Syllabus-MKT309 (Sections 09, 09D, 11, 11D) - Business Communication


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Syllabus-MKT309 (Sections 09, 09D, 11, 11D) - Business Communication

Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality and Tourism

Bryan School of Business

Fall 2014-Naidu-Online

[This syllabus & course schedule is subject to change]

Business and professional communication: job search skills; collaboration; communication technology; verbal and non-verbal strategies. Emphasis on effective persuasion, interpersonal, intercultural, and organizational strategies through business styles, formats and presentations.

Course Instructor:

Ms. Hemalatha Naidu

374 Bryan Building

Office hours (online via google chat): Thursday, 12:00pm-1:00pm / or by appointment

(best way to contact me).

[All emails will be answered in 24 hours – emails are not guaranteed to be answered between Friday 05:00pm and Monday 08:00am.]

Credits : 3 hours

Additional Support: The UNCG Writing Center, The UNCG Speaking Center, UNCG Library

Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission to approved program.

Course Overview & Philosophy:

In this class, we will apply business communication principles to our writing, speaking and relating skills. This Writing Intensive

& Speaking Intensive course is performance-based. Since knowledge and skills improve through practice, you are graded on your performance, not on effort. You are graded on what you produce via your writing and speaking deliverables.

The Bryan School of Business and Economic Student Learning Goals ( Common to all business students) :

Learning Goal 1: Be skilled in critical thinking and decision-making, as supported by the appropriate use of analytical and quantitative techniques.

Learning Goal 2: Recognize and assess the ethical and social dimensions of management activities and evaluate their impact on management decisions.

Learning Goal 3: Communicate clearly and correctly, and can demonstrate collaborative and leadership skills.

Learning Goal 4: Understand the core organizational functions and activities and how they interrelate to accomplish an organization’s major goals through effective processes.

Learning Goal 5: Evaluate the role global markets have on management decisions and formulate appropriate strategies to improve performance in the world economy.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): After successful completion of this course, you should:

SLO1: Understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace.

SLO2: Identify communication strategies to business situations.

SLO3: Create responses to communication needs.

SLO4: Conduct business research for evidence-based writings & presentations.

SLO5: Use accurate documentation of sources.

SLO6: Write concise and organized documents using the appropriate format.

SLO7: Use the three step writing process.

SLO8: Write reports based on the evaluation of data.

SLO9: Develop and demonstrate effective oral presentations with verbal and nonverbal proficiencies.

Course Requirements



Required Course text: Writing That Works by Oliu, Brusaw, and Alred, 11 th


ISBN-10: 1-4576-1113-9 / ISBN-13: 978-1-4576-1113-1


An excellent reference is the Stunk & White’s Elements of Style.

Find it for FREE in our UNCG

Library database at . Link also posted on Blackboard.

“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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Recommended text: Business Communication for Success FREE textbook posted in Blackboard.

(There are grammar errors in the text.) This text is full of great content that we will be referencing.


Supplemental readings as posted on Blackboard.

Technology Requirements/Campus Resources:


Access to syllabus, course calendar, internet, blackboard, dropbox link, and camera/reasonable recording device to record your speech presentations


Use your UNCG email account only (not personal emails) for communication with your instructor.


Campus Resources:

 The UNCG Library ( ),

 The UNCG Speaking Center (


 The UNCG Writing Center (


Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (


Honor Code Adherence:


You are expected to adhere to the UNCG Honor Code which can be found online at


Please review the faculty/student guidelines at



PLAGIARISM: Plagiarizing any aspects of your work or other forms of academic dishonesty is a violation of student

Honor Code. In the event of any work identified as plagiarized, the student will receive a zero on the submission with a warning. Repetition of the offence will result in removal of student from the class.

General Course Policies & Procedures:


Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: To establish reasonable accommodations, students with disabilities are to contact the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (334-5440) in the first week of school and inform instructor(s) to facilitate the suggested accommodations, if any.


Religious Observances: Discuss with your instructor if any class assignments conflict with your religious practices.


