14TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHOTDGRAMMETRY HAMBURG 1980 COMMISSION VII Dr . C. Emmott Division of Surveying & Planning, Preston Polytechnic , England . Dr . W. G. Collins Remote Sensing Unit, University of Aston in Birmingham, England . AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF CHANGES IN URBAN LAND USE Abstract Increasing concern is shown by governments in the use of land for urban purposes . The collection of land use information and the monitoring of changes is difficult b ut essenti3l . This research is concerned with the use of aerial photographs for the recording and measurement of changes in urban land use . Tests are carried out to assess the measurement characteristics of line grids and of dot grids on maps and on aerial photographs . Experimental evidence indicates that the optimum system for the measurement of urban land use involves the use of orthogonal dot grid overlays to the aerial photographs . A methodology is developed whereby computer programmes enable comprehensive land use information to be obtained from simple manual inputs taken directly from the photography . 281. Introduction The conversion of agricultural land to urban use and the efficient and appropriate use of e xisting urban land, are factors of current and increasing concern to planners and geographers. In Great Britain a number of different approaches r1av9 been adopted for estimating the extent and composition of the urban area and for monitoring changes in these . Best (1957, 1965, 1976; Best and Coppock, 1962 ; Best and Champion, 1970) used the statistics submitted to central government by local planning authorities. At the other extreme of the data gathering spectrum Coleman (1960, 1965, 1975a, 1975b) has been concerned with obtaining land use information by direct ground survey. Intermediate between these e xtremes, other researchers have collected urban l~nd use data by means of sampling techniques applied to published Ordnance Survey maps. Fordham (1974) applied systematic sampling to each of a random selection of maps in order to calculate the extent and composition of urban land in the U.K. and its regions in 1951 and 1961. Dickinson and Shaw (1977) applied a systematic unaligned point sampling pattern to large scale maps to obtain land use areas for the city of Leeds; these data formed the base line against which changes were determined by direct field survey . The use of such secondary sources as government statistics and published maps results in uncertainty as to the reliability of the information collected. On the other hand, direct observation on the ground is costly in terms of time and effort and does not yield quantitative data directly . Aerial photographs may be considered a primary source, in that all objects visible on the ground are recorded on the photographs. Furthermore, air photographs taken at dates in the past yield information not readily available from other sources and, in addition, from a sequence of such photographs land use changes may be measured. The aim of the research reported here was to develop and test a methodology for the use of aerial photographs for the measurement of changes in urban land use. The methodology was seen as being required for the collection of areal data for the following purposes (a) geographical analysis of urban land in terms of ci J (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) areal extent, changes in the size of the urban area, conversion to urban use of previously non-urban land, the internal composition or structure of the urban tract. provision of basic data for town planning Broad parameters for the system were formulated as follows : (a) (b) (c) (d) it should be as simple as possible and make use of r e adily available air photographs and equipment, it should yield areal data of adequate and definable accuracy, it should be capable of yielding land use information at such a levE-l ..Jf classification as to be consistent with the requirements of the user, and with the identified land uses assembled