Designing Object-Oriented Frameworks

Designing Object-Oriented Frameworks
Garry Froehlich, H. James Hoover, Ling Liu, Paul Sorenson
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB. T6G 2H1
1 Introduction
Most software reuse has focused on code reuse, such as reusing parts of existing applications, reusing library
functions or reusing pre-built components. With the recent interest in design patterns [Gamma et al., 1995]
and object-oriented frameworks, the focus is shifting away from just reusing code to reusing existing designs
as well. Design patterns provide a reusable piece of a design which solves a recurring design problem in
software construction. An object-oriented framework, which is the focus of this chapter, is the reusable
design and implementation of a system or subsystem [Beck and Johnson, 1994]. It is typically implemented
as a set of abstract classes which dene the core functionality of the framework along with concrete classes for
specic applications included for completeness. Users of the framework complete or extend the framework
by adding custom application specic components or functions to produce and application.
Designing a framework diers from designing a single application in at least two respects. First, the level
of abstraction is dierent. Frameworks are meant to provide a generic solution for a set of similar or related
problems or an entire domain, while applications provide a concrete solution for a particular problem.
Second, frameworks are by their nature incomplete. Whereas an application design has all of the components it needs to execute and perform its task, a framework design will have places within it that need to be
instantiated by adding concrete solutions to a specic application problem. A framework does not cover all of
the functionality required by a particular domain, but instead abstracts the common functionality required
by many applications, incorporating it into the common design, and leaving the variable functionality to be
lled in by the framework user.
Due to these dierences, framework design focuses on providing exible abstractions that cover the
functionality required by applications within a domain and making the framework easy to use. These
abstractions in turn provide ways in which application developers can customize the framework. Object1
oriented technology is a natural t for frameworks. Just as a subclass is a specialization of a parent class,
an application can be thought of as a specialization of a more general framework. One of the ways to use
a framework is to specialize the generic classes that are provided in the framework into application specic
concrete classes.
There is yet to be an established standard for designing and developing frameworks. The purpose of this
chapter is not to propose a standard, but instead to identify some of the key issues and techniques that aect
framework design. Hopefully, as framework development becomes more common and better understood,
standard approaches will emerge. We assume that the reader is already familiar with object-oriented design,
so we will focus on the factors that dier between regular application vs. framework development. Several
properties, such as ease of use and exibility, have been identied in the frameworks literature as aiding the
reuse of the framework. We discuss several techniques, such as the benets of using inheritance, composition,
and the use of hooks which help a framework attain these properties. Some key terms are dened in section
2 and the benets of using frameworks are described in section 3. Sections 4, 5 and 6 forms the core of the
chapter, describing the issues to consider when designing frameworks and methodologies for doing the actual
design. Section 7 briey discusses framework deployment issues. Section 8 summarizes the chapter and lists
some of the open issues in framework design.
2 Concepts and Properties of Frameworks
Before discussing framework design, we dene some concepts and terms associated with frameworks, starting
with the roles involved in framework technology and a more in depth look at the parts of a framework.
2.1 Users and Developers of Frameworks
Three dierent roles can be associated with the development and use of frameworks:
Framework Designers or framework developers, develop the original framework.
Framework Users, sometimes called application developers or framework clients, use (reuse) the frame-
work to develop applications.
Framework Maintainers rene and redevelop the framework to t new requirements.
The dierent roles are not necessarily lled by dierent people. Often the framework designer is also one
of the framework users and framework maintainers.
2.2 Framework Concepts
Several dierent parts can be identied within an application developed from a framework as shown graphically in Figure 1. Applications are developed from frameworks by lling in missing pieces and customizing
the framework in the appropriate areas. Application development is discussed in the chapter on using
object-oriented frameworks.
Application Extensions
Figure 1: Application Developed from a Framework.
The parts of a framework are:
Framework Core: The core of the framework, generally consisting of abstract classes, that dene the
generic structure and behavior of the framework, and forms the basis for the application developed
from the framework. However, the framework core can also contain concrete classes that are meant to
be used as is in all applications built from the framework.
Framework Library: Extensions to the framework core consisting of concrete components that can be
used with little or no modication by applications developed from the framework.
Application Extensions: Application specic extensions made to the framework, also called an ensemble
[Cotter and Potel, 1995].
Application: In terms of the framework, the application consists of the framework core, the used
framework library extensions, and any application specic extensions needed.
Unused Library classes: Typically, not all of the classes within a framework will be needed in an
application that can be developed from the framework.
Framework Library
Framework Core
Application Extensions
Figure 2: Simplied View of the HotDraw Framework.
A simplied example of the HotDraw framework [Johnson, 1992] is shown in Figure 2. HotDraw is a
framework for building graphical editors, such as class diagram editors, written in Smalltalk.
The core of the HotDraw framework consists of classes that dene the interactions and interfaces of
the key abstractions of the framework. Some of the key abstractions in HotDraw are Figures (along with
CompositeFigures and Drawings) which represent items within a diagram such as lines and boxes, Tools which
plug into the DrawingController to handle user actions such as moving Figures around on the screen or creating
new Figures, and DrawingViews which handle the display for the application.
Some of the pre-built components supplied with HotDraw in its framework library consist of SelectionTool
for selecting and moving Figures and RectangleTool for creating RectangleFigures within a Drawing. These are
tools that may be useful in any application, but do not necessarily need to be included in every application
built from the framework. Common Figures are also provides, such as RectangleFigure for representing
rectangles and TextFigure for text labels.
HotDraw applications often require new application specic Tools and Figures to be derived. As an
example, two application specic classes are shown in Figure 2. The complete application allows Object
Modeling Technique [Rumbaugh et al., 1988] class diagrams to be drawn and edited, but only two classes
are shown here. OMTClassTool derives from the core Tool class and allows OMTClassFigures to be created
and edited.
