, covering Oltenia mining basin (test zones: Rovinari and Motru). It is featured by an environment (natural and modified) which, besides soil, water, air and biota, also, includes natural resources, such as, coal. At its first system analysis (SA), we can see it is located at the cross of two main systems: an ecological system considering its environmental location (human action and decision-making) and a social one, considering the anthropic presence and influence (social values, needs and wishes). Hence,important social-space subsystems containing regional territorial system (RTS) constituent parts (see Figure 1) could be derived; such a RTS could delineate the mining basin (MB) perimeter. According to human interferences, ecosystems in the mining basin (see, for example, ~co­ logic and economic subsystems) are not only natural and modified but also managed.Considering the so-called managed ecosystem (a social-space system, above all) or according to our classification, a space territorial management subsystem, we shall emphasize that the territorial management designing includes a lot of very complex distinct objectives: urban planning (UP), rural planning (RP), hydlographical management(HM), forestry management (FM), touristic management (TM), a.s.o. On the other hand, the territorial management designing objectives should take into account the complex land protecting ( LP) objectives (biological juridical): restoration, preservation, ~re­ vention, a.s.o. This regional approach (RA) is meant to establish the information and technological flow carrying out: (a) constituent part identification; (b) structured model development; (c) making variants on behaviour, i.e. designing the future social-space subsystem state-of-art. From the very outset, we want to emphasize that the information support (aerial and/or space images) is meeting with the purpose mentioned above, containing information on "anatomy" (meaning the element, relation and object identifications), "physiology" (representing the interrelation means with other systems) and the territorial system Before or after the measurements should be made properly, both territorial management and protection are requiring a territorial monitoring at some established periods of time, because there are various and continuous events and functions within this RTS especially arising from the space mining , basin. Information land and geoglaphical system (LIS/GIS) integrations, using photogrammetric and remote sensing plocedures bring about a real-time or nearly real-time information flow. The integrated information flow and automatic mapping in territorial monitoring (AMTM) give the possibility to pass from the intuitive designing to the computer-assisted designing. The designer Regional territorial system (RTS) Figure 1. Constituent Parts of the Regional Territorial System (RTS) makes intuitive mental images no 10nger.As against the classical procedure, SA rigurous scientific procedure is completely and simultaneously exploring RA aspects required to be integrated into the designing process. MODELLING THEORY (MT) AND TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT : CATMO TECHNOLOGICAL FLOW Territolial Management is more and more known (Botez and Celac, 1980) as a main field of activity within the applied prospective matters, owing to its integrated long-sighted investigation feature. The inter grated information system development (ISO) LIS/GIS should undergo the following stages: (1) first of all, at a national level - documentation (supported by the National Geodetic and Cartographic Fund, and the National Geodetic and Cartographic Data and Information Bank); (2) at the mining basin level - data collection (using graphic and non-graphic data and information bases: LIS - general and special cadastres; GIS - geology, soil science, hydrology, climate, a.s.o.); (3) finally, at a regional level - data processing (LIS/GIS integrated data and information base development for : topology, identification, soil-underground, ail, water, roads, a.s.o., having two graphic and nonglaphic data and information