London Internship/Externship Application Instructional Sheet

Study Abroad
Application Form
Submit completed application materials to:
Tel: 715-346-2717
Office of International Education
Room 108 Collins Classroom Center
2100 Main Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481
London Internship/Externship Application Instructional Sheet
Approval for participation in this program: In addition to the standard study abroad application, the internship/externship option requires
special approval from your academic advisor and the Department Faculty/Chair/Dean in charge of your major’s internship/externship
credit. This sheet explains the additional materials required for approval.
NOTE: A minimum GPA of 2.75 is required to apply. London staff gives preference to those with a 3.0 or above.
Complete the standard UW-Stevens Point Study Abroad
Application Form along with its required recommendation form
and other materials. These forms are available in the IP office or
at: – click on Applications, then
UWSP Programs.
Prepare the following materials:
a. YOUR CURRENT RÉSUMÉ (Also called a CV) *
* Page 2 of this form offers you résumé tips.
b. A COVER LETTER as described in the right-hand
Review your résumé and cover letter with your academic advisor
AND obtain your academic advisor’s signature as well as the
signature of the appropriate Department Intern Coordinator
(Faculty/Chair/Dean) on the attached LONDON
Submit all of the above to International Programs (108 CCC) by
the appropriate deadline for your program. Be sure to submit
Passport and Visa Requirements
Securing a passport early in the study abroad application process is
required. If you currently have a PASSPORT valid for a minimum of six
months after your scheduled return date, submit a clear copy of the
passport’s signature page with your application materials. If you do not
have a passport, download a passport application using the following
government website:
A TIER 4 VISA is required for this program and International Programs will
help you apply for one. Be aware, however, that any criminal record
involving a custodial term of more than three days in the last five years
will disqualify you from admittance to the program according to U.K.
regulations. See
for important visa information and application deadlines for this program.
The Cover Letter
(referred to as a Covering Letter in the UK)
This letter will be sent to a wide variety of potential
employers. It should not be addressed to one
organization or mention a particular company. It is your
opportunity to sell yourself and highlight the skills and
experience you have that will be of benefit to the
organization. This is harder than writing one for a
specific organization as you will need to keep it fairly
general. Always make positive statements and don’t say
what you don’t want to do.
It should be no more than one page long.
Greeting Use “Dear Sir or Madam,” to open your letter.
Paragraph 1
Why you want an internship in this particular field, you
can also include why particularly in London. What skills
would you like to improve/gain?
Paragraph 2
What you could bring to the organization – this maybe
highlighting specific course work you’ve undertaken,
work experience you’ve had and/or extra-curricular
activities you have done.
Closing something along the lines of ‘Thank you very
much for considering my application’.
Use ‘Yours faithfully’ to sign off as you have not used a
name in the greeting.
Notes Remember to proof read your cover letter and
résumé very carefully – don’t just rely on spell-check!
Get someone else to read it through. A British employer
will know that Americans spell some words differently,
but they will expect your materials to be consistent.
Our UWSP Career Services office will also be able to
offer advice on putting together a CV and cover letter.
After you are accepted to the program, you will upload
all of your information to the Anglo Educational Services
(AES) website, including the final version of your Cover
Letter and résumé. Instructions will be provided by AES.
CV (Resume)
In the UK resumes are called CVs (short for Curriculum Vitae). You should keep your CV to one page. You will also notice that in the
UK standard paper is ‘A4’ not ‘Letter’ as in the US. This may affect the formatting of your CV. British CVs normally start with a brief
objective, education and then work experience. Interests and other skills are normally at the end. It is helpful for employers to see
the dates of your course and employment clearly either on the left or right hand side.
Contact Information
You should include your current address, your UWSP email address and a phone number where a potential employer can contact you.
Skype – it useful to have a Skype address as many UK employers like to interview this way. You should include it on your CV.
LinkedIn – include this in your contact information if you have an account. Objective (optional) This is your opportunity to succinctly
outline your aims for the internship/externship Program. Why you want to undertake an internship in London and what type of
experience you hope to gain.
Please indicate the name of your institution, your degree Program/major(s), the date (month and year) you started the course and
your expected graduation date (month and year). List any coursework that is relevant to your potential placement. If your GPA is
above 3.5, you are in an honors Program, have made the Dean’s list etc., please provide that information. In the UK they do not use
GPAs so you will need to explain e.g. GPA 3.75(out of 4).
For example; Sep 2012 – June 2016 New York University, BA Communications, GPA 3.8(out of 4).
Work Experience
You may feel you have not had any ‘relevant’ work experience. However most jobs show that you can take responsibility, are
trustworthy, a hard worker, work well in a team etc. all of which are attributes that most organizations want from their staff no
matter what the role is. If you have had lots of part time jobs then just pick 2 or 3 of the most recent or relevant to what you would
like to do. • List your jobs (paid/unpaid and full or part time) in date order starting with the most recent. Include name of company
and your job title.
• Under each job include 2 to 4 bullet points outlining your responsibilities. E.g. Customer service, stock taking, bookkeeping,
updating web site, etc. Think how these could be relevant to the internship you are seeking.
For example:
Dec 2011 – March 2013 Billy’s Burger Joint, Waterbury, CT.
Customer service
Cashier duties
Keeping service area clean & orderly.
Skills and Qualifications
List your computer skills (including relevant programmers – e.g. Excel, Power Point, Logic (for music majors), and Final Cut Pro X (for
journalists and film majors). List your language skills. Do you have a first aid qualification? Have you received specialist training within
your field? List that information here.
Interests and Achievements
This is your opportunity to highlight your extracurricular activities, community service/voluntary work and anything else that you feel
may be relevant.
