ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 42, pp. 106-135, 2014. Copyright 2014, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University INVERSION OF CENTROSYMMETRIC TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS∗ TORSTEN EHRHARDT† AND KARLA ROST‡ Dedicated to Lothar Reichel on the occasion of his 60th birthday Abstract. In this paper we discuss how to compute the inverse of a nonsingular, centrosymmetric Toeplitz-plusHankel Bezoutian B of order n and how to find a representation of B −1 as a sum of a Toeplitz and a Hankel matrix. Besides the known splitting property of B as a sum of two split-Bezoutians, the connection of the latter to Hankel Bezoutians of about half size is used. The fast inversion of the Hankel Bezoutians together with an inversion formula, which was the subject of a previous paper, leads us to an inversion formula for B −1 as a Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrix. It also enables us to design an O(n2 ) inversion algorithm. Key words. Bezoutian matrix, Toeplitz matrix, Hankel matrix, Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrix, matrix inversion AMS subject classifications. 15A09, 15B05, 65F05 1. Introduction. The present paper can be considered a continuation of [3] and [4]. In particular, in [4] we discussed how to invert a Hankel Bezoutian, and we presented a corresponding fast algorithm. Here, we will use these results for the inversion of a centrosymmetric Toeplitz-plus-Hankel Bezoutian (shortly, T + H Bezoutian). A motivation to deal with the inversion of Bezoutians was recently given by Böttcher and Halwass; see [2]. Historically, Bezoutians were introduced in connection with elimination theory; see [19]. Much later, their importance for the inversion of Hankel and Toeplitz matrices was discovered by Lander [14]. In particular, he observed that the inverse of a nonsingular Hankel (Toeplitz) matrix is a Hankel (Toeplitz) Bezoutian and vice versa. A large amount of literature devoted to the inversion of Toeplitz and Hankel matrices has appeared. The starting points were the papers of Trench [18] and Gohberg and Semencul [6]. Later, in [9], it was discovered that the inverse of a nonsingular matrix which is the sum of a Toeplitz and a Hankel matrix (briefly T + H matrix) possesses a generalized Bezoutian structure. Matrices with such a Bezoutian structure are referred to as T + H Bezoutians. There is a number of papers dealing with the inversion of T + H matrices; see, e.g., [5, 11, 12, 15, 16] and references therein. The converse problem—the inversion of Bezoutians—has been given short shrift up to now. In [8, Part I, Subsection 3.8], the inverse of a Hankel Bezoutian was computed but only in the strongly nonsingular case. The motivation there was that such a procedure is of importance for solving matrix equations of Lyapunov-type. In [7] (see also [13]), a formula for the inverse of a Hankel or a Toeplitz Bezoutian was presented in the language of matrices generated by rational functions. A general approach to the inversion problem for Hankel or Toeplitz Bezoutians was given in [4]. As far as we are aware of, the question of how to obtain fast inversion algorithms or representations for inverses of T + H Bezoutians is discussed here for the first time. We assume that the matrices under considerations possess an additional symmetry. The reason behind this is that on the one hand such additional symmetries of structured matrices are not unusual, but on the other hand this symmetry allows a splitting. The aim for the future is the ∗ Received November 19, 2013. Accepted March 18, 2014. Published online on July 25, 2014. Recommended by Raf Vanderbril. † Department of Mathematics, University of California, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA-95064, USA ( ‡ Department of Mathematics, Chemnitz University of Technology, Reichenhainer Straße 39, D-09126 Chemnitz, Germany ( 106 ETNA Kent State University 107 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS fast inversion of general T + H Bezoutians, but this requires new ideas and seems to be a big challenge. We consider the setting where the entries of the matrices are taken from an arbitrary field F of characteristic different from two. Let us now sketch the main ideas of the paper. T + H Bezoutians are matrices of the n−1 for which there exist eight polynomials gi , fi (1 ≤ i ≤ 4) such that in form B = [ bij ]i,j=0 polynomial language (t − s)(1 − ts) n−1 X i,j=0 bij ti sj = 4 X gi (t)fi (s). i=1 As already indicated above, T + H Bezoutians arise as the inverses of nonsingular T + H n−1 . Conversely, the inverses of nonsingumatrices, i.e., matrices of the form [ai−j + si+j ]j,k=0 lar T + H Bezoutians are T + H matrices [9]. In the present paper, we restrict ourselves to centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians whose inverses are centrosymmetric T + H matrices. Recall that a matrix B is called centrosymmetric if B = Jn BJn , where Jn is the flip matrix 0 1 . . .. (1.1) Jn := 1 0 Thus, given a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian B, our aim is to compute the Toeplitz and Hankel parameters {ai } and {si } of its inverse, a T + H matrix represented by n−1 B −1 = [ ai−j + si+j ]i,j=0 . This task is accomplished in several steps. Our starting point is the fact that the centrosymmetry of B leads to a splitting of the form B = B++ + B−− , where B±± are special T + H Bezoutians, which are called split-Bezoutians of (±) type. This splitting was discovered in [10, Section 8] (see also [12]) and arises from the property that both the space of all symmetric vectors (x = Jn x) and the space of all skewsymmetric vectors (x = −Jn x) are invariant subspaces of the centrosymmetric matrix B. The second step consists in relating B++ and B−− to Hankel Bezoutians. In the case the matrix B being of odd order, say n = 2ℓ − 1, we use a result of [12] to transform B++ into a nonsingular Hankel Bezoutian of order ℓ. Similarly, the matrix B−− can be transformed into a Hankel Bezoutian of size ℓ − 1. In summary, we arrive at a representation of the form # " (1) BH 0 WT , B=W (2) 0 BH (1) (2) where W is a certain explicit transformation (involving triangular matrices) and BH , BH are the mentioned Hankel Bezoutians. A similar representation is derived in the case of even matrix order, n = 2ℓ, with both Hankel Bezoutians of size ℓ. Now we are in a position to use the formulas and algorithms established in [4] to compute the inverse of the Hankel Bezoutians, which are Hankel matrices. Consequently, the following structure of the inverse of the T + H Bezoutian B is obtained, H1 0 −1 −T B =W W −1 , 0 H2 ETNA Kent State University 108 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST where H1 , H2 are Hankel matrices, the parameters of which are given by the solution of corresponding Bezout equations; see [4]. It remains to discover the Toeplitz-plus-Hankel structure behind this representation. In other words, we want to find a Toeplitz matrix T and a Hankel matrix H such that B −1 = T + H . This goal can be achieved utilizing finite versions of results given in [1]. These results are formulas between Hankel matrices and four kinds of particular symmetric T + H matrices. It is perhaps interesting to note that these four types of matrices are related to the above Hankel matrices H1 and H2 , where one has to distinguish between the case of even and odd order. The paper is organized as follows. Starting with some preliminaries in Section 2, in Section 3, basic observations on T + H matrices are made, which are useful to understand the final result and the structure of the formulas encountered. The