Alabama A&M University ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) Instruction Guide for Self-Service Banner (SSB) Office of Human Resources Alabama A&M University Original Date: June 2011 Revised: September 2014 Alabama A&M University Table of Contents EPAF Introduction How To Submit an EPAF... Originators How To Approve an EPAF... Approvers Originator Summary Appendix 2 Alabama A&M University EPAF Introduction 3 Alabama A&M University EPAF Introduction A. EPAF Defined B. Benefits of EPAF C. EPAF Access D. EPAF Pay Period Schedule 4 Alabama A&M University EPAF Defined An Electronic Personnel Action Form, called EPAF, is an online form originated by the department to communicate an employment decision about an employee to the Human Resources & Payroll. All employment decisions require the attention of Human Resources, and require the employees’ Banner file to be updated. Therefore, the department is required to fill out a form that specifies the nature and details of the employment decision. Common examples of employment decisions requiring an EPAF include: Change the labor distribution (budget) of the employee’s job. Add a supplemental job assignment to an employee’s job records There are many more “Job Change Reasons”. Refer to a complete list in the Appendix of this guide. 5 Alabama A&M University EPAF Defined Cont. Each job change must be approved on multiple levels. Most EPAFs require department and division approval. Finally, the EPAF is approved by the Human Resources, and the EPAF is applied to the employee’s job record. If there are any problems with the EPAF, a designated “Approver” can select “Return for Correction” and require the “Originator” to correct or recreate the EPAF. The EPAF must be completed, approved, and applied in a timely manner so the employees’ job record can be updated. Timely completion of an EPAF is essential to help the Payroll Department pay an employee accurately and on time. 6 Alabama A&M University Benefits of EPAF Paper PAF Process Forms ×Confirmation of Receipt ×Extended Transit Times Archaic Paper Processes Multiple Superfluous Approvals ×Misplaced Leads To Stamps ×Delays in Processing & Payment ×Confusion of Responsibilities ×Lack of Accountability ×Multiple Phone Calls & Inquiries ×Client Frustrations Inefficient Tracking System EPAF Process Elimination of Paper Process Electronic Processes User Defined Approvals Simplified Tracking System Leads To Reduction in Processing Reduction Payment Delays “Atmosphere of Accountability” 7 Alabama A&M University Benefits of EPAF Cont. The EPAF system will have significant impact on how we do business at Alabama A&M University. Critical benefits provided to AAMU employees: 12,000 transactions/year will be automated 2,000 paper forms/year will be eliminated Electronic approval routing Electronic tracking No lost PAF forms Reduced processing time No redundant data entry Reduced data entry error 8 Alabama A&M University EPAF Access and EPAF Pay Period Schedule Access to the EPAF System requires all Originators & Approvers to be an AAMU Employees. Please complete the EPAF Banner Access Request Form found on the Human Resources Website. EPAFs must have obtained all required approvals and be in HR’s approval queue by the 17th of each month . Please remember it may take a few days to gather all required approvals so it is imperative that EPAFs are submitted as early as possible to avoid delays in payments. 9 Alabama A&M University How To Submit an EPAF... Originators 10 Alabama A&M University How To Submit an EPAF... Originators A. Steps to Create New EPAF 1. Select Employee for New EPAF 2. Select Job Assignment 3. Complete Main Job & Budget Information 4. Complete Approval Routing Queue a) B. Routing Queue - Unique Cases for Sponsored Programs (SPOPRG) 5. Enter Comments 6. Save & Submit EPAF Errors 11 Alabama A&M University Select Employee for New EPAF Log into Banner Self-Ser vice Click “Electronic Personnel Action Form” Select the Employee Tab Click “New EPAF” 12 Alabama A&M University Select Employee for New EPAF In the ‘ID’ field, enter the A-Number of the University E m p l o ye e f o r w h o m t h e E PA F i s being created. …Or if the Employee’s A-Number is not known, then search the employee database by clicking on the magnifying glass icon… …check the “Employee” box, and enter identifying information about the person. •If the person is set up as an employee, the search will return results. •If the person is not defined as an employee, contact HR. Employees are prohibited from entering PAFs for themselves. Serious disciplinary action can occur. 