POSSIBILITIES.AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF AEROSPACE MEASURING TEST SITE IN KALMYKIYA KISELEV V.V.,MATIYASEVICH L.M. 1. of INTRODUCTION The development by methods of specifications getting of by dete~mined of the p~oblem and global the mo~e of objects su~vey of changes of It is ai~ natu~al by that the by su~vey by the e~~o~s the data acqui~ed and inst~uments of That fact can of fo~mation and featu~es of make an banks of ~equi~es volume of g~eat 2.2. Main by own teaching sampling of objects. measu~ements caliba~ation of su~vey the given flight conditions on test-sites. meast.l~ing The special of a the the pal'ticulal' conside~ed line cont~ol the geomet~ical of and of a in the ~adiation ~ada~ of 151 ae~ospace expenses (p~oblems lands const~uction fo~ elect~ic specifications cha~acte~izing and exploitation test-site netwo~k, met~ological meast.l~ements in ~adiation 2.2.4. Minimum of the test-site Ensu~ance g~ound and theFmal conditions. se~vice 2.1.1. ~adial pa~amete~s of means powe~ of fo~ of alienation of availability facilities; unifo~mity special the objects state and const~uction aspects 2. GENERAL CONCEPTION OF THE TEST-SITE Pt.l~pose by and of fo~ zone. photomet~ic ~eflecto~s te~~ain su~vey l'epo~t. 2.1. sampling cont~ol measu~ing ael'ospace test-site a~e compact geodetic points,etc} with by well known cha~acte~istics and means fo~ measu~ing in KALMYKIYA and methodological of its application fields, band , conception of gene~al test-site, chal'acte~istics is in of and ~ep~esentative geog~aphical standa~ds elimination of e~~o~s of 2.2.3. Equipping data su~vey means the test-site the objects of main classes typical ta~gets, of bank weathel'- ma~ks) (0-3 a~~angement su~veys ~equi~e method of fo~ 2.2.2. Availability fo~ each The main the p~obability inte~p~etative pa~ticula~ of ~equi~ements cloud-f~ee diffe~. obstacle field of data; the test-site is located. whe~e an implementation g~ound p~ope~ties mo~e since systematic su~vey fol' influence on atmosphe~e measu~ing diffe~ent type and kind can significantly methods of ~esults inst~uments, of quantitative inte~p~etative featu~es fo~ objects the main classes of geog~aphic zone of data su~vey But due to significant g~eat. measu~ements ove~, ~andom ae~ospace systematic diffe~ent and space calib~ation means; su~vey 2.1.4. FOl'mation known not a~e of and info~mation envi~onment. measu~ements data sUFvey info~mation of Elabo~ation dete~mination ~egional of and space ai~ 2.1.3. data, in view impo~tance monito~ing su~vey space flight test and p~ope~ties, ~adiation te~~ain ae~ospace and mo~e and geomet~ical by and 2.1.2. Evaluation based on the inte~p~etation, application of ail' equipment of diffel'ent types; quantitative of objects te~~ain acqui~ed staff placing etc). of enginee~ing of communication supply; the Pl'oblems l"oad and of GeneY'al test-site featuY'es functioning fY'om paY't i cu lar of zone: the Independently so 1 ved tasks, dry-farming rna i n pY'inciples of the test-site woy'],:: aY'e: grass natural arable lands, areas Y'equi 1"-i ng i rri gat ion ,solonchaks sands, water bodies ; there aY'e eroded soils, low productivity also lands t..qith -integY'ated consideY'ation of can factoY's influencing on the Y'esults of aeY'ospace - combination aY'tificial application standaY'ds elements of and teY'Y'ain i nfol-mat i on of The main type of on the the undel--sa te IIi te netltJol"k of wOY'k to be means aY'e They contain the staff exploY'es and deteY'mines in measuY'ements of b1""ightness indices and dispeY'sion of of teY'Y'ain act i l'lometr·j c and of in band, of the Y'eso 1 ut i on the an the Sun teY'Y'ain, means following low, survey middle and high altitudes will simultaneously sUY'vey in the Methodical same questions with the pel"fomance and the content of should days radiation of spatial and of ail" in visible and of these tasks the be on I"R done during all control the points: measurements and check-out and determination of the characteY'istics ). the theY'mal meteoY'ological observations ; of the perfomance of spatial survey meaT1S, operating ac t i 1"1.omet1""' i c bands- of these wOl"ks are explained in ( The composition be space spectral of fol" Besides solution altitude and azimu-th. The