issue that the symbols of T + H matrices are not uniquely determined (since there are nonzero matrices which are both Toeplitz and Hankel) is also discussed. In Section 4, known, but for us important, results on Toeplitz-, Hankel-, and T + H Bezoutian are recalled. In particular, an answer is given to questions such as how to determine whether a matrix is a T + H Bezoutian and what is specific if this matrix is centrosymmetric. Here also the structure of the splitting matrices B±± is investigated. In Section 5, we explicitly compute the inverses of certain triangular matrices which occur in our formulas. Section 6 highlights the connection between split-Bezoutians of (+) type (of odd order) and Hankel Bezoutians. Inversion formulas for centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian of odd and even order are proved in Section 7 and Section 8, respectively. In Section 9, we reinterpret the representations given for the inverses in the previous sections as a sum of a Toeplitz and a Hankel matrix and discuss how the corresponding parameters defining these matrices can be computed. Here the results of [1] are used. Section 10 is not only meant as a summary but even more. Here we design an algorithm for the computation of the inverse of a centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian B of order n. The parameters in the T + H matrix which occur in the representation of B −1 obtained in the previous section can be computed with O(n2 ) operations (additions and multiplications). Note that, as pointed out in Section 3, these parameters are not unique. In Section 11 we present alternative representations of B −1 as a T +H matrix. These representation are slightly more complicated, however, the issue of nonuniqueness is resolved. For matrix-vector multiplications they are equally suitable and have the advantage that the parameters are unique. Besides the inversion of centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians, there is the related interesting problem of the inversion of centroskewsymmetric T + H Bezoutians. Though similar, it is not completely analogous to the centrosymmetric case and will be the subject of a forthcoming paper. 2. Preliminaries. Throughout this paper, we consider vectors or matrices, the entries of which are taken from a field F with a characteristic not equal to 2. By Fn we denote the linear space of all vectors of length n, by Fm×n the linear space of all m × n matrices, and In denotes the identity matrix in Fn×n . We will often use polynomial language. We denote by Fn [t] the linear space of all polynomials in t of degree less than n, the coefficients of which are in F. To each vecn−1 tor x = (xj )j=0 ∈ Fn , we associate the polynomial x(t) := ln (t)T x = n−1 X j=0 xj tj ∈ Fn [t], ETNA Kent State University TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS 109 where (2.1) ln (t) := 1, t, t2 , . . . , tn−1 T . n−1 the bivariate polynomial Moreover, we associate to a matrix A = [ aij ]i,j=0 A(t, s) = ln (t)T A ln (s) = n−1 X aij ti sj i,j=0 and call it the generating polynomial of A. For a vector x ∈ Fn , we write xJ := Jn x , where Jn is introduced in (1.1). In polynomial language this means xJ (t) = x(t−1 )tn−1 . With this notation, a vector x ∈ Fn is said to be symmetric if x = xJ and skewsymmetric if x = −xJ . The matrices P± := 21 (In ± Jn ) are the projections from Fn onto the subspaces Fn± consisting of all symmetric, respectively skewsymmetric vectors, i.e., Fn± := x ∈ F : xJ = ±x . An n × n matrix A is called centrosymmetric if A = Jn AJn . It is easy to see that a centrosymmetric matrix A maps Fn± to Fn± , i.e., AP± = P± AP± . The various spaces Fn± for n even or odd are related to each other. This can be most easily expressed in polynomial language. In fact, we have F2ℓ (t + 1) x(t) : x(t) ∈ F2ℓ−1 [t] , + [t] = + (2.2) F2ℓ (t − 1) x(t) : x(t) ∈ F2ℓ−1 [t] , − [t] = + F2ℓ+1 [t] = (t2 − 1) x(t) : x(t) ∈ F2ℓ−1 [t] . − + These basic observations, which will be of importance in Lemma 4.7, Theorem 7.1, and Theorem 8.1, can be seen as follows. Let x± ∈ Fn± . Then in case n is even, we have x− (1) = x+ (−1) = 0, while in case n is odd, we have x− (1) = x− (−1) = 0. 3. Basics on Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices. Let us first introduce Toeplitz matrices n−1 and Hankel matrices. To a given vector a = (ai )i=−n+1 ∈ F2n−1 we associate the n × n Toeplitz matrix n−1 Tn (a) = [ai−j ]i,j=0 , 2n−1 and to a vector s = (si )2n−2 we associate the n × n Hankel matrix i=0 ∈ F n−1 Hn (s) = [si+j ]i,j=0 . The vectors a and s are called the symbol of Tn (a) and Hn (s), respectively. For the symbol of the Hankel matrices, occasionally a different indexing will be useful. Note that a Hankel ETNA Kent State University 110 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST matrix multiplied (from the left or from the right) by the flip matrix Jn introduced in (1.1) is a Toeplitz matrix. A matrix which is the sum of a Toeplitz and a Hankel matrix is called Toeplitz-plusHankel matrix, shortly T +H matrix. For such matrices it is convenient to adopt the following notation. For n = 2ℓ − 1 we write (3.1) ℓ−1 Tn (a) + Hn (s) = [ai−j + si+j ]i,j=−ℓ+1 , while for n = 2ℓ we write (3.2) ℓ−1 Tn (a) + Hn (s) = [ai−j + si+j+1 ]i,j=−ℓ . Alternatively, we could also write (in both cases) n−1 Tn (a) + Hn (s) = [ai−j + si+j−n+1 ]i,j=0 . n−1 Therein, we set s = (si )i=−n+1 ∈ F2n−1 in slight contrast to the above definition. R EMARK 3.1. Hankel matrices Hn (s) are symmetric, and Toeplitz matrices Tn (a) are persymmetric, i.e., Tn (a)T = Jn Tn (a)Jn . Thus, a Toeplitz matrix is symmetric if and only if it is centrosymmetric, while a Hankel matrix is persymmetric if and only if it centrosymmetric. Consequently, a T + H matrix is symmetric if and only if its Toeplitz part is symmetric. A T + H matrix is persymmetric if and only if its Hankel part is persymmetric. A centrosymmetric T + H matrix is always symmetric and persymmetric. Indeed, the centrosymmetry of Tn (a) + Hn (s) implies Tn (a) + Hn (s) = Tn (aJ ) + Hn (sJ ). Taking the transpose yields Tn (aJ ) + Hn (s) = Tn (a) + Hn (sJ ). Adding and subtracting these two equations and dividing by 2 implies Tn (a) = Tn (aJ ) and Hn (s) = Hn (sJ ). From here the symmetry and persymmetry of Tn (a) and Hn (s) and thus of the sum follows. Let us continue with a few basic observations about T +H matrices, which are motivated by our aim to construct T +H matrices as inverses of T +H Bezoutians. As we will see soon, a T +H matrix given by (3.1) or (3.2) does not uniquely determine its symbols a and s. Since this nonuniqueness issue will naturally reoccur in our construction, it is convenient to clarify the relationship between symbols and the matrix now. We first consider the general case, then the centrosymmetric case, and finally more specific cases that will also be encountered. A general T + H matrix of size n involves 4n − 2 parameters. However, matrices of “checkerboard pattern” are both Hankel and Toeplitz. Hence, the vectors a, s ∈ F2n−1 are not uniquely determined in the matrix Tn (a) + Hn (s). In fact, the linear space of all T + H matrices of size n has dimension 4n − 4. For centrosymmetric Tn (a)+Hn (s), the considerations in Remark 3.1 imply that a = aJ and s = sJ . In other words, a, s ∈ F2n−1 , and this is also sufficient for centrosymmetry. + Thus, 2n parameters are involved. However, for the same reason as above, the linear space of all centrosymmetric T + H matrices of size n has dimension 2n − 2. We continue with a simple general observation; see [12, Lemma 5.1]. R EMARK 3.2. Each centrosymmetric matrix A can be uniquely written as the sum of