Document 11753880

THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO BRYAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER, APPAREL, AND RETAIL STUDIES SPRING 2014 APD 242 Design Principles Applied to Textile Products – Hybrid Section 02: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30am-­‐10:45am, Stone Building 217 Instructor: Miranda Williams, MBA E-­‐mail: Office: 202 Stone Building Office hours: Tuesdays 11am-­‐12pm or by appointment COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CRS 231. Application of the elements and principles of design to analysis of textile products and solution of design problems. Emphasis on textile product design evaluations through verbal and written communications. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Apply the elements and principles of design to evaluation, analysis and design of apparel and other textile products. 2. Classify and develop textile product design projects in a professional manner. 3. Design color stories, concepts boards and presentation boards comparable to those used in industry. 4. Develop an appreciation of apparel and textile products as a form of aesthetics. 5. Identify design and product development terms and begin to incorporate those terms into an industry vocabulary. Required class materials:  Text: Understanding Aesthetics for the Merchandising and Design Professional, 2nd edition by Fiore. Workable Computer and Online Connection: See for campus computer lab locations. This course is hybrid in nature. Hybrid means that approximately 50% of the class will take place via face-­‐to-­‐face classroom and the other 50% is supplemented by online assignments, activities, quizzes and exams. o UNCG Computer Accounts All enrolled UNCG students are assigned free UNCG computer accounts that are used to access various campus services. Online students will be expected to use these accounts to access various campus services that are needed for online courses. o Audio capabilities Students will need to hear lectures and other information delivered over the Internet. If working in a computer lab, earphones will be necessary. o Internet Connection It is assumed that all students will be able to access course materials via the Internet at basic DSL or cable modem speeds. Internet access over dial-­‐up and satellite connections may create problems for the student. Persons who will be using dial-­‐up and satellite connections should contact 6-­‐TECH to discuss possible issues. o Microsoft Office Documents All students will be expected to be able to create, open, and use Microsoft Office compatible documents such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. o Web Browser Both IE 7 and Firefox have been certified for use with Blackboard. o Other Software All students should be able to open Flash video clips and Acrobat pdf files. The Flash Player and Acrobat Reader programs which can meet this requirement are available free of charge from the Adobe. These free applications are available at: and In addition, the course will use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Both programs are available on campus in the computer labs. If you do not have these programs on your computer, you will have to access and use them in the computer labs. Work that is to be completed using these programs will not be accepted that is completed using other non approved, software packages. Supplies: X-­‐acto knife, straight edge, foam core, various adhesives, and other materials for projects. Students are encouraged to purchase a storage device such as a jump drive in order to have access to their work whether at home, classroom, or computer lab. Course Regulations: Attendance Attendance, punctuality, and productive participation are required. Absences will have an affect on your final grade. Two tardies (arriving 5-­‐10 minutes late) and/or early departures (leaving 5-­‐10 minutes early) will count as one absence. Students who arrive later than 10 minutes or leave more than 10 minutes early will be counted absent for the class period. Excused absences require documentation, and an excuse is something beyond your control. This class is a “hybrid” class, which means some class time is spent “in person” and some work is done independently online. The weekly outline shows which days you are expected to be in the classroom. **Absences for religious holidays and certain university functions (like an athlete participating in a game/match) will be excused, but students are expected to notify me at least two weeks prior to the planned absence and work due may be expected to be turned in before the planned