UWSP ANIMAL CARE AND USE PROTOCOL Please submit the following: Mail one printed copy with signatures to Sharon Courtney, Grant Support Office, Old Main, 715-346-3799 Administrative summary information IACUC use only Protocol # ______________ Review Date ____________ P.I. name(s) Action _________________ First renewal __________ Project title Second renewal __________ Date (today) Next full review __________ Project dates Animal study summary information (expanded responses will follow on subsequent pages) species (n) source? please list each species and include the number of individuals for each in parentheses indicate if the source of the animals will be ordered from off campus, from a captive colony, or wild population lab or field? indicate if the study of animals will occur in classrooms, labs, animal care facility or other UWSP housing location, or if the use of animals will occur in the field (free-living conditions) research or teaching? indicate if the animals will be used for research or for teaching (add course name and number of students) grant support? if work is supported by a research or teaching grant, please list funding agency surgery? indicate if (and what type of) surgery will be performed endpoint note final disposition of animals (e.g. captive colony, adoption, euthanasia & museum donation) special briefly note any special circumstances to bring to the attention of the IACUC I certify that I will follow the provisions for the care, use and treatment of animals as outlined in the NIH “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”, or the “Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching”. I assure that these procedures do not unnecessarily duplicate previous experiments. Principal Investigator (1) _______________________________ print Co-Investigator (2) _______________________________ print Department / Division Chair: I am aware of this protocol. 291186435 _______________________________ sign _______________________________ sign ________________________________ sign 1 PART 1 name (1) Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator Information if more than one investigator is included, list the primary contact person here email address campus address campus phone emergency phone project role skills, licenses, certifications note qualifications relevant to animal use proposed other Co-Investigator Information name (2) email address campus address campus phone emergency phone project role skills, licenses, certifications note qualifications relevant to animal use proposed other 291186435 2 authors: omit this page if only 1 or 2 investigators are listed, or add additional tables as needed Co-Investigator Information name (3) email address campus address campus phone emergency phone project role skills, licenses, certifications note qualifications relevant to animal use proposed other Co-Investigator Information name (4) email address campus address campus phone emergency phone project role skills, licenses, certifications note qualifications relevant to animal use proposed other 291186435 3 authors: add additional sections for each species as needed PART 2 Animal Information species (1) common name or strain number of individuals age, weight, or size indicate approximate age or age class (by age, weight, or size) sex source indicate source of animals (e.g. provide name of commercial supplier, or site of field capture, etc.) primary housing note building and room number of primary housing site (typically where animals are maintained); for animals maintained in the CNR Animal Care Facility, simply note “ACF” secondary housing note building and room number of secondary housing site (typically where animals are used) persons providing basic care provide the name(s) and responsibilities of persons caring for the day-to-day needs of the animals; for animals in the ACF, simply note “ACF staff” basic monitoring describe the variables that will be monitored, and the frequency of monitoring, during routine (non-manipulation) housing; for animals in the ACF, simply note relevant SOP persons providing training provide the name(s) and responsibilities of persons providing training of students or other personnel who will be caring or using animals under this protocol persons conducting manipulation provide the name(s) and responsibilities of persons conducting manipulation of animals; for class use, list course(s) and approximate number of students experimental monitoring describe the variables that will be monitored, and the frequency of monitoring, during periods of manipulation or experimentation – a separate section for surgery follows in PART 7 persons providing health care endpoint 291186435 provide the name(s) and qualifications of persons who will evaluate, diagnose, and treat unanticipated discomfort, illness, or injury note the final disposition of the animals, and outline the procedure(s) for animals that are unintentionally injured or become ill during the study; expanded descriptions required in 6.3 & 6.4 4 PART 3 Objectives of Proposed Research or Instruction 3.1 In clear, concise, non-technical language targeting a general audience, summarize the background, hypothesis, experimental plan, and relevance of the proposed animal use. If animals are used in teaching, please provide specific learning outcomes. PART 4 Rationale for Use of Animals 4.1 In a narrative targeting a general audience, explain why animals are required for your studies. 