edTPA crosswalk to 2011 The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument by Charlotte Danielson This document was produced to reveal the alignment between the 2011 Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument and edTPA. The Danielson/edTPA Crosswalk reveals that the central elements of the Danielson framework are strongly aligned with the concepts embedded within the three tasks of the edTPA (i.e., Planning, Instruction and Assessment). The domains within the Danielson framework are listed in the left column. Each domain, usually structured with the elements discussed in a narrative format, has been re-organized into a corresponding list of the same elements (i., ii., iii…); this has been done to visually support the alignment description. The right hand column of the crosswalk lists the edTPA tasks, prompts, and/or rubrics that align with the corresponding domains in the left column. Evidence of edTPA alignment to the 2011 Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument is further organized by listing the edTPA task: Planning, Instruction and/or Assessment in the right column. Following the task name, the commentary prompts and rubrics that provide evidence of alignment to the domains are listed. To demonstrate the key areas of alignment, key terms and concepts are listed in bold font for both the domains and edTPA columns. Finally, to clarify the particular instances of alignment with the edTPA, evidence for groups of Domains is often listed together. For example, to reveal the alignment of Domain 3d with edTPA, the TPE was divided into two sections 3d.i-ii and 3d.iii-iv; a space has been inserted between sections to denote the next set of elements and alignment evidence. Whenever possible, domains and edTPA alignment evidence has been placed side-by-side. However, when a larger group of domain elements are addressed together, such visual spacing is not possible. Overall the analyses of the relation between the edTPA (handbooks and rubrics) to the 2011 Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument demonstrates substantial alignment. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 1 edTPA crosswalk to 2011 The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument by Charlotte Danielson OVERALL ARCHITECTURE PURPOSE: THE FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING EVALUATION INSTRUMENT- 2011 edition BY CHARLOTTE DANIELSON 4 DOMAINS: 1. PLANNING AND PREPARATION 2. THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT 3. INSTRUCTION 4. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ON-GOING/FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE OBSERVATION TOOL TO EVALUATE PROFESSIONAL GROWTH FOR LICENSED AND PRACTICING TEACHERS - NEW AND VETERAN TEACHERS 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity edTPA (ELEMENTARY LITERACY) 3 TASKS: 1. PLANNING 2. INSTRUCTION 3. ASSESSMENT 5 SCORING COMPONENTS: 1. PLANNING 2. INSTRUCTION 3. ASSESSMENT 4. ANALYZING TEACHING 5. ACADEMIC LANGUAGE SUMMATIVE MULTIPLE MEASURES TEACHER PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT FOR INITIAL LICENSURE 2 EVIDENCE COLLECTED: On-going observation data and classroom artifacts from classroom visits supported by observation rubrics RUBRIC: 22 rubrics 4 indicators of proficiency (unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished) 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Artifacts and commentaries to support a 3-5 lesson (or 3-5 hour) subject-specific learning segment: lesson plans and instructional materials, assessments, student work samples with feedback, candidate written commentaries on planning, instruction, assessment, academic language and analysis of teaching, and video clips of teaching 15 subject-specific rubrics 5-level rubrics, that measure the 5 components of teaching (planning, instruction, assessment, analyzing teaching, and academic language) 3 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation COMPARISON OF CONTENT 1a. Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy: i. Knowledge of content and the structure of the discipline: dominant structure, smaller components, and central concepts and skills ii. iii. Domain 1a aligns to edTPA: Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 1. Central Focus: a-b. Describe the central focus and discuss how the standards and learning objectives within your learning segment address students’ abilities to learn the skills and content. Knowledge of prerequisite relationships: important prerequisites of c. Explain how your plans build on each other to help the discipline and an understanding of how students make connections between different content area skills and knowledge to deepen their learning of the to apply these in planning content area. Knowledge of content-specific pedagogy: key pedagogies effective in teaching Prompt 2. Knowledge of students to inform teaching: Describe your students’: a. Prior learning and prerequisite skills related to the central focus. Prompt 3. Supporting Students’ Learning: a. Explain how your understanding of your students’ prior learning and personal/cultural/community assets guided your choice or adaptation of learning tasks 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 4 and materials. c. Describe common development approximations and misunderstanding within your content focus and how you will address them. Rubric 1. Planning for Content Understanding: Plans build on each other with clear connections to support student learning of content. 