Front cover Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Installing the EWLM managed server on z/OS Customizing the EWLM management domain Evaluating performance data Paola Bari G. Michael Connolly Franco Meroni Redpaper International Technical Support Organization Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support July 2005 Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page vii. First Edition (July 2005) This edition applies to the EWLM product within Version 1, Release 1 of the IBM Virtualization Engine Management Servers (product number 5724-i71). © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. iii iv Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Contents Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix The team that wrote this Redpaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x Chapter 1. Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 EWLM for z/OS description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Preventive service planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.2 Installation requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.3 General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 SMP/E installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Installing EWLM for z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Middleware instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 WebSphere Application Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 3 5 6 6 8 8 8 Chapter 2. EWLM configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1 ITSO environment for the EWLM management domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2 Setting up z/OS as managed server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2.1 Configuring IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 . . . . . . . 11 2.2.2 Updating the BPXPRMxx member in PARMLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.3 Configuring a managed server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.4 Authorizing z/OS users to start the EWLM managed server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3 Start EWLM on the z/OS managed server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3.1 Enable instrumentation for middleware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3.2 Operational commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.4 Running the workload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.4.1 Create z/OS DB2 database for Trade3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.4.2 Distribute the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver for z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.4.3 Installing the Trade3 distributed application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.4.4 Configure Trade3 JDBC driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.4.5 Verifying the workload through the Control Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 EWLM and zWLM policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 EWLM, WLM, and DB2 transaction concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 ARM enablement on z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Monitoring the workload with EWLM and z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 A comparison between monitoring reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 EWLM Control Center reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 RMF postprocessor workload activity reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 DB2 PE accounting and statistics reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.4 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Performance considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 36 40 41 43 58 58 61 63 67 68 Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. v IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 71 71 71 71 72 Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. 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To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. vii Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: AIX 5L™ AIX® CICS® DB2 Universal Database™ DB2® DRDA® Eserver® eServer™ i5/OS™ IBM® IMS™ OS/390® Parallel Sysplex® RACF® Redbooks (logo) ™ RETAIN® RMF™ Virtualization Engine™ WebSphere® z/OS® zSeries® The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. viii Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Preface This IBM® Redpaper will help you install, tailor, and configure the EWLM managed server on the z/OS® image. It also provides an understanding of how the transaction concept differs between the distributed and z/OS worlds and how you can interpret the EWLM performance data compared with traditional z/OS monitors such as RMF™ and DB2® Performance Expert. The team that wrote this Redpaper This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center. Paola Bari is an Advisory Programmer at the International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center. She has 23 years of experience as a systems programmer in OS/390®, z/OS. and Parallel Sysplex®, including several years of experience in WebSphere® MQ and WebSphere Application Server. G Michael Connolly is an IT consultant at the International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center. He has more than 30 years of IBM software development experience in both distributed systems and the mainframe zSeries®. He holds a BA in Humanities from Villanova University. His areas of expertise include TCP/IP Communications, UNIX® System Services, WebSphere for z/OS, and most recently the IBM Virtualization Engine™ EWLM product. Franco Meroni is a consultant IT architect for IBM Italy Global Services, Integrated Technology Services organization. He has more than 35 years of experience in mainframe hardware and software including OS/390, z/OS, and Parallel Sysplex. He has worked with PSSC Montpellier for z/Series benchmarks and customer environment assessments. Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project: Rich Conway International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center Georg Bosch IBM Germany Yuk Chan IBM Poughkeepsie Yuksel Gunal IBM Poughkeepsie Hugh Smith IBM Santa Teresa Dino Tonelli IBM Poughkeepsie Peter Yocom IBM Poughkeepsie © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. ix David Zhang IBM San Jose Become a published author Join us for a two- to six-week residency program! Help write an IBM Redbook dealing with specific products or solutions while getting hands-on experience with leading-edge technologies. You’ll team with IBM technical professionals, Business Partners, and/or customers. Your efforts will help increase product acceptance and customer satisfaction. As a bonus, you’ll develop a network of contacts in IBM development labs, and increase your productivity and marketability. Find out more about the residency program, browse the residency index, and apply online at: Comments welcome Your comments are important to us! We want our papers to be as helpful as possible. Send us your comments about this Redpaper or other Redbooks in one of the following ways: Use the online Contact us review redbook form found at: Send your comments in an e-mail to: Mail your comments to: IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization Dept. HYJ Mail Station P099 2455 South Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400 x Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 1 Chapter 1. Installation This chapter provides information about the tasks that are required to install and customize the EWLM code on the z/OS platform. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 1 1.1 EWLM for z/OS description The IBM Virtualization Engine is a set of technologies and systems services that enable system administrators to access and manage resources across multiple platforms (z/OS, AIX®, i5/OS™, Windows® and so forth). The Enterprise Workload Manager (EWLM) systems service enables you to define business-oriented performance goals for an entire domain of servers across multiple platforms, then provides an end-to-end view of actual performance relative to those goals. EWLM for z/OS includes the EWLM managed server but not the EWLM domain manager. EWLM managed servers run on each server that hosts workloads to be monitored by EWLM. They collect and aggregate data and send the data to the domain manager. For more information, visit the IBM eServer™ Information Center at: The program number for EWLM for z/OS is 5655-M76. EWLM for z/OS is distributed as z/OS priced feature at no additional cost. EWLM for z/OS consists of the following FMIDs: HVE1110, IBM Virtualization Engine Enterprise Workload Manager for z/OS V1.1 HJVA140, IBM SDK for z/OS, Java™ 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 EWLM product can be ordered as CBPDO or ServerPac. 1.1.1 Preventive service planning Before installing EWLM for z/OS, you should review the current Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information. If you obtained EWLM for z/OS as part of a CBPDO, there is HOLDDATA and PSP information included on the CBPDO. Table 1-1 lists the UPGRADE and SUBSET values to be used to locate the EWLM for z/OS PSP. Table 1-1 PSP UPGRADE and SUBSET ID UPGRADE SUBSET Description VEV1R1 EWLM EWLM for z/OS JAVAOS390 HJVA140 IBM SDK for z/OS V1.4 Table 1-2 lists the Components IDs that belong to the EWLM code. Table 1-2 FMID COMPID component name FMID COMPID Component name RETAIN® release HVE1110 5655M7601 EWLM, z/OS-specific 110 HVE1110 5655M7602 EWLM, common code 110 HJVA140 5648-C9800 IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 140 HJVA140 5648-C9801 IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 140 Verify that the following PTFs are installed on your z/OS 1.6 system: UA15188 (WLM) UA15189 (WLM Kanji) UA15456 (USS) 2 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 1.1.2 Installation requirements The following sections identify the system requirements for installing and activating EWLM for z/OS. In these sections, the system used to install the EWLM code is identified as the driving system and the system where the EWLM will run is identified as the target system. Depending on your installation policy, these can be represented by either the same system or two different systems. Driving system The driving system can run in any hardware environment that supports the required software. Table 1-3 describes the software requirements that are necessary to install the EWLM code. Table 1-3 Driving system software requirements Program number Any one of the following: Product name and minimum service level 5694-A01 z/OS V1.4 with IBM SMP/E V3R2 (5655-G44) or higher and Java 2 Technology Edition, SDK 1.3.1 (5655-D35) or higher 5655-G52 z/OS.e V1.4 with IBM SMP/E V3R2 (5655-G44) or higher and Java 2 Technology Edition, SDK 1.3.1 (5655-D35) or higher Keep in mind that: z/OS UNIX System Services must be up in full function mode on your driving system. Before installing EWLM for z/OS, you must ensure that the target system’s HFS is available (OMVS active and the target file systems mounted) for processing. An SMP/E utility entry for the binder is required. You can specify any of these program names in the UTILITY entry: – IEWLINK – HEWL – LINKEDIT – HEWLH096 (The linkage editor that uses the names HEWLKED, HEWLF064, HEWLF440, and IEWLF128 cannot be used.) The following installation jobs, as well as the SMP/E APPLY job, should be run under a user ID with UID(0), or with a user ID with READ access to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the RACF® FACILITY class: – AJVISMKD – HVEISMKD This installation user ID must also have READ access to these FACILITY class resources: – BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL – BPX.FILEATTR.APF – BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB Chapter 1. Installation 3 Target system The target environment can run on any hardware that supports the software listed in Table 1-4. This table describes the software requirements for running the EWLM code. Table 1-4 Software prerequisites Program number Product name and minimum service level 5694-A01 z/OS V1.6 or higher 5655-G52 z/OS.e V1.6 or higher 5655-I56 IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 (included in this product) at PTF level UQ90449 or later 5694-A01 z/OS V1.6 PTF UA15188 (Workload Manager) and UA15189 (Workload Manager Kanji) z/OS V1.6 with PTFS UA12453, UA13606, and UQ92626 or higher 5655-G52 z/OS.e V1.6 PTF UA15188 (Workload Manager) and UA15189 (Workload Manager Kanji) z/OS.e V1.6 with PTFS UA12453, UA13606, and UQ92626 or higher DASD requirements Table 1-5 lists the total space required for each type of library. Table 1-5 DASD space Library type Total space required Target 4 tracks of 3390 for EWLM for z/OS 3 tracks of 3390 for IBM SDK for z/OS, V1.4 Distribution 475 tracks of 3390 for EWLM for z/OS 1500 tracks of 3390 for IBM SDK for z/OS, V1.4 HFS 270 tracks of 3390 for EWLM for z/OS 3600 tracks of 3390 for IBM SDK for z/OS, V1.4 The following tables contain the list of the libraries that are either updated or created during the installation process. Table 1-6 Target libraries requirement Library DDNAME Type Number 3390 trks Number Dir. blocks PROCLIB Ea 1 1 SAJVSSMP1 Ub 3 2 SAMPLIB E 3 1 a. E represents an existing shared data set, used by this product and others. This data set is not allocated during the installation process of this product. To determine the correct storage needed for this data set, the storage size given here must be added to the current dimension of the data set. b. U represents an unique data set, allocated by this product and used only by this product. 