The CNR Reporter is a weekly publication of the University of Wisconsin­ Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Deadline for articles and

The CNR Reporter is a weekly publication of the University of Wisconsin­
Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Deadline for articles and
announcements is 9 a.m. on Friday. Submit information electronically using
the article form and e­mail the completed form to Looking for an old CNR Reporter find them in our
Academic Information
Welcome Back! Student Success Center Hours NEW
Welcome back to the College of Natural Resources!!! Stop by the CNR Student
Success Center (180 TNR) for help with your semester. CNR Student Success Center
(TNR 180) is open from 8 ­ 5:00 p.m. Mon. through Thurs, and 8:00 a.m. ­ 3:00
p.m. on Fri. If you need assistance please come to TNR 180.​
Advising Walk­in Hours​
Advising Walk­in
Hours These times are set aside
for quick questions
regarding your degree
progress and student
record. Longer discussions
will require an
Bobbi Kubish
TNR 180
First­Year &
TNR 192
Mon. Sep 7
Tues. Sept 8
1:00 ­ 3:00
Wed. Sept 9
10:00 ­ 12:00
10:00 ­ 12:00
Thurs. Sept 10
11:00 – 12:30
1:00 ­ 3:00
Fri. Sept 11
Application to the CNR NEW
Students who have earned 45 or more credits and have a 2.00 GPA in major should
apply to the CNR. Applications are available in the Student Success Center (TNR
180). The deadline to apply is Sept. 30
Add/Drop Courses for Fall 2015 Semester NEW
Clear drop/add: Sept. 2­ 14. If you wish to add/drop a course, you can do that
through myPoint.
W­Drop: Sept 15­Nov 6. You will need signatures from your advisor and instructor.
Forms can be found on the Registration and Records homepage and TNR 180.
National Natural Resources Student Survey –
Invitation to Participate NEW
CNR has been asked to participate in a student survey investigating why current
undergraduate and graduate students in our program (a.) chose to pursue a major or
degree in a natural resources field and (b.) what reservations about that choice or
what factors may have led to hesitance about that decision.
This survey is being distributed to across a wide range of academic institutions
across the country and will provide a wealth of information that can broadly aid both
higher education in natural resources across the country and specifically within CNR
as the anonymous responses from CNR students will be provided to us at the
conclusion of the survey analysis.
Those organizing the anonymous survey request that it be sent to second­year or
higher students in natural resources majors. Current first year students should be
asked to complete the survey next year.
This is your chance to collectively provide insight into the future of education in
natural resource management – with that future being each and every one of you! Therefore, please consider taking this brief survey if an invitation to do so appears
in your university email account next week. The email will be entitled “Invitation
to participate in a Natural Resource Student Survey” and the email will originate
from Dr. Tim Ginnett, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The email
invitation will be signed by Dr. Ginnett and Dr. Paul Doruska, Professor of Forest
Law Enforcement Academy Meeting NEW
Reminder that the REQUIRED information session for Academy for spring semester is
from 5­6:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 8, in Room 120 TNR. Even if you don’t plan
to go to Academy until 2017, it may be a good idea to attend this meeting to see
what you need to have before you apply. Please contact Dr. Diane Lueck if you
have any questions (TNR 245)
Foreign Language Placement Exams NEW
Foreign language placement exams for French, German or Spanish, will be offered
the first week of classes, Sept. 2, 3, 8, 9 & 10, free of charge, in the Foreign
Language Lab, Room 305/CCC from 9 a.m.­ 4 p.m. Students need to bring their
student ID and a pencil. No appointments are necessary. They do not have to begin
the exam on the hour; they can begin at any time and are allowed one hour to
complete it. The last start time for an exam each day is 3 p.m. since the lab closes
at 4 p.m.
CNR Principles of Professionalism Compact and
Expectations NEW
In an effort to promote and maintain civility in faculty and staff­student,
professionals­student and student­student interactions both in the College of
Natural Resources as well as the UW­Stevens Point campus and community in
general, the faculty and staff of the College of Natural Resources unanimously
endorsed the following statement and principles of professionalism for the College
as the standards to which all of us are expected to be held.
CNR Major Course Fee NEW
Each student carrying a CNR major (with the exception of Paper Science) will be
charged $40/semester for the "CNR Fee Treehaven & CWES" to fund major
renovations at the Treehaven and Central Wisconsin Environmental Station (CWES)
Field Stations. This fee will be charged to CNR majors enrolled at UWSP each spring
and fall semester beginning in Jan, 2009.