2.3 Hooks and Hot Spots
Application extensions are connected to a framework through hooks. Hooks are the places in a framework
that can be adapted or extended in some way to provide application specic functionality [Froehlich et al.,
1997]. They are the means by which frameworks provide the exibility to build many dierent applications
within a domain. For example, HotDraw has hooks for producing new types of Figures and Tools as well as
more complex activities such as disabling the use of Tools to make a display-only application instead of an
Hot spots [Pree, 1995], also called hinges [Cline, 1996], are the general areas of variability within a
framework where placing hooks is benecial. A hot spot may have many hooks within it. The area of
Tools within HotDraw is a hot spot because dierent applications will use dierent tools. A Data Flow
Diagram application will have tools for creating and manipulating the DFD that are standard for iconic
interfaces, whereas a PERT chart application, because of its strict temporal ordering constraints, will likely
have dierent creation and manipulation tools. There are a number of hooks within the Tool hot spot which
dene the various ways in which new tools can be dened.
In contrast, frozen spots [Pree, 1995] within the framework capture the commonalties across applications.
They are fully implemented within the framework and typically have no hooks associated with them. In HotDraw, DrawingController is an example of a frozen class. The Tools used may vary, but the DrawingController
remains a constant underlying mechanism for interation.
2.4 Framework Categorization
Several dierent means of classifying frameworks have been proposed. Here we present three relatively
orthogonal views of frameworks. A framework can be categorized by its scope, its primary mechanism for
adaptation and the mechanism by which it is used. The scope denes the area the framework is applicable
to, whether a single domain or across domains. The adaptation mechanism describes whether the framework
relies primarily upon composition or inheritance for reuse. Finally, the means of usage describes how the
framework interacts with the application extensions; by either calling the application extensions, or having
the extensions call the framework.
2.4.1 Scope
The scope of the framework describes how broad an area the framework is applicable too. Adair [1995]
denes three framework scopes.
Application frameworks contain horizontal functionality that can be applied across domains. They
incorporate expertise common to a wide variety of problems. These frameworks are usable in more than
one domain. Graphical user interface frameworks are a typical example of an application framework
and are included in most development packages.
Domain frameworks contain vertical functionality for a particular domain. They capture expertise
that is useful for a particular problem domain. Examples exist in the domains of operating systems
[Campbell et al., 1993], manufacturing systems [Schmid, 1995], client-server communications [Brown
et al., 1995] and nancial engineering [Eggenschwiler and Gamma, 1992].
Support frameworks provide basic system-level functionality upon which other frameworks or appli-
cations can be built. A support framework might provide services for le access or basic drawing
2.4.2 Customization
The means of customizing is another way in which frameworks can be categorized. Johnson and Foote [1988]
dene two types of frameworks, white box and black box. While this is an important dichotomy, a framework
will often have elements of both black box and white box frameworks rather than be clearly one or the other.
White box frameworks, also called architecture driven frameworks [Adair, 1995] rely upon inheritance
for extending or customizing the framework. New functionality is added by creating a subclass of a
class that already exists within the framework. White box frameworks typically require a more in-depth
knowledge to use.
Black box frameworks, also called data-driven frameworks [Adair, 1995], use composition and existing
components rather than inheritance for customization of the framework. Conguring a framework by
selecting components tends to be much simpler than inheriting from existing classes and so black box
frameworks tend to be easier to use. Johnson argues that frameworks tend to mature towards black
box frameworks.
2.4.3 Interaction
Andersen Consulting [Sparks et al., 1996] dierentiates frameworks based on how they interact with the
application extensions, rather than their scope or how they are customized.
Called frameworks correspond to code libraries (such as the Eiel libraries [Meyer, 1994] or Booch's
libraries [Booch, 1994]). Applications use the framework by calling functions or methods within the
Calling frameworks incorporate the control loop within the framework itself. Applications provide the
customized methods or components which are called by the framework ("don't call us, we'll call you").
In this chapter we will be primarily focusing on calling frameworks, although much of the material
applies to called frameworks as well.
2.5 Desirable Properties
Frameworks are meant to be reused to develop applications, and so reusability is very important. Software
reusability means that ideas and code are developed once, and then used to solve many software problems,
thus enhancing productivity, reliability and quality. With frameworks, reusability applies not only to the
code, but also the design. A good framework has several properties such as ease of use, extensibility,
exibility, and completeness [Adair, 1995] which can help to make it more reusable.
2.5.1 Ease of Use
Ease of use refers to an application developers ability to use the framework. The framework should be both
easy to understand and facilitate the development of applications, and therefore ease of use is one of the most
important properties a framework can have. Frameworks are meant to be reused, but even the most elegantly
designed framework will not be used if it is hard to understand [Booch, 1994]. In order to improve the user's
understanding of the framework, the interaction (both the interface and the paths of control) between the
application extensions and the framework should be simple and consistent. That is, the hooks should be
simple, small and easy to understand and use. Additionally, the framework should be well-documented with
descriptions of the hooks, sample applications and examples that the application developer can use.
2.5.2 Extensibility
If new components or properties can be added to a framework easily, then it is extensible. Even if a framework
is easy to use, it must also be extensible to be truly useful. A simple parameterized linked list component
may be completely closed and easy to use, but its reusability is enhanced if it can be easily extended to
include new operations.
2.5.3 Flexibility
Flexibility is the ability to use the framework in more than one context. In general, this applies to the
domain coverage of the framework. Frameworks that can be used in multiple domains, such as graphical
user interface frameworks, are especially exible. If a framework is applicable to a wide domain, or across
domains, then it will be reused more often by more developers. However, exibility must be balanced with
ease of use. In general, a framework with many abstract hooks will be exible, but will also be either dicult
to understand, require too much work on the part of the application developer to use, or both.
