DISCRETIZATION AND GRID BLOCKS Author: Professor Jon Kleppe Assistant producers: Farrokh Shoaei Khayyam Farzullayev NTNU ENTER Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Continuous system: Discrete system: Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks 2 p C p x 2 K t ? Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Forward expansion of pressure: i-1 Constant grid block sizes Px x, t Px, t Time discretization x P' ' x, t x P' ' ' x, t ... x P ' x, t 1! 2! 3! 2 3 Backward expansions of pressure: i-1 Sensitivity to number of grid blocks i i+1 x 2 3 x x x Px x, t Px, t P ' x, t P ' ' x, t P' ' ' x, t ... Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces i+1 x Variable grid block sizes Numerical formulations i 1! 2! 3! For i=2 to N-1: Summation of forward and backward equations give us: t QUESTIONS 2 P Pi t 1 2 Pi t Pi t 1 2 2 O x 2 x x i Upscaling REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems For i=1: PL 1 Constant grid block 2 x sizes x / 2 P' ' x, t x / 2 P' ' ' x, t ... x / 2 Px 0, t Px, t P ' x, t 1! 2! 3! 2 Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Numerical formulations 3 Solving forward equation and Eq. I give us: Eq. I t 2P P2t 3P1t 2 PL 2 2 O x 3 x 1 (x) 2 4 For i=N: N-1 Sensitivity to number of grid blocks N PR x Sensitivity to Time step x / 2 P' ' x, t x / 2 P' ' ' x, t ... x / 2 P x N , t P x, t P ' x, t 1! 2! 3! 2 3 Eq. II Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES Solving backward equation and Eq. II give us: t 2P PNt 1 3PNt 2 PR 2 2 O x 3 x N (x) 2 4 ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Variable grid block sizes Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes More realistic grid system Better accuracy in areas of rapid changes in pressures and saturations Specially useful in the neighborhood of production and injection wells Numerical formulations Upscaling QUESTIONS i-1 i xi-1 x i+1 xi+1 The Taylor expansions: Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Finer description of geometry Time discretization Sensitivity to number of grid blocks (xi xi 1 ) / 2 P (xi xi 1 ) / 2 P... (xi xi 1 ) / 2 Pi 1 Pi Pi i i 1! 2! 3! 2 3 (xi xi 1 ) / 2 P (xi xi 1 ) / 2 P... (xi xi 1 ) / 2 Pi 1 Pi Pi i i 1! 2! 3! 2 REFERENCES ABOUT 3 EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems The flow term : P P f ( x ) f ( x ) P x i 1/ 2 x i 1/ 2 2 f ( x) O x x x i xi Constant grid block sizes Where : Variable grid block sizes P Pi P 1 i 1 O(x) x i 1 / 2 2 (xi xi 1 ) P P P 1 i i 1 O(x) x i 1/ 2 2 (xi xi 1 ) Time discretization Numerical formulations For i=2 to N-1 : Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step P f ( x) x x i 2 f ( x)i 1/ 2 ( Pi 1 Pi ) ( Pi Pi 1 ) 2 f ( x)i 1/ 2 (xi 1 xi ) (xi xi 1 ) O(x) xi Due to the different block sizes, the error terms are of first order only. Flow equation for i=1 and i=N depends to boundary conditions. Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Boundary conditions Pressure condition at the sides of slab: Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes PL 1 2 x1 x2 P P P 1 L O(x) x 1/ 2 (x1 ) / 2 Time discretization For i=1: Numerical formulations P f ( x ) x x 1 Sensitivity to number of grid blocks ( P2 P1 ) ( P PL ) 2 f ( x)11 / 2 1 (x 2 x1 ) (x1 ) O(x) x1 For i=N: Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Same for pressure at the right hand side: P f ( x ) x x N Upscaling QUESTIONS 2 f ( x)11 / 2 REFERENCES ABOUT 2 f ( x) N 1/ 2 ( PR PN ) ( PN PN 1 ) 2 f ( x) N 1/ 2 (xN ) (xN xN 1 ) O(x) xN EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Flow rate specified at the sides of slab: For flow rate at the left hand side: Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes kA P QL B x 12 QL 1 B P QL kA x 1/ 2 2 x1 x2 Time discretization Numerical formulations P f ( x ) x x 1 Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step ( P2 P1 ) B QL (x 2 x1 ) kA O(x) x1 Same for flow rate at the right hand side: Capillary and viscous forces P f ( x ) x x N Upscaling QUESTIONS 2 f ( x)11 / 2 REFERENCES ABOUT QR B kA 2 f ( x) N 1 / 2 x N ( PN PN 1 ) (x N x N 1 ) O(x) EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Time discretization Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Expansion forward: P( x, t t ) P( x, t ) Variable grid block sizes t (t ) 2 (t )3 P( x, t ) P( x, t ) P( x, t ) ... 1! 2! 3! t t P t i Time discretization Pi t t Pi t O(t ) t Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Expansion backward: P( x, t ) P( x, t t ) Sensitivity to Time step t (t ) 2 (t )3 P( x, t t ) P( x, t t ) P( x, t t ) ... 1! 2! 3! t t t P Pi Pi O(t ) t t i t Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Numerical formulations Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Explicit method: Use the forward approximation of the time derivative at time level t. The left hand side is also at time level t. Solve for pressures explicitly. Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Pi t 1 2 Pi t Pi t 1 x 2 t All parameters except pi at (t+Δt) are in time t and are known , so simply by solving equation you can find pi at (t+Δt). t + Δt Sensitivity to Time step t Capillary and viscous forces i-1 i i+1 i-1 i i+1 x Upscaling QUESTIONS t t Pi c Pi t k This formulation has limited stability, and is therefore seldom used. REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Implicit method: Use the backward approximation of the time derivative at time level t+Δt. The left hand side is also at time level t+Δt. Solve for pressures implicitly. Pi t 1t 2 Pi t t Pi t 1t c Pi t t Pi t t x 2 k Time discretization Numerical formulations t + Δt Sensitivity to number of grid blocks t i+1 i-1 i i+1 A set of N equations with N unknowns, which must be solved simultaneously. For instance using the Gaussian elimination method. Upscaling QUESTIONS i x Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces i-1 This formulation is unconditionally stable. REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Crank-Nicholson method: Use the central approximation of the time derivative at time level t+Δt / 2. The left hand side is also at time level t+Δt / 2. Variable grid block sizes 1 Pi t 1 2 Pi t Pi t 1 Pi t 1t 2 Pi t t Pi t 1t c Pi t t Pi t 2 k t x 2 x 2 Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks The resulting set of linear equations may be solved simultaneously just as in the implicit case. Sensitivity to Time step The formulation is unconditionally stable, but may exhibit oscillatory behavior, and is seldom used. Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Contineous and discrete systems 10 grid blocks: 20 grid blocks: 40 grid blocks: 100 grid blocks: 1 i 10 Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Numerical formulations 1 i 1 20 i 1 40 i 100 1 10 1-Sor Sensitivity to number of grid blocks 20 40 SW 100 Sensitivity to Time step SWir Capillary and viscous forces 0 0 Upscaling QUESTIONS X/L 1 The more grid blocks we have, the smaller are the blocks sizes (Δx), smaller is the numerical dispersion because the discretization error is proportional to Δx2 . REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Sensitivity to time step Contineous and discrete systems 1 Constant grid block sizes 1-Sor Variable grid block sizes 0,9 Δt = 20 sec 0,8 Δt = 10 sec Δt = 1 sec 0,7 0,6 Time discretization SW Numerical formulations 0,5 0,4 0,3 Sensitivity to number of grid blocks SWir 0,2 0,1 Sensitivity to Time step 0 0 10 QUESTIONS 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X/L Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling 20 The smaller are the time steps (Δt), the smaller is the numerical dispersion due to the discretization where the error is proportional to Δt. REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Capillary and viscous forces pressure difference across a grid block will be directly proportional to the size of this ( in the flow direction ). The direct effect of capillary pressure will therefore often be dominating in a core-sized grid block while it is negligible in a full field simulation formation scale grid block. Constant grid block sizes Time discretization Numerical formulations production injection Capillary forces (capillary endpoint pressure) 0.7 bar Variable grid block sizes Core plug: Viscous forces (viscous pressure drop) 10 cm Sensitivity to number of grid blocks injection production Sensitivity to Time step Simulation grid block: 0.7 bar Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling 150 m QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Upscaling Geological models may contain millions of grid blocks representing geologically interpolated data (geostatistical realizations). Numerical simulators cannot handle this level of detail due to cost limitations (applicable with less than millions of grid blocks). The magnitude of the difference between fine and coarse scales is very significant. The key problem is how to obtain effective input for the numerical flow simulator from data on finer scales. This process is called upscaling. Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems High permiability Constant grid block Low permiability sizes Laminar sclae grid blocks: 1.5 * 0.5 m core plug Formation scale grid blocks: 1.5 * 0.5 m Formation scale grid blocks: 12 * 2.5 m Formation scale Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces grid blocks: 60 * 5 m Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Fine grids and coarse grids: Fine grids: Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Coarse grids: Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Permeability tensor: Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Fij Time discretization Cij Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS The permeability tensor of a porous medium is specified on each fine-scale cell Fij, and must be upscaled or homogenized over each coarse-scale or computational cell Cij REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Contineous and discrete systems Quality control: Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Recovery Time discretization Fine grid model with original relative permeability Coarse grid model with upscaled relative permeability Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Time Every single upscaling step is quality controlled during the upscaling by comparing recovery from the fine model with the recovery from the upscaled coarse gridded model incorporating the pseudo curves. Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks Questions Contineous and discrete systems 1. Constant grid block Use Taylor series to derive the following approximations (include error terms): a) Forward approximation of sizes b) Backward approximation of Variable grid block sizes c) Central approximation of 2P x 2 (constant x) d) Central approximation of 2P x 2 (variable x) Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces 2. P t P t Modify the approximation for grid block 1, if the left side of the grid block is maintained at a constant pressure, PL. 3. Modify the approximation for grid block 1, if grid block is subjected to a constant flow rate, QL. 4. Write the discretized equation on implicit and explicit forms. Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks References Contineous and discrete systems Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Kleppe J.: Reservoir Simulation, Lecture note 3 EPS Time discretization Numerical formulations Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Sensitivity to Time step Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT Discretization and Grid Blocks About this module Contineous and discrete systems Title: DISCRETIZATION AND GRID BLOCKS (PDF) Author: Constant grid block sizes Variable grid block sizes Time discretization Address: Name: Prof. Jon Kleppe NTNU S.P. Andersensvei 15A 7491 Trondheim Numerical formulations Website Sensitivity to number of grid blocks Email Sensitivity to Time step Size: 660 KB Capillary and viscous forces Upscaling QUESTIONS REFERENCES ABOUT EXIT