files). Various social-space subsystem elements are "located" on the same terlitolial suppOlt; they ale of various natures and stletches and, sometimes, are interfering each other in very stlange involved ways. So, based on a just assumed "ladiography" the managed space structure within a tellitorial system can leveal the relationships among internal subsystem elements, among the different space tellitolial management subsystems (UP, RP, FM, a.s.o.), among them and envilonment - that one outside the MB perimetel (see Figure 2). The lalge aerial-space image categolY includes, also, the model subcategory, as it will be shown below. To compile a "true mode I" (showi ng "tha t vel y da y II occuuence within a tellitorial subsystem), including management variants ploper to the territo1 i a 1 management object i ves., model 1 ing is carried out concurlently with the thematic designing. Final results of the information system implementation (lSI), at a regional level, ale consisting of graphical information (one- and multi-thematic) derived flom AMTM to be mapped on the cadastral-thematic maps (mining, urban, agricultural, forestry, a.s.o.), geo-thematic maps (geology, hydrology, climate, a.s.o.),and non-glaphic information, as well (see the diagram in the Appendix 1). Any space model lepresentation should stalt with the land plane and/ol three dimensional representation itself - the elevation land model (ELM) - knowing its dynamic 2 Interna I rela tionshi s of the subsystem (HB) Re lanai territorial system (RrS) - Constituent arts of other territorial subsystem Urban planning (UP) subsystem ~ Touristic management (TH) subsystem Figule 2. Tellitolial Management Stluctule to computer-assisted telritorial management designing (CATMO) alises flom LIS/GIS integlated data and information base (glaphic copies: cadastral-thematic digital and geo-thematic maps; non-g~aphic and synthesis data and information), special data and infolmation bases on terlitolial management designing and special data and information bases on legal mattels, as well. evolution ("up-to-date"). Fin a 11 y, the lei s a (v i r' t u a 1) II ass e mb 1 age" of the thematic digital lep~esenting models fOl the ter~itorial subsystems, to obtain the best alternative sceneries proper to the telr i tOl i a 1 management, 1. e. "complementary elements" of the territorial management designing objectives. Obviously it is a plelequisite condition to investigate the dynamics and most likely stateof-alt within the space telritolial management subsystems dUling the decisions taken (among those which have been proposed) ale to be implemented (and after they have been implemented), including. The techniques should be classified according ~o the matter specifications: (a) generat~ng m?del elements; (b) identifying relatIonshIps among them; (c) describing the futule system functions and behaviour. Some prognosis development (PO) studies making changes arising ovel the land evident (environmental processes and factols) and, genelally, knowing the p~edictive regional planning (RP) function, after land covel (LC) had been pleviously established, have been accomplished. Later on, the second stage based on both computing algolithms and proglammes to process data in computel-assisted terlitOlial management designing (CATMD), and othel ploglammes (automatic drawing, area computation, highly technical, economic and jUlidical developments) takes place, to finally design the proper managements: urban planning (UP), rural planning (RP), hydloglaphical management (HM), fo~estry management (FM), toul'istic management (TM), a.s.o. The third AMTM technological flow stage is the automatic mapping for territorial management, considering the designed topographical configuration, when a valiant is to be designed. Aftel a great many sceneries had been experienced, the best variant to be implemented used data and analyses to apply the chosen tel~itolial management designs on the ground (see diagram in Appendix 2). Rigorous studies on future investigations (FI) are absolutely required by the territorial management designing. Past and present-day