2.5.4 Completeness
Even though frameworks are incomplete, since they cannot cover all possible variations within a domain,
relative completeness is a desirable property. Default implementations can be provided for the abstractions
within the framework so they do not have to be re-implemented within every application, and application
developers can run the framework to gain a better understanding of how it works. The framework library can
provide the implementations of common operations, which the developer can choose, making the framework
easier to use as well as more complete.
2.5.5 Consistency
Consistency among interface conventions, or class structures is also desirable. Names should be used consistently within the framework. Ultimately, consistency should speed the developers understanding of the
framework and help to reduce errors in its use.
3 Benets and Concerns of Building a Framework
The design of any type of framework requires the consideration of many issues. The rst, and possibly
the most important decision is whether or not a framework is needed. Although frameworks have benets
such as design reuse, their are also drawbacks, such as the increased cost of building a good object-oriented
framework as compared to a single application.
1. Reuse. Quite simply, the main benet of frameworks is the ability to reuse not only the implementation
of a system, but the design as well. The framework helps to reduce the cognitive distance [Krueger,
1992] between the problem to be solved and the solution embodied in a software system. Once a
framework has been developed, the problem domain has already been analyzed and a design has been
produced which can be reused to quickly develop new applications.
2. Maintenance. Since all applications developed from a framework have a common design and code base,
maintenance of all the applications is made easier.
3. Quality. The framework not only provides a reusable design, a tested design proven to work and
therefore forming a quality base for developing new applications.
1. High Cost. Building a framework is often signicantly more costly than developing a single application.
A great deal of time is spent dening and rening the abstractions that form the core of the framework.
2. Shifting Domains. The domain in which the framework is to be built must be relatively stable and
well-understood. If the domain changes, then, unless the framework can be easily modied to t the
new domain, much of the eort put into development will be lost.
3. Evolution. Any changes to the framework will aect the applications developed with the framework.
If the architecture or any interfaces change then upgrading applications to use the new framework may
be costly. If the applications are not upgraded, then the advantage of having a common code base is
Typically, the best candidates for frameworks are applications that are developed repeatedly, with minor
variations [Taligent, 1995]. Domains that change rapidly, or are new enough not to have a base of existing
applications are generally not good candidates for frameworks.
4 Design Process
Frameworks should be developed from 'scratch'. It is unlikely that an application can be transformed into a
framework in a straightforward manner. Frameworks, just like most reusable software, have to be designed
to be reusable from the very beginning.
As Booch [1996] suggests, object-oriented development in general and framework development in particular requires an iterative or cyclic approach in which the framework is dened, tested and rened a number of
times. Additionally, small teams or even individual developers are recommended for framework development
so that each member of the development team has a good overall understanding of the framework.
Standard software development methodologies are not sucient for developing object-oriented frameworks [Pree, 1995]. For example, traditional methods do not take into account the need to design the hooks
of a framework which provide for the exibility and extensibility of the framework. They tend to focus on the
functional requirements. Hooks are also requirements of a framework, but they are quasi-functional. They
do not perform functions within the system, but instead allow the framework to be customized to support
a wide range of functionality. Hooks should be considered throughout the process of requirements analysis
through to testing [Cline, 1996].
While there is no agreed upon standard for designing frameworks, some techniques have been proposed
[Sparks et al., 1996] [Taligent, 1995] [Johnson, 1993] [Pree, 1995]. The proposed approaches are still immature
and provide guidelines rather than a fully dened methodology. Each of the approaches can be characterized
by several general steps: analysis, design and implementation, testing, renement.
The steps are the traditional stages of software development, but each is tailored to the design of frameworks. Typically, the framework is not built during a single pass, but through multiple iterations of the
4.1 Analysis
As with any type of software development, the rst stage is the analysis of the problem domain. In the
case of frameworks, this requires a domain expert. The expert identies the size of the domain that the
framework covers, the abstractions that will be incorporated within the framework, and how variations
between applications within the domain will be dealt with.
One of the key decisions that needs to be made when building a framework is deciding on how large of a
domain it will cover. Does the framework apply to a large domain, a narrow part of a domain, or even apply
to several domains? There are benets and drawbacks to frameworks that cover a large domain or a large
part of a domain versus small frameworks which cover a narrow part of a domain. A wide framework will be
reusable in more situations, and thus be exible, but may be unwieldy and dicult to maintain. Building a
widely applicable framework is a signicant undertaking, requiring a lot of resources.
Narrow frameworks may be insucient for an application, and developers will have to add signicant
amounts of additional functionality to produce an application. Narrow frameworks are also easily aected
by changes in the domain. While a wider framework might be able to evolve, a narrow framework may no
longer be applicable. On the other hand, narrow frameworks do tend to be smaller and less complex and
therefore easier to maintain. They are also potentially easier to use in other contexts because they aren't
all encompassing of a particular domain. Finally, using a large framework often requires using all of the
functionality within it, regardless if it is needed or not. Having several smaller frameworks instead of one
large one allows framework users to only take the functionality they need. In general, the benets of building
small frameworks outweighs the drawbacks, and so small frameworks are typically recommended.
After the domain of the framework has been determined, analyzing the domain of the framework helps to
determine the primary or key abstractions that will form the core of the framework. For example, graphical
drawing framework, such as HotDraw, will contain abstractions for representing the drawing, the gures the
drawing contains, and the graphical tools used to manipulate the gures.
Examining existing applications within a the domain of the framework is a useful means of identifying
the abstractions [Johnson, 1993]. In order to gain domain expertise, a framework designer may also want
to build an application within the domain if the designer is not already an expert in the domain [Taligent,
Developing scenarios for the operation of the framework and reviewing them with potential users of the
framework is another recommended analysis approach [Sparks et al., 1996]. Scenarios help to dene the
requirements of the framework without committing developers prematurely to any design decisions. The
scenarios can be abstracted into use cases [Jacobson, 1992] to help identify the primary abstractions and
interaction patterns the framework needs to provide.