4 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Table 1-7 HFS paths DDNAME Type Path name SAJVJ14 Na /usr/lpp/java/J1.4/IBM SHVECLAS N /usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/IBM a. N represents a new path, created by this product. Table 1-8 Distribution libraries requirements Library DDNAME Type Number of 3390 tracks Number of dir. blocks AAJVHFS U 1813 2 AAJVSMP1 U 3 2 AHVEDATA U 5 2 AHVEHFS U 466 3 APROCLIB E 1 1 ASAMPLIB E 3 1 1.1.3 General considerations The IBM Software Development Kit for z/OS Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 (program number 5655-I56), which is included as part of EWLM for z/OS, is a functional successor to various Java products from IBM. If you have previously installed this product, you should take the following considerations into account when installing EWLM for z/OS. If you already have a copy of IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 at the required maintenance level for EWLM for z/OS, you can continue to use the existing version or install the IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 shipped with EWLM for z/OS and replace your existing IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4 with it. We recommend that you install EWLM for z/OS into the same SMP/E zones with your z/OS or z/OS.e (V1.6 or later) system, including SMPCSI, target, distribution data sets, except for the HFS data sets. During installation of EWLM for z/OS on the driving system, the target HFS file systems must be mounted at the following mountpoints: <PathPrefix>/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM <PathPrefix>/usr/lpp/java/J1.4 <PathPrefix> is an HFS path prefix such as /SERVICE. Use of a path prefix allows maintenance to be applied to a copy of the EWLM for z/OS HFS file systems without disturbing the production HFS file systems. During customization and operation of EWLM for z/OS on the target system, the target HFS file systems must be mounted at the following mountpoints: A Java SDK mountpoint, normally /usr/lpp/java/J1.4 An EWLM for z/OS mountpoint, normally /usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM Chapter 1. Installation 5 1.2 SMP/E installation From an SMP/E point of view, it is recommended that you install the EWLM code into the z/OS CSI. If you want to install EWLM for z/OS into its own SMP/E environment, you must create and initialize its own SMPCSI and the SMP/E control data sets. 1.2.1 Installing EWLM for z/OS In order to install the EWLM code, you have to execute all of the installation steps from a user ID that is defined to z/OS UNIX System Services, and which has the following attributes: UID(0) or READ access or higher to BPX.SUPERUSER in the FACILITY class READ access or higher to BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL, BPX.FILEATTR.APF, and BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB in the FACILITY class The installation of the EWLM code follows the normal installation path through the SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT steps. Table 1-9 contains the list of the sample installation jobs provided as part of the product. You can access the sample installation jobs by performing an SMP/E RECEIVE and then copying the jobs from the relfiles to a work data set for editing and submission. Table 1-9 Installation jobs Job name Job type Description RELFILE AJVALLOC ALLOCATE Sample job to allocate target and distribution libraries for Java Software Development Kit IBM.HJVA140.F2 AJVISHFS ALLOCATE Sample job to allocate a new HFS data set for Java Software Development Kit IBM.HJVA140.F2 AJVISMKD MKDIR Sample job to invoke the supplied AJVMKDIR EXEC to allocate HFS paths for Java Software Development Kit IBM.HJVA140.F2 AJVDDDEF DDDEF Sample job to define SMP/E DDDEFs for Java Software Development Kit IBM.HJVA140.F2 HVEALLOC ALLOCATE Sample job to allocate target and distribution libraries for EWLM for z/OS IBM.HVE1110.F2 HVEISHFS ALLOCATE Sample job to allocate a new HFS data set for EWLM for z/OS IBM.HVE1110.F2 HVEISMKD MKDIR Sample job to invoke the supplied HVEMKDIR EXEC to allocate HFS paths IBM.HVE1110.F2 HVEDDDEF DDDEF Sample job to define SMP/E DDDEFs for EWLM for z/OS IBM.HVE1110.F2 These tasks must be executed to accomplish the EWLM for z/OS code installation: 1. If you are installing the EWLM for z/OS as part of a CBPDO, run the RCVPDO job found in the CBPDO RIMLIB data set to RECEIVE the EWLM for z/OS FMIDs as well as any service, HOLDDATA, or preventive service planning (PSP) information included on the CBPDO tape. This step is not required if you are installing EWLM for z/OS as part of a service pack. 6 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 2. Edit and submit the sample jobs HVEALLOC and AJVALLOC to allocate the SMP/E target and distribution libraries for EWLM for z/OS and the Java Software Development Kit component. 3. If you are installing EWLM for z/OS and the Java Software Development Kit component into new HFS data sets, customize and run sample jobs HVEISHFS and AJVISHFS to allocate the HFS data sets. 4. Mount the newly created HFS with the MKDIR command. The MKDIR commands are described in sample jobs HVEISHFS and AJVISHFS. Mount the new HFS data sets at: – – <PathPrefix>/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM <PathPrefix>/usr/lpp/java/J1.4 <PathPrefix> is an HFS path prefix. 5. Edit and submit sample jobs HVEISMKD and AJVISMKD to create the HFS target directories needed to install EWLM for z/OS and the Java Software Development Kit. 6. If you plan to create a new HFS for this product, you should consider updating the BPXPRMxx PARMLIB member to mount the new HFS at IPL time. 7. Edit and submit the sample jobs HVEDDDEF and AJVDDDEF to create the DDDEF entries for the SMP/E target and distribution libraries. 8. Edit, customize with your installation values, and submit the sample job shown in Example 1-1 to perform an SMP/E APPLY CHECK for EWLM for z/OS. After you have successfully run the APPLY CHECK job and solved any potential actions indicated by the APPLY CHECK, run the job again with the CHECK operand removed. Example 1-1 Sample APPLY job //APPLY JOB //STEP1 EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGION=M,TIME=NOLIMIT //SMPCSI DD DSN=csiname,DISP=SHR //SMPCNTL DD SET BOUNDARY(targetzone) . APPLY CHECK FORFMID(HVE111,HJVA14) → remove FMID HJVA140 if java is already installed SELECT(HVE111,HJVA14) → remove FMID HJVA140 if java is already installed GROUPEXTEND(NOAPARS,NOUSERMODS) BYPASS(HOLDSYSTEM, HOLDUSER,HOLDCLASS(UCLREL,ERREL,HIPER)) . /* 9. Edit, customize with your installation values, and submit the sample job shown in Example 1-2 to perform an SMP/E ACCEPT CHECK. Before using SMP/E to load new distribution libraries, it is recommended that you set the ACCJCLIN indicator in the distribution zone. This will cause entries produced from JCLIN to be saved in the distribution zone whenever a SYSMOD containing inline JCLIN is ACCEPTed. After you have successfully run and taken any actions indicated by the ACCEPT CHECK, remove the CHECK operand and run the job again to perform the ACCEPT. Example 1-2 Sample ACCEPT job //ACCEPT JOB //STEP1 EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGION=M,TIME=NOLIMIT //SMPCSI DD DSN=csiname,DISP=SHR //SMPCNTL DD SET BOUNDARY(dlibzone) . ACCEPT CHECK FORFMID(HVE111,HJVA14) → remove FMID HJVA140 if java is already installed Chapter 1. Installation 7 SELECT(HVE111,HJVA14) → remove FMID HJVA140 if java is already installed GROUPEXTEND(NOAPARS,NOUSERMODS) BYPASS(HOLDSYSTEM, HOLDUSER,HOLDCLASS(UCLREL,ERREL,HIPER)) . /* After you complete this step, the EWLM for z/OS is installed and ready to be customized. Now you can customize the managed node on z/OS. Instructions are provided in “Setting up z/OS as managed server” on page 11. 1.3 Middleware instrumentation The following middleware running on z/OS is ARM instrumented: DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V6 1.3.1 DB2 The following maintenance is required to provide ARM enablement on DB2 Universal Database™ Version 8.2. After you apply the following maintenance, DB2 is ARM-enabled by default and no additional steps are required to enable ARM on DB2 for z/OS managed servers. APAR PQ91509 EWLM correlator support to allow performance measurement using ARM instrumentation. APAR PQ99707 with the connection reset optimization code for JCC clients. The JCC driver should be at level 2.6.16 or later. Transactions initiated through DDF are accounted as separate transactions. DB2 transactions initiated through DDF are accounted as separate transactions, but DB2 transactions initiated by a local WebSphere Application Server executed in binding mode are accounted to the WebSphere thread. In this release, DDF cannot be hop 0 for a transaction to be measured by EWLM. It will not create a correlator for the transactions but will only handle the correlator coming from a distributed environment. 1.3.2 WebSphere Application Server z/OS requires WebSphere Application Server V6.0.1. No further maintenance is required. Refer to “Enable instrumentation for middleware” on page 17 for the required tasks to enable the ARM instrumentation. 8 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 2 Chapter 2. EWLM configuration This chapter discusses: The ITSO environment for the EWLM management domain Setting up z/OS as managed sever Starting the managed server on z/OS Discussion about the workload © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 9 2.1 ITSO environment for the EWLM management domain Figure 2-1 represents the environment we used at ITSO: a Web Server tier, a two-server WebSphere cluster as the application tier, and a database tier. These four servers were configured to participate in one EWLM management domain as managed servers and connected to a domain manager. EWLM1 (Windows) Web Server HTTP Plugin 5.1.1 EWLM2 (Windows) WTSC69 (z/OS) EWLM4 (AIX) Application Servers WAS 5.1.1 Database Server DB2 8.2 Figure 2-1 Three-tier architecture Our entry application was the HTTP plugin running on ewlm1, which runs on Windows Server 2003. The WebSphere cluster consisted of the ewlm2 and ewlm4 servers running WebSphere Application Server 5.1.1, with ewlm2 running on Windows Server 2003 and ewlm4 running maintenance level three of AIX 5L™ Version 5.2. DB2 V8.2 ran on WTSC60 z/OS 1.6. The domain manager EWLMDM1 in our environment ran on Red Hat Enterprise Linux® AS 2.1; this was where we ran the EWLM Control Center. Figure 2-2 on page 11 shows our management domain configuration. 10 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Managed server -m p 3333 Laptop 9.x.x.x W orkload sim ulator wtsc43 Dom ain m anager -m p 3333 -jp 9092 -wasPorts 20000 HTTP Plugin Server EW LM1 Managed server -m p 3333 EW LM2 EW LMDM1 Managed server -m p 3333 EW LM3 Managed server -m p 3333 wtsc69 Figure 2-2 ITSO management domain Note: We assume that the domain manager has already been configured and that the Control Center application is active. Same for the managed nodes running on the Web server and the WebSphere Application cluster. In this chapter we focus only on the managed node running on the z/OS platform as we describe the setup of the z/OS managed server. In this configuration we use the default security setting, and there is no firewall present in the described configuration. 2.2 Setting up z/OS as managed server The tasks that are required to customize the z/OS managed server are: Configuring IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 Updating the BPXPRMxx member in PARMLIB Configuring a managed server Authorizing z/OS users to start the EWLM managed server 2.2.1 Configuring IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 After installing a z/OS managed server and prior to configuring and starting the managed server, ensure that the SDK (IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4) is installed on the managed server and that the SDK path variable used by EWLM points to the path where the SDK resides: 1. Log on to the managed server system with a user ID that has superuser authority. Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 11 2. Go to the /usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/samples directory and issue the following command to copy the EWLM managed server environment variable into the /etc directory: cp ewlmms_environment.conf /etc 3. In the /etc directory, update the SDK path variable that EWLM will use (JRE_ROOT) in the ewlmms_environment.conf file. For example: JRE_ROOT=/usr/lpp/java/J1.4/bin This is the default path if you installed the SDK as part of the EWLM product. If your SDK resides on a different path, specify that directory in the JRE_ROOT definition. Example 2-1 shows the definitions that we used on SC69. Example 2-1 ewlmms_environment.conf on SC69 EWLM_ROOT=/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM JRE_ROOT=/usr/lpp/java/J1.4/bin LOGFILE_ROOT=/var/adm/ewlm/ewlmms 2.2.2 Updating the BPXPRMxx member in PARMLIB EWLM requires z/OS UNIX domain (AF_UNIX) sockets. Verify that this type of file system is defined in the BPXPRMxx member of PARMLIB in use in your installation. You can use the D OMVS,O command to discover which PARMLIB member is in use to define the HFS configuration. Example 2-2 shows the definition used on SC69. Example 2-2 Extract of BPXPRM member used on SC69 FILESYSTYPE TYPE(UDS) ENTRYPOINT(BPXTUINT) NETWORK DOMAINNAME(AF_UNIX) DOMAINNUMBER(1) MAXSOCKETS(1000) TYPE(UDS) 2.2.3 Configuring a managed server You can configure the managed server on z/OS by using the createMS script provided in the the <install>/VE_R1/EWLM/bin directory (where <install> maps to the directory in which the EWLM product has been installed). The <install>/VE_R1/EWLM/bin directory should contain the following scripts: The following command syntax creates the managed server on z/OS: createMS workingDir -ma address -mp port -auth [None | ServerSSL | ClientServerSSL] -sslks path -sslpw password In this syntax: workingDir 12 Defines the directory in which the script creates the managed server instance. This directory should not already exist; createMS creates it for you. You must provide the working directory value as an absolute path. Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Note: If you use a working directory name with lowercase characters, remember when starting the managed server with the START command that you must preserve the case (for example, by using quotations around the directory name). -ma The IP address or host name of the domain manager. This value must match the -ma value that you specify when you configure the domain manager. This enables the managed server to properly identify and communicate with its domain manager. -mp The port that the managed server uses to communicate with the domain manager. This value must match the -mp value that you specify when you configure the domain manager. -auth The authority level used to secure communications between the domain manager and the managed servers. Possible values are None, ServerSSL, and ClientServerSSL. -sslks The path to the certificate keystore that contains the SSL keys that are used for securing the communications between the managed servers and the domain manager or firewall broker, if applicable, when -auth is ServerSSL or ClientServerSSL. -sslpw Password used to access the keystore specified on the -sslks parameter. For a detailed description of these fields, refer to the eServer Software Information Center: Example 2-3 shows the command we used to create the managed server on SC69. You might create a separate HFS for the EWLM data and mount it before issuing createMS. Example 2-3 createMS script used on SC69 cd /usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/bin ./ /ewlm/ewlmms -ma -mp 3333 -auth None You can check the result of the script in the var/adm/ewlm/ewlmms directory. You should find a createMS.log file with the output of the command as shown in Example 2-4. Example 2-4 createMS log output ***************************************************************************** BEGIN createMS command started at: Wed Mar 16 16:32:39 EST 2005 Platform = OS/390 STEP 1: Create EWLM working directory EWLM working directory: /ewlm/ewlmms STEP 2: Validate user input STEP 3: Configure the Managed Server via WLMConfig WLMCONFIG_PARMS: -mode ManagedServer -auth None -ma -mp 3333 /usr/lpp/java/J1.4/bin/java -classpath /usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/ewlm_updates.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/ms/Managed_Server.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_ R1/EWLM/classes/db2j.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/samplebroker.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/dhbbroker .jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/dhbcore.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/jms.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classe s/CL3Export.jar:/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes/CL3Nonexport.jar: /ewlm/ewlmms -mode ManagedServer -auth None -ma -mp 3333 0 WLMConfig command succeeded STEP 4: Process the working directory PROCESSING COMPLETE Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 13 As a result of executing createMS, the working directory /ewlm/ewlmms is created with the following subdirectories: Diagnostics Designed to contain dump produced by the EWLM managed node if problems occur. Interfaces Contains API code. eWLMData Contains database data such as policy, reporting data, and properties. This directory also includes the System.log file that contains the log data for the startup of the managed server. 