Madison Junior High School Registration Program Instruction Sheet →

Madison Junior High School Registration Program Instruction Sheet
1. Go to Madison School District homepage at
2. Click on “Parents” → “Registration” → “Madison Jr. High”
3. At the Student Registration Main Menu select one of the 3 sections listed:
MJH Registration Information (This takes you to the Madison Jr. High Counseling Page)
Course Catalog Menu
Student Schedule Menu
Course Catalog
1. Click on Course Description.
2. Select Course Description by department, course, teacher, trimester, period, or a combination of the above.
3. After selections have been made click on Run Report.
4. To list all courses click on Run Report without selecting options.
5. Courses will be listed based on selection. Note teacher name and max class size. Use navigation links at the bottom of
the page to return to the Registration Main Menu.
Setup Schedule Wishlist
The Wish list allows a student to set-up a schedule before they will be allowed to do the actual registration online.
1. Click on the Wishlist link
2. Type in your Student User name and Password and click Submit. (The same username and password used each day at
3. Check to make sure you have logged in correctly. Make note of your registration time.
Select a course for each period using the drop-down selection boxes. All selection boxes must be filled. If you need to
have a blank period, select the “No course selected” option to fill the box.
4. Once all courses have been selected, click Submit. These selections will be saved to the database for use in actual
registration. These selections may be changed until actual registration begins.
5. Verification screen shows that Wishlist has been saved.
6. Wishlist now shows saved classes. To modify select a new course and Submit.
Register for Classes
1. Click on the Register for Classes link.
2. Type in your Student User Name and Password and click Submit.
3. If you chose to use the Wishlist, those courses will be loaded on the registration screen.
If the selected Wishlist course is currently full, a red X will appear next to that hour, and the course will be blank.
4. Make necessary changes to your schedule. If a course is selected that says **By Permission Only** a teacher’s
permission code must be added in the box next to the course. This code must be obtained from the teacher before
registering for the course.
5. After all changes have been made, click on Submit to start the registration process.
6. The program will then try to enroll you in the courses you selected. If the course is full and error message will appear.
Go back to the Registration screen and choose a new class. YOU WILL NOT BE ENROLLED IN A CLASS UNTIL YOU
7. Green checkmarks will appear to indicate no errors. After you hit “submit” your schedule will appear. You may print
your schedule at any time by selecting the “Print Schedule” link from the registration page. Copies will NOT be
mailed from the school.
Once summer begins there will be a $15.00 charge to change schedules.
Help will be available at the Junior High during the first night of registration from 5:00 PM until approximately 6:00 PM.
You may call 359-3310 or come into the career center for assistance.
Please review these instructions before calling for assistance.