The hot spots, the places of variation within the framework, also need to be identied. Again, examining
existing applications will help identify which aspects change from application to application and which remain
4.2 Design and Implementation
The design determines the structures for the abstractions, frozen spots and hot spots. The design and
implementation of the framework are often intertwined. Abstractions can be dicult to design properly
the rst time and parts of a framework may have to be redesigned and reimplemented as the abstractions
become better understood [Pree, 1995]. Parts of the framework may undergo redesign even while other parts
are being implemented.
In order to rene the abstractions, reviews of the design are recommended [Sparks et al., 1996]. Reviews
examine not only the functionality the design provides, but also the hooks and means of client interaction
provided by the framework.
Specic techniques that aid in the design of frameworks will be discussed later in the chapter. However
some general guidelines have been identied through experience by framework developers working on the
Taligent frameworks and ET++. In order to develop easy to use and exible frameworks, Taligent [1995]
reduce the number of classes and methods users have to override
simplify the interaction between the framework and the application extensions
isolate platform dependent code
do as much as possible within the framework
factor code so that users can override limiting assumptions
provide notication hooks so that users can react to important state changes within the framework
Some additional general design advice proposed by Birrer and Eggenschwiler [1993] is to:
consolidate similar functionality into a single abstraction,
break down larger abstractions into smaller ones with greater exibility,
implement each key variation of an abstraction as a class (and include it in the framework library),
use composition rather than inheritance.
At this stage, the specic hooks for each hot spot must also be designed and specied. The hooks show
specic ways in which the framework can be adapted to an application, and so are an important part of
the framework. Hooks can be described in an informal manner or a semiformal manner using templates
[Froehlich et al., 1997].
Often, trade-os must be considered when designing the hooks and structuring the hot spots in general.
Frameworks cannot be arbitrarily exible in all directions (i.e.. they only bend in certain ways and bending
them in other ways will break them). Some of the required exibility can be determined by examining
existing applications. Often the framework designer has to rely on experience and intuition to make these
trade-os. Subsequent testing may require changes in the structure of the hot spots. Further trade-os occur
between exibility and ease of use. The most exible framework would have very little actually dened and
so require a great deal of work on the part of the framework user. The framework should incorporate as
much functionality as it can and all the interfaces should be clearly dened and understandable, sometimes
at the expense of exibility.
4.3 Testing
There are two types of testing that a framework can undergo. First, a framework should be tested in isolation;
that is, without any application extensions. Testing the framework by itself helps to identify defects within
the framework, and in so doing isolates framework defects from errors that might be caused by the application
extensions, or in the interface between the framework and the application extensions. Andersen Consulting
has followed an approach of requiring framework designers to produce a test plan that provides a minimum
of 50% block coverage of the framework with a goal of 70% coverage [Sparks et al., 1996]. It is important
to catch defects in a framework since any defects will be passed on to all applications developed from the
framework. Defects in the framework force users to either x the defects themselves, or nd a work around,
both of which reduce the benets of using the framework.
Second, the true test of a framework really only occurs when it is used to develop applications. Designers
never truly know if a framework can be reused successfully until it actually has been. Using the framework
serves as a means of testing the hooks of the framework, the points where interactions between application
extensions and the framework occur. Using the framework also helps to expose areas where the framework
is incomplete and helps to show areas where the framework needs to be more exible or easier to use. The
applications produced from this kind of testing can be kept as examples of how to use the framework and
are also valuable for regression testing when parts of the framework change.
4.4 Renement
After testing, the abstractions of the framework will often need to be extended or rened. Building a
framework is a highly iterative process, so many cycles through these steps will be performed before the nal
framework is produced. A rule of thumb among framework developers is that three separate applications
must be developed from a framework before it is ready for deployment and distribution. After the core has
been successfully developed and implemented, the framework library can be further developed to make the
framework more complete.
5 General Framework Development Techniques
5.1 Abstract and Concrete Classes
A good framework often has a core of abstract classes which embody the basic architecture and interactions
among the classes of the framework. Not all of the core classes need to be or should be abstract, but
the ones involved in hot spots generally are. For example, HotDraw has classes for Figure and Tool which
must be customized to use. Framework designers derive new classes from abstract classes by lling in the
methods deliberately left unimplemented in the abstract classes or by adding functionality. The abstract
classes should be exible and extensible. These classes capture the properties of key abstractions, but just
as importantly, they capture the interactions between elements of the framework as well. The Figure class
interacts with many classes to provide its functionality, such as Tool, Drawing and DrawingView, and this
interaction is dened at the level of the Figure class. Any classes derived from it will follow that interaction.
A framework will generally have a small number of these core classes [Gangopadhyay and Mitra, 1995],
but will also have a number of concrete classes which form the framework library. These concrete classes
inherit from the abstract classes but provide specic and complete functionality that may be reused directly
without modication in an application developed from the framework. HotDraw provides a number of Figure
classes within the library that can be easily reused. However, the library can also contain parameterized
object instances, such as the Tool instances provided with HotDraw. Library components may also be
composed of a number of core classes rather than derived from one exclusively. Providing these concrete
classes makes the framework both more complete and easier to use. If concrete classes are not needed in a
particular application, then they can simply be excluded from the application.
5.2 Hot Spots and Frozen Spots
As mentioned earlier, frameworks contain hot spots which are meant to encompass the variability between
applications within the domain of the framework. Hot spots provide the exibility and extensibility of the
framework and their design is critical to the success of the framework.
Two questions to consider about a hot spot are: [Pree, 1995]
what is the desired degree of exibility, remembering that exibility has to be balanced with ease of
must the behavior be changeable at run-time, in which case composition is preferred over inheritance?
