INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AERIAL SURVEY AND EARTH SCIENCES (lTC) ENSCHEDE,THE NETHERLANDS A SURVEY OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING IN THE IRISH REPUBLIC, THE NETHERLANDS AND THE UNITED KrNGDOM H HOSCHTITZKY ISP COMMISSION VI WORKING GROUP Vl-1 oDes FOURTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY,HAMBURG 1980 Lf37 A Survey of Education and Research in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the Irish Republic, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom by H. Hoschtitzky Abstract In the context of a world-wide inventory of education in Photogrammetr'y, Photo-interpretation and Remote Sensing, a survey was condu~ted for the Irish Republic, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The collected and analysed data comprise the educational programmes, instrumentation and staff of the various Institutes in the above mentioned three countries. Dans le contexte de l'inventaire en Photogramm~trie, ~~chelle Photo-interpr~tation mondiale de l'enseignemer1t et T~l~d~tection une etude a ete effectuee pour la Republique Irlandaise, les Pays-Bas et le Royaume Uni. Les donnees rassemblees et analysees, comprennent les programmes d'enseignement, l'instrumentation et la personnel des divers Instituts dans les trois pays surmentionnes. Zusammenfassung Als Teil einer weltweiten Uebersicht von den Ausbildungsm~glichkeiten in Photogrammetrie, Photo- nterpretation und Fernerkundung wurden Daten von der Republik Irland, Holland und Grossbritannien gesammelt. Die analysierten Daten umfassen die Ausbildungsprogramme, Instrumente und Mitarbeiter der verschiedenen Institute von dicsen drci 438 I.~ndern. Acknowledgement The author would like to express his thanks to all those who contributed to the data collection by answering the questionnaire. A list or the participating Institutes is found jn the Appendix (table TIT). 1. Introduction At the 13th International Congress of the ISP, Helsinki 1976, it was decided that the activities of the working-group VI-1 should bP contirrilf'O with the inventarisation on a world-wide basis of the educational facilities existing in Photogrammetry, Photo-interpretation and Remutf' Sensing. The present survey was conducted based upon a questionnaire which was sent to institutes in Northern Ireland, the Netherlands and thP United Kingdom. When data in the questionnaires were incomplete or missing, other documents were used for completion. 2. Courses at University and Technologist's level Photogrammetry, Photo-interpretation and Remote Sensing is t.augh t. at a great number of Universities and other Institutes of Higher Learning in the three countries. It may form either the main part or the study-programme, a course module, or a part of a course modulP. The survey as such was not intended to distinguish between these three categories but to ascertain the total number of lecture hours, tutorials and practicals devoted to the theory and application of aerial photography and Remote Sensing techniques to mapping (see Appendix, table I). The following table illustrates the number of Institutes with activities at University and Technologist's level (see table 1). 