two (centrosymmetric) matrices A = A+ + A− which possess the additional symmetries (3.3) A± P± = P± A± = ±A± . ETNA Kent State University 111 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS In fact, we can put A± := AP± = P± A. In other words, all rows and columns of A+ are symmetric vectors whereas all rows and columns of A− are skewsymmetric vectors. Furthermore, rank A = rank A+ + rank A− . Applying the previous remark to a centrosymmetric T + H matrix A, it follows that A+ and A− are (centrosymmetric) T + H matrices as well. What (3.3) means for T + H matrices in terms of the symbol is stated next. We use the notation (±) to distinguish the two cases. P ROPOSITION 3.3. Let A± ∈ Fn×n be a T + H matrix satisfying (3.3). Then there exists a vector a(±) ∈ F2n−1 such that + A± = Tn (a(±) ) ± Hn (a(±) ). (3.4) Proof. Let A± = Tn (a) + Hn (s) with a, s ∈ F2n+1 . Then A± = ±A± P± implies that + A± = ± 21 (Tn (a ± s) ± Hn (a ± s)) . Put a(±) := ± 21 (a ± s) ∈ F2n−1 , and (3.4) follows. + As mentioned above, the Toeplitz and Hankel symbols of a T +H matrix are not uniquely determined. Notice that the proposition does not claim that every representation of A± as a sum of a Toeplitz and Hankel matrix is of the form (3.4). In fact, this is easily seen to be false in general. Moreover, even if we restrict ourselves to representations (3.4), the vectors a(±) need not be unique. In fact, assume Tn (a(±) ) ± Hn (a(±) ) = 0 with a(±) ∈ F2n−1 , and introduce + eα,β := (α, β, α, . . . , β, α)T ∈ F2n−1 . + Then a (+) = ( 0 eα,−α if n odd, if n even, a (−) = ( eα,β eα,α if n odd, if n even. For the dimension d± n of the linear space of all T + H matrices of order n satisfying (3.3), ± we obtain that d+ = n for n odd and d− n n = n − 2 for n odd, while dn = n − 1 for n even. + − Notice that dn + dn = 2n − 2 as observed earlier. 4. Bezoutians. 4.1. Displacement transformations. In order to define Hankel and Toeplitz Bezoun−1 tians, we use transformations ∇H and ∇T which transform a matrix B = [bij ]i,j=0 ∈ Fn×n (n+1)×(n+1) into a matrix of F according to the rule n ∇H (B) = [ bi−1,j − bi,j−1 ]i,j=0 , n ∇T (B) = [ bij − bi−1,j−1 ]i,j=0 . Here we put bij = 0 if i or j is not in the set {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}. In polynomial language, these transformations are given by (∇H (B)) (t, s) = (t − s)B(t, s) , (∇T (B)) (t, s) = (1 − ts)B(t, s) . ETNA Kent State University 112 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST For the definition of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel Bezoutians, we need the transformation ∇T +H : Fn×n −→ F(n+2)×(n+2) , n−1 which sends a matrix B = [bij ]i,j=0 into n+1 ∇T +H (B) = [ bi−1,j + bi−1,j−2 − bi,j−1 − bi−2,j−1 ]i,j=0 . Again, we put bij = 0 if i or j is not in the set {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}. Notice that (∇T +H (B)) (t, s) = (t − s)(1 − ts)B(t, s) in polynomial language. Moreover, ∇T +H (B) = ∇T (∇H (B)) = ∇H (∇T (B)). 4.2. H Bezoutians and T Bezoutians. The Hankel Bezoutian (briefly H Bezoutian) of two vectors u, v ∈ Fn+1 is, by definition, the n × n matrix B = Bez H (u, v) with the generating polynomial B(t, s) = u(t)v(s) − v(t)u(s) . t−s Clearly, in case u and v are linearly dependent, B is the zero matrix. P ROPOSITION 4.1. A nonzero matrix B ∈ Fn×n is an H Bezoutian if and only if B is symmetric and rank ∇H (B) = 2 . In this case there exists a rank decomposition of the form 0 1 ∇H (B) = [u, v] [u, v]T = uvT − vuT , −1 0 with linearly independent vectors u, v ∈ Fn+1 and B = Bez H (u, v). R EMARK 4.2. Different pairs of (linearly independent) vectors may produce the same nonzero H Bezoutian. In fact, Bez H (u, v) = Bez H (û, v̂) if and only if there is a 2 × 2 matrix ϕ such that [ û v̂ ] = [ u v ] ϕ with det ϕ = 1. R EMARK 4.3. It is well-known (see, e.g., [8]) that Bez H (u, v) is nonsingular if and only if u(t) and v(t) are generalized coprime, which means that u(t) and v(t) are coprime in the usual sense and that deg u(t) = n or deg v(t) = n. The following connection between Hankel matrices and H Bezoutians is a classical result discovered by Lander in 1974 [14]. T HEOREM 4.4. A nonsingular matrix is an H Bezoutian if and only if its inverse is a Hankel matrix. The following question arises: given the H Bezoutian B of the generalized coprime polynomials u(t), v(t), how can we compute the symbol s of its inverse, a Hankel matrix with Hn (s) = B −1 ? The answer is given in [4]. ETNA Kent State University TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS 113 T HEOREM 4.5. Assume u(t), v(t) ∈ Fn+1 [t] to be generalized coprime, and let B = Bez H (u, v). Then the Bezout equations (4.1) u(t)α(t) + v(t)β(t) = 1 (4.2) u (t)γ J (t) + vJ (t)δ J (t) = 1 J have unique solutions α(t), β(t), γ(t), δ(t) ∈ Fn [t], and B −1 = Hn (s), 2n−1 given by with s = (si )2n−2 i=0 ∈ F sJ (t) = −α(t)δ(t) + β(t)γ(t). Further possibilities for the computation of s are discussed in [4]. For instance, it is found that it suffices to solve only one of the Bezout equations (4.1) or (4.2). Analogous results can be obtained for Toeplitz Bezoutian (briefly T Bezoutians), which are defined as matrices B = Bez T (u, v) of order n with the generating polynomial B(t, s) = u(t)vJ (s) − v(t)uJ (s) . 1 − ts Here, u, v ∈ Fn+1 . A nonzero matrix B ∈ Fn×n is a T Bezoutian if and only if B is persymmetric and rank ∇T B = 2 . There is a simple relation between H- and T Bezoutians, Bez T (u, v) = −Bez H (u, v)Jn . Thus, to all results about H Bezoutians, there are corresponding results for T Bezoutians. 4.3. T + H Bezoutians. A matrix B ∈ Fn×n is called a Toeplitz-plus-Hankel Bezoutian (briefly T + H Bezoutian) if rank ∇T +H (B) ≤ 4 . This condition is equivalent to the existence of eight polynomials (vectors) gi (t), fi (t) (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) in Fn+2 [t] such that (t − s)(1 − ts)B(t, s) = 4 X gi (t)fi (s) . i=1 The vectors gi , fi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) are not uniquely determined by B. However, two different choices are related to each other by a simple transformation; see [17]. Clearly, T Bezoutians as well as H Bezoutians are also T + H Bezoutians. But the sum of a T - and a H Bezoutian is, in general, not a T + H Bezoutian. The following important relationship was proved in [9]. T HEOREM 4.6. A nonsingular matrix B is a T + H Bezoutian if and only if its inverse B −1 is a sum of a Toeplitz and a Hankel matrix. If B is a matrix of order n ≥ 2 and rank ∇T +H (B) < 4, then the first and the last column or the first and the last row of B are linearly dependent. Hence, for T + H Bezoutian (n ≥ 2) to be nonsingular, it is necessary that rank ∇T +H (B) = 4; see [9]. A simple criterion for the nonsingularity of a T + H Bezoutian in terms of the eight vectors gi , fi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) has not yet been discovered. ETNA Kent State University 114 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST 4.4. Centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians. Let us now specialize to T +H Bezoutians B which are centrosymmetric, i.e., Jn BJn = B. The following decomposition result, proved in [12], characterizes nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians. The nonsingularity criterion is related to the greatest common divisors of two polynomials, henceforth denoted by gcd(·, ·). Hereafter, the subscripts + or − of a vector designate the symmetry or skewsymmetry of this vector. L EMMA 4.7. An n × n matrix B is a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian if and only if ∇T +H (B) admits a representation (4.3) T T ∇T +H (B) = u+ v+ − v+ uT+ + u− v− − v− uT− , where