Pree's hot spot approach [Pree, 1995] denes several metapatterns which aid in hot spot design. Each
metapattern denes a set of relationships between template methods and hook methods within an abstract
base class. Template methods dene the ow of control for the framework and either perform actions directly
or defer functionality to hook methods. Hook methods are left unimplemented within the framework and
are specialized by the application developer to t the needs of the application. Design patterns also help in
structuring hot spots as described in a later section.
Select Tool Hook
New Tool Hook
New Tool Type Hook
Figure 3: Hooks for the Tools Hot spot.
Each hot spot will likely have several hooks associated with it. The hooks describe how specic changes
can be made to the framework in order to fulll some requirement of the application [Froehlich, 1997]. Figure
3 shows the Tool hot spot and three hooks within it. There are three main ways in which a framework can
be modied using hooks and each of these are illustrated in the three hooks depicted in Figure 3.
Several pre-built components can be provided within the framework library which can be simply used
as is in applications, such as the Select Tool Hook. If there are a limited number of options available,
then the components provided may be all that is needed.
Parameterized classes or patterns can be provided (such as the use of template and hook methods)
which are lled in by framework users. The Tool class in HotDraw is an example of a parameterized
class and the New Tool Hook describes how the parameters must be lled in.
When it is dicult to anticipate how a hot spot will be used, or if a lot of exibility is needed,
then new subclasses are often derived from existing framework classes and new functionality is added,
corresponding to the New Tool Type Hook.
5.3 Composition and Inheritance
Inheritance and composition are the two main ways for providing hooks into the framework. Composition
is often recommended over inheritance as it tends to be easier for the framework user to use (data driven as
opposed to architecture driven) but each has strengths and weaknesses. The type of customization used in
each case depends upon the requirements of the framework.
5.3.1 Composition
Composition typically involves the use of callbacks or parameterized types. The class of the framework to
be adapted will have a parameter to be lled in by the application developer which provides some required
functionality. Since the customization is done by lling in parameters, the framework user does not need an
in-depth knowledge of how the particular component operates. In HotDraw, the Tool class is parameterized
so that new Tools can be quickly and easily produced. The main parameter for customizing the Tool class is
the command table shown here for the example OMTClassFigure tool.
DragReader OMTClassFigure MoveCommand
ClickReader OMTClassFigure ExpandCommand
The OMTClassTool shown here has two entries in its command table which determines what actions it
takes depending upon the context in which the tool was used. The Reader determines the type of use, such
as DragReader or ClickReader. The Figure is the type of Figure selected by the tool and the Command is the
action to take on the Figure using the Reader. So, if the OMTClassTool is dragged on the OMTClassFigure
then it will invoke the MoveCommand which moves the Figure. Tools can be easily produced by combining
dierent Commands, Readers and Figures. The separation of Readers and the Commands from the Tool class
also makes the individual Readers and Commands more reusable. Many Tools will have actions for dragging
and clicking the mouse and they can all use the same Reader classes.
Composition also allows the component used to be changed dynamically. The DrawingController class in
HotDraw uses composition for this purpose. The class has a slot for the Tool that is currently being used,
but there are many dierent Tools in a typical HotDraw application and the user changes Tools frequently.
The tool that is currently in the DrawingController class may have to be changed at run-time, so Tool was
made into a separate class with each tool having the same interface so that it can be made the current tool
whenever the user selects it.
When composition is combined with a large number of existing concrete classes within the framework
library, adapting the framework becomes a simple matter of choosing the right components and connecting
them together. Composition tends to be the easier of the two types of adaptation to use. A developer
should understand the interface to the component, the functionality the component provides and little else
about the inner workings of the framework. More generally, the developer simply needs to understand which
existing concrete component performs the desired function.
5.3.2 Inheritance
Inheritance involves specializing methods from an abstract class, or adding functionality to an abstract class.
Inheriting from a class requires a considerable understanding of the abstract class and its interactions with
other classes, thus it can be more error prone and more dicult to use than composition. The advantage
of inheritance is extensibility. An application developer can easily add completely new functionality to a
subclass of an existing class, which is not as easily accommodated with composition.
New Figures in HotDraw are derived by inheritance. New Figures often require added functionality or
instance variables that cannot be anticipated by the framework developers and inheritance provides the
means by which the new methods and variables can be added. For example, the OMTClassFigure in Figure
4 is derived from CompositeFigure and adds two new methods, addvar and addmethod. These methods are
used to add new variable and method text labels to the class box. It also contains TextPopupFigures derived
from TextFigures for the text labels. The TextPopUpFigures contain an additional attribute desc which holds
a description or code fragment and a method popupdesc for displaying the description. Since none of this
functionality was contained in HotDraw before, and it is impossible to anticipate the full range of additional
functionality that might be needed in a Figure, it must be added by inheritance.
Figure 4: Inheritance Diagram for OMTClassFigure.
Often the abstract class will provide default methods that need to be overridden in a child class. Hook
methods are an example of this. The method is called by another template method, but the specic functionality is class specic and can't be pre-determined. HotDraw provides a step method for Drawings that is
used for animation, but is left empty by default since no one method can account for the complete variety
of possible ways to animate a Drawing.
5.3.3 Composition vs. Inheritance
Composition is generally used when interfaces and uses of the framework are fairly well dened, whereas
inheritance provides exibility in cases where the full range of functionality cannot be anticipated.
Composition forces conformance to a specic interface and functionality which cannot be easily added to
or changed. All Tools use Readers to determine the location of the mouse pointer and what action is being
taken, and invoke Commands to perform actions on Figures. In practice this works fairly well and covers the
range of actions needed to be performed by Tools. When something outside of this paradigm is required,
however, the Tool class itself must be subclassed to provide the extra functionality.
It has been proposed that frameworks start out as white box frameworks that rely upon inheritance.