4.2 Explain why the proposed species is (are) the most appropriate. 4.3 Justify the number of animals used. Describe the statistical tests and/or other rationale for your determination of the number of animals required, providing references if appropriate. 291186435 5 4.4 If necessary, how will animals be euthanized? Does this meet the 2013 AVMA euthanasia guidelines? If not, explain why you are opting to use this method of euthanasia. PART 5 Alternatives to the Use of Animal & 3R’s 5.1 Explain what alternatives to animal use are available, and explain why the alternatives are not appropriate. You must also specify at least two sources or databases that you have used to search for alternatives. Please note that additional guidelines for completing sections 5 & 6 are included in a separate document entitled << IACUC parts 5 & 6 explained.doc >>. Answers to these questions are required by the National Institutes of Health for all protocols, as per our agreement as an institution to adhere to NIH guidelines. If, after reading << IACUC parts 5 & 6 explained.doc >>, you are still unsure how to complete this section, do not hesitate to call IACUC members. 5.2 Explain how you have met the “3R’s” requirement of Replacement, Refinement, Reduction. Describe the steps you have taken to replace (some of) the animals used, to refine the use of animals (e.g. by improving technique or increasing data collection), and to reduce the number of animals or number of procedures. 291186435 6 PART 6 Experimental Procedures involving Live Animals 6.1 Describe your experimental procedures (outside of normal husbandry) to be performed on these animals. Identify any nutritional, social, environmental, or physical manipulation of the animals, including the administration of therapeutic or experimental agents, including dosage, dosing frequency and route of administration, from time of contact through euthanasia. Note that a separate section follows for description of surgical procedures and details of anesthesia, analgesia, and surgery should be provided in PART 7. 6.2 Do you anticipate the animals will experience more than momentary or slight pain or discomfort as a result of your procedure? If YES, describe the methods by which you will assess, monitor, and minimize pain and distress to the animals. Again, surgical procedures and monitoring should be addressed in PART 7. NO YES 6.3 Describe any potential adverse effects of the experimental procedures and how each abnormal or adverse effect will be managed. Describe the conditions, criteria, and methods that would lead to the removal of an animal from the study (e.g. animals with uncontrolled infections would be euthanized) . 6.4 Outline the final disposition of the animals – what will happen to the animals at the end of the study? 291186435 7 PART 7 Anesthesia, Analgesia, Surgery and Recovery 7.1 Will you be administering anesthesia and/or performing surgery? If YES, complete all of the questions in this section. If NO, skip to PART 8. 7.2 Who will be administering anesthesia and/or performing surgery? NO YES 7.3 If students are participating in anesthesia and surgery, explain how students are trained and supervised. 7.4 Describe the anesthesia and/or surgical procedure, beginning with pre-surgical analgesia (if appropriate), anesthesia, surgery and recovery. Provide evidence that all surgical procedures will be adequately monitored and documented. List all the variables monitored during anesthesia, surgery, and immediate post-operative recovery, or attach a monitoring form. Provide an estimate of the durations of anesthesia, surgery, and recovery. 7.5 Will the animals be allowed to recover? If YES, describe the post-surgical monitoring and recovery procedures, outline the methods to reduce post-surgical pain or discomfort, and note the variables that will be used to assess long-term animal health and well-being. NO YES 7.6 Will animals undergo more than one major survival surgery? If YES, provide justification for multiple procedures. A major surgery is one in which a body cavity is opened. NO YES 291186435 8 PART 8 Use of Wild-Caught Animals 8.1 Do you capture, trap, handle or manipulate animals in the wild? If YES, describe the method of capture, type of equipment, and frequency of monitoring. If NO, skip section. NO YES 8.2 Describe the precautions, protections, and/or quarantine procedures taken to limit exposure of personnel to zoonotic disease or other animal-related injuries or illness. 8.3 Will wild animals be held in captivity for more than 12 hours? If YES, provide a description of the conditions of captivity, including housing, nutrition, social grouping, and veterinary care. NO YES 8.4 Use this space to include any additional information that would help the IACUC understand the particular requirements of your study. 291186435 9 UWSP Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) signature page Administrative summary information P.I. name(s) Project title Review Date Protocol # APPROVED The undersigned members of UWSP’s IACUC have read your protocol and have found that the procedures fall within the NIH and USDA Guidelines for the care and use of animals. DENIED The undersigned members of UWSP’s IACUC have read your protocol and have found that the procedures DO NOT fall within the NIH and USDA Guidelines for the care and use of animals. 291186435 ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Printed name ________________________________ Signature 10