ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY Spring 2014 Fee Sheet All expenses for a term must be satisfied in full at the beginning of the term as a condition of admission to classes and residential facilities, and access to the privileges and rights of an account paid in full. A penalty of $60 will be charged for late registration. Undergraduate Graduate Resident Non-Resident Boarding Hours 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Commuting Boarding Commuting (Traditional Dorm) 4,526.00 4,293.00 4,293.00 4,293.00 4,293.00 4,293.00 4,293.00 4,293.00 3,361.00 3,128.00 2,732.00 2,499.00 2,266.00 2,033.00 1,800.00 1,567.00 1,334.00 1,101.00 868.00 Resident 7,342.00 7,109.00 7,109.00 7,109.00 7,109.00 7,109.00 7,109.00 7,109.00 6,177.00 5,944.00 5,548.00 5,315.00 5,082.00 4,849.00 4,616.00 4,383.00 4,150.00 3,917.00 3,684.00 8,254.00 7,788.00 7,788.00 7,788.00 7,788.00 7,788.00 7,788.00 7,788.00 5,924.00 5,458.00 4,829.00 4,363.00 3,897.00 3,431.00 2,965.00 2,499.00 2,033.00 1,567.00 1,101.00 Boarding Hours (Traditional Dorm) 11,070.00 10,604.00 10,604.00 10,604.00 10,604.00 10,604.00 10,604.00 10,604.00 8,740.00 8,274.00 7,645.00 7,179.00 6,713.00 6,247.00 5,781.00 5,315.00 4,849.00 4,383.00 3,917.00 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Commuting $ Tuition - Non-resident *Health Insurance Fee (Domestic students) *Health Insurance Fee (International students) *Building Use Fee *Information Technology Fee *Student Rec and Athletic Fee (10 hours or greater) *Student Activity Fee (10 hours or greater) *Yearbook Fee (10 hours or greater) *Wellness Center Fee *Health Center Fee *Proration Fee *Shuttle/Parking Fee - Students w/o vehicles must Boarding Commuting (Traditional Dorm) 7,529.00 7,175.00 6,821.00 6,467.00 6,113.00 5,759.00 5,405.00 5,051.00 4,697.00 4,343.00 3,989.00 3,635.00 3,281.00 2,764.00 2,410.00 2,056.00 1,702.00 1,348.00 994.00 Tuition and *Mandatory Fees Tuition - Resident Non-Resident 10,345.00 9,991.00 9,637.00 9,283.00 8,929.00 8,575.00 8,221.00 7,867.00 7,513.00 7,159.00 6,805.00 6,451.00 6,097.00 5,580.00 5,226.00 4,872.00 4,518.00 4,164.00 3,810.00 14,255.00 13,547.00 12,839.00 12,131.00 11,423.00 10,715.00 10,007.00 9,299.00 8,591.00 7,883.00 7,175.00 6,467.00 5,759.00 4,888.00 4,180.00 3,472.00 2,764.00 2,056.00 1,348.00 17,071.00 16,363.00 15,655.00 14,947.00 14,239.00 13,531.00 12,823.00 12,115.00 11,407.00 10,699.00 9,991.00 9,283.00 8,575.00 7,704.00 6,996.00 6,288.00 5,580.00 4,872.00 4,164.00 Tuition and *Mandatory Fees 233.00 per hour Tuition - Resident 466.00 per hour 76.00 1,000.00 51.00 125.00 69.00 70.00 24.00 138.00 50.00 150.00 45.00 $ Tuition - Non-resident *Health Insurance Fee (Domestic students) *Health Insurance Fee (International students) *Building Use Fee *Information Technology Fee *Student Rec and Athletic Fee (7 hours or greater) *Student Activity Fee (7 hours or greater) *Yearbook Fee (7 hours or greater) *Wellness Center Fee *Health Center Fee *Proration Fee *Shuttle/Parking Fee - Students w/o vehicles must submit an affidavit to the Department of Public Safety before the end of registration to receive a 50% credit for this fee. 354.00 per hour 708.00 per hour 76.00 1,000.00 51.00 125.00 69.00 70.00 24.00 138.00 50.00 150.00 45.00 submit an affidavit to the Department of Public Safety before the end of registration to receive a 50% credit for this fee. 5.00 *Graduate Registration Fee Room and Board Room (Traditional Dorm) Room (Suite style) Board - 21 Meals Per Week Access Fee - Telecommunications (Traditional Dorm) $ Room and Board 1,200.00 2,100.00 1,475.00 141.00 Room (Traditional Dorm) Room (Suite style) Board - 21 Meals Per Week Access Fee - Telecommunications Housing Application Fee $ 1,200.00 2,100.00 1,475.00 141.00 Housing Application Fee 100.00 (Paid once per academic year due at time of application) 100.00 (Paid once per academic year due at time of application) Housing Deposit (Refundable) Housing Deposit (Refundable) (One-time payment. If housing status changes and a credit/refund is processed, the deposit must be paid again) 250.00 (One-time payment. If housing status changes and a credit/refund is processed, the deposit must be paid again) 250.00 Commuter Meal Plan - (80 meals total) 418.00 Commuter Meal Plan - (80 meals total) 418.00 Other Fees Freshman Assessment Fee - One-time testing fee assessed to 1st-time Freshmen $ Other Fees 30.00 Late Registration Fee 60.00 Late Registration Fee $ 60.00 ID Card Replacement with Meal Plan 60.00 ID Card Replacement with Meal Plan 60.00 ID Card Replacement w/o Meal Plan 30.00 ID Card Replacement w/o Meal Plan 30.00 Miscellaneous Information Tuition Credit for Officially Dropping or Withdrawing Prior to January 8, 2014 January 8 - January 14, 2014 January 15 - January 21, 2014 January 22 - January 28, 2014 January 29 - February 4, 2014 After February 4, 2013 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 0% Payment Remittance Remittance Types Remittance Methods Cash (Cashier's Office ONLY) In person - Cashier's Office - Patton Hall Rm 105-A Check or Money Order - Must be made payable to Alabama A&M University; Memo line (Student ID # and purpose of payment) Via Mail (Check or Money Order only) - Mail to Alabama A&M University; Attn: Cashiers Office; P.O. Box 1388; Normal, AL 35762 Credit Card - Visa, MasterCard Phone (Credit Card Only) - (256) 372-4883; (256) 372-4884 Contact Information For additional information regarding fees, payments, or questions about your account please contact The Office Student Accounts at (256) 372 - 8152 or (256) 372 - 8784 or visit the "myAAMU" web page - A flat rate fee will be charged for Undergraduate students with 12-18 credit hours. Fees are subject to change without notice. Revised November 22, 2013