Proposal Application Procedures 2017-18 Academic Year Submission UW System SABBATICALS for UWSP Faculty This application packet is intended to provide you with the necessary instructions for writing and submitting a sabbatical proposal. There is pertinent background on both the general UWSystem sabbatical program and the UWSP application procedure. Please read both of these summaries, but pay particular attention to the UWSP guidelines since there are several procedural nuances. The sabbatical application process is highly competitive. There are approximately two hundred tenured faculty, but normally UWSP does not support more than ten sabbaticals a year. Each successful sabbatical proposal must first be approved by your department and your College. Every College has a sabbatical review committee that will score your proposal. It is from these numerical scores that sabbaticals will be selected. The timeline for initial submission of proposals will vary according to the requirements of your college. You might need to submit a pre-proposal (sabbatical draft) to your college sabbatical review committee. If a pre-proposal is required, that will be due to your college committee by 12:00 noon on April 1, 2016. The committee will review your pre-proposal, may make suggestions for changes, and return the proposal to you. You should contact your college committee to determine if this step is required. Regardless of whether a pre-proposal is required, you must submit a digital copy of your completed sabbatical proposal in digital form, by e-mail to Sharon Courtney at by 12:00pm noon on Friday, September 9, 2016. Once Sharon has registered your proposal with the ORSP office, she will distribute it to the appropriate college committee for final review and rankings. The ORSP office will inform you about whether your proposal has been approved by the end of October, 2016. Table of Contents: Sabbatical Application Materials UW System Faculty Sabbatical Program UWSP Sabbatical Application Guidelines Pages 2–4 5–8 Components of the Sabbatical Application 9 IRB, IACUC Regulations 10 Sabbatical Cover Sheet (Form) 11 Sabbatical Leave Form (needed authorization signatures) 12 Abstract Form 13 Proposal Narrative Instructions 14 Vita Summary Form 15 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM Academic Planning Statement #3.3 (ACPS-3.3) Revised Summer 2003 THE FACULTY SABBATICAL PROGRAM There are several components in the University's system-wide program of faculty development and renewal as called for in Academic Planning Statement #3. The first component, ACPS #3.1, provided guidelines for institutional development and implementation of a comprehensive program of faculty development and renewal. The second component, ACPS #3.2, established a program facilitating intra-system faculty transfer and exchange. This paper, ACPS #3.3 (revised), outlines the guidelines governing the faculty sabbatical program in the University of Wisconsin System. Wisconsin Statutes 36.11(17) provide the framework for this policy statement Additional information regarding the Board of Regent Sabbatical Guidelines for Academic Years 2005-2007 can be found by following the link at the end of this document. A. PURPOSE: The purpose of the faculty sabbatical program is to enable recipients to be engaged in intensive study in order to become more effective teachers and scholars and to enhance their services to the University. This privilege should be granted to faculty members on the merit of their past academic contributions. B. ELIGIBILITY: In this paper the word "sabbatical" is used to refer to the professional leave program authorized by s. 36.11(17), Wis. Stats. A faculty member is eligible for a sabbatical award under the following terms: 1. A faculty member must have completed six or more years of full-time instructional service, or its equivalent, in the UW System and not have taken a sabbatical within the UW System during the previous six years of full-time service, or its equivalent. 2. Leaves of absence, regardless of source of funding (including personal resources); will be excluded in determining a faculty member's years of full-time service. 3. Preference shall be given to those making significant contributions to teaching and who have not had a leave of absence, regardless of source of funding, in the previous four years. 4. A sabbatical will not be awarded to a faculty member who does not plan to return to the institution from which the leave is granted for at least one academic year of service after the termination of the sabbatical. 2 C. TYPES: Two types of sabbatical leaves are available to faculty members: 1. A faculty member may take a sabbatical leave for an academic year and receive from the institution financial support at any level up to sixty-five percent of his/her full compensation for that period, in accordance with institutional policies. 2. A faculty member may take a sabbatical leave for one semester of the academic year and receive from the institution financial support at any level up to a maximum of his/her full compensation for that period. D. CONDITIONS: The following conditions govern the faculty sabbatical program: 1. In the administration of sabbaticals, salary funds generated by academic-year sabbatical leaves, leaves without pay, by personnel turnover, or by personnel reassignment from GPR support may be used to employ, where necessary, temporary replacement instructional staff to maintain the level and quality of instructional services to students. 