2.2.4 Authorizing z/OS users to start the EWLM managed server In your installation, you might want to start the z/OS managed with a user ID that does not have superuser authority but can access the necessary files and directories. The following tasks are required to define a user that will start the managed server and be associated with the managed server process: 1. Define a group and user that will be used to start the managed server. The managed server process will run using the user ID defined here. Use the user ID and group name that you specify in this step throughout rest of these instructions. You can use the following RACF commands to create a group and add a user to the group; you must provide similar definitions if your installation is using a different security product: ADDGROUP groupname SUPGROUP(SYS1) OWNER(SYS1) OMVS(GID(group-identifier)) ADDUSER userid DFLTGRP(groupname) NOPASSWORD OMVS(UID(user-identifier) PROGRAM(/bin/sh) HOME(/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM)) In this syntax: groupname The name of the group that contains EWLM user IDs userid The user ID that the managed server process will run as group-identifier The numeric group identifier user-identifier The numeric user identifier Example 2-5 is the set of commands we used on SC69 to define our EWLM user as EWLMMS belonging to the EWLMGRP group. Example 2-5 Defining EWLM user ID and group to the security product ADDGROUP EWLMGRP SUPGROUP(SYS1) OWNER(SYS1) OMVS(GID(6899)) ADDUSER EWLMMS DFLTGRP(EWLMGRP) NOPASSWORD OMVS(UID(6824) PROGRAM(/BIN/SH) LU EWLMMS USER=EWLMMS NAME=UNKNOWN OWNER=BARI CREATED=05.070 DEFAULT-GROUP=EWLMGRP PASSDATE=N/A PASS-INTERVAL=N/A ATTRIBUTES=PROTECTED REVOKE DATE=NONE RESUME DATE=NONE LAST-ACCESS=05.073/09:42:06 CLASS AUTHORIZATIONS=NONE NO-INSTALLATION-DATA NO-MODEL-NAME LOGON ALLOWED (DAYS) (TIME) --------------------------------------------ANYDAY ANYTIME GROUP=EWLMGRP AUTH=USE CONNECT-OWNER=BARI CONNECT-DATE=05.070 CONNECTS= 04 UACC=NONE LAST-CONNECT=05.073/09:42:06 14 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support CONNECT ATTRIBUTES=NONE REVOKE DATE=NONE RESUME DATE=NONE SECURITY-LEVEL=NONE SPECIFIED CATEGORY-AUTHORIZATION NONE SPECIFIED SECURITY-LABEL=NONE SPECIFIED *** 2. Grant the user ID access to call z/OS platform services. To do this, issue the following RACF commands: RDEFINE FACILITY MVSADMIN.EWLM.AGENT UACC(NONE) PERMIT MVSADMIN.EWLM.AGENT CLASS(FACILITY) ID(userid) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH In this syntax, userid is the user ID that the managed server process will use, as defined in the previous step. Example 2-6 is the set of RACF commands we used on SC69 to enable our user ID, EWLMMS, to use ARM services. Example 2-6 Granting the usage of ARM services to EWLMMS RDEFINE FACILITY MVSADMIN.EWLM.AGENT UACC(NONE) PERMIT MVSADMIN.EWLM.AGENT CLASS(FACILITY) ID(EWLMMS) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH 3. Provide the user the ability to start the EWLM managed server by issuing the following RACF commands: RDEFINE STARTED EWLMMS.** STDATA(USER(userid) GROUP(groupname) TRUSTED) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH In this syntax: userid The user ID, created earlier, that is associated to the EWLM managed server process. groupname The group name defined in the previous step. Example 2-7 is the set of commands we used on SC69 to associate the EWLMMS user ID to the managed server process. Example 2-7 Providing an RACF user ID to the EWLM managed server process RDEFINE STARTED EWLMMS.** STDATA (USER(EWLMMS) GROUP(EWLMGRP) TRUSTED) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH 4. Switch to a user with superuser authority to perform the following tasks. 5. Grant the group that you created in the previous step access to the EWLM directories by issuing the following commands: chgrp -R groupname workingDir chgrp groupname /etc/ewlmms_environment.conf chgrp -R groupname /var/adm/ewlm In this syntax: groupname The group name representing the EWLM user ID, created in the earlier step. Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 15 workingDir The EWLM working directory that was created at the time of the createMS command. /var/adm/ewlm The directory where the scripts are allocating their output files. Example 2-8 is the set of commands we use don SC69 to associate the EWLMMS user ID to the managed server process. Example 2-8 Commands to grant access to directories and file to EWLMMS user ID chgrp -R EWLMGRP workingDir chgrp groupname /etc/ewlmms_environment.conf chgrp -R groupname /var/adm/ewlm 6. Grant the group access to the configuration file and remove access for all other users by issuing the following commands: chmod g+w /etc/ewlmms_environment.conf chmod o-rx /etc/ewlmms_environment.conf 2.3 Start EWLM on the z/OS managed server In the <install>/VE_R1/EWLM/bin directory, you can find the script that can be used to start the EWLM managed server. The recommended way to start the EWLM is to use the procedure provided by the installation in your PROCLIB. At start time, the EWLM process will be associated to the newly created user ID and defined in the RACF STARTED class. Issue the following command: START EWLMMS,MSDIR='workingDir' In this syntax, workingDir is the working directory that is created by the createMS configuration script. Remember to use quotation marks if the working directory name includes lowercase characters to preserve the case of parameters. This is the start of the EWLM managed server on SC69 using the procedure: START EWLMMS,MSDIR='/ewlm/ewlmms' Example 2-9 shows checking the output log to verify that the process started successfully. Example 2-9 Verifying a successful start by checking the output log cd /var/adm/ewlm/ewlmms/ obrowse startMS.log **************************************************************************** * BEGIN * startMS command started at: Mon Mar 14 09:42:06 EST 2005 Platform = OS/390 STEP 1: Access EWLM working directory EWLM working directory: /ewlm/ewlmms There is no way to bring down EWLMMS gracefully. If you need to stop the managed server, you must cancel the started task. 16 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 2-3 shows the Managed Servers view on the Control Center after the z/OS managed node was started on SC69. You can see that SC69 has joined the management domain. Figure 2-3 Managed Servers view Selecting the managed server on SC69 and requesting the properties opened Figure 2-4. Figure 2-4 SC69 managed server properties 2.3.1 Enable instrumentation for middleware Currently DB2 V8.2 and WebSphere V6.0.1 are the available middleware for z/OS that have ARM enablement capability. DB2 No further action is required to enable ARM instrumentation on DB2 through DDF. Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 17 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS To enable ARM instrumentation on WebSphere Application Server, enable ARM and the Request Metrics. After you complete the following customization steps, restart the WebSphere Application Server. Enable PMI Request Metrics The following steps are required to enable PMI metrics: 1. Log on to the administrative console of WebSphere Application Server V6 at http://<hostname>:9060/admin, where 9060 is the default HTTP port for a Network Deployment Cell. 2. Select Monitoring and Tuning → Request metrics in the administrative console navigation tree. a. On the Configuration tab of the Request Metrics panel, check the Enable Request metrics box. Figure 2-5 on page 19 shows a sample of this panel. b. Under Components to be instrumented, select ALL. c. Choose the trace level you want to use from the Trace level list: We use Hops. d. Under Request Metrics Destination: i. Standard Logs is optional. ii. Check Application Response Measurement (ARM) agent. iii. Specify ARM4 from the Agent Type pull-down list. iv. Type the class name in the ARM transaction factory implementation class name text field: 3. Click Apply and OK. 4. Click Save, and Save to Master Configuration. 18 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 2-5 PMI metrics Configuration panel Add custom properties to the JVM The following steps are required to update the JVM custom properties: 1. Copy the arm4.jar from the default location /usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/classes into a directory of your choice. The .jar file must reside in the /ARM subdirectory of the directory you choose. In our example, we choose /u/ewlmadm/ARM. Remember to give permission so that the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS has read access to the directory. After you copy the directory, log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console to complete the steps. 2. Go to Servers → Application Servers → <server name>. In the Java and Process Management section, select Process Definition 3. Select Servant. 4. In the Additional Properties section, expand Java Virtual Machine → Custom Properties. 5. Add these custom properties as shown in Figure 2-6 on page 20: – = true – ws.ext.dirs = <user_directory>/ARM where the <user_directory> is the directory specified in step 1 on page 19. Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 19 Figure 2-6 JVM Custom Properties panel 6. Set the WAS SERVER ONLY server region libpath variable. a. Expand Environments → WebSphere variables. b. Append the WAS SERVER ONLY server region libpath variable to include :/usr/lpp/VE_R1/EWLM/lib:/usr/lib as shown in Figure 2-7. Figure 2-7 WebSphere variables panel Considerations for Java2 Security If Java2 Security is enabled: In order to use WebSphere Application Server V6 with EWLM, you must update the WebSphere Application Server server.policy files in the WAS6_Profile/properties directory, adding the following lines in that file (change EWLMMS_HOME according to your EWLMMS installation path): grant codeBase "file:/EWLMMS_HOME/classes/ARM/arm4.jar" { permission; }; This avoids a Java 2 security exception for violating the Java 2 security permission. 20 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support User applications The following task is required if you want to authorize any applications or middleware running in your installation to use ARM services. This task is not required if your application is using enclave support. For an application that is instrumented using native C or Java services, the user ID the application is running under either: Must have READ access to the System Authorization Facility (SAF) resource BPX.WLMSERVER in the FACILITY class. or Must be defined as a superuser. You can define the user ID as a superuser either with UID(0) or with READ access to the SAF resource BPX.SUPERUSER in the FACILITY class using the following commands: RDEFINE FACILITY BPX.WLMSERVER UACC(NONE) PERMIT BPX.WLMSERVER CLASS(FACILITY) ID(userid) ACCESS(READ) 2.3.2 Operational commands The following commands are available to manage the ARM service on z/OS. Display the status You can use the following command to verify the status of ARM services on z/OS: DISPLAY WLM,AM Example 2-10 is the way the command was used on SC69. Example 2-10 Display WLM,AM command sample D WLM,AM RESPONSE=SC69 IWM075I 15.07.05 WLM DISPLAY 500 EWLM ARM SERVICES ARE ENABLED EWLM MANAGED SERVER JOBNAME=EWLMMS2 ASID=0049 EWLM POLICY NAME=ITSO TRADE3 AND PLANTS SERVICE POLICY NUMBER OF REGISTERED PROCESSES=1, APPLICATIONS=1 Enabling ARM services If EWLM ARM processing becomes disabled, you can enable ARM services by issuing this command: MODIFY WLM,AM=ENABLE The only way to disable the ARM agent is though the operator command. In this case, you can then use ENABLE to re-enable the services. Disabling ARM services To disable EWLM ARM services, issue this command: MODIFY WLM,AM=DISABLE Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 21 2.4 Running the workload To run our scenario, we used the WebSphere workload provided by Trade3. Trade3 workload was used on the ITSO EWLM management domain to verify and demonstrate EWLM capabilities. Trade3 is the third generation of WebSphere end-to-end benchmark and performance sample applications. The Trade3 benchmark models an online stock brokerage application and has been redesigned and developed to cover the significantly expanding WebSphere programming model. This simulates a real-world workload driving the WebSphere implementation of J2EE 1.3, Web Services including key WebSphere performance components and features. You can download the distributed Trade3 application from: This distributed version of the Trade3 application package assumes that you will install and run Trade3 entirely on distributed platforms. However, in our environment the Trade3 application was installed on the distributed WebSphere Application Servers but was required to connect to a backend Trade3 database installed on a DB2 running on our z/OS system. This required downloading the Trade3 package for the z/OS WebSphere environment and installing Trade3 within our ITSO environment, utilizing only those elements from each package as needed. You can download the z/OS Trade3 application from: D719B3DC85256DD600588CFC/523DE1DBA14E2F3185256E69007787C3/ The z/OS Trade 3 package documentation contains the following warning: Note: the trade package contained in this procedure is a z/OS specific version intended to be installed in a 'non-clustered' environment (either base on ND) on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V5.0x / 5.1. Of course, our ITSO environment was a clustered configuration consisting of WebSphere Application Servers on non-z/OS platforms. However, the only portion of the Trade3 for z/OS package that we needed was setup procedures for a Trade 3.1 database on a z/OS platform. 2.4.1 Create z/OS DB2 database for Trade3 For our purposes the only file we needed to download from the Trade 3.1 for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V5.0x / 5.1 Web site was the trade3db_package.jcl.txt file. After downloading the file to a Windows platform, we only had to complete Step 1 (installing the trade 3.1 database) from the procedure for installing Trade 3.1 using scripts on z/OS. This step installs the Trade 3.1 database by customizing and running the Trade 3.1 database job: 1. Upload to a dataset in the TSO environment and customize by following instructions detailed in the prolog. 2. Submit job to create the TRADE3DB database and its associated tables and table spaces. We customized the Sample JCL for our environment and chose to edit it and submit it as a SPUFI job. The SPUFI version of the Sample JCL was executed using the ID mconnol, which is the ID we will assign to the Data Source on the ewlm4 AIX platform. An additional ID, paola, was granted access authority to the database and will be assigned to the Data Source on the ewlm2 Windows Server 2003 platform. 22 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 2.4.2 Distribute the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver for z/OS We distributed the db2jcc.jar(at level 2.7.33) and db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar files required to support the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) type 4 connections to both the elwm2 and ewlm4 nodes. (You must use a db2jcc.jar at level 2.6.16 or above.) Both files were sent by FTP into the \db2 directory on the Windows Server 2003 ewlm2 node and the /db2 directory on the AIX ewlm4 node. The locations of these .jar files will be needed later when configuring the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider on ewlm2 and ewlm4. 2.4.3 Installing the Trade3 distributed application You must install the following features of WebSphere Application Server to configure and deploy the Trade3 application: Administration – Scripted Administration Embedded Messaging Ant and Deployment Tools – Deploy Tool – Ant Utilities The distributed file was downloaded to our ewlm2 system, which also served as our Deployment Manager. The downloaded file was unzipped and the ReadmeCluster.html Trade3 installation/configuration instructions were followed, although with modifications. Step 1 - Prepare for installation includes these steps: 1. Download and unzip the Trade3 install package on the ND Cell Manager host. 2. Open a shell/command window to perform the installation, and change to the t3install directory. 3. Run the setupCmdLine script to set up your shell environment. 