Author(s) Werner, Paul W. Title Ion gun operations at high altitudes Publisher Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1988 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:58:19 ^tTDLEY KNOX LIBRARY VAL POSTOFuADTJATE SCHOOL 1. MOJJTEBEY, CALIFORMIA 93943-6002 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS ION GUN OPERATIONS AT HIGH ALTITUDES by Paul W. Werner June 19 88 Thesis Advisor: Richard C. Olsen Approved for public release; distribution is unlimitpd T239315 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ^£=Ci^' $£C-'i'^ C-AS5iF a L-N CA-O^J lb AUTHORITY 3 C-AS3.F CATION ' =ERFORMiNG ORGANIZATION REPORT NUM8ER(S) J NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6a (If ADDRESS lOty. State, SYMBOL 7a Q -^"^ I* NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL 7b ?- ADDRESS (C/ty, State, (Gry. Sfare, MONTEREY, and ZIP Code) 'TLE (Include Security ADDRESS 5000 and Z/PCodeJ CALIFORNIA Q -"3 6 3-^000 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 9 3c NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION applicable) CODE 61 and ZiPCoae) CALIFORNIA MONTERFi', MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 6o OFFiCE NAVAL POSTGRADUA'^F SCHOOL 6c. MARKINGS DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF REPORT APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED DcC^SSiF-CATlGN DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE ;d RESTRICTIVE CLASSIFIED 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS Classification) ION GUN OPERATIONS AT HIGH ALTITUDES PERSONAL •2 i WERNER, PAUL W 3a "YDE 0= RE=OR^ 3b ' ME COVERED MASTER'S THESIS '6 19 88 JUNE SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS THESIS ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR AND DO NOT REFLECT THE OFFICIAL POLICY OR POSITION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DFFFNf^F OR THF TT q GDVFRMMENT COSATI CODES "8 SUBJECT TERMS {Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) SPACECRAFT CHARGING, SCATHA ION GUN, (SCATHA) SATELLITE AS PART OF A JOINT AIR FORCE /NASA PROGRAM ON SPACECRAFT CHARGING AT HIGH ALTITUDES. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SCATHA ION a'N WERE MONITORED BY CHARGED PARTICLE DETECTORS AND THE ELECTRIC FIELD EXPERIMENT. IT WAS FOUND THAT THE ELECTRIC FIELD EXPERIMENT COULD BE USED TO MEASURE SATELLITE POTENTIAL DURING ION BEAM EMISSION IN SUNLIGHT AND ECLIPSE. UNNEUTRALI ZED TON BEAM EMISSION IN HIGH ENERGY M- 7 KpV) AND HIGH CURRENT ( 1-? mA) MODES RESULTED IN THE SATELLITE MOMENTARILY CHARGING TO A NEGATIVE POTENTIAL NEAR THE MAGNITUDE OF THE BEAM VOLTAGE AND THEN RISING TO SOME LESS NEGATIVE VALUE, TYPICALLY -500 TQ -800 V. THE NET EMITTED CURRENT WAS APPARENTLY LIMITED BY the FORMATION OF A VIRTUAL ANODE. LOW CURRENT (20-30 ^A), HIGH VOLTAGE (1 kV) RESITTED IN - 10 TO - 50 V SATELLITE POTENTIALS. TRICKLE MODE ( 20-80 ^A, NO ACCEL VOLTAGE) OPERATIONS RESULTED IN SATELLITE POTENTIALS NEAR ZERO VOLTS. IN SUNLIGHT THE SPACE CRAFT POTENTIAL EXHIBITED A SPIN MODULATION, ATTRIBUTED TO VARIATIONS IN THE NEUTRALIZATION OF THE BEAM AS IT PASSED THROUGH THE PHOTOELECTRON CLOUD. RAPID FLUCTUATIONS OF THE SPACE CRAFT POTENTIAL OCCURED WHICH MAY BE EXPLAINED QUALITATIVELY BY SPACE CHARGE INSTABTLITES Distribution /AVAILABILITY of abstract 20 Q UNC'-ASSiFiED'UNL MITED D 22a 21 SAME AS RPT D DTIC USERS 22b TELEPHONE (/nc/ude Area Code) '<AV^ q:=^ = ^^a^J5.BLE INDIVIDUAL r608) DDFORM 1473, 34 MAR 33 APR edition All may be used until exhausted other editions are obsolete 6^6- 20T9 22c OFFICE 6"' SYMBOL OS SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Ion Gun Operations at High Altitudes by Pau W We r ner Lieutenant, United States Navy B. S., University of Utah, 1960 I . Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE f IN PHYSICS rom the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1968 ,) ABSTRACT Experiments in charge control were conducted on the P782 satellite (SCATHA) program Experiments charged with the particle experiment. It joint as part of a spacecraft on charging SCATHA ion detectors altitudes. monitored were gun and Force/NASA Air high at electric the by field was found that the electric field experiment could be used to measure satellite potential during ion beam emission in sunlight and eclipse. Unneutra ized beam ion 1 emission in high energy (1-2 KeV) and high current (1-2 resulted in the satellite momentarily charging modes negative potential near the magnitude of the the high a voltage beam typically -500 and then rising to some less negative value, to -800 V. mA to The net emitted current was apparently limited by formation of a virtual anode. voltage potentials. (1 kV) Trickle Low current (20-30 resulted in -10 to mode (20-80 >iA, -50 no acce uA ) satellite V I voltage) operations resulted in satellite potentials near zero Volts, In sunlight modulation, of the spacecraft potential exhibited the beam as it passed through the a spin neutralization attributed to variations in the photoe ectron 1 cloud. Rapid fluctuations of the spacecraft potential occured which may instabi explained be 1 i t ies. qualitatively by space-charge TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. AND BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION 1 A. INTRODUCTION 1 B. PROBLEM OF SATELLITE CHARGING 2 C. HISTORY OF ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS 3 D. THEORY 9 THE SCATHA PROGRAM 13 A. SATELLITE 13 B. UCSD PLASMA DETECTORS 15 C. ELECTRIC FIELD MONITOR 17 D. ION GUN 19 - 25 Low Energy, Low Current Mode - 32 OBSERVATIONS A. DAY 200 1. 2. B. a. Observations b. Analysis High Voltage, High Current Mode DAY 47 1. 2. C. 26 32 32 - 40 50 High Voltage, High Current Mode 50 a. Observations 50 b. Analysis 54 High Voltage, Low Current Mode DAY 293 55 56 . ':.- D. IV. V. DAY 295 1. Observations 2. Analysis DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX r^ J 43-5003 69 69 71 75 77 80 LIST OF REFERENCES 83 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 86 . ACKNOWLEDGMENT author expresses his appreciation to Professor The C. R. whose unwavering patience and scholarly advice led Olsen, him through the obstacles of research. Dr. Olsen's work on this project was supported by the Naval Postgraduate Foundation research program and by NASA/Lewis School Research Center The author also wishes to thank Dr. Dr. of Dr. E. the data; T. S. E, Mcllwain and Whipple (UCSD) for providing support in analysis C. L. Ms. W. Aggson experiment; and Mr. H. W. Li for help in processing the data; (NASA/GSFC), the Cohen, for the SCA experiment. the PI PI for the SCIO . I A. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND . INTRODUCTION This thesis is concerned with the equilibrium and potentials of a spacecraft in dependent the and the effect of active ion particle emission on understanding of spacecraft charging is time magne tosphere them. An because important charging can directly affect satellite survival. Charging is also great of concern to space scientists studying the satellite environment primarily because of its effect on the measurement of ambient particles. This thesis is based collected by the UCSD particle detectors and the data emission was accomplished by the GSFC The active electric field monitors on the SCATHA satellite. ion on AFGL ion gun exper iment The problem of spacecraft charging has been an concern since the early days of satellite flights 1965). With the advent of geosynchronous ongoing (Whipple, spacecraft, the observations showed the existence of even higher potentials, up to kilovolts in eclipse (DeForest, this which size may (McPherson can produce damaging 1972). electrostatic result in spacecraft anomalies et al., 1975). Potentials of The or remainder discharges malfunctions of this introductory chapter presents the foundations and principles of charging and active spacecraft potential B. control. PROBLEM OF SATELLITE CHARGING charging Spacecraft to high levels first reported by DeForest orbit was 1972). Charging effects were identified geosynchronous at (DeForest, 1972 in characteristic by signatures in the charged particle data. Accelerated ambient ion fluxes result in a peak in the low-energy ion spectra at the spacecraft several hundred (Gussenhoven Charging levels 1986). 1983; Olsen and high densities. to sunlight in 1983; in general, been a problem at low altitudes because of temperatures of Purvis, and Satellite charging, tens levels to volts negative were observed and Mullen, Mullen et al., not potential. negative were observed in eclipse and kilovolts low Exceptions to this have recently been found in DMSP data (Yeh and has plasma trend Gussenhoven, 1987). In addition to charging relative to the environment, the spacecraft may also differentially charge due to the various conducting and insulating characteristics of the materials of which the spacecraft charging satellite is composed. different Differential sets up a "barrier" that traps electrons near and inhibits current flow. This may cause the the satellite mainframe to charge more negatively than otherwise possible due to the environment alone. Large spacecraft potentials give rise to the possibility electrostatic of discharges damage could that the spacecraft. Anomalies and malfunctions and negative charging events local strongly concentrated in the midnight are time sectors, anomalies These failures that as shown in Figure dawn to (McPherson, 1 1975). were generally logic upsets or might electrostatic be attributed to switching discharges. Because accurate analysis of data from a satellite knowledge existence of incentive control C. be. strongly satellite requires potential affects survival, for design the the charged there is methods subjects These an and also of have high-voltage of large-scale structures which are planned spacecraft and the to and potentials. implications important satellite to understand the causes and those of the large potential a measurements particle strong of built in space in the near future. HISTORY OF ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS The positive rocket test