13 Alabama A&M University Setting Query Date 6. Next, input the “Quer y Date”. Determine the Query Date by following guidelines: • If this EPAF terminates an assignment, use the last day of the employee’s final pay period. -OR- • If this EPAF creates a new assignment for a new-hire or re-hire, use the start date of employment. -OR- • For all other EPAFs, use the first day of the pay period. If this EPAF is entered AFTER the intended pay period, you MUST enter the first day of the new pay period 14 Alabama A&M University Determining EPAF Approval Category Type There are several general types of EPAFs. The body of the EPAF populates based upon the selected “ Approval Category”. The “Approval Category” also determines which levels are required for EPAF approval. Select the “ Approval Category” that most appropriately fits the type of EPAF that is being created. The chart on the following slides will assist with determining the appropriate “Approval Category”. 15 Alabama A&M University Determining EPAF Approval Category Type Approval Category (Drop Down Menu Options) I Want To…. Use this if… Faculty/Staff Graduate Assistant 3rd Party Change an Employee’s Budget Account Information Graduate Assistant Change Account/Budget information from which an Faculty/Staff Budget Account 3rd Party Budget Account Budget Account Employee receives payment. Change - FSBAC Change - 3RDBAC Change - GABAC Add/Update Overload Pay, Supplemental Pay, or Summer Grant An Employee needs to receive a pay as a result of an Overload/Supplemental Pay assignment or Summer Grant Assignment Faculty/Staff Overload/Supplement Pay - N/A FSOVSP Rehire an Employee who has been previously separated from the University . Send Hire Form to the Office of Human Resources(HR) and Graduate Assistant HR will enter through INB Rehire - GARHR Banner based on approved documents Rehire an Employee Send separation letter to the Office of Human Separate an Employee from the Graduate Assistant An Employee resigns, retires, dies, or is terminated. Resources (HR) and HR will University Separation - GASEP enter through INB based on separation documents. End an Assignment (but not a full Employee Separation) End an individual assignment such as a part-time position, overload/supplemental pay, summer grant but NOT a full Employee Separation of the University Fac/Staff Assignment Separation - FSSASP 3rd Party Overload/Supplement Pay - 3RDOSP Send Hire Form to the Office of Human Resources(HR) and HR will enter through INB Banner based on approved documents Send separation letter to the Office of Human Resources (HR) and HR will enter through INB based on separation documents. N/A - (All GA Assignments should 3rd Party Assignment Separation have an 'END DATE' - 3rdASP accompanying their 'BEGIN DATE') 16 Alabama A&M University Determining EPAF Approval Category Type Cont. Approval Category (Drop Down Menu Options) I Want To…. Initiate a Leave of Absence (LOA) Use this if… Faculty/Staff Graduate Assistant An employee starts a Leave of Absence (LOA). LOA statuses includes but are NOT limited to: Appropriate - Sick/Disability Leave application/approval letter must - Maternity Leave be completed. Based upon N/A - Military Leave approved, HR will enter through - Disciplinary INB Banner based on approval. - Sabbatical 3rd Party Appropriate application/approval letter must be completed. Based upon approved, HR will enter through INB Banner based on approval. Appropriate An Employee receives a Promotion or Demotion. application/approval letter must Process a Promotion, Demotion, Also, use this if an Employee is Reclassified, if their be completed. Based upon Job Reclassification, or N/A Assignment Changes, or if they are Transferred to a approved, HR will enter through Department Transfer different Department. INB Banner based on approval. Appropriate application/approval letter must be completed. Based upon approved, HR will enter through INB Banner based on approval. Send approval documents to the Office of Human Resources(HR) Update/Change an Employee's An Employee needs their Title changed or updated and HR will enter through INB N/A Title (but NOT budget account) but there are no salary or budget changes. Banner based on approved documents Send approval documents to the Office of Human Resources(HR) and HR will enter through INB Banner based on approved documents Hire a New Employee Send Hire Form to the Office Send Hire Form to the Office of of Human Resources(HR) and A NEW employee has joined the University and this Human Resources(HR) and HR Graduate Assistant HR will enter through INB individual has NEVER been employed by the will enter through INB Banner Initial - GAHRE Banner based on approved University in the past. based on approved documents documents 17 Alabama A&M University Determining