Email your instructor with professionalism. You are to paragraph, capitalize, etc. If you don’t, you may be asked to re-do your email or clarify before your instructor can respond. Remember, the primary objective of this course is to adapt your writing to the audience, occasion, and topic and reflect learning in your work.

Course Policies & Procedures on Assignments:


Submitting Assignments: a) Submit all assignments as instructed to Student/Instructor Box, Discussion Board, or Direct Submission. Email of any assignments is accepted only if prior agreement to that delivery is made with the instructor. b) Assignments must be submitted in Tahoma 10 point font and block left format with jagged right margins except in the case of Resume and application letter. Spacing and tabs depend upon the format specified in the assignment instructions c) Review syllabus/calendar. Course documents and assignments scheduled for each week on Blackboard mirrors the Course calendar included in the syllabus. d) By enrolling in this course, you are agreeing to this timeline, assignment/course requirements and responsibilities .


Late Assignments / Make up / Extra Credit: a) NO MAKE UP is offered for any missed assignments, unless appropriate documentation to support is provided. b) Assignments with permission to make up must be completed within one week of return to class and as agreed with the instructor. c) NO MAKE UP for missed Speech Video (SV2) due via Discussion Board for peer review. d) No extra credit is offered on coursework.

e) Late work is not accepted. All assignments open and close on a schedule and must be completed on-time.


Course Grades: a) Grades for each assignment will be returned within two weeks of submission or sooner as time permits. b) Late submissions (as approved) will be fit into grading schedule, as time is available. c) Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Review Student Honor Code section on this page for clarity. d) You are responsible to monitor your Blackboard grades. Write a well-crafted email to me requesting any grade re-consideration within two days of the grade’s posting, if you contest or need clarification on the grade. e) No adjustments can be made for grade reconsideration at the end of course.

“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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Developing core communication skills through Required Assignments:

This course focuses on developing core communication skills and thus requires readings and assignments that support student learning and development of these skills using various assessment methods. In specific, the activities, the types of assignments and readings address core skills as listed below:

Time Management : Assignments are varied, integrated, and overlapping. Students must focus on multiple readings, activities, and submission demands each week given this is an online course. Students, therefore, must also take responsibility for reviewing the course calendar for planning and pacing their own work and develop time management skills.

NOTE: There will be no reminders on weekly assignments. The course calendar is detailed enough for students to pen them to their calendars. Most assignments are due during weekends. Students must clarify questions on the assignments ahead of the due dates to avoid late preparation. Responses to email inquiries over weekends and closer to deadline times cannot be guaranteed.

Written Communication : Grammar, punctuation, format, organization, tone and style are very important components to this course and thus considered heavily when grading written memos, reflections, emails, assignments, peer reviews, discussion board participation, work plans, drafts, and research report. Students are highly encouraged to seek services of UNCG writing center early in the semester for overall improvement and not just as a remedial option or extra credit opportunity to boost a single grade.

Also, written assignments comprise more than 50% of your course grade. While half of the grade is based on the quality of your writing, the other half evaluates on evidence of your understanding of the material and application of concepts to meet the assignment criteria.

** Revisions: Remember, revising or rewriting goes beyond just correcting grammar, punctuations, mechanics and style. Revisions include rethinking, reorganizing your major arguments, positions, organization of ideas, style, tone of your writing, etc.

Speaking or Oral Communication : There will be 4 oral presentations (informative and persuasive nature) of various time length using extemporaneous methods of delivery. Speeches cannot be read verbatim or recorded when seated. Practice your speeches until you can speak from your memory with occasional reference to notes. Present standing and have someone record your speech for you, if possible. Students are highly encouraged to seek services of The UNCG Speaking Center on campus to develop and practice their speeches for overall improvement of their presentation skills.

Peer Evaluation/Feedback : Major writing assignments are integrated with peer evaluations via discussion board giving opportunity to review one's own writing, examine peers’ work for multiple perspectives and approaches to addressing the assignments and provide constructive critiques of peers' work. Treat peer evaluations and discussion board participation as an opportunity to learn and grow, strengthen your critical thinking skills, and evaluate your own speaking and writing skills.