Buy Your CNR Apparel Today! NEW
CNR long sleeved t­shirts – brown or sage green – Only $15!
CNR baseball and Fidel caps are also on sale in a variety of colors – only $15
Show your CNR pride and help support the programs of the CNR Student Success
Enhance Your Note­Taking, Test Preparation and
Study Skills NEW
The Tutoring­Learning Center (TLC) houses UW­Stevens Point's Academic Literacies
Specialist, Emily Wisinski, a professional staff member, meets with students on an
individual basis to discuss:
Time Management
Goal Setting and Motivation
Test Preparation
and other study skills
Stop by the TLC in the basement of the library, room 018 to make an appointment
to discuss your individual concerns and create an academic success plan. Or, visit
during Emily’s office hours: Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. or Wednesday
from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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Events and Speakers
UWSP Involvement Fair NEW
Thursday, September 10 – 6:00 – 8:00 pm, DUC ­ Visit over 180 UWSP Student
organization booths!​
CNR Career Night! NEW
The 8th Annual CNR Majors Night will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 22 from 5:30­8pm,
1st floor of the TNR building. Open to all UWSP students who are interested in a
major in the natural resources. Visit with CNR faculty and student organizations
from numerous majors and career fields available in the CNR. Free food and door
Coffee and Culture NEW
"Diversity Debunked" Tuesday, September 15 at 6 p.m./ DUC Laird Center
Central Rivers Farmshed Events NEW Chef of the Square and EBD Double Value Days; September 5. 9:30a.m.­10:15a.m.
Foraging Workshop; September 5. 3p.m.­5p.m.
Community Potluck; September 8. 6:30p.m.­8p.m.
Rummage Sale Dates:
Friday, October 2nd (1p.m. to 7p.m.)
Saturday, October 3rd (9a.m. to 3p.m.)
Saturday, October 3rd (9a.m. to 3p.m.)
Also Accepting Donation Dates for the Rummage Sale:
Wednesday (Sept 23) and Friday (Sept 25): 3p.m. ­ 7p.m.
Thursday (Sept 24) and Saturday (Sept 26): 9a.m. ­ 1p.m.
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Study Away Opportunities
Costa Rica Tropical Ecology 2015­2016 Winterim
Study Abroad NEW
Start planning your winter escape! Experience sloths, sea turtles, quetzals and
more, while learning about the complex ecosystems of beautiful, warm, and
peaceful Costa Rica. This study abroad favorite will be led by Dr. Kevin Russell
wildlife faculty.
National Student Exchange (NSE) Full Academic Year
or Single Semester, Fall or Spring NEW
NSE offers students a domestic alternative to studying abroad. What began with
three campuses exchanging seven students is now 200 universities placing 3,000
students each year. UW­Stevens Point became a member institution in 2014 and will
begin to send students to NSE participating universities, and welcome NSE students
to campus, in the fall of 2015.
For more information visit the NSE website at and UWSP webpage at­Student­Exchange­­­­NSE.aspx​
Once you have background information contact UWSP program coordinator Mark
Koepke in CCC 108 for advising.
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Student Organizations
Student Oranizations' Weekly Update
SGA Green Fund!
Animal Behavior Club (ABC) American Fisheries Society (AFS)
American Water Resources Association (AWRA)
Coalition of organizational Leadership in TNR (COOL)
Cru Student Impact
Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association (EENA) Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee
Fire Crew
Herpetology Society
Izaak Walton League
Land Conservation Society
Multicultural Awareness in Natural Resources and Related Sciences
Park and Recreation Association (PRA)
Save The Frogs!­ UWSP Chapter
Society of American Foresters (SAF) NEW
The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is one of the largest student
organizations at UW­Stevens Point and one of the most active. We are aimed
at getting undergraduates valuable experience. We meet weekly in TNR 170
at 5pm on Thursdays! Dues: $3 for the semester or $5 for the year.
Our FIRST meeting is September 10th at 5pm in TNR 170. Right before the
Involvement fair which is 6­8 pm in the DUC!
