University of North Carolina at Greensboro

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bryan School of Business and Economics
Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
SCM-651- Transportation, Logistics and Distribution
Management in Supply Chain
Fall 2013 - Syllabus
1.0 General Information
August 19, 2013
This is an on-line course so there are no regularly scheduled “face-to-face” class sessions. The
course material includes annotated material and PowerPoint slides for each chapter along with
relevant video content as supplemental material for each chapter. The instructor can be
contacted by e-mail or by phone and appointments can be made to meet in person if needed.
Students will read the textbooks, watch on-line content, read journal articles, read case studies
and tour supply chain operations to develop an understanding of core concepts. Case Studies,
Discussion Board posts and Blogs will enable students to share ideas with other class members
in order to enhance the learning experience of all. Discussion Board questions will be based on
reading materials from the textbooks, assigned journal articles and other web-based material.
The professor can be contacted by e-mail or by telephone for any questions. If a student wishes
to have a face-to-face conversation, this can be set up at mutually convenient times to meet in
the Bryan School conference room on the 4th floor of the Bryan Building at UNCG.
Course Instructor: Thomas Turner; e-mail:
Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
Phone Number: (336) 508-4821 (cell)
Since this course is an on-line course the Office hours are by appointment.
Please send an e-mail message or call to arrange a meeting time. I am open to discussion on
current Supply Chain topics and issues, careers, etc. so please do not hesitate to contact me.
This course presents core knowledge related to the areas of transportation, logistics and
distribution (TLD) management within supply chain operations. It provides deep insight into the
key functional areas and complex activities required with moving goods through the supply
chain from manufacturing to the end customer. Particular focus will include apparel distribution,
operations servicing large retail customers, domestic and global transportation and endconsumer requirements.
3.0 credit hours
This is a required course for post baccalaureate certificate in SCLTM Students, MSCARS
students and elective course for MSITM, MBA students.
After completing the course students will be able to successfully:
1. Evaluate multiple methods and tools used by today’s Supply Chain managers in
Transportation, Logistics and Distribution (TLD) Operations.
2. Discuss contemporary issues facing carrier management including profitability,
industry consolidation, security, insurance availability, and labor shortages.
3. Evaluate various domestic and international transportation modes/alternatives and
provide strategic recommendations for a series of customer deliveries.
4. Evaluate design structures for integrated customer-centric and supplier-centric
5. Describe the specific functional elements involving cycle time, velocity, and
inventory in order to achieve warehousing operational effectiveness in both cost and
6. Analyze a variety of plant layouts and locations for contemporary, customer-focused
warehousing facilities as part of a total logistics network.
7. Apply learned methodologies to the analysis of various logistical systems and
practical supply chain scenarios and case studies.
8. Highlight and explain supply chain technologies for transportation management,
warehousing management and customer service focused systems.
9. Focus on relevant warehouse measurements for distribution operations that
underscore plant performance, customer service and cost optimization.
There are two books required for the course. The first is a Custom Text from Prentice Hall
Author: Dr. Taube ISBN: 9780536420862. This will be used for the Distribution and Warehouse
Section of the course. The second Book is a Transportation Custom Text from Cengage Author:
Dr. Coyle ISBN: 9781285138619. Custom books were created to select specific areas of
coverage versus an entire text in an effort to minimize the book costs. Both books can be
ordered from the UNCG on-line bookstore.
Supplemental readings and other materials relevant to this course are accessible through our
Blackboard online course management software. You must have an active UNCG email
account to access Blackboard. Blackboard works best using the Mozilla Firefox 5.0 browser.
Internet Explorer 8 does not support blackboard; IE7 should work.
It is also important that participants keep abreast of current events that are relevant to the
subject of economic development, and attempt to relate them to course materials.
October 11, 2013 is the last date to withdraw from the course and receive a "W" without
academic penalty.
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain, Logistics and Transportation
Management (SCLTM) or some other approved graduate program.
Self-motivation and commitment to learning represent key requirements for success.
Students can expect the faculty member to be equally motivated and supportive in this learning
Students should possess excellent written communication skills. Grammar and spelling should
be thoroughly proofed prior to sending all written communications & assignments.
Discussion Board Posts: 12@ 10pts each:
Cases: pick 5 of 6 cases @ 30pts each and write up in specified format:
Journal Articles: 3 articles @ 25pts each and write up in specified format:
Tours/Speakers or Alternate Journal Article: (4 of 5) @ 30pts each
Final Paper:
*If you cannot attend tours and speakers you must substitute the supplemental journal
articles for credit.
All assignments are to be posted in Blackboard by the required date.
The Course Calendar posted in Blackboard provides assignment schedule and due dates
for all Deliverables.