aiY' sUY'vey from done and evaluation of r adaY' survey illumination of of also for photometl"ic calibration and Y'ecoY'ds evaluation third neal" II.! bands • test-site, fig. point is intended visible points the control points calibration calibration and makes meaST.IY'ements survey resolution of aiY' and space survey means meteoY'ological obseY'vations in diffeY'ent of geodetic points for control calibY'ation and spectY'al objects; three geometrical standaY'ds, indicatY'ices be sUl"vey means; the second - for radiation the of sampling the teY'Y'ain measuY'ements contl-01 The first foY' objects, makes contY'ol spectY'ometl'ic and Y'adiation and 1) • DUY'ing space sUY'vey days chaY'acteY'istics can geometrical calibration of space test-site t.o,JoY'l~s. staff TheY'e are on the test-site terY'itol"Y measuY' i 11.g capabilities of sUY'vey meanspeY'foY'med enough laboY'atories aY'Y'anged in Elista. natuY'al and is netwoT'k accomodatinn foY' service foY' evaluation of value road necessary developed; of which be used for placing the engineering facilities; measuY'ements and sUY'vey; vegetation, of sampling the objects of main classes located in the area of the contY'ol point; ""Jorks different measurements of bY'ightness types of wOl-.ks can di ffer dependent I y of specifications paY'ticular solved tasks • natural control photometric fields- 3. THE TEST -SITE IN KALMYKIYA of objects used as 3.2. State and development plans 3.1. General specifications The test-site is situated in western part of the Kaspian depressio1"1., area of climate. days in Nowadays the equipping the of tY'ansgl"ession from dry to arid completed. The area has can pel" year,thel"e more 250 sunny is no significant anthropogenic pollution of fog Pl"obability and dust storms be constY'uction the test-site NeveY'theless the used for solving and is not test-site a numbeY' of practical tasks. atmosphere, 3.2.1. The is network control points intended foY' sma 11. of geodetic geometl"ical calibration of space means of survey and Within the test-site having the field of geodetic control points on the area of about 80x80 km there al"e all the main calibration of air-borne means of sUY'vey kinds of objects typical for arid 152 first point seY'ving for geometrical a~e completely ~eady. The outl ine of spatial points identified ~eliably (with the spatial on used as the points cont~ol The points netwo~k. images within the whole The~e cent~es. the of one of by dete~mined system of l'-Ji th the aCCU1"'acy not 3.2.3. The have in of calib~ation axes than +-0,8m, by the altitude +- 0,5 ai~c~aft and the m· photomet~ic points ope~ating of spect~al the points and 200 m each a~e of"Maltese a The the shape ~ay size of accu~acy of the points dete~mination a 50,100 natu~al 3.2.2. the second point. city cont~ol ~adial (RGT) of painted const~ucted. CPF is 100X200 m, diamete~ Nominal values of of 0.2+-0.02; CPF and conc~ete The size of of HGT pe~mi b~ightness of indices b~ightness one ~espectively g~ound ta~get the fo~ spatial measu~e in the spect~al s"("l~Vey; standa~d and ai~ po~table the unit of came~as su~vey photomet~ical1y in the zones of the su~vey; tting to perform and has can inst~uments; space su~vey The ~.~. p~ima~y spect~um labo~ato~y p~ocessing data • measu~ements p~oblems 3-3.1. and will have second of test - site use be used - CPF designed a~e of calib~ation in ope~ating fo~ ae~ospace visible bands, and also in diffe~encies fields 'll'Ji th conside~ing tempe~atu~e va~iuos cha~acte~istics means the fo~ in means nea~ the~mal - IH the visible of cont~ol - of band of wave expe~iment fo~ dete~mination bands by the and data bank of ODJeCuS featu~es of and of in natu~al spatial-f~equency inte~p~etative zone of ope~ating fields; of fo~mation deg~adation 153 IR nea~ photomet~ic a~id ai~ calib~ation means su~vey and of calib~ation ~adiation b~igtness Besides it is planned to execute the testing the points means; su~vey ae~ospace ~eflecting calib~ation f~om the following main aims: fo~ geomet~ical and space ~adiation su~vey and P~oceeding how the test-site is equipped now it can of 0.8. lenght. test-site standa~dized in fields means. su~vey 0.06+-0.02; a~e 0.3+-0.02 and 0.6+-0.05. The the su~vey can be used as of RGT must have the same values