u+ , v+ ∈ Fn+2 such that + (4.4) gcd(u+ (t), v+ (t)) = ( 1 t+1 if n odd, if n even, and u− , v− ∈ Fn+2 such that − (4.5) gcd(u− (t), v− (t)) = ( t2 − 1 if n odd, t − 1 if n even. Notice that if u+ , v+ ∈ Fn+2 with n even, then t + 1 is a common divisor of u+ (t) + and v+ (t) due to (2.2). Similar statements hold also for u− and v− . Thus, it is justified to call the greatest common divisor minimal in the above cases (4.4) and (4.5). Obviously, in view of the symmetries, u± , v± ∈ Fn+2 ± , if both deg u± (t) ≤ n and deg v± (t) ≤ n are true, then zero is a common root of u± (t) and v± (t). As a consequence, if (4.4) or (4.5) hold, then max{deg(u± (t)), deg(v± (t))} = n + 1, respectively. is a centrosymOn the other hand, every matrix B satisfying (4.3) with u± , v± ∈ Fn+2 ± metric T + H Bezoutian even if the greatest common divisors are not minimal. Moreover, since (∇T +H (B)(t, s) = −(∇T +H (B))(s, t), any nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian is a symmetric matrix. This follows, of course, also from Theorem 4.6 and Remark 3.1. Notice that the assumption of nonsingularity is essential. For instance, each B ∈ F3×3 satisfying J3 B = BJ3 = B is of the form a b a B = c d c . a b a Such matrices are singular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians, which are symmetric only if b = c. An immediate consequence of Lemma 4.7 is the following theorem. In fact, for its proof, it suffices to write down (4.3) in polynomial language. ETNA Kent State University TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS 115 T HEOREM 4.8. A nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian B of order n allows the following (unique) splitting (4.6) B = B++ + B−− , where B++ = P+ B and B−− = P− B are special centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians, B±± (t, s) = u± (t)v± (s) − v± (t)u± (s) , (t − s)(1 − ts) and where u± , v± ∈ Fn+2 satisfy (4.4) and (4.5). ± We call B++ or B−− split-Bezoutian of (+) or of (−) type and write (4.7) B±± = Bez sp (u± , v± ). The matrices B++ and B−− , besides being centrosymmetric, have the following additional symmetries, (4.8) B±± P± = P± B±± = ±B±± . Thus, the splitting (4.6) is just that of Remark 3.2. This means that, as already stated there, all rows and columns of B++ are symmetric vectors, whereas all rows and columns of B−− are skewsymmetric vectors. Additionally, B++ and B−− are symmetric matrices. Hence, all entries of each of these matrices are determined by the entries in the highlighted triangle— which is about the eighth part of the matrix—in the following diagram. Clearly, the entries of this triangle are given by the first ⌊ n2 ⌋ + 1 entries of u+ , v+ in the (+) case and by the first ⌊ n2 ⌋ entries of u− , v− in the (−) case. Here ⌊ · ⌋ denotes the entire part. For the split-Bezoutians, the following statement is analogous to Remark 4.2. Different pairs of (linearly independent) vectors may produce the same nonzero split-Bezoutian. In fact, (4.9) Bez sp (u± , v± ) = Bez sp (û± , v̂± ) if and only if there is a 2×2 matrix ϕ± such that [ û± v̂± ] = [ u± v± ] ϕ± with det ϕ± = 1. R EMARK 4.9. A centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian B which admits the splitting (4.6) has Fn+ and Fn− as invariant subspaces with B++ |Fn+ and B−− |Fn− being the corresponding restrictions. Therefore, B is similar to the direct sum of B++ |Fn+ and B−− |Fn− and thus is nonsingular if and only if both B++ |Fn+ and B−− |Fn− are invertible. The inverses can be identified with T + H matrices A+ and A− which are of the form (3.4). This is due to the symmetries (3.3) and (4.8). In fact, as will be shown in more detail later, B −1 = A+ + A− . R EMARK 4.10. Given a centrosymmetric matrix B of order n, one can ask how to decide whether B is a nonsingular T +H Bezoutian and how to determine vectors u± and v± occurring in (4.6) and (4.7). This can be done by the following procedure. ETNA Kent State University 116 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST 1. Compute B++ := P+ B and B−− := P− B. 2. Verify whether rank ∇T +H (B++ ) = rank ∇T +H (B−− ) = 2. (If this is not fulfilled, stop: B is not a T +H Bezoutian or B is a singular Bezoutian.) 3. Determine bases {u± , v̂± } in the image of ∇T +H (B±± ). (Due to the assumption of centrosymmetry, we have u± , v̂± ∈ Fn+2 ± .) 4. Verify whether the greatest common divisors of {u± (t), v̂± (t)} are minimal; cf. (4.4), (4.5). (If this is not fulfilled, stop: B is singular.) 5. Using the vectors u± and v̂± (chosen in Step 3), compute the unique vectors v± and û± such that T ∇T +H (B±± ) = u± v± − v̂± ûT± . In fact, it is easy to see that v± = λ± v̂± and u± = λ−1 ± û± with some λ± ∈ F \ {0} so that we finally obtain T ∇T +H (B±± ) = u± v± − v± uT± . (To determine λ± it remains to compare a nonzero entry of ∇T +H (B±± ) with the corresponding entry of u± v̂T± − v̂± uT± .) 6. Now, B = B++ + B−− is a nonsingular T + H Bezoutian with B±± = Bez sp (u± , v± ), where the two pairs (u+ , v+ ) and (u− , u− ) are unique up to transformations discussed in (4.9). 5. Inversion of certain matrices. In the following sections, certain upper triangular matrices and their inverses will occur, which are important for applying our algorithm to the inversion of T +H Bezoutians in Section 10. As a preparation, we are now going to introduce these matrices and compute their inverses. One of the matrices is the ℓ × ℓ matrix Qℓ = (5.1) 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 Qℓ := . .. . .. . 0 0 with qij = .. 0 , ℓ−1 1 0 ℓ−1 .. . 1 0 i.e., ℓ−1 [ qij ]i,j=0 ··· ( j j−i 2 0 if j ≥ i and j − i is even, otherwise. ETNA Kent State University 117 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS Upon defining the following ℓ × ℓ upper-triangular Toeplitz band matrices, 1 0 −1 0 1 ±1 .. . 1 0 1 ±1 .. .. ± .. . . −1 , T := (5.2) Tℓ := . ℓ 1 0 0 1 0 .. . 1 we also introduce the following three ℓ × ℓ matrices Rℓ := Tℓ Qℓ (5.3) Rℓ± := Tℓ± Qℓ . and ℓ−1 Note that the entries of Rℓ = [ rij ]i,j=0 are given by rij = j j−i 2 1 0 j − j−i 2 −1 if j > i and j − i is even, if j = i, otherwise, ± ℓ−1 and that the entries of Rℓ± = rij are given by i,j=0 ± rij = j j−i 2 ± 0 j if j ≥ i and i − j is even, j−i−1 2 if j > i and i − j is odd, if i > j. The inverses of Qℓ , Rℓ , and Rℓ± can be described in terms of the matrix Uℓ := Noting that ℓ−1 [ uij ]i,j=0, −i−1 k = (−1)k with i+k k uij = −i−1 if j ≥ i and j − i even, j−i 2 0 otherwise. , whence −i − 1 j−i 2 we observe that this matrix reads as 0 0 0 1 0 Uℓ = 0 ( − = (−1) 1 1 0 2 0 j−i 2 0 − 2 1 j+i 2 j−i 2 , ··· 0 3 0 . ℓ−2 − 1 0 ℓ−1 .. . .. . .. . .. . 0 0 0 , ±1 1 ETNA Kent State University 118 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST L EMMA 5.1. We have Uℓ Tℓ Q ℓ = Iℓ . , for k = 0, 1, . . . , and Proof. As usual, we let αk = α(α−1)···(α−k+1) k! for k = −1, −2, . . . . The (i, k)-entry of Uℓ Tℓ Qℓ is given by ℓ−1 X (uij − ui,j−2 )qjk = j=0 X −i − 1 j∈I(i,k) j−i 2 − −i − 1 j−i 2 −1 k k−j 2 α k = 0, , where I(i, k) denotes the index set of all 0 ≤ j ≤ ℓ − 1 for which j − i as well as k − j are nonnegative and even. This index set is nonempty only if k − i is nonnegative and even. In this case, using the familiar identity X αβ α + β = , j k n j+k=n we conclude that the above term equals ( 1 if k = i, k−i−1 k−i−1 − k−i = k−i − 1 0 if k 6= i. 2 2 Thus, we have shown that Uℓ Tℓ Qℓ is the identity matrix. As a consequence, we obtain the explicit form of the inverses of Qℓ , Rℓ , and Rℓ± . Notice that Tℓ = Tℓ+ Tℓ− = Tℓ− Tℓ+ . P ROPOSITION 5.2. We have (5.4) Q−1 ℓ = U ℓ Tℓ , Rℓ−1 = Uℓ , (Rℓ± )−1 = Uℓ Tℓ∓ . 