Author(s) Norwood, Christopher W. Title Ions generated on or near satellite surfaces Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1988 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 23:18:34 DUDLEY KNOX bl««.Any NAVAL POSTGKADOATE SCHOOL MONTBKEY, CALIFORNIA 93943-500S NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS N ^M-<4Z.»-| IONS GENERATED ON OR NEAR SATELLITE SURFACES by Christopher William Norwood ' ' June 1988 * Thesis Advisor: Richard C Olsen Approved for public release^ distribution is unlimited 1239110 "URITV CLASSiFiCATiON OF 'h S PAGc REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORT SEC'JP"'"^ CLASSIFICATION Id RESTRICTIVE MARmNGS UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY Classification AUTnORiTY OECi-ASSlFICATION/ . downgrading SCHEDULE NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION ADDRESS SYMBOL Codp 61 Naval Postgraduate School and ZIP Code) {City. Srare, NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION 7a applicable) (If . MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S; 5 6b OFFICE aval Postgraduate School 7b Monterey, California, 93943-5000 NAME 0= -JNDiNG SPONSORING ORGANIZATION 1. ADDRESS ;. (Cry, State, and AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 1. DISTRIBUTION 3 ADDRESS State, 'C/ty and ZIP Code) Monter-y, California, 93943-5000 8b OFFICE (If SYMBOL PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 9 applicable) ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJEC" TASK WORK ELEMENT NO NO NO ACCESSION NO UNIT TITLE (Include Security Classification) 1 IONS GENERATED ON OR NEAR SATELLITE SURFACES PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) 2 3a Norwood, Christopher W13b TIME TYPE OF RLPORT. ^lastrr^s Thrsi: COVERED FROM 14 "O QATF^OF REPORT 19 8^8, June Year, Month, Day) 5 PAGF COUNT 131 The views expressed in this Thesis are those of the author and do noi SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION rp^lect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S Government 6. COSATI CODES 7 GROUP FIELD 18 SUBJECT TERMS {Continue on reverse Ions, SCATHA, Sputtering, SUB-GROUP if necessary and identify by block numper) Ion Emission 1 1 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse 9 if necessary and number) identify by block Observations of positively charged particles that are generated on or near satellite surfaces have been made on several spacecraft. This thesis postulates sputtering of the satellite surface due to ambient ion impact as the generating mechanism- Calculations are made using the Sigmund-Thompson sputtering theory to determine the response at the satellite particle detectors/i These calculations indicate that surface sputtering creates a sufficient flux to account for the observed phenomena. The NASA Charging Analyzer program was run to determine the trajectories for measured particles. The calculated trajectories were determined to lead to the spacecraft surface, again indicating that surface emission was the source. The sputtering flux as calculated was insufficient to cause any significant short-term damage to the spacecraft, beyond thin coating erosion. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT S UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED D 2a •0 21. SAME AS RPT Q NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL R,C. Olsen FORM 1473, 84 MAR ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLAS SPIED DTIC USERS 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 83 APR edition All may be used until exhausted- other editions are obsolete i OFFICE 22c (408) 646-2019 SYMBOL 610s SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE O U.S. Government UNCLASSIFIED Printlns O'fice: 19B6— S06-243 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Ions Generated on or Near Satellite Surfaces by Christopher W. ^Norwood Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., Villanova University, 1981 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1988 ABSTRACT Observations on or near satellite surfaces have been generated several the spacecraft. satellite generating S of positively charged particles that are made on This thesis postulates sputtering of surface mechanism. due to ambient ion Calculations are impact made as the using the igmund-Thompson sputtering theory to determine the response at the particle detectors. These calculations indicate that surface sputtering creates a sufficient flux to account the observed phenomena. The NASA Charging Analyzer Program was run to determine the trajectories for actually lead to surface observed The calculated trajectories were determined particles. the spacecraft for surface, emission was the source. again indicating The sputtering calculated was insufficient to cause any significant term damage to the spacecraft, Ill to that flux as short- beyond thin coating erosion. // 1* CI TABLE OF CONTENTS I . INTRODUCTION 1 A . OVERVI EW 1 B . SCATHA SPACECRAFT 2 C D 1. Spacecraft Construction 2 2 Spacecraft Orbit and Environment 5 3. Instruments 9 4. Ion Gun . OTHER . 13 13 2. I SEE 15 SPACECRAFT CHARGING 15 SPUTTERING 20 1. The Sigmund Theory 22 2. The Thompson Theory 27 3 Compar ison with Experiment 29 Limitations of the Sigmund Theory 38 . 4. . TES ATS -6 E. II I 1 . F. S ATELL 13 NASA CHARGING ANALYZER PROGRAM OBSERVATIONS A. 39 41 PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS iv 41 MOaiEEEY, CALlFOaUIA 1. ATS -5 41 2 ATS -6 4 4 SEE 4 6 . 3. P73-2 (SCATHA) B. III 48 1. Day 83 of 1979 43 2. Day 86 of 19 79 53 3. Day 94 of 1979 58 4. Day 200 of 1979 60 5. Day 92 of 19 81 53 DISCUSSION . A. B IV. I . 5 6 POSSIBLE ION SOURCES 56 1. Outgassing 67 2. Sputtering 70 CALCULATION OF THE SPUTTERING FLUX AT THE DETECTOR CONCLUSIONS 81 101 APPENDIX 104 LIST OF REFERENCES 115 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 119 V 93943-60L LIST OF TABLES 1. Magnetospher ic Ions and Their Sources 104 2. Storm Time Ring Current Composition 105 3. Storm Time Magnetosphere Composition 106 4. Values of the Reduced Stopping Power 107 5. Calculated and Measured Sputtering Yields for Various Materials Calculated Sputtering Yields using a Modified Binding Energy Ratio of Sputtering Yield per Atom for Molecular and Atomic Ion Bombardment SCATHA Particle Detector Energy Channels 108 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Sputtering Yields of 10 keV Ion Beams on Silicon and Silicon Dioxide Ambient Plasma Values for Days 83,86, 200 of 1979 from the Lockheed Ion Mass Spectrometer VI 109 ... 110 Ill 113 114 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. SCATHA Satellite 4 Figure 2. SCATHA Orbit 6 Figure 3. Regions of Space near Earth 7 Figure 4. SC-9 Detector Arrangement 11 Figure 5. SC-9 Detector Angular Coverage 12 Figure 6. ATS-6 Satellite 14 Figure 7. Charging Current Schematic 16 Figure 8. Sputtering Yield for Aluminum 21 Figure 9. a{H^/H^) vs. M2/M1. 26 Figure 10. The Function E/(E +U0 ^ 30 ) Figure 11. Energy Distribution of Sputtered Gold Atoms.. 31 Figure 12. Calculated And Experimental Sputtering Yields for Copper Figure 13. Mass Dependence of the Sputtering Yield for Various Atoms Figure 14. Typical Sputtering Yields for H+ and 0+ on a Silicon Target Figure 15. The Dependence of the Sputtering Yield on Angle of Incidence Figure 16. ATS-5, Spectrogram, Day 274 of 1970 33 34 35 37 42 Figure 17. ATS-6, Spectrogram, Day 248 of 1974 45 Figure 18. ISEE-1, Mass Spectrometer, March 17,1978 47 Figure 19. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 83 of 1979 50 Figure 20. Day 83 of 1979, Ion Distribution Funct ion . . . . 51 52 Figure 21. Day 83 of 1979, Vehicle Potential, Triangle Peak Energy, and Look Angle vs. Time 54 Figure 22. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 86 of 1979 Figure 23. Day 86 of 1979, Ion Distribution Funct ion .... 55 VI 1 Figure 24. Day 86 of 1979, Vehicle Potential 57 Triangle Peak Energy, and Look Angle vs. Time 59 Figure 25. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 94 of 1979 Figure 2G. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 200 of 1979 61 Figure 27. Day 200 of 1979, Ion Distribution Funct ions . . Figure 28. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 92 of 1981 62 64 Figure 29. Day 92 of 1981, Ion Distribution Funct ion .... 65 Figure 30. Detector Beam Viewing Geometry 73 Figure 31. Oxygen-Silicon Yield Curves 75 Figure 32. Lindhard's Universal Function 83 Figure 33. Incident, Emitted, and Ion Fluxes 84 Day 86 of 1979 Figure 34. Channel Responses for a 35 V Di f f erent ial 86 Charge, 0+ Incident, Day 86, 1979 Figure 35. Channel Response for a 35 eV Di ff erent ial .... 87 Charge, 0+ Incident, Day 200, 1979 Figure 36. Channel Response for Zero Differential 90 Charge Figure 37. NASCAP Trajectories, Day 86 of 1979 91 . . . . Figure 38. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Lo Detector 93 Figure 39. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Lo Detector 94 Figure 40. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Hi Detector 96 Figure 41. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Hi Detector 97 Figure 42. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Fix Detector 98 Figure 43. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Fix Detector 99 VI 1 1 I A. INTRODUCTION . OVERVIEW charging Spacecraft between difference environment. since It is the development of space a vehicle of significance is and plasma its for scientific purposes, the potential may affect measurement of properties of the environment, potential a ambient the and for practical purposes, physical since it may lead to anomalous command signals and damage to the affected spacecraft. Although predictions of spacecraft previously, reports charging had been made high level spacecraft charging were of Applications Technology Satellite (ATS) events 5 {Ref. first the those Similar 1}. were subsequently noted on ATS-6 and P78-2 for (SCATHA) by various observers {Ref. 2}. Generally, negative charging events are identified by an the measured ion spectra intense peak energy, with an absence of ions of lesser intense peak distribution in is most clearly seen on function versus energy, this work. at a specific This energies. the plot as will be This peak is known as the of the displayed charging later in peak. Such observations result from the acceleration of the ambient plasma ions into the detector by the potential between the plasma and the fluxes spacecraft. are seen at energies below the Occasionally, peak energy, drop ion which appear would col 1 is ionless violate to conservation energy of These ion distributions plasma. for a been have and tentatively ascribed to sputtering reported previously, from spacecraft surfaces {Ref. They have been 3}. termed "spacecraft generated ions" {Ref. 2}. of this particular phenomenon Analysis ions may contaminate the charging as these interest, satellite to an underestimation of the leading contamination of the charging peak may be The active important SPACELAB experiments in low Additionally, . practical of is earth potential. particularly orbit, such since we believe the source to be vehicle's the damage to the satellite surface caused by the environment. coatings as the flux of these particles is an indication of sputtering, satellite peak, Also, surfaces, may the e.g. expectancy life optical surfaces, be directly affected by the precision of surface and sputtering rate appropriate to their environment. B. SCATHA SPACECRAFT Most of the experimental data and calculations performed in this thesis are based on the P78-2 The construction, environment, (SCATHA) spacecraft. and sensors of this vehicle will be discussed in the next several sections. 1 . Spacecraft Construction Air Force P78-2 spacecraft was launched The U.S. January Charging 1979 AT to collect data for High Altitudes a study (SCATHA), of in in Spacecraft a joint The satellite body was NASA/Department of Defense Program. cylindrical approximately orbit shape in with spacecraft the diameter and provide to depicts the SCATHA spacecraft. 1 satellite in the figure is the is in isolation experiments from charging effects on the satellite Figure of deployed Seven booms were 1.75 meters. from length a surface. The top the forward end, for the of bottom and the The experiments and communications equipment aft. satellite are primarily located on equipment The University of the center of the cylinder. for decks in California, San Diego, charged particle detector was on the forward end, and ion gun was on the aft the below. a Additionally, lightweight provide between them to sections various materials, The (Ref. of surface the access were such as kevlar and mylar, three aft, panels. covered for use in in the 4} spacecraft materials, constructed was as its orbit was capability of the launch vehicle. spacecraft was magnesium aluminum. The solar fiberglass (Si02) covered described aro one forward and one two solar arrays, bellyband experiments. both outer cylinder surface was divided into The general areas; and end; and arrays outer face. at of special the maximum The central tube of the equipment were aluminum The bellyband with thermal paint and second surface decks core the were with panels a were mirrors, and Figure 1. SCATHA Satellite {Ref. 4} The forward cylinder end was acted as waste heat radiators. coated with gold, except for some sample patches. 2 {Ref. Spacecraft Orbit and Environment . The vehicle was inserted into a near-geosynchronous, elliptical orbit with a perigee of 5.5 R« and an apogee 7.7 The R« . period orbit and hours, 23.5 was to the equatorial plane was inclination degrees. 7.8 The and The satellite the vehicle had a spin period of 59 seconds. encountered 40 day eclipse periods in both the fall and spring. pole . the During these times, the spacecraft was shadowed for approximately the 1 hour per day. orbit. Figure gives 2 The view is from above the a schematic north earth's {Ref 5} . The environment of the SCATHA spacecraft of two main regimes, the plasmasphere and the consisted plasmasheet. particularly nature of these composition, is important in determining the magnitude The regimes, the vehicle's interaction with the environment, the (the of the satellite axis was perpendicular to the earth-sun line, of 4} sputtering yield. plasmapause) is activity and solar wind parameters. depicted in hemisphere. The density is Figure {Ref. 3. The of for example, The boundary between these well defined, ion the but varies regimes with solar The spatial regions are view depicts the northern 6} innermost generally region greater is the than plasmasphere. 10® m~^. and The the Figure 2. SCATHA Orbit {Ref.4} Figure 3. Regions of Space near Earth {Ref. 6} temperature 0"^ and less than is The source of these ionosphere. to be the {Refs. density) while 0* quiet During energy considered is ring the current. with densities normally the principal times constituent the with energy the of keV. 10 and He* are typically minor constituents. indicates source these of During active times, appears to be the solar wind. 0* of H"^, 6,7,8} dominant species (93% the is is and temperatures greater than 10® m~^ H"^ 20°6 ion currently is thin plasma, Tt consists of a hot, Again, ions the plasmasphere Overlapping than The dominant eV, contributing approximately He"^ density. less 1 ionospheric ions large a sources. {Refs. 6,7,3} The plasmasheet plasmapause, region the is Densities on the order of 10* large 0"^ negative 1 H"^ and 10% 0"^ and . variability . This is a mixing zone, the is in origin. in the eclipse. magnetosphere, and 6,7,8} interesting of the the At active times, particularly when the satellite their sources {Refs a hot, times, potentials are found on spacecraft shows the various ions in An He"^. the 10^ m~^ and particles of both terrestrial and solar plasmasheet, Table 90% ratios (>50%) are observed. containing Large is - At quiet temperatures near 10 keV are common. composition consists of and like the ring current, diffuse plasma. outside feature of these areas ion composition of the plasmas is the observed during magnetically active periods. it has been observed that example, contributes 0"^ much more. Also, the acceleration adiabatic contribution He* for storm values {Refs. and particles may Table gives 2 current time ring minimum increases, of these solar wind leave them with energies up to 32 keV. typical a for and may contribute 23% of the storm time energy density, of ring current, In the some composition. 