REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR STUDENT TEACHING! 1. Applying to student teach and registration: You must register for the student teaching sections listed below during the normal registration process as well as the appropriate “Educ 400.” *See note below about Education 400. You will need to know what sections you will need to register for, as well as number of credits required, when you go on-line to apply to student teach. The chart below helps explain the sections and credits required for student teaching. (Please see chart labeled “Minimum Student Teaching Requirements” to find out the minimum student teaching placements required for your major(s)/minor(s).) Major/minor Biology Course Biol Ed 398 Section Sec 1 high school Chemistry Educ 398 Sec 5 secondary Cognitive Disabilities minor Educ 398 Sec 6 elementary 1-6 Sec 7 secondary 9-12 Sec 8 middle school Early Childhood Education Majors ECSE minors EDUC 398 and EDUC 398 and EDUC 398 Sec 1 kindergarten (1 quarter) Sec 2 grades 1-3 (1 quarter) Sec 11 ECSE (full semester) * ALL 3 SECTIONS 4 credits each Earth Science Educ 398 Sec 9 secondary Economics Educ 398 Sec 10 secondary Elementary Education Majors Educ 398 Section 3 grades 1-6 (Please note if you have grade preferences) Emotional Disturbance Educ 398 Sec 12 elementary 1-6 Sec 13 high school 9-12 Sec 14 middle school 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if 2 assignments Unless Health Minor = 12 cr Elem & 3 cr Health 6 crs per grade level English English Educ 398 (E ED 398) FOR Lang Ed 398 (FLED 398) Educ 398 Sec 1 high school Sec 2 middle school Sec 10 elementary Sec 11middle school Sec 12 high school Sec 15 middle school Sec 16 high school Please see each specialty minor (CD, ED and LD) 12 crs if one placement, 6 crs if two placements 8 crs English as a Second Language Environmental Education Credits per assignment 16 crs if one assignment, 8 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 6 crs per grade level 6 crs Exceptional Education Majors or minors Educ 398 2 sections - 6 credits per section Family and Consumer Education FCE 398 Sec 1 middle school Sec 2 high school FCS Majors Only 12 crs if oneFCS assignment 6 crs if two FCS assignments FCS Major+HLED Minor 12 crs if one FCS assignment 6 crs if two FCS assignments + 3 rcs HLED sec 1 French Majors/minors FLED 398 16 crs if one assignment, 8 crs if two assignments Geography Educ 398 Sec 1 elementary school Sec. 2 middle school Sec 3 high school Sec 17 high school German Majors/minors FLED 398 Sec 4 elementary school Sec. 5 middle school Sec 6 high school 16 crs if one assignment, 8 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments Health Education Elem, FCS or PE Majors: Full-sem assignment in conj with your major History HLED 398 Sec 1 K-12 Sec 2 middle school (sec. 2 elementary majors) 3 crs if FCS, Elem or PE Majors 8 crs if any other major HIED 398 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments Learning Disabilities Educ 398 Math Math Ed 398 Music Education Music Educ 398 Natural Science Educ 398 Sec 1 middle school (elementary majors) Sec 2 high school Sec 18 elementary 1-6 Sec 19 high school 9-12 Sec 20 middle school Sec 1 secondary school Sec 2 middle school See Music Department for instructions Sec 21 middle school Physical Education Phy Ed 398 Sec 1 elementary Sec 2 secondary Physics Educ 398 Sec 22 high school Political Science Educ 398 Sec 23 high school Psychology Educ 398 Sec 24 high school Social Science Hist Educ 398 Sec 3 middle school Sociology Educ 398 Sec 25 high school Spanish Majors/minors FLED 398 Sec 7 elementary school Sec.8 middle school Sec 9 high school 6 crs per grade level 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments See Music Department for instructions 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments Phy Ed Majors Only 6 crs each Phy Ed Major+Health Minor Sec 1 = 6 crs Sec 2 = 3 crs HLED sec 1 = 3 crs 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 12 crs if one assignment, 6 crs if two assignments 16 crs if one assignment, 8 crs if two assignments 2. Internship Applicant?: If you are applying for an internship, you should register as a student teacher (398), as per department policy. If you end up receiving an internship (498), Cathleen Olds, Director of Field Experiences, will change your registration. 3. Make sure your records are in order: a) Please apply to graduate through MyPoint if you have not already done so and are seeking a degree. b) If you already have a degree, but are seeking a new major or minor, you must fill out a form at the Records and Registration office for every new major or minor you want added to your transcript. If a major or minor is not listed on one of your transcripts, your teaching license will take an additional 4-8 weeks to process. 4. Education 400 or department equivalent is now required of everyone: PI34 requires university approval of your final portfolio. All students are required to take Educ 400, sec 1, 1 credit or their department equivalent. The following departments offer a department equivalent. If your department offers an equivalent, it must be taken in lieu of Educ 400: Biology Education 400, English Education 400, Family and Consumer Education 400 (FSC 400 is 2 crs), Foreign Language Education 400, Music Education 400, Physical Education 400. Student teaching registration 12/2015