439 Country Graduates/year (approximately) Institutes Irish Republic 2 40 Netherlands 4 690 England 38 2340 Wales 2 120 Scotland 8 470 Northern Ireland 1 70 United Kingdom total 49 3000 Total 55 3730 Table 1: Courses at University and Technologist's' level with some components in Photogrammetry, Photo-interpretation and Remote Sensing. At first sight this number of students graduating annually looks very high. But one has to consider that most of the courses mentioned comprise of only a very few hours devoted to Photogrammetry, Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing. Thus only a very few of these graduates can be called specialists. Table 2 indicates the number of graduates according to the lecture hours involved in the course programmes. Country 0-20hrs 20-50hrs 50-lOOhrs Irish Republic 40 - Netherlands 86 - England 2050 more than 100 hrs or Research - 492* 110 183 20 87 Wales 105 - 10 5 Scotland 404 19 30 13 - - - Northern Ireland 70 United Kingdom total 2629 202 60 105 Total 2755 202 552 215 Note: *: specialists in Photo-interpretatton and Hemot:e Senslng. Table 2 Number of graduates at University and Technologist's level according to lecture hours. 440 Courses with substantial components in Photogrammetry, Photo-interpretation and Remote Sensing exist at the following institutes: University of Technology, Delft Internat. Inst. for Aerial Survey (ITC), Enschede Agricultural University, Wageningen (in Photo-interpretation) University College, London University of Newcastle upon Tyne North-East London Polytechnic School of Military Survey, Newbury University of Glasgow University of Wales When computing the number of qualified professionals per unit area one has still to disregard the many foreign students embarking upon these specialised courses. This results in about 60 to 100 graduates with substantial training in Photogrammetry for the United Kingdom and about 10 in the Netherlands. Not all of them will work in Photogrammetry alone, but might also work in Land Surveying. If one takes for each graduate a working period of 35 years one finds the following results for the Netherlands and the United Kingdom: 1 specialist per km Netherlands United Kingdom 2 inhabitants 110 km 80 km 2 2 38.000 18.000 Table 3 It should be noted that the table does not include Photo-interpretation specialists and disregards the fact that only a part of these graduates is working in Photogrammetry. 3. Courses at Technician's level Only a very few Institutes are running regular Diploma-courses for Aerial-survey Technician's. Most of the Technician's trRir1ing is done "in-house" at the various mapping organisations. Photogrammetrie Technician's Diploma courses are found at the JTC, Enschede and the School of Military Survey at Newbury. 441 The number of graduates of the two courses together can be estimated to be about sixty per year,half of which is comprised of students from outside Europe. If the number of Techncians is compared with that of the graduates at University and Technologist's level, the ratio appears to be out of proportion. 4. Teaching staff, Instruments, Curricula and Research Most of the teaching staff falls either under Civil Engineering or Geography Departments. Departments of Surveying, Photogrammetry or Topographic Service exist only at those Universities and Colleges where the specialised coursPs in aerial surveys are given. As far as instruments are concerned only two institutes (both in the Netherlands) mentioned an analytic plotter. Few departmer1ts reporterl having photogrammetric instruments with automatic coordinate regist-raLion devices. A highly significant percentage of the instruments is of the anaglyph type. Those instruments play an important role in training. A significant part of the analogue instruments is rather old and a large number of the instruments are of types which are no longer produced. As far as tendencies in the contents of the courses are concerned, one sees that increased attention is being given to non-topographic applications and the application of Remote Sensing techniques. Furthermore, emphasis is being placed in digital data-processing. Research topics were mentioned in some of the questionnaires. Most of the answers concentrated on the applications of Photogrammetry to Engineering and other non-topographic problems; some institutes mentioned projects in Remote Sensing. 