of a ions was SERT mercury ion artificially involving American experiment first generated I in thruster This 1964. demonstrated thrust and beam neutralization. A bridge". is In often called a "plasma November contactor" 1969 and August 1970, a plasma source potential which is used primarily as a means for spacecraft control was successfully and or "plasma the Soviets V O Figure DSP LOGIC UPSETi OiCi II RCA UPSETS INTELSAT IV O INTELSAT III 1. Occurrences of satellite anoaalies plotted as a function of local time in geostationary orbit The radial distance is not significant. launched rockets containing ion engines two engine study conditions. The ionosphere were part efficiency characteristics situated at (Gavrilov et al., was the neutralizers of different distances 1973) launched on February II, surface studied of 3, It demonstrated varying the potential of the neutralizer with that the spacecraft caused variations first was the 1970, successful orbital flight of an ion engine. to to automatic of used and Also order near-natural under laboratories neutralizer from the beam. SERT engines ion cesium on tungsten. of on different operations space-flight ionization effect systen in the in respect beam to spacecraft potential, and therefore the spacecraft potential respect with the to distant bridge Plasma plasma. neutralizers provided an electron current to neutralize beam. (Jones et al., ATS-4, -5, the 1970) and -6 each carried a cesium ion thruster. ATS-4 and -5 both suffered malfunctions and complete testing of the ion engines was not possible. 1968, low altitude elliptical orbit. that the ATS-5 spin rate launched August suffered a launch vehicle failure and entered 10, Bartlett, ATS-4, ion engine was Limited working testing properly. a indicated (Hunter and 1969) spun up in the wrong direction and at too high (100 rpm) when ejected into its final a orbit. seriously limiting operation. thruster limited The operations with the ion engine were successful and indicated no change in the spacecraft potential, energy limit of the UCSD particle within the 50 eV low Electron detectors. experiments with the hot filament emission neutralizer reduced large negative potentials to near zero eclipse differential charging of the insulating surfaces in but ultimately suppressed electron emission. This reduced the effectiveness of the emitter in controlling the spacecraft potential. 6 ion engine operation clamped the spacecraft potential -5 suppressed ATSto differential charging. Operation of the plasma bridge neutralizer alone maintained about the volts and potential to within a few volts of the ambient plasma potential for all plasma conditions observed. ATS-6 provided that a low energy plasma discharge can provide evidence effective (Olsen. The gun means for controlling an potential. 1985) West German Porcupine rocket contained a Xenon which directed a 200 eV the Earth's magnetic field. and spacecraft associated Xe-*- ion beam processes wave perpendicular The dynamics of the plasma were studied via ion to jet an instrumented central pay oad and on subpayloads ejected from 1 it. (Kintner and Kelley, Most ions of 1981) the space experiments performed with so far have used plasma beams rather than energetic non-neutral . beams. ion plasma The Table 1 (Banks et al., gives a list of beam space experiments since the beginning of 1975. ATS satellites and SCATHA are not listed because their plasma sources were considered too small to be ionospheric modification. used table the 1987) rockets. experiment, 'Meteor' useful for Most of the experiments listed in The exceptions are Soviet the performed from a satellite, and the Japanese SEPAC experiment, part of the Spacelab-1 pay oad on 1 the NASA Space Shuttle. pos i t i The energies quoted are those of the ve ions The Araks pay oad had an electron gun as the main active 1 device of with the plasma source acting primarily as a source neutralizing ions rather than a source of energetic ions. The plasma ejected was perpendicular to the local near the payload. remain readily ionosphere. and more device. In from the ambient the the The plasma sources on ATS-6 and the in in table are similar to that the plasma source was the most cases the plasma source was the source active and with it remaining Porcupine main active operated pulses and not continuously in order to observe the with more This allowed the payload to SCATHA were quite successful in this respect. The experiment would The data are not clear on how successfully was controlled. experiments less or magnetic field so that it neutralizing electrons collect potential continuously switched in effects off. The of most of these experiments scientific objective study propagation of plasma beams through was to the space plasma in the presence of the Earth's magnetic field. (Banks et al the . , 1987). TABLE I SPACE EXPERIMENTS WITH POSITIVE ION BEAMS, SINCE 1-1-75 A t I (1) (2) 1-26-75 2-15-75 (1)10-29-77 (2)10-30-77 (3)11-30-78 (4)11-18-79 (1) (2) i Energy tude 190 km 185 km 115-160 115-160 110-145 110-145 km km km km Caesum 50 eV Barium unknown unknown unknown Barium METEOR 1977-79 850-900 km Xenon AELITA 10-06-78 (2)10-25-79 100-145 km Lithium 3-19-79 3-31-79 196-464 km 191-451 km (1) 1-27-80 (2)11-14-82 120-220 km 120-451 km Argon 25 eV 33 eV Porcupine (1 ) (1) (2) Current unknown 130 eV unknown 4-10 eV 300 A O. 1 A SEPAC 11-28-83 240 km Argon 110 eV 1. 6 ARCS 3 2-10-85 129-406 km Argon ZOO eV 0.2 A kA D. THEORY in a plasma. A spacecraft in the magnetosphere theory are of anisotropic the photoemi ss ion, is effectively a probe Elements which must be added to current basic probe introduced insulating surfaces to the probe so that it is no an equi potent ia longer surface. 1 equilibrium, In by secondary electron emission, and the addition magnitude the potential the of is defined by the requirement that the currents to and from the satellite current, sum and to zero. A non-zero sum net is a spacecraft will charge till the it charging reaches equilibrium. A spacecraft will discharge and charge with two capacitive time modulation of constants. the differential other One is the mainframe or ground potential the for potential and the surfaces. charging of the insulated The major terms in the current balance equation are: ambient electrons, ambient ions, impact, The photoe ectrons. 1 secondary electrons due to electron electrons secondary due environment to impact, ion surface and the of satellite are therefore important because of the effects ambient electrons and ions, electrons. At pho toe ectrons 1 geosynchronous electron current, that is, altitudes, , and the and the of secondary high-energy the current from that portion of the electron population with energies greater than about 30 KeV, in both sunlight drives the spacecraft frame potential and eclipse (Gussenhoven and Mullen, Photocurrent 1983). spacecraft, the major current from the is the exact level of which depends on the work function of the irradiated material. one to two orders of magnitude larger than the ^A/m=, most the ambient electron important term, emission electrons incident per electron) an insulated surface is various surfaces. For rarely equi potent ia determines important if insulated an since this because 1 regimes. As change. The shadow, in electrons the is which term a satellite plasmasphere or plasma sheet, boundaries is its the surface will charge negatively. At or near geosynchronous orbit, the surface primary emission due to electron particularly ( for spacecraft A the different secondary emission characteristics of secondary in unity exceed can with emitted The yield (the number of primary particle energies of a few hundred eV. with next Secondary- flux. caused by the impact of primary particles is sufficiently high energy. of 10-100 Typical values in sunlight are the move level and solar a cold of usually is different very activity the characteristics plasmasphere, 10-100 cm~^) plasma, of two varies (several eV) the regions the and dense extends outward from its source, the ionosphere, and corotates with the Earth. The outer boundary is not well defined and varies with local time and magnetic activity. spacecraft The is most likely be to the in plasmasphere between the hours of lOOO LT and 2000 The LT. plasmasphere may move completely inside geosynchronous orbit some days following on high magnetic activity. following prolonged magnetic quiet, days the other On plasmasphere may expand to envelope most of the geosynchronous orbit. The equatorial average position of the plasmapause shown in the plane (Chappel 1 , 1974) plasma The dominated magne tosphere the of is shown Figure in sheet begins where corotation effects by the cross-tail magnetospher ic electric and cni~=' typically both ions and inside the periods The satellite the plasmasheet between 2100 LT of electrons Ambient currents are high in the vehicle is in the plasma sheet. normally LT. exceed 10 KeV. for sheet and spacecraft charging is limited to plasma when temperatures are field. Densities in the plasma sheet are typically on the order 1 2 . and is 0900 Figure 2. The average position of the plasmapause shown the equatorial plane (Chappell, 1979). I A. I . THE SCATHA PROGRAM SATELLITE DESCRIPTION The Air Force P78-2 SCATHA (Spacecraft Charging AT Altitude) satellite, designed charging. part of a joint program with NASA, was study the causes and to was It dynamics launched January 30, 1979, satellite length booms. cylindrical in shape, is and 1 is It .75 m diameter, spacecraft of and reached its near geosynchronous orbit on February final High The 1979. 