International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Melbourne, Australia
August 2012
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Internationale Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection
Awards Presented at the Opening Ceremony
ISPRS Honorary Members
ISPRS Fellows
The Brock Gold Medal Award
The Otto von Gruber Award
The U.V. Helava Award
Elsevier, Hexagon
Awards Presented at the Gala Dinner
The Frederick J Doyle Award
The Eduard Dolezal Award
The Karl Kraus Medal
The Schwidefsky Medal
The Willem Schermerhorn Award
The Samuel Gamble Award
The Wang Zhizhou Award
The Guiseppe Inghilleri Award
ISPRS Foundation
The Netherlands
Awards Presented at the Closing Ceremony
President’s Citations
Best Poster Papers1
Congress Director
ISPRS Foundation
Awards Presented at Plenary Sessions
Best Papers by Young Authors
Best Papers at Youth Forum3
Leica Geosystems
Awards for the best posters will be decided at the Congress.
The CATCON competition will be held at the Congress.
The best papers from the Youth Forum will be presented at the closing of the Youth Forum.
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ......................................................................................................Page 1
ISPRS Honorary Member
An individual is elected as a Honorary
Member in recognition of distinguished
services to the ISPRS and its aims. Honorary
Members shall be nominated by a
committee, chaired by the most recent
Honorary Member and composed of
members from the current and three
previous Councils, and elected by the
Congress. There may not be more than ten
living Honorary Members of the Society at
any given time. The Committee has
nominated Ian Dowman (United Kingdom)
and (China) for election as Honorary
Members of ISPRS.
Emeritus Professor Ian
Dowman is nominated for
Honorary Membership of
ISPRS in recognition of his
long and distinguished
services to ISPRS and its
aims. Ian has held many roles
and responsibilities within the
Society, up to and including the office of
President. Ian’s contribution has been not
only as an Officer of the Society; he has also
made a significant research contribution to
diverse ISPRS Commissions and Working
Groups throughout his career, which has
covered major developments in both
photogrammetry and remote sensing and in
the synergy between them. He has also
participated in many other events in which
he had no direct leadership role. Ian’s
proactive approach has ensured that the
Society has turned many of these changes to
its advantage.
career at University College London (UCL).
He gained his formal academic qualifications
at UCL, completing a BSc in Geography, and
a Diploma and PhD in Photogrammetry.
After a short period working as a survey
practitioner in Australia, he returned to UCL
where he has held many academic positions
including Dean of Engineering. From 1991 to
2008 he was Professor of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, a clear mark of the
University authorities’ recognition of his
ability as a teacher as well as his contribution
to the international research community in
these fields.
Besides a sustained involvement with ISPRS,
Ian has found time to make a significant
contribution to organisations in the UK
Including the Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (RICS), the Photogrammetric
Society he was President, and he was
elected an Honorary Member in 1999. Ian
has also been Chairman of the Scientific
Committee of the Organisation Européenne
d'Etudes Photogrammétriques
Expérimentales (OEEPE, now EuroSDR, a
Regional Member of ISPRS). He has been
awarded many honours for his work. Such a
distinguished and sustained international
contribution in support of the activities and
aims of the International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is
presented as being worthy of Honorary
Membership of ISPRS.
Ian has had a very distinguished academic
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ISPRS Honorary Member
Professor Dr. Li Deren,
scientist in photogrammetry
and remote sensing, holds
dual membership in both the
Chinese Academy of
Sciences and the Chinese
Academy of Engineering, is
member of the Euro-Asia
International Academy of Science, and
honorary doctor of ETH Zürich. At present,
he is Professor and PhD supervisor of Wuhan
University, Vice-President of the Chinese
Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and
Cartography, Vice-president of Hubei
Association for Science and Technology
(HAST), Chair of the Academic Committee of
Wuhan University and the State Key
Laboratory of Information Engineering in
Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
In the 1980s, Professor Li Deren was mainly
engaged in the studies of observation errors
and processing methods in geodesy and
photogrammetry. In 1985, he completed
theoretical research in the separability of
model errors, which advanced the reliability
theory to the separability phase. The result
of this study received the 1988 Best Paper
Award of the German Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and
Hansa Luftbild Award. From 1990 up to now
Professor Li has concentrated on the
research and education in geo-spatial
information science and technology
represented by remote sensing (RS), global
positioning system (GPS) and geographic
information systems (GIS).
170 PhD students and 18 postdoctoral
candidates. He has published over 709
papers and 11 books. He won one prize of
the National Great Invention Award, three
prizes of the National Science and
Technology Progress Award, one prize of the
National Excellent Textbook Award and one
prize of the Award of the Excellent
Educational Achievements.
Professor Li Deren served as President of
ISPRS Technical Commissions III and VI from
1988-1992 and 1992-1996 respectively. He
worked for CEOS in 2002-2004 and was the
first President of Asia GIS Association (20032006). He received the Samuel G. Gamble
Award at the ISPRS XXI Congress in 2008
and received an award in appreciation and
recognition of the outstanding contribution
to the success and achievements of the
MOST/ESA Dragon Programme 2004 to
2007. Since 2010 he is ISPRS Fellow.
Li Deren is nominated as an Honorary
Member for distinguished service to ISPRS
and for his contribution to the science of
photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial
information science in China and
Since 1989 Professor Li Deren has supervised
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ISPRS Fellowships
The following persons have been selected to
receive ISPRS Fellowships in 2012 by the
Fellowship Nomination Committee.
2004 to the present and holds other
positions in commercial and academic
organisations. Since 1992 he has been
organizer of the biennial symposium “The
Photogrammetric Week Series. He is Author
of 16 books and more than 300 publications.
Dieter Fritsch (Germany)
Martien Molenaar (The Netherlands)
Professor Dr Dieter Fritsch
received his Dipl.-Ing.
Surveying from the University
of Bonn in 1977 and his PhD
in Signal Processing, also
from Bonn, in 1982. He
received his Habilitation in
Geographical Information
Systems (GIS), from the Technical University
of Munich. Since 1992 he has been Full
Professor and Director of the Institute for
Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart.
Dieter Fritsch has chaired or co-chaired
various WGs of the International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
(ISPRS) and from 1996-2000 was President
ISPRS Technical Commission IV “Mapping
and GIS”. He is a member of the ISPRS adhoc Committee “Knowledge Transfer” and
Chairman Board of Trustees The ISPRS
Foundation (TIF). He has been active in IAG
and EuroSDR in which he is Vice President of
Professor Dr Martien
Molenaar is with the
Department of GeoInformation Processing
Faculty of Geo-Information
Science and Earth
Observation (ITC) University
of Twente. He has a Doctors
degree in Geodesy of Delft Technical
University. He was a senior lecturer at ITC
(1973-1983) and a professor of GIS and
Remote Sensing at Wageningen University
(1983-1996). In 1996 he returned to the ITC
as a full professor in Geoinformatics and
Spatial Data Acquisition. From 2001 to 2009
he was Rector of the ITC, the International
Institute for Geoinformation Science and
Earth Observation. He is President of the
Netherlands Geodetic Commission. He was
also President of the Netherlands
Photogrammetric Society and later of the
Netherlands Society for Earth Observation
and Geoinformation. He has been active in
ISPRS since 1976 in many different positions,
as chair of several working groups, as
Director of the technical program of the
Amsterdam 2000 Congress, as co-founder of
the Amsterdam 2000 Trust Fund, as trustee
of The ISPRS Foundation, as member of
ISAC and for the term 2008-2012 as
President of ISPRS Technical Commission VI
An ISPRS Fellow is elected by the Society in
recognition of sustained, excellent service to
the ISPRS and its aims.
Dieter Fritsch has held senior position in the
University of Stuttgart, including being
President from 2000-2006. He was the
academic co-Founder of the German
University in Cairo (GUC), Egypt, and
Member GUC Board of Trustees; 2002-2005:
He is a member Board of Directors Leica
Geosystems, Heerbrugg, Switzerland from
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ISPRS Fellowships
on Education and Outreach. Through his
work he has been involved in international
projects, consulting missions and he has
been lecturing in many countries in Europe,
Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has
written more than 200 scientific publications
on geodesy, photogrammetry, spatial data
modeling, remote sensing and GIS.
Shailesh Nayak (India)
Dr. Shailesh Nayak has been
the Chairman, Earth System
Science Organization,
Government of India since
2008. He obtained a PhD
degree in Geology from the
M.S University of Baroda in
1980. He joined the Space
Applications Centre, ISRO in 1978, and led
projects related to ocean colour, coastal
zone, snow and glacier, and water resources.
Shailesh Nayak, as the Director of the Indian
National Centre for Ocean Information
Services, Hyderabad, set up a state-of-theart Tsunami Warning System around GIS. He
developed Marine GIS, and built services
related to fishery, ocean state and hazards.
Currently, he is responsible to establish
National GIS in India. Shailesh Nayak has
been awarded the prestigious ISCA Vikram
Sarabhai Memorial Award 2012, Bhaskara
Award for 2009, Indian National Remote
Sensing Award for 1994, and Doctor of
Science, by Andhra University in 2011. He
has served the Indian Remote Sensing
Society (ISRS) since 1983 and became
President during 2008-2010. He has been
actively involved in promoting ISPRS since
1994 and involved in activities of
Commission I and VII, and became the
President, ISPRS Technical Commission IV on
‘Geo-databases and Digital Mapping’ for the
term 2004-08. Shailesh Nayak has published
about 80 papers in SCI journals.
Paul Newby (UK)
Educated at Cambridge
University, the School of
Military Survey and University
College London, Paul Newby
was a land surveyor in UK
government service (1966–
1994), both overseas
(mapping for development in
Africa, the West Indies and Indonesia) and at
the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
(researcher and manager, with main interests
in digital photogrammetry and quality
management). After taking early retirement,
Paul’s career included occasional university
lecturing, starting a business intelligence
company, Geo-UK Ltd. (1994–1998) and
becoming a freelance technical translator
(from German and French into English)
covering geomatics and its applications,
notably working for Swisstopo, contributing
to the survey and mapping sections of the
Swiss government’s multilingual
terminological database and providing
words destined for the walls of the Swiss
Parliament and for the Swiss Alpine Museum,
thus drawing together his twin loves of
geography and mountaineering. He
eventually found his true vocation as Editor
of The Photogrammetric Record (1999–2011)
and published the Record’s “Terminology
Guide” (2007), later officially adopted by
ISPRS. He first attended an ISPRS
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ISPRS Fellowships
Symposium in 1982, was Chairman of WG
IV/3 (Map and Database Revision, 1988–96),
Vice President of the Photogrammetric
Society (1997–99) and UK Delegate to ISPRS
General Assembly from 2004.
Heinz Rüther (South Africa)
Emeritus Professor Heinz
Rüther graduated in 1969
with the Degree of Diplom–
Ingenieur at the University of
Bonn, joined the University of
Cape Town in 1972 and
obtained his Ph.D. in
Photogrammetry at UCT in
1982. He is a Fellow of the University of
Cape Town, a Fellow of the South African
Academy of Engineers, a Member of the
South African Academy of Science and an
Honorary Member of GISA. He was treasurer
of ISPRS from 1996-2000, and former Chair
of the Financial Commission of ISPRS as well
as former Vice President of the African
Association for Remote Sensing of
Environment. At present he serves on the
Governing Board of HIST, a joint initiative of
the Chinese Academy of Science and
UNESCO. From 1990 to his retirement in
2007, he was the Head of the Geomatics
Department/Division at the University of
Cape Town and Scientific Coordinator of the
Lake Rukwa Basin Integrated Project in
Tanzania from 2004 to 2007. Since 2005 he
leads the African Cultural Heritage Sites and
Landscapes Project as Principal Investigator.
Over recent years Professor Rüther’s special
interest has been focused on the area of
digital spatial documentation of architectural
structures, heritage sites and historical
landscapes with a special emphasis on
Africa. He has served on the executive of
CIPA (the International Committee for
Photogrammetry in Architecture) and has
served as ISPRS representative on the CIPA
committee; he is National CIPA delegate for
South Africa and a member of ICOMOS
South Africa.
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ......................................................................................................Page 6
The Brock Gold Medal Award
The Brock Gold Medal Award is donated by
the American Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, and is awarded for an
outstanding landmark contribution in the
evolution of the photogrammetry, remote
sensing and spatial information sciences,
which is a proven contribution to these
sciences and technologies of whatever form,
whether a major completed project or
program, some fundamentally new
equipment, system or fundamentally new
technique, or other new departure. The
winner is Franz Leberl (Austria).
Professor Dr Franz Leberl is
awarded the Brock Gold
Medal as he has achieved
landmark developments in
the fields of photogrammetry
and remote sensing over the
past 30 years. These can be
summarized as follows:
He was a pioneer in the development of
radargrammetry and the applications of
imaging radar and published a definitive
textbook on the subject;
He played a major role in projects on
mapping the planets using radar images;
He was an early innovator in ISPRS with
the commencement of the Working
Group Mathematical Pattern Recognition
and Image Analysis from 1976 to 1984;
He developed and marketed a
photogrammetric precision film scanner,
the UltraScan from 1998 with over 600
units sold, and a digital large format
aerial camera UltraCam from 2003, with ~
250 sold;
He was President of ISPRS Commission III
from 2000-2004;
He has published over 330 scientific
papers and holds 15 patents;
He has received numerous honours both
in the scientific arena and nationally.
Franz Leberl is a professor of Computer
Science at Graz University of Technology in
Austria. Born in 1945, he graduated from
Vienna University of Technology [Dipl.-Ing.,
1967, Dr. techn., 1972]. His career took him
to the International Institute for GeoInformation and Earth Sciences [ITC, The
Netherlands], to NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory [Pasadena, CA], a first
professorship in Graz [Austria] in
photogrammetry [1976-1984], and since
1992 in computer science. He founded the
research Institute for Digital Image
Processing at Joanneum Research Graz
(1980), the Institute for Computer Graphics
and Vision at Graz University of Technology,
was the CEO of the Austrian Research
Centers [Vienna, Austria, 1996-1998], started
companies in the USA [Vexcel Corp., 1985]
and in Austria [Vexcel Imaging GmbH, 1993],
and exited from business by a sale of the
company to Microsoft in 2006.
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The Otto von Gruber Award
The Otto von Gruber Award, which is
donated by International Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation
(ITC), consists of a medal and a monetary
grant, and is presented to the author, under
40 years of age, of a paper of outstanding
merit in the photogrammetry, remote
sensing and spatial information sciences over
the 4 years prior to the Congress. The
winner of the award is Jan-Henrik Haunert
Dr Jan-Henrik Haunert works
in the department of
Computer Science, University
of Würzburg He was born in
1978 and studied geodesy
and geoinformatics at the
University of Hannover,
Germany, and the Helsinki
University of Technology, Fin-land. In 2003,
he graduated in Hannover with distinction.
Afterward, he became a PhD student at the
institute of cartography and geoinformatics
in Hannover, where he achieved his PhD in
2008 with distinction, i.e., with the best
possible grade. In his dissertation, he
developed algorithms for map
generalization, in particular, for the automatic
aggregation of areas in planar subdivisions.
The methods he developed proved to be
applicable for a broad range of problems in
spatial data processing, e.g., in image or
map interpretation and in 3D generalization.
In an exceptional way, the work of Dr.
Haunert bridges the gap between theory
and application, covering a broad range of
topics such as spatial databases,
cartographic visualization, map matching,
combinatorial optimization, and
computational geometry.
Haunert’s award is based on the following
J.-H. Haunert and L. Sering. Drawing Road
Networks with Focus Regions, 2011. IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer
J.-H. Haunert and A. Wolff. Area aggregation
in map generalisation by mixed-integer
programming, 2010. International Journal of
Geographical Information Science,
J.-H. Haunert, A. Dilo and P. van Oosterom,
2009. Constrained set-up of the tGAP
structure for progressive vector data transfer.
Computers & Geosciences, 35(11):21912203.
J.-H. Haunert and M. Sester. Assuring logical
consistency and semantic accuracy in map
generalization, 2008. Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG),
J.-H. Haunert and M. Sester. Area collapse
and road centerlines based on straight
skeleton, 2008. GeoInformatica, 12(2):169191.
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ......................................................................................................Page 8
The U.V. Helava Award
The U.V. Helava Award, sponsored by
Elsevier B.V. and Hexagon Geosystems, was
established to encourage and stimulate
submission of high quality scientific papers
by individual authors or groups to the ISPRS
Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing, to promote and advertise the
Journal, and to honour the outstanding
contributions of Dr. Uuno V. Helava to
research and development in
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. The
award consists of a monetary grant of SFr.
10,000, certificates and a silver plaque, partly
funded by the Institute of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, of the Aalto University,
Finland. The plaque was designed by the
1980-88 ISPRS Technical Commission III
President, Einari Kilpelä, previously Professor
at the Helsinki University of Technology.
and tracking of pedestrians from a moving
stereo rig”, published in 2010.
The jury stated that the paper presents a
sophisticated system to detect and track
pedestrians from moving vehicles. It
combines close-range photogrammetry of
dynamic scenes and automatic image
understanding. The topic is highly relevant
for ground based navigation systems. The
objective, namely to have a real time
interpretation system, is challenging. The
paper gives insight into the different
modules and presents an impressive
quantitative evaluation. It is well organized,
interesting, and easy to read.
A five-member jury, comprising experts of
high scientific standing, whose expertise
covers the main topics included in the scope
of the Journal, evaluated 261 papers for the
period 2008-2011. For each year of the fouryear evaluation period, the Best Paper was
selected and has been announced in the
ISPRS Journal, ISPRS Newsletter, and on the
websites of ISPRS and Elsevier. The paper
receiving the Helava Award was selected
from these four papers.
The 2008-2011 U.V.
Helava Award is
presented to Konrad
Schindler, Andreas Ess,
Bastian Leibe, and Luc
Van Gool for their paper
“Automatic detection
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ......................................................................................................Page 9
The Frederick J Doyle Award
The Frederick J. Doyle Award (2012) will be
awarded to an individual who has made
significant accomplishments in advancing the
photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial
information sciences and technologies. A
recipient of the award should typically be less
than 50 years of age and have outstanding
stature within the ISPRS community. The award
consists of a silver medal and a monetary
grant. The winner in 2012 is Christian
Heipke, Germany.
Professor Dr Christian
Heipke’s experience in all
aspects of photogrammetry
and remote sensing at a time
when geographic information
systems were being
developed and used
operationally to integrate and
analyze digital data led to his well-rounded
career in geoinformation. In his capacity as
Head of the Institute of Photogrammetry and
GeoInformation at Leibniz Universität
Hannover, Professor Heipke has supervised
more than 20 Ph.D. theses. He and his
students have written over 270 scientific
publications with 70 in the top peer reviewed
journals of our field including ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote
Sensing, International Journal of
Geoinformation Science, Planetary and Space
Science, Machine Vision and Applications,
Geoinformation and Photogrammetric
Professor Heipke has been the Guest Editor of
major international journals in
photogrammetry and remote sensing and
serves on the Editorial Boards of several
international journals. He was Vice-President
of EuroSDR (2004-2009) and is currently Chair
of the German Geodetic Commission.
In addition to being active in ISPRS, Professor
Heipke is an ordinary member of the
Braunschweig Scientific Society (BWG) and
acatech - the German Academy for Technical
Sciences. Furthermore, he is a member of the
German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation
and Land Management (DVW), the German
Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Geoinformation (DGPF), the German
Society for Pattern Recognition (DAGM), the
American Society for Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing (ASPRS), and the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Professor Heipke has demonstrated
excellence in leadership and contribution to
ISPRS through his biannual organization and
hosting of one of the highest quality
international workshops entitled ”HighResolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial
Information” at the Institute of
Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, Leibniz
Universität Hannover.
In summary, Professor Heipke deserves the
ISPRS Frederick Doyle Award because of his
outstanding leadership in digital
photogrammetry, remote sensing, image
analysis, sensor orientation, GIS and computer
vision. He has made major contributions to the
geospatial profession through his biannual
international workshop on high-resolution
Earth imaging for geospatial information, and
he continues to shape our profession and the
direction of geospatial research. The jury
considers that Christian Heipke is following in
the footsteps of our esteemed colleague,
Frederick Doyle, as an educator, scientist and
professional society leader.
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The Eduard Dolezal Award
The Eduard Dolezal Award is donated by the
Austrian Society for Surveying and
Geoinformation to assist individuals or
representatives of institutions from
developing or reform countries to participate
in the ISPRS Congress. The winner is
George Sithole, Zimbabwe.
Dr. Sithole is a senior lecturer
of photogrammetry at the
Geomatics Department of
the University of Cape Town,
South Africa. Despite a heavy
workload because of
educational tasks, both for
him and for the small
research team in his department, he is very
active in research, and he is, for example.
involved in a number of papers to be
presented at the congress in Melbourne.
importance of Dr. Sithole's paper in
photogrammetry literature is illustrated by
the number of citations made to it.
According to Google Scholar the paper has
been cited 265 times. In Scopus, where only
citations in journal papers are considered,
the count is at currently at 165. Scopus'
citation counts also show that the relevance
of the paper is still increasing: 64 citations
were for the period 2005-2008 and 105 for
2009-2011. In the opinion of the jury the
above qualifies Dr. Sithole for the Dolezal
Dr. Sithole conducted his PhD research at the
TU Delft 2001-2005. The basis for this award
is a publication he made during this period,
entitled "Experimental comparison of filter
algorithms for bare-Earth
extraction from airborne laser scanning point
clouds", which appeared in the ISPRS
journal, August 2004. The paper introduces a
test designed by Dr Sithole to determine the
performance of filters extracting bare-earth
DEMs from airborne laser data. This paper
has turned out to have presented the defacto standard for the evaluation of airborne
lidar data filtering. The availability of such a
standard is highly relevant in the light of the
increasing routine production of high-density
elevation datasets. e.g. the AHN-2 in the
Netherlands, where automatic filtering has a
decisive influence on the data quality. The
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Karl Kraus Medal
The Karl Kraus Medal (2010), sponsored by
the German Society of Photogrammetry,
Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information
Sciences (DGPF), the Austrian Society of
Surveying and Geoinformation (OVG), and
the Swiss Society of Photogrammetry, Image
Analysis, and Remote Sensing (SGPBF), is
awarded to authors of excellent textbooks in
the fields of Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences,
written in one of the official languages of the
ISPRS, and published no more than eight
years prior to the commencement of the
quadrennial ISPRS Congress at which it is to
be presented. The medal is awarded to
George Vosselman and Hans-Gerd Maas
for their Text-Book "Airborne and Terrestrial
Laser Scanning"
been written by different authors, but the
editors made a real and successful effort of
combining and editing them into a complete
well-structured text book. It provides a selfcontained introduction to the topic of
airborne and terrestrial laser scanning
including all the relevant formulae. It could
be used as a base literature for respective
courses both on the bachelor's and master's
level. Due to the focus on the presentation
of methods instead of systems it will remain
up-to-date for a significant time period. It
gives an excellent explanation of the physical
and technical aspects of data acquisition and
processing. Mathematical formulae have
been given where useful and in an accessible
Dr George
is Professor
of GeoInformation
with Sensor
Systems at ITC in University of Twente.
Professor Dr Hans-Gerd Maas is professor
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
Dresden University of Technology. The jury
considered that although written by many
different authors, the book highly fulfils all
criteria of a textbook. The chapters have
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ....................................................................................................Page 12
The Schwidefsky Medal
The Schwidefsky Medal is sponsored by
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie
und Fernerkundung (DGPF), in memory of
Professor Dr. rer. techn. Dr.-Ing.e.h. Kurt
Schwidefsky, Honorary Member of the ISPRS.
The Award is in the form of a medal made of
porcelain. The recipients shall be persons
who have made significant contributions to
photogrammetry and remote sensing, either
through the medium of publication as author
or editor, or in another form. The
Schwidefsky Medal is awarded to George
Vosselman, The Netherlands.
Professor Dr George
Vosselman is Professor of
Geo-Information Extraction
with Sensor Systems in the
Faculty of Geoinformation
Science and Earth
Observation (ITC) of the
University of Twente. During
George Vosselman’s appointment as Editor
in Chief, the International Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
(IJPRS) has improved in multiple aspects.
IJPRS has improved its ISI position among
the category of remote sensing journals,
becoming the journal with the 3rd highest
impact factor in this category and improving
values for other citation criteria, such as the
5-year impact factor, and total cites of
previous years. The review process has been
speeded up and the whole paper processing
procedure runs well via a comfortable WEB
interface; this has been assisted by the
appointment of additional associate editors.
The number of submitted papers has
increased and a healthy backlog exists. The
size of the journal has been increased, both
physically and in the number of pages
published on the average; two special/theme
issues per year are published, strengthening
the ties with the scientific work of ISPRS
Commissions and WGs. Relations to the
publisher (Elsevier) have been running
smoothly, and although some of the above
improvements could have resulted in a
coresponding increase of subscription fees,
this has not been the case.
All above improvements are to a significant
extent due to the dedicated and careful work
of George Vosselman.
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The Willem Schermerhorn Award
The Willem Schermerhorn Award (1988),
sponsored by Geo-Information Netherlands
is granted to a person who has most
significantly contributed to the activities of a
Working Group of the ISPRS during the four
year Congress period. The award consists of
a certificate and has been awarded to Cemal
Özgür Kıvılcım, Turkey
Cemal Özgür Kıvılcım has
led and coordinated to a
large degree the activities of
the Student Consortium (SC).
He was also very capable in
representing the SC in
various fora and cooperating
with the TC VI President and
the Council. He was active in the SC also
before the Beijing Congress as SC
Coordinator-in-Chief (2006-2008), and has
been involved also in other student
organisations (among them he is cofounding member of the FIG Young
Surveyors). Cemal and his colleagues played
an essential role in forming and shaping the
ISPRS Student Consortium and invested
much of their time to make it an official
component of the ISPRS organization. They
developed the structural and sustainable
relationships with other organizations for
young professionals and students, many of
whom are part of sister societies of ISPRS.
Cemal’s activities were continuous and stable
during the past 4-years in spite of several
personal difficulties and the fact that he is
working and studying at the same time.
Cemal obtained his bachelor degree at
Yildez Technical University in Istanbul and is
currently studying for his PhD at the Istanbul
Technical University, while at the same time
he is working for the Municipality of Istanbul.
This award also recognises the contribution
of the other members of the Student
Consortium Council.
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The Samuel Gamble Award
The Samuel Gamble Award is sponsored by
the Canadian Institute of Geomatics in
honour of Dr. Samuel G. Gamble, former
President of ISPRS, and Director of the 1972
Congress. A recipient of the award shall be
a person who, like Dr. Gamble, has
contributed significantly to the development,
organization or professional activities of the
photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial
information sciences, at the national or
international level. The winner of the Award
is Kohei Cho, Japan.
Professor Dr. Kohei Cho is a
Professor of the Department
of Network and Computer
Engineering of Tokai
University, Japan. He has
made significant
contributions in the field of
remote sensing. His
dedication to working on education and
international coordination in Asia are
especially outstanding.
CATCON has been organized every four
years at the ISPRS Congresses and has
become one of the official events of ISPRS.
In 2004, Kohei Cho was elected as the
President of ISPRS Commission VI on
Education and Outreach, and he initiated the
Student Consortium as the first official
student organization within ISPRS. In 2007,
he was elected as the Deputy General
Secretary of AARS to support the General
Secretary. At the ACRS 2008 in Colombo, he
initiated a new student program for students
under the framework of ACRS. He
continually promotes and encourages
students and young scientists in Asia. In
2009 he was elected as the General
Secretary of AARS, and was awarded the Dr.
Boon Indrambarya Gold Medal to his
contribution to remote sensing in the Asian
region. He has published more than 100
papers on remote sensing in national and
international journals and proceedings. He is
also co-author of 14 books on remote
sensing and image processing.
Between 1982 and 1992 Koheo Cho worked
for government agencies in Japan and in
1992, he moved to Tokai University. From
1992 to 1996, he was involved in the
Regional Remote Sensing Seminar on
Tropical Ecosystem Management coorganize by NASDA and ESCAP every year
in countries in Asia. In 1996, he initiated the
educational software contest CATCON at the
ISPRS Vienna Congress. Since then,
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ....................................................................................................Page 15
The Wang Zhizuo Award
is sponsored by the Chinese Society of
Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
(CSGPC) and consists of a medal and a
monetary grant. It will be granted at each
quadrennial ISPRS Congress to a person who
has made significant achievement or
innovation in the spatial information
sciences. The winner of the Award is
Wenzhong Shi, Hong Kong.
Professor John Shi is a
Professor in GIS and remote
sensing, Department of Land
Surveying and GeoInformatics, and Director of
Advanced Research Centre
for Spatial Information
Technology, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University.
important field of geographic information
science: data quality and uncertainty
modelling for spatial data and spatial
analysis. Professor M. Goodchild comments
on the Shi’s book on the principles (2009) as
follows: “John Shi has been one of the
leaders in this research area. He has made
very significant contributions, particularly in
the modeling of uncertainties in geographic
features of complex geometry.” “Both
statistical and fuzzy frameworks are covered
in this book, which provides a
comprehensive overview of the current state
of the field. At the same time it strongly
reflects John Shi’s own approaches, and the
very significant contributions he has made.”
Professor Shi obtained his doctoral degree
from University Osnabrueck in Vechta,
Germany in 1994. His current research
interests include GIS, remote sensing,
uncertainty and spatial data quality, image
processing for high resolution satellite
images. He has published over 380 research
articles (including over 70 SCI papers) and 10
Professor Shi has proposed and developed
important principles of modelling
uncertainties in spatial data and spatial
analyses in the last twenty years. This can be
regarded as a significant contribution to the
progress and knowledge accumulation of an
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ....................................................................................................Page 16
The Giuseppe Inghilleri Award
The Giuseppe Inghilleri Award (2012),
sponsored by the Italian Society for
Surveying and Photogrammetry (SIFET) is
presented to a person who has significantly
enhanced the applications of
photogrammetry, remote sensing or spatial
information sciences in the 4 years preceding
the Congress.. The award consists of SFr
2,500 and a certificate. The winner of the
award is Yun Zhang, Canada.
by the patent community. The significant
contribution of Dr. Zhang’s algorithm to
international spatial information sciences and
its proven impact on global multi-disciplinary
remote sensing applications has been
demonstrated by the number of global users
since 2003. It was recognized by AUTM as
one of the top 100 successful research
achievements in 2006, along with
technologies from MIT, Yale, Stanford,
Columbia, and Brown Universities.
Dr. Yun Zhang holds a
Canada Research Chair in
Advanced Geomatics Image
Processing, and a Professor in
the Department of Geodesy
and Geomatics Engineering
at the University of New
Brunswick (UNB), Canada. He
is a highly successful researcher and
innovator whose considerable
achievements in the spatial information
sciences have earned him an international
reputation. Dr. Zhang developed a
fundamentally new algorithm for automated
fusion of high resolution panchromatic (Pan)
and low resolution multispectral (MS) images
of modern satellites and digital aerial
cameras to produce high resolution (pansharpened) MS images. The UNB PanSharp
algorithm developed by Dr. Yun Zhang
demonstrably stands out from all the pansharpening algorithms developed since the
mid-1980s. Its novelty has been recognized
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President’s Citation
The President's Honorary Citation is a
certificate of recognition presented by the
President of ISPRS to a chairperson, cochairperson or member of a Working Group
of each ISPRS Technical Commission. The
citation is to recognize special, personal and
meritorious contributions to the operation of
the relevant Technical Commission's
activities and advancement of its interests,
during the quadrennial term of the Society
Ayman Habib, Professor and Head,
Department of Geomatics Engineering, the
University of Calgary was selected for the
ISPRS President's Citation because of his
demonstrated leadership of Working Group
(WG) WG I/3 - Multi-Platform Multi-Sensor
Inter-Calibration, supporting the objectives
and mission of the commission I, playing
major roles in many of Commission I
meetings and activities, leading the first
International workshop on Multiplatform/multi-sensor remote sensing and
Mapping, Xiamen City, Fujian, China, leading
the activities of the ISPRS Workshop, Laser
Scanning 2011, and invaluable assistance to
Commission I TCP during the Commission I
Cheng Tao, Professor at University College
London, co-chair of ISPRS II/3, successfully
organised the International Symposium on
Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Data Mining
2011 in association with the 11th
International Conference on
Geocomputation 2011 at University College
London. She is nominated for ISPRS2012
President's Honorary Citation for her effort in
organising STDM 2011 and in advancing
interest of WG II/3 to the broad communities
of Geography, GIS and computer sciences.
Franz Rottensteiner, Professor of the
Leibniz University of Hannover, was selected
for the ISPRS President's Citation because of
his continuous involvement in several
Commission III Joint WG Workshops and
symposia during the 2008-2012 term. He
chaired two major ISPRS events, the
CMRT'09 workshop "Object extraction for
City Models, Road databases and Traffic
Monitoring" held in Paris, France, and the
PIA'11 workshop "Photogrammetric Image
Analysis", in Munich, Germany. He also
organised and led the successful ISPRS
benchmark project on Urban Classification
and 3D Building Reconstruction.
Jie Jiang, Director of the Department of
Common Platforms for Geoinformation
Service, National Geomatics Center of
China, was selected for the ISPRS President's
Citation because of her demonstrated
leadership of Working Group (WG) IV/1
(Geospatial Data Infrastructure), involvement
in several Commission IV Joint WG
Workshops during the 2008-2012 term,
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ....................................................................................................Page 18
President’s Citation
invaluable assistance to Commission IV TCP
and organization of the successful 2011
Workshop, "From Data Acquisition and
Updating to Smarter Services" held in Guilin,
Fabio Remondino head of 3DOM research
unit, FBK Trento, Italy, was selected for allround meritorious contribution to, and
promotion of, Commission V activity.
international conferences. These activities
include, but not limited to, co-organization
of WG VIII/2 International Symposium,
organization of sessions in several
International Symposiums, and collaboration
with, and contributions to, GEO, ICSU, IUGS
and UNOOSA meetings.
Manos Baltsavias, from the Institut f.
Geodäsie u. Photogrammetrie, ETH Zürich,
was selected because of his activities to
ensure the success of the ISPRS Student
Consortium. His support for the Board of the
Consortium including the development of
the organization and its agenda, especially
the organization of summer schools,
contributed greatly to its success.
Uwe Sörgel Professor for Radar Remote
Sensing and active Systems at IPG Hannover,
receives the award for his contributions to
advancing international scientific
cooperation in the field of SAR
Amelia Budge, from the Earth Data Analysis
Centre, University of New Mexico, the Chair
of ISPRS WG VIII/2, has been instrumental in
organizing, contributing to, and participating
in health-related sessions at national and
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ....................................................................................................Page 19
Best Poster Papers
At the Congress, a total of 16 Best Poster Papers Awards (1988)
are sponsored by ISPRS. A jury for each of the eight ISPRS
Commissions observes the poster presentations and selects the
two best Poster Papers from the Commission. The award
consists of a gift and certificate from the Congress Director.
At the Congress, the CATCON Prizes (199 a software Computer
Assisted Teaching Contest, will be organized by ISPRS
Technical Commission VI and funded by The ISPRS Foundation.
The main objective of the contest is to promote the
development and dissemination of good, user-friendly software
packages, www contents and data sets for computer assisted
teaching, which preferably are non-commercial and free.
Typically the prizes consist of a Gold Award (SFr. 3,000), Silver
Award (SFr. 2,500), and Bronze Award (SFr. 1,500) and a
ISPRS Awards Booklet, Melbourne 2012 ....................................................................................................Page 20
Young Authors Awards
The prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors,
are sponsored by donor organizations and
by ISPRS to authors who are less than 35
years old and are the sole author of a high
quality paper presented at the Congress.
Shun Hirose, Japan
Simple Room Shape Modelling with Sparse
3D Point Information using Photogrammetry
and Application Software
Janja Avbelj, Germany
Spectral Information Retrieval for Sub-Pixel
Building Edge Detection
Rongfu Tang, Germany
A Rigorous and Flexible Calibration Method
for Digital Airborne Camera Systems
Maryam Mohammadi, Germany TC VII
Road Classification and Condition
Determination using Hyperspectral Imagery
Xiaoliang Meng,
Field ground truthing data collector-a mobile
toolkit for image analysis and processing
Gay Jane P Perez, Philippines
Observed Changes and Vulnerability of
Philippine Forestry and Agriculture
Youth Forum Awards
The best paper at the Youth Forum will be selected from the papers of the Youth Forum
Technical Sessions. The Youth Forum Best Paper award consists of a certificate and a gift
sponsored by Leica Geosystems, Switzerland.
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