UNCG Joseph M. Bryan School of Business & Economics Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, & Tourism STH 311 01 Sustainable Food & Beverage Spring 2015 Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 – 3:15 SOEB 204 Instructor: Email: Office: Dr. Erick T Byrd etbyrd@uncg.edu 474 Bryan Building Office Hours: Monday 9-11; Tuesday & Thursday 2-3; Friday 9-11 Catalog Description Evolution of food and beverage as a commodity; ethical issues of industrializing and globalizing foodservice systems; strategies for successfully incorporating sustainability and ecogastronomy into commercial food and beverage operations. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) On completion of this course students will be able to: 1. Describe the evolution and physiology of taste and food consumption practices as well as the role of food and beverage as a product within travel, tourism, and hospitality. 2. Recognize the positive and negative impacts of industrialization, corporate control, globalization, and politics of food commodities and commercial food operations on the quality of commercial food and beverage and the quality of life of communities and consumers. 3. Contrast major forces and consumer movements (e.g., McDonaldization of taste, slow food, farm-to-fork, local, organic, dietary trends, eating philosophies) impacting the food and beverage sectors within the hospitality and tourism industries. 4. Identify the core principles of managing for sustainability in commercial food and beverage operations, such as buying local, greening kitchens, and ecogastronomy. 5. Explain the relationship between commercial food and beverage and public health. 6. Describe the social issues related to the sale and consumption of beer, wine, spirits, water, tea, coffee, and soft drinks and the need for responsible tourism and hospitality experiences incorporating beverages. 7. Plan restaurant menus that successfully incorporate sustainability principles into food and beverage operations. Texts Required Pearson Custom Library – STH 311 Sustainable Food and Beverage – Pearson. ISBN: 9781269130394 (This package includes access to Pearson’s Kitchen Manager Website – this is required for the class and to complete some of the projects) Readings Additional readings will be assigned and posted on Blackboard. Attendance Just like any organization would expect you to show up for work, I expect you to attend class. This class is based on student preparation and participation. Therefore attendance is a very important part of this class. If you miss class you are still responsible for all material covered in class. If you must miss class for a valid reason please contact me as soon as possible. Grading The following is how the grade for each assignment will brake out in your total grade. Assignment 10 On-line Quizzes (10 points each) Class Activities 3 Restaurant Evaluation (100 points each) Restaurant Visit Restaurant Menu Analysis Team Menu Concept Project* Total Points 100 150 300 100 150 200 Total *Group Assignment A+ A AB+ B B- 1000 969 929 899 869 829 - 970 930 900 870 830 800 1000 C+ C CD+ D DF 799 769 729 699 669 629 599 - 770 730 700 670 630 600 0 Explanation of Letter Grade A+/A/AB+/B/BC+/C/CD+/D/DF Achievement of distinction and excellence General achievement superior to an average standard Acceptable, average ability reflecting reasonable time and effort Falls below acceptable standards but is sufficient to be counted Failure; not a passing grade Assignments Assignment Format: All assignments, unless other wise specified, should be turned in typed, in a 12-point font, single spaced, grammatically correct and in APA format. All margins should be set to 1 inch. All pages should be numbered with your name and the date on the first page. Additional information will be given during class for each assignment. On-line Quizzes (150 total points) (SLO 1-7) Throughout the semester there will be 10 quizzes based on the material covered in the readings, class notes, class activities, guest speakers and class discussions. Class Activities (150 points) (SLO: 1-7) During class and outside of class students will participate in a variety of activities that are related to hospitality and tourism. These activities will come in the form of homework, short reports, short presentations, case studies, and group work. The activities will relate to the topic being discussed during the class. Restaurant Evaluation (300 points) (SLO 3,4,6,7) During the semester students will be required to evaluate, critique, and discuss different dining experiences they have. Students will post their evaluation to a blackboard discussion board. There will be a total of 3 evaluations over the semester. Each evaluation will included an overall discussion of the dining experience, noticeable aspects of the food (i.e. locally produced, quality), and a short