in a hierarchical classification so that the data might be handled at the various levels of detail, it should enable the data to be handled either manually or by computer. The system was developed and tested with reference to a 70 square kilometre area within which lies the town of Preston . Panchromatic aerial photography 282. at a nomin a l s c al e of ap pr oximat e l y 1 : 10,00 0 ta ken in the ye a rs 194 6 and 19 73 was used for the pr oj Bct . La nd Use Cl a s s ification Sch eme A classification sc heme wa s devised which was suffi ciently detailed whilst still giving an a c c eptabl e level of accuracy in the identi f ication of the various sub- cate g ories on the aerial photographs . Interpretation of stereo pairs of photographs for a 4 square kil ometre test area was carried outwith land use being identified in as great a detail as possible with no a priori classificatio n. An a post e riori classification scheme was then devised to give the optimum balance between detail and accuracy. This was then used as t he a priori c las~ification for the survey of the 70 square kilometre area . The c lassification s cheme was in four the main categories 1 . Urban Us e s 1.1 1 '2 1' 3 1' 4 1' 5 1.6 1' 7 Residential Education a l Industri a l Open Spa ce Comme r8ial and Public Tran s port Services leve~ ofdetail, the following being 2 . Non-Urban Uses 2. 1 2 .2 2 .3 Agricultural Woodland Water Syst e ms for the Meas urement and Representation of Land Use Broadly sp e aking, methodologies for the collection of land use data by t he interpretation of remote sensing imagery may be grouped as follows according to th e ir output products : (a) (b) (c) (d) primary and only product - land use map, primary and only product - areal data , primary product - land use map; secondary produ c t - are al data deri ve d from t he map, primary product - areal data ; secondary product - graphical repres e ntation of the data . The methodology require d for the present project fell within group (d) . The we ight of evide nce in the literature (see, for e xample, Colcord, 1972; Gre y et al ., 19 73; de Bruijn , 1974) is in favour of the recording and measurement of land use a reas by means of a grid or by systematic sampling, rather than by the recording and subsequent measurement of land-use polygons . Also, grid systems lend thems el ves to manual preparation of data for input to t he comput e r , The most promising options were considered to be : (a) (b) t he trans c ription of interpreted land use uni t s onto a base map a nd the transformation of these units to cellular format for data proces~ing , recording in t e r preted land use on a data sheet , cell by cell , direc t ly fro m th e ph ot ographs by means of a grid overlay . Since the primary requirement was for areal data (supplemented by ill~strativ e graphical mat e rial) and since an exact map representation was no t required it was desirable to bypass the production of a land use map . The most convenient system, thus, would involve the recording of land use 283. data in cellular format directly from the photography . This would form the computer input for the generation of areal data and computer graphics . In order to determine the optimum system , balancing accuracy against practicability, the following test procedure was adopted : (a) (b) (c) (d) derivation of an accuracy datum against which to compare the grid systems, selection of the type of grid to be used, i . e . grid cells or points, selection of area measurement bose, i . e . map or air photograph , selection of the optimum size of unit cell or grid density . Accuracy Datum The interpreted land use units of the 4 square kilometre test area were, by a process of detail inspection, transferred from the photographs onto 1 : 10,000 scale Ordnance Survey maps . The area of each unit was then measured by means of an Ott disc polar planimeter and a list of category areas compiled . The disc planimeter is a preclslon instrument designed for the accurate measurement of small areas (vernier least count 2 