6. Connections between H Bezoutians and split-Bezoutians of (+) type of odd order. We are first going to show that a split-Bezoutian of (+) type and of odd order is connected with an H Bezoutian of about half the size. This will be a main key for our further considerations. Introduce a matrix Sℓ of size (2ℓ − 1) × ℓ as the isomorphism defined by Sℓ : Fℓ → F2ℓ−1 , + (Sℓ x) (t) = x(t + t−1 )tℓ−1 , x ∈ Fℓ . The nonzero entries of the matrix Sℓ are binomial coefficients arranged in the following triangular-type structure, ℓ−1 0 ℓ−1 . 0 .. .. 2 ℓ−1 . 2 ℓ−2 .. . 1 . 0 . . 1 . 0 2 .. 0 . (6.1) Sℓ = 1 0 . .. 1 . . . 0 0 . 2 ℓ−1 .. 0 1 .. . 0 ℓ−1 0 0 ETNA Kent State University TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS 119 Notice that the matrix Qℓ defined in (5.1) is (roughly) the lower half of Sℓ . For later use, we observe that Sℓ = Zℓ+ Qℓ , (6.2) where Zℓ+ is the following matrix of size (2ℓ − 1) × ℓ, Zℓ+ 0 = 1 1 .. . .. . 0 1 .. . .. . 0 i.e., Zℓ+ = [zij ]2ℓ−2 i=0 ℓ−1 j=0 1 0 .. . .. . .. . , 0 1 with zij = ( 1 j = |ℓ − 1 − i|, 0 otherwise. Note that the first ℓ rows of this matrix are equal to the flip matrix Jℓ introduced in (1.1) and the last ℓ rows are equal to the identity Iℓ . The main result of this section is the following. ℓ+1 T HEOREM 6.1. [12] Let u+ , v+ ∈ Fn+2 be such + , n = 2ℓ − 1, and let u, v ∈ F that u+ = Sℓ+1 u , v+ = Sℓ+1 v. Then (6.3) Bez sp (u+ , v+ ) = −Sℓ Bez H (u, v) SℓT . Proof. Recall the definition of ln (t) in (2.1) and observe that SℓT l2ℓ−1 (t) = lℓ (t + t−1 )tℓ−1 . Now we only need to consider −l2ℓ−1 (t)T Bez sp (u+ , v+ ) l2ℓ−1 (s) = − u+ (t)v+ (s) − v+ (t)u+ (s) (t − s)(1 − ts) and l2ℓ−1 (t)T Sℓ Bez H (u, v) SℓT l2ℓ−1 (s) = l(t + t−1 )T tℓ−1 Bez H (u, v) sℓ−1 l(s + s−1 ) = tℓ−1 u(t + t−1 )v(s + s−1 ) − v(t + t−1 )u(s + s−1 ) ℓ−1 s (t + t−1 ) − (s + s−1 ) to observe equality in (6.3). R EMARK 6.2. Let u, v ∈ Fℓ+1 and u+ = Sℓ+1 u, v+ = Sℓ+1 v. Then the pair u(t) and v(t) is generalized coprime if and only if the pair u+ (t) and v+ (t) is coprime. Hence, ETNA Kent State University 120 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST in view of Remark 4.3 and (6.3), it can be easily seen that Bez sp (u+ , v+ ) restricted to F2ℓ−1 + is invertible if and only if u+ (t) and v+ (t) are coprime. R EMARK 6.3. Since Sℓ+1 is an isomorphism from Fℓ+1 to F2ℓ+1 , there is a one-to-one + correspondence between u and u+ in Theorem 6.1 (and similarly between v and v+ ). In fact, the equation u+ = Sℓ+1 u can be solved by using the inverse of Qℓ+1 ; see Proposition 5.2. 2ℓ+1 ℓ If u+ = (u+ , then i )i=−ℓ ∈ F+ + ℓ + ℓ u = Q−1 ℓ+1 (ui )i=0 = Uℓ+1 Tℓ+1 (ui )i=0 . 7. Inversion of centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians of odd order. In order to continue the discussion, let us come back to the splitting (4.6) for a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian B = B++ + B−− of order n. If n is odd, we have just seen how to reduce its first term B++ = Bez sp (u+ , v+ ) to an H Bezoutian. We will now do the same for the second term B−− by first reducing it to a split-Bezoutian of (+) type with odd order n − 2. The resulting term can then be reduced to an H Bezoutian in the same way as B++ . Thus, let B−− = Bez sp (u− , v− ) with u− , v− ∈ Fn+2 be given. In view of Lemma 4.7 − n (see also (2.2)), we can define un+ , v+ ∈ Fn+ by u− (t) =: t2 − 1 un+ (t), n v− (t) =: (t2 − 1)v+ (t). Here and in what follows, the superscript of a vector denotes its length. We obtain Bez sp (u− , v− )(t, s) = (t2 − 1) n n un+ (t)v+ (s) − v+ (t)un+ (s) 2 (s − 1) (t − s)(1 − ts) n = (t2 − 1)Bez sp (un+ , v+ )(t, s)(s2 − 1). In matrix language, this reads as n T ) Mn−2 , Bez sp (u− , v− ) = Mn−2 Bez sp (un+ , v+ where Mn−2 is the n × (n − 2) matrix (7.1) Mn−2 −1 0 1 := 0 −1 0 .. . 1 .. . .. . 0 . −1 0 1 Since Mn−2 is the matrix of the operator of multiplication by t2 − 1 in the corresponding n−2 polynomial spaces (with respect to the canonical bases) and is an isomorphism from F+ n−2 n T n to F− , whereas the transpose Mn−2 is an isomorphism from F− to F+ , the split-Bezoutin an Bez sp (u− , v− ) restricted to Fn− is invertible if and only if Bez sp (un+ , v+ ) restricted n−2 to F+ is invertible. ETNA Kent State University 121 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS Combining all this, we arrive at the following result. Therein, we rewrite u+ =: un+2 + n+2 and v+ =: v+ . T HEOREM 7.1. [12] Let n be odd. Then B ∈ Fn×n is a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian if and only if it can be represented in the form (7.2) n+2 n n T B = Bez sp (un+2 + , v+ ) + Mn−2 Bez sp (u+ , v+ )Mn−2 , n+2i with un+2i (t), v+ (t) ∈ Fn+2i [t] being coprime for i = 0, 1. + + Let n = 2ℓ − 1. Taking into account Theorem 6.1 and Remark 6.2, we conclude that the split-Bezoutians occurring in (7.2) can be represented as T n+2i Bez sp (un+2i , v+ ) = −Sℓ+i−1 Bez H uℓ+i , vℓ+i Sℓ+i−1 , i = 0, 1 , + with un+2i = Sℓ+i uℓ+i , + (7.3) n+2i v+ = Sℓ+i vℓ+i and the pairs (uℓ+i (t), vℓ+i (t)) being generalized coprime. It follows that Bez H (vℓ+1 , uℓ+1 ) 0 WnT , (7.4) B = Wn 0 Bez H (vℓ , uℓ ) where Wn := [ Sℓ | Mn−2 Sℓ−1 ] . (7.5) Notice that the minus sign disappeared since we interchanged uℓ+i and vℓ+i . Due to (7.3), the vectors uℓ+i , vℓ+i (i = 0, 1) can be computed as indicated in Remark 6.3. We will come back to this in Section 10, where also another possibility is discussed; see Remark 10.1. For the sake of simplicity, hereafter we write J for the matrix (1.1) of the corresponding order. Assuming B to be nonsingular and thus (uℓ+i (t), vℓ+i (t)) to be generalized coprime polynomials, the Bezout equations (7.6) Ju ℓ+i uℓ+i (t)αi (t) + vℓ+i (t)β i (t) (t) (Jγ i ) (t) + Jvℓ+i (t) (Jδ i ) (t) = 1 = 1 have unique solution αi , β i , γ i , δ i ∈ Fℓ+i−1 (i = 0, 1). Defining vectors s2ℓ−3 and s2ℓ−1 by (7.7) Js2(ℓ+i)−3) (t) = αi (t)δ i (t) − β i (t)γ i (t), we know from Theorem 4.5 that the inverse of Bez H (vℓ+i , uℓ+i ) is the Hankel matrix −1 , i = 0, 1. Hℓ+i−1 s2(ℓ+i)−3) = Bez H vℓ+i , uℓ+i Taking into account (7.4), we obtain the following representation of B −1 . T HEOREM 7.2. Let n = 2ℓ − 1, and let B ∈ Fn×n be a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian. Then, with the notation introduced above, Hℓ (s2ℓ−1 ) 0 −1 −T Wn−1 . (7.8) B = Wn 0 Hℓ−1 (s2ℓ−3 ) ETNA Kent State University 122 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST As we will see, the matrix Wn is indeed invertible. For the purpose of representing its inverse, introduce the following (2ℓ − 1) × (ℓ − 1) matrix − Zℓ−1 0 −1 := 0 1 −1 0 .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 0 1 .. .. . .. . 0 Recall (5.3) and (5.2), in particular, Rℓ−1 = Tℓ−1 Qℓ−1 . A simple but crucial computation yields − Mn−2 Sℓ−1 = Zℓ−1 Rℓ−1 . This together with (6.2) and (7.5) implies (7.9) Wn = [ Zℓ+ Qℓ | − Rℓ−1 Zℓ−1 ]=[ Zℓ+ | − Zℓ−1 ] Qℓ 0 0 Rℓ−1 . Therefore, Wn has the following structure, eℓ JQ T Wn = e 1 Q ℓ eℓ Q −JRℓ−1 0ℓ−1 , Rℓ−1 e ℓ is the matrix Qℓ with the first row deleted, e1 is the first unit vector, and 0ℓ−1 is the where Q row zero vector of appropriate length. The structure of Wn is displayed schematically in the following diagram. JQℓ −JRℓ−1 0 Qℓ 0 Rℓ−1 ETNA Kent State University 123 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS In view of (7.9), we see that Wn is invertible since and Rℓ−1 , and the matrix 0 1 .. 0 . . .. 1 .. . . − .. Zn := [ Zℓ+ | Zℓ−1 ]= 1 0 . . 1 . . .. .. . 0 0 1 so are the triangular matrices Qℓ 0 −1 1 2 Dℓ−1 0 0 Iℓ−1 . .. 0 1 0 In fact, Zn−1 = . .. .. . .. . −1 0 .. . .. . .. . . 0 1 ZnT , where Dℓ := diag( 12 , 1, . . . , 1). (7.10) Hence, Wn−1 = 1 2 −1 Q−1 ℓ Dℓ 0 0 −1 Rℓ−1 ZnT = 1 2 " + T −1 Q−1 ℓ Dℓ (Zℓ ) −1 − Rℓ−1 (Zℓ−1 )T # . As a consequence, the structure of Wn−1 is (up to a diagonal matrix) as indicated in the following diagram. 