7,8} The plasmasheet region has a direct source of 0*, field aligned H'^/0"^ ratio region (e.g., it has been observed that that of 0"^ (The Mcllwain H"^. 6/1 in the [Eef. magnetic 'L' scale is quas i -logar ithmic, and end density values . the high. On several for the storm {Refs. time Table magnetospher ic bulk is the the lists 3 9 The Kp with occasions, by general the of and runs from 0-9, has been found to reach 70%. composition. 3 9 - high parameter is defined K^ is a measure latitude.) G density becomes comparable level of magnetic activity caused by the solar wind. low = L where R is the distance in earth radii, and R=L cos^S, the the The during periods of the SCATHA orbit), magnetic activity (Kp~5), to ionosphere. the of the beams has been found to be Additionally, 8}. 3 beams streaming from in 0"^ some plasma 5,7,0} Instruments The data for this experiment came primarily from the University of California, San Diego auroral particles } experiment, SC-9 experiment was composed This . five of detectors; two pairs of rotating ion and electron detectors, Figure and one fixed ion detector. depicts the 4 The rotating detectors scanned in arrangement. detector orthogonal and were designated the Hi set and Lo set. planes detector rotated from -20 deg to 200 deg, but it was more symmetrical, line parallel to the spin axis. with 70 deg along with its midpoint on Thus, it radially away from the looked Figure 5. of {Ref. The 81 Hi The keV. scanned from 1 by 5 spacecraft The geometry is deg. 7 64 in the in 4} set covered an energy spectrum from Lo rotating set, eV to 2 and the was approximately 20*%. eV to complete a series a The energy resolution at each step Additionally, the detectors could be ordered to dwell at fixed positions and/or detectors 1 detector, fixed For all detectors, keV. logarithmic steps. The , illustrated energy scan required 16 seconds and was covered in of The fixed The detectors had an angular same plane as the Lo detector. resolution a could not depress more than 20 degrees below the forward end plane. detector Lo The Hi detector scanned the same the spacecraft spin axis. range, The were composed of energies {Ref . three parts; . 4 an electrostatic analyzer, an electrostatic focussing lens, and a spiraltron particle sensor. The analyzer provided energy differentiation for the system through curved and an applied voltage. the plates The lens focussed the particles on 10 J3 E a> CO CO <i: __ o >-% CP rO "^ LU <_;> 53 QJ di ^"'- o o c 5 o ' ^ _J - en -O E CD CO tn <X =>-» o en C -Q \ F O) «/1 CO 4_ o d c: o> X o o ^1 e^c^ a> -n ^ca^ .«-~ >^— OJ c_:> -C= CT^ ni _o CJ) O) CZi OJ CD \ CO C^ GO cr UJ 5 o _l "~~^ Figure 4. SC-9 Detector Arrangement {Ref. 11 4} CO o o o -— c o « eac^ -*— o o ..^— rr le: ^ ^ o c? CJ ft en c .<«> CO o CD ^_ O c -e- I CO CD CD Figure 5. SC-9 Detector Angular Coverage 12 {Ref. 4} • cz • M» C/3 o O) ^_ o CD O -^ one at ground the sensor center by means of two grids, to counts per second. 10"^ 4 {Ref. rated The sensor was the other at the analyzer potential. and 4} Ion Gun . An ion gun was installed on the SCATHA spacecraft to investigate the In particular, modifying satellite potentials. used negative voltages develop to on the system and accelerated by either a 1 or vehicle. kV potential 2 2.0 mA drop. The mA The package also included an electron source . could The discharge current could be varied incrementally from 0.3 beam be configured to neutralize the particle beam provide an electron beam. (Ref. in could be it utilized xenon gas ionized by cathode experiment C. emission efficiency of an ion to that or to 9} OTHER SATELLITES Although SCATHA was the primary source of data for thesis, These satellites, information. briefly discussed 1. satellites other two in the significant provided will be ATS-6 and ISEE-1, following paragraphs. ATS-6 ATS-6 was a large three-axis stabilized placed in geosynchronous orbit in 1974. are shown in Figure since this it 6 . spacecraft Its major features The large antenna was significant, fostered differential charging by shadowing spacecraft measurements surfaces. package The satellite had above the 13 an spacecraft other environmental dish. This UCSO AURORAL PARTICALS EXPERIMENT EAST-WEST SENSOR HEAD MAGNETOM ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS EXPERiMENT SOLAR PANEL {ONE OF TWO) DIAMETER PARABOLIC REFLECTOR 30 FT Y (NORTH) ^ J *Z (EARtH) Figure 6. ATS-5 Satellite {Ref. 12} 14 package contained rotating particle detector sets similar to those found on SCATHA. 2. I {Ref.2} SEE The ISEE-1 satellite was launched in 1977 as part of a three spacecraft mission to investigate the magnetospher ic With this in mind, plasma. absolute minimize conducting and materials important of these, composition experiment spectrometer. {Ref. for our purposes, contained which is an The plasma the mass ion 10} SPACECRAFT CHARGING The theory of spacecraft charging will now be differential charging will play later discussions. In general, a a "floating" potential is deciding the potential are; the These fluxes probe immersed in plasma medium. This the the in the ambient plasma electron and due to secondary and of of The primary currents the photoelectron emission due to half in a sunlight, backscattered currents are schematically illustrated in left role determined by the balance currents incident upon the probe. ion flux, reviewed, significant will develop some potential relative to that The to measure plasma waves, and plasma composition. electric fields, as using by connections impedance low and charging The spacecraft was equipped to several occasions. D. differential to Regardless, the satellite was observed to charge on ground. most the satellite was designed figure 15 depicts typical and electrons. Figure 7. eclipse ^r V.3 f-= C) T >- 03 i^ CL C£ rr w < < ->£ < — uo 1/1 O O T 2" CD t_> »— UJ t- J^ VJ ^ •J < o cr u. UJ h- 'n. "< ^ z z o 7. ^ z < s: t/1 k/> < // ^- rr 5 I •- 3 a < !•> ^' Xo cr «^ >- r CO v^ UJ < < Figure o oc ^ o A 14. > —— 1 '^ii? Charging Current Schematic {Ref. 12} 16 conditions satellite), (negative currents present in sunlight. daylight, In photoe lectrons material \lA/m^ electron dependence which eclipse. temperature. the dependent, has secondary normal A greater 5-50 than energies. in have a range and yields less than one at higher The point in the high the yield decreases to one point and is called energy the critical in determining the secondary emission current. range cross-over effect of the The energy at which this point and the peak yield, varies with target composition. energy spacecraft ambient distributions (T<5 keV} will create large secondary greater than the ambient electron flux, will charge positively. (T>5 keV) even charging, middle some in where occurs, material energy one and is material the this is and electron secondary emission curve will 50-500 eV), lower It differential allows (typically impacting fluxes, and the in is fact spacecraft will produce lower secondary emission yields, the satellite the High energy electron distributions the vehicle will gain negative charge. of of that for electrons, current is highly dependent on both the yield 1 The value of the ions. for ]lA/m- emission Low is current densities in the range which is generally below plasma, and the This current density overshadows that of the ambient pA/m2. .1 half 11,12,13} current although which, saturation typical {Refs. dominant the and the right Thus, the potential determined by the high energy 17 and electron The threshold electron temperature for which charging flux. may occur is typically in the 5-10 keV region. the critical energy, additional citeria, This met. which also must be an upper energy bound on is There is an distribution the function resulting from magnetospher ic convection processes. It is also termed the Alfven boundary, and must exceed 15-20 keV for charging to occur. 