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: i. Knowledge of child and adolescent development: various stages of children’s development in relation to their learning ii. Knowledge of the learning process: learning requires active intellectual 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Rubric 5. Monitoring Student Learning: The assessments provide evidence or multiple forms of evidence to monitor students’ progress toward developing the content goals throughout the learning segment. Domain 1b aligns to edTPA: The edTPA addresses developmentally appropriate instruction through subject specific prompts and rubrics. These handbooks include prompts that request that the candidate identify their understandings of students’ levels of development and learning (e.g., social, language, and cognitive development). These handbooks include: Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Middle Childhood, and Secondary level handbooks. Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 2: Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching 5 iii. iv. v. engagement. Knowledge of students’ skills, knowledge, and language proficiency: influence of children’s lives beyond school on learning Knowledge of students’ interest and cultural heritage: influence of children’s background on learning Knowledge of students’ special needs: children’s development varies For each of the prompts below 2a-c, describe what you know about YOUR students with respect to the central focus of the learning segment. Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs, English language learners, struggling readers, students who are underperforming or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students needing greater support of challenge). a. Prior learning and prerequisite skills related to the central focus -- What do students know, what can they do, and what are they learning to do? b. Personal/cultural/community assets related to the central focus – What do you know about your students’ everyday experiences, cultural backgrounds and practices, and interests? c. Describe common development approximations and misunderstanding within your content focus and how you will address them. Prompt 4: Language Supports d. Describe the instructional supports (during and/or prior to the learning task) that help students understand and successfully use the language 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 6 identified in prompt 2a-c. Rubric 2. Planning to support varied student learning needs: Planned supports are tied to learning objectives with attention to the characteristics of the whole class or groups or individuals with similar needs. Candidate attends to requirements in IEPs and 504 plans. Rubric 3. Using Knowledge of Students to Justify Teaching and Learning: Candidate justifies (with research and theory) why learning tasks (or their adaptations) are appropriate using: • examples of students’ prior learning • examples of personal/cultural /community assets Domain 1c aligns to edTPA: 1c. Setting Instructional Outcomes: i. Value, Sequence and Alignment: Students must be able to build their understanding of important ideas from concept to concept. ii. Clarity: Outcomes must refer to what students will learn, not what they will do, and must permit viable methods of assessment. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 1. Central Focus: a-b. Describe the central focus and discuss how the standards and learning objectives within your learning segment address students’ abilities to learn the skills and content. c. Explain how your plans build on each other to help students make connections between different content area skills and knowledge to deepen their learning of the 7 iii. iv. Balance : Outcomes should reflect different types of learning, such as knowledge, conceptual understanding, and thinking skills. Suitability for diverse students: Outcomes must be appropriate for all students in the class. content area. Prompt 5. Monitoring Student Learning: a. Describe how your planned formal and informal assessments will provide direct evidence of students’ content understanding throughout the learning segment. b. Explain how the design or adaptations of your planned assessments allow students with specific needs to demonstrate their learning. Rubric 1. Planning for Content Understanding: Plans build on each other with clear connections to support student learning of content. Standards, objectives, and learning tasks and materials are aligned with each other. Rubric 5. Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning: The assessments are aligned to learning objectives and provide evidence or multiple forms of evidence to monitor students’ progress toward developing the content goals throughout the learning segment. Assessment adaptations required by IEP or 504 plans are made. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 8 Domain 1d.i, iii align to edTPA: 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: i. Resources for classroom use: Materials align with learning outcomes. ii. Resources to extend content knowledge and pedagogy: Materials are available to further teachers’ professional knowledge. iii. Resources for students: Materials are appropriately challenging. Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 3: Supporting Students’ Learning Respond to prompts a–c below. As needed, refer to the instructional materials you have included to support your explanations. Use principles from research or theory to support your explanations, where appropriate. a. Explain how your understanding of your students’ prior learning and personal/cultural/community assets (from prompt 2b above) guided your choice or adaptation of learning tasks and materials. b. Describe and justify why your instructional strategies and supports are appropriate for the whole class and students with similar or specific learning needs. Prompt 4: Language Supports d. Describe the instructional supports (during and/or prior to the learning task) that help students understand and successfully use the language identified in prompt 2a-c. Prompt 5. Monitoring Student Learning: 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 9 b. Explain how the design or adaptations of your planned assessments allow students with specific needs to demonstrate their learning. Rubric 2. Planning to support varied student learning needs: Planned supports are tied to learning objectives with attention to the characteristics of the whole class or groups or individuals with similar needs. Candidate attends to requirements in IEPs and 504 plans. Rubric 5. Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning: The assessments are aligned to learning objectives and provide evidence or multiple forms of evidence to monitor students’ progress toward developing the content goals throughout the learning segment. Domain 1e aligns to edTPA: 1e. Designing Coherent Instruction: i. Learning activities: Instruction is designed to engage students and advance their learning through the content. ii. Instructional materials and resources: Materials and resources are appropriate to the learning needs of the students. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 1: Central focus c. Explain how your plans build on each other to help students make connections between different content area skills and knowledge to deepen their learning of the content area. Prompt 3: Supporting Students’ Learning 10 iii. Instructional groups: Groups are intentionally organized to support student learning. iv. Lesson and unit structure: Organization is clear and sequenced to advance students’ learning. a. Explain how your understanding of your students’ prior learning and personal/cultural/community assets (from prompt 2b above) guided your choice or adaptation of learning tasks and materials. b. Describe and justify why your instructional strategies and supports are appropriate for the whole class and students with similar or specific learning needs. Rubric 1. Planning for Content Understanding: Plans build on each other with clear connections to support student learning of content. Rubric 2. Planning to support varied student learning needs: Planned supports are tied to learning objectives with attention to the characteristics of the whole class or groups or individuals with similar needs. Candidate attends to requirements in IEPs and 504 plans. Domain 1f aligns to edTPA: 1f. Designing Student Assessments: i. Congruence with instructional outcomes: Assessments must match learning expectations. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 5: Monitoring Student Learning Refer to the assessments you will submit as part of the materials for Task 1. a. Describe how your planned formal and informal 11 ii. Criteria and standards: Expectations must be clearly defined. iii. Design of formative assessments: Assessments for learning must be planned as part of the instructional process. iv. Use for planning: Results of assessment guide future planning. assessments will provide direct evidence of students’ content understanding throughout the learning segment. b. Explain how the design or adaptations of your planned assessments allow students with specific needs to demonstrate their learning. Rubric 5. Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning: The assessments are aligned to learning objectives and provide evidence or multiple forms of evidence to monitor students’ progress toward developing the content goals throughout the learning segment. Task 3: Assessing Student Learning Prompt 4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction: a. Based on analysis of student learning, describe next steps for instruction for whole class, the 3 focus students, and other individuals/groups with specific needs. b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of the student learning. Support with principles from research or theory. Rubric 15. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction: Next steps propose general or targeted support that 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 12 improves student learning related to the standards and learning objectives assessed. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 13 Domain 2 – The Classroom Environment Domain 2a aligns to edTPA: 2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport: i. Teacher interactions with students, including both words and actions: teachers convey tone and that they are interested in and care about their students. ii. Student interactions with students, including both words and actions: teachers model and teach students how to engage in respectful interaction s with one another and acknowledge respectful interactions among students. Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 2:Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Identify scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a positive learning environment that addresses your students’ social emotional development. a. How did you demonstrate mutual respect, rapport, and responsiveness to students with varied needs and backgrounds, and challenge students to engage in learning? Rubric 6. Learning Environment: The candidate demonstrates rapport with and respect for students. Candidate provides a challenging positive, low risk social environment that promotes mutual respect among students. Domain 2b.ii,iii aligns to edTPA: 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 14 2b. Establishing a Culture of Learning: i. Importance of content and of learning: Teacher conveys the educational value of what the students are learning. ii. Expectations for learning and achievement: teacher promotes positive self efficacy. iii. Student pride in work: student pride is reflected in their interactions with classmates and with the teacher. Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 2:Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Identify scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a positive learning environment that addresses your students’ social emotional development. a. How did you demonstrate mutual respect, rapport, and responsiveness to students with varied needs and backgrounds, and challenge students to engage in learning? Rubric 6. Learning Environment: The candidate demonstrates rapport with and respect for students. Candidate provides a challenging, positive, low risk social environment that promotes mutual respect among students. Prompt 3:Engaging Students in Learning Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. a. Explain how your instruction engaged students in developing content understanding. b. Describe how your instruction linked students’ prior learning and personal, cultural, and 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 15 community assets with new learning. Rubric 7. Engaging Student in Learning 2c. Managing Classroom Procedures: Management of: i. Instructional groups ii. Transitions iii. Materials and supplies iv. Performance of non-instructional duties 2d. Managing Student Behavior: i. Expectations: Clearly determined that expectations for student conduct have been established and are being implemented. ii. Monitoring of student behaviors: Teacher is attuned to what’s happening in the classroom and can move subtly to re-engage students in the content being addressed. iii. Response to student misbehavior: Teachers respond to students’ violations of agreed2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity In the clip(s), students are engaged in learning tasks that develop, deepen and extend their abilities their understandings of the content. Candidate links or prompts students to link prior learning and personal culture or community assets to new learning. Not measured by edTPA Domain 2d.ii,iii aligns to edTPA: Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 2:Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Identify scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a positive learning environment that addresses your students’ social emotional development. a. How did you demonstrate mutual respect, rapport, and responsiveness to students with 16 upon standards of conduct in such a way that they respect the dignity of the student. varied needs and backgrounds, and challenge students to engage in learning? Rubric 6. Learning Environment: The candidate demonstrates rapport with and respect for students. Candidate provides a challenging, positive, low risk social environment that promotes mutual respect among students. At level 1 (Not Proficient): Candidate allows disruptive behavior to interfere with student learning. Prompt 4. Deepening Student Learning during Instruction: 2e. Organizing Physical Space: i. Safety and accessibility: Physical safety is a primary consideration of all teachers; no learning can occur if students are unsafe or if they don’t have access to the board or other learning resources. ii. Arrangement of furniture and use of physical resources 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity a. Explain how you elicited student responses to promote thinking and develop students’ content understandings. Rubric 8. Deepening Student Learning: Candidate elicits and/or builds on students’ responses to develop content understandings. Domain 2e.i aligns to edTPA in the Science and Physical Education handbooks: Rubric 6. Learning Environment: At a level 1 (Not Proficient) There are safety problems visible on the video posing an immediate danger to students. 17 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 18 Domain 3 - Instruction Domain 3a aligns to edTPA: 3a. Communication with Students: i. Expectations for learning: Goals for learning are communicated clearly to students. ii. Directions and procedures: Students are clear about what they are expected to do during a lesson. iii. Explanation of content: When explaining concepts, teachers use vivid language and imaginative analogies connecting to students’ interests and lives. Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 3:Engaging Students in Learning Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. a. Explain how your instruction engaged students in developing content understanding. b. Describe how your instruction linked students’ prior learning and personal, cultural, and community assets with new learning. Rubric 7. Engaging Student in Learning In the clip(s), students are engaged in learning tasks that develop, deepen and extend their abilities and their understandings of the content. Candidate links or prompts students to link prior learning and personal culture or community assets to new learning. iv. Use of oral and written language: Teachers’ 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 3: Assessing Student Learning 19 use of language represents a model of accurate syntax and rich vocabulary for students’ development of language. Prompt 3: Evidence of Language Understanding and Use Refer to examples from the clip(s) (with time stamps) and/or student work samples as evidence: a. Explain the extent to which your students were able to use language (selected function, vocabulary and additional identified demands) to develop content understandings. Domain 3b aligns to edTPA: 3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques: i. Quality of questions and prompts: High quality questions cause students to think and reflect and deepen their understanding. ii. iii. Discussion techniques: Effective teachers promote learning through discussion. Student participation: Teacher uses a range of techniques to ensure that all students contribute. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 3:Engaging Students in Learning Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. a. Explain how your instruction engaged students in developing content understanding. Rubric 7. Engaging Student in Learning In the clip(s), students are engaged in learning tasks that develop, deepen and extend their abilities and their understandings of the content. Prompt 4. Deepening Student Learning during Instruction 20 Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. a. Explain how you elicited student responses to promote thinking and develop content understandings. b. Explain how you supported students to develop content understandings. Rubric 8: Deepening Student Learning: Candidate elicits and/or builds on students’ responses to develop content understandings. Domain 3c.i,ii,iii aligns to edTPA: 3c. Engaging Students in Learning i. ii. iii. Activities and assignment: These are aligned to goals of lesson, require student thinking, and allow choice. Groupings of students: Decisions for grouping students align with lesson goals. Instructional materials and resources: Materials and resources that are suited to engage students in deep learning. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 3: Supporting Students’ Learning a. Explain how your understanding of your students’ prior learning and personal/cultural/community assets guided your choice or adaptation of learning tasks and materials. b. Describe and justify why your instructional strategies and supports are appropriate for the whole class and students with similar or specific learning needs. 21 iv. Structure and pacing: Suitable pacing of the lesson. Rubric 2. Planning to support varied student learning needs: Planned supports are tied to learning objectives with attention to the characteristics of the whole class or groups or individuals with similar needs. Candidate attends to requirements in IEPs and 504 plans. Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 3:Engaging Students in Learning Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. a. Explain how your instruction engaged students in developing content understanding. b. Describe how your instruction linked students’ prior learning and personal, cultural, and community assets with new learning. Rubric 7. Engaging Student in Learning In the clip(s), students are engaged in learning tasks that develop, deepen and extend their abilities and their understandings of the content. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 22 Domain 3d aligns to edTPA: 3d. Using Assessment in Learning: i. Assessment criteria: Teacher paying close attention to evidence of student understanding ii. Monitoring of students: Plans and ability to elicit student understanding. Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Prompt 5: Monitoring Student Learning Refer to the assessments you will submit as part of the materials for Task 1. a. Describe how your planned formal and informal assessments will provide direct evidence of content learning. Rubric 5. Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning: The assessments are aligned to learning objectives and provide evidence or multiple forms of evidence to monitor students’ progress toward developing the content goals throughout the learning segment. Task 3: Assessing Student Learning Assessment Prompts 1, 2 and 3: Prompt 1. Analyzing Student Learning a. Identify the specific standards/objectives from the learning segment measured by the assessment chosen for analysis. b. Provide the directions/prompts for the assessment and the evaluation criteria you are 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 23 using to analyze your student learning. c. Provide a graphic (table or chart) or narrative summary of student learning for your whole class. Be sure to summarize student learning for all criteria described above. d. Use evidence found in the three (3) student work samples to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or individual learners relative to the central focus: Consider: What do students understand and do well, and where they continue to struggle (e.g., common errors, confusions, need for greater challenge)? Rubric 11. Analysis of student learning supported with evidence: The analysis focuses on what students did right AND wrong and is supported with evidence from the summary and work samples. Analysis includes some differences in whole class learning. iii. iv. Feedback to students: Teacher circulating to monitor student learning and to offer feedback Students self-assessment and monitoring 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Prompt 2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations. a. In what form did you submit your evidence of feedback for the three focus students? 24 of progress: Students assessing their own work against established criteria • • • written directly on work samples in audio files OR video clip from the Instruction Task (provide a time stamp reference) b. Explain how feedback provided to the three focus students addresses their individual strengths and needs relative to the standards/objectives measured. c. How will you support students to apply the feedback to guide improvement, either within the learning segment or at a later time? Rubric 12. Providing Feedback: Feedback is accurate. Candidate describes how s/he will guide focus students to use feedback to evaluate their own strengths and needs. Rubric 13. Student Use of Feedback: Candidate describes how s/he will support focus students to use feedback to deepen content understandings related to their current learning and to generalize beyond the current work sample. Prompt 2. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompt 1c-d, describe next steps for instruction: 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 25 • for the whole class • for the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of the student learning. Support with principles from research or theory. Rubric 15. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction: Next steps propose general or targeted support that improves student learning related to the standards and learning objectives assessed. Domain 3e aligns to edTPA: 3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness: i. Lesson adjustment: Ability for teacher to make adjustments mid-lesson. ii. Response to students: Seizing a teachable moment. iii. Persistence: Teachers seek alternate approaches to help their students who are encountering difficulty be successful. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 5. Analyzing Teaching: a. How did your instruction support learning for the whole class and students who need greater support or challenge? b. What changes would you make to your instruction to better support student learning of the central focus? c. Why do you think these changes would improve 26 student learning? Support your explanation with evidence of student learning and principles from theory or research as appropriate. Rubric 10. Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness: Candidate proposes changes that address students’ collective learning needs and/or individual needs related to the central focus. Elementary Education Task 4: Analyzing Student work Prompt 2. Analyzing Student Learning- Three Focus Students From your analysis of whole class student learning, identify one area where students struggled. Select three student work samples that represent the struggles in this area. At least one of the students must be a student with specific learning needs. a. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Analyze the students’ work samples and describe students’ struggle(s) with the underlying mathematical understanding. Cite specific evidence from the work samples in relation to mathematical errors, confusions, and partial understandings. 27 Prompt 3. Developing Students’ Mathematical Understanding a. Based on your analysis of the student work samples, write a targeted learning objective/goal for the students. b. Describe your re-engagement lesson designed to develop each focus student’s mathematical knowledge in relation to the targeted learning objective/goal. Your description should include: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Targeted learning objective/goal from Prompt 3a. Restate the state-adopted academic content standards and/or Common Core Standards, if applicable, that were the basis of the analysis. Strategies and learning tasks to re-engage students (including what you and the students will be doing). Representations and other instructional resources/materials used to re-engage students in learning. Assessments for monitoring student learning during the lesson (e.g., think pair share, use of individual white boards, quick quiz Prompt 4. Analyzing Teaching Cite examples of student work to support 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 28 your response. a. Describe the effectiveness of the strategies you used during the reengagement lesson to develop students’ mathematical understanding in the identified area of struggle. Consider: What did students say or do to confirm or change your perception of their learning in relation to the identified area of struggle? 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 29 Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Domain 4a aligns to edTPA: 4a. Reflecting on Teaching: i. Accuracy: Accurate reflections on a lesson. ii. Use in future teaching: Use reflections to make adjustments in their practice. 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Prompt 5. Analyzing Teaching Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. a. How did your instruction support learning for the whole class and students who need greater support or challenge? What worked? What didn’t? For whom? Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students). b. What changes would you make to your instruction to better support student learning of the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)? c. Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation with evidence of student learning and principles from theory or research as appropriate. 30 Rubric 10. Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness: Candidate proposes changes that address students’ collective learning needs and/or individual needs related to the central focus. Task 3: Assessing Student Learning Prompt 4: Using Assessment to Inform Instruction a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompt 1c-d, describe next steps for instruction: • for the whole class • for the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of the student learning. Support your explanation with principles from research or theory. Elementary Education Task 4: Analyzing Student work Prompt 2. Analyzing Student Learning- Three Focus Students From your analysis of whole class student learning, 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 31 identify one area where students struggled. Select three student work samples that represent the struggles in this area. At least one of the students must be a student with specific learning needs. b. Analyze the students’ work samples and describe students’ struggle(s) with the underlying mathematical understanding. Cite specific evidence from the work samples in relation to mathematical errors, confusions, partial understandings. Prompt 3. Developing Students’ Mathematical Understanding c. Based on your analysis of the student work samples, write a targeted learning objective/goal for the students. d. Describe your re-engagement lesson designed to develop each focus student’s mathematical knowledge in relation to the targeted learning objective/goal. Your description should include: ○ ○ 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Targeted learning objective/goal from Prompt 3a. Restate the state-adopted academic content standards and/or Common Core Standards, if applicable, that were the basis of the analysis. 