Return to: International Students & Scholars Office University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

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International Students & Scholars Office
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
1108 Fremont St - 210 SSC
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Financial Support Statement for Graduate International Students
The approximate expenses for nine (9) months of study during the 2015-2016 academic year at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point are as
follows (in USD):
Tuition and fees
Personal Expenses
Health and Accident Insurance ++
Name of Applicant:
Semester you plan to enter
PLEASE NOTE: This is a relatively conservative budget for a student who spends
wisely and is willing to share on campus living quarters with another student. While
some students may need less money, many students find that they spend more than
this amount. This estimate does not include the cost of international travel and
keeping an automobile. Expenses may vary from estimates.
Official tuition rates are set in August for the following year.
Family Name
Given Name
Middle Name (if applicable)
_____ Fall (September)
_____ Spring (January)
Year _____
Choose ONE:
_____ I will be self-supporting.
(Please submit original bank statement* showing
available funds of at least $26,998)
_____ I will be sponsored by one or more
individuals. (Please have sponsor(s) complete form(s)
and submit bank statements* totaling at least $26,998.
Feel free to make copies of both sides of this form)
_____ I will be government-sponsored.
(Please submit official documentation verifying
government support)
*An original bank statement is one on bank letterhead, with an official seal. We will accept faxed documents only if faxed from the bank or funding organization.
Your application for admission will not be considered unless both statements below are completed and supported by the requested documentation.
, certify that I have read and understand the above financial statement.
(Print sponsor’s name)
I further certify that I have financial resources to cover expenses of the applicant,
, in the
(Print applicant’s name)
amount of $__________ per year in addition to travel expenses for a round trip from the applicant’s home to the University of WisconsinStevens Point for each calendar year while this person is in the United States. An original bank statement on bank letterhead reflecting a balance
of at least this amount in US currency is attached. I understand that the inclusion of any false information concerning financial support will
be considered grounds for the applicant’s dismissal from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Sponsor’s Signature ______________________________
Date ______________________________
Relationship to Student ______________________________
I certify that all statements on this form are true and accurate, and that funds will be provided as specified above. I will notify the University of
Wisconsin-Stevens Point of any changes in my financial circumstances or those of my sponsor. I understand that failure on my part or that of my
sponsor to provide the needed funds regardless of prior admission and registration will result in the cancellation of my registration and my
termination from the graduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Applicant’s Signature ______________________________
Date ______________________________
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Estimate of International Student Expenses
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point requires certification of adequate financial support
from all students with non-immigrant visas. The following is an estimate of the minimum expenses
for an international graduate student who lives and dines on campus for the academic year.
Summer study and living expenses are not included. All amounts are in U.S. Dollars (USD):
Tuition and fees
Personal Expenses
Health and Accident Insurance ++
* The housing rate cited is for a shared (“double”) residence hall (dormitory) room. Eligibility for private (“single”) residence hall
rooms is limited and rates for single rooms are higher.
++ Graduate students who hold research or teaching assistantships are eligible for UW System employee medical insurance. As
such assistantships are limited in number and awarded following admission, documentation of financial support for
non-assistantship insurance coverage is required.
Please complete and submit the Financial Support Statement on the opposite side of this form. You
must attach an original bank letter(s) on official stationery or a certified true copy (in English, or
accompanied by an official translation), indicating an exact amount of readily available funds to
support the graduate program applicant named on this form.
Graduate students may qualify for departmental assistantships. Assistantships are granted on a
case-by-case basis after an admissions decision has been made by the department. Therefore, all
applicants must show access to sufficient funds to cover the entire cost of the first year of study.
Actual out-of-pocket expenses will be reduced if an assistantship is awarded. Questions about
assistantships should be directed to the prospective graduate program.
Students holding F-1 or J-1 visas may be eligible to work part time on campus. Such work-study
positions cannot be guaranteed, so applicants cannot depend on on-campus student employment as
a source of financial support.
NOTE: All fees are subject to change without notice. Application fees are non-refundable.