EPAF Approval Category Type Select Appropriate Approval Category Click “Go” 18 Alabama A&M University Select Job Assignment Determine if you need to either use “New Job” or the “Existing” Position. A. New Job - Select this option if the EPAF is for a new role or a rehire. I. Position Number - Input the correct position number for the type of job assigned to the employee. The simplest way to accomplish this is to copy the employee’s previously assigned position number. II.Suffix - The suffix differentiates one job from another within the same position number of job type. When assigning a suffix for a new job use a suffix, 00 through 99, that is not assigned to an existing job. To ensure this, review Existing Jobs. The best way to handle this is to add 1 to the current suffix. For instance if the current suffix is 00 then assign the new suffix to be 01. B. Existing Job - Select this option if the EPAF modifies or continues an existing job 19 Alabama A&M University Select Job Assignment Cont. Select either “New Job” or the “Existing” Position. If you select “New Job”, enter the “Position Number” and increment the “suffix” by one TIP: To determine the last used Positions and Suffixes associated with this Employee, click the “All Jobs” to view all historical Job Assignments for this Employee. Click “Go” 20 Alabama A&M University Complete Main Job and Budget Information Complete Main Job & Budget Information The “Main Job” section contains core information about the employee’s position. Main Job The “Budget” (aka “Labor Distribution”) section contains information about the employee’s payment budget. Budget TIP: For an explanation of descriptions and valid values for each field used to complete the “Main Job” and “Budget” sections, please find the view the “Approval Category Definitions” in the Appendix. 21 Alabama A&M University Complete Approval Routing Queue The Approval Routing Queue determ in es the individu als who need to approve the EPAF. Each Approval Level populates within the EPAF based upon the Approval Category selected in Step 1. However, the EPAF origin ato r must select the individual User Name for each level. There are three possible Required Actions: 1) Approve - The individu al is required to “approve” the EPAF. The EPAF can not be approved at a higher level until is it is approved at lower levels. 2) FYI – This individu al is used only to serve as an “FYI” or “acknowledg e” the EPAF. Unlike the required action to “approve,” no action is required of someo ne who is set to “FYI”. 3) Apply - Only an individu al in Human Resources can “apply” an EPAF. This is the action that occurs when an EPAF is converted into a jobs reco rd in the payro ll system . 22 Alabama A&M University Routing Queue - Unique Cases for Sponsored Programs All personnel pay fro m research grants and/or contracts is required to be routed through the Office of Sponsored Program s/Co mp lian ce and Contracts and Grants for “APPROVAL”, with the exception of the followin g departmen ts: NACEE AAMU FOUNDATION ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM WJAB HEALTH/WELLNESS CENTER This effort ensures AAMUs co mp lian ce to OMB Circu lar A -21 regulations, Costs Principles for Education Institu tion s. You will need to add “46 – (SPOPRG) Sponsored Programs/Co mp lian ce” as an additional approver! 23 Alabama A&M University Complete Approval Routing Queue Select the appropriate “ User Name” for each “Approval Level ”. Using the magnifying glass search icon, select the most appropriate “Approver” from the available “User Names”. 24 Alabama A&M University Complete Approval Routing Queue If addition al “ Approval Levels ” are needed: 1. Using one of the first emp ty “ Not Selected ” drop-down menu (below the Approval Level for ‘ Human Resources Applier ’, select the appropriate “Approval Level ” 2. Use the magn if ying glass to add the desired “ User Name ” 3. Then on the far right, select the appropriate “ Required Action” either “Approve” or “ FYI” for each “ Approval Level ”. 1 2 3 25 Alabama A&M University Enter Comments It is recommended that comments are entered on all EPAFs. The “Comment” field allows the EPAF Originator to input any text to add information. Note: Comments can be entered by anyone in the approval chain. Employee is replacing Bob Marley as the Program Manager in the Horticulture Department. FOAP: 100001-20108-61011-300 50% 200001-20108-61011-400 50% IMPORTANT: Once comments are “saved,” they can not be changed. Be careful with articulating comments. An EPAF user can make multiple comments to the EPAF, and comments can be attached to the EPAF at any approval level. 