University of North Carolina at Greensboro

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bryan School of Business and Economics
Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
Course Number:
Course Name:
Office Hours
ISM 210 - Business Computing II
Course Syllabus for Spring 2014
Business Computing II
Mr. Wiley Brown
392 Bryan Building
Wed 10:00am – 11:00am
Others times by appointment
Textbook and Supplies:
 Exploring Office 2010, Pearson Education, 2011, ISBN-10: 0136122329, Grauer, Poatsy,
Mulbery, Hulett, Krebs, Mast
 MyITlab software. If you have taken ISM 110 in the last year, your
code is still good. You do not need to purchase a new myitlab access.
 Flash drives.
 Microsoft Office 2010 Professional (includes MS Access) -if not purchased through the
Course Description:
Business Computing II covers advanced techniques in the use of microcomputer
applications, including spreadsheets, database systems, and linkage between
applications. Students study how end-user applications are managed and contribute to
The objectives of this course are to provide the student with a detailed understanding of
computer systems and to develop some advanced competencies with common business
software applications. These competencies will include:
(a) Understand microcomputer terminology and operations,
(b) Employ current Windows operating system,
(d) Productively use word processing, business graphics, databases and
spreadsheet software.
Relationship to Other Coursework:
Business Computing II expands the student’s proficiency of using advanced
microcomputer tools. This platform will be expanded in subsequent course work
 SCM 304 (Managing and Organizing Projects)
 ISM 318 (Database Systems Sequence)
 ISM 452 (Design of Management Information Systems)
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Course Topics
Lab Assignments Objectives:
Use Windows 7 and 8 to demonstrate file management skills, backup
Operating System skills and safe, secure computing skills.
Productively use Access to construct, maintain and edit databases. Use
Access to create and print multi-level (aggregated) reports, modify dB
structure, define relationships between tables and dB files, create Select
queries. Specify query conditions, calculated fields and use comparison
operators and functions. Group queries and reports by appropriate
level. Exchange data between Access and other data sources. Pivot
query data and create charts.
Productively use Excel to plan and construct a spreadsheet with cell
reference formulas and functions such as the IF function. Create a
spreadsheet with relative and absolute cell references. Use cell notes to
document formula logic. Attractively format worksheet data. Use Excel
to create professional charts. Recognize which chart types optimally
represent data types. Employ advanced Excel features (Conditional
Formatting, Subtotals, PivotTables and Pivot Charts, Create and use
named ranges, Employ Excel Tables and Filtering).
Integrate between the MS Office products seamlessly. Recognize the
appropriate tool for the task.
Documentation Understand how to responsibly and effectively document work.
Troubleshooting Understand the responsibility of communicating effectively with endusers, through help-desk interactions and procedures manuals. Become
aware of general troubleshooting questions and techniques.
Class Format
Online, web demonstrations, tutorial-style lab assignments.
 at least a C in ISM 110
 at least a C in MAT 115
Lab assignments:
A variety of assignments on each application are allocated. Some assignments may be
counted as a grade, other assignments are for students to complete as practice. These
range in scope and difficulty. The intent is for students to use the practice assignments
as needed to prepare for the lab examinations. Because time management skills are
essential to survive, students are free to decide the amount of individual practice
necessary to master an application.
 Exams will be administered only once. If a documented emergency develops
and you miss an exam, there may be an alternative, at the discretion of the
o If you know that you will not be able to take the exam during the normal
scheduled period ahead of time, you must take the exam before the
scheduled time. Please let me know as soon as possible if this is the case.
o If you do not know ahead of time that you will miss a test, you may at the
discretion of the instructor schedule a makeup exam.
 Final Exam: Students will complete a class project in lieu of a final exam. The
class project utilizes Excel and Access and will display the students
understanding of class concepts.
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Performance evaluation:
You will have a grader project, exercise, and end of chapter quiz for each chapter that is
covered in this class.
Grader Projects- To complete the grader projects you will be given 2 files. One
file is a word document with instructions to be completed for the assignment
and the second file is the file (either excel or access) that you will make changes
to and then upload through myITlab to be graded. Make sure not to share these
files as myITlab generates a special code and will flag files that do not coordinate
with the one that you have been given. If this happens you will be given a 0 for
the assignment for the first offense and if it happens more than once we will
follow UNCG academic integrity policies. You will be allowed multiple attempts
before the due date on grader assignments to bring up your grades.
Exercises- These assignments use web based software that is created to
resemble MS Excel and MS Access. You will be given prompts and are expected
to follow and understand what is being asked. The software will give an
immediate feedback on your attempt and will provide grades at the end of the
assignment. You will also be allowed multiple attempts before the due date on
exercises to bring up your grades.
End of chapter quizzes- These assignments are 10 question multiple choice
questions from the chapter and can also be attempted multiple times.
Exams- will consist of application based problems from the material covered and
will be timed. Students are to work alone on exams but may use other
resources such as notes, the book, and the internet. Please study properly for
these exams as the time allotted does not allow students much extra time for
finding answers.
The course grade will be calculated using the following points:
Chapter Assignments
Grader Project
End of Chapter Quiz
Other Misc. Assignments
Assignments Total:
Excel Exam
Access Exam I
Access Exam II
Final Project
Course Total:
Final Grading Scale
98 -100
Below 65
Posting Grades: Grades in the ISSCM Department are NOT posted and are NOT given
over the phone. You may check your grades on Genie within 2-3 days after the final
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Written Communication Content:
Information Systems involves a dynamic environment with constant attention to
changes. Effective and professional written communication is stressed through the
required assignments.
E-mail: Each student has been assigned an e-mail account by the IRC.
Students will be expected to activate their e-mail accounts and to use electronic mail.
An excellent way to receive help on homework assignments is for students to attach the
file in question to an e-mail and send it to the instructor.
Technology Applications:
Technological advances in computing are addressed throughout the course.
Ethical Perspectives:
Computing is a tool employed to manage information during decision-making.
The importance of ethical decisions will be addressed. Legal constraints imposed by the
PNPI statutes are also covered.
Global Perspectives:
Globalization coverage is limited to international computing practices. It will
vary from semester to semester.
Honor Code Policy:
Discussing your assignments with other students can be a valuable learning resource;
however, each student is expected to do their own original work. University students
conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic integrity.
Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of
cheating, such as illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, forgery, or
Students will NOT make, borrow, or “share” copies of their assignments or files with other
students, even with previous ISM 210 students. Helping one another is allowed, but
copying, even electronically, is cheating. This practice is against the UNCG Honor Code
and defeats the purpose of this course. No credit will be received for shared work, and
other penalties may be imposed. Please understand that the myITlab Grader
monitors and flags integrity violations automatically.
Students are not to work together on the timed exams!
-A tentative class schedule will be posted on Blackboard
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