sq . mml . Experimental results in the present project together with the work of 7ill (1955land of Frolov and Maling (1969) indicated that areas obtained by planimeter might be expected to be from 6 times to over 16 times as precise (according to the size of unit cell) as those derived from grid or point counting . Thus, any discrepancy between areas derived from sampling techniques and those obtained by planimeter measurements might reasonably by treated as errors in the sampling results . Grid Type Two alternative applications of the system may be recognis8d . (a) (b) the method of squares , in which a line grid is placed over the tract for which land use areas are required , and the dominar1t use within each square recorded, the point or dot counting technique whereby each notional unit cell is represented by a dot at its centre. It is assumed that either the dominant use or that recorded at the centre dot occupies the whole cell . Areas are then ~dlculated either by taking account of the size of the unit cell, or by considering the cell or dot counts as proportions of the total count, the total area being known . It was not possible, on literGture evidence, to determine the most accurate of these systems since reports are few and contradictory (see, for example , Abell, 1939; Gierhart, 1954) . Consequently tests were carried o~t to compare the accuracies of category areas obtained using the two grid types . Category areas were calculated from grid square and dot counts carried out on the land use maps compiled for the planimeter measurements . In each case grids of unit cell 100 sq . mm, 50 sq . mm and 25 sq . mm were used, these being equivalent to ground areas of 1 . 00 ha . 0 . 50 ha and 0 . 25 ha at the 1 : 10,000 scale of the maps . The results were analysed by means of multiple regression using an equation derived from the work of Yuill (1971) : 1 ( S% l 2 in which percentage d:i fferen ce beh reen the grid tmd plonimete r are~. nature:ll lugari thm of the trlta l r1umber of the grid squares or dots counted. [X 11 natur al logarithm of the percentage [X 2 %l of the total area occupied by the ( ategory i n q uest ion (i.e . th :: category percentage areal. ML!ltiple regression and c orrelation y i elde d the Following re s u l ts 1 Gt ·i d Squares: 2 (S%) = 11.75 - 1.02 ln 2 R = 0.774, R X1 - 1. 42 ln (Xz {. ) = 0.59G. 1 Dot Grids (S%) 2 = 11 .62- 1 .01 ln X1- 1.57 ln [Xzo;;) 2 R = 0.820, R = 0 , 672. In Figure 1, values of S% dre plotted against ''ategory per ce ntnge area ( x 2 ~) for a total c ou nt of 100 unit~. It may be seen that the dot grids produced somewhat bett e r results , particu l arly for sma l l c a tegory percentage areas. - -·· . rerr.:ur1tC.IJ'1 LITO[ , -----------------, '•' ~J ' - - - · ·- - - t.r.uJ 'lL'~l!·3 ~ - -·- - Dol-. Grids LO JO 20 \ \ 10 \ \ \ ' L----------- ------------~ Fig ure 1. Pe rcent ag e er ror agai nst catego r y perce ntag e area for a tota l count of 100: comparison betw ee n grid squares and dot grids . 285. In addition, the following characteristics of the two grid types, not e d during the tests, reinfor ce the choice of the dot grid as being most suitable. Grid squares (a) (b) categories occuring in small or narrow linear uni ts rarely if ever form the dominant use within a square and, thus, will tend to be omitted or systematically underestimated, the process of judging dominant use within a squ a re is frequently difficult and alwuys subjective even on a simple chorochromatic map; this difficulty would be very much greater when combining the three processes of photointerpretation, recognition of land use boundaries and judgement of dominant use within a grid cell . Dot grids ; (a) (b) the relationship of dot count to cat8gory depends on the proportion of the t1Jtal area oc c upied by each category not on the size or shape of individual land use units; thus there is no tendancy towards systematic undere stimation of categories occuring in small units, no estimations of proportion or dominance are required . Meusurement Base Category area measurements were then carried out direct ly upon photo overlays depicting th e land use units before transcription onto the base mdp. The areas so derived were compared with the planimeter values and the results subjected to multiple regre s sion analysis . The equation obtained was : 1 (S %1 2 = 11 .3 6 - 0 . 