2. In the administration of faculty sabbaticals, the UW System will report earnings, creditable service, and contributions to the Wisconsin Retirement System at the fulltime rate, based on the rate of pay in effect immediately prior to the beginning of the sabbatical. In addition, leave benefits will continue to accrue at the rate in effect immediately prior to the sabbatical. 3. A faculty member may receive and is encouraged to seek supplementary grants or other awards while on sabbatical leave, but such compensation, when combined with the amount of institutional compensation, shall not exceed the full compensation normally received from his/her institution for that period. 4. Such additional grants or awards may be received by a faculty member only if the conditions for accepting the additional resources do not interfere with the stated purposes of a faculty member's sabbatical program. 5. A faculty member may seek additional support specifically for travel or unusual living expenses incident to the sabbatical program without restriction by the fullcompensation maximum (see condition #3 above). 6. A faculty member may not use the sabbatical leave to accept other paid employment during the period of the leave, unless as stipulated as a condition of the leave. If so stipulated, condition #3 is operative. 7. A faculty member must specify all grants or other awards applied for or to be received during the leave in his/her application for the sabbatical program. 8. A faculty member must agree to return to the institution from which leave was granted for at least one academic year of service after the termination of the sabbatical, or repay any compensation (salary, plus the University's share of fringe benefits) received from his/her institution during the sabbatical. 9. A faculty member must submit a written report outlining his/her accomplishments during the leave within three months of returning to the institution in accordance with the process and format established by the institution. These reports are to be filed and maintained in the Vice Chancellor's Office and be available upon request. 3 E. SELECTION: The following guidelines govern the process for sabbatical leave: 1. Each institution will establish the specific application requirements and selection procedures for the faculty sabbatical program in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 36.11(17). The selection procedures should provide joint faculty and administrative review and approval, should ensure faculty proposal selection under nondiscriminatory principles, should certify that the quality of program offerings will not be reduced below acceptable standards or that delay or interference with necessary departmental and university functions will not be occasioned by the absence of those faculty on sabbatical leave, and should take into consideration the institution's capacity to fiscally support the sabbatical program. The faculty sabbatical application and selection protocol for each institution will be placed on file in the UW System Office of Academic Affairs. 2. The formal call for faculty sabbatical proposals for the academic year 18 months hence will be announced by the chancellors in March of each year. Institutional selections for the faculty sabbatical program should be communicated in writing by the chancellors to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs by November of each year. This communication should contain: a. a brief paragraph abstract of the proposed sabbatical program; (A brief updated professional vita for sabbatical nominees should be kept on file at institutions, should the Board of Regents wish to review a specific sabbatical award); b. a certification by the chancellor or a designee that the eligibility requirements, compensation arrangements and related conditions of the appointment, and the guidelines for sabbatical award selection as outlined in sections B, C, D, and E of this document have been observed in the determination and granting of the awards. Certification must also be made as to the fiscal capability of the institution to support the number of faculty sabbaticals being granted; c. a description of the source of support for the sabbatical, i.e., collegial coverage, ad hoc appointment, or other. 