Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, Texas Date_______________ TO THE DEAN OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Campus Dear Sir: I submit for approval the following description of my Thesis/Dissertation/Project: 1. Tentative Title: 2. Problems, including subordinate questions to which answers must be sought. 3. Proposed procedure and sources of data: (This must include a “canvass of the literature”) Approved: Student’s Advisory Committee: _____________________________ Chairperson _____________________________ _____________________ Signature of Student _________________________ _____________________________ Department Head _____________________________ Dean of College Approved: _____________________ Dean of Graduate School Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, Texas GRADUATE SCHOOL An Evaluation of Graduate Student’s Eligibility for the Master’s Degree/Doctoral Degree as reported by members of the Committee conducting the Final Comprehensive Examination. 1. Name of the Graduate Student________________________________________ 2. Examiner’s Evaluation of this Student’s responses during the Oral Examination (Please check the most appropriate evaluation or give a statement of personal evaluation). a. ______ Responses indicated that the candidate was well-poised and able to answer freely and without serious inhibitions. b. ______ Responses indicated that the candidate has an excellent fund of information pertaining to his/her major field. c. ______ Responses were logical and well thought-out. d. ______ Responses were somewhat slow, but showed ability to reason. e. ______ Responses indicated that the candidate was lacking in important facts pertaining to his/her major field. f. ______ Responses indicated that the candidate was extremely nervous and ill-at-ease. g. ______ Other evaluation: _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Examiner’s Recommendation as to whether or not this student should be recommended for the Master’s Degree/Doctoral Degree. a. ______ Recommended without qualifications. b. ______ Recommended with doubts as to his/her ability to go much farther in his/her graduate career. c. ______ Recommended on condition that the candidate be specifically discouraged from any further graduate study. d. ______ Not recommended for the degree at this time. e. ______ Other recommendations:________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Date _________________________________ Signature of Member of Committee PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Application for Final Examination I hereby request permission to take the final examination required for the Master’s Degree/Doctoral Degree at Prairie View A&M University. I would like to take this examination at the following time and place: DATE:______________ Hour:_________ PLACE:_______________________________ SIGNED:__________________________________DATE:________________________ (Candidate for Master’s Degree/Doctoral Degree) STUDENT’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVED: DATE: __________________________________ Chairman ______________________ ___________________________________ Professor in Master’s/Doctoral Degree Field ______________________ ___________________________________ ______________________ ___________________________________ ______________________ ___________________________________ ______________________ APPROVED: ___________________________________ Dean of Graduate School ______________________ PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION OF THESIS/DISSERTATION EXAM AND THESIS/DISSERTATION _____________________ DATE TO THE COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDY: The undersigned on this date examined__________________________ for the awarding of the master’s degree/doctoral degree and hereby certify that the examination was successfully completed. The thesis/dissertation was inspected by each of us and is approved. ________________________________ Chairman ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________