Nitrate in Wisconsin’s Groundwater What, Why, and Where? WN@tL – January 20, 2016 Kevin Masarik Center for Watershed Science and Education Through the University of Wisconsin-Extension, all Wisconsin people can access University resources and engage in lifelong learning, wherever they live and work. Outline of Tonight’s Talk Basics of groundwater Nitrate in Wisconsin’s groundwater What is nitrate? Why do people care? How does nitrate get into groundwater? Where in Wisconsin do we find nitrate? Is it getting better or worse? What are ways to reduce nitrate? Groundwater 101 Source: Unknown Watershed – the land area where water originates for lakes, rivers or streams. Water flows from high elevation to low elevation. Runoff Impermeable bedrock Groundwater flow Impermeable bedrock Central Wisconsin January 18, 2016 -10 °F January 18, 2016 Wisconsin has 3 major basins Lake Superior Basin Basins of Wisconsin Sub-continental Divide Mississippi River Basin Lake Michigan Basin The basins can be divided into regional watersheds…. ….regional watersheds can be further defined to show just how local groundwater quality really is. Groundwater: Wisconsin’s Buried Treasure • 95% of Wisconsin Communities • 850,000 private residential wells • Supplies almost all water for agriculture – livestock, irrigation, dairy operations • 1/3 of industrial water use • 1/2 of commercial water use • Supplies the majority of the water for Wisconsin’s lakes and streams 75% of Wisconsin residents Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen is neither created nor destroyed Nitrogen in harvest Sources of Nitrogen Atmosphere Septic system effluent Soil organic matter Mineralization Vadose Zone Groundwater NO2- NO3- = Nitrate NH4+ = Ammonium NO2- = Nitrite NO3Modified from: Nitrogen contributes to Gulf Hypoxia • Excessive nutrients contribute to growth of large amounts of algae that decay and consume oxygen – hypoxia. • Negatively affects the economic and ecological health of one of the nation’s most productive fisheries. Nitrate and Human Health Infants and pregnant women • • Methemoglobinemia or “blue-baby syndrome” Possible correlation to central nervous system malformations Adults Possible correlations to: • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma • Various cancers (ex. gastric, bladder) • Thyroid function • Diabetes in children *Many are statistical studies that provide correlation between nitrate and health problems *Studies don’t always agree, but cannot say with certainty that nitrate poses no health risk. Nitrate often indicator of other possible contaminants (ex. other agricultural contaminants, septic effluent, etc.) Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council, 2015; Weyer, 1999 Nitrate in drinking water • Greater than 10 mg/L Impacted at a level that exceeds Nitrate Nitrogen state and federal limits for drinking water 10 • DO NOT give water to infants • DO NOT consume if you are a woman who is pregnant or trying to conceive • RECOMMEND everyone avoid long-term consumption • Between 1 and 10 mg/L Evidence of land-use impacts 1 0 • Less than 1 mg/L Natural or background levels in WI groundwater Considered suitable for drinking water Public vs. Private Water Supplies Public Water Supplies • Regularly tested and regulated by drinking water standards. Private Wells • Not required to be regularly tested. • Not required to take corrective action • Owners must take special precautions to ensure safe drinking water. Nitrogen is vital to agriculture Ancient civilizations farmed fertile flood plains Animal manures Crop rotations w/legumes Prairies and other organic rich soils Industrial fixation of N leads to commercial fertilizer and dramatic increase in N applications Manure management challenging 7 N 14.01 Nitrogen N, P, K More Less Nitrogen Fertilizer Added (lb/acre) Maximum Yield Slope = Added Yield Increasing Yield or Biomass Accumulation (kg/ha) Yield response to nitrogen Economic Optimum • variable from year to year depending on energy costs, fertilizer costs, price of commodities 0 Increasing Fertilizer Added (kg/ha) Fertilizer Unit Historical Nitrogen Use U.S. Consumption of Nitrogen Fertilizer (1960-2011) Nitrogen (1,000 nutrient short tons) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year USDA Fertilizer Use and Price, 2013 Nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for common crops * Legumes have symbiotic relationship with N fixing bacteria Alternative Field Crops Manual, 1989. University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin -Madison Nutrient application guidelines for field, vegetable and fruit crops in Wisconsin. A2809. 