4. Start the WebSphere 5.0 ND Cell Manager. Because our ITSO WebSphere Network Deployment environment was already established there was no need to federate, so we skipped this step. 5. On each Node machine, add the Node to the Cell Manager. We skipped this step, as our Network Deployment environment was already established. The installation of the Trade 3.1 application into a cluster environment is performed by the Trade3.jacl script. However, the trade3.ear file provided for use in a distributed environment was assembled with a backend ID DB2UDBNT_V8_1. This ID will not match the z/OS DB2 that we will connect to so it will be necessary to modify the Trade3.jacl script. You must replace the default vendor ID used for the DB2 by making the following change to the Trade3.jacl script: 1. The following statement is located around line 162: proc installAppOut {cluster dbtype} { set deployvendor "" 2. Edit it to read: proc installAppOut {cluster dbtype} { set deployvendor "-deployejb.dbtype DB2UDB0S390_v7" Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 23 Under Step 2 - (DB2) Create the DB2 database for Trade3 and Modify DB2 for Read Stability, we skipped all of the steps because they apply only to a distributed database and we utilized a DB2 installed on z/OS. Under Step 3 - Install, configure and start Trade3 application and resources, we performed these steps: 1. On the ND Cell Manager host, install Trade3 JDBC/JMS resources and application interactively. By default (pressing the Enter key), the Trade3.jacl script performs the following actions in support of the Trade3 application in our Network Deployment configuration: a. Create a cluster named TradeCluster consisting of two WebSphere Application Server nodes: ewlm2 and ewlm4. b. Create an Application Server called TradeClusterServer1 on node ewlm2 and TradeClusterServer2 on node ewlm4. This is the sequence of steps: • Cell → TradeCluster • Nodes → ewlm2 → Cluster members → TradeClusterServer1 • Nodes → ewlm4 → Cluster members → TradeClusterServer2 The %WAS_HOME%\bin\wsadmin -f Trade3.jacl config_install command was issued from the directory where the setupCmdLine.bat was executed (step 2 on page 23). Note: The Trade3.jacl script assumes that the WebSphere cluster is homogenous and will define a DB2 JDBC Provider (XA) at the cell level. 2. The Trad3.jacl script prompts for the name of the node containing our JMS Server as well as the Node names of the two nodes we previously federated into our ND configuration. No default names apply, so here are the prompts along with our replies: Running Trade in a cluster topology requires one of the nodes to act as the JMS Server. Please enter one of the nodes where the WebSphere JMS provider is installed. Enter the name of the node that contains a JMS Server: ewlm2 Before this step, you should have run the addNode step at each installed node. Please enter the node names you used when installing each node. Enter a node name to add to the cluster or <enter> to end: ewlm2 Enter a node name to add to the cluster or <enter> to end: ewlm4 3. A prompt asks for information regarding our database configuration. The answers given to these prompts are used to configure a DB2 JDBC Provider (XA) at the cell level as well as a TradeDataSource definition and J2C Authentication entries. Our cluster environment contains both an AIX and a Windows Server 2003 platform, so the DB2 JDBC Provider must be defined at the Node level where the platform-specific format of the resource provider classes can be uniquely entered. Additionally, in our ITSO environment the ewlm2 node and the ewlm4 node each use a unique user ID and password for connecting to the Trade3 database on z/OS. The “one size fits all” approach of the Trade3.jacl script does not satisfy our database requirements. 24 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Therefore, we just responded to all database configuration prompts with the Enter key and accepted all of the defaults. Our manually constructed node level database configuration (2.4.4, “Configure Trade3 JDBC driver” on page 25) will superseded the resulting cell-level database configuration. Note: We observed that although the Trade3.jacl script can be run multiple times, it will not process any configuration changes if the targeted resource already exits. If you need to execute the Trade3.jacl script to change a previously defined resource, you must first use the WebSphere Administration console to delete the resource. We also accepted the default of yes to the last prompt Install trade application? This will install the trade3 application onto both the Trade3ClusterServer1 and Trade3ClusterServer2 application servers. 2.4.4 Configure Trade3 JDBC driver When a Trade3 transaction flows from either the ewlm2 or ewlm4 node to the backend database on z/OS, the correlator associated with this transaction must also be included as part of the transaction flow. The support for propagating the ARM correlator from the WebSphere Application Server hop to the z/OS DB2 hop is provided by the db2jcc.jar JCC driver. This .jar file provides the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver (also known as the JCC driver), which supports both JDBC type 2 and type 4 mode and is shipped as part of the z/OS DB2 Universal Database V8.2. You have to install the db2jcc.jar file at level 2.6.16 or higher. See 2.4.2, “Distribute the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver for z/OS” on page 23 and configure a data source to use this driver. For reference, we document the procedure we followed to create a JDBC provider: 1. Configure a JDBC provider for node ewlm2 on Windows Server 2003 platform. a. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console. b. Click Resources → JDBC Providers. c. Select a Scope of Node, choose ewlm2, and click Apply. d. Click New to create a new JDBC provider. e. Select DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) from the pull-down list. Click OK. f. The settings page for the new JDBC provider appears. Update the Name by prefixing Trade3 to the default JDBC provider name. Next update the Classpath properties with the actual path to the previously installed JCC driver .jar files (2.4.2, “Distribute the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver for z/OS” on page 23). See property values as shown in Table 2-1 and Figure 2-8. Leave all other property values as they are. Table 2-1 JDBC provider properties for Trade3 Property name Value Name Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) Classpath \db2\db2jcc.jar \db2\db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 25 Figure 2-8 Create JDBC provider g. Click Apply. h. Select Data Sources. i. Click New to create a new data source within the Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC (XA) provider. j. Enter properties as shown in Table 2-2 and Figure 2-9 on page 27, and click Apply. Leave other properties as is. Table 2-2 Data source properties for Trade3 26 Property name Value Name TradeDataSource JNDI name jdbc/TradeDataSource Description Trade3 Datasource Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 2-9 Create data source k. Select Custom Properties. l. Change custom properties as shown in Table 2-3. Table 2-3 TradeDataSource custom properties Property name Value databaseName DB8E driverType 4 serverName portNumber 38042 m. Click Apply. n. Click Save. 2. Test the data source connection. a. Click Resources → JDBC Providers. b. Select Scope and click Apply. c. Select Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) → Data Sources. a. Check TradeDataSource and click Test Connection to ensure that the connection for the datasource is successful. Figure 2-10 Connection test message b. Click Save. c. Check Synchronize changes with nodes and click Save to save all your changes. 3. Restart the application server. Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 27 Execute the following tasks on the Windows server: 1. Configure a JDBC provider for node ewlm2 on Windows Server 2003 platform. a. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console. b. Click Resources → JDBC Providers. c. Select a Scope of Node, choose ewlm2, and click Apply. d. Click New to create a new JDBC provider. e. Select DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) from the pull-down list. Click OK. f. The settings page for the new JDBC provider appears. Update the Name by prepending Trade3 to the default JDBC provider name. Update the Classpath properties with the actual path to the previously installed JCC driver .jar files. See property values as shown in Table 2-4 and Figure 2-11. Leave all other property values as they are and click OK. Table 2-4 JDBC provider properties for Trade3 Property name Value Name Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) Classpath \db2\db2jcc.jar \db2\db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar Figure 2-11 Create JDBC provider g. Click Apply. h. Select Data Sources. i. Click New to create a new data source within the JDBC provider. 28 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support j. Enter properties as shown in Table 2-5 on page 29 and Figure 2-12 on page 29. Leave other properties as is and click Apply. Table 2-5 Data source properties for Trade3 Property name Value Name TradeDataSource JNDI name jdbc/TradeDataSource Description Trade3 Datasource Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthData Figure 2-12 Create data source k. Select Custom Properties. l. Change custom properties as shown in Table 2-6. Table 2-6 TradeDataSource custom properties Property name Value databaseName DB8E driverType 4 serverName portNumber 38042 m. Click Apply. n. Select J2C Authentication Data Entries. o. Select TradeDataSourceAuthData. This TradeDataSourceAuthData was installed as part of the default. Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 29 2. Test the data source connection. a. Click Resources → JDBC Providers. b. Select Scope and click Apply. c. Select Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) → Data Sources. d. Check TradeDataSource and click Test Connection to ensure connection for the datasource is successful. Figure 2-13 Connection test message e. Click Save. f. Check Synchronize changes with nodes and click Save to save all your changes. 3. Restart the application server. The same tasks are now executed on the AIX server: 1. Configure a JDBC provider for node ewlm4 on AIX platform. a. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console. b. Click Resources → JDBC Providers. c. Select a Scope of Node, choose ewlm4, and click Apply. d. Click New to create a new JDBC provider. e. Select DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) from the pull-down list. Click OK. f. The settings page for the new JDBC provider appears. Update the Name by prepending Trade3 to the default JDBC provider name. Next update the Classpath properties with the actual path to the previously installed JCC driver .jar files. See property values as shown in Table 2-7 and Figure 2-14 on page 31. Leave all other property values as they are and click OK. Table 2-7 JDBC provider properties for Trade3 30 Property name Value Name Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) Classpath /db2/db2jcc.jar /db2/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 2-14 Create JDBC provider g. Click Apply. h. Select Data Sources. i. Click New to create a new data source within the JDBC provider. j. Enter properties as shown in Table 2-8 and Figure 2-15 on page 32. Leave other properties as is and click Apply. Table 2-8 Data source properties for Trade3 Property name Value Name TradeDataSource JNDI name jdbc/TradeDataSource Description Trade3 Datasource Component-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthDataAix Container-managed Authentication Alias TradeDataSourceAuthDataAix Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 31 Figure 2-15 Create data source k. Select Custom Properties. l. Change custom properties as shown in Table 2-9. Table 2-9 TradeDataSource custom properties Property name Value databaseName DB8E driverType 4 serverName portNumber 38042 m. Click Apply. 2. Test the data source connection. a. Click Resources → JDBC Providers. b. Select Scope and click Apply. c. Select Trade3 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA) → Data Sources. d. Check TradeDataSource and click Test Connection to ensure that the connection for the data source is successful. Figure 2-16 Connection test message e. Click Save. f. Check Synchronize changes with nodes and click Save to save all your changes. 3. Restart the application server. 32 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 2.4.5 Verifying the workload through the Control Center At this point, the ARM instrumentation has been enabled on all of the middleware elements and the WebSphere workload is running. If we log on to the Control Center, we can verify that the performance data is monitored and the application topology. In our scenario, we modify the domain policy described in the redbook IBM Enterprise Workload Manager, SG24-6350. We use the same classification rules against the same transaction classes in order to obtain very granular reporting but we associate the service class to only three service classes to make the comparison with the z/OS easier. Figure 2-17 shows the workload in this transaction class. Figure 2-17 Transaction Class report We select the transaction class TC_Trade3_general and the Application Topology task. Figure 2-18 shows the application middleware layers that are part of this transactions group. You can see that because the transactions are getting to DB2 on z/OS through DDF, they are accounted as separate transactions running on the DB2 hop. Figure 2-18 Application topology Chapter 2. EWLM configuration 33 We can also verify the servers that are hosting the middleware elements by selecting the transaction class TC_Trade3_quotes and the Server Topology task. Figure 2-19 shows the servers that are part of this transactions group. You can see the z/OS managed node icon as the last hop in the transaction flow. Figure 2-19 Server topology The next chapter explores the performance information that EWLM provides and how you can relate them to the data provided by zWLM. 34 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 3 Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting This chapter presents some background information for the coexistence of EWLM and zWLM policies, and the concept of transaction in EWLM, zWLM, and DB2. It also discusses the monitoring and reporting data provided by EWLM Control Center and by Resource Monitoring Facility (RMF) and DB2 Performance Expert (DB2PE) for z/OS, highlighting and explaining the correlations and the differences. This chapter contains the following topics: EWLM and zWLM policies EWLM, zWLM, and DB2 transaction concept Monitoring the workload with EWLM A comparison between monitoring reports © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 35 3.1 EWLM and zWLM policies EWLM and zWLM are driven by different service policies, operate independently, and have different scopes. EWLM manages multi-tiered application environments that may run on different hardware platforms and operating systems including z/OS and has an end-to-end scope of control. The zWLM scope is limited to z/OS platforms. The future might see functionality that converges these policies. As shown in Figure 3-1, EWLM and zWLM policy structures are conceptually the same. The main difference is related to the Work Managers and to the logical components that receive and submit the work requests. As Work Managers, EWLM supports applications and platforms, and zWLM supports several subsystems, including CB, CICS®, DDF, IMS™. To associate a work request to a Service Class, a Work Manager passes some attribute values that EWLM matches against filters and zWLM matches against subsystem work qualifiers. This process is called classification. EWLM and zWLM Policy EWLM Domain Policy Service Policy Workloads Service classes Applications Transaction classes Filters Platforms Process classes Filters zWLM Service Definition Service Policy Workloads Service classes Subsystems Classification rules - Work qualifiers Report classes Application environments Scheduling environments Options Figure 3-1 WLM and zWLM policies The attribute values for work requests received by the entry application of an EWLM management domain might be different from those passed to zWLM by JDBC type 4 if the business transaction has to be sent to a z/OS hop to get data, especially if the classification on the distributed platform happened in an application environment other than DB2. For this reason it may not always be possible to have a one-to-one mapping for EWLM service classes and zWLM service classes. As an example refer to Figure 3-2 on page 37 where the EWLM and zWLM classification logic is shown for application transactions whose topology uses a z/OS hop as a database server. 