Faculty Senate October 15, 2015 – 3:30 p.m. Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 GMH Vol. 50, No. 4 I. Role Call. A. Present: J. Anderson, B. Bennie, G. Cravins, T. Docan-Morgan, S. Foley, R. Fowler, A. Galbraith, T. Gendreau, H. Jones, S. Kelly, T. King-Heiden, J. Kirsch, K. Kortenkamp, A. Loh, J. Longhurst, W. Maas, M. Moeller, J. Nunley, M. Rott, B. Seebach, K. Terpstra B. Excused: Kenny Hunt II. Approval of minutes. A. Minutes from 10-1-15 were approved. III. Reports A. Chancellor (Jow Gow): not present B. iProvost (Betsy Morgan): 1. On behalf of Gow: JPC has been formally charged with task strategic planning; projected updates May 2016 & Jan 2017 2. On behalf Hetzel: budget: with reduced revenue from lower enrollment, we have reserves for this year, but next year may have issues. (1) enrollment management counsel exec committee will report to JPB; if current target enrollment similar likely freeze of GPA position for this year (on-going); 102 likely ok; should know by November (2) Similar trends seen across higher education and within UW System 3. Notification that several programs under review and SAA PhD 4. Deans counsel: advising across colleges and department needs discussion; academic advising just for undeclared 5. October personnel month 6. Request: please remember to submit grant submittal forms in timely manner 7. Comments on Reorganization: With respect to promotion/tenure, the role of Dean of SOE will remain the same as with Director position 8. Cool stuff: TedX has permanent home in Murphy; several are becoming consultants outside UWL; shout out to senior faculty C. CFO (Bob Hetzel): not present D. Faculty Representative (George Cravins) 1. Submitted report via email E. Student Senate Liaison (Molly Davies) 1. Resolution passed to give $ to Murphy Learning Center, 1/3 UGR grants and undergraduate research 2. Students also meeting to discuss concealed carry F. Faculty Senate Chair (Brad Seebach) 1. Proud despite heated discussion continued conversation with good decorum 2. During heated discussions, please contact me if tone prevents your voice IV. Presentation from WiSys Student Ambassadors A. Rachel Neve (micro) and Markus Lowe (physics/math) B. Working to connect faculty/students on campus with WiSys with respect to patents and copy rights/intellectual property; Contact before present your data! C. Ice cream social Tues Nov 10th Ward room; 3-5 pm D. Rachel & Markus happy to come speak to interested departments. V. PTS Committee Equity Adjustment Correction A. Discussed typos/mistakes in previous plan 1. Typo in Phase 1; all under 100% CUPA get 1.5% 2. Phase 2: mistake in number of full professors so reworked in same spirit 3. Contact Dean to see what CUPA is in your field B. General concerns regarding allocation of funds discussed: 1. Concerns about using CUPA without years in rank continues compression 2. Design target for each person including rank in service; and adjust everyone at certain % of target? C. MSP to accept revisions VI. Advisory remarks on Academic Affairs Reorganization A. Summary from Faculty/Staff/Administration input through various mechanisms was presented and discussed; General discussions are summarized below 1. Concern over elimination of Enrollment Management position at a time when enrollment is down and reorganization of groups under overloaded person a) Is full time enrollment management necessary given current enrollment trends? (1) Enrollment issues in international (2) Enrollment management committee will be continuing to move forward with managing enrollment and reporting to counsel instead of one person 2. General concern about the lack of faculty involvement a) Hope new strategic plan includes true shared governance b) Need for increased participation in Joint Planning & Budget as shared governance 3. Need to address graduate program and graduate student representation a) Elevate graduate director position b) On-going summit will hopefully help to resolve 4. Concerns regarding shared governance with appointment of Dean position from Director a) Administration contends it was an oversight: transition team discussed in Spring; transition of Provost position in June/July thought had been approved by Faculty Senate b) Suggest SEC write policy regarding retitling VII. Review Spousal Hiring Policy A. First reading; summary presentation by Nizam Arain B. Discussion of changes made to address overarching goal to clarify rare occurrences and make consistent across colleges 1. No longer can be used as retention tool under this policy; other policies could be developed to address use as a retention tool a) SEC raised concern about losing the ability to retain good faculty b) If used, need consistency; Departments can still “appoint” positions that are non-faculty lines if needed and approved by department (IAS and non-instructional positions only) 2. Incentives at time of hire, with current positions only; not to be used in cases where job has been announced and have applicants (no longer cancel search) 3. Does not negate department evaluation of applicant for quality of spousal/partner applicant C. Main: 1) now only tool for recruitment (not retention, which was even more rare); make sure implemented same; initial point of hire now only (during negotiation phase). 2 offer to spouse/partner if advertised and applicants, no longer cancel search. VIII. Review Nepotism Policy A. First reading; summary presentation by Nizam Arain B. New policy primarily “code of conduct” for people who are in potential conflict of interest situation; C. No discussion: senators will direct questions to SEC and Nizam Araub to discuss further 1. Second reading will include a new final paragraph from staff senate IX. Old business X. New business XI. Adjournment - 5:37 pm Submitted by T. King-Heiden and J Kirsch