2012. University of Wisconsin-Madison Miscanthus and switchgrass recommendations: Anderson et al., 2013; McIsaac et al., 2010; Vogel et al., 2002; Arundale et al, 2014 Efficiency of plants at utilizing nitrogen – the corn example extension/evans/ag452-1.html Comparing Annual to Perennial Ecosystems oots/010137ch2.html Nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency for Midwestern corn systems 37% (Cassman et. al. 2002) Mixed Native Perennial Long-term Nitrate Leaching Study of Corn Agroecosystems and a Prairie UW-Madison Arlington Research Farm Optimal (1996-2003) No Fertilizer Optimal Goose Pond Sanctuary: 26 year old restored prairie Brye et al., 2001, Brye et al., 2000, Brye et al., 2003, Masarik et al., 2014 Annual Nitrate Leaching losses Eight-year summary at Arlington, WI Chiselplow No-tillage Prairie Total precipitation (cm) 618 618 618 Total drainage (cm) 319 227 98 Precipitation lost to drainage (%) 52 37 16 Total NO3--N leaching loss (kg ha-1) 303 277 0.43 Amount N lost to leaching (%) 18 19 0.5 Flow weighted mean NO3-N Conc. (mg L-1) 9.5 12.2 0.04 Equates to approximately 32 lbs per acre per year on average that leaches past the root zone of corn agroecosystems Effect of cropping systems on nitrate leaching loss in the Midwest Cropping systems Corn-Corn Annual Corn-Soybean Mixed Perennial C-S-O/A-A Alfalfa CRP Switchgrass Miscanthus Prairie Pasture N Inputs Nitrate-N Leaching Water Drainage kg N ha-1 yr-1 kg N ha-1 yr-1 mm yr-1 138 180 151-221 202 202 136-0 168-0 168-0 171-0 171-0-57-0 0 0 0 112 0 112 0 0 55 37 17-32 63 43 51 34-46 34 10-35 8-18 2 1 <1-4 2-11 2-7 <1-1 <1 1-10 193 399 63-187 590 280 226 ND 470 ND ND 104 160 ND 52-156 ND 52-147 122 ND Data Source Randall et al., 1997 (1) Masarik et al., 2014 (2) Thomas et al., 2014 (3) Weed and Kanwar, 1996 (4) Randall and Iragavarapu, 1995 (5) Randall et al., 1997 (1) McIsaac et al., 2010 (6) Weed and Kanwar, 1996 (4) Cambardella et al., 2015 (7) Cambardella et al., 2015 (7) Randall et al., 1997 (1) Randall et al., 1997 (1) McIsaac et al., 2010 (6) Thomas et al., 2014 (3) McIsaac et al., 2010 (6) Thomas et al., 2014 (3) Masarik, et al., 2014 (2) Cambardella et al., 2015 (7) *16 -37X greater nitrate loss below continual corn cropping systems compared to perennial systems Nitrate concentration below root zone Nitrate Leaching Potential 0 Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates Forest/ Alfalfa Soybean Corn Potato Prairie/ CornCRP Soybean Masarik, UW-Extension Groundwater Susceptibility The GCSM was developed by the DNR, the US Geological Survey (USGS), the Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey (WGNHS), and the University of Wisconsin – Madison in the mid-1980s. Nitrate concentration below root zone Nitrate Leaching Potential 0 Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates Forest/ Alfalfa Soybean Corn Potato Prairie/ CornCRP Soybean Masarik, UW-Extension Nitrate Leaching Potential Nitrate Leaching Potential Water Quality/ Nitrate Concentration Less 0 Greater Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates Forest/ Prairie/ CRP Alfalfa Corn Soybean CornSoybean Potato Masarik, UW-Extension Septic systems and nitrate Robertson and Harman 1999 • Designed to dispose of human waste in a manner that prevents bacteriological contamination of groundwater supplies. • Do not effectively remove all contaminants from wastewater: Nitrate, chloride, viruses?, pharmaceuticals?, hormones? Comparing Land-use Impacts Corn1 (per acre) Prairie1 (per acre) Septic 2 System Total Nitrogen Inputs (lb) 169 9 20-25 Nitrogen Leaching Loss (lb) 32 0.04 16-20 Amount N lost to leaching (%) 19 0.4 80-90 1 Data from Masarik, 2014 2 Data from Tri-State Water Quality Council, 2005 and EPA 625/R-00/008 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 20 lbs 20 acres 20 acres Comparing Land-use Impacts 20 lbs/septic system x 1 septic systems = 20 lbs 1/32nd the impact on water quality 0.44 mg/L Assuming 10 inches of recharge 32 lbs/ac x 20 acres = 640 lbs 14 mg/L Water table Stream