Teaching Methods and Assignments:

Course content and assignments instructions are delivered via Blackboard. Use the text and supplemental readings on

Blackboard for supportive reading and reference. Direct communication with me is via email, or by appointment (for conversation via google chat / in my office, as needed).


Preparation/Participation Activities (PPAs)

Percentage of Final Grade


Personal Learning Assessments (3 PLAs)

Speech Videos (SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4)*

Discussion Board Posts (5 DBs)

Writing Assignments (W1, W2, W3, W4)

1 Research Report








“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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*The written component for Speech Videos is also factored in PPAs, DB, & PLA deliverables. Written speech outlines and documents are graded with same rigorousness as any written assignment.

NOTE : *All written deliverables for a given week should be submitted as directed to Blackboard’s Discussion Board, Direct

Assignment tab, or Student/Instructor Box. *Follow prompts and attach your document as directed. *Do not copy and paste your work into the text box from word unless specified. Word documents allow for posting comments on the margins on the work reviewed.

Preparation and Participation Activities (PPAs ) : Post (or upload) these deliverables to Blackboard as instructed. All items posted on time and with excellence in class engagement (DB, PPAs – error free writing) is ‘A’ work. PPAs include worksheets (SPDs, CSWs, and AAW), writing activities, and assignments you submit as part of your preparation/participation for discussion board assignments, speeches, and Writing Assignments.

Personal Learning Assessments (PLAs) : Unless specified, you are to write PLAs as memos (1.5-2 full pages, single-spaced in

Tahoma 10 point font) to your instructor detailing your personal learning journey by the due date specified. This is not a repetition exercise of course concepts; instead, it’s a look back at your past learning, current insights, and a look forward to how you will apply the information learned from the readings, activities, peer review, and assignments.

You will inform your class learnings and how you will apply this information to your professional, social, and personal life.

NOTE: You must cite your sources in appropriate citation styles (in text and work cited page; oral citation for a SV4) to show relationship to readings and add credibility to your work.

Speech Videos (SVs) : Effective oral communication is essential to business success. In this course you will learn and demonstrate extemporaneous speaking style of delivery in your speech assignments. Part of your grade is completing and submitting the preparation documents (Speech Planning Documents, speech topic, etc.). All speeches must be recorded standing (no head shots) and away from the camera to assess your gestures, posture, movement, etc. Any speech presented when seated and (or) read verbatim with limited or no gestures / body movements will receive a grade of “C” or lower. This is a requirement and not an option. Please find a good recording device to capture your presentation.

SV 1 (5% of overall Speech Video Grade):

Introduce yourself to me. This is graded for your practice of the speech and attempt. You will receive feedback to help you improve on your next graded speeches.

SV2: (1) “ How to” Speech: teach us how to do something. Be creative. Think about topics that relates to your field of career, major/discipline. Choose topics that are unique, new or less familiar and emphasize learning for your classmates.


(2) Cultural experience – international experience, including birth country, study abroad, extended travel experience and its influence on your communication

SV 3: Applying the course principles for effective presentations and persuasion, convince your audience to support your conclusions on a business issue. Apply citation guidelines in your delivery and written speech content. Speech topics to be provided by the instructor.

SV 4: Applying the course principles for effective presentations and persuasion, you will explain and persuade why you are an effective communicator.

Discussion Board (DB ): In our day-to-day experiences, we are required to give feedback to peers, supervisors, clients, friends, family etc., via online and face-to-face.

 The purpose of discussion board posts is to offer and receive peer feedback to help develop your critical thinking skills, communication skills and add creativity to your work. By using this feedback approach, you are expected to advance your virtual group communication skills, empathy for others, mindfulness, and advance your marketplace competiveness .

Discussion Board will open on Thursday 12:00 am EST and close on Monday at 11:59 pm EST. DB posts are worth 20% of the student’s course grade and is similar to a traditional class participation. There are 5 DB posts due for the semester,

“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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each post is worth 4% of the overall course grade. So, plan accordingly to post your work in time. No make up for any missed DB posts.