discussion on a specific topic related to current class content. Restaurant Visit (100 points) (SLO 2-7) During the last part of the semester students will visit and eat at a restaurant in groups. While at the restaurant the students will discuss the food and beverages that are available at the location and what they actually ordered in relation to concepts and topics presented in the text and in class. Students will only be required to participate in one visit. Restaurant Menu Analysis (150 points) (SLO 1-7) As Hayes, Miller, & Ninemeier (2014) states “It all starts with the menu”. The menu is where we see the clearest link between the food producers, the food, the restaurant, and the customers. Form a food and beverage stand point sustainability is dependent of the menu. Students will select a menu from an established restaurant (must be approved by the instructor) in the Piedmont Triad area to conduct a comprehensive analysis on. This assignment will require students to use the Pearson’s Kitchen Manager Website to assist in their analysis of the menu. Team Menu Concept Project (Team Project) (200 points) (SLO 1-7) Because the menu is so vital to the sustainable food and beverage practices of the industry students need to have the ability to develop a menu that reflects sustainable ideas. For this assignment students will form small group (3-4 students) and develop a concept for a menu and the actual menu for the concept. Students will then present their concept and menu to their peers. This assignment will require students to use the Pearson’s Kitchen Manager Website to assist in their analysis of the menu. Late Assignments A very important part of being a professional is meeting deadlines. All assignments are due at the beginning of class (11:00 am) on the date indicated unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Late assignments will not be accepted without permission from the instructor. Special Needs If you have special needs related to a qualified or certified disability, please notify the instructor by the end of the second week of classes so that arrangements can be made to meet those needs. Class Schedule *Subject to change Welcome to a new semester and to STH 311. Below you will find the class schedule, which includes topics we will discuss, field trips, and the assignments that are due along with the readings that should be completed on the particular date. We will make every attempt to stay on schedule during the semester, but there may come a time when the schedule may get adjusted. Any adjustment to assignment due dates will be announced in class. Please make sure that you check Canvas weekly (if not daily) for announcements and posted readings. If at any time, you have a question please let me know. I hope each of you have a great semester. Date Topic Assignment Due Reading & Video Due Tuesday 1/13 Thursday 1/15 Introduction to Class The History of Food Quiz 1 Tuesday 1/20 Thursday 1/22 From the farm to your fork New Trends in Food and Beverage Class Activity 1 (Trends) Tuesday 1/27 Thursday 1/29 The Restaurant Business Culture and Food Quiz 2 Quiz 3 2. The Restaurant Business x. Understanding the Influence of Culture 3. Understanding Regional Cuisines Tuesday 2/3 Thursday 2/5 Guest Speaker – Chef Brian Brown – JOLO Vineyards Urban Food Sourcing Class Activity 2 Video - How we eat our landscapes Video – A guerilla gardener Tuesday 2/10 Thursday 2/12 No Class The Food Experience Restaurant Evaluation 1 Quiz 4 Tuesday 2/17 Thursday 2/19 Guest Speaker The Food Experience Class Activity 3 Tuesday 2/24 Thursday 2/26 The Menu The Menu Quiz 5 Class Activity 4 4. It All Starts With the Menu Tuesday 3/3 Managing Revenue Quiz 6 8 Managing Revenue Thursday 3/5 Managing Revenue Restaurant Evaluation 2 1. Introduction Video: How Food Shapes Our Cities Restaurant Concept and Experience Design Class Activity 5 Date Topic Assignment Due Tuesday 3/10 Thursday 3/12 Spring Break Spring Break No Class No Class Tuesday 3/17 Wine and Beverage Quiz 7 Thursday 3/19 Guest Speaker Class Activity 6 Tuesday 3/24 Thursday 3/26 Wine and Beverage Guest Speaker Quiz 8 Class Activity 7 Tuesday 3/31 Thursday 4/2 No Class Nutrition and Menu Planning Restaurant Menu Analysis Quiz 9 Tuesday 4/7 Thursday 4/9 Schedule Adjustment Day Sustainability Tuesday 4/14 Thursday 4/16 Guest Speaker Production Class Activity 8 Quiz 10 Tuesday 4/21 Thursday 4/23 Guest Speaker Group Work Day Class Activity 9 & 10 Team Menu Concept Project Written Due Thursday 4/30 Final Exam Period (3:30-6:30) Presentations Team Menu Concept Presentation Restaurant Evaluation 3 Reading & Video Due 7. Beverage Products & Services x. Wine & Beverage Menu Design & Pricing Video – Wine Basics 5. Nutrition and Menu Planning x. Applying Sustainability Principles Video Slow Food Video A vision for sustainable restaurants 6. Getting Ready for Production Presentations