11,12,13,14,15,16} {Refs. A simplistic equation to represent the situation may be given by: (1-1) Iri«-t: during Thus, dominates, daylight, net the spacecraft), and positively. + I when » • <= current is spacecraft the + p hi o t o positive current (toward start will the flow of the spacecraft will be electrons from, I photoelectron the this happens, As value of In.t Iamb — the charge to ions to, and inhibited, and the When the value reaches will decrease. zero, the currents are balanced and the spacecraft will remain For eclipse that potential until the balance is disturbed. events, between Ip^oco the is zero, and the balance low values effectively is ambient and secondary electrons. energy electron distribution, the potential (+2 to +5 V), while for is high at For a low restricted to energies, the spacecraft may potential may reach -1 to -20 kV.fRefs. 2,11} In addition to absolute charge differentially. of the spacecraft charging, a That is, separate insulated portions surface 13 may charge to different potentials. If environment, then charge in the form of develop will ability to their a between them. Also, pitch angle different a spacecraft in Additionally, a of one portion of the the may cause regions. shadows spacecraft the shadowed area will not photoelectrons and will charge negatively compared emit rest electric of the satellite. Also, in orbits, lower distributions. variations cause {Refs. Differential the in 2,12,13} charging is believed to be the differential potential increases, for it to discharge in the an electromagnetic pulse even areas. cause there will be a form of an arc. which as a command signal. is read 17,18} 19 of As the tendency This arc creates by the For large discharges be physical damage or destruction to (Refs. an particle ambient numerous control logic upsets on various spacecraft. circuits to reference field induced in the satellite frame of may (E=vxB) may are Frequently, ways. spacecraft separate another continually (see ATS-6), the portions they will each charge to number impact to if potential a anisotropies in the ambient plasma fluxes excess The environment may differ over different potentials. of two if emission the current will differ, and exposed to differing environments, range shed same the to secondary different have but characteristics, insulators are exposed two the control there arcing out on ATS-S and SCATHA carried Passive active by and Active trials using ion and electron guns passive measures. were may be controlled charging Spacecraft attempts, such with as those on the success. some satellites, ISEE using low impedance connections and conducting surfaces were also moderately successful. 10,19,20} {Refs. SPUTTERING E. The general theory of sputtering is very significant this thesis, as postulated to be the source is it Sputtering observed spacecraft generated ions. under (number of target atoms sputtered per incident ion) are; its dependence on atomic number, table, its c) b) correlation with momentum and its dependence on such decreased. aluminum as 21} and . that Figure a e) increased to it 8 is the heat of its relation to the efficiency of d) transfer, a) its correlation with the sublimation of solids, energy, ion The observed features of the sputtering yield bombardment. periodic the defined is the ejection of material from solid surfaces as of to a plot a incident maximum and of the sputtering yield ion then for function of incident ion energy and mass {Ref. We see that the yield maximum increases with shifts to higher energies. ion mass, These observations led theories based on atomic collision cascades. to Such cascades are created by one incident ion impinging on the lattice and transferring energy to participate in collisions. other atoms, which in turn These theories are based on the 20 > c a> c o O to p|3|X Figure 8.. 5uuaunds Sputtering Yield for Aluminum {Ref. 21} 21 of classical mechanics, satisfy the observed dependence on atomic therefore momentum and collisions elastic simple sublimation is explained by assuming the binding surface dependence depth, energy beyond which the ability of the cascade collision cascade theories in some 21,22,23} {Refs. detailed, and successful of the is the Sigmund - Thompson theory. theory is actually two theories developed complement one another they facets sputtering. of treats the Thompson's yield atoms. experimental results. 1 . of different by amorphous an The development of both be briefly discussed, will explaining by The portion developed sputtering separately, theory explains the energy distribution sputtered {Refs. followed by a these of the theories with The Sigmund Theory for sputtering is particles. the yield depending F target. 22,23,24,25} deposited in the surface layers of the solid as the and Sigmund comparison The Sigmund theory focusses on the amount of factor some of optimum postulating by The most comprehensive, but of energy The particles to reach the surface decreases. This heat the effect maximum number the energy. occurs deposition The correlation to transfer. and yield. is The then S=rF, basic where expression r is only on the properties and state of a a the function describing the interaction of In order to evaluate this 22 expression, energy driving for the constant target, the two Sigmund as his starting point the sputtering of an chose amorphous target, and used transport theory to describe the collision cascade in random media. assumes a planar surface theory The starting its motion at time initial 23,24} {Refs. and position x = t quantity of interest and is G ( x,a/i3 , = dx v, t )d^Va the average number of atoms moving at time t is with (x,dx) a velocity (v's/d^Va) due to an single atom at velocity v. an atom 0. The This . in a impact layer by This quantity is then used in a a Boltzmann transport equation that equates the initial number G probability with a later G which is dependent on the collision. some of equation The the simplify then integrated is variables. functions Two eliminate to defined are of to Integration. the (1-2) F(x,V(a,V) (1-3) H(X,V) = = P r G(X,Va,^,t)dt F( X, Va, V) I Vax d^Va I J The function F is the total number of atoms which penetrate plane x with a velocity (v'a^d^va) during the collision the cascade development. plane x function H(x,v) is the sputtering yield at the for a source of sputtered particles at x may sputtering. sputtering. be For our Backward purposes, sputtering we will is This backward choose backward emission opposite to the initial direction of inc idence 23 0. or forward defined for either = . { Re f s directed . 23,24] remaining expression in The of is H expanded in Legendre polynomials and then transformed into terms moment a equation by multiplying each term by x" and integrating over X. With electronic separated and {Ref.26}. collisional cross cross cross section for elastic differential losses to collisions, nuclear sections may section, be which expression This yields a final the electronic stopping includes electronic that the are small and isolated from electrons the assumption the and scattering. the {Refs. 23,24} next The step determine to is functions the describing the electronic and elastic cross sections. electronic E"*, constant cross {Ref.27}. classical elastic The mechanics, Thomas-Fermi used is S« determined is K section and section power a K where interatomic potential. is the arguments Thomas-Fermi using cross = The derived approximation from the of The equation is then given by; (1-4) dCT(T) where C the is a initial = C E-m-p-X-m constant, energy. T is (3^1 the transferred energy, The variable m comes from and the E power approximation. m=l corresponds to Rutherford scattering, and m=0 approximates scattering from a Born-Mayer potential. these values are substituted in the expression previous paragraph, the following is achieved; from If the H(x,E,n) (1-5) 3_ F(x.E,B) = N Cb Ub 4ii= where is 3 F(x,E,f3) the direction cosine of the ejection vector, and function describing the distribution the is a energy deposited in the solid. Ca is and Ua is the function F(x,E,3) In general, the binding energy. constant, a of is found to obey the following relation; F(x,E,0) (1-6 where a M2/M1, is a N dimens ionless constant dependent on the the atom density, is 9 . function The P T da. a is is ratio nuclear the Additionally, we the unit normal in Figure illustrated {Refs.23,24} Using all of the previous relations, some general expressions for the define For low energies S(E,3) (1-7) Sn(E) in we then can sputtering yield. (E<lkeV), we have = E_ 4M^M^ 3_ a 4Tt2 a = ourselves to sputtering in restrict direction. and Sr»(E) given by Sn(E) stopping power, now a N Sr^(E) = (Mi + Ms)^ Ua this equation was evaluated by integrating The Born-Mayer potential value of m=0. is more with dcr accurate at lower energies than the Thomas-Fermi approximation. The expression for higher energies is; (1-8) S(E,(3) = 3 . 