32 ○ ○ ○ Strategies and learning tasks to re-engage students (including what you and the students will be doing). Representations and other instructional resources/materials used to re-engage students in learning. Assessments for monitoring student learning during the lesson (e.g., think pair share, use of individual white boards, quick quiz Prompt 4. Analyzing Teaching Cite examples of student work to support your response. b. Describe the effectiveness of the strategies you used during the reengagement lesson to develop students’ mathematical understanding in the identified area of struggle. Consider: What did students say or do to confirm or change your perception of their learning in relation to the identified area of struggle? 4b. Maintain Accurate Records: 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Partially measured in edTPA 33 i. Student completion of assignments: Routines and systems that track student completion of assignments ii. Student progress in learning: Systems of information regarding student progress against instructional outcomes iii. Non-instructional records: Processes of maintaining accurate non-instructional records Given that edTPA is based on one learning segment, which is 3-5 lessons (or in some cases 3-5 hours) of instruction, it does not gather evidence of a teacher candidate’s competence in terms of maintaining accurate records of student work, progress or noninstructional records over time. Programs can include embedded signature assessments with methodologies that are better aligned with this domain. 4c. Communicating with Families: Not measured by edTPA Given that edTPA is based on one learning segment, iv. Information about the instructional program: Frequent and culturally which is 3-5 lessons (or in some cases 3-5 hours) of appropriate information sent home regarding instruction, it does not gather evidence of a teacher the instructional program and student candidate’s competence in these areas. Programs can progress include embedded signature assessments with v. Information about individual students: Two- methodologies that are better aligned with this way communication between the teacher and domain. families vi. Engagement of families in the instructional program: Frequent opportunities for families to engage in the learning process 4d. Participating in a Professional Community: i. Relationships with colleagues: Regular teacher participation with colleagues to share 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity Not measured by edTPA Given that edTPA is based on one learning segment, which is 3-5 lessons (or in some cases 3-5 hours) of 34 and plan for student success ii. Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry: Regular teacher participation in professional courses or communities that emphasize improving practice iii. Service to the school: Regular teacher participation in school initiatives instruction, it does not gather evidence of a teacher candidate’s competence in these areas. Programs can include embedded signature assessments with methodologies that are better aligned with this domain. iv. Participation in school and district projects: Regular teacher participation and support of community initiatives 4e. Growing and Developing Professionally: i. Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill: Teachers remain current by reading professional literature and remaining current on the evolution of thinking regarding instruction. ii. Receptivity to feedback from colleagues: Teachers actively pursue networks that provide collegial support and feedback. iii. Service to the profession: Participation in professional organizations supporting academic inquiry Domain 4e.i aligns to edTPA: Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment Prompt 3. Supporting Students Literacy Learning Respond to prompts a–c below. As needed, refer to the instructional materials you have included to support your explanations. Use principles from research or theory to support your explanations, where appropriate. a. Explain how your understanding of your students’ prior learning and personal/cultural/community assets (from prompt 2b above) guided your choice or adaptation of learning tasks and materials. b. Describe and justify why your instructional 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 35 strategies and supports are appropriate for the whole class and students with similar or specific learning needs. Assessment Commentary Prompt: Prompt 4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompt 1c-d, describe next steps for instruction: • for the whole class • for the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs 4f. Showing Professionalism: i. Integrity and ethical conduct: Teacher having a reputation as someone who can be trusted and often being sought as a sounding board ii. Service to students: Teacher frequently reminding participants during committee or planning work that students are the highest priority iii. Advocacy: Teacher supporting students, even 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of the student’s learning. Support your explanation with principles from research or theory. Not measured by edTPA Given that edTPA is based on one learning segment, which is 3-5 lessons (or in some cases 3-5 hours) of instruction, it does not gather evidence of a teacher candidate’s competence in these areas. Programs can include embedded signature assessments with methodologies that are better aligned with this domain. 36 in the face of difficult situations or conflicting policies iv. Decision making: Teachers solve problems with students’ needs as a priority v. Compliance with school and district regulations: Teacher consistently fulfilling school district mandates regarding policies and procedures Indicators: Teacher having a reputation as someone who can be trusted and often being sought as a sounding board Teacher challenging existing practice in order to put students first 2012 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity 37