5. Conclusions In 1968 it was estimated* on a world-wide basis that there was one 2 Photogrammetrist (Technicians included!) per 900 km . For the Netherlands and the United Kingdom these figures are in the neighbourhood of one qualified specialist per 100 km 2 . These f'tgures are based on the assumption * see Reference (3) 442 of a constant number of graduates per year. However, one should not overlook the fact that only a part of the graduates is working in Photogrammetry shich makes the figure more 2 likely to be about 1 per 200 to 300 km . At present there is no specialised Training in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the Irish Republic. A very small number of graduates at technician level is being trained at present compared with that of University level which leads one to the conclusion that there must be an increase in the number of trained technicians with a recognized diploma. 443 References (1) Sir H.W. Springer and Commonwealth University Yearbook, T. Craig (editors) The Association of Commonwealth Universities, London. (2) A.J. Brandenberger Planning for Photogrammetric Education, ISP, Commission VI, 11th International Congress, Lausanne 1968. (3) G. Petrie Photogrammetric Education in the United Kingdom, ISP, Commission VI, 11th International Congress, Lausanne 1968. Education and Training in Photogrammetry, (4) H.A. Brouwer ISP, Commission VI, 11th International Congress, Lausanne 1968. Education for the Profession, ( 5) A. L. Allan FIG, Commission 2, 1968. British National Report 1976, (6) National Committee for ISP, 13th International Congress, Photogrammetry Helsinki 1976. 444 Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Degree/Diploma/Certificate England BA/ BSc CE BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. Aston in Birmingham II MPhil/PhD (years) 2-4 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 1 ec t ures Tutorials/ . (hrs) Practlcals (hrs) n.a. n.a. 60 X Birmingham II Bradford II Cambridge " year 3 ·-< City University, London data Full time Research ., 3 X 8 16 50 3 X 40 60 2 8 6 70 3 X 5 15 60 3 X 12 29 8 4 3 150 Q/3 X 3 8 85 3 X 16 44 7 lO 3 60 15 --,--, 3 5 X Durham optional optional optional X > ;:) ~ull :':O X Keele X Leeds 3/4 data 3 3 6 3 IC:. .25 36 ll Remote Sensing Q 22 50 3 15 30 c 3 X :_1 30 ~rJ 3 Leicester X :o :o 3l 3 London, King's .::ollege X 4 3 lO 3 'r "-'- 4 60 3 6 3 35 3 X '>1Sc. Eng. " " Imperial College I! 6 3 Q (., ·- Q Q -' ·~ of 20 1l l) Remarks 45 X II per Source 3 X Bristol Students 8 X II ..!=' ..!=' V1 Others jDuration of study ,, X BSc/;\lSc mining ! Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing England (continuation) Degree/Diploma/Certificate BA/ BSc CE London, Queen Mary College " :JJ QJ ....; .;..:> •rl :JJ 1 ec t ures Tutorials/ . (h ) Pract1cals rs (hrs) Students per Source Remarks year of data 4 35 3 10 10 35 3 X 3 3 32 3 X 24 94 4 X optional 3 " X 4 8 55 " X 35 26 4 optional 3 8 PhD possible Q MSc Post-Grad. course in Land Surv . II 01 (years) Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 10 " ..c:.c- Others X " University College BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. !Duration of study 1 300 420 +project 20 60 3 3 Manchester X 14 21 62 " Newcastle upon Tyne X 10 - 75 6 - 50 3 10 30 18 3 X 15 9 15 3 X 10 20 6 optional 3 90 140 8 MSc, PhD possible Q X 5 8 48 X 16 8 11 optional 3 8 16 l optional Q/3 8 16 20 optional Q/3 4 12 12 ...v ,, ·~ ,, X Dipl . in Highway Eng > " ,, Nottingham " BSc Surv. BSc Eng. Science Oxford " Reading X BSc Est.Man. 3 3 optional 3 I 3 3 - Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Degree/Diploma/Certificate England (continuation) Salford BA/ BSc CE BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. ,, >, ? 