56 a ' 25 + 2/ 3 Z2^^3 \ ) Vfc Ml Sr.( C (M1+M2 Ua 1 M il 1 1 I 1 1 1 /) 1 1 1 i ; M ii I 1 1 j 1 1 j 1.0 / I ' 1 ' t I \i' i iii'i r !i 1 f II! / Of I /I i i ' 1 il / Ii 0.5 i i i!! ^'! / !i / 1 i 1 i 1 ! 1 i 1 1 i : ! 1 1 1 0,0 1 iMi: ! ! 10 0.1 M^/Mj Figure 9. a(Mi/Mi) vs. Mi/Mi {Ref. 25 23} The function Sr»(E) universal function Thomas-Fermi for variable The 24,27}. the reduced stopping power. is aM^E E This is a interactions the reduced energy, is {Refs. defined by where are the atomic Zi and Zs (ZiZ^e^ (MX+M2) Tabulated number, and a is the Lindhard screening radius. e= , values for Sn(£) are shown in Table dependence was roughly determined to on dependence This The sputtering yield 4. derived was (cos(9))~^. be empirically Sigmund. by {Refs. 22, 23, 24, 27} 2 . The Thompson Theory Thompson The sputtering a theory of involving the complete The portion of the sputtering yield was overshadowed but the energy spectrum Sigmund Theory, determination primary solid with recoils at energy E2 from some infinite Then, unit time, by Thompson started his derivation by assuming an has endured. event. was published in 1968. determination the Theory with a density of recoil atoms q(Ez)dEi per each generating their own collision cascade, the total number of atoms slowing down through some energy range E' is (1-9) n(E') = q(E=) M(E2,E')dE= PJ h; ' where v The mean rate of energy loss is given by vdE'/dx, the velocity. Assuming an isotropic distribution, def ine (1-10) n(E' ,r )dE'd2' = p- r aiEz,)U(E^ .E' V dE'/dx 27 ) dE^ dE ' d^' 4Tt: one is may From this, the flux may be determined. *(E' ,r )dE'dii'= v n E ,r cosGdE (1-11) in half ' ) dii now assumes that the infinite The theory cut ' ( and flux the is observed. Also, expressions are needed for the functions above. the number (BEz/E', is a (3 constant of order is some H(E2",E') approximated of displaced atoms and may be where solid is by Similarly, unity. dE'/dx may be replaced with E'/D, where D is the interatomic spacing. Using these relations we obtain (1-12) ^(E' ,r )dE'dil'=i3_D p-q(E=)E2dE2 cos9 7?P This function dE dfl' Ti: the flux inside the surface, is <!> 4 and must be This is accomplished transformed to that observed outside. by assuming a binding force normal to the surface which will decrease the normal kinetic energy, component unaffected. Thus, the particles trajectory. parallel but leave the the effect will be a bending of With the energy equations, and the relationship between the inner and outer angles in hand, we come to the (1-13) final expression 'i'(E.0)dEd2= In this equation, Ua particle energy, and the surface proportionality 4ti( cos0 P- q(E2)E2dE2 dEd^l l+Ua/E) ^E^Jb- is the binding energy, E is the emitted B is normal. to D the angle of the trajectory The E/(E+U0)^ 28 chief and features the cos* are from the dependence. Figure 10 is a plot of this function versus energy. the spectrum will fall off as l/E^, high energies, For and for the binding energy will have an impact. low energies, maximum of this curve occurs at U0/2. Figure 11 is The plot a of the measured energy d istr ibut ion, with the model overlaid. It can be seen that up to matches approximately 1000 eV, observed spectrum quite the model the closely. Since the majority of the sputtered particles are in the energy region this theory is quite effective that follows the 1/E^ curve, in describing the data. 3 {Refs. 22,24} Comparison of Theory with Experiment . To evaluate the applicability of these theories, must determine closely function of ion energy, target they masses, dependence of and the binding surface sputtering yield energy. the various calculated and measured yields for various listed Table in 5 {Ref. correlation is reasonable, The solid 23}. by geometric 23}. shapes. It can is In the a line plot are addition, materials are that the seen be normally within 29 the experimental The experimental results for the low energy equation. marked in Calculated yields and the dotted line the high energy result, energy The contained is equations 1-7 and 1-8 are compared with values in Figure 12 for copper {Ref. is incident and angle of incidence, energy dependence of the stopping power. using experimental recreate Therefore, we will look at the sputtering yield as results. a how we factor of two. + > OJ M uoT-i^ounj Figure 10. The Function E/(E 30 + \3,)^ 1-0 700 "C zee 10'' I 10' -£. 10' 0-1 10 10^ lO-' 10' Sputtered ion energy, eV Figure 11. Energy Distribution of Sputtered Gold Atoms {Ref. 23} 31 Some questionable, the experimental yields are of sputtering yield is known to have a the as dependence. dose The Sigmund Theory also tends to overestimate sputtering at very low energies indicates ( <100 eV). that region {Refs . . yield goes to zero in the 50-100 the yield is a function of and in the factor aCMs/Mi). eV directly Mi Due to the above mentioned dose yield data for masses are generally normalized effects, sputtering sputtering yield or the argon self for various targets are presented in Figure Data data 22,23,24} The sputtering the experimental In most cases, to yield. {Ref. 13 The top plot displays results for impacts on silicon. 23}. along the horizontal axis and the yield of the ions normalized to the mass The argon of the sputtering sputtering ion AMU in yield on the vertical silicon is quite good, for heavier targets. The agreement but decreases Sputtering yields for H* and are illustrated in Figure 14. considered is a to 1.7. target, a {Refs. we t.o be proportional to (l/cos8)". variable quantity ranging from For the situations we will 32 in be will the 22,23,24} angular dependence of the sputtering The the on silicon the lack of agreement for heavier targets model which we develop. n, 0"^ for with Since in general we will discussing silicon or silicon dioxide as disregard other The axis. plots are similar for copper and gold. theory is a be The yield is exponent, little less than discussing, 1 with 30 1 • 25 I M * Dupp I I I I i i Ml et al. Guseva o Alme'n et 20 - r 1 Wehner ^ al. Kr"*" - Cu et al. ~ Keywell S 15 10 **^ - 5 -^ '• 10 11 I'M I III' I -1 10^ 30 III 25 • Wehner »' Guseva i_LL 10- I III et al. Aime'n et S I 10' Ar"^ al. 20 ~ * 15 — 1 Southern et Dupp et • Yonts et al. - Weijsenfeld - Cu al. al 10 5 TTf.'.-'^*" 10 -1 E (keV) Figure 12. Calculated and Experimental Sputtering Yields for Copper {Ref. 23} 33 Silicon - 2.0 ^<- < ^ III! T i 1 5.0 _ ^ T • 1.0 /' 0.5 . h N Andersen and Bay • — Sigmund Theory C/5 0.2 0.1 .(If 1 1 1 10 20 30 40 60 50 3-0 2.0 80 70 "! — - Copper 3 O 3 0.7 0.5 - 0.3 - en • Andersen and Bay \ Measuring Uncertainty — Sigmund Theory 0.2 0.1 0. 10 20 40 30 60 50 70 80 90 100 Gold < 2,0 t < CO 1.0 3 < 0.5 t • Andersen and Bay — Sigmund Theory N C/3 0.2 0.1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 13. Mass Dependence of the Sputtering Yield for Various Atoms {Ref, 23} 34 + > o o o O o .o o o o C O o o + a. > « 03 c + o o o o o (4-1 CO o o lO OJ C\i d d lO -^ o d uo| jsd p|SiA 6ujj9j|nd3 Figure 14. Typical Sputtering Yields for H+ and 0+ on a Silicon Target 35 M=/Mi 1, > Figure 15 the value of n generally taken to is from experimental data {Ref. 23}. The dependence ranges up Beyond this point, the incident angle of 70 degrees. to an incidence plot of the dependence on angular is a sputtering yield decreases rapidly to yield the by attempt If we 0. to we will probably be model using only the 0-70 degree range, underestimating 1.7. be approximately 20^0. {Refs. 22,23,24} binding depends directly on the The yield quite the determination of this energy is thus energy, important. Sigmund suggested that the appropriate value for the binding energy generally This slightly for be the sublimation energy would a material. the leads to sputtering yield values that Recent work has given theoretical high. are backing higher value, but no definite numerical quantity put forward {Ref. providing 29}. numbers in Table It has been 28}. results best the energy {Ref. 5, are much closer to calculated for Table use is was suggested that the value 17/10 the of sublimation this value is used to recalculate the If we get the results obvious that in general, will of calculated the the experimental 5. in Table the larger value of the 22,23,24} 36 It yields in Table yields, For calculations 6. in this binding than is 6 those thesis, we energy. (Refs. 3.0 E = 1.05 keV l/COSfJ o to r: 2.0 to r 30' 60- 90° 30^ Angle of Incidence 60 Angle of Incidence Figure 15. The Dependence of the Sputtering Yield on Angle of Incidence {Ref.23} 37 4 Limitations of the Sigmund Theory . theory The bombarded targets devised was amorphous for by atomic ions. It not is monatomic so applicable to the bombardment of molecular solids, necessary in later calculations. be molecular oxygen, of be bombardment with relevant to discuss this type be treated through computer simulation, may complicated extensive, cases, it it is an is calculated. for In most more appropriate to utilize experimental data available. Such data is often difficult to Only recently has an effort begun to systematically obtain. tabulate with is but it as the probabilities project, combination must be collision each the The case of molecular ions on molecular targets impact. if it will will as Since several of data points are concerned with reference readily the known experimental results and The presently tabulated theory. the atomic ions on monatomic targets {Ref. 30}. compare data them concerns A great deal data is also distributed randomly through the literature of on other ion-target combinations. An additional bit of information is the yields of monatomic molecules. several atoms molecular ions {Ref. are 31}. greater silicon they that is the sputtering available It has been yield per for found for atom for slightly higher than that for atomic ions The results are listed in Table 7. The yields by approximately a factor of while range from 1.15 38 to 1.30. two, There is for a difference, but it is not drastic. While it is difficult to accurately model the more complicated situations, be possible to obtain some approximate results molecules are within a factor of two that should it for monatomic actual the of results F. NASA CHARGING ANALYZER PROGRAM Charging NASA The developed realistic to environments magnetosphere geometrically, utilizes static steps. in both The NASCAP can laboratory and that are calculating timestep procedure, a spacecraft of objects of was and electrically complex. materially, program dynamics accumulation from external sources, conduction (NASCAP) environments. plasma simulate the charging, effectively Program accurately model the dynamics to response Analyzer driven are charge The quasicharge by depletion, and Each timestep includes a full three dimensional electrostatic potential calculation. The calculation staggered in dielectrics. of with particle fluxes, Poisson's equation over procedure a in leakage currents, induced spacecharge effects current quasistatic conditions. are which a grid incident computed NASCAP based is dimensions of the examined object. and the to to the This condition is met NASCAP can output 39 on limited where the Debye length is long compared the SCATHA spacecraft. charged emission currents, situations for time- is a time history of spacecraft charging, potential contours, charge contours, current contours, and particle trajectories. 40 II A. OBSERVATIONS . PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS satellites, Data taken from three ISEE-1, will (SCATHA) results. be prior discussed, Observations on satellites prior to SCATHA will be diffuse background) illustrated. ATS-5 presence of The first reported ions below the charging for ATS-5 ATS-5 {Ref.l}. data eclipse in 1969 and 1970 showed ion fluxes in of P78-2 primary three the of and ATS-6, presenting to shadow peak, phenomena (triangle peak, 1. AT3-5, energies below the charging peak. such data is shown in Figure 16. grey scale spectrogram format, the data concisely. three components. a taken broad range of The data is presented in common method of displaying The figure is vertically separated into The top primarily displays magnetic field The remaining two sections indicate the count rates of electrons and in the detector versus time and energy. defines increasing time, the hours associated (3i50 eV) sections, of day and in this case is labelled 274 of 1970. The and vertical the energy axis is located energy increases upward for 41 ions The horizontal axis with the energy of the particles. of in A typical example unnecessary for our purposes. information, a was peak The between axis with is minimum the two electrons, and ill « E njt 'mimmitmmm SO -:=:^ Q. N OEN » CD* « n ELEcraoNSi 12000 E^€P^Gr IN EV "WWB 120X3 .^.....„,...„....^....,„... .„....„„. .„.„.„...^.„....^....._^..„._^....^_..„„.,_^ a 1 HOURS IN DAT 274 OF 1970 I Figure 16. ATS-5, Spectrogram, Day 274 of 1971 42 1 downward for ions to a maximum of 50 keV. detected countrates the is The magnitude of indicated by the shading of the figure from black to white, with black corresponding to zero white and counts, saturated at spectrogram maximum. certain time in a will contain a black the If an energy spot at detector channel, that time is the and feature such as this can usually be distinguished energy. A from zero a with count rate saturation because points are revealed as The data displayed in Figure 16 are from day 274 of normally surrounded by intense count regions, bright white areas. The satellite enters a region of hot plasma at 04 5 0, 1970. as indicated (>4500 seen eV) by the increased intensity electrons. between 0620 and 0720. can high energy The satellite charging peak may the intense white region in as of the proton be spectrum From the energy of this region, infer a satellite potential of approximately .75-2 we kV. The black spots on the peaks are an example of how detector saturation ions evident is in the displayed. The broad spectrum of energy bands below the charging peak as grey area that clearly extends from 1 kV to about 300 V, may even continue to lesser energies. not the and These particles did so the source was to determine and no complete explanation was put appear during every charging event, difficult is forward 43 ATS-6 2. also ATS-6 contamination of observed were potential. at non-ambient showed evidence of source Secondary or shadow the ion data. energies below An example of such data satellite inferred the peaks illustrated in Figure is This figure is a grey scale spectrogram similar to the 17. The data presented are shown in Figure 15. one from the The first is the North-South detector on ATS-6 on day 243 of 1974. This plot displays two phenomena. which are clearly presented elsewhere {Ref. 2}. peaks, ion ions were denoted "spacecraft generated These The ions". second is an apparently analagous phenomenon in the electron In addition to the electron and spots". "Minnesota These observations are the so-called spectrum. ion spectra, thi.^ figure displays the detector pitch angle in the top section, which related to the rotation angle. is between The spots are seen in the electron spectrum 100 and 300 eV as intense white points that appear to triangle shapes. If one compares the periodicity form the of electron triangles with the detector look angle periodicity, a correspondence direct this time, secondaries electrons charged evident. As the where the detectors are located, spacecraft, at is with the surface been emitted from respect to the 44 of a the was in shadow detectors, to vehicle. surface the of the source electrons were determined from had top be These differentially and thus the 2CQ-3aE-2i a3P:l.2 085=0050 StPE: 3 P»«: 2 NSc 1-0 ^-380, _ „„ 3SCi C3Mr 124373210 Sfte -20 LNG;2I5 9u - * ^ :0QA h h —H 3x S n /\ /\ l\ ;' H rr . A ' ' •\ : • ' \ ^ =tc /v -5C- ^v yV ?