NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 30, 2014 CONTACT: Ginny Carlton, Senior Administrative Program Specialist (715) 346-3805 email: Wisconsin Environmental Education Board Awards Grants The Wisconsin Environmental Education Board (WEEB) has award 40 grants worth nearly $285,000. Projects comprise both statewide and grass roots initiatives. These initiatives will enable the target audiences to obtain a better understanding of and appreciation for both the built and natural environments, and the inter-connectedness of environment, economy and society. Initiated in 1990, the WEEB’s mission is to “provide leadership in the development of learning opportunities that empower Wisconsin citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to make wise environmental decisions and take responsible actions in their personal lives, work places, and communities.” Donations from the Alliant Energy Foundation, the Wisconsin Environmental Education Foundation, and individuals enabled the WEEB to target water education initiatives through the second annual Water Education Grant Program. The Wisconsin Public Service Foundation provided the funds to support the Woodland Dunes Nature Center project. For a complete description of recipients' projects (including abstract and partnering organizations) please see our website For more information on the WEEB’s environmental education grant program, including future grant opportunities, contact Senior Administrative Program Specialist Ginny Carlton at (715) 346-3805. The email address is -more- 2014-2015 WEEB Grant Recipients CITY 2014-0054 ORGANIZATION UW-Extension: Buffalo County Baldwin Chippewa Falls Crivitz 2014-0034 Baldwin-Woodville Area School District 2014-0003 2014-0043 CESA 10 Crivitz School District Baldwin-Woodville's Giezendanner School Forest: Developing the Resource Energy Conservation: Put in Place Program Forestry Fun for All! Cross Plains 2014-0015 Eagle 2014-0025 Middleton-Cross Plains School District Mukwonago Area School District Middleton Cross Plains Area School Forest Education Plan Eagleville School Forest Education Plan Alma CODE GRANT TITLE Dry Bluff Prairie Education Program Beaver Creek Acorns: Nature Immersion into Early Childhood AWARD AMOUNT $4,940.00 $19,583.00 $1,000.00 $11,848.00 $5,000.00 $4,900.00 Fall Creek 2014-0033 Florence 2014-0050 Florence 2014-0051 Beaver Creek Reserve Sustainable Resources Institute Sustainable Resources Institute Green Bay 2014-0036 Glacierland RC&D Forestry Educator Summit Forester Training in Northwest Wisconsin Wildland-Urban Interface Conference Green Bay 2014-0057 Green Bay Botanical Garden Development of Winter Ecology Snowshoe Program $2,410.00 Greenfield 2014-0020 Whitnall School District An Education Plan for the Whitnall School Forest $5,000.00 Iola-Scandinavia School District Turn the Tables: Iola to Scandinavia, experiencing nature's classroom $3,905.00 Iola 2014-0042 $10,000.00 $2,441.00 $1,000.00 $9,812.00 La Crosse 2014-0031 La Crosse 2014-0032 Madison 2014-0023 La Crosse School District La Crosse School District Community GroundWorks at Troy Gardens 2014-0029 Madison Madison $9,997.00 Digging in Diversity! $7610.00 Madison Metropolitan School District Developing an Outdoor Classroom within an Urban Sustainable Forestry Program $9,476.00 Madison Metropolitan School District An Education Plan for the Lake View Elementary School Forest $2,508.00 Wisconsin Wetlands Assoc. Manitowoc School District A Wetland Training Tool for Locally Elected and Appointed Officials BioBlitz Classroom and Field Enhancement 2014-0069 Mellen School District Got Worms? Technology & Worm Habitation in the District of Mellen School Forest 2014-0006 Merrill Area School District Wisconsin River & The Great Lakes Water: Quality Matters! 2014-0030 2014-0070 Manitowoc 2014-0001 Merrill $13,490.00 Rain Garden Project Madison Mellen School Forest Pond Enhancement Project Milwaukee 2014-0019 Milwaukee 2014-0067 Mosinee 2014-0072 Milwaukee Public Schools Neighborhood House of Milwaukee, Inc. Landscapes for Life Foundation $9,963.00 $995.00 $4,147.00 $20,000.00 Northern Exposure Urban Ecology Environmental Trip/Treehaven-University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Stewardship Project: Invasive Species $3,875.00 BC4K Timberland $5,002.00 $4,000.00 Mukwonago 2014-0049 Nature's Classroom Institute Nature's Classroom Institute of Wisconsin (NCIW) Stewardship Consortium Oregon 2014-0024 Oregon School District Project Based Freshwater Ecology Course 2014-0045 Southwest Badger RC&D Community-Wide Awareness and Action to Deal with the Threat of Emerald Ash Borer 2014-0056 Pulaski Community School District An Education Plan for the Pulaski Community Middle School (PCMS) Forest $4,500.00 2014-0002 WI County Forest Assoc. From Forest to Finish: A Community Based Learning Retreat for Educators $3,286.00 Bookworm Gardens Enhancement of Forestry Education at Bookworm Gardens $3,680.00 Bookworm Gardens Water and Garden Education with a Water Celebration at Bookworm Gardens $8,150.00 UW-Stevens Point Expanding the Reach of Project Learning Tree in Wisconsin $4,793.00 $9,360.00 $5,187.00 Platteville Pulaski Rhinelander Sheboygan Sheboygan Stevens Point 2014-0065 2014-0066 2014-0005 Stevens Point 2014-0026 Central Rivers Farmshed Students and Farmers Spread the Message "Soil Supports Us All" Stevens Point 2014-0064 Golden Sands RC&D AIS Camps at Central Wisconsin Children's Museum $9,999.00 $3,664.00 $10,000.00 Two Rivers Viroqua Weston Winneconne Wisconsin Dells 2014-0053 Woodland Dunes Nature Center Enhancing Outdoor Exploration for Young Children and Their Families 2014-0008 Vernon County: Land Conservation Dept. Vernon County's Forest and Pollinator Habitat Poster and Photo Contest 2014-0017 D.C. Everest Area School District Environmental Connections III: Project FAWN: Fundamental Attitudes in the World $19,986.00 2014-0012 Winneconne Community School District Norbert Rich School ForestBuilding from the Ground Up $12,951.00 2014-0035 Board of Regents of UW-System: UWExtension Project EARPOD: Engaging at Risk Populations Outdoors, Digitally $10,000.00 $2,274.00 $3,822.00 TOTAL AWARDED $284,544 -30-