Library Book Sale Inside this issue: Carol Kratz Papermaking Presentation

Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
Library Book Sale
Carol Kratz Papermaking Presentation
and special booksale hours
Inside this issue:
Murphy Library invites you to a special presentation on April
18 titled From Mountain Water: The Ancient Art of Japanese
Papermaking. This illustrated lecture, by Carol Kratz, will
illuminate some of the rich history and exceptional uses of
paper in Japanese culture, and will detail the 1,400-year-old
process of making washi, one of the world's oldest and most
successful kinds of paper.
Library Hours
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Past Issues
The presentation begins at 7:00 p.m. in Murphy Library
Special Collections and includes refreshments. While there,
make sure to visit the library book sale, which will open from
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. for this event.
International River
Commercial Databases
for Government
Death and Dying
Tax Help at the Library
Resources for
Generating Citations
Goodbye Carol, Hello
Read 1 Book 2006
One Billion Books
Crime & Punishment
International River Conference at UW-La Crosse,
June 2006
Washi is strong, supple, fragrant and beautiful and is still
hand-made in the mountains of Japan using methods
unchanged since its perfection around 600 A.D. Carol learned
these methods with a Japanese master papermaker in Mino,
long a papermaking center, and through her photographs, she
will show us the process, and through the paper itself, will
show us the results.
An international
conference on rivers, river
basins, and the
relationship of those
resources with human
society will be held in La
Crosse from June 25-28,
2006. The conference is
titled: International
Conference on Rivers and
Perspectives on Major
River Basins. It will be
hosted by the University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse and
the National Mississippi
River Museum & Aquarium from Dubuque, Iowa.
This is the third in a series of international
conferences on large river basins; the first was at
Dubna University (Russia), along the Volga River in
2002, and second was at Assiut University (Egypt),
along the Nile River in 2003.
This multidisciplinary conference is targeted for a
broad audience with an array of topics from the
sciences, arts, humanities. There will be over
fifteen topical themes including: Human
Influences on Riverine Ecosystems; Rivers in
Mythologies, Religion, and Spirituality; Restoration
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
of Historical Riverfronts; and, Rivers in Literature,
the Arts, and Memory. The conference will be
multinational with presenters from 23 countries
scheduled. The keynote speaker is Dr. Jared
Diamond, Professor of Geography at UCLA, and
author of the best-selling book, Guns, Germs, and
Steel. Carol Kratz is a papermaker, author, editor and physician
assistant. She studied traditional papermaking with a
Japanese master in 1995, and has studied this art for fifteen
years. Her love of paper originated with her love of the book
in all its forms, practical and artistic.
She is co-editor of America from the Air: An Aviator's Story
and the co-author of the forthcoming book Purebred and
Home-Grown: America's County Fairs. She practices medicine
at the Gundersen Lutheran family practice clinic and earlier
was affiliated with UW-La Crosse. Carol Kratz joined the new
Physician Assistant Program in May, 1997 as Clinical
Education Coordinator before returning to clinical practice in
2000. She still teaches small sections of the curriculum for
the program.
Murphy Library Special Collections will be
participating in the conference with a poster
session utilizing its extensive collection of
steamboat photographs. The display will
concentrate on the glory days of steamboat
navigation on the Mississippi River during the 19 th
For more information, consult the conference
Paul Beck Special Collections Librarian & Director, La Crosse Area Research
Commercial Databases for Government Information
UW-La Crosse subscribes to a number of commercial
reference databases that contain government documents
or information about the government. Such products
enhance the access provided through free government
resources and through our primary government
information tool, the library catalog.
Chief among our commercial offerings may be the GPO
Monthly Catalog as implemented on OCLC FirstSearch.
This comprehensive index to government publications
covers all materials processed through the Government
Printing Office since 1976. This database is scheduled to
be replaced in the near future with GPO’s own new
catalog system, Franklin.
Two bibliographic databases that focus on periodicals
published by the government are LexisNexis Government
Periodicals Index and EBSCO's Military & Government
Collection. While many of the articles covered here may
be indexed in other databases as well, these are great
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
places to search when your focus is on government
information specifically.
Many people may not be aware that some key subjectspecific bibliographic databases are actually produced by
the federal government. These include ERIC in education,
MEDLINE and TOXLINE in medical fields, and AGRICOLA for agricultural sciences. In these cases,
librarians recommend using the library's commercial versions over the native web interfaces provided
directly from the government web sites due to their greater integration with our full range of online
Many commercial vendors repackage data produced by the U.S. Census Bureau. Murphy Library offers a
high-end, research-oriented product called CensusDVD from GeoLytics. This single-station database
provides a powerful interface to Decennial Census data from 1970 to 2000, and is of particular value
for GIS users.