80 X 3 22 ? 5 X X MSc High·11ay Eng. " Remarks of data 30 (?) 0 12 Source year 17 ~ :Il per 3 Southampton ""-.~ ? Students X " ,.J:::,.J:::- 1 ec t ures Tutorials/ . (hrs) Pract1cals (hrs) 30 MA Landscape Arch. Surrey, Guildford Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 4 MSc Highway Eng. Sheffield ..... ..... (years) X ,, 'il 1J Others !Duration of study Q not given this year Q Q optional Q 20 Q 3 6 65 3 10 40 50 3 10 5 10 3 2 12 25 3 15 21 4 3 (J) > ·.-< Sussex, Brighton r< X MSc Highwq,r Eng. Dip1. in Housing & Revi talisation ,, :::J York Degree in Civ.Eng. (CNAA) Bolton :::nst. of Technology ,, :Il ,, (j) D.O 1J .....; ....; 0 i II ::._) ..c l =-· Bristol Polytechnic ,, X HND Building BSc Val.& Est.Man. HNC Land Surveying - no data 4 no data 30 Q 3 no data 20 Q 3 no data 20 Q 40 Q 10 Q lO (?) 20 '? \ \ ' I Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Degree/Diploma/Certificate England (continuation) BA/ BSc CE BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. Ewell Tech.College, Surrey " Hatfield Polytechnic (years) Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 1 ec t ures Tutorials/ . (h ) Practlcals rs (hrs) per 3 HND Build. 8 6 16 3 60 Q 30 Q 12 Q appr. 10 no data X Polytechnic of Central London X 33 6 60 X 72 24 3 (/] appr. 4 " <l.l on BSc Surv. 3 Diploma Land Surv. 2~ !-INC Photogr 2 (parttime) 1J ,.... " .....; 0 u " ~ ('j ~ c 40 (?) optional Q Q optional Q 40 Q no data 32 Q ·no data 2 Q 6 3 3 120 to 180 (?) I 6 X " ·-< data 40 appr. 10 North East London Polytechnic of 3 X " Remarks year Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry 00 Source 8 X Kingston Polytechnic, Surrey Students HNC Eng. X " ,.._ E Others !Duration of study I 6 6 20 3 90 150 15 3 30 30 C:("\ JU Q 10 20 23 3 4 8 30 3 30 20 Q 9 25 3 X ,-. ~ 1J ,..., Portsmouth Polytechnic BSc (Science ,, X Sheffield Techn. College X ,, Royal I ~ilitary X College, Shrivenham X ~ Sunderland Techn. College X 6 I incl. Remote Sensing Q I - Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Degree/Diploma/Certificate England (continuation) Wigan Technical College BA/ BSc CE BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. X Willesden Tech. Coll. London HND Build. " ...!::" ...!::" l..D ..-; ..-; 0 0 ..-; Cll Dip.Est. Man. Kingston College of Further Education HNC Phot (? HNC Cart (? Oxford College of Technology Cert. in Cartogr • School of Military Survey, Newbury .....u c: ..c: " Q) E-< Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 1 ec t ures Tutorials/ . (h ) Practlcals rs (hrs) per Source Remarks year of data 20 10 40 3 12 9 30 3 12 3 24 3 9 3 20 3 1 6 6 some 97 Adv.Air Surv.Tech. " Students no data no data Post Grad. Pr.Air. Surv.Tech. Int.Air. Surv.Tech. " u (years) X " rn Q) on Q) Others puration of study 3 160 28 3 500 6-10 3 300 6-10 3 700 6-10 3 Wales Aberystwyth ,, rn lJ ..., •-' ..... :1l >-. Q) .,..,> c: ~ X 12 100 X 84 10 BSc Env.Sc 15 15 Q Post Grad. dipl. Cart. 1 5 (?) Q " Swansea ,, X 1 60-120 (?) Q optional (?) Q Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing jDuration of study Degree/Diploma/Certificate Scotland BA/ BSc CE Aberdeen BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. MSc Ecology MSc Reg. Res. " U1 0 QJ •M .j..l 'M Ul .... QJ > 'M c :::J c ..c u QJ t-< Pract1cals (hrs) year data 10 20 80 3 3 9 7 3 10 20 16 3 5 - 30 3 12 18 no data 3 4 X MA Geogr. 