secto~s spect~al of standa~ds ope~ating used and which in space multispect~al fo~ means and also the system t~anspa~ency ~eliably se~ve su~vey which photomet~ic po~table which photomet~ic meteo~ological of light IH of space used fo~ fo~ fo~ nea~ fields atmosphe~e the Fou~ ta~gets is 100 m. of establishment fields (CPF) and two (fig.3) will be each Elista fo~ cont~ol photomet~ic g~ound the bands, actinomete~s co-o~dinates ~unways visible cont~ol bands, Nea~ 2 m means. su~vey ai~ 3.2.4. The of is +- 0,2 m. site was selected of calib~ation ~eflecto~s squa~es in i~~igated The points as with the c~oss" on of anothe~. sign (fig.2) • m as distance f~om by ma~l::ed 2}{2 situated at the the a~e standa~ds calib~ation has the size of 2000X2000 m and consists chess-boa~d fOl"' f~om point will cont~ol angula~ ~adiation the~e cont~ol ~esolution thi~d a system of Nowadays The field of geodetic and of 1 ta~gets g~ound of the Y wo~se ae~ospace ~esolution to 15 cm. co-o~dinates~ by X spatial line dete~mination totally 213 points a~e of In addition to HGT , CPF should have special su~vey the assessment fo~ value having to 15 m. anothe~ p~ovide in f ol"ma t i on systems geodetic f~om g~ound co-o~dinates photog~ammet~ic we~e tempe~atu~e means of ai~-bo~ne band. the~mal HGT must of the test-site. a~ea fixed on the a~e in of 20 m and situated on the a~e distance 8+- 2 km of with space ~esolution and ~esolution sensibility of te~~ain with timely stable position bette~) They of the soil of main classes elements and of vegetation The systematic el"'l"'Ol'" can be applied covel"'age. 3.3.2. The essence of geometl"'ic calibl"'ation of SUl"'vey means consists following. the geodetic The contl"'ol co-ol"'dinates points should fol'" cOl"'l"'ection of calculated in of co-ol"'dinates -L\ of Xi = Xi' be maldng exact the measul"'ed on a space image. system, X, ••• , X i Y i , ••• , Xn Yn points of (desil"'ably n= 80-100) -.il Yi = Yi" of points and y pal"'ametel"'s of fol'" SUl"'vey intl"'oducing into the function of link betweem Xl Y 1, X2 Y2, values tel"'l"'ain the co-ol"'dinates tel"'l"'ain of the and theil'" image (fol'" photogl"'aphic systems that will be the elements of intel"'iol'" ol"'ientation). The aCCUl"'acy An application of a pal"'t of contl"'ol points allows to detel"'mine (~O,ln) pal"'ametel"'s the system of co-ol"'dinates of contl"'ol and the theil'" in the of image co-ol"'dinates image). extel"'iol'" will calculate the co-ol"'dinates be the ael"'ospace , ••• , Xi will l"'adiant of contl"'ol sUl"'face Yi 7 7 , co-ol"'dinates values fl"'om the co-ol"'dinates be total of catalogue contl"'ol el"'l"'Ol'" of of instl"'uments l"'eal G1::), of <Lj) Cf, netwol"'k sha I 1 the ; Ei ~ Xi- Xoi , (bl"'ightness, el"'l"'Ol"'S and l"'andom index of l"'andom el"'l"'Ol"'S des one) zel"'o. to apPl"'oximately it is systematic el"'l"'Ol'" possible to take a equal al"'ithmetic value of sUl"'vey to of :=. (index "additive" atmosphel"'ic two func- pal"'ts, main pal"'ametel"'s of "additive" the which chal"'actel"'izes the atmosphel"'ic bl"'ightness and the l"'adiation dispel"'sed mean the values of tota 1 inside the SUl"'vey camel"'a (Ck) 8:::-/ n / and which include (besi- and el"'l"'Ol'" E· L is chal"'actel"'ized of the all system, pal"'ametel"'s. "Respectively the ("multiplication") Fol'" n- 0-<::> the sum SUl"'vey (:2, ••• , specifications T) tion will consist (6) E;,:: lli +- Si is coming which "multiplication" -Lcd. bl"'ightness el"'l"'Ol'" in its tUl"'n is the sum of systematic (6) The (:1, atmosphel"'e of tl"'anspal"'ency The total the tel"'l"'ain. atmosphel"'ic by two values - and function conditions Hel"'eby the co-ol"'dinates calculation f.. of the and If' the of pal"'ametel"'s SUl"'vey of on B) object the l"'eceptol'" bl"'ightness of on falling l"'adiation of by quantity chal"'actel"'ize this connection al"'e calculated and the ( F) al"'guments The diffel"'encies of the based between cOl"'l"'espondent ••• , Xn7 Yn'. values of - measul"'ements data cOl"'l"'elation of enel"'getic Y2 7 :!: ~ 6../ /r_ 3.3.3. :Radiation points Xl' Y 1', X2 7 measul"'ed and of the mOl"'e exact (Xi, Yi) (fol'" ol"'ientation Using these pal"'ametel"'s we the is chal"'actel"'ized in co-ol"'dinates photogl"'aphic systems that of points terrain system elements by the value Sf'::: the of function which cOl"'l"'elates the co-ol"'dinates of of co-ol"'dinates (Xi', Yi') [CijC;"i'''J[lk-l; Lf)q;),,,;'~ Lf)+('rC\+-u~ I (U I - - - - - - - - .