2, approximately 1.7 m and has seven in experimental spin stabilized and rotates with a period of 59 seconds about an axis which lies in the orbital plane and is nominally perpendicular to the earth-sun line. elliptical, period and of the satellite with perigee of 5.3 Re, 23.5 hours. apogee of 7.6 Re, The orbital plane was inclined satellite drifts eastward about 5.1= is The orbit is day. The eclipsed for about one hour periods every day for 40 days around the spring and fall a equinoxes. Many of the instruments are contained around the of the and 7.8*^ cylinder in an area called the belly middle which band, contains both insulating and conducting materials. The "top" of the satellite is a conducting surface and the "bottom" is composed of insulators. Solar cells make up most of the remaining parts of the cylinder. Figure 3 shows the location UCSO PLASMA DETECTOR FORWARD END Figure 3. The P78-2 SCATHA satellite. . of several of the experiments on the satellite. The experiments used for this work are the ion gun, detectors, and the electric field monitor. B. the (Fennel, P78-2 plasma 1982) UCSD PLASMA DETECTORS University The experiment particle analyzers, California at San ( SC9 ) consist of five Diego ESA's are mounted on charged electrostatic Pairs three for ions and two for electrons. electron and ion of top the of of the satellite in rotating heads which sweep in orthogonal planes over 220" a range shown in Figure 4. radially outward. NS spin rotating axis and radially angles geometry and rotation are The third ion detector is mounted to look One of the rotating assemblies (the HI or has an energy range of detector) other through the detector The outwards. 1 assembly (the LO or EW eV to 81 detector) KeV. The and the single ion detector (FIX detector) have an energy range of eV to 1800 eV. Energy resolution is channels overlapping in coverage. is 5 X 7 degrees. sampled the spin ax i 1 adjacent The angular field of view The outputs of the rotating detectors are is sampled Pitch angle distributions are obtained by parking the detectors so that they has with 4 times a second and the fixed detector at 8 times a second. Using 20% look perpendicular to s particle detectors to determine vehicle drawbacks. They are not positioned on the charging satellite K«« LO DETECTOR W WnriM HflCTM -20^ 200* LO "DETECTOR 200 HI DETECTOR Figure 4. Charged particle detector ( SC9 ) geometry. . with detection of charging as their prime objective. Energy widths channel optimal. and sampling intervals are aligned field and if the detector is not looking right direction or energy range, be observed. C. therefore not the ambient ion flux is sometimes magnetic Also, in the a charging peak will not 1982; SCATHA Handbook, (Fennel, 1980) ELECTRIC FIELD MONITOR NASA The Goddard Space Flight experiment monitor electric Center (SCIO) experiment consists antennas (cylindrical double floating probes) 100 m tip in uses field dipole of tip-to- length and projecting into the spin plane. One of the the of charging experiment relative potential was to measure sensor's the to events (Aggson et al., the 1983). The satellite spacecraft during antennae are beryllium copper tubbing insulated except for the last 20 with a kapton coating, m providing an 80 m baseline. The booms are electrically isolated from the satellite body. A schematic of the two experiment is shown in Figure is 5. different modes the common mode, which antennas The data used in this paper is from measures the voltage of one antenna relative to the spacecraft ground with a time resolution O. 5 seconds this The ambient electric field obtained from differential signals between the (the differential mode). of of — J 1 /' ^ 1 / / insulated 1 1 1 \ — 50 meters — "'~- , 1 / \ / + \ \ y —<^/ differ en tiaJ common mode Figure 5. Schematic showing SCIO coiaiDon mode outputs. and output outpjt differential been shown that the has It experiment SCIO measures spacecraft potential very accurately in sunlight (Mullen al., 1986). This because is et which beryllium, copper constitutes the outer 20 meters of the boom, has such a high secondary coefficient electron abundance (meaning secondary emission) that significant negative charging not occur in most plasma environments (Lai et Hence, antennae the a SCIO the of data shows that reasonable vehicle the During changes very rapidly with sun angle. potential 1986). al., to to be at independent floating potentials. approximation, Graphs can be considered, of does the periods when the antenna points directly at the sun or is in the shadow somewhat the satellite, of due measurement to the absence actually then the antenna of charges also the potential difference between the charged boom and the charged and (Lai not between the charged vehicle and the ambient et al., charged the 1986). during important The charging of the antennae periods in which the to high voltages. spacecraft Part of this paper will ejection, interaction of ion beam The pho toemi ss ion. represents vehicle plasma becomes is not address photoemi ss i on, and satellite charging. D. ION GUN The Satellite Pos i t i ve- on-Beam System (SPIBS) I is the AFGL ion gun experiment (SC4-2) developed by Hughes Research y Laboratories. It is located on the bottom of the satellite beams of positive and is used to emit electrons, ions, or The SPIBS instrument was designed to beams containing both. create several different spacecraft ground- to-ambi ent plasma techniques potential differences and to investigate various maintaining spacecraft ground at or near the for of potential the ambient plasma. The system consist of a basic power electrostatically accelerated discharge to operated at the beam potential to is discharge the plasma Electrons electrons. collisions by restricts emitting electron collisions. filament) accelerating all to to control plasma. flow atoms in and The An axial magnetic radially ( downstream neutralizer can or a fraction of increases and thermionical of Figure be satellite potential relative 6 the the beam and can be The neutralizer and the ion source can be independently. the conventional a neutralizer A located is structure. neutralize +_1000 V allow between plasma by means of the discharge voltage. electron-atom The The electrons are then accelerated into the hollow cathode. field ion Ions are formed generated using are an velocity. high a to exit at near ground potential. ions supply, Positive Xenon ions are and an expel lant assembly. source, is a block 1 ion used to biased to the operated diagram of the ion gun UIT-.^ 21 and Figure system is an 7 the general electrical Unneutra ized electrical ion beam current 1 mA to 2 mA at energies of 0.3 the normal operating modes, keeper The on. maintaing and 2 KeV. from set addition In to there is a "trickle mode" which is the means discharge and all Xenon the cathode and the keeper. In trickle mode, 80 microamps and of is 20 - 1 levels can be the beam voltage is switched off and the keeper occurs when remains indicating scheiaatic interconnections. for starting and through the flows the beam discharged low (essentially thermal, ""1 eV) energy. The beam current is measured in several ways. beam The telemetry value is the current passing through current the beam power supply. The net beam current is the measured beam current supply currents. reduced by the sum of the acce Therefore, spacecraft common the and 1 decel measured SP BS net current, I as shown in the schematic of Figure at 8, more accurately defines the current leaving the ion gun. The current is measured by a SP BS net whose output is accurate to 1 positive or Neutralizer +^10% of bipolar current the true negative currents greater than emission electrometer, and net currents (ion 2 and (for microamps). electron) between the SPIBS instrument and the satellite ground can be detected down to a level of 2 microamps. 1978; Masek, 1978)) (tiasek and Cohen, Figure 7. SC4-2 ion gun electrical schematic. f^ TO HEATER CURRENT ERROR AMPLIFIER (NEUTRALIZER HEATER SUPPLY) I SENSE CI-TOrtrLiCTCDC ELECTROMETERS SENSE I ^ " ^^ ? ''^ POWER SUPPLY S/C GROUND 1 i 1 /T7 Figure 8 . Electrometer block diagrao r Inet tm III. this thesis, In will OBSERVATIONS results from four sets of observations be presented. Data from the UCSD particle detectors (SC9) and the GSFC electric field monitor experiment (SCIO) will be used to investigate the effects of emitting an ion beam from The spacecraft a in geosynchronous observation days to be presented were chosen to various modes of ion gun operation in both orbit. demonstrate sunlight and ec ipse. 1 The sunlight. first set of observations concern the satellite The ion gun is operated in a high in energy, high current mode which induces a large negative potential. Also discussed mode"^. is a low energy, low current mode termed "trickle The SCIO experiment is examined to determine if it accurately measures spacecraft potential during sunlight ion emission. The second set presents ion gun operations in a different environment and builds on work already reported by Olsen (Olsen, 1987). The gun is operated in sunlight at a ^NASA's Polar satellite, part of the NASA Global have to is planned (GGS) program, Geospace Science hollow cathode source which will produce an ion a be due to It is flux equivalent to trickle mode. launched in 1992. lower current. slighty of observations spacecraft's currents is SCIO The of also examined and compared to Lastly, measurement the voltages beam the and operations. sunlight validated also is Here eclipse. in different to for response satellite's capacitive termination of ion emission A. low current mode^ is kV, 1 the spacecraft response potential eclipse. A This section concludes with two similar sets examined here. to discussed. is DAY. 200 from operations on 19 July, Data 1979 (Day 200), are presented first to illustrate two modes of operation of the gun ion in sunlight. The first example ion emission The satellite located in begins shortly after 2140 UT. plasmasheet of near local dusk (1954-2042 LT) between L = the 7.6 and 8.0, at an altitude of 7.5 Re and a magnetic latitude of 6 degrees. The particle data count day this for spectrogram format in Figure 9. rate (or particle flux) In a is are summarized spectrogram, plotted as a in instrument function of time on the horizontal axis and energy on the vertical axis. ^Low current mode is applicable to the European Space This is Agency Cluster satellite liquid metal ion gun. a 10 - 20 microamp, 7 kV device to be flown in 1995. c^ -20 t L : \-'''r'''p'^n'-:'i=yrrWfMff-^^^ 3 Higure9 . Spectrogram for ions and