NOTE: The UWSP Study Abroad Director is also available to help you with suggestions. He will go over your
résumé and a clean draft of the covering letter at your Final Interview.
London Internship/Externship Signature Form
Education, Room 108 Collins Classroom Center/2100 Main Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Date of Application: ________________________________________
Term: _____________ Year: ______________________
(for which you are applying, Summer, Semester I or II)
Name:____________________________________________________ E-Mail Address:_______________________________________
(legal last, legal first, middle initial)
Specific Internship/Externship in which major: ________________________________________________________________________
(i.e. Arts Management, Business and Economics, Communication, English, Health Promotion, Interior Architecture, Political Science, Sociology, etc.)
Specific area(s) of Personal Interest: ________________________________________________________________________________
Status While Studying Abroad: Sophomore ____
Junior ____
(at the time of participation)
Major(s): ___________________________________________________________
Cumulative GPA:
Minor(s): ___________________________________________________________
GPA in Major:
*A MINIMUM CUMULATIVE GPA OF 2.75 IS REQUIRED; Anglo Educational Services (AES) gives preference to those with a 3.0 GPA above.
Information for Advisors and Required Signature of Appropriate Department Intern Coordinator
(Faculty/Chair or Associated Dean) who will serve as the instructor of record for the internship/externship:
To the Advisor:
Please review the student’s résumé and cover letter carefully to insure that the letter describes your student’s skill set accurately.
Your student should follow the format suggested by Anglo Educational Services.
The cover letter and résumé should be concise, honest, neat, catchy, and free of grammatical errors. The placement agency in
London does not want letters about broadening horizons, seeing new places, or exploring ethnic backgrounds. The agency needs
clear information to share with internship sites about why they should take on our students as “employees.”
The cover letter should introduce the student to a prospective employer, describe the student’s ideal internship, outline the
student’s academic, personal and vocational background appropriate for the internship, and be free of hyperbole and superfluous
information. It is appropriate to include a student’s passions and extracurricular interests.
The résumé may include a list of five or six UW-Stevens Point courses taken that best reflect preparation for the intern placement.
Computer skills are highly valued as well. Include any software or web design skills on the résumé. If students have materials
online to highlight their work, this should be noted.
To the Signatory: By signing this form, you are certifying that the applicant is fully qualified to participate in the London
Internship/Externship program from the standpoint of his or her academic background, and that you are reasonably confident that the
applicant is capable of the rigors of an overseas placement and understands the personal demands.
(signature of internship/externship coordinator)
Printed Name of Signatory: ________________________________________________
Date: ________________
Campus phone: _____________________
LONDON INTERNSHIP semester program for UW-Stevens Point students in applied physics, arts management,
business, communication, english, interior architecture, graphic design, health promotion/wellness, history,
international studies, sociology, political science, theater and more*!
*Students in other majors should check with their respective department chairs or the international programs
office as internships may be available.
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point provides extraordinary international programs for students seeking an
education beyond the bounds of the classroom or campus. Since 1969, the Britain program has allowed students to
experience Europe, Britain, and especially London. For over a decade, internships/externships have been part of
the program!
 14 Week Academic/Internship Program in London
 Four-day entry study tour of southern England, featuring stops at Stonehenge, Salisbury, Bath, Brighton, and
 Internship placement, orientation, supervision. Expect to work up to 24 hours per week. Fall and Spring
term Interns need two classes from the standard UW-Stevens Point Semester in Britain offerings, as well as
INTL 300 and INTL 391 to reach full-time status for this program, which is 15 credits.
 Room and board in central London.
 All tuition and UWSP fees: UW-Stevens Point full-time tuition for Wisconsin Residents; Minnesota students
qualify for reciprocity. Surcharge for other out-of staters is $1000.
 UW-System mandatory health/travel insurance
 Plan your budget to cover airfare, passport, UK visa fees (c. $350-500) and personal expenses such as local
transportation in London.
All program prices are listed on our website:
Art 417 *
Arts Management 485
Business 496/498
Communication 485
Computing & New Media Technologies
CIS 397 and WDMD 397
English 498
Health Promotion/Human Development
either FN 397, HD397 or HP/W 430
History 480
Interior Architecture 394/396
International Studies 395
Physics 490
Political Science 455
Psychology 494
Sociology (Social Work) 492 **
Theater 492
For advising see:
Dr. Mick Veum, 163 NFAC, 715-346-3508
Jim O’Connell, 205 CAC, 715-212-2759
Prof. Barbara Mihm, 412 CPS, 715-346-3775
Dr. Tim Halkowski, 225 CAC, 715-346-3409
Dr. Tim Krause, 246B SCI, 715-346-4310
Dr. Mark Balhorn, 441 CCC, 715-346-4335
Dr. Annie Wetter, 101 CPS, 715-346-2830
Dr. Lee Willis, 459 CCC, 715-346-4513
Prof. Katja Marquart, 338 CPS, 715-346-4090
Dr. Brian Hale, 465 CCC, 715-346-2903
Dr. Chris Verzani, B103 SCI, 715-346-4764
Dr. John Blakeman, 474 CCC, 715-346-4111
Dr. Jeana Magyar-Moe, D243 SCI, 715-346-3958
Dr. Robert Enright, 456 CCC, 715-346-3603
Prof. Gary G. Olsen, 161 NFAC, 715-346-4429
* Seven credits for the ART internship in summer only. Fall and spring Art internships are for six credits.
** There is no option for Social Work majors to receive credit in SOC 494, only in SOC 492.
In all cases confirm internship/externship credits with the appropriate Department Chair/Internship Coordinator
as listed above. Generally 6 internship credits are available.
S:\StuStaff\Office Forms\Application Forms\London Internship app\LONDON INTERNSHIP EXTERNSHIP INSTRUCTIONAL SIGNATURE.docx