36 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Distributed Application Topology - EWLM, zWLM Classification Logic DDF work qualifiers - accounting info - collection name - correlation info - package name - plan name - store proc name - userid - ......................... Application Filters - URI - query string - transaction name - application instance - user name - managed domain name - ............................... Figure 3-2 Classification flow The policies set up to run Trade3 workload in the ITSO environment have three service classes specified for the distributed application in the EWLM domain policy and one service class specified for subsystem DDF in the zWLM policy. In our configuration, the Trade3 workload uses the HTTP plugin middleware as entry point, so we specified the classification rules only for the application IBM Webserving Plugin in the EWLM service policy. Table 3-1 is a summary of the EWLM policy definitions: Table 3-1 Definition for the Trade3 workload service classes Service class Transaction class Application Filter type Filter Filter value SC_Trade3_s hopping TC_Trade3_buy IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=buy(\*) SC_Trade3_s hopping TC_Trade3_sell IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=sell(\*) SC_Trade3_ general TC_Trade3_account IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=account(\*) SC_Trade3_ general TC_Trade3_register IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=register(\*) Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 37 Service class Transaction class Application Filter type Filter Filter value SC_Trade3_ general TC_Trade3_update_profile IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=update_profile(\*) SC_Trade3_ default TC_Trade3_home IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=home(\*) SC_Trade3_ default TC_Trade3_logout IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=logout(\*) SC_Trade3_s hopping TC_Trade3_portfolio IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=portfolio(\*) SC_Trade3_ general TC_Trade3_quotes IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) + QueryString Equal action=quotes(\*) SC_Trade3_s hopping TC_Trade3_general IBM Webserving Plugin EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) Figure 3-3 is a summary of the filters and classification rules used in the EWLM and zWLM policies. EWLM and zWLM Classification Application - IBM Webserving Plugin Service Classes SC_Trade3_shopping SC_Trade3_general SC_Trade3_defauly Filters EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*) QueryString Equal action=... Subsystem DDF Service Class SCDB2STP Plan Name DISTSERV Figure 3-3 Classification rules The reason why we were not able to put together a one-to-one relationship among EWLM and zWLM service classes is that, for a JDBC type 4 application, attribute values passed to zWLM, such as PLAN, PACKAGE, CONNECTION, and CORRELATION, are the same for each message sent to DDF. In our scenario these are the attribute values passed to DDF: 38 PLAN = DISTSERV PACKAGE = SYSLN300 CONNECTION = SERVER CORRELATION = db2jccSe Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support The USERID attribute passed to zWLM changes, the reason being the association to each of the two WebSphere Application Servers in the configuration (ewlm2, ewlm4). Because different transaction types are executed in the WebSphere Application Server, the USERID attribute could not be used to link transactions to different zWLM service classes. Example 3-1 is a DB2 PE accounting report (short type) where you can see the work qualifier for these transactions. Example 3-1 DDF work qualifiers LOCATION: DB8E GROUP: N/P MEMBER: N/P SUBSYSTEM: DB8E DB2 VERSION: V8 DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V2) ACCOUNTING REPORT - SHORT PAGE: 1-1 REQUESTED FROM: TO: INTERVAL FROM: TO: ORDER: CONNECT-PLANNAME SCOPE: MEMBER ALL DATES 04/19/05 04/19/05 15:00:00.00 15:20:00.00 15:00:00.62 15:19:59.98 CONNECT £OCCURS £ROLLBK SELECTS INSERTS UPDATES DELETES CLASS1 EL.TIME CLASS2 EL.TIME GETPAGES SYN.READ LOCK SUS PLANNAME £DISTRS £COMMIT FETCHES OPENS CLOSES PREPARE CLASS1 CPUTIME CLASS2 CPUTIME BUF.UPDT TOT.PREF £LOCKOUT --------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- -------SERVER DISTSERV 17168 17168 0 17168 0.00 3.56 0.16 2.23 0.27 0.00 0.00 2.28 0.019523 0.002156 0.004103 0.001528 10.91 0.87 0.00 0.26 0.00 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!PROGRAM NAME TYPE £OCCURS SQLSTMT CL7 ELAP.TIME CL7 CPU TIME CL8 SUSP.TIME CL8 SUSP! !SYSLN300 PACKAGE 17168 13.07 0.002394 0.001428 0.000742 0.35! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!REQUESTER METH £DDFS TRANS £ROLLBK £COMMIT SQLRECV ROWSENT CONVI! ! DRDA 8536 0.00 0 0 10.85 1.32 0.00! ! DRDA 8632 0.00 0 0 10.91 1.33 0.00! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 LOCATION: GROUP: MEMBER: SUBSYSTEM: DB2 VERSION: DB8E N/P N/P DB8E V8 DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V2) ACCOUNTING REPORT - SHORT ORDER: CONNECT-PLANNAME SCOPE: MEMBER TOP FIELD: PROCESSING (CL.2) TIME SPENT IN DB2 ---1 PAGE: REQUESTED FROM: TO: INTERVAL FROM: TO: CONNECT PLANNAME -------------------------------------------------------SERVER DISTSERV TOP NUMBER REQUESTED: VALUE --------------26.238675 1-2 ALL DATES 04/19/05 04/19/05 15:00:00.00 15:20:00.00 15:00:00.62 15:19:59.98 10 PAGE ---------1-1 ACCOUNTING REPORT COMPLETE It is also possible to classify based on the first stored procedure called in a transaction, but this was not our case. Tip: If you need to differentiate DDF transactions coming from a distributed environment, you can use one of the following programming approaches: Use a different datasource within WebSphere Application Server for each classification and use a specific datasource within the application. Each datasource could have either a different AUTHID associated with it, or a JDBC driver collection. It is possible to classify based on either of those. Use DB2 client strings, which are text attributes associated with the connection that can be used for classification of the workload. The client strings can be set as a part of the datasource definition, or they can be set within the application so that every transaction can have a different value. Client strings can be used for workload classification and for end-to-end auditing. The fields are written in DB2 accounting reports. The recommended client strings are application name and end user id. Additional information is available in the white paper Managing Enterprise Java Applications for DB2, G507-1457. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 39 3.2 EWLM, WLM, and DB2 transaction concept A domain manager and managed servers are components of an EWLM management domain. The domain manager runs on one server in the management domain, and the managed server runs in every server that is hosting workload that should be monitored. The managed server EWLM component collects, correlates, and aggregates three types of data: Transaction data flowing through ARM instrumented middleware Process data for non-instrumented applications (not supported in z/OS) System resources data To monitor work requests in a multi-tiered heterogeneous environment, you should be able to identify and track the performance of those requests across server boundaries. It is possible to collect this data using versions of middleware that have been instrumented with ARM V4.0 standard. These are a set of interfaces that an application calls and are then used by EWLM to calculate response time and status of work processed by the application. Figure 3-4 shows a general flow of core ARM function calls used by an application that EWLM supports for capturing transaction data. A p p lic a tio n C o d e I n itia liz a tio n a r m _ r e g is te r _ a p p lic a tio n a r m _ s ta r t _ a p p lic a t io n a r m _ r e g is te r _ t r a n s a c tio n T r a n s a c tio n p r o c e s s in g a r m _ s t a r t_ tr a n s a c tio n d o w o rk a r m _ b lo c k _ tr a n s a c tio n p a s s r e q u e s t t o a n o th e r s e r v e r a r m _ u n b lo c k _ t r a n s a c t io n c o m p le t e w o r k a r m _ s t o p _ t r a n s a c t io n Te r m in a tio n a r m _ s to p _ a p p lic a t io n a r m _ d e s tr o y _ a p p lic a t io n Figure 3-4 API flow This is a quick look at the function calls: An application issues arm_register_application to become registered with EWLM by its application name and arm_start_application to indicate that the application is active. Transaction registration via arm_register_transaction is similar to application registration, and each transaction is associated to an application. arm_start_transaction indicates that a transaction is starting on this application or middleware and EWLM starts response time timing. arm_block_transaction indicates that the transaction instance is blocked because it is waiting for some other service to complete (for example, WebSphere waits for a DB2 call to complete). 40 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support arm_unblock_transaction indicates that the transaction is no longer blocked. Therefore, the time between arm_block_transaction and arm_unblock_transaction can be distinguished from the elapsed time between arm_start_transaction and arm_stop_transaction. arm_stop_transaction signals the end of a transaction; EWLM stops timing the response time. arm_stop_application indicates that the application instance is ending. Therefore, no more transactions can be started or stopped. arm_destroy_application removes the registration. Note: A transaction in an EWLM environment is encapsulated between an arm_start_transaction and an arm_stop_transaction function calls issued by an application or middleware. 3.2.1 ARM enablement on z/OS Workload Manager on z/OS has provided workload management services to middleware such as DB2, WebSphere, CICS, and IMS for a long time. For example, DB2 DIST uses WLM enclave services to schedule and process received work requests. In the current implementation, EWLM on z/OS leverages the existing WLM services and maps them to ARM calls, so that EWLM managed server can simply pick up the performance data and send it to the domain manager. Figure 3-5 depicts a general flow. ARM and Enclave DB2 DDF - DB2DIST address space Connect to W LM (IW N CO NN ) arm _register_application EW LM M S address space EW LM _connect arm _start_application arm _register_transaction Policy m anagem ent Collect data Send data to Control Center EW LM _disconnect Transactions E N C L A V E T R A N A R M T R A N S Create enclave (IW MECREA) Enclave workrequest start and stop calls ( IW M ESTR T, IW M ESTO P ) arm _start_transaction arm _stop_transaction arm _start_transaction arm _stop_transaction arm _start_transaction arm _stop_transaction Enclave delete (IW M EDELE) D isconnect from W LM arm _stop_application arm _destry_application Figure 3-5 ARM and enclave When EWLM address space is started it connects to WLM. Its main functions are: Manage the EWLM policy received from the domain manager. Collect the performance data and send it to the domain manager. When DB2 is started it connects to WLM and specifies that it will participate in EWLM. DB2 DIST address space is then registered to ARM on z/OS as an EWLM application participant. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 41 ARM data is captured only if a correlator is sent in from an ARM enabled distributed application such as WebSphere; otherwise, DB2 continues processing distributed requests as it usually does. When DB2 receives the correlator from a distributed application, DB2 DDF creates an enclave and starts a work request. Attribute values such as PLAN, PACKAGE, and CONNECTION are passed with the correlator to zWLM to classify the work request and associate it to a service class. When an enclave is created by DDF, an arm_start_transaction is implicitly invoked to mark the beginning of a transaction, then an arm_stop_transaction gets called at the end of processing a database request message. A pair of start and stop transaction is associated with each database request message from a distributed application or DRDA® requester until a commit is received and the enclave is then deleted. In other words, in an EWLM environment, a DB2 transaction no longer has the same meaning as one enclave transaction, or a unit-of-work between two DB2 commits. In our case, a transaction becomes an ARM work request, and its elapse time is simply the duration of receiving and processing a database request message to DB2 from the DRDA requestor. Figure 3-6 illustrates where in monitor reports you can find the number of ARM and enclave transactions. O c c u rre n c e s (D B 2 P E ) D B A T s (D B 2 P E ) C o m m its (D B 2 P E ) T ra n s a c tio n E n d e d (R M F ) R e p o rte d a s E n c la v e c re a te (IW M E C R E A ) E n c la v e d e le te (IW M E D E L E ) S R M tra n s a c tio n a rm w o rk re q u e s t (a rm tra n ) R e p o rte d a s a rm tra n a rm tra n a rm tra n a rm tra n Legenda: a rm _ s ta rt_ tra n s a c tio n a rm _ s to p _ tra n s a c tio n A p p lic a tio n & S e rv e r To p o lo g y Ta b le v ie w (E W L M ) D is trib u te d A c tiv ity M e s s a g e s (D B 2 P E ) D R D A M e s s a g e s (D B 2 P E ) Figure 3-6 ARM and enclave transaction relationships EWLM Control Center reports the number of transactions (ARM work requests) in application and server topology tableview. See Figure 3-23 on page 57. The number of ARM transactions (ARM work requests) are reported as Messages in the Distributed Activity and DRDA REMOTE LOCSDB2 sections of the Performance Expert accounting and statistics reports. An enclave transaction corresponds to an SRM transaction and its number is reported as occurrences, DBATS, and commits by DB2 Performance Expert, and Transaction Ended by RMF in the Workload Activity report in the Service class and Report class. 