PRAGUE 2016 XXIII ISPRS CONGRESS S E C O N D ANNOUNCEMENT and Call for Full Papers & Abstracts P R A G U E CZECH REPUBLIC 12th July – 19th July 2016 PRAGUE 2016 Pre-Congress Schedule: Deadline for submission of full papers 30 November 2015 Deadline for submission of abstracts 13 December 2015 Notification of authors Deadline for submission of final papers 1 February 2016 15 March 2016 Deadline for registration payment for the paper to be included in proceedings 14 April 2016 Congress Venue Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic Tel: +420 261 171 111 Contact Congress Director: Programme Committee: General Contact: II XXIII ISPRS CONGRESS Second Announcement & C al l f or Pa p e r s “From human history to the future with spatial information.” Ministry for Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 1 PRAGUE 2016 Table of Contents Invitation by the ISPRS President ___ 3 CATCON _ _ _ 27 Invitation by the XXIII ISPRS Congress Director ___ 4 Social Programme _ _ _ 28 Registration _ _ _ 29 Hotel Reservations _ _ _ 30 Information About the Congress _ _ _ 30 Technical Tours _ _ _ 31 Letters of Recommendation – President of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre ___ 5 Letters of Recommendation – Rector of Czech Technical University ___ 6 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ___ 7 Optional Tours _ _ _ 33 XXIII ISPRS Programme Committee ___ 9 General Information _ _ _ 38 Scientific Programme _ _ _ 10 Financial Assistance _ _ _ 39 Tutorials _ _ _ 15 Call for ISPRS – UN-GGIM Forum 2016 _ _ _ 16 Call for ISPRS Space Agency Forum at the 2016 ISPRS Congress _ _ _ 17 Call for Theme Sessions at the XXIII ISPRS Congress _ _ _ 18 Call for Tutorials _ _ _ 19 ISPRS Youth Activities _ _ _ 20 Exhibition _ _ _ 21 Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities _ _ _ 21 Call for Abstracts and Full Papers _ _ _ 22 ISPRS Archives & Annals _ _ _ 23 Preliminary Time Schedule _ _ _ 24 ISPRS Awards & Honours _ _ _ 25 The ISPRS Prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors _ _ _ 27 2 Invitation by the ISPRS President Dear colleagues and friends, It is my great pleasure to invite you to attend the XXIII ISPRS Congress which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 12–19 July 2016. The quadrennial Congress of ISPRS is the most important event in the ISPRS Calendar and offers a wealth of opportunity for anyone using images for information and analysis. You can see from this Second Announcement that a first class programme of plenary speakers, technical sessions, exhibitions and social events has been planned under the theme ‘From human history to the future with spatial information’. You will be able to catch up with the developments in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science, meet old friends – make new ones and experience the traditional and fascinating culture of Europe. Prague is a thrilling venue located in the heart of Europe and a well-known place for conferences. Prof. Eduard Doležal, the founder of our ISPRS, was also born in the southern part of the Czech Republic. This will give us an opportunity to visit the marvelous landscape of the Czech lands and to discover the architectural and cultural treasures in Prague and in the Czech Republic. Therefore I encourage all of you to participate in this ISPRS quadrennial Congress, and prepare and present a paper describing your work, and to share your experiences with others. Chen Jun, ISPRS President We all are now facing unprecedented great challenges including climate change and sustainable development. The United Nations is preparing and implementing the ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ to achieve a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The International Council of Science (ICSU) has launched a 10-year research program ‘Future Earth’ to provide the knowledge required for societies seizing opportunities in a transition to global sustainability. The success of these endeavors depends critically on the availability and accessibility of reliable geospatial information about the earth and its environment. As a leading international organization in the field of geo-spatial information and remote sensing, ISPRS is devoted to promote the advancement of knowledge, research, development, education and training in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, their integration and applications, as to contribute to the well-being of humanity and the sustainability of the environment. The Prague ISPRS Congress will provide us an opportunity to examine the challenges facing us, discuss how to support Future Earth with global geo-information, and formulate the future research agenda. THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 3 PRAGUE 2016 Invitation by the XXIII ISPRS Congress Director Dear colleagues and friends, The XXIII ISPRS Congress will be held already in less than 16 months. Maybe you attended previous ISPRS Congresses and you are ready to come. Maybe you have just discovered ISPRS and the Congress. The Second Announcement of the ISPRS Congress presents you important information on deadlines, call for papers, call for theme sessions, call for tutorials, technical programme, social programme, technical tours, optional tours, venue, etc. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is 105-year-old lady in 2015. The Society organizes congress once in four years. The Congresses offer not only a platform for presentation of the latest results of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial sciences, but also a platform for scientific and non-scientific meetings and discussions. The scientific programme takes form of plenary sessions and parallel sessions. Parallel sessions are dedicated to presentation of reviewed papers. The papers are linked to sessions according to their topics to individual Working Groups. Important part of participants form young scientists. They are welcome to attend not only the Congress, but I would like to encourage them to join Student Consortium and participate in the Youth Forum during the Congress. They are invited to participate in Summer school, which will be held in Telč from 7- 11 July 2016. Reviewed and presented papers are publicized in Proceedings with CPCI (indexing of Proceedings by Thomson & Reuter) and SCOPUS. ISPRS Archives (Proceedings of Papers with reviewed Abstracts) are registered by CPCI and in SCOPUS as well. ISPRS Annals (proceedings with double blind reviewed papers) are expecting to be registered before the Congress. The registration for the Congress will be opened on 12 July 2015. A Congress App for all platforms will be launched in June 2015. The App will significantly enhance contacts between participants, speakers exhibitors, sponsors and organizers. The utilization of the App will enrich the experience of the Congress and will easily provide users with information otherwise difficult to obtain. The most active users can look forward to a prize-winning competition. I hope you will decide that the Congress is an event, which is worth to take part in. If so, I would like to invite you to my country – the Czech Republic, to my city – Prague. Both the country and the city are beautiful, cozy, full of green areas, interesting places and historical monuments and even parts of cities. The Linden tree is a national tree. Linden heart shaped leaves are as hearts of the Congress organizers open for all of you. Lena Halounová, XXIII ISPRS Congress Director 4 Letters of Recommendation – President of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Ing. Karel Večeře předseda Českého úřadu zeměměřického a katastrálního President of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Präsident des Tschechischen Amts für Landesvermessung und Kataster Prague, 28th April 2015 Dear ISPRS Congress Delegates, I am pleased that Czech Republic will be the host of the XXIII. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress in Prague in 2016. The date of the Congress is coming closer and so I would like as the president of the Czech office for surveying, mapping and cadastre to write you a couple of words regarding this international event significant for the branch I am responsible for. Photogrammetry and remote sensing play an important role in nature sciences in many spheres of the present life. They help us to understand and better analyse and control many various phenomena of the Earth and its actual state of the environment. Aerial photographs were systematically collected in Czechoslovakia, the predecessor of the Czech Republic, already before the Second World War. The Czech Society for Photogrammetry was founded in 1930 and has been taking part in many international activities since the ISP III in Zurich in 1930 and therefore has a long history of photogrammetry applications and international contacts. The predecessors of the Czech office for surveying, mapping and cadastre have been using aerial photogrammetry for mapping since 1950s. I am very pleased that ISPRS enhances its interest to close cooperate with National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies by organizing the National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies Forum. Czech Republic has been supporting organization of many scientific congresses and conferences to show scientific interest of our specialists and their belonging to the world highest level of knowledge as well as introduce their progress. Dear Delegates, it is my honour to express my personal support to the XXIII. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress in Prague. I wish you successful and highly professional meeting in July 2016. With highest consideration THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 5 PRAGUE 2016 Letters of Recommendation – Rector of Czech Technical University 6 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ISPRS is an international non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of knowledge, research, development and education in the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, their integration and applications, to contribute to the well being of humanity and the sustainability of the environment. LENA HALOUNOVÁ Czech Technical University CZECH REPUBLIC The ISPRS Vision and Mission for the 21st Century • Encourage and Facilitate Research and Development Congress Director • Advance Knowledge by Scientific Networking ORHAN ALTAN Istanbul Technical University TURKEY • Promote International Cooperation • Pursue Inter-Disciplinary Integration • Facilitate Education and Training • Enhance and Explore New Applications • Develop Public Recognition of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences First Vice President MARGUERITE MADDEN The University of Georgia USA “ISPRS is the voice for the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences community” For further information see: The 2012–2016 ISPRS Council CHEN JUN National Geomatics Centre of China PR CHINA Second Vice President JON MILLS Newcastle University UNITED KINGDOM President Treasurer CHRISTIAN HEIPKE Leibniz University Hannover GERMANY Secretary General THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 7 PRAGUE 2016 Technical Commission Presidents CHARLES TOTH The Ohio State University USA Commission I FABIO REMONDINO 3D Optical Metrology Unit (3DOM) ITALY Commission V Sensors and Platforms for Remote Sensing Close-Range Imaging, Analysis and Applications SONGNIAN LI Ryerson University CANADA JIANYA GONG Wuhan University CHINA Commission VI Commission II Education, Technology Transfer and Capacity Development Theory and Concepts of Spatial Information Science KONRAD SCHINDLER Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ETH Zurich SWITZERLAND Commission III FILIZ SUNAR Istanbul Technical University (ITU) TURKEY Commission VII Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis Thematic Processing, Modeling and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data JIE JIANG National Geomatics Center of China CHINA Commission IV Geospatial Databases and Location Based Services 8 VINAY K. DADHWAL National Remote Sensing Centre Indian Space Research Organisation INDIA Commission VIII Remote Sensing Applications and Policies XXIII ISPRS Programme Committee International Program Committee Local Program Committee President: George Vosselman Vice President: Uwe Stilla Vice President: Marguerite Madden President: Václav Šafář Vice President: Karel Pavelka Vice President: Vladimír Kovařík TCP I: Charles Toth Chris