WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 1 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION Table of Contents 11 - GIVING NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ............................................ 2 11.1 - Policy and Coordination with NEPA Regulations ........................................................... 2 11.2 - Proposed Action Documentation and Timing of Comment Period .................................. 2 11.3 - Mailing of Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 3 11.4 - Legal Notice Requirements .............................................................................................. 3 11.5 - Time Periods for Comment .............................................................................................. 7 11.6 - Supplemented or Revised Environmental Documents and New Decisions ..................... 7 12 - RECEIVING COMMENTS ....................................................................................... 8 13 - CONSIDERING COMMENTS ................................................................................ 10 14 - NOTIFICATION OF DECISIONS ........................................................................... 14 14.1 - Mailing Decision ............................................................................................................ 14 14.2 - Legal Notice of Decisions .............................................................................................. 14 15 - EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ................................................................................. 17 15.1 - Definition ........................................................................................................................ 17 15.2 - Process for Emergency Situation Determinations .......................................................... 17 16 - DECISION IMPLEMENTATION AND WAITING PERIODS .................................. 20 16.1 - Implementation Timeframes for Appealable Decisions ................................................. 20 WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 2 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION This chapter describes how to involve the public in the decision making process by providing them the opportunity to comment on the proposed action. The Appeals Reform Act (ARA) (Pub. L. 102-381, 106 Stat. 1409) states that “prior to proposing an action . . . the Secretary shall give notice of the proposed action and the availability of the action for public comment . . . .” A proposed action is defined in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, section 215.2 (36 CFR 215.2). The action is a proposal made by the Forest Service that is a project or activity implementing a land management plan and subject to the notice and comment provisions of 36 CFR 215. This process includes publishing a legal notice of opportunity to comment, accepting and considering those comments, determining what comments are substantive, and publishing a legal notice with appeal rights, if any, once a decision is made. Submission of substantive comments during the comment period is a prerequisite for eligibility to appeal under 36 CFR part 215. 11 - GIVING NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT 11.1 - Policy and Coordination with NEPA Regulations The comment period established by the ARA does not replace scoping described under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) regulations. The rules at 36 CFR part 215 complement, but do not replace, other opportunities to participate in the agency’s project and activity planning (36 CFR 215.1(b)). The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA addresses scoping at 40 CFR 1501.7. The Forest Service NEPA handbook, FSH 1909.15, section 11, also addresses scoping. The notice and comment period required for proposed actions in 36 CFR 215.5 provides a clearly defined period when public comments on projects and activities, analyzed and documented in an environmental assessment (EA) or an environmental impact statement (EIS), are solicited. This comment period provides the opportunity to make substantive comments regarding concerns and objections known to the responsible official during a time when they can be considered and responded to efficiently and prior to a decision. 11.2 - Proposed Action Documentation and Timing of Comment Period (See 36 CFR 215.5(a)(2) for additional direction.) For projects and activities analyzed and documented in an EIS, the Forest Service satisfies the requirements of the ARA by using the notice and comment period on a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) required by Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) regulations at 40 CFR part 1503 and section 1506.10. For proposed actions described in an EIS, the responsible official should follow CEQ regulations 40 CFR 1502.9(a), Forest Service NEPA handbook FSH 1909.15, section 23.3, and guidance in 36 CFR 215.5. For proposed projects and activities analyzed and documented in an EA, the responsible official has full discretion to choose the appropriate timing of the comment period. At a minimum, the information circulated WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 3 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION for comment should describe the proposed action and its location in enough detail to allow the interested public to provide meaningful comment on the consequences of the proposed action. This requirement could be satisfied with the circulation of a detailed description of the NEPA proposed action. In other instances, the responsible official may choose to include a detailed description of the alternatives, including a preliminary effects analysis, or, may choose to circulate the completed EA. These are just a few examples, not an exhaustive list, of instances when a proposed action may be circulated for comment. The responsible official may choose any time period from project scoping to decision making. The Responsible Official should consider the complexity of the project, the degree of public controversy, and other relevant factors in determining when to circulate the proposed action for public comment. The purpose of the comment period is to provide the Responsible Official with meaningful input during project planning and prior to making a decision. 