GRADING (Letter grades): A (665-618); A- (617-599); B+ (616-579); B (615-545); B- (614-532);
C+ (613-519); C (612-466); F (Below 466)
The following criteria will apply to the grading of assignments.
A: Student’s work reflects a very deep understanding the different aspects of supply chain
management as evidenced by case analysis submissions, assignment, class discussions and
performance on the final exam. The student’s work often incorporates outstanding features
beyond average expectations.
B: Student’s work meets expectations and reflects a good understanding of the material being
covered. The student is able to integrate important concepts of supply chain management in the
completion of assignments, case analyses, and participation in class discussions.
C: Important expected components missing in assignments, case analyses and final exam.
Continuous Improvement of Course: Students are given the opportunity to provide feedback
on the course content and instruction. This is a critical element and 100% participation is
expected. Use the Course Feedback forum to provide feedback on the course – what you like,
what you don’t, suggestions for improvement, etc. You may post anonymously or self-identify
whichever you prefer.
Each student is required to sign the Academic Integrity Policy on all work submitted for the
course. Refer to UNCG Undergraduate Bulletin.
The student is expected to actively participate in all electronic discussions and complete all
assignments on schedule. Failure to participate will result in a lowering of a student’s average.
Participation based upon informed synthesis of reading material (assigned as well as other
retrieved information by the students from relevant publications) is expected.
Discussion Posts: Blackboard discussion forums – one for the introduction / welcome and for
each chapter in the textbook – will be used to host student participation. Each week, students
are expected to: 1) read the appropriate chapter in the text; 2) review the online content; 3) read
the assigned readings, and then 4) contribute to the discussion forums. Each Discussion Forum
will correspond to one week’s assigned reading or a pertinent topic related to the covered
areas. Students may contribute to threads that they were not assigned if they wish. All students
are responsible for reading all threads each week. At the end of each week, the instructor will
evaluate each student’s contributions and assign a participation grade in the Blackboard grade
Level of analysis/argumentation: You must present a thoughtful argument and
interpretation, not a mere summary of facts. (Note: it does not matter which side of an
issue you argue, only how well or how poorly you make the argument.)
Use of evidence: The material you select to support your thesis must be relevant and
must clearly back up your argument.
Clarity of communication: You must present the evidence and express your argument in
a clear, comprehensible manner.
Case Analysis: Individual case analyses are designed to challenge the student’s analytical
skills and highlight key learning elements from the course content. The written analysis
represents each student’s recommendations on the situation(s). Much of the grade beyond a
"passing score" depends on the student's ability to go beyond the "average" solution and
provide innovative approaches, solutions, and appropriate implementation.
Journal Articles: Academic Journal Articles are presented on specific topics relative to the
course material covered. Write-ups include answering the questions provided for each article
listed on Blackboard. Write-ups should be presented in a similar format to the Case studies and
include a student’s higher level understanding of the subject matter being discussed.
Tours and Speakers: The course provides an opportunity for students within a close proximity
of UNCG to take part in plant tours or hear speakers on certain supply chain subject matter. The
complete tour/speaker schedule is provided in the Course Calendar section on Blackboard.
Students that can make these events are encouraged to attend to receive “real world” insight
from industry professionals and see supply chain practices “hands-on”. If students cannot
attend there is an alternate journal article requirement. These are listed in the course calendar
Final Paper and Presentation:
Current Issues in (TLD, Supply Chain Management): Each student will develop an individual
project that analyzes a transportation, logistics or distribution supply chain issues relevant to the
course material by conducting independent research over the duration of the course. This
project will afford students the opportunity to consider topics discussed in class in the context of
the role of distribution within a firm’s supply chain. Each student will submit the project report at
the end of the course. All project papers should include the following sections:
a) Introduction: List the objective of the paper and scope of your analysis.
b) Body: This includes the main sections of your paper. Make sure that your paper is analytical
rather than just descriptive.
c) Conclusion: Discuss your conclusions as well as suggestions for future research.
d) References: List all the references you used in your paper.
e) Appendix sections: Tables, annual reports, statistics, and other relevant information.
Possible topics (with many more possibilities) include the following suggestions:
Key Success Factors for Managing Distribution Centers
Key Performance Metrics for Managing Distribution Centers
Location Issues in a Distribution Network
XYZ Company and their Distribution System: Successes and Concerns
Transportation Strategy for XYZ Company
“Green” / Sustainability Strategies for….
The topics are endless; choose something not only relevant to the course but a topic that
interests you and you want to learn more about.
Each student is required to perform a Distribution Issues in Supply Chain Management Project
and write a paper (15 – 20 pages double-spaced) on a topic negotiated with Mr. Turner. The
paper must be properly footnoted with references and citations in APA format.