As the domain becomes better understood and more concrete support classes are developed, the framework
evolves to use more composition and becomes a black box framework [Johnson and Foote, 1988]. The step
method for animating Drawings was mentioned above. While it is currently blank, and must be overridden
through inheritance, it may be possible to provide a number of standard ways to animate Drawings. Instead of
providing a new Drawing class for each standard type of animation, it would be better to move the animation
routines into its own class using the Strategy design pattern [Gamma et al., 1996] which can be linked into
the Drawing class as needed.
Beyond components that developers have to connect, a framework might gain the ability to decide how to
connect components itself. This could possibly be done dynamically or by using a development tool, freeing
the developer to simply choose the components needed without doing any programming.
5.4 Framework Families
Much in the same way that an individual class is a specialization of a more abstract class, one framework may
be a specialization of a more abstract framework. There are two reasons why such a family of frameworks
might be built.
First, a specialized framework can provide more support for special cases within the domain. Abstract
frameworks provide the basic services and interactions, while the specialized frameworks extend that to provide more specialized support. The abstract framework provides exibility while the specialized frameworks
provide more completeness and ease of use.
Second, framework families are a means of dealing with complexity. Instead of including all possible
options within a single, complex framework, related options can be bundled into specialized frameworks.
An alternate approach for producing framework families is to develop an initial problem solution and
then to generalize it [Koskimies et al., 1995]. For example, a framework that is developed to solve a graphing
problem might be generalized into a more abstract framework. The generalized framework is then abstracted
again into a more abstract problem. This process continues until the most general problem solution is found.
The generalization approach quite naturally produces a framework family with the most abstract and exible
framework at the top of the 'family tree' and the more specic framework at the bottom. Unfortunately, it
is not always clear what a more general solution to the problem would be, or what the most general solution
6 Specic Development Techniques
6.1 Domain Analysis
Domain analysis techniques, such as FODA [Kang et al., 1990], focus on nding the requirements for an
entire domain rather than just for a single application. Domain analysis [Arago, 1991] identies the concepts
and connections between concepts within a domain without determining specic designs. The analysis can
help to identify the variant and invariant parts of the domain, and the primary abstractions needed for
a framework. In the Feature Oriented Domain Analysis technique, the generic parts of the domain are
abstracted from existing applications by removing all of the factors that make each application within the
domain dierent. The abstraction is done to the point where the product produced from the domain analysis
covers all of the applications. Dierences are factored out by generalizing existing parts of applications, or
aggregating the variant aspects into more generic constructs. The resulting concepts are then the primary
invariants of the framework. Variations within the domain are captured in FODA by rening the common
abstractions through specialization and decomposition. Parameters are dened for each renement which
capture the variant aspects. The renements and parameters can then form the basis for the hooks of the
6.2 Software Architecture
All software systems, including frameworks, must have a solid foundation at the level of software architecture
[Perry et al., 1992]. Software architecture studies the higher level issues involved in software design, such as
the organization of the system, physical distribution of subsystems, performance and composition of design
elements [Shaw and Garlan, 1996]. Architecture consists of components, the pieces of software such as UNIX
lters or object-oriented classes, and the connectors that allow them to communicate with each other, such
as UNIX pipes, or object-oriented methods.
6.2.1 Architectural Styles
An architectural style [Shaw and Garlan, 1996] denes the types of components and connectors that can
exist within a particular style, and the rules of how they can be composed. These rules can aid in application
development from a framework by helping to describe the types of applications that can or cannot be built,
and general rules for their structure.
For example, HotDraw uses the object-oriented architectural style. The components within HotDraw are
classes and the connectors are the messages that are passed between classes. Object-oriented architectures
allow exible structures in which objects can collaborate with other objects in arbitrary ways to provide
functionality, but each object must know about the objects it collaborates with beforehand, unlike lters in
the pipe and lter architecture. However, HotDraw is a framework for graphical drawing applications rather
than a command line lter and is well-suited to the object-oriented style.
6.2.2 Domain Specic Software Architectures
Domain Specic Software Architectures [Tracz, 1994] are closely related to object-oriented frameworks.
By focusing on a specic domain, a DSSA can provide more specialized components and connectors than
architectural styles and even provide components that can be used within applications just as is done with
frameworks. A DSSA consists of three things:
a software architecture with reference requirements and domain model
infrastructure to support it
process to instantiate/rene it
The reference requirements dene the requirements that an application has within the domain. The
domain model is a lexicon of terms within the domain, such as objects, relationships or even actions that
occur within the domain. The infrastructure can refer to tool support provided to build an application
within the domain, as well as pre-built components than can be used within applications.
A DSSA can be provided as a framework (which satises the architecture and some of the infrastructure
requirements), but can also include such things as fourth generation languages or application generators.
However, the requirements for a DSSA apply equally well to object-oriented frameworks, and suggest that
frameworks should be part of a larger package that includes requirements, tool support and a process for
using the framework.
6.3 Design Patterns
A design pattern captures some of the expertise of object-oriented software developers by describing the
solution to a common design problem that has worked in the past in several dierent applications. The
description of the solution will detail the benets and drawbacks of the pattern and perhaps name alternatives. Design patterns have been associated with object-oriented frameworks from their inception even
though they are not limited to use in frameworks. They are appropriate for designing parts of frameworks
and particularly designing hot spots within frameworks because many design patterns enhance exibility or
Figure 5: The MVC Pattern in HotDraw.
Context: Interactive applications with a exible human-computer interface.
Problem: User interfaces are especially prone to change requests, and when the functionality of an application changes, the user interface must change to reect that. Additionally, dierent users require dierent
interfaces, such as keyboard vs. menu and button. If the user interface is tightly tied to the functionality of
the application, then it becomes dicult to change and maintain. The following forces inuence the solution:
Dierent windows display the same information and each must reect changes to the information.