11.3 - Mailing of Proposed Action (See 36 CFR 215.5(a)(3) for additional direction.) Promptly mail the document describing the proposed action to any individual or organization who has requested it and to those who have participated in project planning. In keeping with the intent of the ARA, this mailing should occur close in time to publishing the legal notice. The public may be informed using e-mail and posting the proposed action on the World Wide Web. Keep a complete record of who was mailed the document and when it was mailed in case there is a question about compliance with this requirement. A copy of the mailing list with this information should be kept in the project record. 11.4 - Legal Notice Requirements (See 36 CFR 215.5(b)(1) for additional direction.) The responsible official is responsible for publishing a legal notice in the newspaper of record, informing the public of the opportunity to comment on a proposed action. The publication date in the newspaper of record determines the start of the 30-day comment period. A copy of the newspaper legal notice showing the date published must be kept in the project record. Supplemental notice may also be provided through publication in other newspapers, news releases, mailings, telephone contacts, letters, or by phone. Any supplemental notice should make clear that it is merely an additional, supplemental notice and not the legal notice, and that the comment period is based on the publication date of the legal notice in the newspaper of record. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 4 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION For a proposed action that is analyzed and documented in a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS), the legal notice must state that the opportunity to comment ends after a specified number of days following the date of publication of the notice of availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The legal notice must be published after the NOA and contain the publication date. See exhibit 01 for a sample legal notice for an EA, and exhibit 02 for a sample legal notice for a DEIS. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 5 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 11.4 - Exhibit 01 Sample Legal Notice 30-Day Comment Period EA Only Opportunity to Comment on [project name] The Forest Service, XXX National Forest, __XXX_ Ranger District, is preparing an Environmental Assessment for [TITLE of Action and Concise Description of the Proposed Action, a general description of the proposed action location sufficient to be able to identify location]. The proposed action description and other information are available for review at [applicable Forest offices]. Additional information regarding this action can be obtained from: [NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE #, E-Mail address]. The purpose of this comment period is to provide an opportunity for the public to provide early and meaningful participation on a proposed action prior to a decision being made by the Responsible Official. Those who provide substantive comments during this comment period are eligible to appeal the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 215 regulations. [Only applicable to emergency situations]- The Responsible Official is requesting an emergency situation determination for the project as provided for in 36 CFR 215.10. How to Comment and Timeframe Written, facsimile, hand-delivered, oral, and electronic comments concerning this action will be accepted for 30 calendar days following the publication of this notice in the ______________ [fill in the newspaper of record]. The publication date in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period for this analysis. Those wishing to comment should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. The regulations prohibit extending the length of the comment period. Written comments must be submitted to: [Responsible Official NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, (street, postal, facsimile]. The office business hours for those submitting hand-delivered comments are: [business hours] Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Oral comments must be provided at the Responsible Official’s office during normal business hours via telephone [office telephone number] or in person, or at an official agency function (i.e. public meeting) that is designed to elicit public comments. Electronic comments must be submitted in a format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to [email address]. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to a comment, a verification of identity will be required for appeal eligibility. If using an electronic message, a scanned signature is one way to provide verification. It is the responsibility of persons providing comments to submit them by the close of the comment period. Only those who submit timely and substantive comments will have eligibility to appeal the subsequent decision under 36 CFR 215. Individuals and organizations wishing to be eligible to appeal must meet the information requirements of 36 CFR 215.6. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 6 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 11.4 - Exhibit 02 Sample Legal Notice Comment Period EIS Only Opportunity to Comment on [project name] DEIS The Forest Service, XXX National Forest, __XXX_ Ranger District, has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for [TITLE of Action which must match Notice of Intent, and Concise Description of the Proposed Action, a general description of the proposed action location sufficient to be able to identify location]. The Draft EIS is available for review at [applicable Forest offices, internet address, etc.]. Additional information regarding this action can be obtained from: [NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE #, E-Mail address]. The purpose of this comment period is to provide an opportunity for the public to provide early and meaningful participation on a proposed action prior to a decision being made by the Responsible Official. Those who provide substantive comments during the comment period provided at 40 CFR 1503.1 are eligible to appeal the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 215 regulations. [Only applicable to emergency situations]- The Responsible Official is requesting an emergency situation determination for the project as provided for in 36 CFR 215.10. How to Comment and Timeframe [The legal notice must be published after the Notice of Availability (NOA) is published in the Federal Register and must contain the NOA publication date.] The Environmental Protection Agency published a Notice of Availability (NOA) for the DEIS in the Federal Register on [enter date], the opportunity to provide comments to establish eligibility to appeal under 36 CFR 215 ends XX days following that date. Written, facsimile, hand-delivered, oral, and electronic comments concerning this action will be accepted. The publication date of the NOA in the Federal Register is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period for a proposed action documented in a draft EIS. Those wishing to comment should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. Written comments must be submitted to: [Responsible Official NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, (street, postal, facsimile]. The office business hours for those submitting hand-delivered comments are [business hours] Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Oral comments must be provided at the Responsible Official’s office during normal business hours via telephone [office telephone number] or in person, or at an official agency function (i.e. public meeting) that is designed to elicit public comments. Electronic comments must be submitted in a format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to [email address]. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to a comment, a verification of identity will be required for appeal eligibility. If using an electronic message, a scanned signature is one way to provide verification. It is the responsibility of persons providing comments to submit them by the close of the comment period. Only those who submit timely and substantive comments will have eligibility to appeal the subsequent decision under 36 CFR 215. Individuals and organizations wishing to be eligible to appeal must meet the information requirements of 36 CFR 215.6. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 7 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 11.5 - Time Periods for Comment (See 36 CFR 215.6(a) for additional direction.) For an EA, the 30-day comment period begins on the first day after publication of legal notice in the newspaper of record (36 CFR 215.6(a)(1)(i)). This time period cannot be extended (36 CFR 215.6(a)(1)(iv)). Before the decision is made, the responsible official may designate an additional comment period. This designation is at the discretion of the responsible official and is not an extension of the comment period prohibited in 36 CFR 215.6(a)(1)(iv). Timely submission of substantive comments during either comment period(s) provides eligibility to appeal (secs. 13 and 21). For a DEIS, the time period for comment is based on the NEPA requirement for publication of a notice of availability (NOA) in the Federal Register by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). An EIS shall be filed with EPA no earlier than it is transmitted to commenting agencies and made available to the public (40 CFR 1506.9). The comment period begins the day after an EPA’s NOA appears in the Federal Register (40 CFR 1506.10(a); FSH 1909.15, sec. 23.2 (4)). Extension of the comment period must meet the requirements of 40 CFR 1506.10. Timely submission of substantive comments during either the original or an extension of the DEIS comment period provides eligibility to appeal. 11.6 - Supplemented or Revised Environmental Documents and New Decisions (See 36 CFR 215.3(d) and 215.11(b) for additional direction.) The responsible official shall provide a 30-day notice and comment period for a proposed action resulting in a revision of an EA based on new information or changed circumstances (36 CFR 215.3 (d)). An additional comment opportunity for supplementation of an EIS based on new information or changed circumstances is provided for in 40 CFR 1502.9(c). After a decision by a responsible official has been made, and when the consideration of new information leads to supplementation or revision of the environmental document, the responsible official shall follow the guidance in FSH 1909.15, section 18, for correction, supplementation, or revision of environmental documents and reconsideration of decisions to take action. This situation may arise if new information or changed circumstances relating to the environmental impacts of a proposed action is brought to the attention of the responsible official or as the result of instructions in an appeal decision letter (36 CFR 215.18(b)(1)). If the responsible official decides to revise or supplement the environmental document and change his or her original decision, then a new comment period is required for the proposed action. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 8 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 12 - RECEIVING COMMENTS (See 36 CFR 215.6 for additional direction.) All comments received shall be placed in the project record and become a matter of public record. Oral comments must be documented, dated, and placed in the project record. See exhibit 01 for a sample contact form for oral comments. An electronic inbox must be available at each administrative unit identified to receive comments (sec. 04). Generally, these electronic inboxes should be used for this purpose only and not made into generic comment inboxes. Appellants filing electronic comments should receive an automatic confirmation of receipt. The confirmation is not instantaneous. Therefore, keep comments in the mailbox for at least 24 hours so that the computer can generate the automatic electronic acknowledgement. If commenter do not receive an automatic confirmation of receipt after this time period, it may be a configuration problem and should be referred to the End User Support Center (EUSC) at 888-426-3872. Envelopes should be kept with written comments to document when they were postmarked. Electronic comments should be printed with the date and placed in the record. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 9 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 12 - Exhibit 01 Sample Contact Form for Oral Comments Date __________________ Project ______________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________________________________________ Email address ________________________________________________________________ Comments __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Attachments _________________________________________________________________ Name and signature of person taking comments __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 10 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 13 - CONSIDERING COMMENTS (See 36 CFR 215.6 for additional direction for considering comments and 40 CFR 1503.4 for direction in responding to comments to a draft environmental impact statement.) Substantive comments are defined in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, section 215.2 (36 CFR 215.2) as “comments within the scope of the proposed action, specific to the proposed action, have a direct relationship to the proposed action, and include supporting reasons for the responsible official to consider.” Substantive comments provide meaningful and useful information about concerns and issues and can be used to enhance project analysis and decision making. It is the responsibility of the responsible official to determine if a comment meets the definition of a substantive comment (36 CFR 215.5(a)(6)). If there is a question about whether a comment is substantive or not, it should be deemed substantive. The determination of the responsible official of which comments are substantive and who submitted them (whenever practical), should be written, dated, and placed in the record. Comments received may be documented in several ways, including: 1. Creating a document that identifies substantive comments and how each comment was considered in the project analysis or decision. 2. Addressing comments within the environmental assessment or decision notice. 3. Using a matrix displaying the substantive comment, by whom, and how it was considered (ex. 01). 4. Making margin notes of each substantive comment on a photocopy of the submitted comment. If an entire submission from a commenter contains no substantive comments, or only supportive comments, include and document the specific rationale for this conclusion in the project record. If the project is appealed, the responsible official shall include in the transmittal of the decision documentation a list of individuals and organizations that submitted substantive comments (36 CFR 215.15(e)(1)). WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 11 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 13 - Exhibit 01 Summary of Proposed Action Comments Form Project North Mountain Timber Sale Publication Date June 9, 2003 End of Comment Period July 9, 2003 The comments received are herein identified as either being a “Substantive Comment” or not. To meet the definition of being a “Substantive Comment”, the comment must meet the following: (1) be within the scope of the proposed action (2) be specific to the proposed action, (3) have a direct relationship to the proposed action; and (4) include supporting reasons for the Responsible Official to consider. Comments were received from (1 participant): Christine Smith, representing Environmental Care. Comment Submitted By: #1 Environmental Care Date Comment Received 7/9/03 Comment The project does not match the purpose and need since there is no mention of fire suppression and the need for strategic fuelbreaks and firelines across the landscape, yet it contains at least 6 acres of firelines in the project description without disclosing the locations of these firelines. Substantive Comment? (Yes/No) Responsible Official’s Consideration of Substantive Comment Yes Suppression capability is directly connected to fire hazard ratings (EA page 3, third paragraph). There are no strategic landscape fuelbreaks or firelines incorporated within the project. A total of 6 acres of firelines will be used for prescribed fire control purposes during fuels reduction treatments in specific units identified in the EA, Appendix A, page 33, Fuels treatment FF. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 12 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Comment Submitted By: #2 Environmental Care Date Comment Received 7/9/03 Comment Olive thorn lichen will not be protected by cutting exclusions around just the specific trees that are known to contain populations. Substantive Comment? (Yes/No) Yes Responsible Official’s Consideration of Substantive Comment The comment and its supporting reasons are correct as stated; however, the proposed action will not be protecting olive thorn lichen with cutting exclusion around just the specific trees. Although not stated directly in the EA or biological evaluation, as standard practice exclusion areas for plant species of concern always include a buffer that is a distance equivalent to the height of a local site tree, unless there is an overriding biological reason to differ from this prescription. This is considered adequate to maintain current light and humidity conditions and to avoid adverse impacts of proposed projects. The excluded areas of olive thorn lichen in Unit #2 include the three subpopulations and a buffer around the known individuals has been identified (flagged) on the site by the project botanist. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 13 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 13 - Exhibit 01--Continued Comment Submitted By: #3 Environmental Care Date Comment Received 7/9/03 Comment By referencing documents and analysis contained within the project file and not available for public review, the EA lacks sufficient detail for the public to understand the purpose and need for the proposed actions Substantive Comment? (Yes/No) No Responsible Official’s Consideration of Substantive Comment The content requirements of environmental assessments (EAs) are found at Forest Service Handbook FSH 1909.15, Chapter 41.2: “An environmental assessment [s]hall include brief discussions of the need for the proposal, of the alternatives as required by [the NEPA] section 102(2)(E), of the environmental impacts of the proposed action and alternatives, and a listing of agencies and persons consulted.” (40 CFR 1508.9(b)). In addition, there were no significant issues raised in the public scoping phase of the environmental analysis specific to the proposed action that warranted additional disclosure necessary to support a FONSI. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 14 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 14 - NOTIFICATION OF DECISIONS (See 36 CFR 215.7 for additional direction.) 14.1 - Mailing Decision The requirements for circulating and filing an environmental impact statement (EIS) are found in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 1502.19 and 1506.9 (40 CFR 1502.19 and 1506.9). Timing of a decision on an EIS is covered in 40 CFR 1506.10. The record of decision (ROD) for an EIS, or the decision notice (DN) and finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for an environmental assessment (EA), shall be promptly mailed to those who requested it and to those who submitted substantive comments during the comment period (36 CFR 215.7(a)). When mailing out the decision document (ROD, or DN and FONSI), a copy of the EIS or EA may be included. In addition to the requirements in 36 CFR 215.7(a), FSH 1909.15, section 44, requires that an EA and DN and FONSI be provided to agencies, organizations, and persons interested in or affected by the proposed action. This section also requires the responsible official to promptly mail the DN and FONSI to those who have requested it in writing and to those who are known to have participated in the project development process. The responsible official may inform the public of a decision through e-mail or posting on the World Wide Web. A copy of the mailing list for the DN and FONSI, or the ROD should be dated and placed in the record. 14.2 - Legal Notice of Decisions (See 36 CFR 215.7(b) for additional direction.) See exhibits 01 and 02 for samples of legal notices for a DN and FONSI and a ROD. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 15 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 14.2 - Exhibit 01 Sample Legal Notice for Decision Notice and FONSI for EA Notice of Decision [Project name, Forest, District, County] As the Responsible Official, Forest Supervisor [enter name] or District Ranger [enter name] signed a Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on [enter date] approving the [project name]. The selected alternative includes [describe actions generally and location]. Copies of the Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice/FONSI are available at [applicable Forest offices, internet address, etc]. Decision Subject to Appeal This decision is subject to administrative review (appeal) pursuant to 36 CFR Part 215. The appeal must be filed (regular mail, fax, email, hand-delivery, or express delivery) with the Appeal Deciding Officer at [Appeal Deciding Officer, NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, (street, postal, fax addresses]. The office business hours for those submitting hand-delivered appeals are: [business hours] Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Electronic appeals must be submitted in a format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to [email address]. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to an electronic message, a verification of identity will be required. A scanned signature is one way to provide verification. Appeals, including attachments, must be filed within 45 days from the publication date of this notice in the [name of newspaper], the newspaper of record. Attachments received after the 45 day appeal period will not be considered. The publication date in the [name of newspaper], newspaper of record, is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an appeal. Those wishing to appeal this decision should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. Individuals or organizations who submitted substantive comments during the comment period specified at 215.6 may appeal this decision. The notice of appeal must meet the appeal content requirements at 36 CFR 215.14. Implementation If no appeals are filed within the 45-day time