92 30 Q 54 6 Q 9 12 45 3 4 120 200 6 Q " Post Grad . diploma 1 220 200 3 Q " M.Appl.Sc. 2 220 200 4 5 25 20 3 36 40 13 Q 80 3 6 3 X " X St. Andrews MA Geogr. BSc Earth Env. Sc. & 3 X " 0 0 ) of X Strathclyde . rs Remarks Edinburgh Stirling .-I .-I (h per Source X Glasgow Ul 1 ec t ures Tutorials/ . Students Dundee " " .. (years) X " ..!::" Others Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing MSc Highway Paisley College of Technology " II X Degree Land Econ. (RICS students) 10 2 PhD possible Q 4 10 50 Q 4 6 50 Q 3 20 Q Table I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Degree/Diploma/Certificate BA/ BSc CE Northern Ireland BA/ HND BSc C.E. Geogr. Others Duration of study (years) Photogrammetry and Remote ~ensing t Tutorials/ 1 ec ures . (h ) Pract1cals rs (hrs) Students per Source Remarks of year data no data Q I ... U1 QJ (j) .,..., .j.J > .,., c.,., ::::> Queen 1 s Uni v. , Belfast some X II X 10 10 70 3 15 - 30 Q 8 Q 10 Q 6-8 Q Q Ul Irish Republic .,.,I ... c: (j) > ..C.-1 University College Dublin 4 X ::::> ...c:- ()....; 0 :lJ V1 f---1 Cert./Dipl. College of Technology, Dublin 2/3 no data E-!U Netherlands University of Technology, Delft Ir. Geed. Sc. 5 Intern. Inst. for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC Snschede MSc Photogrammetry 1Yz Post Grad. Dipl. Photogr. 1 380 600 30 1 370 600 40 Technologist :Jl 'lJ 11 " 120 * 80 200 + thesis ....; -' ..... :Jl 1:.., ~ 1/ ...L,'2 :-1Sc Cartography lJ > Post Grad. Dip1. Carte. -~ * incl. students of Dutch mapping organisations Q some 2 Q ~ some 15 0 1 some 10 Q .~ Technologist ' j I 1 " I 7able I Education Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates with component courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Degree/Diploma/Certificate Netherlands (continuation) Intern. Inst. for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) Enschede of study (years) Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing t Tutorials/ 1 ec ures . (h ) Pract1cals rs (hrs) Students per Source Remarks year of data Post Grad. Dipl. Aer. Photography 1. Technologist 1 260 540 Data Proc. in Phot. ~ appr.50 800 1-2 Technician's Dipl. Photogr. 1 220 600 30 Technician's Dipl. Carto. 1 Post Grad. Dipl. Geology 1 MSc Geology 1~ * Post Grad. Dipl. Geomorph. l MSc Geomorphology l1f* '2 Post Grad.Dip1. Soil Surv. 1 MSc Soil Survey l~ * ....., Technologist Dipl. Forestry 1 32** so** 5 Q Ul Post Grad. Dipl. Forestry 1 32** so** 30 Q :viSe Forestry '1; 3 Q 15 Q 1 Q 15 Q Dipl. Ul (]) ..!="' Vl N ~uration 11 ,, II 260 540 Q 20 Q some Q incl. students of Dutch mapping organisations Q 15 Q 30 Q 2 Q 15 Q 2 Q 20 Q 4 Q blJ ~ ....... rl 0 (.) 24** 4o** *** rl :0 ....,(.) c: ~ (j (J) :;.... - j] 24** . 4o** *** 32** 4o** *** 1J ·rl ...., :... v > •rl .L/2 * *** ~ ~ Post Grad.Dipl. Rural Surv. l MSc Rural Survey 1~ * Post Grad. course Remote Sensing 2 months 24** 4o** *** 20 *** - Education/Research Equipment for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing :'able II Dept. England Aston in Birmingham C.E. Birmingham C.E. 1 Bristol C.E. 1 (?) Geogr. (j) ..., •-I ~~ l. (j) > ·- Recti- Instr. raters Instr. fiers Cameras ...... .. <JJ .... cO .j.J cO ·.-i 1 (?) <JJ R.S. small Equip- instr. 1 1 1 2 Geogr. 1 1 1 City University, London C.E. 1 1 1 of data 2 yes Q 2 yes 3 yes 3 yes 3 ? 3 yes 6 yes Q yes 3 yes Q Durham Geogr. 1 1 yes 3 Hull Geogr. 1 Keele Geogr. yes 3 Leeds C.E. 1 ? , .L 1 source ment 1 ( '? 1 C.E. " :JJ Approx. l C.E. Cambridge ._, Campa- 2 Bradford " \..N Anaglyph Geogr. " .C" V1 Analyt·. Ins tr. Analogue Instr. (excl. Anaglyph Instr.) no yes yes Q 1 yes 3 4 ? b " Geogr. Leicester Geogr. yes 3 Li 'Jerpool Geogr. yes 3 London, .imperial College mining 1 ~ 1 yes 3 Kings College Geogr. yes 3 Jniversity Sollege Geogr. phot.& surv. yes 3 5 yes Q .L 1 yes 3.Q c.' :res 3! 