3. Formal announcement of those faculty members receiving sabbatical awards will be made annually at the December meeting of the Board of Regents. Additional information regarding the biennial Board of Regent Sabbatical Guidelines can be found by following this links 4 UWSP SABBATICAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES (Approved by SRS, November 2015) Sabbatical Review Subcommittee (SRS), Faculty Council Purpose: The purpose of the sabbatical program is to enable recipients to be engaged in intensive study in order to become more effective teachers and scholars and to enhance recipients’ services to the University. Sabbaticals may be granted for research, as well as for enhancement of teaching and curriculum development. In approving sabbaticals, UWSP will also give consideration to projects that involve interdisciplinary activities, scholarship of teaching and learning, collaborative program activities, international education, and application of technology to instruction and distance education. The intent of this consideration is to help broaden the scope of traditional sabbatical activities. It is not intended to be restrictive or imply that individuals focusing on these areas will be given preference over other more traditional sabbatical projects. UWSP Eligibility: The criteria for determining eligibility are: (1) You must have taught fulltime in the UW System for the equivalent of 6 or more years, and must not have had a sabbatical or other university-financed leave during the previous 6 years. (2) You must have tenure, or have been reappointed to a permanent position for the year following your leave. Sabbatical College : Each UWSP College will be allocated a maximum number of sabbaticals Allocation based on their proportion of the total UWSP tenure and tenure-track faculty. The total number of sabbaticals will be set by the Provost each year by end of the Fall semester for the following academic year and proportional allocations will then be made to each College. Sabbatical Restrictions : Sabbaticals will only be awarded to a faculty member returning to a permanent position for at least one academic year, i.e. two semesters, of service following the sabbatical leave. The Sabbatical Leave Form (SLF) must be completed by the department and associated College Dean. This form indicates the Department and College’s sponsorship for the proposed sabbatical and their willingness to potentially re-allocate resources in support of the sabbatical. A complete SLF must accompany proposal submissions. State and Federal regulation Compliance: Projects that are approved must comply with various State and Federal regulations; for example, regulations concerning research involving human subjects (IRB approval required), animal subjects (IACUC approval required), environment 5 impacts (WEPA approval required), equipment purchased, and publishable or patentable materials. See IRB, IACUC, and WEPA information at end of this document. College Sabbatical Each UWSP College will review sabbatical proposals by faculty within Review Committee: their own college. All members of individual College Sabbatical Review Committees will be UWSP tenured faculty who will serve a calendar-year term. Each college will have a faculty member from each department or equivalent unit, depending on individual college administrative configuration. If a department or equivalent unit cannot, or does not, appoint a committee representative, the Dean shall appoint a representative for that department or equivalent unit. Each college committee will have a minimum of three tenured faculty members. Each College Sabbatical Review Committee will evaluate sabbatical proposals based on a scoring rubric developed by the UWSP Sabbatical Review Subcommittee. Part of the rubric weighting can be changed by each College Sabbatical Review Committee in support of specific college criteria and philosophical tenets. All rubrics used by each College Sabbatical Review Committee will be sent to and posted by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and will be available for any faculty member to examine. These rubrics will be available by the beginning of the Spring semester each year. Your proposal will be read, discussed and scored by members of your College Committee, and a written critique and evaluative decision will be sent to you. Faculty applying for a sabbatical are recommended to request a copy of their college sabbatical review scoring rubric from their College office. Faculty sabbatical proposals that receive the highest total scores from their respective College Sabbatical Review Committee, up to the maximum number supported by their respective college, will be forwarded to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. The Provost in consultation with the Chancellor will make the final recommendation to the UW System Vice President for Academic Affairs, who forwards recommended proposals to the Board of Regents. Sabbatical Informational Sessions: By the third Friday of the Spring semester each College Sabbatical Review Committee will hold a sabbatical informational session for their College Faculty. This session will outline the basic procedure for developing and submitting a sabbatical proposal as well as the evaluation and scoring process. It is the responsibility of each College Sabbatical Review Committee to disseminate sabbatical information to their respective faculty in a timely manner each academic year. 6 Pre-Sabbaticals, Sabbatical Workshops & Leave Forms: Each College has the option of requiring a pre-sabbatical proposal. This will be a draft copy of the final proposal. If required, the pre-proposal will be reviewed and critiqued by the College Sabbatical Review Committee to assess the quality of the proposal in terms of the rubric criteria: how clearly the project is explained, and how detailed and how well thought out the plan is. No score