arguments (lelated to the classical logical rules) and future ones (related to the likely logical rules) a~e also needed, in OUl desire to know the futu~e trends on space terlito~ial management subsystem evolutions. SKETCH-MATRIX FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OR AMTM/CATMO METHODOLOGICAL STRUCTURE The lack of balance among the space-suppolt and the existing social functions are mainly due to a prevailing industlY location within an economic subsystem (open and un- Undoubtly, the technological flow lelated 3 blished "space-time" ratio, have in view to make sets-up helping the judgement to go beyond the common analysis of the initial investigation object (space subsystem to be managed), thus, to conceive images on the anatomy, physiology and behaviour of the other space management subsystems within the territorial system. derground coal mining), nevertheless,proper to the mining basin related to our territorial system (Gorj District). We are located within an ab initio given and limited space together with the obvious unrecoverable resources. We are faced with concerns designing new functions compatible or proper to the damaged environment (thus, imposing some limits on defining and developing new functions). It is well known that such a "daily event" extending over a "selenian landscape", as it is that coal mining, does not confine itself to mere direct effects on the environment.Through their associated phenomena, the power branch has entailed striking changes related to the urban or rural networks, hydrographical and communication networks, usual agricultural development, as well as, the people's cultural habitat, over the whole region. Space poly-functions are, therefore, resulting in a sketch-matrix managing resources delineated by the space, the land economic requirements, power conditions and environmental protection. They are the main key concepts, which should be taken into account, when our monitoring and designing are envisaged. Nowadays, designing "on separate parts" by individual specialists is no longer a valid solution (e.g. urban planning without any reference to the land management, hydrographical, forestry and/or touristic ones). a multi-disciplinary team assuring a "cooperative designing" is now under consideration. Within that dynamical context, large qualitative and quantitative changes, we have seen, should be also mentioned, just to recall the main concern of that applied prospective task. The sketch-matrix concept is a two-dimensional methodological structure on the information and technological flow intergrations : (1) LIS/GIS information (on line: primary sources - thematic products); (2) AMTM/CATMo technological (on column: automatic mapping in territorial monitoring - computer-assisted territorial management designing), to manage potential and existing resources of the mining basin within the The question "what is it ?" could not be answered without a ceaseless appeal to "what was it ?" and "what will it be ?" Obviously, the linkage among the past, present and future implies the space model representation of the managed territorial subsystem. Assumed as the wi t "amplifiers", those models on various territorial management categories, based on an estaDiagnosis on RTS status I I LIS/GIS integrated data information base r---- and analysis on terrirorial development [TO) I Automatic mapping in territorial monitoring I - IRTS dynamics I I r---- - TO prognosis Land cover Regional planning • Industry Imining I a.s.o. • Economic • Demographic c 0 • Technical ~ c Predi ctive J ::::1 §• Agricultural ~ • Settlements :§. Communications til -- ~ • Water, forestry I H I ·l • Ecological • Reservations Figure 3. J I Ii I I I I III lL I I -- -- - --I J Territorial management modelling I • Prospective Computer assisted territorial management designing (CATMDl 1 - • Retrospective Prevention '-- -- Data and information proce ssing for designing J • Cadastral -thema tic map • Geo- thematic map -~ l I (AMTM) -- --- Plans & designs for territorial ma- r--nagement I Graphic & nongraphic information ) Special designing data base