Tufts Graduate Student Scholarship Announcement October 2, 2014

Tufts Graduate Student Scholarship Announcement
October 2, 2014
Second Year Speech/Language & Third Year Audiology Students:
The Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for the Tufts Graduate Student
Scholarship. Last year, one $1000 Tufts scholarship was awarded. The number and amount of
this academic year’s award(s) remains to be determined.
If you believe that you qualify for this award (see below), you are invited to fill out an
application form. Completed applications must be turned in to Chris Zinda in CPS 038 by
Friday, October 31, 2014.
Intended to provide assistance to students during their extern semester (including summer
session), especially to help the needy students defray the cost of accepting externship
assignments that might not be available because of cost considerations.
Specific eligibility criteria include:
• Full graduate standing
• Display financial need
• Completing an unpaid externship (2nd year 2nd semester for speech/language; applying for
4th year unpaid externship for audiology)
Application Procedure:
The following must be completed and submitted for consideration:
1. Application Form
2. Current Vita
3. Goal Statement
Attach a brief statement (500 words or less) describing your interest and reasons for
pursuing a career in Communicative Disorders. Include why you believe this externship
will provide an exceptional professional experience. Also include how it will create a
financial burden. It is critical that you include information regarding financial need.
4. Return completed application form and materials to Chris Zinda in CPS 038 by Friday,
October 31, 2014.
Selection and Disbursement:
• Determination of financial need and selection of scholarship recipient(s) will be made by the
Communicative Disorders selection committee.
• Scholarship must be used during externship or funds will revert to the endowment base.
Scholarship Application Form
School of Communicative Disorders
Application for the Tufts Graduate Student Scholarship Award
2014 – 2015
Due October 31, 2014
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address (Local): _____________________________ Phone: _________________
Address (Home): ______________________________ Phone: _________________
Current Status: Grad SLP: __________ Grad Audiology: _________
Graduate GPA: ____________
The following MUST be ATTACHED to the application that you submit:
I. Goal Statement: A specific statement on your career goals and why you believe you
should be the recipient of this particular scholarship. It is critical that you address the
criteria for the scholarship for which you are applying. Be sure your name and the name of
the scholarship are on the goal statement.
II. Current Vita (including the following information):
a. Education/Training:
College/University Dates Attended
b. University Student Organizations
Offices Held
Membership Dates
c. Other University Activities
d. Honors and Awards
e. Professional Organizations
Offices Held
Membership Dates
f. Community/Volunteer Activities (list most recent first)
g. Work Experience (List most recent first)