93 ln X1 - 1 .6 6 ln (Xz%) R = 0.822, 2 R 0 . 67R As may be seen in Figure 2. areas obtained directly from the photographs were very nearly as accurate as those taken from the map . Certainly the very small redu c tio 11 i n error resulting from transcription of the units from the photographs to the maps did not justify the e ffort involved . Grid Density From the plotted curves relating percentage error (S%) and total dot count (X 1 J it was apoarant that for a category percentage area of 1 ~ there is a marked increase in the rate of change of p e rcentage e rror against total dot count. for counts of less than 400 dots . This c haract e ristic persists for category percRntage areas up to 10% but for areas of 20% the critical value is in the regi~n of 200 dots and falls to 100 dots for a category percentage area of 50%. These factors together with a consideration of the si zes of the admi,,istrative districts (wards) of the study area indicated that the optimum dot grid for the survey would have a notional unit ce ll of 1 . 00 ha (approximately 10 x 1Dmm) . This would result in dot cou nts of from less than 100 in the small town-centre wards to over 400 in the larger wards in the outer areas. Thus. higher levels of accuracy would be e xpect ed in the areas of greatest land use change. The predicted errors in ca teg ory areas, li s ted in Table 1 .• were considered acceptable . 286. ::lqrcP.ntaqe S:=or ~;r:r:an t ag9 (rr'Jr s~ "I I (a] - - - - - .C.i r pnoto cv 9rlay =or - - - :'ap '"~ Total ~at co~~t ~CG ---.1a;J (t:) Tctal do~ cau~t 400 I J\, 30. I I I I 20 20 I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ !0 \ '·' ' ', .................. __ _ _.. 0 I '= Category Figure 2. ~ercentaga ~0 20 x2~ x2~ Category Percentage Area Arfla Pe rcentage e rror agai nst category per c 3nta ge area: comparison between measurements made on air photo overlays and on maps. ,-[AT c Clll~ Y Pf i\C H H AGE ARl: '·· (;\ ./o) -- - -100 h u WARD -- - CAT ' f.RRO R ERRO r< t\I,[ A ERROR ( s) I S ~" l ha ha - -----1- ?g E RRl'J R (' _; - no 50.38 0.50 1. lJ.50 33. 8Cj l9.5 t~ 0.98 'i. orr 0.9d 'l. 3') 1D 10.70 1.0 1 10.00 1. 07 ~~. ?il 4.11:1 0.90 21J. OlJ O.'JO IJ. SlJ 0. 3[) 0. 18 50.00 0. 18 0 ---- S% ·- !] • j ~i :! ~ J t~l :•..., :; c \'] ?J . D•J L ::J .. 1). 4 !] l ;J 01.] 1 :J C ,] 1), J :j ,, ~.: 'J ; :] :·,;. ,. [ l ·•c 0 .__, ---- · .....,. ·; I . l • u .J 'J --- Per-centage error in (X/;; l , S (X2%l Tab le 1 . Actual er ror in category area corrosponding to va l ues of p ercentage er r o r and category percentage area. 287. G The Recording and Measun:?.ment of Lar1~j Use In outline, tt1e system employed was as follows (a) (b) (c) (d) a range of 1.00 ha dot grids was constructed to allow a close matching of grid scale to mean photoscale; five scales were required , ranging from 1:12,00 0 to 1:1n, soo, by reference to corresponding map and photograph details a dot grid of the appropriate scale was placed in coincidenc8 with the National Grid transferred from r~·: JP to photograph, with the 1973 stereopair under a Wild ST4 mirror stereoscope (8 times magnif ication) the land use category at each dot was recorded on a data sheet wrdct-1 indicated the posi tion of ead1 dot and the 4 figure numeric l a nd use code, the procedure was then r~peated with the 1946 photographs of the same adminis trativ e unit. Tne advantages of this method are, firstly, that land use is recorded at identical points for each year; thus the changes noted are real rather than apparent resulting fr om lack of corres ponde nce between the dot positions. Secondly, l an d use maps may be produ ced which are comparable point by point and which may be combined to cover the whole study area without gaps or overlaps. Thirdly, the land use