Rizos Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezinska Naser El-Sheimy TCP I: Z. Klusoň, J. Karas TCP II: K. Brázdil, P. Rapant TCP II: Songnian Li Monika Sester Emmanuel Stefanakis Xiaohua Tong TCP III: A. Limpouch, T. Pajdla TCP IV: H. Olešovská, P. Dvořáček TCP III: Konrad Schindler Franc Rottennsteiner Helmut Mayer Clement Mallet TCP V: K. Pavelka, J. Hodač TCP IV: Jie Jiang Sisi Zlatanova Bert Veenendaal Qing Zhu David Holland TCP VI: V. Hanzl, T. Dolanský TCP VII: L. Patková, M. Potůčková TCP V: Fabio Remondino Fulvio Rinaudo Paul Bryan Marco Scaioni TCP VIII: L. Plánka, V. Ždímal TCP VI: Jianya Gong TCP VII: Filiz Sunar Malcolm Taberner Suha Berberoglu Fusun Balık Sanli TCP VIII: Vinay K. Dadhval Fazlay S. Faruque Y.A. (Yousif) Hussin Prasad S. Thenkabail THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 9 PRAGUE 2016 Scientific Programme Remote sensing is the science and technology of the capture and analysis of images and physical data of the Earth and planets from sensors in space, in the air and on the ground. Photogrammetry is the science and technology of extracting reliable spatio-temporal information of objects and scenes from the analysis of remotely sensed imagery and range data. Spatial Information Science is the science and technology of capturing, analyzing, modelling, visualizing, managing and disseminating spatio-temporal information. ISPRS is a leading organization in remote sensing, photogrammetry and spatial information sciences - like very high-resolution satellite imagery, terrain based imaging and participatory sensing, inexpensive platforms, and advanced information and communications technologies. The Congress’ goal is to prove that the application of imagery is now ubiquitous and plays an important role in many aspects of life and work today. ISPRS welcomes all papers bringing new results, achievements, methods and theory to help to shift the present level of knowledge. The programme structure is split into several session types: Technical Sessions, Theme Sessions, Special sessions, Plenary Meetings, Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions. The Theme of the Congress The Earth, its surface, and various objects on the Earth and beyond are imaged, detected and registered by photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. It seems that probably the oldest “map” - rather a cartographic plan - was found in the southern Moravia, part of the Czech Republic. It is dated do the period of 25 000 years ago and made on a mammoth tusk. The ways of imaging rivers, cities, mountains, valleys and many other different objects in outputs from spatial information sciences are often overtaken from maps. Paper maps represent the Earth surface in two dimensions and cartography tools only visualize the third. However, the paper model of Prague created by Antonín Langweil, manservant in the University Library Klementinum in Prague 1826-1837, is a three-dimensional model of Prague at a 1:480 scale. We have been using and developing new methods, tools, and ideas to apply them in many other branches and to a far larger part of present day reality – a golf simulator showing you the trajectory of your ball which in fact ended in a textile sheet just few meters next to you or a car which is able to go without a driver – can serve just like a small example of such applications. 10 We are witnesses of a boom in RPAS (Remotely Piloted Airborne Systems). The role of sources of open data is strongly supported by the ESA Sentinel satellite chain in Europe. It enlarges the data policy of Landsat applied for the last several years. Share your knowledge with us, please! Plenary Meetings Plenary Meetings are twofold – Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and Plenary Sessions. Opening Ceremony Date: 12 July 2016 Opening Ceremony will welcome Congress participants and present ISPRS. Outstanding personalities will receive ISPRS Awards. A part of the programme will be dedicated to the Congress hosting country. Plenary Sessions Three Plenary Sessions will offer excellent keynote speakers from different countries and with very interesting topics. Their list will be publicized on the Congress web page. Closing Ceremony Date: 19 July 2016 The official termination of the Congress shall take place in the Congress Hall at PCC during the Closing Ceremony. There will be an official hand over of the presidency of the Society and presentation of the last part of ISPRS awards. The Congress Director of the host country of the next ISPRS Congress will make a short presentation and receive the ISPRS flag. Technical Sessions (TeS) The Scientific Programme of the Congress will offer a wide range of topics, which are incorporated in the present orientations of the ISPRS Technical Commissions and all their Working Groups (WGs). They are included in the Technical Sessions (TeS). These sessions form, in fact together with the Theme Sessions, the scientific volume of the development in the ISPRS branches since the previous ISPRS Congress. Technical Sessions are assigned to Working Groups of the ISPRS Technical Commissions. Theme Sessions (ThS) Since Terms of References of all WGs were defined already in 2012 and the development in many branches of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Sciences have brought new topics and themes, the Congress Scientific Programme offers a set of Theme Sessions (ThS). Theme Sessions will also present bridging themes between/among WGs or will be formed from excellent new topics not covered by the WG ones. Some of the Theme sessions are listed in this Announcement and some will even be created from accepted papers according to their content. Everybody with breaking topics is welcome to present such news! ISPRS is happy to give them the floor. Interactive Sessions (InS) At the Congress in Prague, emphasis will be given to the presentation of technical papers at the interactive sessions, with direct interaction between authors and audience. Posters will be displayed for the whole day according to the date they are assigned between July 13 to July 18. Topics of Interactive sessions comply with Technical, Theme and Spatial Sessions. Special Sessions (SpS) ISPRS supports cooperation with other organizations like the International Cartographic Association, FIG, UN-GGIM, EuroSDR, URSI, etc. They will organize so called Special Sessions (SpS) to show the relations between ISPRS topics and science in their sphere. These sessions will enhance a range of potential applications of our knowledge and will spread our achievements to the members of our sister organizations. Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions ISPRS encourages companies especially Exhibitors and/ or Sustaining Members to organize Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions to present the latest development of their societies to the ISPRS Congress participants. It is a good way to contact directly all subjects who might be interested in possible cooperation. Meetings General Assemblies General Assemblies are meetings of the representatives of Ordinary Members. 12 July 2016 13 July 2016 16 July 2016 18 July 2016 Open Business Meetings of ISPRS Commissions One Open Business Meeting is convened by each of the eight ISPRS Technical Commission. These sessions offer the opportunity for all Congress participants to review and contribute proposals for Resolutions to steer the future (2016–2020) scientific and technologic activities of the ISPRS Commissions and their Working Groups. For the dates and meeting places of these meetings, please refer to the congress website Closed Business Meetings Closed Business Meetings of all eight commissions with their WG officers will be held during the Congress. For time and meeting places of these meetings, please refer to the congress website The liaison officers of the Local Programme Committee will also participate in these meetings. Other meetings Other meetings will convene in the offices of the Council and/ or Commission Presidents. Business meeting of all Commission Presidents with the Congress Director and the organizational staff for final briefing on Congress arrangements: 11 July 2016 THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 11 PRAGUE 2016 Topics of Technical Sessions (TeS) and Interactive Sessions (InS) Please refer to the web site of the particular Working Group of ISPRS for further details of the subjects (Terms of References) to be discussed. Technical Commission I • TeS - InS: WG I/1 — Standardization of Airborne Platform Interfaces • TeS - InS: WG I/2 — LiDAR, SAR and Optical Sensors for Airborne and Spaceborne Platforms • TeS - InS: WG I/3 — Multi-Platform Multi-Sensor System Calibration • TeS - InS: WG I/4 — Geometric and Radiometric Modeling of Optical Airborne and Spaceborne Sensors • TeS - InS: WG I/5 — Satellite Systems for Earth Observation • TeS - InS: ICWG I/Va — Mobile Scanning and Imaging Systems for 3D Surveying and Mapping • TeS - InS: ICWG I/Vb — Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS): Sensors and Applications Technical Commission II • TeS - InS: WG II/1 — Spatio-temporal Modelling • TeS - InS: WG II/2 — Multiscale n-dimensional Spatial Data Representations, Data Structures and Algorithms • TeS - InS: WG II/3 — Spatial Analysis and Data Mining • TeS - InS: WG II/4 — Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Modeling • TeS - InS: WG II/5 — GeoComputation and GeoSimulation • TeS - InS: WG II/6 — Geovisualization and Virtual Reality • TeS - InS: WG II/7 — Intelligent Spatial Decision Support • TeS - InS: WG II/8 — Mobility: Tracking, Analysis and Communication • TeS - InS: WG II/IV — Semantic Interoperability and Ontology for Geospatial Information Technical Commission III • TeS - InS: WG III/1 — Orientation and Surface Reconstruction • TeS - InS: WG III/2 — Point Cloud Processing • TeS - InS: WG III/3 — Image Sequence Analysis • TeS - InS: WG III/4 — 3D Scene Analysis • TeS - InS: WG III/5 — Computer Graphics and Remote Sensing • TeS - InS: ICWG III/I — Sensor Modeling for Integrated Orientation and Navigation • TeS - InS: ICWG III/VII — Pattern Analysis in Remote Sensing 12 Technical Commission IV • TeS - InS: WG IV/1 — Methods for the Update and Verification of Geospatial Databases • TeS - InS: WG IV/2 — Global Status of Mapping and Geospatial Database Updating • TeS - InS: WG IV/3 — Global DEM Interoperability • TeS - InS: WG IV/4 — Geospatial Data Infrastructure • TeS - InS: WG IV/5 — Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications • TeS - InS: WG IV/6 — Sensor Web and Internet of Things • TeS - InS: WG IV/7 — 3D Indoor Modelling and Navigation • TeS - InS: WG IV/8 — Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases • TeS - InS: ICWG IV/II — Computing Optimization for Spatial Databases and Location based Services • TeS - InS: ICWG IV/II/VII — Global Land Cover Mapping and Services Technical Commission V • TeS - InS: WG V/1 — Vision Metrology • TeS - InS: WG V/2 — Cultural Heritage Data Acquisition and Processing • TeS - InS: WG V/3 — Terrestrial 3D Imaging and Sensors • TeS - InS: WG V/4 — Terrestrial 3D Modelling: Algorithms and Methods • TeS - InS: WG V/5 — Close-range Measurements for Biomedical Sciences and Geosciences Technical Commission VI • TeS - InS: WG VI/1 — Web-based Resource Sharing for Education and Collaborative Research • TeS - InS: WG VI/2 — E-Delivery of Education Services • TeS - InS: WG VI/3 — Promotion of International Collaborative Education Programs • TeS - InS: WG VI/4 — Promotion of Regional Cooperation and Regional Capacity Development in Geoinformatics • TeS - InS: WG VI/5 — Promotion of the Profession to Young People • TeS - InS: WG VI/6 — Technology Transfer and Capacity Development Technical Commission VII • TeS - InS: WG VII/1 — Physical Modelling and Signatures in Remote Sensing • TeS - InS: WG VII/2 — DEM Generation and Surface Deformation Monitoring from SAR Data • TeS - InS: WG VII/3 — Information Extraction from Hyperspectral Data • TeS - InS: WG VII/4 — Methods for Image Classification • TeS - InS: WG VII/5 — Methods for Change Detection and Process Modelling • TeS - InS: WG VII/6 — Remote Sensing Data Fusion • TeS - InS: WG VII/7 — Synergy in Radar and LiDAR •ThS4: TanDEM-X Keywords: High resolution-high accuracy DEM, bistatic InSAR, digital surface models, TanDEM-X experimental products Technical Commission VIII •ThS5: 3D information extraction from SAR imagery Keywords: Digital Surface Models (DSMs) - generation methodologies and quality assessment, StereoSAR (radargrammetry), interferometry, tomography, matching algorithms, point-wise vs. surface 3D feature information extraction, techniques integration, new SAR sensors potential, novel applications, open source software • TeS - InS: WG VIII/1 — Disaster and Risk Reduction • TeS - InS: WG VIII/2 — Health • TeS - InS: WG VIII/3 — Weather, Atmosphere and Climate Studies • TeS - InS: WG VIII/4 — Water Resources • TeS - InS: WG VIII/5 — Energy & Geological Applications • TeS - InS: WG VIII/6 — Cryosphere • TeS - InS: WG VIII/7 — Forestry, Natural Ecosystems & Biodiversity • TeS - InS: WG VIII/8 — Land Cover and its Dynamics, Including Agricultural & Urban Land Use • TeS - InS: WG VIII/9 — Coastal and Ocean Applications Topics of Theme Sessions (ThS) •ThS1: Validation and Analyses of Globe Land Cover Keywords: Land over, theme layers, accuracy, classes •ThS2: Operational Remote Sensing Application Services Keywords: remote sensing, remote sensing applications, natural resources, resource assessment, resource management, sustainable agriculture, precision farming, flood inundation, flood modelling, ocean colour, sea surface temperature, PFZ, rainfall estimation, railfall forecasting, crop yield estimation, crop production estimation, tsunami, coastal zone management, soil resource mapping, landslide prediction and damage assessment, disaster management, climate variability, climate change, forestry and ecology, land use / land cover, water recourses, cryo-sphere, hydrological modelling, atmosphere, early warning, prediction modelling, damage risk / damage vulnerability, damage mitigation, cyclone, environmental assessment and management, forest inventory, forest biomass, forest stock, forest working plan, vegetation carbon, soil carbon, DEM/DTM , 3D modeling of terrain, city GML, city modelling, 3D geo-visualisation, drought, earthquake, geo web services, geo-portal, GIS, LIDAR, RADAR, SAR, capacity building, aerial photography, terrestrial laser scanning, ALTM, mineral exploration, natural hazards •ThS3: Sentinel-I Radar Keywords: Sentinel 1 SAR data analysis regarding change detection, land cover classification, SAR Polarimetry, SAR Interferometry, novel applications •ThS6: Perstistent Scatterer Interferometry Keywords: SAR, SAR interferometry, Differential SAR interferometry •ThS7: Information extraction from SAR imagery Keywords: SAR image analysis, land cover classification from SAR data, object recognition based on SAR dat •ThS8: Recent mapping of small planetary satellites, asteroids and comets (WG IV/8 and related TCs and WGs) Keywords: Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Neptune, Dwarf Planet: (134340) Pluto), Asteroids: (1) Ceres, (4) Vesta, (21) Lutetia, (243) Ida, (253) Mathilde, (433) Eros, (511) Davida, (951) Gaspra, (2867) Steins, (4179) Toutatis, (25143) Itokawa, Comets: 1P/Halley, 9P/Tempel, 81P/Wild 2, 19P/Borrelly, 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko, Satellites: Moon, Phobos, Deimos, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Iapetus, Phoebe, (134340) Pluto:I Charon •ThS9: In-door and out-door seamless location and navigation Keywords: positioning, wifi, bluetooth, global positioning, tracking, dead-reckoning •ThS10: Spatial ecology and ecosystem services mapping using Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) Keywords: biodiversity, ecological traits,EBV (essential biodiversity variables), ESS (ecosystem services), in situ observations, harmonization, LiDAR, hyper-temporal, hyperspectral, SAR, GIS, data fusion •ThS11: Unmanned Aerial Systems: The Roadmap from Research to Applications Keywords: UAS/UAV platforms and sensors, mission planning, primary data processing, performance validation •ThS12: Location-based Social Media Data Keywords: Social media, Social networks, Location-based, Data mining, Keyword search, Pattern analysis, Big data THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 13 PRAGUE 2016 •ThS13: Linked Geospatial Data Keywords: Linked data, Semantic web, RDF data, GeoSPARQL, Application •ThS14: Recent Developments in Open Data Keywords: Open data, Linked open data, e-Government, Geospatial, Web Topics of Special Sessions (SpS) • SpS1 - CIPA: Geospatial Technology for Cultural Heritage Keywords: close-range photogrammetry, implementation of contemporary technologies to the documentation and safegarding culture heritage, bridging the gap between providers of technological documentation products and the users • SpS2 - ICSU, Geo Unions, JB GIS, UN-GGIM: Supporting Future Earth with Global GeoInformation Keywords: Future Earth, Geo-information, Spatial Analyses, Sustainabble development, Global leadership, interdiciplinary cooperation • SpS3 - UNGGIM-AP: Location based management for economic growth Keywords: Location-based information, rapid acquisition and integration, time-critical applications, data sharing, web/ cloud-based services, capability to deliver and use of GI, useffulnessa dn benefits of GI, ethical principles • SpS4 - ICA: Image maps- theory, methods, standards Keywords: Image map as a special map portraying geographic space with remote sensing image(s), from image parameters through cartographic visualization methods to standardized and non-standardized forms of publishing, theoretical concepts and practical experience with image map making, topography and theme maps areas • SpS5 - ICA: Image interpretation for mapping Keywords: Processing of satellite, airborne and RAPS imagery for cartographic work, enhancement of differences between cartographer needs compared to other users of the same image data, practical use of remote sensing images for mapping and cartographic production, theoretical concepts of remote sensing images application for mapping • SpS6 - ICA: LBS and ubiquitous cartography Keywords: Outdoor and indoor positioning, smart environments and ambient spatial intelligence, spatiotemporal data acquisition, processing, and analysis, LBS, crowdsourcing and volunteered geographic information (VGI), neocartography, geotagged big data, personalization and context-aware adaptation, visualization techniques for LBS, novel user interfaces and interaction techniques, 3D and augmented reality, innovative LBS systems and applications, 14 wayfinding and navigation, LBS and transportation applications, user studies and evaluations, privacy and usability, human factors in LBS, smart cities, legal and business aspects in LBS, open source solutions and standards • SpS7 - GEO: Earth Observation and Societal Benefits: Global issues and best practices Keywords: GEO, GEOSS, Earth Observation, societal benefits, climate change, global initiatives, Copernicus, data sharing, big data, cloud computing, project uptake and sustainability, funding opportunities, capacity building, citizen observatories, policy making • SpS8 - SSUGIT: Russian session: Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technology: Advances in PH&RS&SIS in Russia Keywords: UAV, Computer Vision, LiDAR, Multi Sensor Survey, Data Fusion, Open Source Software, Internal and External Orientation, ADC Calibration, Remote Sensing, Geo-information, E-geospace, Geoanalytics, Education, Smart Region, Digital Earth • SpS9 - GALILEO: GALILEO and EGNOS applications for geospatial market Keywords: The session aims at presenting 3-5 or more projects co-funded by the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency under Horizon 2020; the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever available over 7 years (2014-2020). The projects are addressing the development of sophisticated and innovative applications related to the Galileo and EGNOS capabilities. Specific emphasis is given to those developments and technological breakthroughs leading to viable products with real commercial potential for geospatial community and market. • SpS10 - FOSS4G: FOSS4G Session Keywords: Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics (FOSS4G), geospatial research platform and systems for developing new applications crossing the new frontiers towards the Internet of Places, Big Geospatial Data processing and analytics and complex simulations essential for understanding and managing the earth systems, human societies and their interaction • SpS11 - UNOOSA: Achievements and challenges of engaging Earth observations for global development in the post-2015 era Keywords: Please visit: • SpS12 - EuroSDR: Innovative technologies and methodologies for NMCAs“ Keywords: Oblique imagery, dense image matching, production pipeline, mapping, thematic classification • SpS13 - FIG: The Surveyors‘ Response to City Management Keywords: spatial data infrastructures, mega cities, informal settlements, smart cities, 3d/4d cadaster, security of tenure, urban land readjustment • SpS14 - FIG: Imaging Geodesy Keywords: InSAR, LiDAR, Satellite Altimetry, and Satellite Gravimetry for Geohazards • SpS15 - URSI: Disaster and Risk Management Keywords: earthquakes, tsunamis, solar superstorms, sensors technologies, communication technologies, remote sensing systems, image processing, and decision support airborne and ground radars, ground penetrating radars, space based radars, lidars, antennas, propagation limitations through atmospheric and space weather variations, crisis communications, propagation limitations through atmospheric and space weather variations, networking, ground measurement sensors, airborne and other mobile sensors (drones, etc.), satellite based sensors, communications traffic monitoring, signal and target detection and classification techniques, data management, damage assessment • SpS16 - EEA + EU GSA + EC: Synergies between Galileo and Copernicus land services Keywords: GNSS, Galileo, EGNOS, Remote Sensing, Copernicus Land Monitoring • Sp16 - IEARSeL: Imaging Spectroscopy in environmental analyses Keywords: Hyperspectral image, Imaging Spectroscopy, field spectroscopy, n-visualisation, subpixel analyses, hyperspectral mapping, feature extraction Tutorials ISPRS organizes half or one-day tutorials before the Congress (11th and 12th July 2015). These tutorials are prepared for Congress participants to bring their knowledge up to date or to be introduced to new developments. A tutorial will be given only if a sufficient number of participants have registered before 15 May 2016. Additional tutorials and more details about the tutorials will be on the Congress web page. Tutorial 1.: BIGEARTH – Flexible Description and Adaptive Processing of Massive Earth Observation Data on High Performance Computation Architectures Keywords: adaptive processing, satellite image processing, cloud computing. Target group: EO specialists interested in processing and analyzing massive spatial data who imperatively need and expect to use HPC resources on distributed massive data, without carrying about technical details on management of computing infrastructure, and data management. Tutorial 2.: Making big SAR/InSAR data small – information extraction from radar interferometric time series Keywords: SAR interferometry, interferometric time series analysis, interferometric data processing, Sentinel-1, big data Target group: Graduate and Ph.D. students, young scientists and researchers in remote sensing, geoscience professionals with a background profile covering geography, geodesy, geology GIS, geophysics, geoscience, preferably with some signal processing, programming and remote sensing or photogrammetry knowledge Tutorial 3.: Synthetic Aperture Radar: How it works and modern applications Keywords: SAR and SAR Interferometry (DEM), SAR Stereo (Radargrammetry), PSI and GBSAR Target group: Graduate and Ph.D. students and researchers with a basic knowledge in radar remote sensing focused on geoscience, geology, natural hazards, urban objects stability etc. Tutorial 4.: Airborne SAR Keywords: NASA’s airborne SAR sensors, Airborne SAR imaging, differences and parallels with spaceborne SAR Target Group: Graduate and PhD students, young scientists, remote sensing specialists, geoscience professionals Tutorial 5.: Bringing GEOSS services into practice Keywords: Configuration, deployment of open source software, spatial data infrastructure (SDI), publishing and sharing data and metadata using OGC and ISO standards, registration of services into the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Target Group: Novice GIS users with some computer basics THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 15 PRAGUE 2016 Call for ISPRS – UN-GGIM Forum 2016 The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) together with United Nations Initiation