2012-2013 Please sign and return this note letting us know that you and your student(s) have read and understand the information contained in our school handbook. I have read, understand, and discussed the information contained in this handbook with all of my children who attend South Fork Elementary. _________________________ Please print name(s) of student(s) _________________________ ___________________ (Signature of parent/guardian) (Date) 2012-2013 Please sign and return this note letting us know that you and your student(s) have read and understand the information contained in our school handbook. I have read, understand, and discussed the information contained in this handbook with all of my children who attend South Fork Elementary. _________________________ Please print name(s) of student(s) _________________________ (Signature of parent/guardian) ___________________ (Date) South Fork Elementary Student/Parent Handbook 2012-2013 Vision Statement “Loving to Learn, Learning to Live.” Mission Statement All activities at the school will be designed around providing children with the basic tools required to live in today’s society, and instilling in them a desire for life-long learning. To accomplish these goals the following areas will be addressed: 1. Safe learning environment. Safety is our number one priority. We believe that no learning can occur in an environment where students do not feel physically and emotionally safe. Every effort will be taken to ensure the safety of all children. 2. Responsible citizenship. We believe that although students have a right to a public education they do not have a right to: a) Interfere with another student’s learning b) Engage in behavior that is not in the best interests of all c) Interfere in the teaching/learning process. Every effort will be made to ensure all students are provided with a positive environment conducive to learning. Positive student behavior is expected, and misbehavior will be dealt with in an appropriate manner as indicated in the district discipline policy. 3. Curriculum and instruction. We believe that a research-based curriculum that focuses on best practices is an essential part of effective teaching. Every effort will be made to ensure that the curriculum is regularly monitored and meets or exceeds all state and national standards. Student achievement will be carefully monitored to assist in providing for the specific needs of each student. Schedule School hours for grades 1-4 are 8:05 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. On Mondays we have an early release at 1:30 p.m. to allow for teacher preparation and collaboration. School hours for morning kindergarten are 8:05 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten hours are 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. In order to provide time for teacher collaboration, most months there will be no kindergarten on the first Monday of the month. Please check your district calendar for exact dates. Morning recess for grades K-2 is from 10:00-10:15 a.m. Morning recess for grades 3-4 is from 10:15-10:30 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten has a recess from 1:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Lunch times: 1st grade 11:30-12:15, 2nd grade 11:40-12:15, 3rd grade 12:00-12:45, 4th grade 12:10-12:45. Attendance In order for us to provide your child with the quality of education he/she deserves, your student needs to be in attendance on a regular basis. It is the policy of Madison School District that no student misses more than ten days in one trimester without a note(s) from a doctor. Please contact the school prior to 9:00 AM if your student will be absent. Accidents/Injuries It is the responsibility of parents/legal guardians to provide medical insurance to cover accidents that happen at school. At the beginning of the school year, the district makes student medical insurance available to families for individual purchase. 21st Century After School Program After School classes are available through a grant received by our district. Watch for notes/registration forms coming home throughout the year. Classes fill up quickly, so sign-ups must be turned in promptly if you want your child to participate. Birth Certificates We are required by law to have a certified birth certificate for each child on file within 30 days of enrollment at our school. Change of Address and/or Withdrawal If there is any type of demographic change during the school year, please report it immediately to the secretary so we can keep our student records up-to-date. Please notify the school if you will be moving so that school records can be transferred in a timely manner. Conferences Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled twice yearly. They will be held at the middle of the first and second trimesters to discuss your child’s progress. Please check your calendars and notes home for those specific times and dates. Should the need arise for a conference at any other time during the school year; please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher to schedule an appointment. Discipline Please make yourself familiar with the discipline policy used in your child’s classroom. If students are sent to the principal’s office they will be dealt with fairly and consistently according to the Madison School District discipline policy. Please remember that circumstances make consequences flexible. Disciplinary actions taken are recorded in a district-wide tracking system Discrimination It is the policy of Madison School District #321 not to discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability. Dress Standards Immodest clothing such as shorts above the knee, tank tops, bare midriffs, pants worn below the hips, or clothing displaying obscenities or slogans inappropriate for school will not be permitted. Students should always be dressed appropriately for current weather conditions. Electronic Devices Electronic devices (such as cell phones, electronic games, cameras and iPods) are strongly discouraged. These devices are a distraction to the learning process and often cause grief when they are lost or stolen. Students may use electronic devices before school or after school. Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the classrooms. No cameras or picture taking devices are allowed without the permission of the principal. If students do not adhere to the rules for electronic devices, the device will be taken to the office and may be picked up by a parent after school. Emergency Closures If it is necessary to close schools due to inclement weather, an announcement will be made by local news media. School closures will also be posted on the district website, and Connect Ed information will be sent via phone/e-mail. Please use your own judgment in keeping your children home if you feel weather conditions are too severe to send them to school. School may be cancelled during the school day due to inclement weather. Parents should make advance arrangements for their children in the event of school being canceled before the school day begins, or school being canceled at some point during the school day because of worsening weather conditions or a facility failure. Fees There is a $25.00 supply and activity fee collected at registration. This fee covers the cost of all basic school supplies such as tablets, pencils, scissors, glue, crayons, etc., as well as assemblies, field trips and other activities. Each student will provide their own backpack. There is also a $12.00 