0 Q−1 ℓ J Q−1 ℓ 0 0 −1 J −Rℓ−1 −1 Rℓ−1 0 Collecting all results, we obtain the following reformulation of (7.8). T HEOREM 7.3. Let n = 2ℓ − 1, and let B ∈ Fn×n be a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian. Then, with the notation introduced above, # " (0) Aℓ 0 −1 1 ZnT B = 4 Zn (1) 0 Aℓ−1 (7.11) (0) (1) − − = 14 Zℓ+ Aℓ (Zℓ+ )T + 41 Zℓ−1 )T , Aℓ−1 (Zℓ−1 ETNA Kent State University 124 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST where (0) Aℓ −1 2ℓ−1 := Dℓ−1 Q−T )Q−1 ℓ Hℓ (s ℓ Dℓ , (1) −1 −T . Hℓ−1 (s2ℓ−3 )Rℓ−1 Aℓ−1 := Rℓ−1 Let us remark that the matrices (7.12) (0) Ao+ := 41 Zℓ+ Aℓ (Zℓ+ )T and (1) − − Ao− := 14 Zℓ−1 Aℓ−1 (Zℓ−1 )T are precisely the inverses of B++ and B−− , restricted to Fn+ and Fn− , respectively; see Remark 4.9. As we know from Proposition 3.3, these are special centrosymmetric T + H matrices (3.4) with symbols which we are going to compute in Section 9. There we also iden(0) (1) tify the matrices Aℓ and Aℓ−1 as special symmetric (but in general not centrosymmetric) T + H matrices. 8. Inversion of centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutians of even order. We start again with the splitting formula (4.6) for B nonsingular, centrosymmetric but now of even order n = 2ℓ. Remembering Lemma 4.7 and (2.2), we observe that there are vectors n+1 n+1 n+1 un+1 ∈ Fn+1 + , v + , y + , z+ + such that u+ (t) =: (t + 1)un+1 + (t), n+1 v+ (t) =: (t + 1)v+ (t), n+1 u− (t) =: (t − 1)y+ (t), v− (t) =: (t − 1)zn+1 + (t) . We obtain where the matrices + n+1 + )T , (Mn−1 Bez sp un+1 B++ = Mn−1 + , v+ n+1 n+1 − − Bez sp y+ , z+ B−− = Mn−1 )T , (Mn−1 (8.1) ± Mn−1 ±1 1 := 0 . .. 0 0 ··· .. . ±1 .. . 1 .. .. . . ··· 0 0 .. . 0 ±1 1 are of size n × (n − 1). We arrive at a similar assertion as in Theorem 7.1. T HEOREM 8.1. [12] Let n be even. Then B ∈ Fn×n is a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian if and only if it can be represented in the form n+1 + n+1 n+1 − + − Bez sp un+1 (8.2) B = Mn−1 Bez sp y+ , z+ )T + Mn−1 (Mn−1 )T , (Mn−1 + , v+ n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 with (un+1 + (t), v+ (t)), (y+ (t), z+ (t)) being pairs of coprime polynomials in F+ [t]. Since the four vectors appearing in (8.2) belong to Fn+1 + , the split-Bezoutians are of (+) type and odd order n − 1 = 2ℓ − 1. Taking into account (6.3), we obtain n+1 Bez sp un+1 = Sℓ Bez H (v, u)SℓT , + , v+ n+1 n+1 Bez sp y+ , z+ = Sℓ Bez H (z, y)SℓT , ETNA Kent State University 125 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS n+1 n+1 with un+1 =: Sℓ+1 u, v+ =: Sℓ+1 v, y+ =: Sℓ+1 y, zn+1 =: Sℓ+1 z. Hence, + + 0 fnT , fn Bez H (v, u) W B=W 0 Bez H (z, y) with fn := M + Sℓ | M − Sℓ . W n−1 n−1 Again a basic but crucial computation yields ± Mn−1 Sℓ = ±Jℓ Rℓ± Rℓ± with Rℓ± introduced in (5.3). Therefore, + Rℓ fn = Jℓ −Jℓ W Iℓ Iℓ 0 We obtain f −1 = W n 1 2 " −1 Rℓ+ 0 0 − −1 Rℓ , 0 Rℓ− # Jℓ −Jℓ . Iℓ Iℓ , −1 where Rℓ± is given in Proposition 5.2. The vectors u, v, y, and z can be computed as indicated in Remark 6.3. This and alternative ways are outlined in Section 10. In order to describe the inverses of Bez H (v, u) and Bez H (z, y), which are Hankel matrices, we consider the Bezout equations (8.3) u(t)α1 (t) + v(t)β 1 (t) uJ (t)γ J1 (t) + vJ (t)δ J1 (t) = = 1 1 y(t)α2 (t) + z(t)β 2 (t) yJ (t)γ J2 (t) + zJ (t)δ J2 (t) = = 1 1. and (8.4) These equations have unique solutions αi , β i , γ i , δ i ∈ Fℓ (i = 1, 2) since (u(t), v(t)) and by and s2ℓ−1 (y(t), z(t)) are pairs of generalized coprime polynomials. Finally, define s2ℓ−1 2 1 (Js2ℓ−1 )(t) = αi (t)δ i (t) − β i (t)γ i (t), i (8.5) i = 1, 2. Now we are able to represent B −1 . T HEOREM 8.2. Let B ∈ Fn×n be a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian of order n = 2ℓ. Then, with the notation introduced above, 2ℓ−1 0 fn−1 . fn−T Hℓ (s1 ) W B −1 = W 0 Hℓ (s2ℓ−1 ) 2 Moreover, B (8.6) −1 + −Jℓ 0 Aℓ Jℓ I ℓ = Iℓ −Jℓ Iℓ 0 A− ℓ Jℓ −Jℓ + 1 1 =4 Aℓ [ Jℓ Iℓ ] + 4 A− ℓ [ −Jℓ Iℓ ] , Iℓ Iℓ 1 4 Jℓ Iℓ ETNA Kent State University 126 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST where (8.7) − −T )(Rℓ− )−1 . A− Hℓ (s2ℓ−1 2 ℓ := (Rℓ ) + −T )(Rℓ+ )−1 , A+ Hℓ (s2ℓ−1 1 ℓ := (Rℓ ) We remark that the first and the second summand of (8.6), Jℓ −Jℓ + e e 1 1 Aℓ [ Jℓ Iℓ ] , A− := 4 A− (8.8) A+ := 4 ℓ [ −Jℓ Iℓ ] , Iℓ Iℓ are the inverses of B++ and B−− restricted to Fn+ and Fn− , respectively; compare Remark 4.9. In fact, Ae+ and Ae− are centrosymmetric T + H matrices with the symmetry properties (3.3). Hence, they are of the form (3.4). The symbols of these T +H matrices (which are not unique) in the next section. For this, we first identify A± are computed from s2ℓ−1 i ℓ as particular symmetric T + H matrices. 9. Representations of inverses of T + H Bezoutians as centrosymmetric T + H matrices. In the previous two sections (see Theorems 7.3 and 8.2), we arrived at the matrices Ao± and Ae± . As already promised there, we are going to identify these matrices as particular centrosymmetric T + H matrices and compute their symbols. The starting point (0) (1) are the matrices Aℓ , Aℓ−1 , and A± ℓ , which will be identified as particular symmetric (not centrosymmetric) T + H matrices based on auxiliary results established in the following subsection. 9.1. Relations between Hankel matrices and symmetric T + H matrices. There exist identities between Hankel matrices and four kinds of particular symmetric T + H matrices. In fact, these relationships hold for one-sided infinite matrices and were established in [1, Theorem 5]. The finite matrix versions, which are of interest to us, are immediate consequences. The identities involve the matrices Qℓ , Rℓ , Rℓ± , and Dℓ , which were defined in (5.1), (5.3), and (7.10). + 2ℓ−1 − 2ℓ−1 + − T HEOREM 9.1. [1] Let a = (ak )2ℓ k=−2ℓ , a = (ak )k=−2ℓ+1 , a = (ak )k=−2ℓ+1 , and # a# = (ak )2ℓ−2 k=−2ℓ+2 be four symmetric vectors, ak = a−k , + a+ k = a−k , − a− k = a−k , and # a# k = a−k , where the first three vectors are related to the last one by (9.1) − − − + + + a# k = 2ak − ak−2 − ak+2 = 2ak + ak−1 + ak+1 = 2ak − ak−1 − ak+1 . Define the vector s = (sk )2ℓ−2 k=0 by (9.2) sk = k k 1X # ak−2j 2 j=0 j as well as the ℓ × ℓ Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices THℓ (a) := [ aj−k − aj+k+2 ]ℓ−1 j,k=0 , # # ℓ−1 # TH# ℓ (a ) := [ aj−k + aj+k ]j,k=0 , ℓ−1 + + + TH+ ℓ (a ) := [ aj−k + aj+k+1 ]j,k=0 , − − ℓ−1 − TH− ℓ (a ) := [ aj−k − aj+k+1 ]j,k=0 . Then the Hankel matrix Hℓ (s) = [ sj+k ]ℓ−1 j,k=0 can be represented as (9.3) # T Hℓ (s) = QTℓ Dℓ TH# ℓ (a )Dℓ Qℓ = Rℓ THℓ (a)Rℓ − − + − T − + = (Rℓ+ )T TH+ ℓ (a )Rℓ = (Rℓ ) THℓ (a )Rℓ . ETNA Kent State University 127 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS We can rephrase the relationships (9.1) and (9.2) between s and the symmetric vectors a# , a, a+ , and a− as follows. First of all, using the notation (6.1), 2ℓ−2 s = 21 (S2ℓ−1 )T a# = QT2ℓ−1 D2ℓ−1 (a# k )k=0 . (9.4) Thus, there is a one-to-one correspondence between s and a# . In particular, −T −1 2ℓ−2 (a# k )k=0 = D2ℓ−1 Q2ℓ−1 s , (9.5) which can be written explicitly as k (9.6) a# 0 = 2s0 , a# k = a# −k = ⌊2⌋ X (−1)j sk−2j j=0 k−j j + k−j−1 j−1 , for k = 1, 2, . . . , 2ℓ − 2. This can be derived using Proposition 5.2. However, the correspondence (9.1) between the vectors a, a# , and a± is not bijective. It can be expressed with the help of linear maps # 2ℓ−2 Λ2ℓ+1 : (ak )2ℓ k=0 7→ (ak )k=0 , # 2ℓ−2 ± 2ℓ−1 Λ± 2ℓ : (ak )k=0 7→ (ak )k=0 given by (9.7) 2 0 −1 0 0 −2 1 0 −1 0 2 0 .. .. .. . . . −1 0 2 ±2 ±1 2 ±1 0 0 −1 .. . .. . 0 −1 2 0 ±1 2 ±1 .. .. . . ±1 .. . 