26 Alabama A&M University Save and Submit After all levels of the EPAF have been completed, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. Employee is replacing Bob Marley as the Program Manager in the Horticulture Department. FOAP: 100001-20108-61011-300 50% 200001-20108-61011-400 50% 27 Alabama A&M University Save and Submit If the EPAF was completed correctly and no errors were generated, at the top of the page, click the “Submit” button, and you’re done! 28 Alabama A&M University EPAF Errors I f t h e r e a r e a n y d a t a v a l i d i t y i s s u e s w i t h i n t h e E PA F, B a n n e r w i l l d i s p l a y t w o t yp e s o f m e s s a g e s : E R R O R : T h e s e m e s s a g e s w i l l n o t a l l o w t h e E PA F t o p r o g r e s s t o t h e a p p r o v a l l e v e l s . E r r o r s m u s t b e corrected. Read the details provided, and correct the errors as indicated. Detailed information r e g a r d i n g h o w t o h a n d l e t h e s e c a n b e f o u n d i n t h e A p p e n d i x : “ E PA F E r r o r s – M e s s a g e Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g ” . WA R N I N G : T h e s e m e s s a g e s s i m p l y d e l i v e r i n f o r m a t i o n , a n d s t i l l a l l o w t h e E PA F t o p r o g r e s s s u c c e s s f u l l y. U s u a l l y, w a r n i n g m e s s a g e s i n d i c a t e a p o t e n t i a l b u d g e t i s s u e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e j o b . Error Notification Error Message 29 Alabama A&M University How To Approve an EPAF….Approvers 30 Alabama A&M University How To Approve an EPAF... Approvers A. Approver Overview B. Setting Up A Proxy Approver C. Approving, Acknowledging, or Returning EPAFs D. Acting As A Proxy 31 Alabama A&M University Approver Overview Overview: The EPAF Approver Summary contains EPAFs that have the Approver’s name listed in the Approval Queue. Approving an EPAF involves reviewing the transaction “package” to ensure that the data entry is complete and accurate and that all required documentation is accounted for. Each level of approval has specific information that they need to verify before passing onto the next level or reject to send back to the EPAF originator. It is IMPERATIVE that EPAFs are approved in a timely manner to eliminate any payroll issues. 32 Alabama A&M University Setting Up A Proxy Approver Everyone who approves EPAFs is required to designate and setup a Proxy. •Proxy – Another employee who can approve all EPAFs routed to you in your absence. In some cases, the Proxy will only approve in your absence. In other cases, your Proxy may approve for you on a regular basis. This is up to the individual Approver. To Set-Up a Proxy: 1. Click “Electronic Personnel Action Form” 2. Click “EPAF Proxy Records” 33 Alabama A&M University Setting Up A Proxy Approver Cont. IMPORTANT: When designating a Proxy Approver, be advised that the proxy must have security access at the designated approval level. A completed EPAF Security Application form must have been submitted and approved. 3. Select the “Approval Level” for which you wish to designate a Proxy Approver from the drop down menu. Click “Go”. 4. From the “Name” drop down menu, select the individual to designate as the Proxy Approver, check the box for “Add”, then click “Save”. To remov e a Proxy Approver fro m your Proxy Record , check “ Remov e” next to the individu al’s name, then click “ Save”. 34 Alabama A&M University Approving, Acknowledging, or Returning EPAFs 1. Log into Banner Self-Service 2. Select the Employee Tab 3. Click “Electronic Personnel Action Form” 4. Click “EPAF Approver Summary” 35 Alabama A&M University Approving, Acknowledging or Returning EPAFs Within the “EPAF Approval Summary”, there are three tabs: “Current”, “In My Queue”, & “History”. I. Current Tab – Similar to an “inbox”, EPAFs that require the Approver’s attention appear here. An EPAF can be approved by two ways: 1. Check the “Action” box next to each EPAF to be approved. Then, click “Save”. OR 2. Click on the employee’s name. 36 Alabama A&M University Approving, Acknowledging, or Returning EPAFs Cont. After clicking on the employee’s name: 1. Review the EPAF 2. Select the appropriate option: • Approve - Approves the EPAF & allow it to progress to the next approval level in the routing queue. • Disapprove – Disapproves the EPAF without any hope of resurrection. • Return for Correction – Returns the EPAF to the Originator for correction. IMPORTANT: Approvers who “Return” or “Disapprove” EPAFs should add comments to the EPAF indicating the reason for return or the disapproval. 