NOTE : A DB original post is the post that addresses the discussion board assignment for the week, i.e., your DB individual deliverables. DB Peer Review Posts are well thought out response posts to the original posts of other students.

 You will (1) post your original post / deliverable as instructed by the due date, (2) give feedback to peers in your group, and (3) indicate the usefulness of the feedback you received from peers in SV3.


DB Original Post (due on Saturday 11:59 pm)


DB Peer Review Post (due Monday 11:49pm)

*(See Course calendar for DB Posts due dates)

DG Grading Guidelines :

You will be graded on your content depth, subject knowledge, understanding of the assignment requirements, application of course concepts in your work, and appropriate relating, writing, and speaking skills using suggested feedback strategies.

 Address the assignment requirements completely and in-depth, covering all points and offer evidence including explanations, examples from textbook and supplemental readings as assigned.

 All postings should include the three paragraph requirement of introduction, body, and conclusion format (be it original post or peer review posts).

 Peer Review: Use the DB Grading guidelines suggested above to review your peers’ work!

Tips to Succeed on DB Posts:

 Instructions: Please follow instructions on how to and where to post for the week before you post. You have two weeks of reading time prior to prepare on a topic and post your DB.

 No Late Postings or Partial Credits. If you miss posting your individual DB deliverable by the due date, you cannot submit your work.

 Individual DB Posts are moderated . This means your instructor will review your post before releasing them for peer review. If there is no post from you, then, you cannot participate in giving feedback on your peers’ work since they do not have access to your posts for review. Please prepare accordingly.

 Feedback Quality: The quality of your feedback is a significant part of your DB grade. Provide clear analysis and insight into the topic or questions for clarity and improvement. I often say those that are successful in business are people who have learned to deliver bad news that does not destroy relationships.

 Avoid Empty Flattery: If you receive feedback stating simply ‘good job,’ you are to respond to that feedback as “not helpful.” Empty flattery is not helpful and likely will lower your performance grade.

 Practice integrity ! Be sure that your words and your efforts are congruent. Offer specifics or examples on areas they need improvement. Reference your readings and assignment requirements to show your knowledge and awareness.

Do not tell someone they need improvement and then not offer specifics on what they need to improve.

 Avoid any personal attack of students regardless of the post. Focus on message and offer critiques accordingly.

 Most importantly, proofread your work (prior to posting) to eliminate incorrect references, poor sentence structure, misspelled words, grammar, etc.

Writing Assignments (W1, W2, W3, W4) : These deliverables include goodwill message, your positive approach to giving a negative message or sensitive news, and the persuasive resume and application letter. You will use the communication strategy worksheets for all the deliverables to show your strategy to make your message audience centered. CSWs are pre-requisites to completing the deliverables.

Research Report & Information Literacy : You are to research a US based company located outside of USA or an outside company operating in USA and analyze a business dilemma or a business strategy, tactic or technique used by this company to adapt and customize its strategies to the local population based on your research (audiencecenteredness approach). The name of the company should begin with first letter of your first name or last name and must be approved by the instructor. Be prepared to submit your revised final report through Safe Assign (a

Blackboard plagiarism check).


Writing Tips

 Remember, regarding colleague feedback, it is your decision what information you apply and what information you don’t apply; however, one hint to help decide which information to apply is to look for what is said to you in multiple ways and reference assignment requirements accordingly.

“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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 All writing assignments are to be in at least three paragraphs: an introduction/opening, a body (can be more than one), and a conclusion/closing. The same applies in emails to me.

 Address your reader and give appropriate closure to your emails. Remember, you are not sending your instructor a text message via email. It is formal writing in a sense.

 DO NOT write your message in one big paragraph. Maintain consistency in applying the three paragraphs principle.

 Draft assignments are not optional. Work with writing center on campus to assist you on your writing challenges.

Seek assistance for overall improvement and long-term learning and not just for extra credit.

