TO: Faculty Senators/Academic Staff Council FROM: Interim Provost Morgan

TO: Faculty Senators/Academic Staff Council
FROM: Interim Provost Morgan
RE: Academic Affairs Reorganization Plan
DATE: 9-28-2015 (updated 10-2-2015) - for review at the October 15, 2015 Senate Meeting and the October 12, 2015 Academic Staff
Council Meeting
The original organizational plan is available on the 3rd page of this document. The image provided on the the second page of this document
represents a draft of what is being proposed (slightly modified after the 10/1/2015 Faculty Senate discussion).
I find it helpful to think of the reorganization as a three step process.
1. In response to the Board of Regents’ audit of International Education and Engagement (IEE) (aka Office of International Education),
Chancellor Gow indicated that IEE would report directly to the Provost (with a dashed line to the Vice Chancellor of Administration and
Finance, A&F). In other words, IEE Is a unit within Academic Affairs overseen by the Provost who also reports financially to A&F. Prior to
this change, IEE reported to the Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management.
2. Largely due to learning that UWL has an enrollment-based tuition base budget revenue shortfall estimated at $1.18M for FY16, I chose
to discontinue the role of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management effective 10/5/2015. The position oversaw five units: IEE
(now reporting directly to the Provost), Admissions, Records & Registration, Financial Aid, and Career Services & Academic Advising).
3. Reorganization Plan (feedback on this step is being solicited) - due to steps #1 and #2, on Monday, 9/28/2015, I asked SEC to put a
discussion of these changes on the agenda for 10/1. At the 10/1 meeting Senate passed a motion to allow for more review time. The
proposed reorganization is shown below and here are a few observations that may be of help as you think about the proposed plan.
● The major impetus of the reorg plan was to keep the remaining Enrollment Services units together under one supervisor in order to
facilitate coordination.
● The second impetus for the plan as shown was to distribute workload more evenly across remaining units.
● SOE is being recommended as the home for Continuing Education and Extension (CEE) due to similarity in their missions to represent
the university at-large. Furthermore, CEE and IPSE both have revenue generating aspects.
● Graduate Studies is currently undergoing a major strategic planning initiative and has indicated a preference to stay reporting to the
interim Associate Vice Chancellor position until the planning has been completed. (The original proposal was to include Graduate
Studies with SOE in order to increase the profile of Grad Studies and because, as a unit, it too, represents units within all three
colleges). A move of Graduate Studies may be necessary in the future in terms of workload.
● In terms of organization, there are immediate practical structural “management” needs (e.g., signature authority for budgets, travel,
leave) and longer term issues of leadership for each unit.