37 Alabama A&M University Approving, Acknowledging, or Returning EPAFs Cont. If the Required Action of an EPAF is Acknowledge or FYI, the Approver only has one option. However, the Approver can add a comment to the EPAF. II. In My Queue Tab – This tab shows EPAFs that are pending in the queue of the Approver. However, these EPAFs may not have been approved yet at a lower level. Or the EPAFs may be ‘voided’. III. History Tab- The History tab shows EPAFs that have been approved or acknowledged by the Approver. Note: You can only access up to six month of past EPAFs. TIP: Click on “Search” to find EPAFs by A-Number, Employee Name, EPAF Transaction Number, and more. The search function will search the Current, In My Queue, and History tabs. 38 Alabama A&M University Acting As A Proxy There will be times when you may have to act as an approver for someone else, also known as “acting as a proxy”. At these times you will log into Banner and approve/reject as necessary. 1. After logging into “Electronic Personnel Action Form” under the “Employee” tab, select “Act as a Proxy”. 2. In the drop down menu, select the individual you wish to “Proxy For”. 39 Alabama A&M University Acting As A Proxy Cont. 3. Enter the desired date range or if you leave the “Submitted From Date” and “Submitted To Date” dates blank, you will see all EPAF submissions that require this individual’s approval. 4. Click Go. 5. You will have access to approve, acknowledge, or return EPAFs at the approval level for which you have been designated by the EPAF Approver. See the earlier training section for “Approving EPAFs” for instructions on approving, acknowledging, and returning EPAFs. IMPORTANT: To perform the proxy function: 1. You must have security access at the levels for which you will approve EPAFs. So, you must have an EPAF Access Form on file with Human Resources. 2. You must be a designated proxy by the original approver. See the earlier section entitled “Designate a Proxy Approver.” 40 Alabama A&M University EPAF Originator Summary 41 Alabama A&M University EPAF Originator Summary A. Overview B. Logging In C. Current Tab D. History Tab 42 Alabama A&M University Overview The EPAF Originator Summary lists EPAFs that the Originator has “Created”, “Voided”, “Saved”, or “Submitted”. It also contains EPAFs that have been “Returned for Correction” and require the Originator’s attention. 43 Alabama A&M University Logging In 1 . L o g i n to B a n n e r Se l f - Se r v ic e 2. Select the Employee Tab 3. Click “Electronic Personnel Action Form” 4. Click “EPAF Originator Summary” Within the EPAF Originator Summary, there are two tabs: “Current” and “History”. 44 Alabama A&M University Current Tab The Current tab is similar to an “inbox” for the EPAF Originator Summar y. Transaction Status: • Waiting - If an EPAF has been created and saved (but not submitted), it remains with the Waiting status and can be found in the EPAF Originator Summary. • Returned for Correction - If an EPAF contains an error or incorrect data, instead of approving it, an Approver will return it for correction. To “View” a returned EPAF, click on the employee’s name: • Approver will note the reason for the return under the Comments of the EPAF. The EPAF Originator has two options: Void or Update. 1. Click Void to void the EPAF. This will permanently inactivate the EPAF. 2. Click Update to make any changes to the EPAF. TIP: Only the Originator can make changes to the EPAF. If the Originator makes changes, he or she must save and submit the EPAF to send it through the Approval Queue. The EPAF must be re-approved on all levels. 45 Alabama A&M University History Tab All EPAFs created by the Originator are stored in the History tab. To check the status of an EPAF, in the EPAF Originator Summary, click the History tab, and notice the Transaction Status of the EPAF. Transaction Status: • Pending - The EPAF is pending approval. • Complete - The EPAF has been completed and applied to the employee’s personnel record. • Returned- The EPAF has been returned for correction. • Voided - The EPAF has been voided but its history remains available. • Overridden - The EPAF has been overridden and approved by a Super User in Human Resources. • Removed from Queue - The EPAF has been returned to the Originator for correction thus is removed from the Approval Queue. IMPORTANT: The Originator can only modify an EPAF if it has not been viewed or approved at a higher level in the approval queue. Click on the EPAF, and if the option Return for Correction exists, then the Originator may return it to him or herself, make a change, then resubmit. 