P-015 A COMPREHENSIVE GIS APPROACH TO DREDGING-RELATED STUDIES AND DATASETS FOR THE BELGIAN COASTAL WATERS AND THE SCHELDT ESTUARY Natasha Blommaerf \ Frederik Roose(1), Chantai Martens< '1\ Kenneth Cools(^ (l) afdeling Maritieme Toegang, E-mail: natasha. blommaertÇcgmow. viaanderen, be, frederik. roose@.mow. vlaanderen. be, chantai. martens@mow. vlaanderen. be t2>Geo Solutions NV, kenneth.cools@geosolutions.be K eyw ords: Maritime Access, Maritieme Toegang, GIS, dredging, studies, coastal waters A BSTRA CT The web application ‘D ata V iew er’, developed by the Flem ish M aritim e A ccess division of the Flem ish M inistry o f M obility and Public W orks, supports th e operation o f dredging and environm ent-related activities in the access channels to th e Flem ish harbours. This application enables the geographical visualisation and a lim ited analysis o f various complex dataset types. The present database contains dredging intensity data, various hydrodynam ic m easurem ents and density profiles on silt accretion locations. The advantages o f the D ata V iew er are numerous: data in this central database is accessible, easy to consult and to interpret, in relation to various dredging m onitoring and reporting activities. Currently, the Data V iew er is only internally accessible because o f security reasons. A s soon as the security issue is solved external third parties can register in order to log on to this site. The Environm ent and Inform ation Portal is a JAVA based web application connected w ith an Oracle 1 lg database and an A rc SDE 10 GIS database engine. T he GIS data are published in the form o f web map services (W M S) and web feature services (WFS) through an Arc GIS server 10. The visualisation o f the geographic data is im plem ented by an O penlayers javascript library. D red g in g In ten sity d a ta The accessibility o f the Flem ish harbours requires continuous m aintenance dredging activities in the navigation channels in the Belgian coastal waters and in the Scheldt estuary. The dredged sedim ent is transported to allocated relocations sites by trailer suction hopper dredgers. A D redging Inform ation System stores all inform ation related to the dredging and relocation process, w hich allows the retrieval o f intensity maps o f the dredging and relocation sites. The intensity maps, show ing the spatial distribution o f w eight and volum e o f dredged sedim ent, are very useful for m orphological analysis in the fram ework of optim isation o f the dredging and relocation process, environm ental m onitoring and environm ental impact assessment. The user interface allows querying on tim e and space. The cumulated intensity m ap is visualised over the requested time period from 1 w eek up to several years and multiple dredging or relocation sites in a standard colour legend. The web based GIS view er offers standard viewing facilities, an identify tool, multiple background layers and export features. 170 P-015 B B S Qg S I D ! ^ i H 3 Adit«e<we. ? ar-^4 D a ta in s t e l le n Stroommeüngen B ag g eren ' s to r te n D e n s ite it R e g io (* b ag g eren C sto rte n W M .8 F VVES K BEI P e r io d e m e tin g Ü a|¡e m WCC a is r ao r S E I • .'Jfc-s-t !!-*'. ree * ® c k -'/ïjid s o !e r W&vfiKïan ’t r?nd W aarde »'• Ger«dit n ton/ms 'idu aa íi m5/m= G eiedu ceo id vdume i v i m m '/ a r C rone S to i ÍTDB) «1 to n im Fig. 1. Visualisation of Dredging Intensity data. The pop up window allows the user to make a search query in the dredging intensity database. C ross-section al c u rre n t velocity m e asu re m en ts The Belgian Coastal waters and the Scheldt estuary are subject to a tidal regime. Crosssectional hydrodynam ic m easurem ents during a tidal cycle are executed regularly w ithin the fram ework o f the m onitoring program s along a series o f predefined transects or at request during additional research surveys. The cross-sectional hydrodynam ic m easurem ents consist o f a set o f consecutive acoustic recordings along a transect o f current velocity and suspended sedim ent concentration, o f w hich discharge, and sedim ent flux through the transect can be deduced. The data obtained during the cross sectional hydrodynam ic measurements are im ported in the ArcSDE 10 database by a custom ised Python® script. The user interface allows querying on time period, the location o f a cross section and on the m easured time interval during the cycle. The queried sectional hydrodynam ic measurements are visualised as current velocity vectors on the geographic map, indicating the current velocity and current direction at a chosen depth. The Data Viewer is not designed to show suspended sediment concentrations. The web based GIS view er offers standard viewing facilities, an identify tool, multiple background layers and export features. 