absence. *Note: I reserve the right to drop a student from the course after two (2) absences from scheduled class meetings. In addition, I reserve the right to drop a student from the course if two consecutive weeks show no online activity for the student. Cell Phones Turn cell phones to “manner mode” or off while in class and refrain from texting or talking on them during class. Do not wear earphones to listen to music, audio, etc. during class. Late Work Assignments and projects will not be accepted late, nor will they be accepted incomplete (To clarify – if an assignment is due at 3:00 pm, then it is late if turned in at 3:01 pm and will not be accepted). Exceptions will only be made for students with documented emergency excuses. Technological problems are in no way considered excusable reasons for incomplete or late work. Submitting Work Pay careful attention to assignment and project instructions, as some will be submitted via Blackboard and some will be submitted in-­‐person. Quizzes Quizzes will be available on Blackboard each week we are covering a chapter. They will be available from 8:30 am Tuesday (the day we meet for class) through 11:59 pm Monday (the day before the next class). It is the student’s responsibility to remember to take each quiz online. You will be taking your quizzes BEFORE the next class meeting. This is to encourage class participation. Exams The midterm and final exams will be taken and completed online via Blackboard. Projects All projects will be submitted IN-­‐CLASS and ONLINE. The Final Project consists of an IN-­‐
CLASS PRESENTATION. Discussion Participation and Leadership During the semester, you will be responsible for leading one classroom discussion. Your presentation will be based on a topic that is assigned to you by your instructor and must include a visual component (powerpoint, presentation board, class handout, etc). Rather than simply leading a general discussion, it is expected that you will bring a current event article to showcase how your topic encompasses industry players. The article that you select must be dated within the last 5 years and must be directly related to your topic. Your presentation will be timed and should be at least 5 minutes long with another 5-­‐10 minutes of class discussion or class activity related to your topic. Photoshop and Illustrator Activities and Assignments There will be mini-­‐workshop sessions during some of the class time on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. These mini-­‐workshops are to aid you in developing quality outputs for the two assigned projects during the semester. You will complete several graded assignments in which you will use Photoshop and/or Illustrator to complete. Copyright issues: Much of the work in this class will be image based and students will likely pull images from a variety of sources. It is essential that you note the source of every image used in class assignments and projects to be in compliance with Federal Copyright laws. In addition, it is wise for you to note when the images represent your original designs and projects. Sourcing: Some of your work will require you to properly site your sources. When this is required, please use the APA format. Course Evaluation: All work completed for this course will meet the minimum requirements of the UNCG Honor Code. Your grade will be based on University Guidelines; refer to The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Undergraduate Bulletin. Do keep in mind that “excellent work” requires independent thinking and that to receive this grade, you must bring qualities to your work “above and beyond” those expected by this program.1 GRADING SCALE A+ = 97.0-­‐100 A = High quality work beyond stated requirements: “Excellent” A = 93.0-­‐96.99 A-­‐ = 90.0-­‐92.99 B+ = 87.0-­‐89.99 B = Quality work satisfying requirements: “Very good” B = 83.0-­‐86.99 B-­‐ = 80.0-­‐82.99 C+ = 77.0-­‐79.99 C = Work satisfies requirements: “Good” C = 73.0-­‐76.99 C-­‐ = 70.0-­‐72.99 D+ = 67.0-­‐69.99 D = Minimally acceptable: “Needs more effort” D = 63.0-­‐66.99 D-­‐ = 60.0-­‐62.99 F = below 60 F = Unacceptable 1