period, implementation of the decision may occur on, but not before, 5 business days from the close of the appeal filing period. When appeals are filed, implementation may occur on, but not before, the 15th business day following the date of the last appeal disposition. Emergency Situations [when applicable] The Chief of the Forest Service [or Regional Forester] has determined that an emergency situation exists (36 CFR 215.10), for [describe project or portion thereof]. Implementation may begin immediately for that portion of the decision determined to be an emergency. Decision Not Subject to Appeal [ONLY if applicable] The 30-day comment period for this project ended on [enter date]. Since no substantive comments expressing concerns were received, or only supportive comments were received during the comment period, this decision is not subject to appeal (36 CFR 215.12). Implementation may begin immediately. WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 16 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 14.2 - Exhibit 02 Sample Legal Notice for Record of Decision for EIS Notice of Decision [must match ROD/FEIS project title name, Forest, District, County] As the Responsible Official, Forest Supervisor [enter name] or District Ranger [enter name] signed a Record of Decision on [enter date] approving the [project name]. The selected alternative includes [describe actions generally and location]. Copies of the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision are available at [applicable Forest offices, internet address, etc]. Decision Subject to Appeal This decision is subject to administrative review (appeal) pursuant to 36 CFR Part 215. The appeal must be filed (regular mail, fax, email, hand-delivery, or express delivery) with the Appeal Deciding Officer at: [Appeal Deciding Officer, NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, (street, postal, fax, email addresses]. The office business hours for those submitting hand-delivered appeals are: [business hours] Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Electronic comments must be submitted in a format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to [email address]. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to an electronic message, a verification of identity will be required. A scanned signature is one way to provide verification. Appeals, including attachments, must be filed within 45 days from the publication date of this notice in the [name of newspaper], the newspaper of record. Attachments received after the 45 day appeal period will not be considered. The publication date in the [name of newspaper], newspaper of record, is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an appeal. Those wishing to appeal this decision should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. Individuals or organizations who submitted substantive comments during the comment period specified at 215.6 may appeal this decision. The notice of appeal must meet the appeal content requirements at 36 CFR 215.14. Implementation If no appeals are filed within the 45-day time period, implementation of the decision may occur on, but not before, 5 business days from the close of the appeal filing period. When appeals are filed, implementation may occur on, but not before, the 15th business day following the date of the last appeal disposition. Emergency Situations [when applicable] The Chief of the Forest Service [or Regional Forester] has determined that an emergency situation exists (36 CFR 215.10), for [describe project or portion thereof]. Implementation may begin immediately for that portion of the decision determined to be an emergency. Decision Not Subject to Appeal [ONLY if applicable] The XX-day comment period for this project ended on [enter date]. Since no substantive comments expressing concerns were received, or only supportive comments were received during the comment period, this decision is not subject to appeal (36 CFR 215.12). Implementation may begin after complying with the time frames and publication requirements described in 40 CFR 1506.10(b)(2). WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 17 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 15 - EMERGENCY SITUATIONS (See 36 CFR 215.10 for additional direction.) 15.1 - Definition An emergency situation under Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, section 215.10 (36 CFR 215.10), is not the same as alternative arrangements with the Council on Environmental Quality described in 40 CFR 1506.11. An emergency situation in 36 CFR 215.2 is defined as “A situation on National Forest System (NFS) lands for which immediate implementation of all or part of a decision is necessary for relief from hazards threatening human health and safety or natural resources on NFS or adjacent lands; or that would result in substantial loss of economic value to the federal government if implementation of the decision were delayed.” The determination that an emergency situation exists does not exempt an activity from appeal. The determination only eliminates the automatic stays built into the appeal review process. 15.2 - Process for Emergency Situation Determinations Consider the following when determining the need to make an emergency situation determination: 1. What is the emergency-triggering event? 2. When did the emergency-triggering event occur? 3. What is the general nature of the emergency situation? 4. What is the area directly affected by the emergency-triggering event? 5. What portion of the affected area is proposed for treatment in the pending National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) decision and why is it proposed instead of other areas? 6. If only part of the affected area is proposed for treatment before close of the 105-day period, why is it proposed instead of other areas? 