2 ±1 a0 a1 .. . a2ℓ a± 0 a± 1 .. . a± 2ℓ−1 = = a# 0 a# 1 .. . a# 2ℓ−2 a# 0 a# 1 .. . a# 2ℓ−2 , . From this we observe that the kernel of Λ2ℓ+1 consists of all vectors with period two − (i.e., ak = ak−2 ) and thus has dimension two, while the kernels of Λ+ 2ℓ and Λ2ℓ consist of + + − − all vectors which are alternating (ak = −ak−1 ) or constant (ak = ak−1 ), respectively, and thus have dimension one. The maps Λ2ℓ+1 and Λ± 2ℓ are surjective. The fact that a and a± are not uniquely determined by a± corresponds to the fact that − − + the matrices THℓ (a), TH+ ℓ (a ), and THℓ (a ) do not determine their symbols uniquely (as one can easily verify). Indeed, they are only unique up to the just mentioned vectors in the respective kernels. Still, as (9.3) requires, there is a one-to-one correspondence between Hℓ (s), ± ± # TH# ℓ (a ), THℓ (a), and THℓ (a ). It is worth to make the relationship between a, a± , and s more explicit. Recall that Tℓ ± and Tℓ± were introduced in (5.2) and that M2ℓ+1 and M2ℓ were defined in (7.1) and (8.1). Clearly, (9.4) and (9.7) lead to −1 −T −1 T T Λ2ℓ+1 (ak )2ℓ k=0 = D2ℓ−1 Q2ℓ−1 s = D2ℓ−1 T2ℓ−1 U2ℓ−1 s, ETNA Kent State University 128 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST T T taking into account (5.4). By a straightforward computation, T2ℓ−1 M2ℓ−1 = −D2ℓ−1 Λ2ℓ+1 . Hence, −T T T M2ℓ−1 (ak )2ℓ k=0 = −U2ℓ−1 s = −R2ℓ−1 s. (9.8) Furthermore, ± 2ℓ−1 −1 −T −1 T T Λ± 2ℓ (ak )k=0 = D2ℓ−1 Q2ℓ−1 s = D2ℓ−1 T2ℓ−1 U2ℓ−1 s. ± T ± + − − + ) = ±D2ℓ−1 Λ± )T (M2ℓ and verify that (T2ℓ−1 T2ℓ−1 = T2ℓ−1 T2ℓ−1 Recall T2ℓ−1 = T2ℓ−1 2ℓ to conclude that ± ∓ 2ℓ−1 ± −T T T s. )T (a± (M2ℓ−1 k )k=0 = ±(T2ℓ−1 ) U2ℓ−1 s = ±(R2ℓ−1 ) (9.9) The equations (9.5), (9.8), and (9.9) together with Proposition 5.2 can be used to determine vectors a# , a, and a± satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 9.1 for each prescribed s. The formulas (9.8) and (9.9) can be written down explicitly as it was done in (9.6) for (9.5). This will be performed in Section 10. 9.2. Representation of B −1 as a centrosymmetric T + H matrix. Let B be a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian of order n. We continue the discussion of how to represent B −1 as T + H matrix. Depending of whether n is odd or even, we arrived at representations of B −1 in the Theorems 7.3 and 8.2. On the other hand, we know from Theorem 4.6 that B −1 has to be a centrosymmetric T + H matrix. Due to Remark 3.2 and Proposition 3.3, this T + H matrix can be written as a sum of two particular T + H matrices of the form (3.4). The formulas stated in the aforementioned theorems together with the results of the previous subsection now allow us to conclude this directly and to establish explicit formulas for the symbols of the T + H matrices. Let us start with considering a T + H Bezoutian B of odd order n = 2ℓ − 1. From Theorem 7.3 and Theorem 9.1 (see, in particular, the first line in (9.3)), it follows that (0) Aℓ (0) = TH# ) ℓ (a and (1) Aℓ−1 = THℓ−1 (a(1) ), (1) (0) (1) = (ak )2ℓ−2 where a(0) = (ak )2ℓ−2 k=−2ℓ+2 are symmetric vectors of k=−2ℓ+2 and a length 4ℓ − 3 = 2n − 1. In view of (9.5) and (9.8), we obtain (0) −1 −T 2ℓ−1 (ak )2ℓ−2 k=0 = D2ℓ−1 Q2ℓ−1 s and (1) −T T 2ℓ−3 M2ℓ−1 (ak )2ℓ−2 . k=0 = −R2ℓ−3 s The vectors s2ℓ−1 and s2ℓ−3 are the ones featured in Theorem 7.3, which are determined T by (7.7). Notice that M2ℓ−1 is surjective and has a two-dimensional kernel consisting of all vectors eα,β = (α, β, α, β, . . . )T . Thus, in connection with (7.11), we conclude that − − (0) B −1 = 41 Zℓ+ TH# )(Zℓ+ )T + 14 Zℓ−1 THℓ−1 (a(1) )(Zℓ−1 )T . ℓ (a Therein the first and the second term are Ao+ and Ao− , respectively, introduced in (7.12). − Taking into account the structure of Zℓ+ and Zℓ−1 , a straightforward computation yields (9.10) (0) (0) (0) )(Zℓ+ )T = 41 [ aj−k + aj+k ]ℓ−1 Ao+ = 41 Zℓ+ TH# ℓ (a j,k=−ℓ+1 and (9.11) (1) (1) − − Ao− = 14 Zℓ−1 THℓ−1 (a(1) )(Zℓ−1 )T = 14 [ aj−k − aj+k ]ℓ−1 j,k=−ℓ+1 , ETNA Kent State University 129 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS which are precisely the two particular centrosymmetric T + H matrices of the form (3.4); see also (3.1). Thus, we arrive at the following theorem. T HEOREM 9.2. Let B be a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian of odd order n = 2ℓ − 1. Then with a(0) and a(1) as above, we have 1 (0) (1) (0) (1) ℓ−1 − a ] [ aj−k + aj−k ]ℓ−1 + [ a (9.12) B −1 = j,k=−ℓ+1 j+k j+k j,k=−ℓ+1 . 4 Now, let B be a T + H Bezoutian of even order, n = 2ℓ. Consider in Theorem 9.1 the vectors s2ℓ−1 , for i = 1, 2, defined in (8.5) in place of s. In view of Theorem 8.2 and the i second line in (9.3), we obtain + + A+ ℓ = THℓ (a ) and − − A− ℓ = THℓ (a ), 2ℓ−1 where the symmetric vectors a± = (a± k )k=−2ℓ+1 of length 4ℓ − 1 = 2n − 1 are given by + T + 2ℓ−1 −T 2ℓ−1 ) (a+ (M2ℓ s1 , k )k=0 = (R2ℓ−1 ) − T 2ℓ−1 − −T 2ℓ−1 (M2ℓ ) (a− s2 . k )k=0 = −(R2ℓ−1 ) ± T Notice that the matrices (M2ℓ ) are surjective and have a one-dimensional kernel consisting of all vectors eα,∓α . Now, in view of (8.6), it follows that Jℓ −Jℓ + − 1 B −1 = 14 TH+ (a ) [ J I ] + TH− ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ (a ) [−Jℓ Iℓ ] , 4 Iℓ Iℓ where the first summand equals Ae+ and the second equals Ae− ; see (8.8). Since iℓ−1 h Jℓ (9.13) TH+ (a+ ) [ Jℓ Iℓ ] = a+ + a+ ℓ j−k j+k+1 Iℓ j,k=−ℓ and (9.14) −Jℓ Iℓ h iℓ−1 − − − (a ) [−J I ] = a TH− − a ℓ ℓ ℓ j−k j+k+1 j,k=−ℓ , which are T + H matrices of the form (3.4), see also (3.2), we obtain the final result in the even case. T HEOREM 9.3. Let B be a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian of even order n = 2ℓ. Then with a+ and a− as above, we have 1 + ℓ−1 − + ℓ−1 (9.15) B −1 = [ aj−k + a− j−k ]j,k=−ℓ + [ aj+k+1 − aj+k+1 ]j,k=−ℓ . 4 10. Algorithms. Let an n × n matrix B be given. From Section 4.4 we know that if B is a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian, then we can represent it in the form B = Bez sp (u+ , v+ ) + Bez sp (u− , v− ), where (u± , v± ) satisfy the conditions stated in Lemma 4.7. In Remark 4.10 we established a procedure to verify whether B is a nonsingular, centrosymmetric T + H Bezoutian. The procedure also describes an algorithm for the computation of appropriate (nonunique) vectors u± , v± . Thus, we can consider these vectors to be the starting point for the computation of B −1 . ETNA Kent State University 130 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST First we discuss the case where n is odd, n = 2ℓ − 1. We are going to present an O(n2 ) algorithm that computes the inverse of B based on the observations made in the previous sections. n+2 (1o) Denote un+2 := u+ , v+ := v+ . Compute (e.g., by using the Horner scheme) + un+ (t) := u− (t) , t2 − 1 v− (t) . t2 − 1 n v+ (t) := (2o) Write these vectors as ℓ+i−1 un+2i =: (un+2i + +,j )j=−ℓ−i+1 , n+2i n+2i ℓ+i−1 v+ =: (v+,j )j=−ℓ−i+1 , i = 0, 1. Recall Remark 6.3 and compute the vectors ℓ+i−1 n+2i ℓ+i−1 ℓ+i −1 uℓ+i := (Qℓ+i )−1 un+2i , v := (Q ) v , ℓ+i +,j +,j j=0 j=0 where (Qℓ+i )−1 is given in Proposition 5.2. (i) 2(ℓ+i)−3 (3o) Find the vectors s2(ℓ+i)−3 = (sj )j=0 (i = 0, 1) from the solutions of the Bezout equations (7.6) and by polynomial multiplication (7.7). The Bezout equations can be solved via Euclid’s algorithm. (i) (4o) It remains to compute the symmetric vectors a(i) = (ak )2ℓ−2 k=−2ℓ−2 which determine # (0) (1) the matrices THℓ (a ) and THℓ−1 (a ). From (9.6) and (9.8) we get k (0) a0 = (0) 2s0 , (0) ak = (0) a−k = ⌊2⌋ X j=0 (0) (−1)j sk−2j k−j j k−j−1 + , j−1 for k = 1, . . . , 2ℓ − 2, and ⌊2⌋ X k−j j (1) , = (−1) sk−2j j j=0 k (1) ak − (1) ak+2 (1) (1) ak = a−k , for k = 0, . . . , 2ℓ − 4. Now B −1 is given by (9.12). Notice that, as expected, the vector a(1) is not uniquely determined. However, this ambiguity does not affect THℓ−1 (a(1) ) and the matrix (9.12). R