 There is no make-up or revision work beyond what is suggested as the course already has considerable formative and revisions rounds.

Speaking Tips

 If you are experiencing anxiety, regardless of your reasons, please discuss with me or email me.

From CST105/341, you should know aspects of your delivery that need performance improvement and ways to develop and organize your speeches. Revisit basics from CST 105/341 courses or related courses (if from a non-UNCG campus) for clarity.

Reward Opportunity

These reward opportunities are NOT extra credit. They will NOT replace work that you did not complete. They are instead to reward good behavior – by choosing to do well, you can receive reward. You may do both opportunities.

 Reward Opportunity One: To add 10 points to a low score (Writing/Speaking Assignments), you are invited to visit the Writing Center and/or the Speaking Center. Submit your visit confirmation.

 Reward Opportunity Two: To add a step grade increase (which means from a B to a B+) to your Research Report grade, include documentation from a personal interview with someone from your assigned company, and incorporate that new knowledge in your report with appropriate reference to your work. You are to include the questions asked and the responses received to show your participation, duly dated/acknowledged by the person interviewed.

*Note: There will be no more than the above two reward opportunities. I encourage you to visit writing center and speaking center to practice and proofread your work/speech, prior to submission.

Grading Matrix

Your grades are held in the Blackboard Gradebook.

Final grades are rounded up to the next point at ‘.5’ and more only. For example, a 74.5 is rounded to a 75.

A – Exceeds


B – Achieves


C – Working Toward


D - Below F –


+ 100 – 97

96 – 94

89 – 87

86 – 84

79 - 77

76 - 74

69 - 67

66 - 64


- 93 - 90 83 – 80 73 - 70

Overview Grading Rubric: Specific assignment rubrics are posted in Blackboard.


Exceeds Expectations

Expands assignment into excellence, adds creativity.


Meets Expectations

Complete all that is required with high quality


63 - 60

Working Toward Expectations

Complete the work with a few areas for improvement


Below Expectations

Did not meet the assignment requirements

+ (plus) Null 1.

(min us)

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations

(a few un-impactful errors)

Working Toward Expectations

A few impactful errors

“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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Course Calendar Fall 2014 – Business Communications


PPA: Preparation/Participation Activities

CSW: Communication Strategy Worksheet

SPD: Speed Planning Document

PLA: Personal Learning Assignment

SV: Speech Video

DB: Discussion Board

Weeks (W) Topics Readings PPA, PLA, SVs

Due Sunday 11:59pm

OR As Specified

UNIT 1: Basics to Business Communication (Writing)

W1: Aug 18-24

W2: Aug 25-31

W3: Sept. 1-7

W4: Sept. 8-14

W5: Sept.15-21

Course Overview

Audience Centeredness


Academic to Business


Organization, Tone &


Academic to Business

Writing (Cont’d)

Routine & Positive


Negative Message

Grammar: Part Four of

Writing That Works

Supplemental Readings on


Chapter 1, 3 Writing That


Supplemental readings on BB

Chapters 2, 4, 8 Writing That


Supplemental Readings on


Chapters 8, 9, 15

Supplemental Readings on


Chapters 8, 9, 15 Writing That


Supplemental Readings on


Academic Integrity (Required but not graded)


*Current Resume

*Semester Goals for Writing &


SV1 : Introduction Speech with

Speech Outline

PPA: Audience Analysis



Writing Exercises-Reflection

Write Up


*Writing Exercises

*CSW for W1 Positive Message

PLA 1 Reflection Memo

DB1 : Positive Message (W1)

PPA: CSW for W2 Negative


UNIT 2: Basics to Business Communication (Speaking) / Revisions

W6: Sept. 22-28 Business Speaking Chapter 14 Writing That DB2 : Negative Message (W2)

Basics Works

Supplemental Readings on


PPA: SV2 Speech Planning


W7: Sept. 29-Oct. 5 Listening, Nonverbal, &

Cultural Communication

Writing That Works Pg. 511

Supplemental Readings on


DB3 : SV2 (NO Make Up)