6 " Loughborough C.E. Manchester C.E. 9 1 3 2 1 ~-; 2 ' .. l '\ l I Education, Research l'able II Equipment for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (continuation) Dept. England Analyt-. Instr, Analogue Instr. (excl. Anaglyph Instr.) Anaglyph Compa- Approx. Recti- Instr. rators Instr. fiers Surv. 3 2 Nottingham 1 1 Reading C.E. surv.& geod. C.E. Salford C.E. .... Q) > Sheffield C.E. c: Southampton Geogr. Surrey, Guildford C.E. Sussex, Brighton Geogr. York Arch. Bolton Inst. of Technology C.E. 1 Brighton Techn. College C.E. Bristol Polytechnic Surv. Ul .Q)..., .;..J ...., :n ·.-< ::J ,.1::" IJ1 ,.1::" Ewell Techn. College, Surrey 1 Polytechnic 0 0 Lanchester Polytechn. Coventry C.E. __, Polytechnic of Central London ~ North East London Polytechnic ~ 1; Portsmouth Polytechnic II Q) small Equip- instr. CE Unit Land Surv. Geogr. source ment +-> 1 of data no Q yes 3 yes 3/Q yes 3 yes 3/Q yes Q yes 3 yes 3 yes 3 1 yes 6 1 yes Q 1 yes Q/3* 1 yes Q yes 3 yes Q yes Q l yes ·.;l 1 ? ',) yes ~) yes Q 1 2 1 2 1 2 access to equipmen 1 Build.E. 1 m ....,(.) 1 1 Geogr. r-i r-i 1 .... .... R.S. yes 1 Kingston Polytechnic, Surrey lJ tlO Q) m ....Q) m 1 1 ~atfield 1 1 C.E. ~0 r-i ·.-< Newcastle upon Tyne Oxford Cameras 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 3 2 2 , .L 1 , .L .i hired 1 C.E. *.) note: according to the questionnaire, no facilities exist for photograrrumotry. yes I I ~ Education, Research '" Equipment for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 'continuation) :'able II Dept. Sngland .-; ctl [/] () ·rl Q) l:llJ c Q) _c:.-; :._).-; 0 Q) E--< () vl V1 ... Royal Military College, Shrivenham C.E. Sunderland Techn. College Wigan Technical College +' 0 School of Military Survey, :'l'ewbury Ul ....,0 _..; ctl :n >, ...., c > ctl "' l:llJ :::l "' 'fl 0 Anaglyph Compa- Approx. Recti- Instr. rators Instr. fiers I Cameras .-; ctl ...Ql ...... ctl +' ·.-i R.S. small Equip- instr. source ment Q) of data yes 3 ! 2 1 yes Q C.E. yes 3 C.E. yes 3 yes 3 1 Willesden Techn. Coll., London Build .E. Oxford College of Technology Q) ..c: Q) C.E. Kingston College of Further Education [/] ..c:- Sheffield Technical College Analyt", Instr, Analogue Instr. (excl. Anaglyph Instr.) Gen. studies ? Air Survey 4 18 2 no data 6 no data 3 I 2 BKS Survey Ltd. no data Directorate of Overseas Surveys no data 1 Equipment normally ~sed for production, but available for experimental work. no data Clyde Surveys Ltd. Hunting Survey Ltd. yes 2 I yes I yes Q - - no data Ordnance Survey 3 Wales I ~ ~'J Q) :v ::J •o <I > ...., ....... ..._) c: . . . . Aberystwyth Geogr. 2 Swansea Geogr. 5 - -- 2 ' ~ 2 2 yes yes Q yes Q Education; Research ~able II Equipment for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Dept. Scotland .4..nalyt-. Ins tr, Analogue Instr. (excl. Anaglyph Instr. ) Anaglyph Campa- Approx. Recti- Instr. raters Instr. fiers Cameras ,.., :11 •rl t.. Ql ct! :JJ (!) ·-< Aberdeen Geogr. Dundee C.E. Edinburgh Geogr. 4 Glasgow Geogr. 5 1 (?) . t.. t.. Ql .jJ St. Andrews :JJ t.. Stirling Ql > ·.-1 c: ::J ..r::Vl (J') ..C:-4 0-4 Ql 0 E-l u small Equip- instr. (?) 1 5 2 1 1 2 I source ment of data 1 (?) ....) ..... I R.S. yes 6 yes 3 yes yes Q yes yes Q yes 3 yes Q yes 3 yes Q Geogr. Earth & Env. Sc. Strathclyde, Glasgow C.E. 1 1 Paisley College of Technology C.E. 1 1 Geogr. 1 yes Q C.E. 1 yes 3 no ? Q no yes Q :~orthern no 1 Ireland I t.. Ul Ql .> ..., Ql ·.-1 ...., C: ·.-1 ::J :JJ Queen's University, Belfast II Irish Republic > ·-< c: University College Dublin C.E. College of Technology, Dublin Geo.Surv. 1 1 ::J ..C:.-i uJ) ~ ~ ·_.; 2 2 1 -'. 1 I Education/Research Table II Equipment for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Dept. Netherlands Ul Q) tll) QJ .