For assistance in writing and organizing your research paper, please consult Kate, Turabian,
Guide to Thesis Writing and/or Aaron, Jane E., The Brown Essential Handbook for Writers and/
or the UNCG Writing Center.
Students must submit their topic for approval/discussion via email to the Instructor at: by 9/5/13.
Presentation: Each student must submit a corresponding presentation preferably in an
Annotated PowerPoint presentation or You Tube video format.
Course Schedule and Deliverables
Week 1: August 19
Learning Module( LM) 01 Blackboard (Bb)
Ch.1: Logistics and the Supply Chain in Prentice Hall Text (PH)
Chapter 1 Slides in Week 1 Learning Module in Bb
Respond to Discussion 01 Posting
in Bb by 11:59pm 8/26/13.
Sample Case/Article Write-Up & Guidelines in the Course Documents Section in Bb
Supply Chain and Fast Fashion (SCFF)- Journal Article
Submit SCFF Article Write-Up by 11:59pm
8/26/13 via Bb.
Course Syllabus/Course Calendar
Week 2: August 26
LM 02- Bb
Week 3: September 2
LM 03 - Bb
Ch. 2: Supply Chain Concepts in (PH)
Chapter 2 Slides in Week 2 Learning Module in Bb
Respond to Discussion 02 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 9/2/2013.
Case Study: Johnson Toy Company (JTC)
Submit JTC Write up by 11:59pm 9/2/13 in Bb
Ch 3: Log.Systems, Analysis, Design and Integration (PH)
Submit Research paper Topic via email
by 9/5/13.
Respond to Discussion 03 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 9/9/2013.
Chapter 3 Slides in Week 3 Learning Module
Submit ASC Write-up by 11:59pm 9/9/13
Agile Supply Chains in a Volatile Market (ASC)- Journal Article
Week 4: September 9
LM 04 - Bb
Ch 4: Logistics Information and Technology (PH)
Respond to Discussion 04 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 9/16/13.
Case Study: JIT in Kalamazoo (JIT)
Submit JIT by 11:59pm 9/19/13 in Bb.
Ch 4 Slides in Week 4 Learning Module
Week 5: September 16
LM 05 - Bb
Ch 5: Order Management and Customer Service (PH)
Respond to Discussion 05 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 9/23/13.
Case Study: Cheezy Wheezy (CW)
Submit CW Write-Up by 11:59pm- 9/24/13
Speaker Presentation: Target (see Schedule below for Details)
Submit Speaker Write-Up by 11:59pm-9/24/13
Alternate Journal Article - Technology- Internet Role in SCM (IRS)
Submit IRS Article by 11:59pm - 9/24/13
Week 6: September 23
LM 06 - Bb
Ch 4 in Coyle Text (CT): Costing and Pricing for Transportation
Respond to Discussion 06 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 9/30/13.
Transportation Cost Slides in Module 6
Fuel Costs, Cheaper Transport and Best Practices in Module 6
Submit Tour Write-Up by 11:59 - 9/30/13
DC Tour - Replacements Limited (see Schedule below for Details)
Submit FCTI Article by 11:59pm 9/30/13
Week 7: Sept 30
LM 07 - Bb
Alternate Journal Article: Fuel Costs Transport Impact (FCTI)
Ch 5: Motor Carriers and Ch 13: Private Transportation and Fleet Management (CT)
Respond to Discussion 07 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 10/7/13.
Chapter Slides in Module
Submit Tour Write-Up by 11:59pm - 10/7/13
Terminal Tour - TBD (see Schedule below for Details)
Submit DLP by 11:59pm - 10/7/13
Week 8: October 7
LM 08 - Bb
Alternate Journal Article: Demystifying LTL Pricing (DLP)
Ch 6: Railroads and Chapter 7: Airlines (CT)
Respond to Discussion 08 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 10/14/13.
Chapter Slides and Intermodal Model
Submit HT by 10/21/13 11:59pm
Case Study: Hardee Transportation (HT) Parts 1&2
Week 9: October 14
Week 10: October 21
LM 09 - Bb
Ch 8: Water Carriers and Ch 10: Global Transportation Planning (CT)
Respond to Discussion 09 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 10/28/13.
Chapter Slides and Global Shipping, Ocean Transport Content
Submit Speaker Write-Up by 11:59pm 10/28/13
Speaker Presentation: Globe Express (See Schedule below for Details)
Submit RIT Write-Up by 11:59pm 10/28/13
Week 11: October 28
LM 10 - Bb
Alternate Journal Article: Role of International Transportation in SCM (RIT)
Ch 8: Distribution Center, Warehouse and Plant Location (PH)
Respond to Discussion 10 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 11/4/13.
DC Tour: Liberty Hardware Mfg. (see Schedule below for details)
Submit Tour Write-Up by 11:59pm 11/4/13.