PPA: Activities

W1 : *Revised Positive Message

(Sunday 11:59pm)

Due Friday, Oct. 10 th


PLA 2 : Reflection Memo

W2 : *Revised Negative Message

W: Writing


Discussion Board (DB)

Due Dates





*(Two weeks to post DB1 on Positive Message)

(*) DB 1 original post due on Sat, Sept. 20 11:59pm

(*) Peer review post

Mon, Sept.22 11:59pm

(*) DB2 original post due on Sat, Sept. 27 11:59pm

(*) Peer review post

Mon, Sept.29


(*) DB3 original post due on Sat, Oct.4 11:59pm

(*) Peer review post

Mon, Oct. 6 11:59pm

None W8: Oct. 6-10

(11, 12 – Fall


Business Speaking /


Reflect on Unit 1 & 2

UNIT 3: Resume Unit / SV3 / Revisions

W9: Oct 13, 14 (Fall


Oct. 15-19

W10: Oct. 20-26

Job Search :

Application Letter (W3)

Resume (W4)

Job Search (Cont’d)

*Persuasive Techniques

(prepare for SV3)

Chapter 16 Writing That


Supplemental Readings on


* SV2 (Revised SV2 with SPD)

PPAs: Due: Thursday, Oct. 23


*Job Ad Copy (Required)

* CSW for Application Letter



“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell

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Weeks (W) Topics Readings PPA, PLA, SV Due

Sunday 11:59pm OR

As Specified

UNIT 4: Business Research Report / SV4 / Revisions (

Note change in Due Dates for this Unit


W11: Oct. 27-

Job Search (Cont’d)

Supplemental Readings on BB DB4 : Draft W3 & W4

Nov.2 (will be announced and as needed)

W12: Nov. 3-9 Business Research Report

Cultural Communication

Chapter 11, 12 Writing That


Prepare Plan of Action or Work

Plan for Research Report

W13: Nov. 10-16

Research Report (cont’d) Supplemental Readings on BB

(will be announced and as needed)

RR1 : Work Plan (not optional)

Due Sat., Nov. 7 (11:59pm)

SV3 – Sunday, 11:59pm

RR2 : Brief Outline with

Sources - Due Sat., Nov. 15 (or sooner)

* Revisions

W3: Final Application Letter

W4: Final Resume

(*W3&W4 due Sunday


W14: Nov. 17-23

Research Report (cont’d)

Develop Research Report Draft DB5 : RR3 Report Draft with

Sources fully cited (not optional)

Discussion Board (DB)

Due Dates

(*) DB4 Original post due on Sat, Nov 1, 11:59pm

(*) Peer review post

Mon, Nov. 3, 11:59pm

(*) DB Original post only!

(*) DB Original post only!

(*) DB5 Original post due on Sat, Nov 22, 11:59pm

(*) Peer review post

Mon, Nov.24, 11:59pm

W15: Nov. 24-25

[Nov.26-30 –



W16: Dec. 1 –

Last Day of Class

Work on Final Research


Prepare final speech Video

(SV4), Research Report, & PLA2 Happy Thanksgiving!

Finals Week Mon, Dec. 1 : RR4 Research

Report Final Due

Thur, Dec. 4 or earlier: SV4


December 11,



*DB Deliverables: (Note: Students have two weeks reading time to prepare and post their DB on a topic)

DB Individual Deliverables (due on Saturday 11:59 pm)

 DB Peer Review / Feedback to peers’ work (due Monday 11:49pm)

*Research Report Deliverables (RRD) – See calendar:

RRD2: Brief Outline

RRD1: Work Plan

RRD3: Research Report Draft

RRD4: Final Research Report

*Writing Assignments

W2 – Negative Message

W1 – Positive Message

W3 – Application Letter

W4 – Resume

*PPAs – Week 1 submissions, Worksheets, SPD, Writing Exercises

* Speech Videos – SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4

*PLAs –PLA1-3

“Communication works for all those who work at it.” – John Powell