will be given in the assessment. A pre-sabbatical is not a final sabbatical submission; it is still the responsibility of the author to submit the final sabbatical proposal to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs by the set deadline. A positive review of a pre-sabbatical proposal also is no guarantee for approval of the final sabbatical submission. If a College Sabbatical Review Committee does not require pre-sabbatical proposals, faculty interested in applying for a sabbatical must submit a Sabbatical Leave Form to their College Sabbatical Review Committee electronically by the first Friday after Spring Break. A College Sabbatical Review Committee also may provide its faculty members a Spring semester sabbatical workshop to help in the development of the sabbatical, especially for faculty who are unfamiliar with the writing of grants and sabbaticals. Please contact your respective College office to determine if pre-sabbaticals are compulsory for your College. If required, the deadline for pre-sabbatical submission will be the Friday (12:00pm, noon) after UWSP Spring Break. Applicants are encouraged to consult with members of their College Sabbatical Review Committee at any time during the application process. Examples of successful proposals are available for examination in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. In addition, it is often useful to consult with colleagues outside this University during the development of a proposal for helpful editorial and topical suggestions. Proposal Structure: All sabbatical proposal submissions must have the following components: Sabbatical Cover Sheet Sabbatical Leave Form Abstract Form for UW System Proposal Narrative (maximum 5 pages) Vita Summary Letter of Support from Department Chair Letter(s) of Support from Colleagues (on or off Campus) (If applicable) Letters of Support from Collaborators or Cooperators. If needed, letters from supporting entities, such as libraries, organizations, and or individuals the applicant will be working with during the sabbatical period. 7 These letters should indicate that the applicant has contacted them and that they are willing to provide support, collaboration, or cooperation with the sabbatical project. All of these components are required, but the Sabbatical Leave Form must be signed by your department or unit chair and Dean. The signatures indicate that your unit has resources to cover your sabbatical leave and that your project may be considered by the College Sabbatical Review Committee. Sabbaticals may be immediately rejected without these signatures. Complete proposals are required by all applicants. Sabbatical Submission Deadline: Sabbatical proposals are due on September 9, 2016 and must be submitted electronically to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, e-mail Sharon Courtney at by 12:00 noon. After affirming all the necessary forms, signatures, and required components of a proposal are complete it will be forwarded to the College Sabbatical Review Committee of the respective faculty member who submitted the proposal. Proposal Format: Proposals must have: (1) A page size of 8-1/2 X 11; Margins 1 inch on each side; Font size at least 11 point; Single-spaced. (2) The Abstract Form for UW System in the third person as it may be used in System publicity. (3) All components in the order specified in the Proposal Structure section. (4) Usage and completion of the attached forms: Sabbatical Cover Sheet, Sabbatical Leave Form, Abstract Form, Vita Summary Form. (5) A complete digital application with all supporting documentation in Adobe .pdf format delivered to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs by the specified deadline. Supporting Grants: All grants or requested financial support necessary to complete the proposed sabbatical must be mentioned in the sabbatical narrative. It is not required that this extramural support is acquired by the sabbatical application deadline. The University Personal Development Committee (UPDC) may provide sabbatical financial assistance to faculty, but does not guarantee monetary support simply by having acquired a sabbatical. A separate grant application process would need to be successfully followed. Please contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs for information on UPDC grants to cover a portion of travel, services, and supplies (but not faculty salary) related to their sabbatical projects. Final Report: At the end of a sabbatical leave, a person who received a sabbatical must forward a final report of their work to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. 