Chapter Slides
Submit WD by 11:59pm 11/4/13.
Alternate Journal Article: Warehouse Design (WD)
Week 12: November 4
LM 11 - Bb
Ch 9: Warehousing Management (PH)
Respond to Discussion 11 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 11/11/13.
Chapter Slides
Submit WM by 11:59pm 11/12/13.
Journal Article: Warehouse Metrics (WM)
Week 13: November 11
Ch 10 Protective Packaging and Materials Handling
Chapter Slides
Respond to Discussion 12 Posting in Bb
by 11:59pm 11/18/13.
Case Study: Sandy's Candy (SC)
Submit SC by 11:59pm 11/18/13.
Case Study: Let There Be Light - Lamp Shade Company (LSC)
Submit LSC by 11:59pm 11/25/13.
Week 14: November 18
Course Wrap Up - Topic Summary Feedback/Discussions
Week 15: November 25
Final Paper and Presentation - Questions and Preparations
Week 16: December 2
Final Paper and Presentation Due
Submit Final Paper and Presentations to Bb
by 11:59pm 12/5/13
Speaker/Tour Schedule
Speaker Presentation: Target - Supply Jobs, Functions and Sustainability
7:30 pm UNCG - Bryan School Building
Room: TBD (will send Bb Announcement)
week of 9/23/2013
(exact date TBD)
DC Tour - Replacements Limited - Ultimate Customer Service, Direct to Consumer
Order Processing, High SKU Volumes
Tour Leader: Anne Embrey: Director of Operations
6pm - Replacements DC: Address:
1089 Knox Rd. McLeansville NC 27420
phone: 336.697.3000
week of 9/30/13
(exact date TBD)
LTL Freight Terminal Tour - TBD
Domestic Transportation, Regional Transport Networks, LTL Container Shipping
TBD will send Bb announcement
week of 10/23/2013
(exact date TBD)
Speaker Presentation: Globe Express: Global Transportation, Ocean Carriers, Freight
Forwarding. Speaker: Bill Smith - Director of Supply Chain Management
6pm UNCG - Bryan School Building Room
Room: TBD (will send Bb Announcement)
DC Tour - Liberty Hardware: Import Operations, Complex Material Handling/IT
Systems, High Volume Processing serving Major Retailers
Tour Leaders: Ted Griffin: Director of Operations / Terry Thornett: Senior Operations
6pm - Liberty Hardware DC: Address:
140 Business Park Dr. Winston Salem, NC
27107; phone: 1-800-542-3789
Please Note:
With the exception of 9/16/13 - All Tours and Speakers begin promptly at 6pm.
No outside guests or visitors are allowed without instructor permission arranged prior
to visits or presentations.
For Safety Purposes all physical facility tours require wearing closed toe shoes.
Students wearing open toe shoes cannot take the tours.
**If you cannot attend the tour or presentation an alternate Journal Article or Case
Write-Up Assignment is Required in place of a Tour Write Up. **
2.0 Helpful Internet
The following websites may be useful for your reference and to enhance your learning
3.0 Course Governance and Expectations
The administration, faculty, staff, and students of the Bryan School of Business and Economics
at UNCG are committed to professional and ethical behavior in all areas of their academic and
professional lives. The principles and expectations established in this document and the
addendums encompass many aspects of professional behavior and integrity. It is not an
exhaustive list, since change is part of life both inside and outside the university.
This set of Guidelines constitutes a statement of values and expectations; concerns and issues
are still best addressed by conversations between the individual faculty member and student. If
further discussions are necessary, please contact the faculty member’s Department Head.
The first sentence of the UNCG Student Code of Conduct is: “Members of the UNCG
community respect fundamental principles for ensuring a campus environment conducive to
peaceful and productive living and study. These principles include five values: honesty, trust,
fairness, respect, and responsibility.” All university members (students, faculty, and staff) have
a responsibility to uphold these five values, and this is true in the Bryan classroom environment
and related academic activities.
Students in the Bryan School must conform to all existing principles found in UNCG’s Academic
Integrity Policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Further details may be found at the following
sites: "" and
"" The attached addendum lists specific
expectations of students regarding the learning process and environment at the Bryan School.
Faculty in the Bryan School must conform to all existing UNCG codes and policies, and their
teaching roles are of particular relevance to these Guidelines (see
"" for further details). The attached addendum
lists specific expectations of faculty regarding the learning process and environment at the
Bryan School.
Footnote 1: This document does not constitute a binding contract between students and the
Footnote 2: Portions of these Guidelines were modeled after the Professional Standards
developed by the College of Business at Illinois State University. We thank them for their
Footnote 3: The syllabus has been developed to cover all of the pertinent subject matter. It is
being presented in a final format. However, if needed dates, schedules and topics may be