electrons, Day idOO 27 of 1979. Detector Angle The flux magnitude is depicted using a gray scaie« with high fluxes appearing fluxes showing dark gray or black and as up light gray as to low displays data from the two high-energy detectors, electron data on top. downwards figure with the The energy axis is zero in the middle electrons the figure and increases upwards for the of zero or This white. The lower horizontal and line plot in the center is the pitch angle of the measured particles. The angle pitch is the angle between the and the magnetic field line. vector velocity particle's The upper horizontal plot is the detector head angle (see Figure line the for the ions. plasma injection at 2149 UT, increase particle in over flux wide a Note 4). abrupt recognized by the energy range. Injections are the sudden appearance of hot plasma and occur at least more frequently during daily, magnetic activity, Whipple, 1986). (count rate) is variable with periods spectra of (Mcllwain high and The peak in the differential electron flux in the 1 to 10 KeV range, typical for the plasma sheet. The upper bound on the electron flux ("10 KeV) is the result of magnetospher ic convection processes and termed the Alfven boundary. of It is must exceed a critical energy 15 to 20 KeV for negative charging to The occur. high energy ion flux extends up to 80 KeV. Unneutra ized ion gun operation at 1 setting of 1 1 kV and a current mA begins at 2141 UT and terminates at 2301 UT. This results spectrogram high The in satellite charging, as seen in as a black band representing high the fluxes are due to ambient low energy 2200-2203 voltage), correspond to the times band flux ion potential There are two periods of trickle mode operation (no energy. accel being ions accelerated into the spacecraft at the spacecraft ion fluxes. ion is Electron and UT, which black UT and This absent. potential magnitude of 2227-2232 in the spectrogram where the suggests spacecraft a less than 10 Volts. ion data for the 0-80 KeV energy range, taken from the HI detectors at 22:01:56 UT, are presented as distribution functions Figure in characterize the environment. phase divided space density, is order in to The distribution function, or proportional to the square of the energy. by 10, In count the this rate format, a Maxwell ian distribution would appear as a straight line. The density and calculated temperature the of observed particles, from the distribution functions using wise least squares fit method, is given in Table a piece- II. Density and energy can also be obtained by taking the moments of the distribution function. density This is also shown in Table estimate obtained by integrating function can have several flaws. the II. The distribution I I I I I I I \ SCATHA HI Electron Detector Day 200 of 1979 % 22:01:56 M. '>•, ' I r -] L 1 1 1 \ \ \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCATHA HI Ion Detector Day 200 of 1979 22:01:56 i - r -] V%U t ' t ::**;, i 1 Figure 10. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electron and ion distribution functions, Day 200. :: , 1 For ions: positive satellite potential will repel low energy ambient ions, resulting in an underestimate of density. a) a b) pitch angle distributions are typically anisotropic, but the assumption of isotropicity is made. Most of the measurements are biased towards perpendicular ions c) the mass assumption made in calculating the distribution function from the count rate is that m = 1 amu (proton). This results in an underestimate the of density if by up to a factor of 4 0"ions are 0^. Typically, the is about 20-50% of factor ions, so the density is underestimated by a of 2. For electrons: a positive satellite potential results in trapping integration locally generated photoe ectrons. The stopped to avoid this contribution, but density can is overestimated. Note that exp(e$/kT) still be greater than one for electrons for a positive satel i te. a) 1 TABLE I I DAY 200 PIECE-WISE MAXWELL AN PARAMETERS I Energy Range El 100-1200 ectrons eV KeV 80 KeV 50 eV-80 KeV 4-10 10 Moments I ons : 10 -500 eV KeV 80 KeV eV-80 KeV 1-25 20 Moments - 1 - Density (cm-3) Temperature 0. 69 1. 15 306 eV 2.6 Kev 8.3 KeV 2.2 KeV , 0. 13 1..43 0. 17 0..008 0.,0028 , 1..34 eV 1 KeV 167 KeV 3.6 KeV 139 14. mode operation will be examined first and Trickle of the results applied to the observations of 1 some gun kV ion operation. 1 Low Energy, Low Current Mode . Observations a. Figure 11 is an example of the SCIO potential trickle mode operation. In in trickle mode the beam voltage is switched off and the keeper remains on, allowing the ions to diffuse the out ion of gun the gun. current, monitor telemetry, Two spin periods are taken from the SPIBS with shown net current plotted on the bottom of the figure. The data indicates the mainframe is within a few volts SCIO the antenna potential, and hence near plasma potential. the probe modulated, voltages and the and by inference, net ion gun current of Both are so is the spacecraft mainframe potential. This may be explained by examining the effect of solar radiation on the satellite. b. Analysis Since the photocurrent is the major current from the spacecraft at geosynchronous orbit, properties potential. greatly influence of the surface material spacecraft ground Especially important are the conducting surfaces grounded to the spacecraft frame. bottom the The normal to the top and the satellite are close to perpendicular to the sun and thus their materials do not contribute significantly 2201 2202 TIME (HHMM) 2203 IJT Figure 11. SCIO and SPIBS net current during trickle mode. 33 to photocurrent the . Most of the conducting material is contained in the band around the middle of the cylinder that contains the instruments. of indium oxide coating, There is also a significant a conductor, area cells on the solar under the SC9 instrument. The total photocurrent of illuminated exterior grounded conducting surfaces from the SCATHA satellite at O Volt potential has been calculated by Craven (Craven et al., The 1987) as a function of the rotation angle from the sun. calculated photocurrent varies from 8 to 20 microamps and is shown in Figure 12. between and This figure also shows the relationship this total photocurrent, the ion gun net the SCIO potential as a function of the the SClO-2 boom and the sun. potential current, between angle This illustrates how the small modulations are strongly linked to the material properties of the conducting surface areas grounded directly to the spacecraft frame and can be understood by considering the balance of currents to the spacecraft. In the steady state, satellite potential is governed by the balance of incoming and outgoing current: where I. is the ambient electron current (less secondaries), I^r, is the photoe ectron current from the spacecraft, 1 the ion beam current, and I r- is the returned beam 1^ is current. o SO"" Boom-Sun Angle Figure 12. photocurrent , ion gun net current, and SCIO potential as a function of boom-sun angle. 35 term additional One that can significant be between the booms and the photocurrent small positive potential on the satellite, photoe ectrons from 1 1987). the Conversely, for For a the effect of the booms is negligble a small the is spacecraft. et al., (Lai negative potential on the the fraction of the photoe ectron current going spacecraft, 1 the booms is negligible. The ambient ion currents are usually much smaller than the ambient electron currents and to may be ambient The ignored. electron currents (less secondary emission) are generally important in charging, but for 200 in sunlight are small enough relative Day others to neglect. as in this case, If the spacecraft potential the return current Ir- to disregarded. can be For potentials less than the beam energy the return is negligible because all the ions from the escape (unless scattered for some reason). result of current source should the major Hence, terms are the photocurrent and the ion source satellite potential current. (and hence the SCIO measurement) the balance between these two. In the positive, is is trickle the net emitted ion current is determined by the The the mode, spacecraft potential and is probably proportional to expCe'^/kT]. Using the SCIO data, spacecraft potential off can easily be found. mode voltage, first order values for the in trickle mode and with the ion gun The expected behavior of the common as derived from probe theory during periods of no appreciable charging, in angle (0) varies as the satellite rotates The oscillatory variations like ln(sin 0). twice the satellite spin period are due to changes in at probe illumination. The negative spikes every half spin period are due to the singularity in the boon potential. Physically, suppression ln(sin0) dependence the singularities are due to the the photocurrent when the antennae of the of are at grazing angles relative to the sun vector. When the antennae are directed along the sun-satellite line, minimuD or most satellite. At this point, potential. maxima to is respect the to the antennae are closest to plasma At or near normal sun angles, the boom is close The one volt modulation its maximum potential. to they are at their negative potential with caused by a change in the spacecraft of the ground due the various exposed conducting surfaces directly grounded to the spacecraft frame and not from a difference illumination of the antennae (Craven et al., An maximum of 5.4 the Volts for the (Lai et Using this value for the maximum boom potential, 1986). the theoretical trickle value SCIO boom potential was determined by Lai al., along approximate in 1987). Figure 13, with the measured SCIO potential for ion gun off and boom potential mode operation, approximate magnitude is plotted as a function of and variation in in sun angle. spacecraft The frame potential can be obtained by taking the algebraic difference — - 6° 4. Theoretical boom potential n^n hP)t\ VV ' 2" 1' ^.y^^ SCIO potentia,! / \ (gun off) / > 1 ^ 1 ^^ \ SCIO potential (gun on) 0- -2- SCATHA Day 200 of 1979 H 1 \ 180 \ 180 — 1 \ 180 Boom-Sun Angle (Deg.) Figure 13. SCIO potentials for ion gun on and off. SCATHA Day 200 of 1979 Spacecraft potential (gun off) Spacecraft potential H 180 (gun on) -h -t -4 180 180 1 180 Boom-Sun Angle (Deg.) Figure 14. Estimated spacecraft potentials for ion gun on and off. between the boom potential and the SCIO measured is shown in Figure 14. and potential The gaps represent the periods when the antenna was pointing directly at the sun or in shadow of the satellite. potential modulation but reduced the spacecraft Volt the The ion gun had no effect on the 1 frame potential to just slightly positive. The distribution of the emitted approximately photoe ect rons I a most probable energy on the order of 1.5 eV (Grard et al., 1983). is Since spacecraft a effectively isotropic an potential Maxwellian of about off the photocurrent shut will potential just requirement that a , volts +5 slightly positive is consistent with the most the photoe ect rons escape in order of with 1 to cause the observed potential modulation. Because the injected ions and the photoe ectrons 1 are of Since T 2. low energy, " 1 eV and the currents are modulated as expCe-5/kT3. § " 1 seen in the net current. the Volt, expCe-J/kT] has a value near This agrees with the modulation from 40 to 80 magnitudes of There is however, the photocurrent and since the two should be roughly equal. either SPIBS in their ion Thus it appears that calibration vary estimations of photoyield values) is off in current, the calculated photocurrent (laboratory values considerably the the microamps a disparity by a factor of 2 to 4. or It should also be noted that this does not affect the validity of Craven's results. When the Current Mode High High Voltage. 2. gun is activated ion 2141 at the UT, satellite is driven to a potential between 600 and 800 volts negative, This which is significantly less than the beam energy. indicated 15 repiesenting the the spectrogram in ambient energy ions being low by black a batid The ion flux peak is due high ion fluxes. accelerated into to the spacecraft at the spacecraft potential energy. Potentials of less than about this method, +^10 Volts are difficult to determine seen by the complete absence of as charging peak during the two trickle mode using any operations. accurately ion The determined spacecraft potential converting flux (count rate) functions. The peak at about 700 eV in the ion distribution function of Figure to is most to the particle taken at 22:10:44 UT, 15, be at the spacecraft potential. by distribution is interpreted Representative energy channel widths are shown using bars on the data points. Note that the energy channels overlap. Figure 16 is a plot of the potential as measured the SCIO experiment. A minimum of two points (the high low values) are plotted per spin period. spin period is immediately obvious. A by and modulation at the There is transient, also seen in the SC9 data (not shown), a turn on indicating P^ (T> o u 0) H O < O O I t T (1) n O c ,r^^ ^^ \ 9..WJJ/£,,S)i DOT ) I IH J '. r»'i 1 Ml. . PI H ii ii 'Ill ',1'. ,1. M h I ,' I'. 'I ' . \ 't» ii '.,!'. ', '^ . I . n k ;i « I'. I',''. Ill:l I L' :' I . I I I Ml i' i I H I . M II I . »i« ' "..« ri." . .' '.l\ i .Mi I I 'i I c '. I 11 11 SCATHA SCIO Potential Day 200 of 1979 Time (UT) Figure 16. SCIO potential. Day 200. Time UT Figure 17. Ion gun beam current. ( ill I spacecraft momentarily charges to a negative the corresponding spacecraft potential voltage. beam the then rises (becomes potential The negative). less behavior is seen each time the gun is switched on This is the magnitude of to counter- 1 ntui t i the beam current, ve as actually increases during the transient. 17, current beam beam net which stays constant, current, spacecraft Note that the measured at the beam power supply is and plotted in Figure and the measured is at common. Figure shows greater resolution a period after the turn on transient and is representative of normal 18 ion gun operations for Day 200. every plotted points between It for shows the potential, measured SCIO 2210 UT and 2215 UT or for approximately five spin plotted Also periods. in as this figure the is spacecraft potential as determined by SC9 charging peaks for the Energy detectors. LO representative between the experiment SC9 SC9 channel data points. and SCIO values The resolution of measurements above 300 channel I The excellent suggest of V. HI shown are the the SCIO experiment and for agreement SCIO the that ion-emission induced charging during sunlight. sraal widths provides a valid measurement of potential the with by two seconds, spacecraft events is 40 V in for This and the difficulty in picking the ion peak may account for differences between SC9 and SCIO values. some of the « ! ' 900 1 O SCATHA Magnitude of SC9 and SCIO PotentiaJ(^ Day 200 of 1979 "• A • 1'.' ' HI Ions LO Ions /• 'J r| 500 2210 11 12 2215 14 13 Time UT (HHMM) Figure 18. SC9 and SCIO potentials, Day 200. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCATHA HI Ion Detector ** Day 200 of 1979 - 22:06:28 1— 4— - \ *— I \** / * . charging peak - - - 1 Figure 19. 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 Ion distribution function, 44 1 1 Day 200. Normal operation of the ion gun for this observation period is characterized in the SCIO data noise-like fluctuations, trickle mode operations, that rapidly fluctuating. is constant outputs the spacecraft the off frame potential Since period. of the caused by +^10% beam or spin The SC9 data appear the true to indeed is 1 during this in gun The SP BS Net Beam Current are accurate to variations rapid large, and the previously mentioned modulation peaking once per minute. confirm by present during not telemetry electrometer current, sputtering gross other or mechanisms within the ion gun do not appear to be the cause. Given in failure of the satellite to charge to the energy, the it beam the seamed reasonable to search for signs of the beam kV channel. 1 Figure 19 shows a distribution function taken during gun ion operation at 22:06:28 UT. Representative energy channel widths are shown using bars. The significant feature of than this figure is the second peak at an energy greater the spacecraft potential secondary peak appears to be the into the UCSD detector. distribution three and near the ion gun function minute period. angle KeV beam ions scattered Figure 20 shows a portion of the ion for ten energy sweeps taken Of note is distribution function around the detector 1 This energy. 1 the variation KeV energy and pitch angle are given for over a of the channel. The each 1 KeV CJ Zl "^1 i C\J 'A. '^^ C\J CNi C\J C\J -^ -J o \ //\l /y^yy< ^^•^^..JV \ / ^ c^^ 1^' \^ ^ \/ \\ X \> /V /> V C (Ts t. ' ^ \y^ V vv "^ C < = H < o o M-l u o CO 0) 4J 3 XI 4-1 u O hJ ^\ \ ry \\ /^^^k \\ \ \ (^^^^^ tj^ ^^^^B U5 It! Q - k \ C >1 4J 03 / v^ \ 0) Q fN Q - f / O c 3 ~ \ XJ a\ r~ CNJ C\J CSJ CNJ CT> 1 ^ Od CM s: u G O \ « 1 {9*»ui^/£»*s) 46 J 5oi OJ OJ OJ CS. j ! sample. The strong satellite potential secondary peak at statistical analysis 1 is -0.7 to -0.9 kV with kV most evident at 2220 or correlation ot UT. second the a No higher energy peak to the detector head angle or the particle pitch angle was attempted. distribution operation This type of temporal behavior in the function typical is of (excluding trickle mode). periodically, significant It Day 200 ion gun may indicate that fluxes of ions at or near beam energy are being returned to the satellite. The peaks once angle two potential modulation seen in Figures 16 and is per spin period. not a This indicates the injections. peaks of During electron beam injections spin per period are due electron the I operations 295 The 1987). is spin seen during et ion gun not observed in eclipse (see Day 293 and Day suggesting observations), influence. modulation two boom- genera ted to pho toe ect ron currents flowing toward the satellite (Lai al., 18 sun significant factor since this would introduce peaks per spin period as seen in the case beam boom the To investigate further, sun is the driving the orientation of the satellite relative to the sun was determined. The singularities observed in trickle mode occur a boom-sun angle of around mode, the 0*=* and 180*^. ion gun transition from full the phasing of at By examining the SCIO data on into trickle the spin modulation can be determined. the minima occur at a boom sun angle into trickle mode, about Thus the satellite's orientation SCIO potential minimum corresponds to the the emitting of The second transition into trickle mode at 2227 300*=*. UT yielded the same result. at transition which depicts the 2200 UT As seen in Figure 21, sunward the in direction. This ion gun suggests two possible explanations: 1) The net ion current is much smaller in magnitude than the telemetry indicates. The electron density near the spacecraft the sunward side is photoemi ss ion. higher on because of The beam current is being balanced by pho toe ect ron the 1 current, reducing thus the net current escaping the satellite. 2) Neutralization of the space-charge beam as it passes through the place is taking pho toe ect ron cloud, 1 shown schematically in Figure 22. increased electron density, might also reduce the net current This sate 1 I i beam's To escaping the te. Insufficient problem. This is a region of on the order of 100 cm-3. do parameters information is available to resolve so would require better knowledge and behavior and more accurate data on the ambient environment. of complete this the and — , SCATHA SCIO Potential Day 200 of 1979 2157-2203 UT ( ,< I n . I r . ' r. I I' • ' r. ,V'. . : J'' ' I !» ' II '• i ' I ' I,' TT ii -I 1 1 180 1 180 1 1 1 \ \ 180 180 » 180 Boom-Sun Angle (Deg.) Figure 21. SCIO potential during transition into trickle mode. Boom-sun angle SClO-2 \, Photoelectron cloud Figure 22. Schematic of spacecraft's orientation. B. DAY 47 Observations for February, 16 1979 (Day are 47), presented to illustrate the effects of ion gun operation the spacecraft similar (Day operations was used. of In a different in the ion gun an experimental this mode, the keeper operated. microamps. environment During parameters. beam 200) plasma on using initial low current mode the main discharge went out and only This resulted in a beam of Unfortunately, 1 kV and 25 the SCIO booms had not yet been deployed so those data are not available. On this day the spacecraft was located near an of 5.5 Re between L in the plasmasheet = shows the detector at 1447 UT. Figure at local dawn. distribution functions taken by the The altitude 5.7 and 6.5. Data used here were taken HI calculated ambient particle densities and 23 temperatures The electron density moment are displayed in Table III. is slightly higher than on Day 200. 1. High Voltage, High Current Mode a. Observations In Figure 24, the spacecraft potential, on the energy peak, is which is close to plotted versus time. transient at 1449 UT again seems to show charging the The turn satellite to near the beam energy and then stabilizing near -500 Volts after one minute. This is 200 volts more positive than the Day 200 operations. Figure 25, taken from the ion . I \ I \ SCATHA HI Electron Detector Day 47 of 1979 14:47: 34 r "1 \ \ ! \ 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 I SCATHA HI Ion Detector Day 47 of 1979 14:47: 34 1 ****** % * * '-« V* . * I 1 Figure 23. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electron and ion distribution functions. Day 47. ENERGY FOR PEAK ION COUNT RATE SCATHAAJCSO DAY 47 OF 1979 ri DETECTOR o HI + LO/FIX :i-.i iji^h TIME (HHMM) UT Figure 24. Energy peak vs time, 52 Day 47, SCATHA Ion Gun Beam Current Day 47 of 1979 1 .1- /Nv^-^'^H^ en / ^ /] V..y\W / a "0.9( 0.8. : ^ - 1 * r 30 w a \y^ B 22a " O e 10 ^ Time Figure 25. 1 1 \ 1450 51 (HHMM) 5 UT Ion gun beam current. 53 1 53 Day 47, 1454 gun telemetry for the same period, also shows the beam current increasing during the transient. After half a minute the beam steadies at current value near 1.05 mi 1 1 iamp. This suggests that although the potential does vary with the current, transient the is the response of ion satellite the system to a change in the input parameters. TABLE I I I DAY 47 PIECE-WISE MAXWELL IAN PARAMETERS Energy Range Electrons: 20 200 2 20 - lOO - 1500 20 eV eV KeV 80 KeV 80 KeV - 10 eV- 50 - 1 - 5 KeV 5 - 80 KeV 80 KeV 10 Moments: b. 50 500 eV- 1 eV eV Density (cm"^) Temperature 1.3 17,1 0.24 0.30 0.02 2.04 370 KeV 8.9 KeV 11.8 KeV 503 eV 0.12 15.8 eV 140 eV 1.3 KeV 14.8 KeV 5.5 KeV O. 19 O. 13 O. 19 0.58 Analysis The beam current is 0.5 mA lower than that on Day 200, satellite eV which potential. could account for the The ambient environment used more positive is slightly denser and hotter but the effect on the spacecraft potential during ion gun operations is less obvious and in this probably case, suggests minimal. that the SCATHA changes evidence spacecraft in current balance during relatively is, The presented is so far very sensitive operation. ion gun small changes in current cause to That relatively large changes in potential. On this day the spin modulation can be discerned directly from the plot of the ion particle data This 24. other fluctuations fluctuations seen on are Day magnitude. of in not 200, the Although potential. as prevalent in this data they are probably present at to the as those a lower This would make them difficult to detect because the previously mentioned limitations of the SC9 detectors. particle There was no strong evidence of a second, higher energy peak above the charging peak. appear Figure in was difficult to do with the Day 200 data due be to more stable and well the beam Thus, would This behaved. also suggests that the fluctuations in the spacecraft's potential and the appearance of a second peak in the distribution function near the beam energy are related. 2. High Voltage, Low Current Mode At 1451 UT, -10 the gun drops into the low current mode to -20 Volt potential net beam current is not modulated as on Day 200 because in this mode and a is seen. The the ion current is determined by the gun perveance and accelerating voltage. As on Day 200, 1 kV however, net currents in the 10 to 100 microamps range result in relatively small ($oyc the 50V) < ambient plasma, negative the potentials. Once the emitted current exceeds current levels available through photoemi ss ion or beam should the potential, energy. spacecraft will charge to from large a at times approaching the magnitude The magnitude of critical the be roughly the same as the photocurrent in of current sunlight as this is the dominant positive current. C. DAY 293 Data from operations on 20 October, now presented Eclipse eclipse. provide a 1979 (Day 293), are to illustrate operation of the events are of great value variation of one of the dominant ion gun because terms in they the in spacecraft current balance equation, the photoe ectron flux. 1 The effects of differential charging are therefore and potential electrons (Olsen, barriers between 1983). and spacecraft the transport surfaces can When these data were taken, secondary be neglected the spacecraft was in the plasmasheet at an altitude of 6.4 R^ and L = 7.0 and 7.2. minimal of between The spacecraft enters penumbra at 2042 UT and umbra at 2043 UT. Umbra exit is at 2141 UT. The data are summarized in the spectrogram of Figure 26. contains several gun on/off transitions and This example current- vo tage 1 combinations. The gun off transients at 2114, 2119, and 2129 are particularly interesting because of the way the ion peak Fiaure 26. Spectrogram for ions and electrons, Day 293 of 1979. :: off over a period of several minutes. trails ion distribution functions, 2045 density and relatively and taken from the HI detectors are shown in Figure 27. UT, Electron calculated The Table temperature are presented in quiet day provides substantially at ambient This IV. plasma higher densities than the previously presented experiments. TABLE IV DAY 293 PIECE-WISE MAXWELL AN PARAMETERS I Energy Range ectrons 50 200 - - 2 10 10 eV- Moments 10 - Ions: 100 - 2 10 - Moments The to 2130 Figure 1 eV- 150 lOOO eV eV 6 KeV 80 KeV 80 KeV 50 500 eV eV 8 KeV well Temperature 1.2 2.9 5.7 0.036 5.5 59.5 eV 586 eV 655 eV 11.4 KeV 707 eV 0.063 20.6 eV 145 eV 6.9 KeV 12.5 Kev 11.0 KeV 0. 17 0.69 80 KeV 80 KeV 1.2 1.5 SCIO potential and SC9 data are shown for the UT period of unneut ra 28. 1 i zed ion gun shown in Figure 29. in shown the SC9 and SCIO data agree quite and show the satellite potential corresponding 2100 operation Representative energy channel widths are with bars. As can be seen, The Density (cm~^) fluctuating beam voltage and net beam rapidly. current are There is an obvious correlation between I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCATHA HI Electron Detector \ * Day 293 of 1979 * t t * i 1 t ^ i [III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 SCATHA HI Ion Detector Day 293 of 1979 : ^ * * ! Figure 27. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electron and ion distribution functions, Day 293. 59 I SCATHA T' 10 SC9 and SC ^^ T Potential Magnitudes lit I i ), , ". II' O" l'") I Lit I '•' 'I' op Day 293 of 1919 Gil I •D 1 p.QO-' I 1 II Oi 6 6 Time UT Figure 28. SC9 and SCIO potentials, Day 293. 3eam Vo 1 tage u i^ SPIBS Net Beam Current r- 2100 Figure 29. 2120 2110 Time UT Ion gun beam voltage and beam current. beam the parameters potential, and the summarized in Table behavior of satellite the V. TABLE V DAY 293 BEAM PARAMETERS AND SATELLITE POTENTIAL NET BEAM CURRENT BEAM VOLTAGE 1.0 mA IkV 0.3 mA 1 kV SATELLITE POTENTIAL FLUCTUATIONS -800 V + 100 V -900 V + 100 V 0.5 mA 2 kV -1500 V + 500 V 1.5 mA 2 kV -1800 V + 100 V During the time period from 2109 to 2114 UT, is operating current of at .5 mA. a beam voltage of 2 kV and the ion gun Examining the SC9 data for beam net a this period closely showed the presence of secondary peaks in more Figure 30 21:12:45 to distribution function at the beam energy (2 kV). shows the 21:17:17. the ion distribution function from These data were taken from the HI the ion detector. Note that the gun was off from 21:13:49 to 21:14:37, as seen by the absence of any peaks in the distribution The most obvious 2 kV peaks are at 21:13:01, 21:16:45. The detector function. 21:14:53, head angle was fixed at near degrees and the corresponding particle pitch angle is in the table. During the 2125-2130 UT time period, and lOO given the ion iii r^ (J) >. LU I 2 ^ O ir>f:;-o CM CD r^ yj r-- _ 05 m — ^ - ^o^ ^ cc r^ < •^ j^ (£ f-^ ^ LL a: cr ' K- rd C\j <"J rj CM <N u. C XUJ, 2E' X tc o ^ S S T s:^ LL . ^ 1^ en en ID U-> ^j ^ -J 75 ^^ !£: c- og oj -rtj- n' ^ Z I £ £ *^ r\i "J ^ i ! 5 tcu^SsSc CI — n Lf? ^C - TO CM 75 cr C2 2J J^ <7> rv. fTJ od rj Cj CM rj (9:^^uii(/e»»s)i Box c'j I t I gun operated at 2 kV and a net current of is magnitude of fluctuations in the SCIO the smaller than seen with the 2 kV, 1.5 21:23:57 to 21:26:21. distribution .5 mA beam. functions The top plot shows the Shifting the for gun off. HI ion unacce erated ion 1 distribution curve up 800 eV (invoking Liouville's or phase space indicating a satellite potential when the gun is on at Volts at 21:24:29, subsequent Theorem, invariance) brings the first and second plots agreement, into much is Figure 31 shows a series of four distribution from The mA. data energy scan, plot three, is -800 of kV and 1 mA. 1 same for the The gun parameters and is similar to the second plot. The difference is the boxed data point at returned 1 potential again . of 1988). HI -1800 Volts. indicates The two boxed data beam ions. of represents The circled spacecraft data generated beam. satellite a points interpreted as a result of spreading of the distribution likely suggests This data point KeV. last plot for 2 kV and 1.5 mA, The the 1 KeV ions from the gun or scattering of the velocity- point If our interpretation of most (Norwood, ions Figure 32 shows the corresponding distributions electrons. are variations for in satellite potential are correct, equivalent shifts in energy should make it possible to bring agreement to these This works for is 1 kV but not for 2 kV, curves. where a Z^ of 1.5 needed for the electrons vice 1.8 kV for the ions. kV The 9.0 . SCATHA Ion Detector Day 293 of 1979 HI 21 :23:57 gun off 2.0 Energy (KeV) Figure 31. Ion distribution functions. Day 293. 3.0 ^ SCATHA ^ 2.0 HI Electron Detector Day 293 of 1979 A\ 21:23:57 gun off -^v ^. \ ^-/ 2.0 \\ \ -\^E= 800 ev ^1 C E Tn 2^^^^^^^ 1 kV, 1 mA 0.0 2.0- ^ ^ AE= 800 eV 21 1 \ A A \ :24:45 1mA kV, >, \ AE=1.5 \^ \ KeV 21 :26:21 2 kV, 1 .5 mA 00, -2.0 2.0 3.0 Energy (KeV) Figure 32. Electron distribution functions. Day 293. 65 explanation of this last discrepancy is uncertain. may be It due to a change in the ambient electron density. A change on the order of 10% would be sufficient. In comparing the data taken on this observation day that taken on Day 47 for a 1 kV, 1 mA beam, the spacecraft stabilized at a higher that obvious is it (less to negative) Table VI compares the beam parameters for Day 47 potential. and Day 293. TABLE VI ION BEAM PARAMETERS. Parameter DAY 47 AND DAY 293 Day 47 (1450 UT) Beam Voltage 1 kV Beam Current 1 e- Density 2.04 cm~' e- Temperature . 05 mA 503 eV Spacecraft Potential Day 293 (2100 UT) -500 V 1 1 . kV 08 mA 5.50 cm~^ 707 eV -800 V The ion gun parameters are the essentially the same; the calculated electron densities differ by a factor of two. Changes in the instrument response with time will affect the validity of this comparison, differences days. in local but it appears consistent with time and magnetic activity on The other obvious difference between is that the 66 these Day 293 operations photoe ectrons take place in eclipse. likely is It play a significant role in 1 that determining the spacecraft potential during ion gun operations. One possible effect that in sunlight, is partially space-charge the ion beam neutralized by the electrons of the is photosheath. We would therefore expect the satellite to charge nearer magnitude excluding extended very unstable modes the survey eclipse logical the beam voltage in eclipse than in of of similar at unneut ra 1 i operation. of zed ion beam parameters gun would the sunlight, more A operations in next the be step in this study. The additional feature which appears in eclipse data a is delay in the return to the equilibrium potential. The SCIO potential 33. This is plotted for the gun off transition the gun is switched off. in the SCIO potential, minute Initially, and hence, long decay towards zero. when there is a rapid decay the spacecraft potential, by an overshoot and a small followed Figure in segment is typical of the times for Day 293 and rise, finally This can be seen on a the spectrogram as the trailing off of the ion peak to near zero energy when the ion gun is switched off. decay, a From the maximum value for the spacecraft frame second time constant on the order of last decay has a time constant of 10 to 67 1 was 20 initial capacitive obtained. The seconds. The SCATHA SC10 Potential Day 293 of 1979 L 100 T 2119 2120 rime(HHMM) UT Figure 33. SCIO gun off transition. 2121 last set of observations show an excellent example of this effect. DAY 295 E. 1 Observations . Data (Day 295), from ion gun operations on are presented October, 22 illustrate details 1979 of the eclipse. The spacecraft enters penumbra at 2002 UT and umbra at 2004 UT. to spacecraft response to ion gun transitions in Umbra exit function were at 2058UT. is to 80 KeV are shown for taken distribution electron and Ion from the HI detectors at in Figure 19:54:21. 34. Table Data VII gives the calculated ambient densities and temperatures. on Day this is a quiet 293, with day, relatively As high ambient density. TABLE VI I DAY 295 PIECE- WISE MAXWELL AN PARAMETERS I Energy Range Electrons: 20 - 100 100 -lOOO eV eV KeV 80 KeV 80 KeV 1-10 10 - 20 eV- 20 - 400 400 -lOOO eV eV KeV 80 KeV 80 Kev 1-10 10 Moments: 1 - eV- Density (cm~^) Temperature 2.0 2.7 4.8 0.038 6.0 25.2 eV 420 eV 940 eV 15.2 Kev 883 eV 0. 17 0. 12 111 eV 735 eV 8.7 KeV 13.2 KeV 10.1 KeV 0.74 1. 1 1.3 I I I I I SCATHA 't HI Electron Detector Day 295 of 1979 1 1 I \ i I \ r I SCATHA Ion Detector Day 295 of ly 79 HI 4 1 \ 1.0 16.0 r "1 1 1 r 24.0 Figure 34. Electron and ion distribution functions, Day 295. Figure The SC9 data are summarized in spectrogram form in 35. The is decay spacecraft potential at gun off clearly seen in the trailing off of the ion peak at 2037 UT. energies for the ion charging peaks for The three minutes after the ion gun is switched off are plotted in Figure along with the SCIO potential. that found on Day 293. 36, The response is similar to This behavior is seen repeatedly in this data set. Anal ysis 2. The time behavior indicates differential charging. two different structure changes The action. in rapidly in cessation of ion gun operation. by charging Figure 36 illustrates charging processes potential satellite the of response This process is process differentially associated sequence is more determined capacitance is The suggested Initially 37. the mainframe is near -1300 Volts, on), Volts, their eclipse equilibrium. Typically, potential. zero hundred several and At volts less negative gun off, is The zero these surfaces than the the frame potential drops to the the insulator potential (gun observed. as insulated surfaces are slowly discharging back to near are the The surfaces. micro-Farads. is shown in Figure plasma. involves and non-conducting charged of events complex the the to the pico-Farad capacitance of the spacecraft to second the First, pushed frame near towards a Figure 35. Spectrogram for ions and electrons, Day 295 of 1979. 72 - SCATHA Maanitude of SC9 and'sciO Potential 160 Day 295 of 1979 A, G HI A LO OA-.. Detector Detector o... A-. OS- — 'r^n—. 71 2036 37 38 2039 Time (HHMM) UT Figure 36. SC9 and SCIO gun off transient. m l/^ -200 "S f N t Spacecraft Potential ;: -1300 V 300 V L T Insulator Potential ; S /^ A<P Figure 37. Spacecraft and insulator potential. positive value. The positive surfaces are not attract a large negative current. equilibrium, negative responds again. The by The system, swinging differential the stable frame potential and still seeking potential then decays exponentially with a time constant on the order of 10 to 100 seconds, allowing the mainframe to approach zero Volts. DISCUSSION IV. has been suggested It SCATHA unneut ra limited. The space-charge 1 i zed (Stannard et al., referenced 1980) extremely ion beam is analysis was based that the space charge upon simple limited diode theory and brings the predicted satellite voltages into rough agreement with experiment. The predicted net beam currents escaping ion from near the satellite region are on the order of 50 to 60 microamps. The photoe ectron 1 observed in this magnitude. the current could have a significant Also, satellite thesis, increasing when potential limiting the ion currents are as this of the data in Table V show the magnitude of current is decreased from charge if effect, of 1 mA to .3 mA. the ion beam is the consistent beam kV 1 Therefore, space- with the observations made in this thesis. When limiting There is the injected current current, exceeds the space-charge the system becomes inherently no simple analytical framework that adequate description of the complex time-dependant bunching and reflection that occur. studied 1963), fluctuations seen an particle This phenomena has been using numerical particle simulation codes and Birdsall, unstable. provides (Bridges The instability predicted resembles the during operation of 75 the ion gun and extends the space-charge limited diode one model step further. what Qualitatively, current injected a virtual limit, back from may be happening is that the gun exceeds as the charge space anode is formed. Some charges are reflected the injection plane. to the This reflection creates a charge bunch that further traps and reflects charge injected at Simultaneously, times. later the charges were that injected prior to the first reflection continue to exit. The electrostaic potential of the virtual anode region decreases because charge is exiting the region in both directions. The charges injected at still and propagate out, then repeats. frequency does frequency. The exiting from may trapped The oscillations are not sinusoidal and their not scale linearly with the resulting oscillations in the the satellite region potential fluctuations. function later times are no longer increasing the potential. The oscillation may beam net account plasma current for the The second peak in the distribution be explained as ions from the gun randomly intercepting trajectories back to the spacecraft because the beam never comes to an equilibrium state. CONCLUSION V. Examinations that trickle a microamps (no acce effective is relatively daylight ion emission of 1 potential for reduce the small not control. (about frame the exposed grounded conducting surfaces. mode For successful was in reducing 80 the thesis, Trickle mode, however, Volt) 1 potential modulation caused by the different photoemi ss i ve of suggest than less typical observation day studied in this the potential was held to near zero. did events voltage) current properties The low current satellite the potential magnitude to less than 50 Volts. potentials also appears responsible be potential. close at 1 and kV 2 induced less than the magnitude of This is attributed to space-charge energy. may operation gun Ion satellite beam A the for current of .3 to to be close to optimum; to magnitude the fluctuations are small NASCAP operation (see as of beam the which effects, fluctuations in the mA for a kV beam 1 the induced beam the negative 1 potential energy and is the in magnitude. Appendix) examined in modeling this of thesis similar resulted ion gun in the spacecraft charging to a value equal to the beam energy down to a beam current near 25 microamps (Olsen, private communication, NASCAP has been thoroughly validated 1988). as an accurate model of spacecraft charging response but take into account space charge effects not does it other or aspects of charged particle beam physics. This also suggests that the beam itself is the source of the effects described in this thes is. the spacecraft charging system appeared very In general, sensitive Operations at deviations in the current balance. kV in high and low current modes suggest 1 current above which the spacecraft will charge critical near small to beam energy. critical current, If the beam current is less than a to the the spacecraft will charge to a much lower (less negative) potential. NASCAP code (Olsen, This was also indicated using the private communbicat i on, which 1988), yielded a value near 25 microamps for the critical current. This is consistent with current balance theory in that it is of the same order as the estimated photocurrent from the spacecraft. A fundamental limitation of this thesis is the lack accurate data concerning the composition, of the ambient particle environment- the behavior of impossible. energy, Detailed analysis the ion beam is greatly complicated, This exemplifies the need for better and complete instrumentation on future satellite flights. 78 of and mass if of not more The existence differential of charging was inferred during ion gun operation in eclipse and may be expected any induced charging event. most using NASCAP. While direct no also This was observations of for suggested barrier formation can be made for the observation times used in this thesis, existance of one the is typical for the estimated differential charging this thesis. The formation of a barrier would increase density their of and environments electrons near the spacecraft by escape. environment level would affect the strength of the value dependendence analyzed by spacecraft the the spacecraft potential of on of charging differential examining the data in the allowing ambient barrier interaction of ion beaa with the barr ier- trapped electrons operations not Since the density and energy of the hence the density of trapped electrons, equilibrium observed may affect and the the potential. The during gun could collected be by ion further the SCI experiment surface potential monitors. In emitted conclusion, the interaction of beam, and the ambient ion a spacecraft, environment is an very complex and difficult to unravel. More accurate knowledge of the environment and better beam diagnostics are required fully analyze the physics. which However, may provide at least a fundamental understanding suggestions for future experiments. 79 to much data already exists and c APPENDIX NASCAP The NASA Charging Analyzer Program (NASCAP) in a 16 X currents 16 spacecraft to Material environments. spacecraft can Particle be traced, and magnetospher i in on the modeled as well as the is connections. surfaces placement object potentials 32 grid and solving for the X three is a dimensional code which is capable of establishing an surface trajectories reaching the including those from onboard the of electrical interior detectors positive and in order to estimate escaping flux and to negative emitters, simulate active control of satellite potentials. The complex three-dimensional effects can more easily be studied using the codes extensive graphic capability. Simple used as Particle shapes, building such as cubes or slices of blocks to model more cubes, complex fluxes of the ambient environment can be input single or double Maxwell ians or as actual observed The code are objects. accounts for electrons incident backscattered and secondary electrons, and secondary as spectra. protons, electrons due to protons, and photoe ectrons. 1 The NASCAP code computes alternate solutions Poisson's equation and calculations of particle motion and 80 to charge deposition in a series of time steps appropriate specific the process problem. proceeds NASCAP and is It assumed that through a series of its underlying physical equilibrium principles to charging the states. been have validated by comparing prediction to experimental and actual spacecraft NASCAP data. has proven itself a very useful predictive and analytic tool. that particle trajectories may be calculated out So series of nested grids. spacing Each successive grid has twice the previous grid with the spacecraft of to NASCAP computations are carried out in distances, large the innermost grid. a the being in This thesis uses the "one-grid" NASCAP model which uses considerably less computer time and memory but shows a similar charging response to the more versions. The allows the model to reproduce SCATHA' 1 1 Each in s a which features geometrical . of the 15 distinct exposed surface materials this model Experimentally otherwise as Grid resolution is 19.6 cm right octagonal cylinder. very we detailed spacecraft's main body is represented is specified by the value of measured estimates values based were on the used 14 if properties used parameters. available, of similar materials were used. The NASCAP code can recognize plasma spectra in the form of a single and a double Maxwellian. In general, the double double Maxwellian is a better representation of non- the Maxwell ian actual environment. Particle emitters are modeled in NASCAP by specifying the location of the emitter on the spacecraft and the energy and angular width of the beam. The the satellite sheath field tracked in through a distant boundary or beam until 1980; Stannard et al, 82 they 1980) are escape return to a specific cell the spacecraft. 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Quinn Dept. 91-20, Bldg 255 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory 3251 Hanover St. Palo Alto, California 94304 Ms. D. E. Donatelli Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 D. Klumpar Dept. 91-20, Bldg 255 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory 3251 Hanover St. Palo Alto, California 94304 Dr. W. Peterson Dept. 91-20, Bldg 255 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory 3251 Hanover St. Palo Alto, California 94304 Copies 10. Dr. E. Shelley Dept. 91-20, Bldg 255 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory 3251 Hanover St. Palo Alto, California 94304 11. 12. Dr. R. Sagalyn Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 Mr. G. Mul 1 en Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 13. Dr. S. Lai Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 14. Dr. B. Burke Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PHA Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 15. Dr. N. Maynard Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 16. A. Cohen Schafer Associates 1901 North Fort Meyer Drive Arlington, Virginia 22209 Mr. W. H. J. 17. Mr. R. Gracen Joiner Office of Naval Research, Code 1114 800 North Quincy Street Arlington, Virginia 22217-5000 18. Dr. H. C. Koons Space Science Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, California 90009 19. Fennel Dr. J Space Science Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles', California 90009 20. Dr. J. Roeder Space Science Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, California 90009 21. Dr. E. C. Whipple Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego 92093 La Jolla, California 22. Dr. C. E. Mel wain Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego 92093 La Jolla, California 23. Dr. J. Hyman Hughes Research Lab 3011 Malibu Canyon Road Malibu, California 90265 24. Dr. T. Williamson Hughes Research Lab 3011 Malibu Canyon Road Malibu, California 90265 25. Dr. S. Shawhan NASA Headquarters/E Washington, DC 20546 26. Dr. 27. Mr. . 1 1 C. K. Purvis MC 302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center' 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 M. Patterson Low Thrust Propulsion Branch NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 I J. Kolecki MC 302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Mr. Dr. C. R. Chappel NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 Dr. T. E. Moore, ES53 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 Paul Craven NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 Mr. Ms. B. Giles NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 D. Gal lagher NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 Dr . Dr. D. Reasoner NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 J. Burch Southwest Research Institute P. 0. Drawer 28510 San Antonio, Texas 78284 Dr. J. H. Waite Southwest Research Institute P. 0. Drawer 28510 78284 San Antonio, Texas Dr. D. Hastings Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Dr. Dr. I. Katz S - Cubed P. 0. Box 1620 La Jolla, California 92038-1620 M. Mandell S - Cubed P. 0. Box 1620 39. Dr. La Jolla, California 92038-1620 40. Davis S - Cubed P. 0. Box 1620 La Jolla, California 92038-1620 Dr. V. 41. J. Raitt CASS Utah State University Logan, Utah 84322 42. Captain D. Allred HQ, DNA/RAEV 6801 Telegraph Road Alexandria, Virginia 43. Professor Nobuki Kawashima Institute of Space and Astronaut ical Science Komaba 4 - chome Meguro - ku Tokyo, Japan 153 44. Professor W. Riedler Institute fur We traumf orschung Oes terrei chi sche Akademieder Wi ssenschaf ten Inffeldgasse 12 A - 8810 Graz, Austria Dr. 22310 1 45. K. Torkar Institute fur We traumf orschung Oesterreichische Akademieder Wi ssenschaf ten Inffeldgasse 12 A - 8810 Graz, Austria Dr. 1 46. Dr. R. Schmidt Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 47. Dr. Arne Pedersen Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 90 Dr. W. F. Denig Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PHG Hanscoa AFB, Massachusetts 01731 Dr. N. Omidi IGPP University of California at Los Angles Los Angeles, California 90024 Dr. Maha Ashour - Abdalla IGPP University of California at Los Angles Los Angeles, California 90024 Paul W. Werner 1309 Parsons, NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 Lt. Dr. T. L. Aggson Mail Code 696 NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Dr. J. McCoy Code SN3 NASA/JSC Houston, Texas 77058 Mario Acuna NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Dr. Dr. J. Slavin NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Paul Wilbur Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Colorado State University Ft. Collins, Colorado 80523 Dr. Thesis W4645 c.l Werner Ion gaii operations at high altitudes.