42 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 3.3 Monitoring the workload with EWLM and z/OS The database server configuration consists of a z/OS 1.6 LPAR with two logical CPs on an IBM zSeries 990 2084-318. The LPAR is a sysplex image in which a DB2 data sharing group is active. Only the DB2 member DB8E, active in our partition, is used as database server by the distributed application. Because the DB2 workload during our test runs was light, we decided to load the image with some batch jobs with a CPU-intensive profile to generate some contention. (See Figure 3-15 on page 50.) During our tests there was no contention with the other logical partitions defined in the processor. Figure 3-7 shows the service class goals for the z/OS workloads that were run during our tests. zWLM - Workloads Service Classes DB2 server A.S. (DBM1, MSTR, IRLM), DB2DIST SYSSTC Subsystem DDF SCDB2STP 1. Avg r/t 20 msec, importance 2, duration 100 (around 2 mips) 2. Vel 50%, importance 3 Subsystem JES DISC 1. Discretionary Figure 3-7 DDF service class on z/OS We classify the DB2, MSTR, DBM1, DIST, and IRLM address space in the SYSSTC service class, although in a production environment we suggest assigning the DB2, MSTR, DBM1, and DIST address spaces to a managed service class with an IMP of 1, velocity of 50 or 60, and IRLM to the SYSSTC service class. The RMF recording interval is set to one minute. To collect DB2 monitor data, accounting and statistic traces have been started as shown in Example 3-2. Example 3-2 DB2 trace activation -DB8E DISPLAY TRACE RESPONSE=SC69 DSNW127I -DB8E CURRENT TNO TYPE CLASS 01 STAT 01,03,04,05, 01 06 02 ACCTG 01 03 ACCTG 01,02,03,07, 03 08 TRACE ACTIVITY IS DEST QUAL SMF NO SMF SMF NO NO Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 43 Note: To be able to relate the EWLM Control Center and z/OS RMF and DB2 monitors information, we confirmed that the platform clocks were synchronized at one minute boundary. To analyze the workload behavior we use a top-down approach; that is, we start from the EWLM Control Center information and then we drill down to the z/OS monitors data. Because z/OS does not support EWLM process classes, the scope of our analysis is limited to the service and transaction classes, and managed servers. You should already be familiar with the EWLM Control Center and you should know that, to exploit the top-down approach logic, it provides high-level views to address a problem and detail views to obtain more in-depth statistics. In summary the selectable high-level views from the Control Center Monitor panel are: Exceptions Workloads Service classes Transaction classes Process classes (not supported by z/OS) Managed servers From each of the high-level views, you can get selectable reports by choosing a pull-down option. These are the low-level views: Detailed monitor reports about service, transaction, process classes, and managed servers Topology reports for the service and transaction classes with additional detailed statistics Real-time performance monitors for: – Goal achievement – Transaction rate and count – Processor utilization EWLM domain manager maintains statistics data for one-hour intervals with a wrap-around logic. The EWLM Control Center displays the aggregated statistics for the interval starting from the last minute sampled with the duration length selected through the preference interval duration pull-down option. The first step in controlling the behavior of our EWLM managed domain is to go through the high-level views. Some fields in the views are described in this Redpaper, and additional information is available in the help panels of the EWLM Control Center, in the IBM Redbook IBM Enterprise Workload Manager, SG24-6350, and in the Redpaper Enterprise Workload Manager - Interpreting Control Center Performance Reports, REDP-3963. We start from the Exceptions view that reports the service classes that are not meeting their performance objectives. A service class is listed in the exception report if its performance index (PI) is greater than 1. If no service classes are listed in this report, all of the service classes are meeting or exceeding their goals, as happened during our test. As an example of the Exceptions view, see Figure 3-8 on page 45. Service class SC_Trade3_default, importance medium, average response time goal of 100 milliseconds, had a PI of 1.24 because the average response time in the last 30 minutes has been 124 milliseconds. 44 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 3-8 Exception view We now go through high-level views to summarize the views objectives and depict our management domain environment. Workloads: Identifies the workloads that are defined in the active domain policy. If a service class appears in the Exceptions report, you can use the Workloads view to determine which workload is affected by the service class that is not meeting its goal. Figure 3-9 shows the Workloads view of the domain policy deployed in our environment. Figure 3-9 Workloads view Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 45 Service Classes: Specifies all of the service classes that are defined in the active domain policy. In Figure 3-10 you can view performance statistics for each service class defined in our domain policy. You can see that the workload Trade3 uses only the first three service classes because we have the PI value along with the performance and achieved goal. The service class SC_internetExplorer reports a PI because an Internet Explorer administrative session is opened for the server ewlm2, which runs on a Windows platform. Figure 3-10 Service Classes view Transaction Classes: Specifies all of the transaction classes for each application defined in the active domain policy. In Figure 3-11 you can view the performance statistics for each transaction class along with the entry application and the associated service class. You can see the 10 service classes used by workload Trade3. Figure 3-11 Transaction Classes view 46 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Managed Servers: Identifies all of the managed servers in the EWLM domain. In Figure 3-12 you can view the status of the four servers of our configuration, the processor utilization percentage over the specified interval, that the operating system is running, and the release level. Figure 3-12 Managed Servers view When you access a high-level view, you can select a low-level view in the Select Action field. The low-level views provide more detailed statistics as: Details reports: Specifies transaction and performance details for a specific report. Topologies: Another way of drilling down to see detailed data for a monitored service or transaction class in the EWLM management domain. Real-time performance monitors: Provides graphical views that EWLM updates automatically. The specific available monitor views are: – Goal achievement monitor – Processor utilization monitor – Transaction count and rate monitor In Managed Servers view, Figure 3-12, you can see the managed server, which runs the operating system z/OS Release 1.6 and has 89.0% average processor utilization over the specified one-hour interval. To see more detailed information, we select the low-level view Managed server details in the Select Action field. Figure 3-13 on page 48 shows the report. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 47 Figure 3-13 Managed Server details view The view has two sections: Statistics and Service classes processed in the server. Statistics: This section specifies performance data that is specific to this managed server. Managed server name: Unique name by which a server is known on a network. The name consists of the host name (wtcs69) and domain name ( Average processor utilization %: Average processor utilization (88.1%) of the managed server that includes all work requests that the server is processing, not just the EWLM monitored work. Important: The reported average processor utilization percentage includes only the captured time that corresponds to the APPL% of workload activity RMF report for policy. Real memory: Total amount of memory of the LPAR hosting the server. Number of logical processors: Number of logical CPs of the LPAR. Page fault rate: Number of page faults per second managed by the operating system. A high number means that the memory is not sufficient to sustain all of the workloads the server is running, not just the EWLM monitored work. 48 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Application (Group): Application instances that support EWLM monitored work. In our domain the application environment name is DDF associated to DB2 member DB8E. Service classes processed in server: This section reports all service classes associated with the managed server. Service class name: Name of the EWLM domain policy service class associated to a transaction by the Entry application. This is not the zWLM service class used to manage the DDF workload in z/OS. Important: The following using and delay percentages are derived from zWLM sampling status data for the zWLM service classes managing the EWLM monitored workload. Status samples categories are: (processor using), (processor, i/o, storage, others delays), and idle. The percentages are derived from using and delay status samples with the exclusion of the idle status samples. Because there may not be a one-to-one relationship between an EWLM service or transaction class and a zWLM service class, the using and delay sample data provided by zWLM are apportioned to EWLM service or transaction classes with a weighted average based on EWLM service classes transaction rate and active time. Transaction active time is explained within the fields description on page 55. Processor utilization %: This value indicates the percentage of the number of samples when the EWLM monitored workload was found using the processor. It should be read as Processor using %. Important: This information should not be interpreted as the percentage of the average server processor utilization used by the service class. Processor delay %: This value indicates the percentage of the number of samples when the EWLM monitored workload was found delayed because the processor was busy with other workloads. Storage delay %: This value indicates the percentage of the number of samples when the EWLM monitored workload was found delayed because of page faults. I/O delay %: This value indicates the percentage of the number of samples when the EWLM monitored workload was found delayed waiting for an I/O operation to complete. A processor utilization real-time performance monitor view is selectable from the pull-down list. The view shows the processor utilization with one-minute granularity, and it covers a one-hour interval with a scrollable cursor. Figure 3-14 on page 50 shows the graph. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 49 Figure 3-14 Processor utilization monitor For comparison, Figure 3-15 shows CPU utilization reported by RMF Monitor I for a time frame that includes the EWLM Control Center Processor utilization view. There is a little difference because the EWLM Control Center does not report the uncaptured time (the top layer in Figure 3-15). You may also notice that the main LPAR load is batch. Figure 3-15 RMF Mon I processor utilization 50 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Server hosts three service classes monitored by EWLM. To drill farther down the behavior of EWLM monitor workload, from the Service Class high-level view we select SC_Trade3_general for a Service class detail view as shown in Figure 3-16. Figure 3-16 Service class details view The view has three sections: Attributes, Statistics, and a Response Time Distribution Chart. Attribute: This section includes the following items: – – – – A description of the service class The workload to which the service class belongs The goal type, the goal, and the importance The transaction classes that are associated with this service class Statistics: This section specifies performance data that is specific to this service class. – Performance: A value that specifies the actual performance, response time, of the transaction processed by the service class in the interval. A transaction starts and terminates in the outer hop 0 at the middleware level, and the response time covers the end-to-end elapsed time. – Performance index: A value that indicates how well the service class is meeting the goal. If the PI is less than or equal to 1, the goal is being met; if it is greater than 1, the goal is not met. – Transactions: Completed successfully: The number of transactions associated with this service class that successfully completed processing at hop 0 level. A transaction rate real-time monitor view is selectable from the pull-down list. The view shows the transaction rate with one-minute granularity, and it covers a one-hour interval with a Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 51 scrollable cursor. Figure 3-18 on page 53 shows an example for the SC_Trade3_general service class. – The number of transactions that Failed, Stopped, Ended in unknown state, and the Total. Failed or stopped transactions can be caused by middleware or operating system problems or user errors. The hop where the error may have been occurred is not indicated. Response Time Distribution Chart: For service classes specifying Average or Percentile response time, a graph is presented for the selected interval length. Figure 3-17 shows service class SC_Trade3_general Response Time Distribution Chart covering a one-hour interval. SC_Trade3_general service class Figure 3-17 Response Time real-time monitor 52 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 3-18 Transaction rate real-time monitor Because the transactions that are associated with a service class are considered end-to-end transactions, we now select from the Service Classes high-level view pull-down option the topology views to see the applications and servers that are processing the service class. Topology provides a graphical view of the service and transaction classes in the EWLM management domain. From the topology view, you can determine which servers are processing work for each application. Application topology is a starting point for understanding the transaction flow as well as for problem determination. The view is a visual of the transaction as it traverses through the middleware applications and the servers where the middleware resides. Figure 3-19 shows the Application topology for service class SC_Trade3_general. DDF application Figure 3-19 Application topology view Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 53 Server topology is similar to the Application topology view and shows all servers that the transaction traversed. Clicking on the server boxes, you can see the middleware applications resident on the server that the transaction traversed. Figure 3-20 on page 54 shows the server topology for service class SC_Trade3_general. z/OS server Figure 3-20 Server topology view From either topology view, we select the tableview icon for detailed statistics about the amount of resources that each application or server is absorbing along with more granular data such as the average response times, delays percentages, number transactions that completed successfully or unsuccessfully, and many other granular statistics. Depending on which topology view you display, you can see some differences in the tableview data. Application topology: The data related to service or transaction classes is for the middleware application environments. If an application environment spans more than one server, the tableview will have more than one instance row and the application environment row aggregates the data for all instances (scope application). Server topology: The data related to service or transaction classes is for the middleware applications active on the specific server (server scope). Figure 3-21 shows the rightmost part of the tableview window from the application topology view for service class SC_Trade3_general. We selected the application topology because we are interested in data for the z/OS platform. 