on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) hereby announces the First ISPRS – UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum. National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs), many of them organised in UN-GGIM, form a significant group of members of ISPRS, acting as the ISPRS Ordinary Member for many countries. NMCAs play an important role in their countries, providing geospatial data of various levels of detail, types, and scales, which form the basis of today’s geospatial data infrastructure - an indispensable national asset for sustainable of the country and many other applications. Successful cooperation between ISPRS and the NMCAs on many levels, and since a number of years also with UNGGIM, is a result of this connection. One of the strategic goals of ISPRS is to provide a better forum for NMCAs to discuss their scientific and technical issues in mapping with international colleague, and thus to give them better visibility. As a result, ISPRS and UN-GGIM invite National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies worldwide to join the next ISPRS Congress, to be held in Prague in 2016, in the form of a two day meeting, to be known as the ISPRS – UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies Forum. This Forum will be organized as an integral part of the Congress, and in parallel with the ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum. The ISPRS Congress is the most important ISPRS meeting organized every four years. Each Congress is a meeting of several thousand scientists and professionals. The congresses attract participants from all over the world to discuss the latest in technical, scientific and application oriented development in remote sensing, photogrammetry and spatial information. ISPRS has thus created a platform for specialists from the different but interrelated areas of the geospatial field. Potential topics to be discussed during the Forum are: consistent feature catalogues across scale; database updating; 3D databases; big data; mobile and smart technology; semantic and geometric data integration; geospatial data infrastructure; visualisation and communication of geodata; earth observation infrastructure (Landsat, Copernicus etc.); remote sensing and photogrammetry applications; crowd sourcing; web mapping and service oriented architectures; open data policy; decision-support systems; international cooperation and standardisation. 16 Sessions will comprise invited and presented papers. One session of the Forum will be a shared session of the National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies and Space Agencies. It will be dedicated to two questions: • How do National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies use satellite remote sensing data, what they would like to see improved, etc. • What are the plans of Space Agencies in the sphere of data for National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies; how to strengthen this cooperation? The Form thus provides an ideal platform for mutual discussions, as well as discussions with one of the main producers of space imagery and with the scientific community. The Forum will be an integral part of the programme of the XXIII ISPRS Congress, and held on 14 – 15 July 2016. More information about the ISPRS Congress can be found at Registration for both the XXIII ISPRS Congress and the National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum will open on 15 July 2015. Contact address: Lena Halounová, Congress Director, Václav Šafář, President of Local Programme Committee, Call for ISPRS Space Agency Forum at the 2016 ISPRS Congress The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) together with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) hereby announce The First ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum. Space Agencies enable Earth observation missions and are – directly or indirectly - providers of the up-to-date spatial data of the Earth and form indispensable co-operators for the large community of remote sensing and spatial information. The importance of space agencies to ISPRS and IAA can be witnessed by successful common activities since many years. As a result, ISPRS and IAA invite Space Agencies and the Space Community worldwide to join a two day meeting, named the ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum during the next ISPRS Congress, to be held in Prague in 2016. This Forum will be organized as an integral part of the Congress, and in parallel with the National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum. The ISPRS Congress is the most important ISPRS meeting organized every four years. Each Congress is an assembly of several thousand scientists and professionals. The congresses attract participants from all over the world to discuss the latest in technical, scientific and application-oriented development in remote sensing, photogrammetry and spatial information. ISPRS has thus created a platform for specialists from the different but interrelated areas of the geospatial field. Potential topics to be discussed during the Space Agency Forum are: • What are the plans of Space Agencies in the sphere of providing support to Mapping Agencies, and how can this cooperation be strengthened? For Space Agencies, a clear benefit of the Forum is to better understand the potential opportunities and challenges of current and planned Earth observation products with respect to Mapping Agency demands. Through this dialog, it will become clear to what extent the Space Agencies can respond to mapping demands in the future and how they might work together most effectively. The Forum provides an ideal platform for Space Agencies for mutual discussions with one of the main community of users of space imagery and the scientific community that supports it. The Forum will be an integral part of the programme of the 2016 ISPRS Congress, and will be held on 14 – 15 July 2016. More information about the ISPRS Congress can be found at Registration for both the XXIII ISPRS Congress and the Space Agency Forum will open on 15 July 2015. Contact address: Lena Halounová, Congress Director, Václav Šafář, President of Local Programme Committee, 1. missions and data systems, 2.remote sensing for environmental monitoring, 3.remote sensing for the societal benefit areas of GEO, applications, 5.3D and 4D remote sensing, challenges in remote sensing research, 7. big data, data policy, data archiving, data delivery and long-term data continuity, 8.synergies among international Earth Observation programmes such as Landsat and Sentinel-2, Sessions will comprise invited and presented papers. One session of the Forum will be a joint session between the National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies and the Space Agencies. It will be focussed on two questions: • How do National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies currently use, or could poten-tially use, Earth Observation data, and what would they like to see improved? THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 17 PRAGUE 2016 Call for Theme Sessions at the XXIII ISPRS Congress The ISPRS Congress Director, Council, the International and Local Programme Committees of the XXIII ISPRS Congress hereby launch a call for the Congress Theme Sessions. A proposer should: The Theme Sessions should focus on topics, which are not explicitly topics of the 60 individual ISPRS Working Groups of the eight Technical Commissions. They should highlight topics in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences that have newly appeared and/or have reached a significant importance since the XXII ISPRS Congress in Melbourne. The goal of a theme session is to attract specialists with modern methods, themes and applications to present their results to a large ISPRS audience. 2.stress its importance and its relation to the ISPRS mission; 1. briefly describe the Theme Sessions topics; 3.propose a chair and vice chair of the session (including contact information – address, telephone, email). Due date of submissions: 30 June 2015 Contact address: Lena Halounová, Congress Director, Local Programme Committee, 18 Call for Tutorials ISPRS hereby launches a call for tutorials to be held for ISPRS Congress participants. ISPRS Tutorials are aimed at participants wanting to get a basic understanding of a topical field within the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. They should present the material in an appropriate teaching-style manner. The tutorials can be in the form of presentations only, or presentations combined with practicals. An honorarium of 50 % of the tutorial income is payable to the tutorial convener. Each submission must comprise a full description of the tutorial content of about half a page and proposed term (see below). The submission must be accompanied by the name and a short CV of the person presenting the tutorial. Terms: A. 11th July (Monday) 9:00 – 12:00 (half day) B. 11th July (Monday) 13:30 – 16:30 (half day) C. 11th July (Monday) 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:30 – 16:30 (full day) D. 12th July (Tuesday) 9:00 – 12:00 (half day) The Tutorials can be offered until 30 September 2015. Contact address: Lena Halounová, Congress Director, Local Programme Committee, THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 19 PRAGUE 2016 ISPRS Youth Activities Student Consortium Youth Forum Session The ISPRS Student Consortium (SC), established at the Istanbul Congress in 2004, represents the next generation of ISPRS scientists and professionals with more than 500 members from 76 countries. The main purpose of the SC is to link students, young researchers and professionals in different countries and provide a platform for exchange of information, to organize student-specific events and other actions that integrate youth more effectively into ISPRS. On Sunday 17 July, there will be oral and interactive sessions organized by young attendees. The students who are currently working on their graduate, master and PhD. studies are welcome to attend. For the XXIII ISPRS Congress in Prague, the SC will organize, in cooperation with the Congress Director and his team, numerous activities: • A week-long summer school before the Congress with lectures, practical laboratories, social events and lots of fun. • As noted above, the Youth Forum, a full day event with student paper presentations and posters, awards, invited speakers and the General Assembly where the new SC Board will be elected. • City tours and social events for young participants throughout the Congress, Soccer match and Young Scientists Ice-Breaker Party is prepared for young scientists. Efforts will be made to keep costs as low as possible. Scholarships and travel support will be provided for some participants for inexpensive accommodation. Grants and funding can be provided from TIF foundation and other financial sources. More information in section of Financial Assistance and on ISPRS website (http://www.isprs. org/foundation/foundation/default.aspx). Papers may be accepted after reviewing as Oral or Interactive presentations. Full text of these papers will be published in the Proceedings Special Volume. Posters will be displayed for a whole day. Authors are requested to consult ISPRS Orange Book ( orangebook.html) for instructions. Paper submission will be opened on 12 July 2015 on the Congress website ( “Youth Forum” Best Paper Award and Best Poster Awards There will be two “Youth Forum Best Paper Awards” and two Youth Forum Best Poster Awards for best papers presented at the ISPRS Youth Forum Sessions. The applicant should be the first author who is younger than 30 years old on 1 July 2016. The deadlines for submission of full papers is 15 March 2016. Social Programme Outdoor Soccer Match Everyone is welcome to join in a five-a-side soccer challenge. All participants are invited to come along and take part, whether you’re after some competition or just a friendly game. Registration of interested will be available on the registration website. Date: To be confirmed Summer School Summer school before the Congress will focus among other topics mainly on: • LIDAR Measurements, All young scientists are invited to Ice-Breaker Party. It is perfect way to meet new people and to make some new connections with young people interested in the same field. • Free software for GIS and remote sensing Date: 15 July 2016 For more information about the summer school and the Youth Forum Session, please visit and 20 Young Scientists