The library also offers a number of highly-specialized tax and accounting databases that contain
extensive primary-source government information. These include BNA Labor and Employment Law
Library, CCH Tax Research NetWork, and several BNA Tax Management CD-ROM products. Certain
accounting classes rely heavily on these tools.
Finally, two key commercial database offerings containing extensive government information resources
come from LexisNexis: LexisNexis Academic and LexisNexis Statistical. LexisNexis Academic is a
mammoth database containing a wide variety of disparate resources. In terms of government
information, it is our primary source for case law, and it is also great for tax and accounting law,
among many other things. LexisNexis Statistical tends to be overlooked due to its unusual search
interface, as well as the fact that much of the "full-text" content is freely available elsewhere. Working
with this database, however, may reward you with government statistical data that you're just not
going to find any other way.
Michael Current Government Information Public Services Librarian
Death & Dying Collection
During 2006, Murphy
Library will become the
new home of an
The Fine Print
We hope you enjoy this
electronic version of
the Murphy Library
Fine Print Newsletter.
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
internationally renown
collection of resources
on death and dying.
Murphy Library is grateful
to Dr. Gerry Cox,
Associate Director of the
Center for Death
Education & Bioethics,
for initiating this
The Death & Dying
Collection contains
nearly 3,000 books,
videos, and academic
journals previously
owned by the Center for
Death Education &
Bioethics. It focuses on
death, dying,
bereavement, terminal
illness, and hospice
care. The collection has been loaned throughout the world, from
Canada to Australia, to people with a wide variety of research,
professional, or personal interests. Murphy Library is proud to house
this unique collection.
Materials will be filed among the various subject areas in the
normal collection. Resources can be found by using the library
catalog and performing a keyword search for any of the words
(Center for Death Education & Bioethics or Robert Fulton
Collection), a corporate author entry for the center (Center for
Death Education & Bioethics) or a title search for Robert Fulton
The Fine Print is being
made available
primarily as an
electronic publication.
For those
people who
prefer to read
newsletters on paper,
a simple, printable
copy is also available.
What do you think
about this format?
Please let us know.
The Fine Print is published fall and spring
terms for UW-La Crosse faculty, staff,
students, and friends of Murphy Library. Stefan Smith
Paul Beck
Department Chair
Anita Evans, Library Director
Murphy Library
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
1631 Pine Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
The Center for Death Education & Bioethics was originally founded
in 1969 as the Center for Death Education and Research at the
University of Minnesota. It was created to serve as a repository for
materials concerning mortality and as a focal point for the
collection and dissemination of literature and information to the
academic and professional communities as well as the public. In
1997, with the retirement of its founder, Dr. Robert Fulton, the
center was relocated to the UW-La Crosse and was renamed the
Center for Death Education & Bioethics. Today, the center
continues to provide information to health care professionals,
funeral directors, school counselors, and also serves as a resource
for hospice organizations locally and around the world.
John Jax, Collection & Resource Development Librarian
Lesson Study Groups Collaborate on Information Literacy
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
This academic year, several UW-L lesson study groups were formed to collaborate on redesigning and
studying course related information literacy instruction. This spring both the CST110/Library Lesson Study group
and the THA251/Library Lesson Study group culminated their work by teaching a redesigned information
literacy instruction session and reconsidering the lesson again based on careful observation of student
The redesign of the CST110 information literacy instruction session was particularly far reaching in its impact.
More than 1,000 CST110 students visit the library each semester for instruction which focuses on evaluating
and selecting the best supporting evidence for presentations and on effective use of resources including
those especially designed to summarize conflicting viewpoints. Members of the CST110/Library Lesson Study
group are: Jim Putz and Cristine Prucha, co-chairs, Tom Reinert, Becky Belter and Joseph Van Oss of
Communication Studies and Galadriel Chilton, Jenifer Holman, and Michael Current of Murphy Library.
The Theatre251/Library Lesson Study group created a problem based learning experience designed to
increase student proficiency in conducting the sort of in depth research required to plan a theatrical
production. Students involved in the project were asked to take on the role of dramaturge, and to work in
groups to take a position on Hamlet’s madness. They then analyzed textual discrepancies between the First
Folio (F1) and the Second Quarto (Q2) editions of Hamlet and presented arguments for selecting one or the
other based on the way differences in the texts affected the issue of Hamlet’s madness. Each group kept a
research log as they moved through the process of finding images as well as information on the history of
productions of Hamlet.
The three day library experience was observed, taped and analyzed for its impact on student learning. The
project also resulted in a closer analysis of the library’s collection of primary and secondary resources relating
to the play, and in the purchase of a number of key resources that the library did not own.
The theatre/library lesson study group was chaired by Beth Cherne, Theatre. Other members were Walter
Elder, Theatre, and Michael Current, and Cristine Prucha, Library.
Cristine Prucha Information Literacy Librarian
Tax help at the library
It is tax time again, and Murphy Library has a
great selection of resources to make tax
preparation as easy as possible.
For people who prefer doing things online, the
library has a “Tax Forms & Publications” web page
that links to official, printable copies of virtually all
Federal, Wisconsin, and Minnesota tax forms. It
also provides links to tax help, toll-free numbers for
tax information, and more. The web page is
highlighted on the library home page or can be
found at ../taxforms.html.
For people who prefer paper resources, the library
has Wisconsin and Minnesota state tax forms, free
for the taking, in the Government Documents
area of the library basement. Due to a change
initiated by the IRS, Murphy Library no longer
carries paper forms for Federal taxes. Those forms
can be found at the La Crosse Public Library.
As always, reference librarians will be happy to
assist people with finding and printing tax forms.
Time to Vote
Resources for Generating Citations
Automatic citation generators are
becoming standard tools for
students who need to create
reference lists and bibliographies.
Citation generators are available
in many varieties including
through inexpensive online subscriptions and as free
online services. They are also appearing within information
databases, allowing people to automatically generate
bibliographies from lists of selected articles. Citation
generators allow users to choose among different citations
styles such as APA and MLA.
At Murphy Library, several databases include integrated
citation generators. These include all EBSCOhost
databases, all Proquest databases, all CSA databases (such
as Sociological Abstracts and Biological Sciences), and all
Wilson databases (such as Art Abstracts and Applied
Science & Technology). With most of these databases,
users must first mark individual articles from a list of
results before the citation option becomes available. In
addition, the library’s GetTeXt service includes an
automatic citation generator for every article retrieved.
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
The library’s Voting
Resources page is again
featured on the library
home page in
preparation for the
upcoming spring election. The election occurs on
Tuesday April 4, 2006.
The page provides information on specific issues,
where to vote, how to register, and much more.
Look for the “Spring Election” graphic on the
library home page, or go directly to
Contact Michael Current, Government
Information and Public Services Librarian with
questions or comments at or 5-8739.
Librarians have tested these citation generators and have
found that all produce flawed citations, some regularly,
some occasionally. While these products usually find and
display the major citation elements, the elements may be
formatted incorrectly. For example, if the database uses
first names instead of initials, it is likely that citations
generated in APA style will erroneously show first names
spelled out instead of correctly using initials only.
Because citation generators are becoming so prevalent,
the library has decided to include them – with prominent
warnings – on its “Citation Guides” web page. This page
has been revised to lead students to authorized citation
resources, while at the same time providing access to
citation generators. Students are likely to use the
automatic generators to create citations, but if they access
them from the library’s “Citation Guides” page, they will
also have authorized resources with which to check for
Michael Current Government Information Public Services Librarian
The Citation Guides page is temporarily featured on the
library home page, is always available in the “How To”
section of the library home page, and is directly accessible
Stefan Smith Outreach Librarian
Goodbye, Carol Welcome, Cyndi
In January, Carol A. Stoelting retired after 18 1/2 years at UW-La Crosse working in the administrative office at
Murphy Library as University Business Specialist-Supervisor. Her 31 years with the UW System included 10 years at
UW-Parkside and 2 at UW-River Falls. Among her many accomplishments were the Library student employee
training and recognition programs she developed and her classified staff campus leadership, including
longtime service on the Classified Excellence Committee.
Carol’s retirement began with a 3 month sojourn in Florida with husband, Paul.
Replacing Carol is Cynthia Taylor, who has worked four years at UW-La Crosse as the Dean's Assistant for the
College of Science and Health. Prior to coming to the university, Cyndi worked for Riverfront, Inc. in La Crosse
and at the University of Florida at Gainesville where her last position was Office Manager in the Office of
Contracts and Related Services, Office of the Vice President for Health Affairs. Cyndi and husband, Daryl’s
extracurricular pursuits include their children’s hockey games and horses.
Read 1 book 2006: To Kill a Mockingbird
The entire UW-L campus community is invited to participate in the Read 1 Book 2006 program, cosponsored by
the La Crosse Public Library and the La Crosse County Library System.