8 The UWSP sabbatical review process and guidelines will be evaluated every two years by the UWSP Sabbatical Review Subcommittee (SRS) in order to modify the review process, if needed, so that a fair and objective process is used for sabbatical selection. COMPONENTS of the SABBATICAL APPLICATION The sabbatical application should include the following sections in order. The Sabbatical Cover page, Sabbatical Leave Form and the Abstract Form are the pages after the IRB explanation sheet. You must fill in and turn in these three pages as the first three pages of the sabbatical. Details and explanation of the Proposal Narrative is on the next page thereafter. This outline page is provided to insure completeness of the grant application. Do not include this sheet with the application at the time of submission. Sabbatical Cover sheet completed. Sabbatical Leave Form completed and signed. Abstract Form for UW System (1 page) written in third person. Proposal Narrative completed according to guidelines. Limited to 5 pages: Page size 8-1/2 X 11; Margins 1 inch on each side; Font size at least 11 point; Single-spaced. Background Objectives Activities Results Relevance to Professional Development Plan Evaluation Vita summary completed (do not submit a complete vita/resume). Letter(s) of Support. Supporting Documents (limited to 5 pages). IRB approval: Prior to beginning any research involving human subjects at UWSP, or any other location, you must be approved or certified by the University’s Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB). This includes any human subject research at other locations. IACUC approval: Prior to beginning any research involving animal experimentation at UWSP, or any other location, you must be approved or certified by the University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). This includes any animal experimentation research at other locations. If required, certification for environmental impact (WEPA). 9 Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) Approval: All research involving human subjects must be IRB approved. It is recommended that sabbatical writers obtain IRB approval before submitting sabbaticals to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. You may obtain IRB approval after the sabbatical is submitted, but no sabbatical can move forward for final approval until IRB approval is obtained. Please read the following information in regards to obtaining IRB approval: 1. There is a new website containing all pertinent materials and information at: 2. Forms for submitting research to the IRB can be obtained from the website. 3. Any ongoing research that was approved by the IRB longer ago than 12 months needs to be submitted again for review using this new form. 4. All research will be approved for a 12 month period. Any research extending beyond that time limit will need to be approved by the IRB using a new form for review of ongoing research. 5. Anyone doing research involving human subjects will need to complete training in research ethics. To accomplish this at UWSP, a web tutorial has been created and is linked off the above website or click on: This training will take between 30 and 40 minutes of your time to complete. If you have students assisting you in data collection, they too will need to complete this tutorial. At the end of the tutorial, you will be sent and e-mail certifying your completion. If you are the supervising faculty for any students, you will also receive an e-mail notifying you of their completion of the tutorial. In addition, the IRB Chair will also receive confirmation of all completions of this tutorial. The IRB will not approve any research involving human subjects until all personnel involved in the research have completed the tutorial. Please contact the IRB Chair for further information. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Approval: If there are animals associated with your sabbatical, please contact the IACUC Chair. Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) Certification: WEPA is a state law (see current s.1.11 Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 274, Laws of 1971), which spells out the state environmental policy and requires state agencies to consider the environmental effects of their proposed actions. Research and development activities of state agencies are considered actions. DNR procedures for implementing WEPA are outlined in Chapter NR 150, Wisconsin Administrative Code. Environmental, Health, and Safety Hazards: If there are physical, chemical, biological hazards, any hazardous waste management, or radiation issues associated with your research, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Officer at 346-2320. 10 The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Program for the Development of University Personnel DO NOT FILL IN File Number ___________ 2017 – 2018 SABBATICAL COVER SHEET DATE OF APPLICATION: Click here to enter a date. TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT OR STUDY: Click here to enter text. SUBMITTED BY: Click here to enter text. UWSP ID#: Click here to enter text. DEPARTMENT OR OFFICE: Click here to enter text. PHONE NUMBER: Click here to enter text. COLLEGE, SCHOOL OR ADMINISTRATIVE AREA: Click here to enter text. PROJECTED FUNDING DATE: (check one, please explain any contingencies) ☐ Fall semester (full time) ☐ Spring semester (full time) ☐ Academic Year (65% compensation) Contingencies: Click here to enter text. THE APPLICANT FOR A SABBATICAL IS A (please check all those which are appropriate) ☐ Member of an Ethnic Minority ☐ Woman HAS APPLICANT PREVIOUSLY HAD A SABBATICAL? ☐ Yes ☐ No Year: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text. Results: (limit to a paragraph) Click here to enter text. Applicant Signature: _________________________ Date: Click here to enter a