7. What are the specific activities being considered for treatment before close of the 105day stay period and why? 8. How will the emergency situation be addressed or modified by the specific activities being considered for treatment before close of the 105-day period? 9. If action is not taken before close of the 105-day period, what natural resources and/or social values are directly and indirectly at risk within and adjacent to the treatment area? WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 18 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 10. If implementation of the decision were delayed, what are the substantial losses in economic value to the Federal Government? 11. What is the project’s current stage of the NEPA process? 12. What public involvement has occurred since the emergency-triggering event? Requests for an emergency situation determination should generally include: 1. The nature of the emergency situation, such as the hazard threatening human health and safety, natural resources on NFS or adjacent non-Federal lands; or substantial loss of economic value to the Federal government. 2. A description of the proposed action, the purpose and need for the project, and a summary of possible environmental impacts which could result from not proceeding with the proposed action. 3. Mitigation measures that will be included to reduce the environmental effects of the proposed action. The temporal scope of the request should be limited to the specific emergency-responsive activities, and their connected actions, that can be accomplished within the 105-day “stay” period (represented by the 45-day appeal filing period, the up-to-45-day appeal review period, and the 15-day stay after disposition of the last appeal). An example of a request letter is provided in exhibit 01. Implementation timeframes for an emergency situation are addressed in 36 CFR 215.10 and differ for an environmental assessment and an environmental impact statement based on the timeframe and publication requirements described in 40 CFR 1506.10 (b)(2). WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 19 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 15.2 - Exhibit 01 Sample Request for Emergency Situation Determination File Code: 1570-1 (1950) Date: December 1, 2003 Subject: Request for Emergency Situation Determination (36 CFR 215.10(b)) To: Regional Forester I am requesting an Emergency Situation Determination (36 CFR 215.10) for the Smokey Fire Recovery Project because substantial loss of economic value to the Federal Government will occur if implementation of the decision were delayed. In July 2002, the Smokey Fire burned approximately 24,525 acres; 20,186 acres are located on the Mountain National Forest, 3,711 acres on the Valley National Forest, and the remaining 628 acres are on private land. The Smokey Fire Recovery Project area consists of 8,588 acres located on the Parasol Ranger District within the Little Mustard River Watershed, approximately 23 miles southeast of Parasol, Oregon. This request applies to treatments for salvage harvest and road maintenance on approximately 3,906 acres of the 8,588 acres currently being analyzed in the Smokey Fire Recovery Project EIS. These areas were prioritized based on potential for loss of economic value to the Federal Government through deterioration of the fire-killed trees. The Smokey Fire Recovery Project EIS Record of Decision is scheduled for completion in February 2004. Delay of implementation during the appeal period would postpone the start of the proposed activities until June 2004, with the usual industrial restrictions for fire season and the potential lack of helicopters due to wildfires, actual logging is anticipated to be delayed well into the winter of 2004. This will add another summer of checking, further reducing the value of commercial timber products, resulting in an economic loss of over 1.7 million dollars to the Federal Government. This loss is detailed in the attachment. By granting Emergency Situation status, we can start implementation this spring and complete the project before the next summer’s checking begins. The situation meets the definition of an emergency situation defined at 36 CFR 215.2. I respectfully request that the Regional Forester make a determination that an emergency situation exists consistent with 36 CFR 215.10 (b) for the project area described herein, and that the critical treatments not be subject to a stay during the appeal period. If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact me at (999) 123-4567, or John Smith at (999) 123-8899. ROBERTA WAGNER Forest Supervisor Enclosure WO AMENDMENT 1509.12-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/20/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1509.12_10 Page 20 of 20 FSH 1509.12 - 36 CFR 215 APPEALS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - NOTICE, COMMENT, AND DECISION 16 - DECISION IMPLEMENTATION AND WAITING PERIODS (See 36 CFR 215.9 for additional direction.) Decision implementation timelines may be affected by the appeal decision, including instructions concerning new information or changed circumstances (36 CFR 215.18(b)(1)). 16.1 - Implementation Timeframes for Appealable Decisions If no appeal is filed, implementation of the decision may begin on, but not before, the fifth business day following the close of the appeal filing period (36 CFR 215.9(a)). If an appeal is filed, implementation may not occur for 15 business days following the date of appeal disposition. In the event of multiple appeals of the same decision, the date of the disposition of the last appeal controls the implementation date (36 CFR 215.9(b)). Projects or activities not subject to appeal (36 CFR 215.12) may be implemented immediately after publication of the decision documented in a decision notice, or a record of decision after complying with the requirements in 40 CFR 1506.10(b)(2) (36 CFR 215.9(c)).