Interested in throwing axes, underhand chop, or crosscut sawing?! Join the
Woodland Sports Team for our first practice of the semester on Fri, Sept. 11
from 2­4 pm at 1249 4th Ave (the corner of 4th and Pulaski). We will be
cleaning up shop and getting ready for a semester of wood chopping and
sawing, axe throwing, and other logging sports­­everyone is welcome! Visit
our webpage for more information at
Have comments or questions? Email us at or stop by the office
in room
TNR 361. UWSP SAF Website:
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) Student Law Enforcement Association (SLEA)
Student Society of Arboriculture
Student Society of Arboriculture
Students for Sustainablity (SFS) NEW
We will be having our first Work Day Wednesday of the semester on
September 9th from 4:00­6:00pm, where there will be harvesting from the
garden. To celebrate the beginning of the year, we will be having a potluck
during the workday, so please bring a dish to pass if able too. Meet in the
Campus Garden!
Students for Sustainability is a merged organization from the previous
organizations Students for Sustianable Communities and Sustainable
Agriculture in Communities Societies. You can like us on Facebook at UWSP
Students for Sustainability.
Student Research Symposium (SRS)
Students for Wetland Awareness, Management and Protection
Trap Shooting Club
Waste Management Society
The Wildlife Society (TWS) NEW
The Stevens Point Chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS) is one of the largest
TWS student chapters and UWSP organizations. TWS provides opportunities to
gain valuable skills that are highly desirable to employers which cannot be
obtained by only attending wildlife classes. Members have the opportunity to
attend conferences, education events, get advice from professionals, and help
the project leaders/co­leaders with the twenty­one ongoing research projects.
TWS is open for anyone who has an interest in wildlife. Meetings are held on
Tuesdays at 5pm.
The first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 8th at 5pm in SCI D101. The second meeting will be on Tuesday, September 15th at 5pm in TNR 120.
Wisconsin Camps Women in Natural Resources (WiNR)
Update Your Org! NEW
Please send the CNR Reporter your Student Orginization updates as often as you
can! Email your article forms to by 9 AM Firday!
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Scholarship Information
Scholarships Avaliable This Week
Scholarships Avaliable This Week
Davey Foundation Arbor Grant Program Deadline: September 25 NEW
Click here to learn more about all of the scholarships
available to CNR students.
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Workshops and Activities
Mead Wildlife Bag Checks NEW
The Mead Wildlife Area is in need of volunteers to conduct bag checks on the
opening weekend of the waterfowl season (Northern). We have been conducting
these surveys with help of UWSP students for over 40 years. Similar to a creel
survey, we are looking to gather information about harvest, hunting pressure, and
species abundance. It is a great opportunity to get involved with the hunting
community, network with professionals (Biologists, Conservation Wardens, Wildlife
Health officials), get some hands­on training, and improve waterfowl ID skills.
Bag check dates are as follows:
Saturday September 26th 7am – 8:30 pm
SHIFTS: (7:00am – 2:00pm) 14­16 volunteers needed
(1:30pm – 8:30pm) 14­16 volunteers needed
Sunday September 27th 7am – 12 pm 8­10 volunteers needed
Please contact Patrice Eyers to sign up or with any questions. E­mail: close this section
Job Opportunities
New Changes to Employment Postings! NEW
All job postings are posted in CareerPoint*. CareerPoint can be found on the Career
Services home page or by clicking here.
Every student has their own account.
Your username is your student ID number
Your password is your birthday.
Once you activate your account, you may change your password.
The Reporter Staff encourage you to become familiar with CareerPoint.
Click here for a quick tutorial of searching for jobs. We will post highlights of incoming jobs, but all postings will be found on
We will post highlights of incoming jobs, but all postings will be found on
*Jobs in CareerPoint listed as "Internships" are not guaranteed to count for a
credited internship. To verify if a job will count, please check with your discipline's
Internship Coordinator.
CNR Internship Opportunites (Credit­approved Internships)
UW­Stevens Point Internships
Jobs Posted in CareerPoint This Week
Fisheries Habitat Biologist; Walla Walla Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Project ­
Full Time ­ WA
Recycling Education Specialist; City of Greensboro ­ Full Time ­ NC
St. Croix­Red Cedar Cooperative Weed Management Area
Coordinator; Part Time ­ St. Croix, WI
Outdoor Education Program Staff; YMCA Camp MacLean ­ Part Time ­ Burlington, WI
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