171 P-015 3 « c tita g ro n c : D a ta i n s t e l l e n • P r o je c t B IS D e n :it* it ¡HCBS 2 Highly Concent:«ted Bemhic 3 ] • R e q io F KUB C VVÉS C*' BEI ûft? Welke Raai laaiW - n a i le Waarde d Periode M eting ¡aai d iniond i ' '21 ■ E 3SSH RdJi !. . tnc7t*r.J 28-09 2006 z l Gemtddpldp tíjd rrlatipf fpn np?ichle h ooq water 1-*01u Q7mm - -*01u 23 m*n 3 Strom ingsvpctor < C'ep'egemrbeW 4m r 4 P.epteçe'i«daett lin i F C fp te Oppeivtóktestromino f 1 Jm Fig. 2. Visualisation o f cross- sectional current velocity measurements. The pop up window allows the user to make a search query in the cross section current velocity measurement database. Density profiles in silt layers The neighbourhood o f the harbour o f Zeebrugge at the Belgian coast and the harbour o f Antwerp in the Scheldt estuary are characterised by the presence o f a turbidity maxim um o f fine cohesive sediments. These sedim ents accumulate in harbour basins, resulting in the form ation o f cohesive silt layers. The cohesive silt layers are surveyed by a dual-frequency echo sounder (210 and 33 kHz) and by density profiles o f which the depth o f equal density layers and the nautical depth (defined as the 1.2 t/m 3 density) can be determ ined in a certain area o f interest. The survey results are visualised on the geographic map o f the application. All points are labelled w ith the depth value o f the selected density values and the dual-frequency soundings. At the m om ent o f writing, the functionality to visualise isobaths between the selected data, was still in a developing phase. The solution for the visualisation o f the interpolation or other geospatial processes could be delivered by the implem entation o f so called W eb Processing services (WPS). A WPS allows the user to request a certain im age processing algorithm on the available data. The execution o f this algorithm delivers an output w hich could be directly returned to the client or could be saved as resource data at the server side o f the web application. 172 P-015 AcftWffgfÖtÖ: ^ e s í. m v te lle n Stroommetingen Z one B IS Dotum 109 114* 106 107- Fig. 3. Visualisation o f density measurements. The pop up window allows the user to make a search query in the density measurement database. C onclusion The D ata V iew er provides the possibility to m anage coastal (and estuarine) inform ation in an easy accessible and clarifying manner. M aritim e Access established a viewing portal for various dataset types w ith GIS tools such as standard viewing facilities, an identify tool, m ultiple background layers and m ap export features. The Openlayers JavaScript library, w hich supports the com mon Open G eospatial Consortium (OGC) standards, gives a pow erful geographic m ap visualisation w hich is independent o f the im plem ented client and server. The scalability and m aintainability o f this web based GIS view er is optim ized by using a REST architecture in the application code. The separation between server and client allows to develop both independently. O ther M aritim e A ccess applications, such as M atador (a search-, view- and m etadata m anaging- portal o f GIS related data available at M aritim e Access) and the Grid database (a search and view ing portal o f Bathymetric data), can be integrated with the Data Viewer. All this features makes the Data V iew er an efficient tool for various dredging m onitoring and reporting activities. Because o f its scalable characteristics, the Data V iew er has also the potential to becom e a powerful module for the im plem entation o f different analyses. 173