Ice-Breaker Party Exhibition Commercial Exhibition The Member and Scientific Exhibition A commercial and professional Exhibition in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial and information systems will be organized from Wednesday 13 July to Saturday 16 July 2016. The Exhibition will be located at the Foyer of the Prague Congress Center and offers potential exhibitors 1 670 sq. m. (17 976 sq. ft) of versatile exhibition space. The ISPRS Ordinary, Associate and Regional Members, non-profit scientific member organizations and educational institutions of ISPRS will be offered free of charge Scientific Exhibition poster panels of height 190 cm (usable space 176 cm), width 100 cm (usable space 95.5 cm). Exhibition area for the construction of Exhibition stands is not included in the stand price and must be purchased separately. Minimum size of the Exhibition area is 8 sq. m. (for a shell scheme stand 2x4 m) or 9 sq. m. (for a shell scheme stand 3x3 m). Ceiling height varies from 2,8 m to 11 m. Contact organizers for detailed information. The exhibition will provide an opportunity to view closely the latest products and services, inventions, developments, in the field of geographic information systems, mapping, photogrammetry, remote sensing, data processing, surveying, imaging, image processing, machine vision, computer graphics, and in the many fields of application. The coffee buffets will be located in the same area to attract the Congress participants to the Exhibition area. Within the Congress Centre there are a number of various meeting/ function rooms, which are accessible from the main meeting room and Exhibition hall. The Commercial Exhibition is an opportunity to meet colleagues from all over the world. Leica as Platinum Sponsor will be exhibiting as well as most important European organizations and organizations from USA. Numerous Chinese delegations as well as organizations from South America are planning to come to Prague in July 2016. SpS8 will be attract Russian speaking participants which makes the exhibition a good opportunity for exhibitors concentration on Russian speaking countries. As organizations in the Middle East countries are very active recently, it is great chance to meet them next year in Prague. The Congress App will provide to the exhibitors easy and attractive way to communicate with participants. Every app user can easily find any information about exhibitors, ask for a meeting, locate the exhibitor on the interactive plan and many more. Beacons can be rented for additional fee to attract all app users by push messages passing by a booth. Official customs services and freight forwarding will provided exlusively by Schenker Ltd. (”. For more information on the Exhibition, floor plan, prices, please refer to downloadable Exhibitors’ Manual at Congress website ( The space for Member Organizations is intended to present the status, as well as details of their latest development in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences in their countries, their organizational and administrative activities, and their future plans for major projects. The space for non-profit scientific member organizations and educational institutions is intended to display details of their education and training programs and curricula, recent literature, latest results of research and development, new applications, etc. No commercial activity shall be permitted at the Member and Scientific Exhibition. Please note that no services (electricity, etc.) will be provided at these poster panels. If additional services, board or floor space are needed, a space will be allocated in the commercial Exhibition at a discount of 50 % less than the regular commercial stand rental price. Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities Companies are invited to participate as Sponsors and Exhibitors during the XXIII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Various Sponsorship packages are available that will provide excellent opportunities to promote your company and ensure a high degree of exposure to Congress delegates. The Exhibition will provide an opportunity for organizations to display their wares and promote their interest to professional delegates. The Sponsorship Book and Exhibitors’ Manual are available at the congress website Congress Organizer SFDP (Czech Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Společnost pro fotogrammetrii a dálkový průzkum Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6 THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 21 PRAGUE 2016 Call for Abstracts and Full Papers Call for Abstracts Prospective authors of papers for the technical sessions of the Congress are invited to prepare an abstract of 250 to 400 words of their proposed paper in English. The abstracts must contain enough detail to clearly convey the approach and results of the research, concepts, and the reasons why it should be considered an interesting message for the audience. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit their final papers that will be published in the ISPRS Archives, the series of peer-reviewed proceedings published by ISPRS. Abstracts will be submitted electronically using the system on the Congress website: Call for Full papers Prospective authors of papers for the technical sessions of the Congress are also invited to prepare a full paper of 8 pages in English. Authors of accepted full papers will be asked to submit a final paper that will be published in the ISPRS Annals, the series of full paper double-blind peer-reviewed scientific proceedings of ISPRS. Information About Submissions of Abstracts and Full Papers The author may co-author multiple papers, however, each paper must be registered by a different person. Please note that an author may present only one paper at the Congress. No exceptions will be made other than authors of invited papers who may present an invited paper plus one additional paper. The presenting author must be correctly indicated using the submission of the abstract. A camera-ready manuscript must be submitted no later than 15 March 2016. All accepted papers received by this date will be published in the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences and in the ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 22 For each presented paper, one author must make a payment of the registration fee of the corresponding paper. Payment must be made prior to 14 April 2016 for the acceptance and inclusion in the Archives or ISPRS Annals and in the final program. For the abstract requirements and layout, the guidelines at the ISPRS website must be strictly followed: Important Deadlines: Deadline for submission of full papers 30 November 2015 Deadline for submission of abstracts 13 December 2015 Notification of authors 1 February 2016 Deadline for submission of final papers 15 March 2016 Deadline for registration payment for the paper to be included in proceedings 14 April 2016 ISPRS Archives & Annals Archives Annals The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences is the series of peer-reviewed proceedings published by the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). The ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences contain full paper double-blind peer-reviewed scientific contributions of ISPRS Congresses, Symposia and a number of Conferences and Workshops. The series was newly established in 2012. Since 2011, the Archives are published under the Creative Common Attribution 3.0 License, see publications.copernicus. org/for_authors/license_and_copyright.html for details. The Archives are listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS, and DOAJ. The Annals are open access publications, they are published under the Creative Common Attribution 3.0 License, see copyright.html for details. The Annals are listed in, SCOPUS, and DOAJ. An application for including the Annals into the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science has been submitted. THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 23 Tutorials Lunch Tutorials Welcome Reception 19:00–20:30 Openning Ceremony General Assembly Lunch Tutorials Exhibitors Receptions 18:00–20:30 Oral Sessions Interactive Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Plenary Exhibition CATCON Concert 20:00–21:30 Oral Sessions Interactive Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Thursday 14 July Forums*: ISPRS - UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum ISPRS - IAA Space Agency Forum 18:00–21:30 16:30–18:00 15:30–16:30 15:00–15:30 13:30–15:00 12:00–13:30 10:30–12:00 10:00–10:30 8:30–10:00 General Assembly General Assembly Exhibition Wednesday 13 July General Assembly Forums* Forums* Forums* Forums* Youth Meeting 19:00–21:30 Oral Sessions Interactive Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Friday 15 July Forums* Forums* Tuesday 12 July Boat Trip 19:30–21:30 Oral Sessions Interactive Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Plenary Saturday 16 July General Assembly Forums* Forums* General Assembly Theatre 20:00–21:30 Oral Sessions Interactive Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Sunday 17 July Youth Forum Youth Forum Youth Forum Youth Forum Congress Gala Dinner 20:00–23:00 Oral Sessions Interactive Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Plenary Monday 18 July General Assembly 24 General Assembly Monday 11July Closing Ceremony Lunch Oral Sessions Coffee Break Oral Sessions Tuesday 19 July PRAGUE 2016 Preliminary Time Schedule Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition ISPRS Awards & Honours The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing recognizes individual accomplishments through the sponsorship of awards and honours which are granted at each quadrennial ISPRS Congress. Nominations for deserving candidates for awards are welcome and may be made by individuals or organizations at any time, but before the deadlines given overleaf. Each nomination must be in written form (e-mail is acceptable) and submitted to an ISPRS Council member. The following is a brief summary of all awards and honours granted by ISPRS. (Year of initial presentation of each award or honor is denoted in parentheses.) The terms of reference for most awards are provided on the ISPRS home page http://www.isprs. org/documents/awards.aspx and published in the Silver Book: ISPRS Organisation and Programmes. An ISPRS Honorary Member (1926) is elected by the Society in recognition of distinguished services to ISPRS and its aims. There may not be more than ten living Honorary Members of the Society at any given time. Honorary Members have the right to attend meetings of the Society and shall not be called upon to pay registration fees at functions sponsored in the name of ISPRS. An ISPRS Fellow (2010) is elected by the Society in recognition of sustained, excellent service to the ISPRS and its aims. There may not be more than 5 fellows elected at any General Assembly. Nominations for fellowship may be made to the Fellows Committee which will recommend persons for election to the General Assembly. Nominations should be sent to President Chen Jun by 1st October 2015. The Brock Gold Medal Award (1956), sponsored by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, is presented for an outstanding landmark in evolution of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. The award consists of a gold medallion. Ordinary Members of ISPRS are encouraged to nominate candidates for the Award. Nominations must be signed by two individuals of different nationalities and also a different nationality from that of the candidate. Nominations should be sent to Secretary General Christian Heipke by 1st October 2015. The Otto von Gruber Award (1964), sponsored by the ITC Foundation, is presented to a young (less than 40 years) sole author of a paper of outstanding merit in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences written in the four year period preceding the Congress. The Award consists of a medal and a monetary grant. Applications may be self nominated and must include three copies of the paper sent to President Chen Jun by 1st February 2016. The Schwidefsky Medal (1988), sponsored by the German Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, is presented to persons who have made significant contributions to photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, either through the medium of publication as author or editor, or in another form. The award consists of a medal manufactured in