Changes to the user interfaces should be easy, including supporting dierent look and feel standards.
Solution: Divide the application into three areas: processing, output, and input. The three components
that incorporate these areas are called the model, the view and the controller.
Model: encapsulates the data and functionality of the application.
View: displays the data within the model. Multiple views can be attached to a single model to display
the data in dierent ways, or to display dierent parts of the data.
Controller: receives input from the user and invokes methods within the model to fulll user requests.
Each view can have its own controller and controllers can be changed to provide dierent means of
Figure 6: The Model-View-Controller Architectural Pattern
Three levels of design patterns have been identied [Buschmann et al., 1996]. Architectural patterns
describe a general high level architecture that can form the basis of a framework or application, and are
closely related to architectural styles. However, many patterns use a particular style and are not styles
themselves. The patterns identify specic components and connectors that are used in the architecture. For
example, the HotDraw framework uses the object-oriented architectural style, and the Model-View-Controller
architectural pattern [Buschmann et al., 1996] described briey in Figure 6. As shown in Figure 5 the Drawing
forms the basis of the model, DrawingView corresponds to view and DrawingController corresponds to the
controller. Using the pattern gives the framework exibility by separating the display (DrawingView) from
the user input mechanisms (DrawingController) and the internal representation of the drawing (Drawing).
New views or types of views can be easily added, new user input mechanisms can be implemented or even
removed so the application becomes a simple display.
At the next level down, the patterns are specically called design patterns. These patterns don't form
the basis for an entire framework, but help to structure specic parts of a framework. They are especially
Figure 7: The Composite Pattern in HotDraw.
useful in adding exibility to hot spots in the framework. The Composite Pattern [Gamma et al., 1996] is
used in HotDraw as shown in Figure 7 to help structure the Figures hot spot. Basically, CompositeFigure is
made a subclass of Figure with the same interface as Figure, but also may contain any number of Figures.
Drawing is a specic type of CompositeFigure. CompositeFigures will respond to the same methods that are
invoked on Figures, so that they can be treated interchangeably with ordinary Figures. This allows exible
and arbitrary collections of new Figures and nested CompositeFigures developed for an application rather
than forcing a at model in which Drawings can only contain simple Figures.
Figure 8: The Observer Pattern in HotDraw.
HotDraw also incorporates the Observer Pattern [Gammaet al., 1996] to provide a means in which Figures
can be linked to each other, also within the Figures hot spot. Figure 8 shows a sample HotDraw application
in which two OMTClassFigures are connected by a LineFigure. When one of the OMTClassFigures is removed,
the LineFigure should be removed as well by the application. In order to provide this feature, the Observer
Pattern is used. LineFigure is made a dependent of each OMTClassFigure it is connected to and when one
OMTClassFigure is deleted, the framework automatically sends the class the appropriate deletion message.
The OMTClassFigure then noties each of its dependents so that they can take the appropriate action,
deleting itself in this case. Notications can also be sent to dependents whenever a given Figure changes,
giving application developers an easy to use mechanism through which one Figure can reect changes in
The lowest level patterns are called idioms. Idioms tend to be implementation language specic and focus
on specic low level issues. For example, an idiom might describe how exception handling can be provided
in a specic language.
6.4 Open Implementation
Open implementation [Maeda et al., 1997] is another technique for supporting exibility. Software modules
with open implementation can adapt their internal implementations to suit the needs of dierent clients.
The modules themselves support several dierent implementation strategies and provide a strategy control
interface to allow client modules to help choose or tune the implementation strategy that best suits the
client. For example, a le system might support several dierent caching strategies and allow the caching
strategy to be tuned based on the usage prole of the application. The application provides this information
to the module with open implementation, perhaps indicating that it will perform a sequential scan of a le,
or random access. Typically, the strategy selection information is provided during the initialization of the
This notion can be applied in particular to the framework library. Allowing clients to help select the
implementation strategy can help applications to tune a library class or module for eciency, and make it
more suitable for a wider variety of applications.
Four styles of open implementation interfaces have been identied [Kiczales et al., 1997]
Style A: No control interface is provided which is the same as providing a black box component or
module. The client has no means of tuning the implementation so this approach is best used when
only one implementation of a component is appropriate.
Style B: The client provides information about how it will use the component, typically through setting
parameter values when initializing the component. The component itself is responsible for choosing
the best implementation strategy based on the information provided. The approach is easy for clients
to use, but does not give them much control over the component.
Style C: The client specically species the implementation strategy to use from a set of strategies.
The component has no control over the selection, and this approach is the same as providing several
interchangeable components. It is best used when the component cannot select the appropriate strategy
through declarative information, as in style B.
Style D: The client actually provides the implementation to use. The component simply provides the
interface, but no implementation. In frameworks, abstract classes are used in a similar way, dening
the interface, but leaving the implementation of methods to the application developer. It is best used
when the set of possible implementations cannot be predetermined.
6.5 Contracts
One of the diculties in any type of framework is ensuring that the framework receives or produces the
correct information. Integrating classes is an issue in any application development, and using a framework is
in part an integration issue. Therefore, it is critical that the interfaces to the framework, both the methods
of the framework that are called by an application and the methods of an application that the framework
calls, be clearly dened.
6.5.1 Simple Contracts
Simple contracts as proposed by Meyer [1988] are a means of specifying the preconditions required by a
method or operation and the postconditions that a method ensures. Specifying and enforcing conditions
can help to cut down on the level of defensive programming needed within a framework, or any piece of
reusable software. For example, a reusable component within the framework library does not have to handle
every possible exception or error condition in the input if the preconditions for the component's methods
are clearly identied and enforced.
As Meyer argues, clearly specifying the conditions helps application developers since they do not have
to guess what the framework does, and can handle errors that might best be handled by the application.
Forcing the framework to handle every possible exception can reduce performance and make the framework
less attractive for use.