54 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 3-21 Tableview data for SC_Trade3_general service class The table fields for the z/OS platform have the following meanings: Hop: Indicates the application or server where a transaction is processed. The database server on z/OS is hop 2. Name: Name of the server, application, and instance to which the transaction moved. Type: Describes whether the Name field is server (instrumented operating system), application environment (instrumented middleware), or instance (DB2 instance). The application environment DDF has one instance (DB8E). Platform: Specifies the operating system on which the server is running (z/OS). Average response time: The field indicates the average amount of time in seconds that the transactions classified to the service class spent at this middleware hop plus any time spent in downstream hops. The average response time is the elapsed time from the arm_start_transaction and the arm_stop_transaction API calls. In our sample, the average response time is the same as the active time because this is the last hop. It includes the queue time within DDF and it is 1 millisecond. Average active time: The field indicates in seconds how long the server took to process the request. Active time does not include the time the application indicates that the request is blocked because it is waiting for a subtransaction sent to another server (hop) to complete. In our example the active and response time are the same because DDF middleware is the last hop. See Figure 3-22 on page 56 for response and active times concepts. Our example shows a one-to-one relationship among hops, though this is not always the case. Attention: In Figure 3-21, hop 1 average response time is 9 - 11 milliseconds and average active time is 6 - 7 milliseconds; consequently the average block time is 3 - 4 milliseconds or the waiting time for hop 2 to complete the request. Hop 2 average response and active time is 1 millisecond with no queue time, so the 2 - 3 milliseconds not accounted for might be network time. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 55 arm _start_transaction arm _stop_transaction arm _blockt_transaction arm _unblockt_transaction response tim e hop 0 active tim e active tim e arm _start_transaction arm _stop_transaction hop 1 arm _blockt_transaction arm _unblockt_transaction response tim e active tim e hop 2 active tim e arm _start_transaction arm _stop_transaction response tim e active tim e Figure 3-22 Transaction response and active time flow Important: The following processor time, using, and delay percentages are derived from zWLM data for the zWLM service classes managing the EWLM monitored workload. Status samples categories are: (processor using), (processor, i/o, storage, others delays), and idle. The percentages are derived from using and delay status samples with the exclusion of the idle status samples. Because there may not be a one-to-one relation between an EWLM service or transaction class and a zWLM service class, the processor time, using, and delay sample data provided by zWLM are apportioned to EWLM service or transaction classes with a weighted average based on EWLM service classes transaction rate and active time. Processor time (seconds): This field shows the actual CPU time used over the interval (in our example the interval is one hour). In Figure 3-21 on page 55, 01:20.764565 should be read as 1 minute, 20 seconds, 764 milliseconds. Processor delay%: This field shows the percentage of time the application was not able to obtain processor resource when requested over the interval. Processor using%: This field shows the percentage of time the application was able to obtain processor resource when requested over the interval. The Figure 3-23 on page 57 shows the leftmost part of the Tableview window from the server topology view for service class SC_Trade3_general. 56 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 3-23 Tableview window for SC_Trade3_general service class The table fields for the z/OS platform have the following meanings: Successful transactions: This field specifies the number of transactions associated to the service class that successfully terminate its processing in hop 2, the database server on z/OS. A transaction is delimited by issuing arm_start_transaction, arm_stop_transaction at the middleware level, in our case DDF. Note: This transaction count is for hop 2 middleware; it should not expect a one-to-one relationship with the hop 0 transaction count in the first row of the tableview (137582) or in the transaction count of the Service Class detail view. See Figure 3-16 on page 51. I/O%. This field shows the percentage of time the application was waiting for an I/O to complete. Page delay%: This field shows the percentage of time the application was delayed because of a page fault: central storage not available. Idle%: This field shows the percentage of time the application threads were in idle state. This status is not used to evaluate the processor using and delay percentages. Other%: This field shows the percentage of time the application was found in a non-idle state that could not be accounted to page, processor, or I/O delay. Hard page faults%: This field shows the number of page faults solved by doing a physical I/O. Average queue time (seconds): This is the time spent in the middleware preceding the actual processing of the transaction arm_start_transaction. Our example shows 13 milliseconds; this is a known problem where the value is currently reported incorrectly and it is addressed by the next release. Standard deviation (seconds): This field specifies a numerical value that indicates how much the transactions deviate from average response time. There are other fields such as Stopped, Failed transactions, Topology uncertainty count, and Reporting gap count, which are not addresses in this Redpaper. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 57 3.4 A comparison between monitoring reports Now we correlate EWLM Control Center monitoring data with data provided by RMF and DB2 PE monitors for the application environment DDF. Example 3-3 contains the control statements used to obtain the RMF and DB2 PE report. Example 3-3 RMF and DB2 PE control statements --- RMF-------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMARY(INT,TOT) RTOD(1500,1520) DINTV(0020) REPORTS(CPU) SYSRPTS(WLMGL(POLICY,WGROUP,SCPER,RCLASS,SYSNAM)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB2 PE Accounting long ------------------------------------------------GLOBAL TIMEZONE(+4) INCLUDE(SUBSYSTEMID(DB8E) CONNECT(SERVER) ) FROM(,15:00) TO(,15:20) ACCOUNTING REPORT LAYOUT(LONG) EXEC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB2 PE Statistics long ------------------------------------------------GLOBAL TIMEZONE(+4) INCLUDE(SUBSYSTEMID(DB8E) CONNECT(SERVER) ) FROM(,15:00) TO(,15:20) STATISTICS REPORT LAYOUT(LONG) EXEC We have already seen the overall processor utilization percentage correlates as shown in Figure 3-14 on page 50 and Figure 3-15 on page 50. We look now at processor utilization data and transaction count and response time for the DDF workload. 3.4.1 EWLM Control Center reports The Trade3 workload uses three EWLM service classes: the processor utilization and transaction data, transaction response, and queue time can be found in the tableview either for Application or Server topology views. Service Class SC_Trade3_default Application topology tableview (Figure 3-24 on page 59) 58 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Figure 3-24 Application topology for SC_Trade3_default service class - right Figure 3-25 Application topology for SC_Trade3_default service class - left Service Class SC_Trade3_general Application topology tableview Data is shown in Figure 3-21 on page 55 and in Figure 3-23 on page 57. Service Class SC_Trade3_shopping Application topology tableview (Figure 3-26 on page 60) Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 59 Figure 3-26 Application topology for SC_Trade3_shopping service class - right Figure 3-27 Application topology for SC_Trade3_shopping service class - left The Control Center aggregation interval for the tableviews is one hour starting at 2:45 pm April 19th. We normalize for DDF application environment (hop 2) the processor time seconds and the successful transactions count to a second to be able to relate to RMF monitors data. We did not experience stopped or failed transactions during our test run. Processor time seconds: – SC_Trade3_default 5.32 (5.7% of total) – SC_Trade3_general 80.77 (87% of total) – SC_Trade3_shopping 6.74 (7.3% of total) – Total 92.83 seconds that divided by 3600 seconds equals 2.58% utilization of one CP. Successful transactions: – SC_Trade3_default 8735 (6% of total) – SC_Trade3_general 130984 (86.7% of total) – SC_Trade3_shopping 11167 (7.3% of total) – Total 150886 transactions that divided by 3600 seconds equals 41.91 transactions per second. 60 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Transaction response time and queue time (the queue time is currently reported incorrectly and will be addressed in the next release. The value should be read as queue time / transaction count; in our case we obtain a negligible value): – SC_Trade3_default r/t = 1 millisecond, queue time = 1 millisecond – SC_Trade3_general r/t = 1 millisecond, queue time = 13 millisecond – SC_Trade3_shopping r/t = 1 millisecond, queue time = 0 Note: Those are hop 2 transactions delimited by issuing an arm_start_transaction, arm_stop_transaction at the middleware level (DDF). 3.4.2 RMF postprocessor workload activity reports From the RMF postprocessor, we extrapolate reports for zWLM workload DB2RES and for service class SCDB2STP that have been set up for DDF workload. In Figure 3-7 on page 43 you can see that the report duration interval is 20 minutes, which matches the EWLM Control Center interval. Figure 3-28 depicts the CPU utilization behavior for DDF workload during our run. You can see that the utilization ranges between 2.5 and 3% of one CP (APPL %). Figure 3-28 DDF workload CPU utilization Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 61 Example 3-4, Example 3-5, and Example 3-6 on page 63 show excerpts from the RMF reports. Example 3-4 RMF workload report z/OS V1R6 SYSPLEX WTSCPLX1 START 04/19/2005-15.00.00 INTERVAL 000.19.59 RPT VERSION V1R5 RMF END 04/19/2005-15.20.00 MODE = GOAL ============================================================================================================ WORKLOAD REPORT BY: POLICY=SPSTPC TRANSACTIONS AVG 0.26 MPL 0.26 ENDED 17170 END/S 14.31 £SWAPS 0 EXCTD 0 AVG ENC 0.26 REM ENC 0.00 MS ENC 0.00 WORKLOAD=DB2RES DB2 stored procedures TRANS.-TIME HHH.MM.SS.TTT ACTUAL 17 EXECUTION 17 QUEUED 0 R/S AFFINITY 0 INELIGIBLE 0 CONVERSION 0 STD DEV 28 --DASD I/O-SSCHRT 0.0 RESP 0.5 CONN 0.2 DISC 0.2 Q+PEND 0.1 IOSQ 0.0 ---SERVICE---IOC 0 CPU 668803 MSO 0 SRB 0 TOT 668803 /SEC 557 ABSRPTN 2183 TRX SERV 2183 --SERVICE TIMES-TCB 32.2 SRB 0.0 RCT 0.0 IIT 0.0 HST 0.0 IFA N/A APPL% CP 2.7 APPL% IFACP 0.0 APPL% IFA N/A PAGE-IN RATES SINGLE 0.0 BLOCK 0.0 SHARED 0.0 HSP 0.0 HSP MISS 0.0 EXP SNGL 0.0 EXP BLK 0.0 EXP SHR 0.0 ----STORAGE---AVG 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 CENTRAL 0.00 EXPAND 0.00 SHARED 0.00 You can see that the workload and service class reports are for enclaves because the IOC and MSO service values are zero: DDF exploits enclaves. The APPL% reported is 2.7% of one CP that becomes 2.81% after normalizing with the capture ratio of 96% that we measured during our run. The RMF value is close to the aggregated processor utilization of the analyzed EWLM service classes (2.58%). See Figure 3-27 on page 60. The number of SRM (enclave) transactions executed per second is 17170/1200 = 14.3, with an average execution time of 17 milliseconds, no queue time, and a standard deviation of 28 milliseconds. On average, within one enclave transaction, we have 41.9/14.3 = 2.93 hop 2 (arm_start / arm_stop) transactions. For comparison we use the data for SC_Trade3_general service class because it accounts for 87% of total workload. The transaction queue time—that is, the time spent in the middleware (hop 1) preceding the first arm_start_transaction in hop 2—is probably a negligible value. (From the Application topology tableview, the value of 13 milliseconds average per transaction is incorrect.) Furthermore we have on average in hop 2 three ARM transactions per enclave that last 1 millisecond each. Using these numbers, the enclave response time using EWLM Control Center number is (0 + 1) * 3 = 3 milliseconds; RMF reports 17 milliseconds. Example 3-5 RMF DDF transaction service class workload report - period 1 z/OS V1R6 SYSPLEX WTSCPLX1 START 04/19/2005-15.00.00 INTERVAL 000.19.59 RPT VERSION V1R5 RMF END 04/19/2005-15.20.00 REPORT BY: POLICY=SPSTPC TRANSACTIONS AVG 0.25 MPL 0.25 ENDED 17103 END/S 14.25 £SWAPS 0 EXCTD 0 AVG ENC 0.25 REM ENC 0.00 MS ENC 0.00 WORKLOAD=DB2RES TRANS.-TIME HHH.MM.SS.TTT ACTUAL 17 EXECUTION 17 QUEUED 0 R/S AFFINITY 0 INELIGIBLE 0 CONVERSION 0 STD DEV 28 SERVICE CLASS=SCDB2STP CRITICAL =NONE --DASD I/O-SSCHRT 0.0 RESP 0.5 CONN 0.2 DISC 0.2 Q+PEND 0.1 IOSQ 0.0 GOAL: RESPONSE TIME AVG 62 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support ---SERVICE---IOC 0 CPU 667285 MSO 0 SRB 0 TOT 667285 /SEC 556 ABSRPTN 2183 TRX SERV 2183 RESOURCE GROUP=*NONE --SERVICE TIMES-TCB 32.2 SRB 0.0 RCT 0.0 IIT 0.0 HST 0.0 IFA N/A APPL% CP 2.7 APPL% IFACP 0.0 APPL% IFA N/A MODE = GOAL PERIOD=1 IMPORTANCE=2 PAGE-IN RATES SINGLE 0.0 BLOCK 0.0 SHARED 0.0 HSP 0.0 HSP MISS 0.0 EXP SNGL 0.0 EXP BLK 0.0 EXP SHR 0.0 ----STORAGE---AVG 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 CENTRAL 0.00 EXPAND 0.00 SHARED 0.00 SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME EX PERF AVG HHH.MM.SS.TTT VEL% INDX ADRSP SC69 87.2 0.9 < <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= > --- USING% --- ---------- EXECUTION DELAYS % --------- ---DLY%-- -CRYPTO%- ---CNT%-% CPU IFA I/O TOT CPU UNKN IDLE USG DLY USG DLY QUIE 0.2 7.4 N/A 0.0 1.1 1.1 91.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ----------RESPONSE TIME DISTRIBUTION-----------NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS--------PERCENT------- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CUM TOTAL IN BUCKET CUM TOTAL IN BUCKET !....!....!....!....!....!....!....!....!....!....! 5285 5285 30.9 30.9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6954 1669 40.7 9.8 >>>>>> 8770 1816 51.3 10.6 >>>>>> 10441 1671 61.0 9.8 >>>>>> 11951 1510 69.9 8.8 >>>>> 13198 1247 77.2 7.3 >>>> 13681 483 80.0 2.8 >> 14446 765 84.5 4.5 >>> 14992 546 87.7 3.2 >> 15329 337 89.6 2.0 >> 15609 280 91.3 1.6 >> 16317 708 95.4 4.1 >>> 16878 561 98.7 3.3 >> 17103 225 100 1.3 > ----TIME---HH.MM.SS.TTT Example 3-6 RMF DDF workload report - period 2 REPORT BY: POLICY=SPSTPC TRANSACTIONS AVG 0.00 MPL 0.00 ENDED 67 END/S 0.06 £SWAPS 0 EXCTD 0 AVG ENC 0.00 REM ENC 0.00 MS ENC 0.00 WORKLOAD=DB2RES TRANS.-TIME HHH.MM.SS.TTT ACTUAL 65 EXECUTION 65 QUEUED 0 R/S AFFINITY 0 INELIGIBLE 0 CONVERSION 0 STD DEV 60 SC69 --DASD I/O-SSCHRT 0.0 RESP 0.3 CONN 0.3 DISC 0.0 Q+PEND 0.0 IOSQ 0.0 RESOURCE GROUP=*NONE ---SERVICE---IOC 0 CPU 1518 MSO 0 SRB 0 TOT 1518 /SEC 1 ABSRPTN 2150 TRX SERV 2150 GOAL: EXECUTION VELOCITY 50.0% SYSTEM SERVICE CLASS=SCDB2STP CRITICAL =NONE VELOCITY MIGRATION: RESPONSE TIME EX PERF AVG VEL% INDX ADRSP --N/A-- 0.0 0.0 0.0 I/O MGMT 0.0% --SERVICE TIMES-TCB 0.1 SRB 0.0 RCT 0.0 IIT 0.0 HST 0.0 IFA N/A APPL% CP 0.0 APPL% IFACP 0.0 APPL% IFA N/A INIT MGMT PERIOD=2 IMPORTANCE=3 PAGE-IN RATES SINGLE 0.0 BLOCK 0.0 SHARED 0.0 HSP 0.0 HSP MISS 0.0 EXP SNGL 0.0 EXP BLK 0.0 EXP SHR 0.0 ----STORAGE---AVG 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 CENTRAL 0.00 EXPAND 0.00 SHARED 0.00 0.0% --- USING% --- ---------- EXECUTION DELAYS % --------- ---DLY%-- -CRYPTO%- ---CNT%-% CPU IFA I/O TOT UNKN IDLE USG DLY USG DLY QUIE 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 The reports for the two periods of zWLM service class SCDB2STP confirm the CPU utilization and the number of enclaves. In addition they show the response time distribution and the low number of transactions (0.06 per second) completed in period 2. Period 1 duration is 100 SU, roughly equivalent to 2 MIPS. zWLM sample state percentages for CPU (there are no storage or I/O delays) are: CPU using = 7.4 % CPU delay = 1.1 % If we relate those two values, it turns out that CPU using samples are 87% and CPU delay states are 13%. Those percentage values correlate with what you can see in the Managed server details view for the z/OS platform in Figure 3-13 on page 48. This information can be used to adjust the zWLM service class goals if necessary. 