snack fee for kindergarten students. Field Trips As part of the curriculum, students are sometimes provided the opportunity of visiting places of interest in the community. You will be asked to give written permission for such field trips. When your child’s class is planning a field trip, a note will be sent home with the child providing details concerning the field trip. Immunizations Immunization records must be maintained by the school on each student. The state requires a report from the school on the status of each student in regard to immunizations, so please notify the school when new shots are received. If you are unable to have your child immunized for medical or personal reasons, it is necessary that we have you sign an “exempt” form to be put in your child’s file. Your family physician will also need to sign the form if the exemption is for medical reasons. This exemption form or proof of adequate immunizations must be on file before a child may attend school. Inside Recess Days The principal will make the determination as to whether the students will be inside or outside before school, at morning recess, and during the lunch recess. Students will be kept in when the temperature is below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. We take careful consideration to the health of students. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for weather conditions each day. Hoodies, light jackets and open toed shoes may not be appropriate for cold weather months. Notes asking for students to stay indoors during recess should be used sparingly. Internet Parents will be required to sign a consent form before children will be allowed to access the internet at school. Students will not be allowed to access the internet without adult supervision. Leaving School Parents should report to the office when picking up a child during school hours. Please do not go directly to the classroom or pick your child up from the playground without first checking in at the office. Library We have a wonderful library full of books available for student use. We encourage you to help your student care for the books and return them on time. Replacement cost will be charged for any damaged or lost books. Lost and Found There is a designated area at our school for lost and found items. Small items may be claimed in the office. All articles will be held until the end of the school year and will then be donated to a local charity if unclaimed. Medication If a child needs to be given prescription medications at school, the medication should be sent in the original container. All dispensing of medication requires a signed request from the parents and student’s physician. Directions must also be included. Non-prescription medications will NOT be given. Parents are welcome to come to school to administer any non-prescription medications. Newsletters Our school will publish a monthly newsletter/calendar. Copies will be sent home with the oldest child in each family. This newsletter/calendar, our web page at http://web.d321.k12.id.us/php/LY, and the bulletin on Power School are the primary methods of informing parents and students of upcoming events. Parent/Teacher Organization – PTO Our school presently has a parent/teacher organization. We encourage all parents to become involved in the activities of this group. Personal Possessions We discourage students from bringing personal items to school. The school will not assume responsibility for personal items that are lost, stolen, or otherwise damaged. Power School Parents may access information about student progress and grades, attendance, or lunch status from the PowerSchool tab on the district homepage at http://d321.k12.id.us/main/ . When registering, students and parents will be issued a student ID number and password. If the access information is ever misplaced, please contact our office to receive that information again. Report Cards Report cards are sent home to parents at the end of each trimester. School Lunch Children may bring a lunch from home or purchase hot lunch at school. Extra milk is available for purchase at $ .30 per carton. Menus are posted at school. They can also be accessed online at the district webpage or picked up at the district office. If parents and/or siblings wish to join their students for lunch, please let us know before 9:00 a.m. so we can add extra numbers to the lunch count. Lunches are $2.00 for elementary students and $3.25 for adults. Free and reduced lunch eligibility forms are available at the school and through the food services office. The school lunch program is using the NutriKids system to manage school lunches. Parents may access NutriKids through the Madison School District website under department/food services/NutriKids. Students with a negative balance may be given a dinner roll and milk for lunch until payment is made. School News Our school will publish a monthly newsletter/calendar. Copies will be sent home with the oldest child in each family. Information can also be found at http://d321.k12.id.us by selecting South Fork from the Our Schools tab, or through the school bulletin tab in PowerSchool. Special Services If you have questions about services for students with mental, learning, physical, emotional and behavioral disabilities, or speech and language impairments please contact the principal. Telephone Calls Teachers and students will not be called from class to answer the telephone except in cases of emergency. Telephone messages will be delivered to the classroom as soon as possible. Students must have permission from the classroom teacher to use the phone. Please plan ahead and make all after school arrangements ahead of time. Transportation For the first few days of school it is advisable to be ready early and watching for the bus, as the arrival time tends to be slightly erratic until the routes become established. Students are responsible for getting to their buses on time after school. If you would like to have your student get off the bus at a different stop, please plan in advance and send a note to the driver with your request. The school is not directly involved in bus routes or services. Please call our transportation supervisor at 359-3300 ext. 3422 if you have questions. Bus rules include: 1. Obey request of driver promptly and willingly. 2. Help in keeping bus clean. 3. Board and unload in a safe manner. 4. Find a seat immediately and stay seated. 5. Refrain from distracting/loud noises. Students will be issued a citation for inappropriate behavior and parents will be called. Two citations will result in a meeting with parents, and a third citation will result in a hearing with parents and district transportation personnel. At this point transportation privileges may be revoked for the remainder of the school year. Treats All treats brought from home to share with other students for birthdays, class parties, etc., must be store bought. Visitors All visitors/volunteers must check in at the office when entering the building to obtain a visitor’s pass. Friends, cousins, etc. will not be allowed to attend class with regularly enrolled student. Volunteers Our school needs and appreciates the support of parents. Parent involvement improves achievement. Please consider participating in some way. If you would like to help, please contact us. It is expected that all volunteers maintain confidentiality in terms of student performance, which means not discussing any child outside the classroom. Volunteers need to check in at the office to obtain a visitor’s pass.