Water table Stream 32 lbs/ac x 20 acres = 640 lbs 20 lbs/septic system Comparing Land-use Impacts 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs 32 lbs/ac x 20 acres = 640 lbs 20 acres 20 acres 32 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs/septic system x 32 septic systems = 640 lbs Using these numbers: 32 septic systems on 20 acres (0.6 acre lots) needed to achieve same impact to water quality as 20 acres of corn What do we know about nitrate in groundwater? Well water studies 9% of private wells exceed the drinking water standard 21% of wells in agricultural areas Private Well Water Testing >30 years of data 125,000 samples Groundwater Retrieval Network, County Health Departments, UWExtension Public Water Systems Groundwater Retrieval Network DATCP, 2008 Private Well Nitrate Concentrations Average Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration by County WI Well Water Viewer, 2015 Average Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration by Township WI Well Water Viewer, 2015 Percent of well samples above the 10 mg/L nitrate-nitrogen standard WI Well Water Viewer, 2015 WI Well Water Viewer How to explain the variability of nitrate across WI? Coarse textured surficial deposits Shallow carbonate rock aquifers Watershed land use portfolio Siim Sepp Bill Hafs Coarse textured surficial deposits Map created using: Groundwater Contamination Susceptibility Model (GCSM); Surficial Deposits ("sdppw95c") The GCSM was developed by the DNR, the US Geological Survey (USGS), the Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey (WGNHS), and the University of Wisconsin – Madison in the mid-1980s. Shallow carbonate rock aquifers Photo credits: Ken Bradbury, WGNHS Watershed land use portfolio Low High Nitrate concentration in groundwater Agricultural Lands of Wisconsin Annual Row Crops Forage Crops/ Pasture/ CRP Maps produced using WISCLAND Data Coverage. 2002. WiDNR/EDM Agricultural Lands of Wisconsin Row Cropping Systems Forage Crops/Pasture/CRP Maps produced using WISCLAND Data Coverage. 2002. WiDNR/EDM Nitrate Trends Masarik et al., 2014 Examples of TNC wells with decreasing trend Examples of TNC wells with an increasing trend Examples of TNC wells w/no trend Location and result for TNC wells Counties that have seen more TNC wells increase (red) or decrease (blue) Masarik et al., 2014 Slide courtesy of Jim Vanden Brook, DATCP 2012 Slide courtesy of Jim Vanden Brook, DATCP 2012 Study of nitrate in Dane County McDonald et al., 2015 Modeling and historical data shows relationship to fertilizer use over time Dane County Study McDonald et al., 2015 Other Studies: Mechenich et al., 1997; Kraft et al., 2004; Kraft et al., 2004; Masarik et al., 2007; Reason for nitrate trends Shallow groundwater Change in land use Deeper groundwater/ rivers and streams Lag time between land use and groundwater What can be done to reduce nitrate levels? Short term Municipal Wells (GCC, 2015) 47 systems have spent >$32 million as of 2012 Water Treatment New wells Blending Private Wells (Lewandowski et. al. 2008) New well (not guaranteed, deeper adds to expense) - $7,200 Bottled water - $190/person/year Water treatment devices $800 + 100/yr Reverse osmosis Distillation Anion exchange Long-term nitrogen reduction strategies Practice Timing Nitrification Inhibitor Cover Crops Perennial Extended Rotations Details % Nitrate-N Reduction Fall to Spring Pre-plant 6 (25) Spring pre-plant/sidedress 40-60 split compared to fall applied 5 (28) Sidedress – Soil test based compared to pre-plant 7 (37) Nitrapyrin – Fall – Compared to applied w/out nitrapyrin 9 (19) Rye 31 (29) Oat 28 (2) Biofuel Crops (ex. switchgrass, miscanthus) 72 (23) Conservation Reserve Program 85 (9) At least 2 years of alfalfa or other perennial crops in a 4 or 5 year rotation 42 (12) Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, 2014 Improve delivery and efficiency of nitrogen Conclusions • (+) Some success in bringing down excessively high concentrations • (-) Nitrate loss to groundwater inevitable even under current best management practices. • (+) In areas where land use is consistent expect groundwater nitrate concentrations to stabilize • (-/+) Where land use changes - expect concentrations to either increase or decrease depending on change Kevin Masarik, Center for Watershed Science and Education