3.4.3 DB2 PE accounting and statistics reports Now we look at the DB2 PE accounting and statistics reports and cross-check with the EWLM Control Center and RMF reports. The interval duration is 15 minutes. We refer to Example 3-7, which shows a DB2 PE accounting report excerpt. The interval and the duration correlates with EWLM and RMF data. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 63 Example 3-7 DB2 PE accounting report extract 1 LOCATION: DB8E GROUP: N/P MEMBER: N/P SUBSYSTEM: DB8E DB2 VERSION: V8 PRIMAUTH: MCONNOL PLANNAME: DISTSERV DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V2) ACCOUNTING REPORT - LONG ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME SCOPE: MEMBER ELAPSED TIME DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------APPL |==========================================> 84% DB2 |====> 8% SUSP |====> 9% AVERAGE -----------ELAPSED TIME NONNESTED STORED PROC UDF TRIGGER APPL(CL.1) DB2 (CL.2) ---------- ---------0.023883 0.003889 0.023883 0.003889 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 PAGE: REQUESTED FROM: TO: INTERVAL FROM: TO: IFI (CL.5) ---------N/P N/A N/A N/A N/A CPU TIME AGENT NONNESTED STORED PRC UDF TRIGGER PAR.TASKS 0.002302 0.002302 0.002302 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001720 0.001720 0.001720 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 N/P N/A N/P N/A N/A N/A N/A SUSPEND TIME AGENT PAR.TASKS STORED PROC UDF 0.000000 N/A N/A 0.000000 0.000000 0.002033 0.002033 0.000000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NOT ACCOUNT. DB2 ENT/EXIT EN/EX-STPROC EN/EX-UDF DCAPT.DESCR. LOG EXTRACT. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.000135 27.15 0.00 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/P N/P 1-1 ALL DATES 06/23/05 06/23/05 10:24:00.00 10:40:00.00 10:24:02.99 10:39:58.32 CLASS 2 TIME DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------CPU |======================> 44% NOTACC |=> 3% SUSP |==========================> 52% CLASS 3 SUSPENSIONS -------------------LOCK/LATCH(DB2+IRLM) SYNCHRON. I/O DATABASE I/O LOG WRITE I/O OTHER READ I/O OTHER WRTE I/O SER.TASK SWTCH UPDATE COMMIT OPEN/CLOSE SYSLGRNG REC EXT/DEL/DEF OTHER SERVICE ARC.LOG(QUIES) ARC.LOG READ DRAIN LOCK CLAIM RELEASE PAGE LATCH NOTIFY MSGS GLOBAL CONTENTION COMMIT PH1 WRITE I/O ASYNCH CF REQUESTS TOTAL CLASS 3 AVERAGE TIME -----------0.000001 0.000455 0.000000 0.000455 0.000000 0.000000 0.001578 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001578 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.002033 AV.EVENT -------0.00 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 HIGHLIGHTS -------------------------#OCCURRENCES : 1964 #ALLIEDS : 0 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0 #DBATS : 1964 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 1964 #ABNORMAL TERMIN: 0 #CP/X PARALLEL. : 0 #IO PARALLELISM : 0 #INCREMENT. BIND: 0 #COMMITS : 1964 #ROLLBACKS : 0 #SVPT REQUESTS : 0 #SVPT RELEASE : 0 #SVPT ROLLBACK : 0 MAX SQL CASC LVL: 0 UPDATE/COMMIT : 0.30 SYNCH I/O AVG. : 0.002044 The number of occurrences and commits per second are 1964/900 = 2.18 and it should match the RMF number of enclaves per second (report not shown). Class 2 CPU utilization is 2.18 * 0.002302 = 0.0050, or 0.05% of one CP. Class 1 average elapsed time per commit is 23.8 milliseconds and it should correspond with RMF average transaction (enclave) response time. Example 3-8 shows the distributed activity from the DB2 PE accounting report. Example 3-8 DB1 PE Distributed Activity report 1 LOCATION: GROUP: MEMBER: SUBSYSTEM: DB2 VERSION: DB8E N/P N/P DB8E V8 DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V2) ACCOUNTING REPORT - LONG ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME SCOPE: MEMBER PAGE: REQUESTED FROM: TO: INTERVAL FROM: TO: 1-4 ALL DATES 06/23/05 06/23/05 10:24:00.00 10:40:00.00 10:24:02.99 10:39:58.32 ---- DISTRIBUTED ACTIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REQUESTER : TRANSACTIONS RECV. : 0.00 MESSAGES SENT : 5.89 MSG.IN BUFFER: 7.88 PRODUCT ID : JCC #COMMIT(1) RECEIVED: 0 MESSAGES RECEIVED: 5.89 ROWS SENT : 1.07 METHOD : DRDA PROTOCOL #ROLLBK(1) RECEIVED: 0 BYTES SENT : 2147.51 BLOCKS SENT : 5.89 CONV.INITIATED : 0.00 SQL RECEIVED : 7.37 BYTES RECEIVED : 2086.46 #DDF ACCESSES: 966 #COMMIT(2) RECEIVED: 0 #COMMIT(2) RES.SENT: 0 #PREPARE RECEIVED: 0 #FORGET SENT : 0 #BCKOUT(2) RECEIVED: 0 #BACKOUT(2)RES.SENT: 0 #LAST AGENT RECV.: 966 #COMMIT(2) PERFORM.: 966 #BACKOUT(2)PERFORM.: 0 #THREADS INDOUBT : 0 REQUESTER : PRODUCT ID : JCC METHOD : DRDA PROTOCOL CONV.INITIATED : 0.00 #COMMIT(2) RECEIVED: 0 #BCKOUT(2) RECEIVED: 0 #COMMIT(2) PERFORM.: 998 64 TRANSACTIONS RECV. : #COMMIT(1) RECEIVED: #ROLLBK(1) RECEIVED: SQL RECEIVED : #COMMIT(2) RES.SENT: #BACKOUT(2)RES.SENT: #BACKOUT(2)PERFORM.: Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 0.00 0 0 7.77 0 0 0 MESSAGES SENT : MESSAGES RECEIVED: BYTES SENT : BYTES RECEIVED : #PREPARE RECEIVED: #LAST AGENT RECV.: #THREADS INDOUBT : 6.36 6.36 2132.75 2151.28 0 998 0 MSG.IN BUFFER: ROWS SENT : BLOCKS SENT : #DDF ACCESSES: #FORGET SENT : 7.76 1.22 6.54 998 0 The number of commits are split between the two application servers and they match the number of DDF accesses. DDF middleware is enabled for ARM instrumentation, and a pair of arm_start_transaction, arm_stop_transaction is associated with each database request message from a distributed application—in our environment the WebSphere Application Servers (hop1). You can see that the number of Messages Received per commit is 5.89 from one server and 6.36 from the other. Total number of messages received per second is ((966 * 5.89)+(998 * 6.36)) / 900 = 13.37, which is very close to the 12.66 successful transactions per second for DDF middleware (hop 2) given by EWLM Control Center as shown in Figure 3-29 on page 66, Figure 3-30 on page 66 and Figure 3-31 on page 66. DB2 PE statics report also has a section related to DRDA. Example 3-9 shows the report excerpt. Example 3-9 DB2 PE statistics report 1 LOCATION: GROUP: MEMBER: SUBSYSTEM: DB2 VERSION: DB8E N/P N/P DB8E V8 DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V2) STATISTICS REPORT - LONG SCOPE: MEMBER PAGE: REQUESTED FROM: TO: INTERVAL FROM: TO: 1-15 ALL DATES 06/23/05 06/23/05 10:24:00.00 10:40:00.00 10:24:31.33 10:39:43.61 ---- HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERVAL START : 06/23/05 10:24:31.33 SAMPLING START: 06/23/05 10:24:31.33 TOTAL THREADS : 0.00 INTERVAL END : 06/23/05 10:39:43.61 SAMPLING END : 06/23/05 10:39:43.61 TOTAL COMMITS : 1890.00 INTERVAL ELAPSED: 15:12.283772 OUTAGE ELAPSED: 0.000000 DATA SHARING MEMBER: N/A DRDA REMOTE LOCS --------------------------TRANSACTIONS CONVERSATIONS CONVERSATIONS QUEUED SQL STATEMENTS SINGLE PHASE COMMITS SINGLE PHASE ROLLBACKS ROWS MESSAGES BYTES BLOCKS MESSAGES IN BUFFER CONT->LIM.BLOCK FETCH SWTCH STATEMENTS BOUND AT SERVER SENT -------0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2160.00 11544.00 4020.8K 11682.00 14705.00 0.00 0.00 RECEIVED -------0.00 0.00 PREPARE REQUEST LAST AGENT REQUEST TWO PHASE COMMIT REQUEST TWO PHASE BACKOUT REQUEST FORGET RESPONSES COMMIT RESPONSES BACKOUT RESPONSES THREAD INDOUBT-REM.L.COORD. COMMITS DONE-REM.LOC.COORD. BACKOUTS DONE-REM.L.COORD. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1890.00 0.00 0.00 1890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14249.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11544.00 3995.6K 0.00 The number of commits and messages received per second match the accounting report: Commits: 1890 / 900 = 2.1 Messages received = 12.82 Figure 3-29 on page 66, Figure 3-30 on page 66, and Figure 3-31 on page 66 show the EWLM Application topology tableview for the measured interval. The transaction count field represents the number of ARM transactions executed in the DB2 middleware and it corresponds to the distributed messages reported in the DB2 PE reports. If you sum the transactions spread across the three service classes serving the trade application, you get 11397 (12.66 transaction/second), which is very close to the DB2 report. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 65 Figure 3-29 DB2 transaction count for SC SC_Trade3_default Figure 3-30 DB2 transaction count for SC SC_Trade3_general Figure 3-31 DB2 transaction count for SC SC_Trade3_shopping 66 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support 3.4.4 Summary From our studies on our EWLM management domain, we offer some fundamental tips for implementing EWLM in your installation: Carefully plan your EWLM policy versus the zWLM if you want to relate performance data between the z/OS and the distributed environment. When you evaluate data either from EWLM or from the z/OS monitors, keep in mind the different concept of “transaction” as illustrated in Figure 3-32 on page 67. EWLM messages DDF commit/enclave z/OS Figure 3-32 Transaction concept Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 67 3.5 Performance considerations Figure 3-33 depicts the key new required functional components in an example of a simple two-system EWLM management domain. One OS image houses the EWLM domain manager, and two other OS images each house an EWLM managed server. This Redpaper focuses on the z/OS image on the right side of the diagram. Within an EWLM managed OS image, there are essentially three functional areas that consume system resources (CPU, Memory, I/O) to accommodate EWLM: The EWLM managed server process (started via S EWLMMS command). This is a Java application that is common across all platforms. Its primary responsibility is to collect and aggregate transaction (ARM instrumented), process, and system resource data. Additionally, it is responsible for communicating this aggregated data to the EWLM domain manager on an interval basis, asynchronous to transactions themselves. The EWLM platform and ARM services. This is the operating system extension support that provides the ARM implementation interface for ARM instrumented middleware and a platform interface for process and system resource statistics. Data is passed to the EWLM managed server process asynchronous to the transactions themselves. The DB2 DDF ARM calls and associated processing. This is essentially the instrumentation hooks placed into DB2 DDF to provide transaction statistics (for example Response Time, Queue time, an so forth) on a DRDA TCP/IP message-level basis. z/OS Management Server Host EWLM managed server for z/OS FMID HVE1110 EWLM domain manager Domain Policy and Topology Asynchronous to Transaction JNI Layer EWLM Platform & ARM services EWLM Control Center Other platform Control Server Operating System style sheets Websphere Express as servlet engine EWLM managed server EWLM Plat/ARM services Server Operating System Application Instrumentation Interfaces GUI Application Interfaces ARM (Enclaves) Instrumentation ARM (C, Java) Call ARM….. DB2 User log on via WEB Browser Client Transaction Flow WebSphere Application Server Synchronous to Transaction JCC Driver Figure 3-33 EWLM components flow Instrumenting transactions in a distributed environment typically requires capturing statistics on a greater number of the smaller subtransactions that make up the total end-user transaction. For example, as mentioned earlier, to accurately account for time spent in DB2 DDF versus time in the calling application, the DB2 DDF instrumentation is implemented on a DRDA TCP/IP message-level boundary, as opposed to a DB2 Commit boundary, the current instrumentation scope for z/OS zWLM. 68 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support While setting up and running the Trade3 workload, we made the following general resource observations: Monitoring transaction response time from the WebSphere Studio Workload Simulator, we noticed a negligible increase when running with EWLM. The Average Transaction response time went from 12 milliseconds to 13 milliseconds. This data is from a simpler 2-hop configuration than the 3-hop ITSO scenarios shown earlier. We noticed an increase in the average system CPU utilization when running TRADE3 with EWLM, versus without EWLM (EWLMMS not started). Based on a discussion with the EWLM development team, here are some thoughts to consider with regard to processor costs. The relative processor performance cost of a z/OS DB2 DDF workload exploiting EWLM is primarily driven by the following factors: The number of DRDA TCP/IP messages per DB2 Commit. DDF instrumentation for EWLM is provided at a TCP/IP message level, hence instrumentation overhead for a Commit is driven by the number of messages. The base processing cost (size) of a DRDA TCP/IP message in the Commit scope. The per-message processor consumption overhead of the DDF instrumentation for EWLM is essentially the same for all messages, hence a message with a greater DB2 cost (for example, path length) will, proportionally, experience a lower processor overhead than a message with lesser DB2 cost. Therefore, processor consumption overhead due to DDF instrumentation for EWLM is minimized, perhaps negligible, for workloads that have small numbers of DRDA messages with a greater base DB2 processing. Conversely, and as expected, DDF workloads with comparatively smaller base DB2 processing per message and with a larger number of messages can potentially result in some notice of additional processor cost. Chapter 3. Monitoring and reporting 69 70 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Related publications The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this Redpaper. IBM Redbooks For information on ordering these publications, see “How to get IBM Redbooks” on page 71. Note that some of the documents referenced here may be available in softcopy only. IBM Enterprise Workload Manager, SG24-6350 Enterprise Workload Manager - Interpreting Control Center Performance Reports, REDP-3963 Other publications These publications are also relevant as further information sources: IBM Virtualization Engine Enterprise Workload Manager for z/OS V1.1 License Information, GC53-1120-00 IBM SMP/E for z/OS and OS/390 User's Guide, SA22-7773 IBM SMP/E for z/OS and OS/390 Commands, SA22-7771 IBM SMP/E for z/OS and OS/390 Reference, SA22-7772 IBM SMP/E for z/OS and OS/390 Messages, Codes, and Diagnosis, GA22-7770 Managing Enterprise Java Applications for DB2, G507-1457-00 Online resources These Web sites and URLs are also relevant as further information sources: IBM Eserver Software Information Center Washington System Center Technical note: "Implementing an EWLM managed node on z/OS" How to get IBM Redbooks You can search for, view, or download Redbooks, Redpapers, Hints and Tips, draft publications and Additional materials, as well as order hardcopy Redbooks or CD-ROMs, at this Web site: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 71 Help from IBM IBM Support and downloads IBM Global Services 72 Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Back cover ® Enterprise Workload Manager z/OS Support Redpaper Installing the EWLM managed server on z/OS Customizing the EWLM management domain Evaluating performance data This IBM Redpaper will help you install, tailor, and configure the EWLM managed server on the z/OS image. It also provides an understanding of how the transaction concept differs between the distributed and z/OS worlds and how you can interpret the EWLM performance data compared with traditional z/OS monitors such as RMF and DB2 Performance Expert. INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION BASED ON PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IBM Redbooks are developed by the IBM International Technical Support Organization. Experts from IBM, Customers and Partners from around the world create timely technical information based on realistic scenarios. Specific recommendations are provided to help you implement IT solutions more effectively in your environment. For more information: