CHE Major CHECK LIST for CURRENT Majors prior to 2015 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse College of Science and Health 2013-15 Catalog COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION For Students entering UW-L Prior to Summer 2015 A. INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSES – Apply for admission to the Community Health Education (CHE) program upon satisfactory completion of Interdisciplinary Courses – with the exception of CST 365 Credits 4 3 3 3 3 4-5 3 4 3-4 3 3 3 Course # BIO 103/105 CHE 200 CHE 204 CHE 240 HED 205 Course Title Introductory/General Biology Public health for the Educated Citizen Introduction to Global Health Community Health Education Foundations Introduction to Health CHM 100 Or CHM 103 Contemporary Chemistry (4 credits) General Chemistry I (5 credits) HPR 105 Creating a Healthy, Active Lifestyle MTH 145 Elementary Statistics MIC 130 or Global Impact of Infectious Disease MIC 100 Microbes and Society Human Anatomy (or Bio 312) ESS 205 ESS 206 Human Physiology (or Bio 313) Social Behavioral Science course—PSY, SOC, etc. Prerequisites *MTH 150 or placement into MTH 151 or higher Math placement level *BIO 103/105 *BIO 103/105 *check Catalog for possible prerequisites for class you select *Grade of “C” or better required in the courses listed above APPLYING FOR ADMISSION TO COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM a. Please contact the Department of Health Education Promotion or your CHE faculty adviser for details b. Must be admitted to CHE program in order to enroll in CORE COURSE SEQUENCE B. CORE COURSE SEQUENCE Credits Course # Course Title Prerequisites 3 CHE 340 Epidemiology & Community Health Problems HED 205, CHE 240; CHM 100/103; BIO 103/105 3 CHE 350 Biometry and Research Design HED 205, CHE 240, MTH 145 3 HED 437 Theories of Health Behavior HED 205, CHE 240 3 3 CHE 440 HED 477 Program Development in CHE Grantseeking in Health, Human Services, and Education Professions 2 CHE 491 Senior Seminar in CHE C. CONTENT COURSES (if Pre-courses are completed can take content courses) 3 3 3 HED 320 HED 335 HED 345 The U.S. Health Care System Human Ecology & Environmental Health Mental and Emotional Health 3 3 3 3 HED 441 HED 425 HED 469 HED 472 Human Disease Prevention & Control Violence and Injury Prevention Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior Sexual Health Promotion HED 205, CHE 240, 340, 350 HED 205, CHE 240, 340, 350 Final Semester on Campus, b/4 CHE 498 Jr Standing, HED 205 or concurrent enrollment HED 205 ESS 205 and 206 or BIO 312 and 313 Junior Standing Junior Standing, BIO 103 or 105 Junior Standing, ESS 205 and 206 or BIO 312 and 313 3 HED 473 Health Aspects of Aging Junior Standing, HED 205 and CHE 240* 3 HED 474 Nutrition Education Junior Standing D. FINAL SEMESTER-Fall or Spring (15 credits) – may be enrollment limits for summer session (15 credits) 15 CHE 498 Preceptorship** **2.75 MGPA & CGPA,; Apply for and receive recommendation from HED faculty, Successful Completion of ALL CHE/HED Requirements IA & B; II A-C