Image. Model • Design • Territorial management sceneries (UP), (RP),(HM), (FM). .. + Proposed decision implementation 1 AMTM/CATMo Methodological Structure 4 , - I I I - RTS. At the same time, techniques and procedures in their suitable succession and joining up within AMTM/CATMO methodological structure are also given (see Figure 3). replaced by an inter-and multi-disciplinary team in the territorial management designing. Besides the space system designers, system analysts should be also included. PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS This paper has an obvious heuristic character defining and integrating LIS/GIS information systems to monitor and manage various zones within an open and underground MB perimeter, which effects are to be seen over the whole RTS. At the same time, an unitary methodological structure, i.e. the so-called sketch-matrix on regional resource management has been accomplished; so, connections between AMTM information and CATMO technological flows have resulted. As the system analysis (SA), the modelling theory (MT) has also regarded the phenomenon regional territorial study to be full of promises: breaking up territorial management designing elements into their constituent parts and their subsequent re-arrangement within a configuration structured on objectives, means and resources. Some special conclusions on RTS monitoring and territorial management designing will be given below. Territorial management designing could be included into both the territorial development (TO) prognosis and the best territorial management sceneries, only if it had been conceived as a system, and the modelling theory had been used. At last, as a general conclusion, we say once again "there is no harm to investigate aiming at some changes to be done", even if, as it is often endorsed, the natural conditions "should lay down" the regional geographical distribution of the economic activities, in our instance, an intensive open and underground coal mining. Obviously, "there is a very harm" to keep on with that ever lasting prevailing economy - in fact, a paradox - which could fur'ther II conv ict" the natura 1 env ironment (space-support) to know a tiagical selenian destiny. References and Selected Bibliography Albot~,M., 1986. Urm~rirea unor surse de degradare a mediului, pe imagini din satelit. Analele Institutului de Geodezie, Fotogrammetrie, Cartografie ~i Organizarea Teritoriului, vol. VII On Territorial Monitoring (1) LIS/GIS integrated information system requires a cooperation among the geoscience branches. There will be actual conditions on inter- and multi-disciplinary development: satellite imagery and space photographs for macro sizes, aerial and terrestrial photographs for micro sizes. Aerial-space and terrestrial information supports entail very good results for the global/regional study on the environmental balance and status within MB and its adjoining zones. Analysis and prognosis on various social-space ecosystems/subsystems within a RTS could be both derived. Baltac,V. (coord.), 1985. Calculatoarele electronice, grafica interactiv~ ~i prelucrarea imaginilor. Editura Tehnic~, Bucure9ti Berbecaru,I., Botez,M., 1977. Teoria ~i practica amenaj~rii turistice. Editura Sport-Turism, Bucure~ti Botez,M., Celac, Mariana, 1980. Sistemele spatiului amenajat. Editura Stiintific~ (2) It is compulsory to highly evaluate aerial and space image information, using processing procedures and equipment, to compile various scale thematic maps, with photographic, graphic and digital representations (the last one to be generalized, thus, passing from an experimental stage to an operational one). ~i Enciclopedic~, Bucure~ti Cucu, V., 1977. Sistematizarea teritoliului ~i localit~tilor din Rom§nia. Editura Stiintific~ ~i Enciclopedic~, Bucure~ti Enache,M., 1977. Modele matematice in sistematizare. Editura Tehnic~, Bucure~ti (3) To assure a proper interrelation among the special-subject matters of the approached theme, a standard terminology should be established. This paper tries to make the first attempts. et al., 1980. AerDfotointerpreEditura