46 Alabama A&M University Appendix 47 Alabama A&M University Appendix - A EPAF – Employee Class Code Table 48 Alabama A&M University Employee Class Codes Code Description Definitions C9 Nine Month Full time Staff Employees Employees who work in the dorms as support staff or Bus Drivers F9 Nine Month Faculty Faculty only employed from August through May FA Faculty Faculty employed for 12 months instead of 9 months AD Administrative/Managerial Directors, Assistant Directors, Administrators, etc. SC Skilled Craft Plumbers, mechanics, etc. ST Student Employee Bi-Weekly Students CL Clerical/Secretarial Secretaries, dispatchers, etc. EX Executive President, Vice Presidents (Cabinet Staff) FP Faculty Part Time Part-time faculty GA Graduate Assistant Graduate Students Only IA Instruction/Research Assistant Researchers, Reseach Assistant, Associates NC North Alabama Ctr of Education Employees who work for NACEE only PR Professionals PT Part Time Staff SM Service Maintenance Managers, Coordinat ors, etc. Part-time hourly employees only (Used ONLY for employees who are paid by the hour and their total time averages less than 30 hours per week). Police Officers, Security Officers, etc. TP Technical and Paraprofessional Technicans CE AL Cooperative Ext System Employee who work for ACES only CW College Work Study Students on college work-study program FR Flat Rate Part-time employee (faculty or staff) that makes same amount each month SG Summer Grant Faculty on summer grants from May 16 - August 15 each year. 49 Alabama A&M University Appendix - B EPAF Errors – Message Troubleshooting 50 Alabama A&M University EPAF Errors – Troubleshooting Error Message Solution Approval Level must be selected first. In the Routing Queue section of the EPAF, the left column Approval Level should pre-populate with the levels appropriate to the approval category that you've selected. Please check that an Approval Level has been selected from the drop-down menu for every User ID that you've entered. We are aware of an inexplicable error that will occasionally remove these values and disallow their entry. In this unfortunate case, the EPAF will have to be voided and begun again. Base Job cannot begin before the position. Check position dates. Please contact HR if you encounter this error. Base Job record must exist to create a new job. This error indicates that you are trying to amend a job that doesn't exist. Unless you are giving the employee a new assignment (job), be sure that you have selected the employee's Active Job in the New EPAF Job Selection screen. Begin Date must equal the first Jobs Detail Effective Date. This error is caused by what Banner considers to be a conflict in the Job Begin Date field. Job Begin Date signals the first date that the employee received the position # and suffix combination that you are now again assigning to him/her. To resolve the error, find the date listed in the Current Value column (to the left of the open field in the New Value column) and reenter this date in the New Value column. Cannot be terminated. All jobs have to be ended. This error signals that the employee has multiple active assignments, all but one of which must be terminated prior to the submission of a Termination of Employment EPAF. The Termination of Employment EPAF can serve to terminate the employee's final remaining assignment at the same time that it terminates their status as an employee. However, all additional assignments will have to be terminated using a Termination of Assignment-type EPAF, one for each additional assignment. Citizen Code must be entered on PPAIDEN This error signals that this employee does not have status as an employee and should be considered a "New Hire." Please contact HR if you encounter this error. Contract Begin Date must not be prior to the Base Job Begin Date. Please contact HR if you encounter this error. 51 Alabama A&M University EPAF Errors – Troubleshooting Cont. Error Message Contract Start and End Dates must both exist. Current hire date must be later than original hire date. Date cannot be prior to the Base Job Begin Date of DDMON-YYYY. Solution Please contact HR if you encounter this error. This error indicates that a value has been entered in the Contract Begin Date field, but no Contract End Date has been entered. Remember that Contract Date(s) should only be entered for stipends and Faculty assignments. If you are submitting an EPAF for such an assignment, be sure to enter a Contract End Date. If not, remove the value you've entered in the Contract Begin Date field and leave it blank. Please contact HR if you encounter this error. Ensure that the value you've entered in the Current Hire Date field is not prior to the employee's original date of hire. The Current Hire Date should typically match the Jobs Effective Date in the EPAF. The date you've entered in the Contract Begin Date field must match the Jobs Effective Date. Please ensure that these match. Also, remember