The program includes book discussions in various local libraries, a screening of the To Kill a Mockingbird movie,
trivia contests and more.
Complete information, including book discussion guides, can be found at
One Billion Books
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
One billion is a large number, especially when talking about books and other library
materials. OCLC, a company in the library service business, operates the WorldCat
database, which contains catalog records for the holdings of 54,000 libraries in 96
countries. WorldCat is a single source that allows people to search the holdings of all
these libraries simultaneously. Recently, WorldCat obtained its one-billionth catalog
The one-billionth item entered into the WorldCat database is The Monkees: The day-byday story of the '60s TV pop sensation. It was cataloged by a Worthington, Ohio librarian,
who entered the record into the database on August 11, 2005.
Read more about this remarkable database and this recent milestone at
Crime & Punishment
Sorry, no essay on Russian literature. Fyodor Dostoevsky is
probably best left to others. Instead, this offers a brief look at what Murphy Library has in the
reference collection in the area of criminal justice. Criminal
behavior and society’s response to it is a multidisciplinary topic. The reference collection includes resources in a number of fields
relevant to criminal justice including psychology, sociology, social
work, public administration, history, mental health, religion,
philosophy, anthropology, and others. In addition, several subject
encyclopedias, very specifically targeted to the area of criminal
justice, have been purchased in the past five years. Here is a list
of some of the more relevant of those titles:
Encyclopedia of Crime & Justice, 2nd ed., 4 volumes, 2002
The American Dictionary of Criminal Justice: Key Terms and
Major Court Cases, 2005
Encyclopedia of Murder & Violent Crime, 2003
Encyclopedia of White-Collar & Corporate Crime, 2
volumes, 2005
Encyclopedia of Prisons & Correctional Facilities, 2 volumes, 2005
Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement, 3 volumes, 2005
Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law, 2 volumes, 2002
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior, 2nd ed., 4 volumes, 2001
This is just a small sample of possible resources a criminal justice researcher might find of value in the
reference collection. The library has a multitude of other research tools. For example, if the need is for
statistical data, sources will be found in reference titles, electronic databases found under the statistics tab
on the library homepage, and even more detailed data can be found in the library's collection of
government documents. Researchers will also want to consult the periodical databases, one of which,
Criminal Justice Periodical Index, is targeted specifically to this area of study. We welcome you to check out
the library's resources in this area.
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
Randy Hoelzen, Reference and Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Librarian
Support Murphy Library
Support Murphy Library
Moon by
La Crosse in Light & Shadow
Edited by Ed Hill and Douglas
Available for $40.00 plus $3.00
shipping and handling.
This magnificent
oil painting,
commissioned for
Murphy Library,
hangs in the library’s Special Collections area.
Proceeds for the book go to
the Murphy Library Endowment
For more information and
purchase instructions, visit
Murphy Library Special
Limited edition prints are available for sale.
More information is available through Murphy Library,
(608)785-8511, and at the library's August Moon Website Support Murphy Library
Support Murphy Library
Murphy Library Endowment Fund
Makes a Difference!
Fredricks Memorial Endowment Fund
in Oral History
Maintaining the level of excellence expected in our academic
community creates challenges for today's university libraries.
The Fredricks Memorial Endowment Fund was established in
1994 in honor of history professor and oral historian Howard
Fredericks. The fund supports the university's oral history
program, which is an active and useful primary resource for
the region.
In 1989, Murphy Library at the University of Wisconsin-La
Crosse established an endowment fund to support and
enhance the special needs of the Library. Help make a
difference in the 21st century!
For information and donation instructions, visit the library
Endowment Fund website
Contributions are greatly appreciated and may be sent to:
UW-L Foundation-Fredricks Fund
Murphy Library Resource Center
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
1631 Pine Street
La Crosse, WI 54601-3792
Library Hours
Library Contacts
Regular Academic Year Hours
Monday Thursday
7:40 a.m.– Midnight
7:40 a.m.– 6:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Noon - Midnight
Reference Desk (Regular Academic Year)
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. - 9:00
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. - 9:00
Systems &
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Fine Print Fall 2005 | Murphy Libary | UW-La Crosse
Circulation &
Collection &
Res. Dev.
Area Research Center (Regular Academic Year)
Monday - Friday
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Intersession hours as posted
Finals Weeks and Holidays
Finals Week: Special Hours are in effect. Visit the Hours link on
the library home page for more details.
Finals Week: Reference Service will be available 10:00 – 3:00
p.m. Intersession hours as posted at the Hours link.
Finals Week: The Extended Hours Study Room will be open
until 2:00 a.m. during the days posted at the Hours link
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