Further, some means of enforcing the contracts may help reduce the number of errors application developers make when using the framework. In Eiel, contracts are built into the language. In other languages,
Hollingsworth [1992] proposes that separate classes be built to represent contracts. These classes will ensure
that the preconditions and postconditions are met for the framework to operate correctly. These contract
classes could be included with the release of a framework and used during the development of an application
and removed to improve eciency when the application is released.
6.5.2 Behavioral Contracts
More complex behavioral specications have been proposed. [Helm et al., 1992] Also called contracts, they
cover not only the interactions between two classes, or the conditions placed on one method, but on the
total interaction between multiple classes, often involving multiple methods to perform some task. The
contract ExecuteTool
Tool supports[
s: Sensor
execute() 7! Reader ! initialize(s,Command); Reader ! manipulate(s); Reader ! Eect ]
Reader supports[
c : Command
initialize(sensor,c) 7! c fcommand = cg; c ! initialize(sensor.mousepoint)
manipulate(sensor) 7! c ! execute(sensor.mousepoint)
eect 7! c ! eect ]
Command supports[
eect ]
end contract
Figure 9: The ExecuteTool Behavioral Contract
specication is exible in that one contract can specialize another, and contracts can be composed of other
contracts. When actually using the contract, a conformance declaration is produced which states how the
classes involved fulll the contract.
Specifying behavioral contracts within a framework helps to capture design information that might be
needed by application developers. Figure 9 shows the ExecuteTool contract used in HotDraw which details
how Readers, Commands and Tools interact in order to perform the task. When the Tool executes, it rst
initializes the Reader with the mouse sensor and the Command to be executed. Afterwards, it sends the
manipulate command to the Reader which in turn actually executes the command on the Figure found at
the current location of the mouse. When the user is nished using the tool (i.e. lets go of the mouse
button during a drag operation) the Tool sends the eect message to the Reader which performs any clean
up operations needed, including sending the eect message to the Command. When application developers
add a new Reader, Command or Tool class to an application developed from HotDraw, they need to conform
to this contract. The contract makes the information explicit and so the application developer does not need
to synthesize this information from the source code, which may not even be possible if the source code of
the framework is not available.
7 Framework Deployment
Once an object-oriented framework has been implemented, rened and tested to the point where it is stable,
it is ready to be deployed by application developers. There are a number of questions to be considered
when deploying a framework. First, what sort of aids for learning the framework are provided? Andersen
Consulting has used three dierent approaches [Sparks et al., 1996].
Roll out sessions: sessions are held after a framework has reached a certain phase in its development in
order to introduce users to the current set of features. This approach has the advantage of gradually
introducing the users to the framework as it is developed.
Example Applications: examples help to show specic ways in which the framework can be used.
Examples can also potentially be modied and used in a new application being developed.
Reference Documentation: documentation that describes the purpose of the framework, how to use it
and how it is designed can and should be provided. Documentation techniques will be covered in the
next chapter on using object-oriented frameworks.
Additionally, a framework developer might be involved with application development as well. When the
framework designer is also involved in using the framework, application developers can use the designer's
expertise with the framework. The framework designer may also gain insights into how the framework can
be modied or improved.
Second, will the framework be distributed as source code or a binary executable? Binary executables do
not allow developers to modify the framework but instead require them to rely on the interfaces provided.
This may make future upgrades of the framework easier to incorporate into existing applications if the
interfaces don't change, and will protect the framework code against tampering. However, developers cannot
x any errors they encounter in the framework and are forced to devise workarounds. Additionally, developers
cannot examine the binary implementation to help to understand the framework as they can with source
Third, how will changes to the framework be handled? When bugs are xed or new features are added
to the framework, how will existing applications be aected? Ideally, only the internal implementations of
framework components will change, leaving interfaces and hooks the same, but this is not always possible.
This issue will be examined more fully in the chapter on using object-oriented frameworks.
8 Summary and Open Issues
Object-oriented frameworks provide the means for reusing both the design and implementation of a system
or subsystem. As such, they provide tremendous leverage for the application developer. The design of similar
applications do not have to be repeatedly constructed out of existing or new code components, but instead
an existing design can be customized quickly to provide the desired functionality. Due to the common design
base, several applications developed from the same framework can also be maintained more easily.
However, frameworks are more dicult to design and develop than single applications. Frameworks must
be general enough to capture the commonalties of all the applications that might be built within the domain
of the framework and they must also be exible enough to allow for the variations that exist between those
applications. All of this generality and exibility has to be made easy to use for application developers if
the framework is to be a success.
There are no mature framework development methodologies. There are, however, guidelines and promising techniques for aiding in the development of frameworks and several of these have been presented. Domain
analysis can be used to identify the commonalties and variations (frozen and hot spots) in the domain. Inheritance and composition can be used to provide dierent sorts of ease of use and exibility. Design patterns
and open implementation techniques help to structure the framework and to provide the right types of
Providing such a methodology is one of the key open issues in the area of object-oriented frameworks. A
framework development process needs to focus on the identication of hot spots and frozen spots. How are
the right abstractions for the framework determined and how should they be structured? It also needs to
focus on building exibility and ease of use into the framework, which in essence is designing the hot spots
of a framework.
Some techniques are available for developing exibility in a framework, but there is very little help for
deciding on which tradeos to make. Which part of the framework should be made more exible and how
will it aect the other parts? Does exibility need to be sacriced for more ease of use? While there are
guidelines for making frameworks easier to reuse, there is no criteria quantifying just how easy they should
be to reuse.
Object-oriented frameworks are a key means of moving software development away from the traditional
means such as continuously redeveloping commonly used code or trying to reuse and t together unrelated
and often mismatched components. Frameworks provide the components and the context, together with
an overall structure and design to ensure component compatibility and provide a powerful form of software
system reuse.
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