that the Contract Begin Date field should be left blank except in the case of stipend and faculty assignments. Eff Date must be greater than Last Paid Date of DDMMM-YYYY This error indicates that you are attempting to enact a change in the employee's payroll record with an effective date prior to the last work-day for which he/she has been paid. Banner will only changes for dates in a current or future pay period. Please either submit the EPAF with a current or future Effective Date, making the Query and Effective Date(s) equal to a current or future date, and the Personnel Date equal to the past date representing the actual date of the change. End Date must be later than Begin Date If you've entered a Contract End Date, be sure that this date falls after the Contract Begin Date (doublecheck the year, as this is sometimes overlooked). If this is not the problem, then it is likely that you are using a New Hire approval category for an employee that has previously been given an assignment with the University. If you are submitting a New Hire EPAF, please void the current EPAF and contact HR. The Query Date you've chosen in Step 1 of the EPAF process cannot follow the Effective Date you have chosen. If the Effective Date of the personnel action is prior to the Query Date that you have chosen, then First Labor Dist Effective Date must equal the Job Begin you will have to delete the current EPAF and begin another, taking care to ensure that the Query Date is Date. equal to the Effective Date of the EPAF. If the Effective Date is not prior to the Query Date, then you can simply correct the Effective Date above the Labor Distribution (FOAP), save and resubmit. First Name, SSN, Birth Date, Sex Code or Ethnic Code incomplete. This error signals that the employee's biographical information has not been completely entered into Banner. Please contact HR if you encounter this error. 52 Alabama A&M University EPAF Errors – Troubleshooting Cont.. Error Message Solution This error signals that this employee has previously been terminated as an employee of the University. In First Work Date must be less than or equal to Last Work order for you to grant this employee a new assignment, HR will have to reactivate them as an employee. Date. Please contact HR and request that they amend the employee record. This error indicates that HR has entered an expiration date for the employee's I-9 form. Please contact HR to I9 Expiration Date not allowed when I9 Form Indicator = research the I-9 expiration date to see if the date can be updated from the PEAEMPL form. After HR has Received confirmed that this has been done, resubmit the EPAF. ID is not defined as an employee. Please re-verify ID and if everything is correct, contact HR if you encounter this error. This error signals that this employee has previously been terminated as an employee of the University. In Job Begin Date cannot be after Employee's Termination order for you to grant this employee a new assignment, HR will have to reactivate them as an employee. Date. Please contact HR and request that they amend the employee record. The Job End Date field should be left blank. Remove any values from this field, save and resubmit. For a Job Detail record must be terminated with effective date stipend or faculty assignment, the end date of the assignment should be entered in the Contract End Date = end date. field. New Effective cannot be after Employee's Termination Date. This error signals that this employee has previously been terminated as an employee of the University. In order for you to grant this employee a new assignment, HR will have to reactivate them as an employee. New Job Labor Distribution Date should be >= query effective date. The Query Date you've chosen in Step 1 of the EPAF process cannot follow the Effective Date you have chosen. If the Effective Date of the personnel action is prior to the Query Date that you have chosen, then you will have to void the current EPAF and begin another, taking care to ensure that the Query Date is equal to the Effective Date of the EPAF. If the Effective Date is not prior to the Query Date, then you can simply correct the Effective Date above the Labor Distribution (FOAP), save and resubmit. 