Oidactic~ ~i Oonis~,I. geografic~. Pedagogic~, Bucure~ti tarea Gusti, G., 1974. Forme noi de a~ezare. Studiu prospectiv de sistematizare macrotelitorial~. Editura Tehnic~, Bucure~ti On Territorial Management (4) Undoubtly, it is useful to complete an alternative strategy on territorial management, based on the actual land features and their determinations. (5) "Space coordination" should not be seen as a mere regional coordination (to transform the managed region into an "autarchic entity"), but as a land management ensemble with some prevailing activities possibly supplemented in or from other regions/districts. (6) Handicraftsman's designing should be Leu,I.N., et al., 1988. Topografie ~i fotogrammetrie. Fascicula 4 (Fotogrammetrie ~i teledetectie). Institutul "Nicolae B~1cescu", Bucure~ti Negut,N., Schiau,S., 1979. Fotogrammetria ~i topografia in lucr~ri1e de imbun~t~tiri funciare ~i gospod~rirea apelol. Editura Tehnic~, Bucure~ti Raut~,C., Cirstea,S., 1983. Prevenirea combaterea eroziunii solului. Editura Stiintific~ 5 ~i Encic10pedic~, Bucure~ti ~i Appendix 1 LIS/GIS Integrated Information Flowline and Automatic Mapping in Territorial Monitoring (AMTM) II I --NATIONAL I I I 0\ r.= liS NATIONAL GEODETIC AND CARTOGRAPHIC FOND rt- DATA BASE (GRAPHICAL AND NON-GRAPHICAL) .. GENERAL CADASTRE (technical, economic, juridical) .. SPECIAL CADASTRE - IL L ·I I I mining urban agricultural forestry o.s.o.) 1I LIS/GIS INTEGRATED DATA AND INFORMATION BASE I DATA BASES IN • TRIANGULATION • LEVELLING • BASIC TOPOGRAPHIC MAP • AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY u.s o. DO CU MENTATION SYSTEt:L..Q EVELOPi ENT SOIL SCIENCE • • CLIMATE M A P . ASO . I II GRAPHICAL IN FORMATION MULTI-THEMATIC INFORMATION n NON - GRAPH I CA L DATE AND INFORt1ATION FILE INFORMATION l GEOTHEMATIC II I ·HYDROGRAP~Y) I I .. AGRICULTURAL • FORESTRY o.s.o. • AS O. .. CLIMATE o.s.o. CAPTURE THEMATIC MAP I • ROADS • HYDROGRAPHY DATA I ONE-THEMATIC INFORMATION .. MINING CADASTRAL- • URBAN (COMBINED ONETHEMATIC INFORMATION) • WATER, AIR • GEOLOGY • SOIL SCIENCE n I I • SOIL-UNDERGROUND GEODETIC & CARTOGRAPHIC OUTPUT I • TOPOLOGY DATA BASE (GRAPHICAL AND NON-GRAPHICAL) ---. l I I GRAPHICAL DATA AND INFORMATION FILE • IDENTIFICATION I I I I .- - REGIONAL (DISTRICT) lEVEL -- I I . MINING BASIN (MB) lEVEL ---I- PROCESSED (I SO) AUTOMATIC MAPPI NG IN TERRITORIAL MONITORING (AMTM) DATA IN FORMATION SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATIO~S 1_)_ ~ Appendix 2 Technological Flowline in Computel Assisted Territorial Management Designing (CATMD) GRAPHICAL COPIES: LIS -l w > w -l i== LJ 0:: lVl 9 ....J -l <t :z: T LIS I GIS INTEGRATED DATA AND INFORMATION BASE 0 L::J CADASTRAL THEMATIC DIGITAL MAPS GRAPH ICAL COPIES: GEO-THEMATIC DIGITAL MAPS GRAPHICAL COPIES: DIGITAL 1 GIS z: z: I MAPS NON GRAPHI CAL AND SYNTHETICAL DATA' AND IN FORMATION <r: 0 Vl 0.... - er:: er:: w f- <r: 0 l:J z: 0 -l <r: Vl 2: 2: l:J z: i= :::) rr 0.... f- 2: w f- 0.... 2: 0 LJ er:: :z: - 0.... LJ Vl Vl Vl f- l:J 0 0 0 :::) <r: er:: 2: l:J Vl w <r: er:: w w I z: z: f- 0 er:: - l:J URBAN PLANNING (UP) DESIGNING w 0 ~ I---' 0 z: <r: 2: I----- - LJ w l:J <r: RURAL PLANNING (RP) DESIGNING z: L -l <r: er:: f-- ~ 01 01 I C d -+::J 0... o.....c U U ._ -0 E 00)-0 e U E 4= d E o I -+- - C C '3 HYDROGRAPHICAL MANAGEMENT (HM) DESIGNING E d c.... o O).~ 0) U E E U d d L0) 01 0 c.... 01 0 <r:o... VI 0... ::J c.... ::J FORESTRY f-- MANAGEMENT (FM) DESIGNING ECd 4- -+- I I AUTOMATIC MAPPING FOR TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT HAVING 1 I THE DEFINED TOPOGRAPHICAL CONFIGURATION I 1 I f I I I I I <r: I' 0) Special data and information bases on' territorial management designing Special data and information bases on legal matters f- er:: 2: I 0 LJ ::c I I i7i Vl w 0 I MULTI THEMATIC w c:::c; ' l:J I c.... a:i :t::. 'c:: > 0) -0 Vl ::J 0) '---' E U- ' E .d d E E L- 0 . - 01 C -+- 0 0 o...L-U o 0... 0) TOURISTIC I-- MANAGEMENT (TM) DESIGNING I I I I , I I A.S.O. 1:: C co)o o ~ Vl Vl 0) Vl 01 § d .C -+~ d dE:.:::-o C 0... C d 0...::J d d 0 8 ~ 'r: o -+- L- o C 01 d :t: .~ -+- c.... Vl 0) d ~ O)..c -0 -+-