-l .-l 0 u c .r:: University of Technology, Delft Geod, Internat. Inst. for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Enschede Phot., A.Ph. & Car to u QJ E-< 11 ~ Nat.Res. Surveys Analyt-. Instr. Analogue Instr. (excl. Anaglyph Instr. 4 27 * : Anaglyph Compa- Approx. Recti- Instr. rators Instr. fiers ·.-i .j.l •.-i 11 Ul S-o -l::" \Jl -.......,J QJ > ·.-i c ::J Agricultural University, Wageningen 11 State University Utrecht .-l Cl1 •.-i S-o Q) . S-o S-o Cl1 Q) .j.l R.S, small Equip- instr. source ment of data - - some ** - - - no yes Q 14 2 5 + 24** 2 3 1 yes yes Q access tc equipm. (regulaz>. ly used) yes Q yes Q no yes Q Ul QJ Cameras Urban Surv. & Integr. Surv. Surv. 2 1 Soil Sc. - - - - Geogr. 1 -1 - 2 H) 1 incl. instr. for Orthophotography HM) ITC Stereotrainers - 1 - - Table III Staff for Education and Research in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (data based upon questionnaire only) England Aston in Birmingham Cambridge City University, London Keele (/) Q) London, Univ. College •.-! +' .,-j (/) Newcastle upon Tyne Dept. Professors Assistants Research lecturers for teaching staff Technicians Aux. pers. Total 8 2 2 13 C.E. 1 Eng. C.E. (Surv. & Phot.) Geogr. 2 - - ~ 4 3 2 1 1 11 1 - 1 - - 2 Phot. & Surv. 6 - 5 * 3 1 15 Surv. 5 1 * 1 1 8 2 * 2 - 7 part. 1.. Q) > •.-! c :::l u; Oxford Salford Surv.& Geod. C.E. 2~ no data no data Sheffield C.E. 1 Bolton Inst. of Technology C.E. 2 Bristol Polytechnic Surv. 1 Hatfield Polytechnic C.E. 3 Geogr. 1 C.E. 1 CE Unit 2 2 (part-time) ' ( 00 Kingston Polytechnic, Surrey (/) Q) 00 Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry Q) ...-! ...-! Polytechnic of Central London 0 () ...-! :u (.) •.-! c ..c:: (.) Q) E-< ~ ~ _, 0 North East London Polytechnic Portsmouth Polytechnic Royal Military College, Shrivenham Clyde Survey Ltd. Land Surv. Geogr. C.E. 1 - 3 - 1 1 1 - - 1 - 2 - - 1 - 2 1 3 2 1 8 - 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 - 6 ----------------------- *) Post-grad. students - 2 5 5 6 .. ~able III Staff for Education and Research in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (data based upon questionnaire only) Dept. Wales Professors Assistants Research lecturers for teaching staff I Technicians Aux. pers. Total ! I '"' CJ [{J (jJ c: ·rl .....> ·-< .,.., ::J Aberystwyth Geogr. 1 Swansea Geogr . 2 Geogr. Geogr. Earth & Env. Sc. 1 1 - 1 - 3 2 1 2 1 6 6 4 5 4 19 - 3 [{J .Scotland Edinburgh I '"' Ql [{J ·rl +-' <IJ > ·-< c: ·rl ::J (f) ..c: . . . . ....... 0 (.) <IJ Glasgow Stirling Paisley College of Technology * 5 2 4 2 1 14 C.E. 2 - - 1 - 3 Geogr. 2 - 2 3 - 7 C.E. 1 - - 1 1 3 3 2 E-<U ..1:::" V1 lD :~orthern > Ireland Queen's Univ., Belfast ·rl :::; Irish Republic .> .., University College Dublin c: :::J ..c: . . . . ().-4 <IJ 0 ~u College of ~echnology, Dublin Geo-Sur. 1 6 :'l'etherlands I l. :.ll lJ (j) •rl > University of :echnology, Delft Geod. 3 ·-< .,.., ::::: •......t :J w I I I I I 3 :'able III Staff for Educ<ftion and Research in Photogrammetry and Remote .::iensing (data baaed upon questionnaire only) Ul QJ D.O _.,QJ _., 0 Professors Assistants Research lecturers for teaching staff Phot., A.Ph. & Cart. 36 19 " Nat.Res. Surveys 32 3 " Urban S. Integ. Surveys Min.Expl 16 1 Netherlands (continuation) Dept. Internat. Inst. for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Enschede u ..c:(.) QJ !:-< :JJ ,...,QJ _.; ·rl Ul >-< QJ ,...,> c :::> ..r:::01 C) Agricultural University, Wageningen " " State University Utrecht & 5 *** Technicians Aux. pers. Total 19 5 84 2 6 43 3 20 2 8 1 5 Surv. 1 1 Soil 1 1 2 Pr.ysics 1 1 2 Geogr. 1 1 2 - ** *) Post-Grad. students **) part- t' ***) techn. ass. lYz 3Yz