Document 11757868

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA – GREENSBORO SYLLABUS – FALL 2015 COURSE: MGT 300 – Management of Organizations INSTRUCTOR: Mark A. Moser OFFICE: Bryan 344-­‐D OFFICE HOURS: By appointment E-­‐MAIL: LINKEDIN PROFILE: REQUIRED MATERIALS Williams, Chuck. MGMT, Eighth Edition. Cengage Learning. PREREQUISITES Students enrolled in MGT 300 must have achieved at least sophomore standing at the beginning of the semester in which you take MGT 300 and a minimum GPA of 2.0. Any student who does not meet these requirements will be administratively dropped from the course. COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to how managers coordinate human and material resources to achieve organizational goals. Effective management practices that can be applied to business organizations. 1 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, you should be knowledgeable about major concepts and theories of Organizational Behavior. The learning outcomes for this course are the following: 1. The student will differentiate between managerial and non-­‐managerial employees 2. The student will explain the basics of at least three of the classical approaches to management. 3. The student will explain and give an example of how managerial decision making involves the allocation of scarce resources. 4. Given a specific case, the student will apply Contingency Theory and explain how it might be used to predict/explain behavior. 5. The student can discuss the importance of regional trading and the World Trade Organization to managing organizations. 6. The student can discuss the concept of social responsibility and enumerate some of the factors that govern socially responsible decisions. 7. The student will describe different decision making styles and explain how biases affect decision making. 8. The student will differentiate among planning, organizing, directing, and controlling and explain each of them with examples. 9. The student will compare and contrast several approaches to goal setting. 10. The student will explain the link between human resource policies and corporate success. 11. The student will list the functional areas of business and then distinguish among them as to their subject matter. 12. The student will describe and explain three types of corporate strategies. 13. The student will enumerate the different modes of managerial communication and give an example of each of them. 14. The student will differentiate between managers and leaders and explain the overlap in these two roles. ACADEMIC HONOR CODE Academic honesty is central to UNCG’s mission. Make sure you understand and adhere to the principles of the University’s Honor Policy as described in the Student Handbook and accept your responsibilities as UNCG students. Signing-­‐in another student or falsifying the attendance sheet is an honor code violation. 2 INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR The instructor will attempt to make the experience match what you might expect in a professional role. Expectations for students attending this class are the same as expectations for mid-­‐ and upper-­‐level managers in company meetings: •
Be on time. No hats or caps. Don’t violate the course electronics policy: o Taking notes on a laptop or a tablet is allowed o Using the laptop or tablet for other than class-­‐related activities is NOT allowed o Wearing headphones is NOT allowed o Accessing a cell phone or smart phone is NOT allowed, even for taking notes Behavior that is inappropriate for a business meeting will not be permitted in this class. GRADING A+ 98 – 100 A 90 – 97 B+ 88 – 89 B 80 – 87 C+ 78 – 79 C 70 – 77 D+ 68 – 69 D 60 – 67 F < 60 COMPONENTS OF FINAL GRADE 1.
Exam 1 Final Exam Team Presentation Attendance / Contribution to the Class 25% 30% 20% 20% Please Note: A. Grades will not be discussed over the phone, only via e-­‐mail or in-­‐person. B. No extra credit assignments will be accepted. 3 1. Exams The mid-­‐term exam will not be cumulative. The final exam will be cumulative, covering material from the entire semester. Students arriving later than 15 minutes after the start of the exam will not be permitted to take the exam and will receive a grade of zero for that exam. If an exam is administered by paper and is submitted without a name, it will be penalized 10 points. Make-­‐up exams will only be granted in cases of medical emergencies or deaths in the family. Documentation must be provided before the make-­‐up exam is taken. 2. Group Project Each student will be assigned to a group and that group will be assigned a case study linked to one of the chapters in the text. The group will lead a class discussion/presentation on its assigned day. The group will: •
Summarize the details of the case to the class in order to begin a class discussion. Engage the class in a discussion about the specifics of the case in the context of the assigned chapter from the text. At the end of the session, the group will disclose its proposed solutions and justify them. The grade will be based on a combination of the quality of the discussion generated with the class during its presentation and the application of chapter principles to the case study challenge. The instructor will engage the group in advance of their presentation date on Canvas to stimulate their thinking on the topic. 3. Participation and Contribution to the Class This course is part of the student’s training in a professional business school. Students are expected to conduct themselves as professionals. Professionals are prepared for meetings (class) and actively participate in discussions as appropriate. 4 Attendance is expected and will contribute 10% of the overall participation component of the course grade. Two absences are permitted without penalty. After the second absence, the participation portion of the course grade will be impacted 2 points for each absence. If the student misses a class, the student is responsible for contacting other group members concerning assignments or materials that were missed. Contribution to the class will also contribute 10% of the overall participation component and will be calculated based on several categories including a team contribution assessment by your teammates, participation in Canvas discussions, and engagement in class discussions. Repeat offenders of the electronics policy will see this portion of their grade impacted significantly. SCHEDULE Please note that the instructor reserves the right to modify the course schedule including exam dates. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor Canvas for any changes in the schedule. Aug 18 – Course Introduction; Chapter 1, Management Aug 20 – Chapter 2, The History of Management Aug 25 – Chapter 3, Organizational Environments and Cultures Aug 27 – Chapter 4, Ethics and Social Responsibility; Chapter 5, Planning and Decision Making Sep 1 – Chapter 6, Organizational Strategy Sep 3 – Chapters 7, Innovation and Change; and Chapter 8, Global Management Sep 8 – Chapter 9, Designing Adaptive Organizations Sep 10 – Group Work Sessions Sep 15 – Group 1 Presentation Sep 17 – Group 2 Presentation Sep 22 – Chapter 10, Managing Teams Sep 24 – Group 3 Presentation 5 Sep 29 – Chapter 11, Managing Human Resource Systems; Chapter 12 Managing Individuals Oct 1 – Group 4 Presentation Oct 6 – Exam 1 , Chapters 1 – 11 Oct 8 – NO CLASS Oct 13 – FALL BREAK, NO CLASS _____________________________ Oct 15 – Chapter 13, Motivation Oct 20 – Chapter 14, Leadership Oct 22 – Group 5 Presentation Oct 27 – Chapter 15, Managing Communication Oct 29 – Group 6 Presentation Nov 3 – Chapter 16, Control Nov 5 – Group 7 Presentation Nov 10 – Chapter 17, Managing Information Nov 12 – Group 8 Presentation Nov 17 – Chapter 18, Managing Service and Manufacturing Organizations Nov 19 – Group 9 Presentation Nov 24 – Group 10 Presentation TBA – FINAL EXAM 6 UNCG DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR POLICY The instructor may withdraw a student for a course for behavior that is deemed by the instructor to be disruptive to the class. The grade assigned will be “W” if the behavior occurs before the deadline for dropping a course without academic penalty, and the instructor has the option of giving a “W” or a “WF” if the behavior occurs after the deadline. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY CODE & FACULTY/STUDENT GUIDELINES Students are expected to uphold and abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Code in all matters pertaining to this course. Violations of the Code will be pursued in accordance with the code. All written work submitted should include the UNCG Code statement written out, as below, followed by the student’s signature. I have abided by the UNCG Academic Integrity Code in completing all aspects of this work. This pledge will indicate that you have not used information, materials or papers prepared by or given by another individual. For detailed information concerning the academic integrity code, visit: For information concerning the Bryan School Faculty – Student Guidelines, explore the following website: 7 