Adopted from IAR 321 S’06 syllabus Work that is submitted late and/or incomplete will not be given credit. Incomplete work is just too complicated to evaluate in a manner that is equitable to those who did complete the work on time; therefore, incomplete work will not be graded. If ten images are required and only seven are submitted, the assignment will not be evaluated. If you are tempted to ask if something is required for completion, the answer will most likely be yes, it’s required, so just do it. Grades will be calculated based on the following: POINTS Discussion participation (10 points per chapter covered) 120 Quizzes (10 points per chapter) 120 MIDTERM EXAM 150 FINAL EXAM 150 Discussion Leadership 80 Photoshop & Illustrator Activities/Assignments 150 Project 1 150 Final Project 150 TOTAL POINTS 1070 Point equivalents to above = A+ = 1038-­‐1070pts A = 996-­‐1037 A-­‐ = 963-­‐995 B+ = 931-­‐962 B = 889-­‐930 B-­‐ = 856-­‐888 C+ = 824-­‐855 C = 782-­‐823 C-­‐ = 749-­‐781 D+ = 717-­‐748 D = 675-­‐716 D-­‐ = 642-­‐674 F = 641 and below University Academic Integrity Policy Regarding Cheating: “Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized copying from the work of another student, using notes or other materials not authorized during an examination, giving or receiving information or assistance on work when it is expected that a student will do his/her own work, or engaging in any similar act that violates the concept of academic integrity. Cheating may occur on an examination, test, quiz, laboratory work report, theme, out of class assignment or any other work submitted by a student to fulfill course requirements and presented as solely the work of the student.” Appropriate sanctions for offenders include failing the assignment, failing the course, or recommended expulsion. Registration: It is the student's responsibility to ensure proper enrollment in classes. You are advised to review your official class schedule during the first week of the semester to ensure proper enrollment. Should you determine an error in your class schedule, correct it with your advising office. UNCG seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Office of Disability Services located in 215 EUC. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to alter the syllabus/outline if necessary. Additional information about assignments, guest speakers and lecture topics may be given throughout the semester. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
APD 242 Course Outline (subject to change with appropriate notice) DATE TOPIC Week #1 Tuesday, Jan 14 Week #2 Tuesday, Jan 21 Week #3 Tuesday, Jan 28 Week #4 Tuesday, Feb 4 Thursday, Feb 6 Week #5 Tuesday, Feb 11 Thursday, Feb 13 Introduction Introduction to the course Defining Aesthetic Experience In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 1 (Quiz taken prior to class) Branding and the 5Ps In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 2 (Quiz taken prior to class) Value Derived from the 5Ps In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 3 (Quiz taken prior to class) Photoshop Activity #1 Factors Influencing Aesthetic Evaluation or Preference In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 4 (Quiz taken prior to class) Photoshop Activity #2 Week #6 Tuesday, Feb 18 Thursday, Feb 20 Week #7 Tuesday, Feb 25 Elements of Design: Color In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 5 (Quiz taken prior to class) Photoshop Activity #3 Elements of Design: Light In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 6 (Quiz taken prior to class) Thursday, Feb 27 Week #8 Tuesday, Mar 4 Mar 7 Week #9 Tuesday, Mar 11 Week #10 Tuesday, Mar 18 Thursday, Mar 20 Week #11 Tuesday, Mar 25 Thursday, Mar 27 Week #12 Tuesday, Apr 1 Thursday, Apr 3 Week #13 Tuesday, Apr 8 Thursday, Apr 10 Week #14 Tuesday, Apr 15 Week #15 Tuesday, Apr 22 Photoshop Activity #4 MIDTERM EXAM-­‐ Chapters 1-­‐6 Exam will be taken online this week!! Last day to drop a course without academic penalty NO CLASS-­‐ SPRING BREAK!!! Elements of Design: Line and Shape In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 7 (Quiz taken prior to class) Project 1 due online through Blackboard and in class!! Illustrator Activity #1 Elements of Design: Texture In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 8 (Quiz taken prior to class) Illustrator Activity #2 Elements of Design: Space and Movement In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 9 (Quiz taken prior to class) Illustrator Activity #3 Auditory and Olfactory Elements of Design In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapter 10 (Quiz taken prior to class) Illustrator Activity #4 Complexity, Order, and Novelty/Principles of Design In-­‐Class Discussion, Chapters 11 & 12 (Quizzes taken prior to class) Final project presentations Final project due online through Blackboard and in class!! Week #16 NO CLASS-­‐ University follows Friday schedule Tuesday, Apr 29 Week #17 FINAL EXAM-­‐ Chapters 7-­‐12 Tuesday, Exam will be taken online from 12pm to 3pm on May 6th only!!! May 6 Last day of classes is 4/29, Reading day is 4/30, Final exams start 5/1 and end 5/7 