porcelain and a certificate. Nominations for the Medal should be sent to President Chen Jun by 1st February 2016. The Willem Schermerhorn Award (1988), sponsored by Geo- Information Netherlands is granted to a person who has most significantly contributed to the activities of a Working Group of the ISPRS during the four year Congress period. The award consists of a certificate. Nominations for the Award should be sent to President Chen Jun by 1st February 2016. The Samuel Gamble Award (1988), sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics, is presented to up to three individuals who have contributed significantly to the development, organization or professional activities of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, at the national or international level. The award consists of a certificate. Nominations should be sent to Secretary General Christian Heipke by 1st February 2016. The Eduard Doležal Award (1996), sponsored by the Austrian Society of Surveying and Geoinformation, is complimentary registration and a grant for limited travel and expense grant at least one individual, from developing or reform countries, to participate in the ISPRS Congress. Candidates are those who have permanently implemented a practical application of photogrammetry, remote sensing or GIS in an efficient manner or which documents their outstanding success in support of these fields. Applications may be self nominated and should be submitted to Secretary General Christian Heipke by 1st January 2016. The U. V. Helava Award (2000), sponsored by Elsevier Science bv and Leica Geosystems, LLC, consists of a grand prize of CHF 10,000 and a silver plaque presented to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper published exclusively in the ISPRS International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing during the four years preceding the Congress, and three runner- up prizes of a Journal subscription and certificate, presented to the author(s) of the best papers published in each of the other three years preceding the Congress. The Giuseppe Inghilleri Award (2012), sponsored by the Italian Society for Surveying and Photogrammetry (SIFET) is presented to a person who has significantly enhanced the applications of photogrammetry, remote sensing or spatial information sciences in the 4 years preceding the Congress. The award consists of CHF 2,500 and a certificate. Nominations should be submitted to President Chen Jun by 1st February 2016. THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 25 PRAGUE 2016 The Wang Zhizhuo Award (2008), sponsored by The Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography (CSGPC) consists of a medal and a monetary grant (SFr. 2,500). It will be granted at each quadrennial ISPRS Congress to a person who has made significant achievement or innovation in the spatial information sciences. Nominations should be sent to President Chen Jun by 1st February 2016. The President‘s Honorary Citation (1988) is a certificate of recognition presented by the President of ISPRS to a chairperson, co-chairperson or member of a Working Group of each ISPRS Technical Commission. The citation is to recognize special, personal and meritorious contributions to the operation of the relevant Technical Commission’s activities and advancement of its interests, during the quadrennial term of the Society. Nominations should be made by the Technical Commission Presidents to President Chen Jun by 1st March 2016. The ISPRS Prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors are sponsored by donor organizations and by ISPRS to authors who are less than 35 years old and are the sole author of a high quality paper presented to the Congress. Each prize consists of a certificate and a SFr. 2,500 grant to make it possible for the winner to participate in the Congress. To be eligible, young authors must submit their paper to Congress Director Lena Halounová by 30 November 2015. At the Congress, a total of 16 Best Interactive Session Awards (1988) are sponsored by ISPRS. A jury for each of the eight ISPRS Commissions observes the interactive presentations and selects the two best Poster Papers from the Commission. The award consists of a gift and certificate from the Congress Director. At the Congress, the CATCON Prizes (1996),a software Computer Assisted Teaching Contest, will be organized by ISPRS Technical Commission VI and funded by The ISPRS Foundation. The main objective of the contest is to promote the development and dissemination of good, user-friendly software packages, www contents and data sets for computer assisted teaching, which preferably are non-commercial and free. Typically the prizes consist of a Gold Award (SFr. 3,000), Silver Award (SFr. 2,500), and Bronze Award (SFr. 1,500) and a certificate. The Karl Kraus Medal (2010), sponsored by the German Society of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences (DGPF), the Austrian Society of Surveying and Geoinformation (OVG), and the Swiss Society of Photogrammetry, Image Analysis, and Remote Sensing (SGPBF), is awarded to authors of excellent textbooks in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information sciences, written in one of the official languages 26 of the ISPRS, and published no more than eight years prior to the commencement of the quadrennial ISPRS Congress at which the medal is to be presented. Nominations for the Award should be senttoPresidentChenJunby1st February2016. The Frederick J. Doyle Award (2012) will be awarded to an individual who has made significant accomplishments in advancing the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences and technologies. A recipient of the award should typically be less than 50 years of age and have outstanding stature within the ISPRS community. The award consists of a silver medal and a monetary grant. Nominations for the Award should be sent to President Chen Jun by 1st February 2016. Award Deadline Fellows 1st October 2015 Brock Gold Medal Award 1st October 2015 Eduard Doležal Award 1st January 2016 Best Papers submitted by Young Authors 30 November 2015 Otto von Gruber Award 1st February 2016 Samuel Gamble Award 1st February 2016 Willem Schermerhorn Award 1st February 2016 Schwidefsky Medal 1st February 2016 Wang Zhizhuo Award 1st February 2016 Karl Kraus Medal 1st February 2016 Frederick J. Doyle Award 1st February 2016 Giuseppe Inghilleri Award 1st February 2016 President‘s Honorary Citation 1st March 2016 U.V. Helava Award Does not require a formal submission Any general enquiries concerning awards should be made to First Vice President Orhan Altan. The ISPRS Prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors ISPRS Council will award cash prizes to encourage young authors who are under 35 years old and are the sole author of a high quality paper presented to the XXIII ISPRS Congress in Prague, Czech Republic, 12-19 July 2016. The Prizes are sponsored by donor organizations and by ISPRS. Each prize consists of a certificate and a CHF 2,500 grant to make it possible for the winner to participate in the Congress. Results of the judging will be announced by 31 March 2016 and the ISPRS Treasurer will send the funds to the winners. The winning authors have to reply in writing that they will be present at the Congress and present their papers in a technical session at the Congress. Conditions: • Born on or after 1 July 1981 • Single author • Age proof in English and additional copy of final manuscript to the President of ISPRS CATCON A Computer Assisted Teaching CONtest (CATCON) will be organized on Thursday 14 July by the ISPRS Technical Commission VI. The main objective of the contest is to promote the development and dissemination of effective, educational and user-friendly multimedia tutorial, simulations and virtual environments, information packages or data sets and application software for computer assisted teaching in photogrammetry, remote sensing or spatial information science. All registrants at the ISPRS Congress may nominate a software system or a data set for the contest. In principle, all tutorials, software or data sets nominated for CATCON should be non-commercial and should be provided to users without license charges for not-for-profit use. Contestants are required to provide their own notebook computer to demonstrate the software or data set. Each participant will be allocated five minutes for a brief presentation, followed by approximately two hours for demonstrations to attendees. The Gold Award, Silver Award, and Bronze Award will be presented to the winners at the Closing Ceremony. • Deadline for submitting full paper: 30 November 2015 The CATCON Awards are supported by the ISPRS Foundation. • Deadline for submitting the final paper: 15 March 2016 Details of the contest will be announced at the ISPRS Congress website htttp:// THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 27 PRAGUE 2016 Social Programme The following social events will take place during the Congress. Please refer to the Congress website for detailed information and reservation after 12 July 2015. Welcome Reception All participants, accompanying persons and exhibitors are invited to the Welcome Reception. It is a great chance to see old friends and make new ones from all over the world. For all registered participants, accompanying persons, sponsors, exhibitors and single day participants on 12 July 2016 is Welcome Reception free of charge. Date: Tuesday 12 July 2016 Exhibitors’ Reception The Exhibitors are pleased to invite all participants and accompanying persons to a reception in the Exhibition area. The Reception is free of charge for all registered participants, accompanying persons, sponsors, exhibitors and single day participants on 13 July 2016. Views at the Prague City from the Vltava River are as unique as marvelous. A boat trip with dinner will be prepared for registered participants and accompanying persons for an additional fee. The cruise will take approx. 2 hours and will go through city centre. Date: Saturday 16 July 2016 Outdoor Soccer Match Everyone is welcome to join in a five-a-side soccer challenge. All participants are invited to come along and take part, whether you’re after some competition or just a friendly game. Registration of interested will be available on the registration website. Date: To be confirmed Young Scientist Ice-Breaker Party Date: Wednesday 13 July 2016 All young scientist are invited to Ice-Breaking Party. It is a perfect way to meet new people and to make some new connections with young people interested in the same field. Congress Dinner Date: 15 July 2016 This will be a Gala Event on the Žofín island, a unique venue in Prague ( Date: Monday 18 July 2016 Theatre & Concert Evenings Prague has many concert halls theaters and restaurants with live music. A selection of these will available to registered participants and accompanying persons for an additional fee. Date: Thursday 14 July, Sunday 17 July 2017 28 Boat trip Registration All prices are quoted in EUR. Prior to 31/01/2016 Prior to 04/2016 Prior to 11/06/2016 On Site Basic 600 € 630 € 690 € 890 € Basic Students & Seniors 330 € 350 € 380 € 490 € Categories Accompanying Persons 260 € 270 € 300 € 350 € Day Registrations 250 € 260 € 290 € 320 € Lunches 190 € 190 € 190 € 190 € Gala Dinner 150 € 150 € 150 € 150 € Basic Registration Fee Entitlements: Accompanying persons Entitlements: • Access to the Exhibition • Entry to all sessions • Attendance at Welcome Reception • Attendance at the Welcome Reception • Attendance at the Opening Ceremony • Copy of Final Programme • Attendance at the Closing Ceremony • Digital Copy of Proceedings • Attendance at the Exhibitor’s Reception • Entry to the Exhibition • Morning and Afternoon Coffee&Tea • Attendance at the Exhibitor‘s Reception Students are below 30 and seniors above 65 to 1 July 2016. Day Registration Entitlements: • Entry to all sessions on the day of registration • Copy of Final Programme • Entry to the Exhibition • Morning and Afternoon Coffee&Tea for one day • Attendance at the Welcome Reception • Attendance at the Exhibitors’ Reception THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 29 PRAGUE 2016 Certificate of Attendance Cancellation and Refund Policy All registered participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance during the Congress. Cancellations must be advised via congress web page Cancellations received before Friday, 15 April 2016 will receive a refund of registration fees, less an administrative charge of EUR 200. Cancellations