~ L\ ' I? The consequence :Respec t i ve 1 y l"'andom el"l"'Ol'" C)C.r :::: C! C . - Li of el"'l"'Ol"'S in combined influence by al"'guments values constant fol'" the given fOl"'mula (I) SUl"'vey system is the systematic el"'l"'Ol'" in /L L and £i detel"'mining --="-1---0 . of tel"'l"'ain h...- 154 bl"'ightness objects. The chal"'actel"'istics influence of this sUFvey images. eFFOF may be significantly Feduced if "multiplication" paFt of fOFmula (I) wi 11 the be added multiplie~ ~ by cOFFection • So the as calibFation can be fOFmulated as mination cOF~ection of the 4. CONCLUSION ~adiation task of deteF- 4 . HoweveF 4.1. The test-site this is impossible to do without knowing tw' the atmospheFe paFameteFs T and FefoFe consideFing ~ that the d IT, Felation be fFom val ues we wi 1 1 }{ = Feceive with L1 IT and - by two = 't Ov "to{ space space made find the FOF ~ealization point on of the Feliably aiFboFne calib~ated opeFating at way of o. influenced by non - of indices assigned be cOFFesponding to the time of theiF space by sUFvey; - output facilities tFanspaFency a~e of atmospheFe dUFing space sUFvey. of 4.3. The seFiously Fealization FepoFted plans sUFface o~thotFopic spect'l'al about data of will the of KALMYKYIA test-site open bFoad of natuFal objects and geneFalization of deve 1 OpmeYl t images- NeveFtheless if the compensati- possibilities on of that factoFs is good, the calibFa- diffeFent tion by is useful. sUFvey of theFmal and Fadiation spectFal bands. natuFal 3·3.4. The calibFation accuFacy objects ~ealization can of ~aise compatability of sUFvey stoFe statistic fOF fo~ming inteFP~etative inspection diffeFent inst~uments. initial the featuFes solution cFeation of conclude data paFticipation by of the sampling the FeqaiFed of opeFating global ecological pFoblems , types aeFospace in visible, of ~egula~ of bFightness characteristics on the 155 of the fOF effective and Fegional it is expedient to wOFks these and of by inteFested PFobably undeF the UN aegis. the featu~es undeF the study and by deteFmination thei F means, That allows to banks calibFation investigations test-site of Fesults of ConsideFing the impoFtance measuFements, the measuFements made fFom of ~adiation significantly the y·adiation of objects will The accuFacy calibFation bFightness zonal the low altitudes when we can accept T=l, l~= such - output the values of by sUFvey l~hich space and theiF space sUFvey; optical deteFmined dUFing state about objects cOFFesponding to the time of the second objects, and necessaFY specifications of the assigned test-site. the ApPFoximately this task can be solve specifications of -output data ation will be FequiFed CPFs like those planned contFol ~"adi m of - peFfoFm Fadiation calibFation the space survey means operating in visible and near IR spectral bands by natural objects; du~ing cOFFection of theFe of aiF-boFne sUFvey video means betteF; = NT. calibration and with the gFound Fesolution of 20 ; measu~emets wi 11 measuFing aeFospace peFfoFm geometFic calibFation two values sUFvey we will calculate the value T and Ll solve Fadiation now on a contFactual basis to: an application of the Fesults of actinometFic the and unknown and test-site to be cFeated in KALMYKIYA can images two CPF with well known bFightness equations to metFologic made by diffeFent on-boaFd 4.2. The the the sUFvey instFuments and measuFements. Fadiation cal ibFation can done in the following way: - by an application of means impo~tant geometFic measuFements as the the ensuFing unifoFmity of aFguments and T make paFt of fOFmula (I) is fOF p~ovide The- measuFing aeFospace joint useFs 1000 m 500 m ~ ------~~---- I ~-':"";_-<i>- ~+- --4---+-- r H -=~ErgB .1I~ I =1--._-_ , 0/0 .l --$- - T _ ,,~ \. Irrigated fields ,____ I '0 Yashkul I~ s .LySYi.~. Lake· 80 Jan + -T-t--e- J!I 8 N I I . ~ ~--+- ~+--+ __ 2000 Scale 1:1 000 000 Fig.1.General scheme of the test-site I,II,III - control points Ill ___ _ Fig.2. Field of control points I j Fig.). Second control point: 1-basic photometric fields,2-radial ground targets. 156