Complete and submit this form to your supervisor with your retention, promotion, and/or tenure materials (see checklist below) by . (Date) Your supervisor will forward this, along with their memo, to the College/Division office. This form and all supporting documents must be received in Academic Affairs by . (Date) FACULTY RETENTION/PROMOTION/TENURE CHECK LIST FOR: Name: Current Title: Requested Title (Promotion only): Department: Please indicate: Retention Promotion Tenure Tenure & Promotion CHECK LIST The following materials MUST be included in material packets forwarded to the Academic Affairs office. Please use a small (one-and-a-half inch) three-ring binder with tabs separating the different kinds of material and include only the following *: Dean’s recommendation (If applicable) Dept. Chair’s/ Director’s recommendation (unless chair votes with faculty) Dept. Personnel Committee recommendation (with vote) Vita Summary of peer evaluations - of non-refereed presentations or publications (if included under scholarship) Summary Student Evaluations (for a minimum of 3 preceding years. The results should have been returned to you in a format that identifies the faculty member’s median on each item and the median for comparable courses for each item. You should not try to manipulate these numbers any further by creating means or other summary statistics. Simply include a copy of the report for each course/section in the personnel file you forward to the Academic Affairs Office. Other desirable materials Individual peer teaching observation reports Summary of results from Student Evaluation of Instruction form since hire Student comments - typed list by course preferred, but back-to-back copies are acceptable Brief self-reflection (no more than two pages) Copies of cover pages only of published work *Additional materials not listed above should be included in a separate binder ________________________________________________________________________________________ Material NOT desired in files received in Academic Affairs Complete articles or books Samples of photographs of works created Formative evaluations of teaching ________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE The materials you submit are for Academic Affairs’ files. Copies WILL NOT be returned. Please be sure to make copies of your materials for your records prior to submitting to Academic Affairs. Use of a small (one-and-a-half inch) three-ring binder with tabs separating the different kinds of material is helpful (if you need a larger binder, you are probably including more than required or desired). Please DO NOT use sheet protectors. OFFICE USE ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE AVC Review Date Provost Review Date