information is compatible with other data referenced to the National Grid or the administrative units, e.g., population ce nsus figures. Computer Processing and Presentati on of Land Use Data For each grid point a four-digit land use code had been recordPd in its correct reldtive position. In this form the data can b i:l process ed eittl8r manually or by compu ter. Computer programmes were written in FOR lR AN to produce listings of land use areas, land use cha r1ge m::Jtrices and compute r map s of land use and changes in use. Table s of category areas co ntain a great deal of information regarding tot al land use at the two dates of survey . Also, comp orison between corres ponding tab les for the two dates yields information of net cha nges . HowPver, j_.-,-t'r,:--r·--:J · i ;J:l n~l<'Vdnt to the study of land use changes and which cannot be obtained dire c tly from these tables concerrls the d,•tailed changes bstweer1 catego:ries which have resulted in the ~! chang es. Inorder to obtain such detailed information land use dt the two dates must be compared point by point. The programme written for this purpose produce d c hange matri ,·· s as exemplified in Table 2. Computer maps were produced to illustra te land use and land use changes. The ease with which the programmes enabled data to be sieved for the production of selected multiple or single theme maps was seen as an important advantage of the use of a cellular format . Conclusj_on The dire c t rec ordi ng on data sheets of land use interpreted from aerial photography is a simple and rapid syst~m which produces a da ta set of us ef ul accuracy and amenable to pro cessing either manually or by co mputer . Co mp uter handling frees the researc he r to concentrate on those stages in the system whi ch he, rather than the computer, can best car ry out , i. f3. photointerpretation, analysis of the land use information and correlation of t his with other variables. In t he project reported here, the land use dat a obtained were correlated with population data and significant relationships re c ognised . 288. "'iE~TVN LA'·~ t.:S• 1'~'"'-/1?7' ~ jot E: S T i..1 ~ •A T < IX :r·d,·~ ~;E s~~.)Y A" E• 1 11 OJ 12CC '~01) , ~ ·' J{J 7 3 0 , 1'5'10 ~ · Jn 17d0 21 1](1 2 3 ,j[l '2CJ TOTAL ( 1 9t.6) 1\J m lO . ... ~ 3 3.17 41 • "" ,,<;4 n.un 7 . 01 1 • [) 1 G,['f) 1CJ9f,O"> 'l (1,91. r; • Q') c.o o o.on r. ,ll r: c. 00 c.co 43,70 , • n,Q 1 ~ 7. 9 5 17,,, 63.2R n.Cl~ :1,(10 1 0. 1 3 o.oo 1. 0 5 284.31. 11, c;:; o.on , 5. 6'1 c.oo o.oo 55">,42 4. 0 .~ 0,0') C.O'l o.oo o.oo 22~.19 1 C)<, 6 R o.oo 0.9~ 0,9d o.oa ??1. 32 J,<IO 23.~;, 2 3. 71 r·. oo u.oo .c, 5. 01 5. 51 n.on 27 ~1.0 " 1 Q. 21 c.oc 3 ~R6,74 1'>3.20 :o.oo 1 7 0 .3 2 c.oo 1 2 1 • 1l s , 2 3. "· Q 1100 1'lfl4,3o 3.ro 1 2 , , iJ 1 'O'T 40,77 1 3 •;c ;:> • O'J ~ (';. (1 11.C·C , "3.23 , ". c; 7 11. 0 ? 3w3,~1 ,., r: o Q 3,G2 3,16 2. c; 7 z.r.p ,,uo '- ('),';x 1• r~ 0.9 .. 17 ·"'7 1 6 1 G." S e:.~o n . JO c1 ( c ~30,7C 127,62 55.75 2?~.?1 4<1.'>6 22 DC 4,(13 t l .. 0 ,w '1,01' 3,0Q ? • 07 ;; ,03 \).en 2-Ll3 o .r.o ·.1. or. ",no 2,n4 r. r:.r r.nn ii. UQ r .o o I' 1 60~.25 7 ~~ G 23u0 5, 0 IJ 'l ~. '12 ?1?, F O 6,9'> ['. ~ 0 ~ TvTAI. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2. ,;.11 , ,' 3 3 ·13 . 3 1 23.51\ 1 41 22,90 "->"l86 , i''1 H5(],1" 2", . ( 1 ~ 7 3' =====================~==================================~=============================== 0 Table 2. ~,. 2~1.Q,62 Land use change matrix for the Preston study area . ~ ~. 1 References ABELL, C.A. ,19 39. A Method of Estimating Area in Irregularly Shaped and Broken Figures . Journal of Forest ry, Vol .37. BEST, R.H., 1957 . The Urban Area of Great Britain . Review, 28(3) . Town Planning BEST, R. H. ,1J 6B. Competition for Land Between Rural and Urban Uses . I~stitute of British Geographers Special Publication No . 1. BEST. R. H., 1976. The Extent and Growth of Urban Land . BEST, R. H. and COPPDCK,J.T.,1962. Fabe r & Faber . The Planner LJanuary) . The Changing Use of Land in Britain . BEST, R. 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