date. 11 SABBATICAL LEAVE FORM Submitted by: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date. Department/Unit: Click here to enter text. Leave Requested: ☐Fall Semester ☐Spring Semester ☐Academic Year Title of Proposal: Click here to enter text. Type of Proposal: ☐Primarily enhancement of teaching/curriculum development ☐Primarily research ☐Other (explain) Click here to enter text. College and Departmental assurance (complete one of the following): A. I support this application for a sabbatical leave. The College and Department have committed the resources to support the personnel expenses related to this sabbatical leave request. Signature: _____________________________ Signature: _________________________ Department/Unit Chair Dean or Associate Dean OR B. I cannot support this application for sabbatical leave (please attach a letter of explanation). Signature: _____________________________ Signature: _________________________ Department/Unit Chair Dean or Associate Dean OR C. I have read this application but cannot make a commitment at this time (please attach a letter of explanation). Signature: _____________________________ Signature: _________________________ Department/Unit Chair Dean or Associate Dean 12 ABSTRACT FORM Name: Click here to enter text. Rank: Click here to enter text. Department: Click here to enter text. College: Click here to enter text. Title of Proposal: Click here to enter text. Brief Paragraph Abstract (3-4 sentences written in the third person; 100 words maximum): Click here to enter text. Brief Vita: Click here to enter text. (This form is submitted to the Board of Regents in November/December; limit to one page. Please supply the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs ( with a final copy as a WORD document via email attachment.) 13 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE General Instructions: Limited to 5 pages; Page size 8-1/2 X 11; Margins 1 inch on each side; Font size at least 11 point; Single-spaced. Please follow the format outlined below. Be specific, concise, and coherent. Your proposal must be clearly written so that it can be readily understood by someone outside your field. Make certain it is clear how your objectives relate to the project you describe in your background, as well as how your activities will accomplish these objectives. 1. Background: a. Describe the project you propose to undertake. Show how it fits within the broader context of your discipline. Say why it seems to you to be worth doing. 2. Objectives: a. Specify what you plan to accomplish on your sabbatical. 3. Activities: a. List the activities you will be engaged in to accomplish your objectives, making certain to show how these activities are related to your objectives. Indicate the approximate amount of time to be spent on each. If required, state status of IRB, IACUC, or WEPA approval. 4. Results: Identify those who are likely to benefit from the results of your project. Explain what the benefits are likely to be. Note: Recipients of sabbaticals are subject to the UW System policy on Copyright of Instructional Materials (see University Handbook). Submission of a sabbatical application will be understood to imply that you have read and agree to this policy. 5. Relevance to Professional Development Plan: a. State specifically how the proposed sabbatical project relates to the objectives and goals of your long-term development plan, as identified through your department’s posttenure review procedures and outlined in the “Procedures for Post-Tenure Review and Development” section of the Faculty Handbook. In the absence of a completed posttenure review, attach a statement from your department or personnel committee chair indicating that your proposed sabbatical project is appropriate to or otherwise in keeping with your professional responsibilities. 6. Evaluation: a. Describe how the product(s) of your sabbatical might be evaluated. Some examples: --Original research or a book manuscript will probably be sent to reviewers prior to being published. --A laboratory manual might be sent to instructors of similar courses at other institutions for evaluation (and possible adoption). --A colleague might be requested to attend (and evaluate) lectures or performances derived from sabbatical activities. 14 VITA SUMMARY Rank or Title: Click here to enter text. Date Hired: Click here for date. Highest Academic Degree and Date Awarded: Click here to enter text. 1. Provide a brief resume of professional experience which will give evidence to the reader of your ability to undertake the intended project. Click here to enter text. 2. List previously awarded grants of any type (external or internal) in the past five years, funded or not. For past UPDC grants, state the results of those grants (see General Guidelines). Click here to enter text. 3. List related publications, exhibits, and performances in the past five years. Click here to enter text. [Remove these last few sentences after reading them for submission clarification.] (Please , do not send a complete resume, Focus only on details pertinent to this project.) This document is created as a WORD template. When saving your completed form, be sure to save your file as a WORD document. 15