Quiz 1 Key

Quiz 1 Key
1. (a) Infimum is 0, supremum is 3.
(b) Infimum is 0, supremum is 7.
2. (a) Infimum is 0, supremum is 1.
(b) Infimum is 0, supremum does not exist!
3. Since A is bounded above there is some M such that x ≤ M for all
x ∈ A. Then for any x ∈ A we have
cx ≤ cM
(multiplication of both sides of the inequality by a POSITIVE c preserves the inequality) so that cM is an upper bound for the elements
of B. Thus B is bounded above.
NOTE, there is absolutely no need to invoke suprema or such! It was
not given that F has the least upper bound property.