53 Alabama A&M University EPAF Errors – Troubleshooting Cont. Error Message Solution Pay ID not found on PTRCALN for fiscal year and effective date. Please contact HR if you encounter this error. Termination Date has to be >= Jobs End date. This error signals that a Termination Date or Contract End Date has already been specified for this assignment, and this date lies after the Termination Date that you have entered. In order to override the termination or end date currently in the system, you will have to contact HR so that they can amend the record. The Begin Date and Step must be entered for a new job. Locate the Step field in the EPAF and enter the number "0". The value you've entered in the listed field is invalid. Locate the Labor Distribution (FOAP) section of the The Fund/Organization/Account/Program code XXXXXX EPAF and enter a valid value in the field specified in the error message (e.g. Fund). If you are unsure of is invalid. Please change. what the valid value is, please consult your department's budget manager. The future dated Job record must be deleted before ending Job. This error signals that a personnel action is scheduled to take place after the termination date that you have specified. If you are sure that you have entered the correct termination date, please contact HR as they may have to manipulate the payroll record to resolve the EPAF error. 54 Alabama A&M University Appendix - C Approvers Required for Each “Approval Category” 55 Alabama A&M University Approval Requirements Faculty/Staff Payroll Sponsored Programs (2) Funds Availability Approve FYI Approve Approve Approve FYI FYI FYI FYI FYI FYI Approve Approve Approve Approve FYI Approve Approve HR Representative Vice President/Division Head Approve President (1) Dean of School/Director Approve Dean of Graduate School Supervisor/Dept. Chair Legal Info. Technology Approvers Approval Categories Faculty/Staff Budget Account Change Faculty/Staff Separation Faculty/Staff Supplemental/Overload Pay FYI FYI Approve Approve (1) According to memo dated 9/11/2013 from President Andrew Hugine, Jr., the following related to personnel actions is not delegated authority . • Reclassification • Title change • Vacant position • Supplemental salary • Salary adjustment beyond the increase granted to all employees • Funded position • Any other action which may not be interpreted as disciplines, approval of employment or termination (2) All compensation sourced by research grants and/or contracts is required to be routed through the Office of Sponsored Programs for “APPROVAL”, with the exception of the following departments: •NACEE •AAMU FOUNDATION •ATHELETICS •WJAB •HEALTH/WELLNESS CENTER 56 Alabama A&M University Approval Requirements – Graduate Assistant FYI FYI FYI FYI FYI FYI FYI Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve FYI FYI HR Representative President Funds Availability Sponsored Programs (2) Payroll Approve Approve Approve FYI Vice President/Division Head Dean of School/Director Approve Approve Approve Approve Approval Categories Graduate Assistant Initial Hire (w/ A#) Graduate Assistant Budget Account Change Graduate Assistant Rehire Graduate Assistant Separation Dean of Graduate School Supervisor/Dept. Chair Legal Info. Technology Approvers Approve Approve Approve Approve (1) According to memo dated 9/11/2013 from President Andrew Hugine, Jr., the following related to personnel actions is not delegated authority . • Reclassification • Title change • Vacant position • Supplemental salary • Salary adjustment beyond the increase granted to all employees • Funded position • Any other action which may not be interpreted as disciplines, approval of employment or termination (2) All compensation sourced by research grants and/or contracts is required to be routed through the Office of Sponsored Programs for “APPROVAL”, with the exception of the following departments: •NACEE •AAMU FOUNDATION •ATHELETICS •WJAB •HEALTH/WELLNESS CENTER 57 Alabama A&M University Approval Requirements – Third Party Third Party Organizations: NACEE AAMU Foundation Alabama Cooperative Extension Approve Approve FYI Approve President HR Representative Approve Funds Availability Payroll FYI Sponsored Programs (2) Specialty Budget Manager Approve Dean of Graduate School Approve Dean of School/Director Supervisor/Dept. Chair Approval Categories Third Party Agency Budget Account Change Third Party Agency Supplemental/Overload Pay Legal Info. Technology Approvers (1) According to memo dated 9/11/2013 from President Andrew Hugine, Jr., the following related to personnel actions is not delegated authority . • Reclassification • Title change • Vacant position • Supplemental salary • Salary adjustment beyond the increase granted to all employees • Funded position • Any other action which may not be interpreted as disciplines, approval of employment or termination (2) All compensation sourced by research grants and/or contracts is required to be routed through the Office of Sponsored Programs for “APPROVAL”, with the exception of the following departments: •NACEE •AAMU FOUNDATION •ATHELETICS •WJAB •HEALTH/WELLNESS CENTER 58 Alabama A&M University NOTES 59