*.'!'. Vv ^ , ', --90 ^ . Vv VV vv v\i vy Vv Vv v^/ ^^-f r-C , WyH[^j|i|,i l»Xip[|.pi «JMp!jf;W.p UCSO.R'5-S NU I \ \ QflY 248 OF 1374 ^ W,A i.l ^^^^^^^ f I |"Hip iniii y wii w i fui' n V z/m of 1974 {Ref.2} Figure 17. ATS-6, Spectrogram, Day 248 45 charged respect with distribution emissions detectors {Ref. detectors, the flux was eventually of secondary the and thus been accelerated by a potential had source The to from also located on the satellite drop determined University the the <t> to be Minnesota of measurements box. 2} 3. I SEE Negative charging events on the I3EE satellites were relatively rare, the as satellites specifically were designed to avoid the problem of spacecraft charging. 1 did, ISEE- charge to significant negative levels on however, During one such event, few occasions. analysis of the ion mass composition revealed some interesting features. 18 is a Figure presentation of the ISEE-1 mass spectrometer reading from March 17, The vertical axis is a count rate, and 1973. horizontal axis the a is the applicable channel. mass The mass channel is related to the atomic mass by. AMU (2-1) = 3615 Mass Channel^ -^"^^ Thus, mass channel 54 corresponds to 0*. {Ref. 0533 with (Universal UT a corresponding channel 54, H*. Time), instrument the broad peak in the high Atomic (AMU=30-100) channels. 10 and 14 to 15 to N*, 10} At responded H"^, to This peak had a maximum in 32 AMU. There was also The normal value of the 46 Unit Mass a ambient channel peak at atomic |Iillll I 1 |IIIU.IJ 1 pillll j I |I1IIJII 1 J - o CD •« + •• • X • • • « • • IT) to • • • • • o • • • • • • ICL mX • • • « o • • • too •• • • to t I'CL o •• c\j • • • O o O I < LO LU a. Z 2 < X o < X O LLi LU C^J o CM • • • • • • CO 00 CO C/D ir> C/5 < < lO • • • • — I lllllli o o o o < X o CO CO < UJ - • • CN4 CO CO CD CO • • • 00 CO 8x •^ 3 < . LLI • • • I I I'lilITT t \ Hilll o o o o o I I o o seLS'o/siNnoo Figure 18. ISEE-1, Mass Spectrometer, March 17, 1978 {Ref. 10} 47 oxygen indicated by the solid black line under the is except that at this The data from 0721 UT are quite similar, point the maximum has shifted to channel 11, larger than the indicated ambient oxygen. is time these that these molecules were probably hydrocarbons observations were first made products. sputtering, light In however, one of At concluded was it spacecraft and different may postulate a The masses of these are 28, 0-. respectively, numbers observed data. {Ref.l0} flux which would fit IG, Si, and 32 AMU into the nicely P78-2 (SCATHA) B. Observations of spacecraft generated ions are five for events 1979, for the second pair are for eclipse ion gun presented charging induced and the last is for eclipse charging in 1931. Day 83 of 1979 1. This peak The first two are days. in charging, first eclipse event illustrates and its associated angular dependence. 1979. This is a the triangle Figure 19 is one hour period of day S3 composite of the electrons from the Hi grey scale spectrogram for detector, the surface the ejected particles would largely be dioxide (SiO-), of other and Since the surface is primarily silicon spacecraft surface. the the That is, these particles are ions emitted from the source. 0, Again, AMU. 28 this outgassing peak. a and the ions from all three detectors. ion displays has zero energy at the top and Each of increases energy The electron presentation downward. the triangle structures can be seen in the Lo 1740 and 1820, that From the Hi detector data, data. the at v and Increases rapidly to Multiple shadow peaks are V at 1825. 300 seen can be it spacecraft charges negatively to about 200 decreases to 100 V at 1815, 1750, Between increasing upward. with low energies at the bottom, detector reversed, is during visible this period in both the Hi and Fix detector data. Figure function is a plot of the log distribution ion space density) versus energy (phase The this shadow peak approximately parallel Figure 21 is triangle peak a parked is the to at eV. At spin diagram of the spacecraft energy, 250 degrees, 92 spacecraft at (f) the secondary peak at 78 detector the time, is and Lo detector look Hi in eclipse, indicated by the peak in phase space density eV. the for The spacecraft is charged to -250 V, detector. as 20 axis. potential, angle versus time. The energy of the peak varies directly with the look angle, with maximum, (where the that is, it energy minimum occurring angle the at looking down and away from the spacecraft approaches closest to the spacecraft surface). The shadow peak energy maintains a relatively constant ratio with satellite potential. and 7, In this case, Ep/Et where Ep is the satellite potential, triangle peak minimum energy. is between and Et is This is significant, 49 a^ S the we 10000 10000 > OS Hi IONS 1 w 10 100 1000 Lo IONS 1 10 17^0 Fix IONS 18^0 Figure 19. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 83 of 1979 50 > 0) cr UJ LU o o o o 00 h- to in o ^ o o ro C\J Figure 20. Day 83 of 1979, Ion Distribution Function 51 (A3) ADa3N3 MV3d o O O O O C\J ro "T lO CO O K o O OB a> 6aa )e Figure 21. Day 83 of 1979, Vehicle Potential, Triangle Peak Energy, and Look Angle vs. Time 52 would expect constant 2. a differentially charged surface to maintain ratio time with over mainframe. Day 86 of 1979 second The similar that to charging eclipse of day 83. a day event, Figure 22 spectrogram of the ion data for of satellite the is fluctuation in electron from From the Hi data Alfven boundary a period, the throughout the the satellite potential due to a achieves spacecraft During widely a 36 visible we see that charging begins at approximately 1640, varies is scale one hour period on day 1645 to 1740 in the Lo detector display. potential 36, grey a The triangle structures are again 1979. the a and the period. A change in 1705. The maximum potential of -500 V at 1725. is seen at clearly shadow peak is visible at energies lower than the charging peak in both the Hi and Fix detector data Figure 23 the charging peak. the charging Frequently, spectrograms, between There is In addition, 100 eV, peaks. the Hi The satellite potential is -340 V as indicated by detector. below plots the ion distribution from well defined shadow peak there are various other sm.all peak that may shadow other maintaining each other, a a indicate peaks constant other appear separation and varying as the main peak at peaks shadow in the ratio varier;. The detector is again parked parallel to the spacecraft spin ax is . 53 10000 1000. 100 _ ^'- l^W!^ 5 ---*'-4:f ^^ sum 10 •--'f- -+**:-:''• KT:f^ :•'*--''--- ^-•r '-- ^B ^^^^g i^^niMHM Hi ELECTRONS 10 ^ l!"!.:->*^ 100 .i,#:r: 1000 10000 Hi IONS 9 (X 1 10 . -T .1'. .«-^i; •; *..^,. 100 :^ tr. 1000 Lo IONS 10 V*^if- 1635 Fix IONS 1735 Figure 22. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 86 of 1979 54 o o o O CO N- CD lO O ^ o o lO CVJ Figure 23. Day 86 of 1979, Ion Distribution Function 55 minimum dependence between strong The triangle the illustrated energy and spacecraft potential is It minimum increases the triangle peak of increasingly negative vehicle potential. is maintained between shadow achieving minimum extent. The the the energy of the detector angle, energy at the detectors maximum angular directly varies peak with The ratio, Ep/Et, Again, and G.5. 6 is by clear that the Figure 24 for this more variable day. energy peak shadow with the peaks usually lose definition their below 110 degrees. These two during eclipse occurred. passages comparison By observations similar events. ATS-6, with a charging negative which for during however, solar array to provide an eclipse. observations examples illustrate typical ATS-6, daylight we expect would negative charging was stabilized and had its large shadowed area which would 3CATHA had no such array, simulate and in addition was spinning so that no area was shadowed long enough to charge Observations of daylight charging showed to a high level. that spacecraft potential was highly the making However, it difficult to use these data for spin this modulated, project. induced charging events with the ion gun provide an additional range of daylight data. experiments are presented. 