Wei Smith Education:


Wei Smith

64 Vine Street, Apartment 12- La Crosse, WI 54601 smith.wei@uwlax.edu


Bachelor of Arts, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, La Crosse, WI, August 2014- May 2017

Major: English Minor: Spanish


Showcase my development in intercultural understanding and communication through participating in campus and community events focused around the following areas: Gaining

Perspective of Other Cultures; Exploring Leadership Opportunities; Moving Outside My

Comfort Zone; and Furthering Cross Cultural Relationships and Communication.

Gaining Perspective of Other Cultures:

Participant in the Global Buddy Program , September 2014-May 2015

 Met with my domestic buddy bi-weekly

Had many discussions about our cultures and how they differed and were similar

Attended three campus events with my buddy

Traveled home with them for their family’s Thanksgiving celebration

La Crosse’s Oktoberfest Celebration

, September 2014

 Marched in the Maple Leaf parade with a group of International Students from UWL

 Learned about German history, culture and food by attending Heritage Night

Women Moving Ahead Conference Attendee , April 2015

 Two day conference about how women can further their potentials in the workplace and

 society

 Gained a new perspective of how women are perceived in the corporate culture of the US

Realized that the struggles for equity and equality are similar in China and the US

Exploring Leadership Opportunities:

Hall Council Core Leader , UW-La Crosse, September 2014-May 2015

 Led weekly hall council meetings

 Assisted in planning monthly programs for the campus and community

 Worked with teams of diverse individuals to achieve goals

 Learned to communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds effectively in conversation

Moving Outside My Comfort Zone:

Presented at Cultural Coffee Hour , March 15th, 2015

 Lead a presentation about sustainability techniques in China

 Practiced my English in a formal manner with native and non-native speakers

 Improved my ability to soothe my nerves while presentation

UWL Drag Show Attendee, April 2015

 Witnessed a drag show and learned about the organization Rainbow Unity

 Discovered what a drag show is

 Worked through my personal biases to enjoy the performances

 Enjoyed watching people express themselves and perform

Performer at the 50th Annual International Banquet , April 2015

 Performed a cultural dance from China with three other students on stage

 Gained my first experience performing on a stage in front of so many people

 Discovered the cuisine of multiple cultures and witnessed important cultural activity performances

Furthering Cross Cultural Relationships and Communication:

Member of Active Minds , February-May 2015

 UWL club that works to bring awareness to mental illness and mental illness stigmas

 Endeavored to create all-campus programming and discuss stigma with domestic students

 Realized what the mental illness stigmas are in the US, and how they connect to the

 stigmas from my home country

Gained success in connecting with people, through a new awareness of how different cultures see various issues

Habitat for Humanity Spring Break Trip to Louisiana , March 2015

 Traveled to Louisiana in a bus with a group of domestic students

Helped Habitat for Humanity build houses for people affected by hurricane damage

 Gained an appreciation for what I have, by witnessing people without homes

Realized that a person does not need material possessions to be happy

 Communicated with many different people from various areas of the US


List the name and job title of three individuals familiar with your intercultural development.