after this date will not be refundable. How to Register Please register via the Congress website Payment All prices quoted are in EUR including VAT and local taxes. Registration cannot be confirmed until full payment is received. The Congress Office can accept the following methods of payment: Credit/Debit Card All following credit cards are accepted: MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, Diners Club. Bank Transfer If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please indicate on your registration form where specified. Should you select this option, documentation will be sent to you. This will allow the Congress Office to monitor the status of your payment. Registration Acknowledgment Your registration will be acknowledged within 5 working days after receiving the payment by credit card, or within 10 working days after receiving the payment by bank transfer. Alterations Alterations to your registration will not be accepted over the telephone. Alterations must be done via congress web page Hotel Reservations A sufficient number of rooms has been reserved at international standard category hotels in Prague for the Congress. Special rates will be obtained for the participants of the Congress. However please note that this rate may be applied only if you book through the website Please refer to the Congress website for detailed hotel information and reservation after 12 July 2015. Cancellation and Refund Policy Cancellations must be administered in the registration system at the Congress website Information About the Congress Arrival A Congress Welcome Desk will welcome and help participants at the Václav Havel Airport, Prague. Opening Times of the Congress Office: The Congress Office which is situated in the PCC (Congress Venue) will be open: 11 July – 19 July 2016 Contact Communication concerning the scientific programme should be addressed to: Communication concerning organizational issues, registration and accommodation should be addressed to: 30 Technical Tours Two Days Krakow Universities and Polish Science Vexcel Imaging GmbH a Microsoft Company, Academy, Poland Austria “Microsoft’s UltraCam business group offers state-of-the-art photogrammetric products based on the latest and mostadvanced technological developments. The flagship product— the UltraCam photogrammetric digital aerial mapping camera—was first introduced in 2004 to offer customers an alternative to traditional film aerial technology.” (http://www. Date & Place: 20-21 July 2016, Graz, Austria The tour will be focused on a scientific part (Universities + Polish Science Academy) and tourist part – Krakow as a historical city of southern Poland. The scientific part will comprise a review of scientific projects and presentations from Photogrammetry/LIDAR/GIS/RS / Geomatic sector working in Krakow and our region. Date & Place: 20-21 July 2016, Krakow, Poland Transport: Bus Transport: Bus Deutches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany One day DLR is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport and security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. In addition to its own research, as Germany’s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility by the federal government for the planning and implementation of the German space programme. DLR is also the umbrella organisation for the nation’s largest project management agency. Date & Place: 20-21 July 2016, Oberpffafenhofen (Munich), Germany Department of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic One of the oldest universities in the Czech Republic (Moravia) has a Department of Geoinformatics. Department focus on cartography, GIS and remote sensing with many projects regarding environment, city problems, etc. Date & Place: 18 July 2016, Olomouc, Czech Republic Transport: Train Transport: Bus THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 31 PRAGUE 2016 Half day: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Civil and Cadastre Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic The presentation will cover historical maps and their registration, web servers, photogrammetry for cultural heritage, development of urban areas, interferometry, etc. Digital map databases of the Czech Republic, Remote and Open Access to Cadaster etc. Date & Place: 18 July 2016, Prague, Czech republic Transport: Bus Date & Place: 18 July 2016, Prague, Czech republic Transport: Bus Free cancellation of reserved tours until 31 May 2016. Faculty of Science, Charles University, Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography Excursion to the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague: The excursion offers an insight into educational and research activities at the Institute of Geography of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, one of the oldest universities in Europe. In addition, there will be a visit to the Map Collection of the Faculty of Science containing more than 130 000 map sheets, atlases and globes; approximately 50% of them are early prints and manuscripts dating before 1850. Date & Place: 18 July 2016, Prague, Czech republic Transport: walk (22 minutes one way) 32 Optional Tours Proposal of Sightseeign Activities for the XXIII ISPRS Congress – Prague, 2016 TOURS IN PRAGUE Option 1 PRAGUE OLD TOWN & JEWISH QUARTER (Program duration approx. 4 hours) Discover the most significant square in historical Prague which originated in the 12th century. It is the very place where 27 Czech noblemen were executed on 21st June 1621 and where the history of Czech lands was written many times. Beside the Old Town Hall and the Church of Our Lady before Tyn the square has several other dominant buildings, the baroque St. Nicholas church, the Stone Bell house – a gothic city palace from the 14th century, and the Memorial to Master Jan Hus. During this tour, your guests will have the chance to learn more of the incredible people who made contributions to building the social and cultural centre of Prague over the years (amongst others: Wolfgang. Amadeus Mozart, Nicollo Paganini, Tycho Brahe (Danish Astronomer) or Franz Kafka (the most celebrated Prague writer of Jewish origin). The Prague meridian can be seen there. Prague Jewish Town/Prague Ghetto dates back to the 13th century but its present appearance is mainly the result of a vast redevelopment action undertaken between 1893–1913. Only a few of the most significant buildings were saved, a living testimony of the history of Prague Jews that lasted for many centuries. Yet these buildings form the best present complex of Jewish historical monuments in all of Europe. Six synagogues remain from this old settlement which includes the Jewish Town Hall and the Old Jewish Cemetery – the most remarkable in Europe. Except the Old-New Synagogue they are part of the Jewish Museum. The tour ends on Charles Bridge where you can admire the open gallery of sculptures. Option 2 VLTAVA RIVER & CHARLES BRIDGE TOUR (Program duration approx. 4 hours) The Vltava River and the gothic 13th century Charles Bridge are an integral part of Prague’s heritage. Since the medieval ages Prague has become an important centre of trade and a seat of the Czech Kings. The large urban area stretched on both sides of the Vltava River and so a construction of a bridge over the river became one of the conditions of its further development. This exciting program starts by a visit of the museum of Charles Bridge where you can admire a unique model of the construction of Charles Bridge including illustrations of the medieval technologies used. The museum exhibition also includes sections on adjacent architecture, decorative statues and features and last but not least a documentation of the floods in Prague. The museum visit will be followed by a light refreshment and a river cruise on board the historic canal boats. Experience an original canal boat from the end of 19th century. The “Vodouch” has an unique wooden interior with brass details and historical stove heating during the winter months. Certified shipmasters provide live commentary on Prague monuments and development of the Prague embankment while Berth officers usher the passengers aboard and provide refreshing drinks. Enjoy quite a different tour of Prague from a water level perspective! NOTES: • Jewish Quarter, Jewish Cemetery and Jewish Town Hall are closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays • approx. 3 hrs are recommended for a full visit of the Jewish Quarter Includes: Entrance to Jewish Quarter Entrance to Old New Synagogue 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 4 hours Transportation town Includes: Cruise for 1 hour Refreshment on boat Entrance to Charles Bridge Museum 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 4 hours Transportation THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 33 PRAGUE 2016 Option 3 Option 4 PRAGUE CASTLE DISCOVERY & LESSER TOWN TOUR (Program duration approx. 4 hours) VYŠEHRAD – “ONE OF THE OLDIEST PRAGUE QUARTERS” (Program duration approx. 4 hours) Prague Castle is the largest medieval castle complex in Europe. The Prague Castle complex, seat of Czech kings throughout the ages, comprises of many buildings, including the gothic St. Vitus Cathedral (Prague’s most recognizable landmark), several palaces, a monastery, museums & galleries, viewing towers, St. George’s Basilica and the enchanting Golden Lane. The crown jewels are kept in Prague Castle, as are the relics of Bohemian kings, or precious Christian reliquiae. Events important for the whole country have taken place within its walls. Prague Castle means the embodiment of the historical tradition of the Czech state, linking the present with the past. The Lesser Quarter is a picturesque area which was and still is an inspiration for writers, poets, musicians, painters, photographers - as a matter of fact for everybody with a pinch of romanticism in his or her soul. It is situated on the left bank of the Vltava River, between Hradcany and Petrin Hill and just under Prague Castle. Because of its incredible charm; it was chosen by the nobility and the wealthy as their permanent residence, and they enriched it with sumptuous palaces and magnificent churches. Your guests can begin their tour at Prague Castle and continue down towards Lesser Town to find many cultural icons throughout of this area. NOTES: • 25 participants per guide recommended • Prague Castle interiors: St. Vitus Cathedral, Old Royal Palace, Vladislav Hall, Golden Lane, St. George; tour followed by a ride by historic tram in from Prague Castle to the Old Town area • Tour to be terminated in a restaurant for lunch Includes: Entrance to Prague Castle 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 4 hours Transportation 34 Vyšehrad cliff belongs among the city quarters stretching above the Vltava River. Although Vyšehrad is mentioned in many old Prague legends (about Libuše, War of Maids or Horymír), the original medieval fortress of Vyšehrad was actually younger than Prague Castle. Nowadays Vyšehrad is dominated by the neo gothic church of St. Peter and Paul and surrounded by many interesting sights stretched over the green Vyšehrad rock/hill. Just to name a few – Leopold Gate built in 1670, Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin, St. Lawrence’s basilica or the mysterious so called “Devil’s stone”. At Vyšehrad, you can also visit a beautiful cemetery, the resting place of the Czech nation’s elite called Slavín, where most of the gravestones are made by leading Czech sculptors. Includes: Entrance to Vyšehrad 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 4 hours Transportation TOURS OUTSIDE PRAGUE Option 2 Option 1 VISIT TO KUTNÁ HORA „THE TOWN OF SILVER“ (Program duration approx. 6 hours) KARLŠTĚJN – “UNIQUE GOTHIC CASTLE” (Program duration approx. 