EMARK 10.1. The steps (1o) and (2o) can be performed in an alternative way by using the inverse of Rℓ+i (given in Proposition 5.2) and un+2i+2 (t) := (t2 − 1)un+2i (t), − + n+2i+2 n+2i v− (t) := (t2 − 1)v+ (t) n+2i (belonging to Fn+2i+2 [t]) instead of un+2i and v+ . Clearly, in terms of the given vectors, − + 2 un+4 − (t) := (t − 1)u+ (t) , un+2 := u− , − n+4 v− (t) := (t2 − 1)v+ (t) , n+2 v− := v− . Writing the vectors as )ℓ+i un+2i+2 =: (un+2i+2 − −,j j=−ℓ−i , n+2i+2 n+2i+2 ℓ+i )j=−ℓ−i , v− =: (v−,j i = 0, 1, it follows that )ℓ+i uℓ+i = (Rℓ+i )−1 (un+2i+2 j=1 , −,j n+2i+2 ℓ+i )j=1 . vℓ+i = (Rℓ+i )−1 (v−,j ETNA Kent State University TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS 131 Secondly, we consider the even case n = 2ℓ and design an O(n2 ) inversion algorithm similar to the algorithm above for the odd case. (1e) Compute (e.g., by using the Horner scheme) un+1 + (t) := (2e) Denote by u+ (t) n+1 v+ (t) n+1 u− (t) n+1 v− (t) , v+ (t) := , y+ (t) := , z+ (t) := . t+1 t+1 t−1 t−1 ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ un+1 , vjn+1 j=0 , yjn+1 j=0 , zjn+1 j=0 the vectors of the j j=0 n+1 n+1 n+1 last ℓ + 1 components of un+1 + , v+ , y+ , z+ , respectively. Compute the vectors ℓ ℓ u = (Qℓ+1 )−1 un+1 , v = (Qℓ+1 )−1 vjn+1 j=0 , j j=0 ℓ ℓ y = (Qℓ+1 )−1 yjn+1 j=0 , z = (Qℓ+1 )−1 zjn+1 j=0 , where (Qℓ+i )−1 is given in Proposition 5.2. (i) = (sj )2ℓ−1 (3e) Find the vectors s2ℓ−1 j=0 (i = 1, 2) from the solutions of the Bezout i equations (8.3) and (8.4) via Euclid’s algorithm and by polynomial multiplications (8.5). 2ℓ−1 (4e) It remains to compute the symmetric vectors a± = (a± k )k=−2ℓ+1 which build the ± ± matrices THℓ (a ). In view of (9.9) we obtain the following equations, k a+ k+1 + a+ k = ⌊2⌋ X (−1) j j=0 ⌊ k−1 2 ⌋ X k − j (1) k − j − 1 (1) sk−2j − sk−2j−1 (−1)j j j j=0 and ⌊ k−1 2 ⌋ X k − j (2) k − j − 1 (2) sk−2j + sk−2j−1 , (−1) (−1)j = j j j=0 j=0 k a− k − a− k+1 ⌊2⌋ X j ± for k = 0, . . . , 2ℓ − 2, along with a± k = a−k . −1 Now B is represented as T + H matrix according to (9.15). As before, the vec± tors a± are not uniquely determined. This does not affect TH± ℓ (a ) and the matrix (9.15). R EMARK 10.2. The steps (1e) and (2e) can be performed in one step using the inverse of Rℓ± . Indeed, we have ℓ−1 u = (Rℓ+ )−1 (u+ i )i=0 , ℓ−1 n u+ = (u+ i )i=−ℓ ∈ F+ , v = (Rℓ+ )−1 (vi+ )ℓ−1 i=0 , n v+ = (vi+ )ℓ−1 i=−ℓ ∈ F+ , ℓ−1 y = (Rℓ− )−1 (u− i )i=0 , ℓ−1 n u− = (u− i )i=−ℓ ∈ F− , z = (Rℓ+ )−1 (vi− )ℓ−1 i=0 , n v− = (vi− )ℓ−1 i=−ℓ ∈ F− . A formula for the inverse of Rℓ± is given in (5.4). 11. Alternative representations. Let us first consider the odd case n = 2ℓ − 1. We arrived at a representation of the inverse of the T + H Bezoutian B −1 = Ao+ + Ao− as the sum of two centrosymmetric T + H matrices with particular symmetries. These two matrices are represented in (9.10) and (9.11). While the first one, (0) (0) (0) Ao+ = 14 Zℓ+ TH# )(Zℓ+ )T = 14 [ aj−k + aj+k ]ℓ−1 ℓ (a j,k=−ℓ+1 , ETNA Kent State University 132 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST has a unique symbol, the symbol of the second one (1) (1) − − THℓ−1 (a(1) )(Zℓ−1 )T = 14 [ aj−k − aj+k ]ℓ−1 Ao− = 41 Zℓ−1 j,k=−ℓ+1 is not unique. It is possible to remedy this situation and to obtain a representation that involves uniquely determined coefficients. It comes at the expense that the modified representation is a product of three matrices. In order to derive this formula, we start again from (1) (1) −1 −T H(s2ℓ−3 )Rℓ−1 Aℓ−1 = Rℓ−1 − − Ao− = 41 Zℓ−1 )T , Aℓ−1 (Zℓ−1 but apply the first relationship in (9.3) of Theorem 9.1, namely that between the Hankel matrix and the matrix TH# ℓ−1 (rather than THℓ−1 ). This yields (1) (1) −T −1 Aℓ−1 = Rℓ−1 QTℓ−1 Dℓ−1 TH# )Dℓ−1 Qℓ−1 Rℓ−1 , ℓ−1 (â with (11.1) (1) (1) 4ℓ−7 , â(1) = (âk )2ℓ−4 k=−2ℓ−4 ∈ F+ −1 −T 2ℓ−3 s . (âk )2ℓ−4 k=0 = D2ℓ−3 (Q2ℓ−3 ) Using (5.3) it follows that (1) (1) −1 −T Dℓ−1 TH# )Dℓ−1 Tℓ−1 Aℓ−1 = Tℓ−1 ℓ−1 (â and thus (1) − −T −1 − Ao− = 41 Zℓ−1 Tℓ−1 Dℓ−1 TH# )Dℓ−1 Tℓ−1 (Zℓ−1 )T . ℓ−1 (â Introduce the (2ℓ − 3) × (2ℓ − 1) matrix Σ2ℓ−1 −1 0 −1 −1 0 .. . .. . .. . 1 = 2 −1 0 0 −1 −1 −1 .. . .. .. 0 . .. . −1 .. . −1 0 1 . 0 .. . 1 . .. .. . 1 1 1 0 0 1 .. . .. . .. . , 0 1 1 0 1 which has a triangular-type structure combined with a checkerboard pattern. Notice that the columns are even and the rows are odd vectors. The column in the middle is zero. Incidentally, Σ2ℓ−1 establishes an isomorphism between F2ℓ−1 and F2ℓ−3 ; compare (2.2). A − + straightforward computation gives that −1 + − T Tℓ−1 . Dℓ−1 = ΣT2ℓ−1 Zℓ−1 Zℓ−1 Therefore, (1) + + TH# )(Zℓ−1 )T Σ2ℓ−1 , Ao− = 41 ΣT2ℓ−1 Zℓ−1 ℓ−1 (â ETNA Kent State University 133 TOEPLITZ-PLUS-HANKEL BEZOUTIANS and the product in the middle computes to a particular centrosymmetric T + H matrix of size 2ℓ − 3 = n − 2. We are now in the position to present the promised alternative formula, a representation as a product of three matrices. P ROPOSITION 11.1. iℓ−2 h (1) (1) Ao− = 41 ΣT2ℓ−1 âj−k + âj+k Σ2ℓ−1 , j,k=−ℓ+2 with â(1) being defined in (11.1). Although it is not immediately clear from this formula that Ao− is a centrosymmetric T + H matrix as well, this can be verified with little effort and follows also from (9.11). In particular, one can show that the relationship between the symbols a(1) ∈ F4ℓ−3 and + â(1) ∈ F4ℓ−7 is given by + (1) (1) (1) (1) âk = 2ak − ak+2 − ak−2 ; see also (9.1). The derived formula may be of advantage when one is interested in multiplying Ao− with a vector since the multiplication with Σ2ℓ−1 and ΣT2ℓ−1 can be performed fast. Let us now turn to the even case n = 2ℓ, where we had the expressions (9.13) and (9.14) for Ae+ and Ae− , both involving nonunique symbols a± . To obtain alternative formulas, start from (8.7) and (8.8). Again apply only the first identity in (9.3) in order to conclude that ± ± −1 ± −T T , Qℓ Dℓ TH# A± ℓ (â )Dℓ Qℓ (Rℓ ) ℓ = (Rℓ ) 2ℓ−2 4ℓ−3 with a unique â± = (â± given by k )k=−2ℓ+2 ∈ F+ (11.2) 2ℓ−2 −1 −T 2ℓ−1 (â+ s1 , k )k=0 = D2ℓ−1 (Q2ℓ−1 ) 2ℓ−2 −1 −T 2ℓ−1 (â− s2 . k )k=0 = D2ℓ−1 (Q2ℓ−1 ) Use (5.3) to conclude ± ± −T ± −1 Dℓ TH# A± ℓ = (Tℓ ) ℓ (â )Dℓ (Tℓ ) and thus Ae± = 1 4 ±Jℓ Iℓ h i ± ± −1 (Tℓ± )−T Dℓ TH# (â )D (T ) ± J I . ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ Introduce the (2ℓ − 1) × 2ℓ matrices ±1 −1 ±1 ±1 −1 ±1 .. .. .. . . . 1 . ± Σ2ℓ = .. −1 2 . . . . . .. .. ±1 −1 ±1 −1 ±1 ±1 ±1 1 . .. 1 . .. ∓1 .. . .. . 1 1 ∓1 ∓1 1 1 ∓1 1 .. . .. . .. . . 1 ∓1 1 ETNA Kent State University 134 T. EHRHARDT AND K. ROST The columns are all even vectors, while the rows are even or odd depending on the (+) or (−) case. It is straightforwardly verified that ±Jℓ ± T T + −1 = (Σ± 2ℓ ) Zℓ Dℓ (Tℓ ) . Iℓ It follows that # ± + T ± T + Ae± = 14 (Σ± 2ℓ ) Zℓ THℓ (â )(Zℓ ) Σ2ℓ . As before, the middle term becomes a T +H matrix, and thus we obtain the desired alternative formula for Ae± . P ROPOSITION 11.2. iℓ−1 h ± ± T Σ± â + â ) Ae± = 14 (Σ± 2ℓ , j−k j+k 2ℓ j,k=−ℓ+1 where â± is defined in (11.2). The relationship to (9.13) and (9.14) in terms of the symbol is ± ± ± â± k = 2ak ± ak+1 ± ak−1 , as one can easily check. REFERENCES [1] E. BASOR , Y. C HEN , AND T. E HRHARDT, Painlevé V and time-dependent Jacobi polynomials, J. Phys. A, 43 (2010), 015204 (25 pages). [2] A. B ÖTTCHER AND M. H ALWASS, Wiener-Hopf and spectral factorization of real polynomials by Newton’s method, Linear Algebra Appl., 438 (2013), pp. 4760–4805. [3] T. E HRHARDT AND K. ROST, On the kernel structure of generalized resultant matrices, Indag. Math., 23 (2012), pp. 1053–1069. , Resultant matrices and inversion of Bezoutians, Linear Algebra Appl., 439 (2013), pp. 621–639. [4] [5] I. G OHBERG AND I. 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