6 hours) This Gothic castle, founded in 1348, has a unique position among Czech castles. It was built by the Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV as a place for safekeeping the royal treasures, especially Charles’s collection of holy relics and the coronation jewels of the Roman Empire. At the outbreak of the Hussite wars, the castle became the place for safekeeping the Czech coronation jewels, with the exception of several short-time breaks, for nearly 200 years. The castle was reconstructed in late Gothic style after 1480 and in Renaissance style in the last quarter of the 16th century. The present appearance of the castle comes from the last reconstruction, which was carried out in the purist neo-Gothic style by architect Josef Mocker at the end of the 19th century. The original step-like order of buildings is very impressive. From the Well tower and Burgrave’s palace located as the lowest you’d walk up to the majestic five-storied Imperial palace and further up towards the Marian tower. NOTES: • Maximum number of persons per tour is 55 pax (incl. guide) • Tour times need to be booked in advance • Mini-bus shuttle with access to Karlštejn Castle available • Maximum capacity is 40 persons per transfer During the Middle Ages, profits from the Kutná Hora silver mines brought fame to the lands of the Czech Crown, and Kutná Hora became the richest and most powerful town in the Czech lands. At the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, Kutná Hora became the seat of King Václav IV. The Gothic St. James’ Church (1330) and the St. Barbara’s Cathedral (1388), devoted to the patroness of miners, are among the most important architectural monuments. Among other jewels is the former mint – The Vlašský dvůr (Italian Court) from the 13th century, and several patrician houses. The tour includes a visit to a former medieval mine. Cathedral of St. Barbara Construction works were initiated in 1388 just behind the town walls on a rocky cliff with a magnificent view over the valley of the Vrchlice River, outcrops of the richest silver mines and an old chapel dedicated to St. Barbara, the patron saint of miners. Cemetery Chapel & Ossuary in Sedlec Unique skeletal decorations of the interior of the chapel include a massive chandelier, a cross, chalices, a monstrance or Schwarzenberg coat-of-arms. According to estimates, bones of approximately 40,000 people were used to decorate the chapel, creating this unique ossuary – a reminder of the transience of human life and the inevitability of death. Includes: Entrance to Kutná hora Cathedral, Cemetery Chapel and Sedlec Monastery 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 6 hours Transportation Includes: Entrance to Karlštejn 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 6 hours Transportation THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 35 PRAGUE 2016 Option 3 Option 4 KONOPIŠTĚ – “FRENCH GOTHIC CASTLE” (Program duration approx. 6 hours) PILSEN/PLZEŇ – THE CITY OF PILSNER URQUELL BEER (Min. 15 persons per group) Visit an original French Gothic castle from the 14th century. Konopiste castle was reconstructed at the end of 19th century for Frantisek Ferdinand, successor to the Austrian-Hungarian throne. It is famous for housing a beautiful collection of European weapons and artwork from the 16th – 18th century. Come to a forest region where this impressive piece of architecture is hidden. Upon your request we can arrange for a band of medieval musicians in colourful costumes who will await your arrival and accompany you along the broad footpath to the main entrance of the castle. Step into the rose garden for cocktails and enjoy a show of wild falcons. A tour of the castle will reveal an incredible collection of hunting trophies compiled by Prince Ferdinand. Plzen is the place where golden lager beer was born in 1842, since then the whole beer world has been trying to imitate it. Beers bearing names such as “pils”, “pilsner” or “pilsener” number in hundreds; however, the only original recognized worldwide is Pilsner Urquell. In the Pilsner Urquell Museum amongst others you will see an Egyptian brewery model, an original Gothic malthouse with its own well, a working example of a brewhouse, and goblets used by Emperor František Josef I for beer tasting. In the next part you will see the secrets of the brewing process. Na Spilce Restaurant The restaurant offers a pleasant seating in the stylish surroundings of the brewery pub.It is located on the site of the former fermentation cellar, known as the „spilka“, directly inside the brewery complex. Includes: Entrance to Konopiště 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 6 hours Transportation Includes: Entrance to Pilsen brewery 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 8 hours Transportation 36 Option 5 KARLOVY VARY – FAMOUS SPA TOWN (Min. 15 pers. per group) Karlovy Vary, the most famous Czech spa, has always been inseparably connected with the soothing curative effect of its warm mineral springs. They marked the history, architecture, economy and the whole spirit of the city. Curative treatments have been enjoyed here by some of the finest composers – Mozart, Beethoven and Bach – as well as famous writers and thinkers such as Goethe, Kafka and Freud. The Becherovka Museum is located right in the original factory built by its founder Jan Becher in 1867 from where has Becherovka been distributed to the world. The museum shows a colourful history, the process of making and tasting of the Becherovka liqueur waits for all guests at the end of the visit. The tour includes a city tour & tasting of mineral springs, lunch in Grandhotel Pupp OR Poštovní dvůr, the entrance to Moser glass works OR Becherovka museum, guide service & transportation. When visiting the Moser glass factory you can enjoy watching the hands of the best glass blowers and engravers changing masses of hot glass into a refined glass product. Free cancellation of reserved tours until 31 May 2016. More options as well as detailed information will be presented on Includes: Entrance to Becherovka museum incl. liqueur degustation Entrance to Moser museum Entrance to Moser glassworks 2-course lunch with 1 soft drink Professional guide up to 6 hours Transportation Contact person: Jarmila Škoríková Phone: +420 606 654 144 E-mail: THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 37 PRAGUE 2016 General Information Czech Brief History Time First Slavs came to Bohemia, an area that is nowadays called the Czech Republic, between the 4th and 6th centuries, in the time of enormous “Migration of peoples”. These legendary people built up foundations, on which our new-age history began. Czech time is GMT +1 hour, in summer GMT +2 (summer time) - St. Wenceslas in the 10th and Charles IV in the 14th century were personalities that opened a tremendous development in Bohemia. At the same time, they were the ones that created the atmosphere and actual appearance of Prague as we know now. The voltage is 220 V with frequency of 50 KHz The so-called “First Republic” was an outstandingly successful period of Czechoslovakia; it was founded as a self-sufficient and sovereign democratic state after the First World War in 1918. Between the two wars, excluding the economic crisis in thirties, the Czech Crown, an official currency of Czechoslovakia was the fourth strongest currency in the whole Europe and had strong partners, too. The damages not caused by Nazis, were done by the communist regime taking the power in 1948 over. Setting up and planning everything in the society, as well as economy was one of important features of the regime. The communist regime lasted till 1989 and its representatives left the power after a peaceful (as we called “Velvet”) revolution. Citizens of EU need their national ID card (or passport), for others passport is required. For visa procedures please check the Czech Embassy or Consulate in your own country. In case of any difficulty in getting a visa, please apply for an invitation and letter of confirmation to Nineties of the 20th century were very hard for the Republic, as the system had to be rebuilt. Improving services and logistics for tourists helped so much that even the Prague international airport had to be enlarged twice during last fifteen years and new constructions are still going on. Natural heritages as well as 12 cities are in the UNESCO list being wonderful during four seasons. The Czech Republic is a part of European Union since 2004. Currency Currency of the Republic is the Czech Crown (CZK). However, Euro is widely accepted in many restaurants, hotels and shops. Payment with credit cards is always a solution. Exchange rates are approximately 27,5 CZK/EUR and 25,5 CZK/USD. For more detailed information please check the actual exchange rates. Weather Prague being located in Central Europe has rather high variations regarding weather between the seasons. It is possible to say that weather in Prague is warm and fairly dry in spring; summer is warm and sunny. The average temperature in June/July is 24 °C (75°F) during the afternoon. 38 Electricity Passport and Visa Insurance We strongly recommend participants to carry travel and health insurance. Business Hours Banks Monday to Friday 09.00–12.00 - 13.30–17.00 Shops Monday-Friday 08.00–19.00 Saturday 09.00–12.00 Shops in Prague centre and the big Malls open on Sundays Public Transport in Prague Prague provides its inhabitants and guests with: Metro – 3 lines – A, B, C – two of them (A, B) are suitable for traveling from and to the Prague airport. Trams create a more detailed transport network. Buses interconnect the parts, whose distances to tram and metro lines are longer than the one that can be called ‘comfortable’. Buses and trams have their night lines – between 12 p.m. and 4 a.m. The night public transport in Prague is one of the best in the world. All night tram lines are reachable at one central transfer station. Financial Assistance The ISPRS Congress Organizing Committee and The ISPRS Foundation are pleased to announce that a limited number of travel grants will be available to provide financial support for deserving attendees from developing countries. The ISPRS Foundation is a non-profit entity, administered exclusively for benevolent purposes of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), a non-profit, non-governmental, international society legal registered in Maryland, USA, and managed by a Board of Trustees. The Foundation provides a broadly-based programme of grants, scholarships, awards, supplies and other forms of aid to individuals and organizations pursuing knowledge of the sciences and technologies associated with the disciplines embodied by the ISPRS, especially to those in developing countries and regions. Applications for travel grants will be available for download from the Congress website ( Applicants should meet following criteria: • Reside in developing (ODA) countries or countries in transition TIF – The ISPRS Foundation TIF is a public charity formed to administer an extensive and broadly-based international program that through the raising of funds shall provide grants, scholarships, awards, training supplies and other forms of scientific assistance to qualified individuals and organizations who are pursuing and/or applying knowledge for advancing the sciences and technologies associated with the disciplines embodied by the ISPRS, especially to support those in developing countries and regions. Through the public promotion of its philanthropic efforts TIF aims to foster greater international awareness and use of the benefits that applications of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences produce for public good and to the well-being of humanity and sustainability of the environment. The ISPRS Foundation solicits donations and provides grants in 12 Categories of benevolence. More information at ISPRS website ( • Have no or insufficient funds from other sources to support their participation • Present a paper or a poster at the event, or be the national representative at the General Assembly • Include a letter of acceptance of a paper (if appropriate) from the Congress Organizing Committee. Due to the large number of requests and the limited funds available, partial funding may only be available. To support as many applicants as possible, those individuals requesting a minimum amount of support and/or with evidence of support from their organization will receive higher priority. Each applicant must specify financial assistance required, by completing the online questionnaire and submitting this information at the Congress website no later than 28 February 2016. Written notification of whether you will receive financial assistance, and the amount, will be sent by the by 1 April 2016. Financial grants will be given in cash at the ISPRS Congress. No payments will be made prior to your attendance at the Congress. This means that all necessary costs to attend the Congress must be paid by you in advance of your attendance, and you will receive your payment at the Congress. Further details will be available on the website. THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 39 PRAGUE 2016 40 THE XXIII CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2016 III