55 Two examples of such x -200 X X X X >^X X -300 XX X SPACECRAFT POTENTIAL >^x ^x ^ SCATHA UCSD LO DETECTOR x\ DAY 86 OF 1979 CO T X -400 h 1717-1725 UT X >$<>$<x X X -500 30 45 > <u ~ f ' >- SHADOW X PEAK ENERGY O \ (T UJ • UJ < UJ Q. in 01 <u o> Q <D -20 1717 1720 1723 TIME Figure 24. Day 86 of 1979, Vehicle Potential, Triangle Peak Energy, and Look Angle vs. Time 57 Day 94 of 1979 3. The first example of ion gun induced charging is day 1979. 94 of Figure 25 is that from Fix 1 kV and the grey scale spectrogram for a 1 hour The day. detectors, the The ion gun was in operation at presented data with the Lo detector in the upper lower. the in The gun ion period two ion diagram, and from are turned is mA 1 on at approximately 1405 and the spacecraft charges promptly to final value of -G0 V. a Shadow peaks occur at 11 and 20 eV in the Lo detector between 1420 and 1430, and between 1440 and 1455. curious feature A is the appearance of twin shadow peaks in the Lo data at 1440, with bands between in which no ions were detected. been just had spacecraft detector When this phenomena began, the detector parked at an angle of spin axis, had 11 eV, degrees away from the satellite previously printouts are examined, 20 been scanning. to body. Txhe the data When three bands clearly emerge; another at 22 eV, and the last at 30 eV. infer that certain energies, or trajectories, the one at We may do not reach the detector at that angle. These events indicate something about emitting the striations non-d i f location of the in the Lo data, surfaces. From the we would expect non-emitting or erent ially charged surfaces to be sandwiched between emitting regions, thus giving the dark regions where no ions are detected. Importantly, the Hi detector is viewing in 5 a C4^> ADH3Na (AS) A3HaNa Figure 25. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 94 of 1979 59 direction similar reports Hi, a exists. completely indicates This similar a viewing 70 degrees from the Lo different however, show a similarity in that does, gives and time, this The Fix detector, response. and at environment. large energy gap a differentially mixed It non- and different ial ly charged surfaces as above. Day 200 of 1979 4. Our fourth example is during an ion gun operation at 1 kV, 1 mA . Figure 25 timeframe. hour In this 700 V, is a grey scale spectrogram for The data are taken from the Hi a detector. figure, the spacecraft is charged to approximately except during the two five minute periods when ion gun was in Trickle mode "trickle" mode. defined is the gun in operation with the accelerating voltage off, current still applied to the diode. visible in the ion display. Thus, Ep/Et, indicating for these figures is in that the Hi detector is looking at 9-10 an the as but clearly detector. the - generated This day is one of the few these peaks become evident in the Hi ratio, the Triangle peaks are ions leak out at low energies. which two in The range, emission point different from that seen by the Lo detector on days 83 and 86 (or different processes are at work). Figure 27 shows the distribution functions when Lo and Fixed detectors are looking approximately radially away from the spacecraft. its maximum rotational angle. 60 the parallel, The Hi detector is near The satellite potential is T^ <c O u o o o }- O o 9* o O O CV4 O" o <N ' (A^) ADaaNa Figure 26. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 200 of 1979 61 — ION DISTRIBUTION FU NCTIONS 8.0 1 1 \ I II I 1 I I ~I I I I I I I I I SCATHA UCSD DAY 200 OF 1979 ' X 2208 30-2208 44 KV ION GUN = = ^ X 7.0 1 DETECTOR HI <o e mA 1 X 172'-I91'» ' en «. 6.0 o XX BACKGROUND COUNT/ACCUMULATION 5.0 ,^ v X „X xx 8.0 / 4.0 7.0 ;r £ cn 6.0 X^ X o X 7.0 - LO DETECTOR ^ - 150*-138* -X \x 6.0 uj X L 4.0 X £ Xj^ X X BACKGROUND "*" xx \/ 5.0 ^nIx o 4.0 ' 10 ' t 5.0 I r I I I _L I L_J 1 I 1 I I 1000 100 ENERGY "^ X (eV) Figure 27. Day 200 of 1979, Ion Distribution Functions 62 -700 V. approximately The Hi and Fix detectors exhibit but such a spectrum is broad array of low energy ions, The Lo detector does in the Lo detector. evident throughout period, this not show The data have a similar sharply defined shadow peak. with variations subtle amplitude and energy of the diffuse spectrum, a a form the in particularly with angle Day 92 of 1981 5. Figure 28 is the eclipse charging event. from the The figure displays detector for both Hi charging eclipse event is between 0810 and 0945 UT, to -400 V. grey scale spectrogram from visible 29 is functions for day 92. a a plot is Thus the of the ion a detected countrates are detected as 86 high to the observed phenomena 63 1979. those as This indicates that particles is not satellite a This of the dependent satellite lifetime, and hence that outgassing is not contributor is distribution value of 6.07. comparable to those on days 83 and the illustration The log distribution function has encountered early in the mission. source the The definite shadow peak of charging peak at 0820 at 90 eV with value in electrons. -60 to -150 V region. in the Figure and hours of data with potentials varying from -100 During this period, also evident, ions 4 1981 a on a major generated ion Figure 28. SCATHA, Spectrogram, Day 92 of 1981 64 11.0 10.0 9.0- 8.0 s 7.0ao o 6.0 5.0 J 4.0 0.1 1.0 100 10 1000 10000 Energy (eV) Figure 29. Day 92 of 1981, Ion Distribution Function 65 Ill A. POSSIBLE ION SOURCES diffuse the observations have ions potential. Thus, spacecraft where common in is that spacecraft the by they do not experience the outgassing emission from There are two prime candidates for the Outgassing sputtering. and the satellite of contaminant primarily atmospheric molecules. the inclusion of plasma- full is the molecules and with energies near the temperature of the are the they must be generated in regions near the source, These peak, the appearance of the subject below that provided satellite potential. atoms feature The prime spectrum. energies at the shadow or mirror the triangle peaks, phenomena, and different ion source must be able to explain three The by DISCUSSION . trapped hydrocarbons satellite. and other The outgassing rate may be increased efflux from the attitude control jets, Sputtering emission of charged and neutral atoms from the satellite surface due to and ion the ion beam system. bombardment, previously. follows, of ions theory its has the described been A qualitative discussion of both possibilities followed by that and is a numerical calculation of the would reach the detectors due to number Sigmund- Thompson sputtering from differentially charged surfaces. 66 1 Outqassinq . contaminant particles leave the As they are subject to ionization from photons, ions and electrons. ambient with return and collisions molecules the from the spacecraft they at various distances ionized As in a broad range of energies. This is how many particles outgas, then, ionized? these are problem The and what percentage of outgassing of The dominant mechanism for the ionization of the been has photoionizat ion, electrons. and determined in eclipse to in and outgassing to collision be and the probability, slightly collisions in electron the eclipse, become dominant. the spacecraft all as the electron density will increase The ionization rate, however, {Refs. will be the width of the 2,32} returned distance within which the ions may be plasma sheath. is In increase will not exceed that of the photoionization. to rate. will ionization rate due to space charge effects. The with the photoionization rate goes to zero however, electron be approximately is two orders of magnitude less than the photoionizat ion In eclipse, the 32,33}. sunlight electron ionization rate The will The question outgassing yield has been studied previously {Refs. molecules are possible a explanation of the observed diffuse spectrum. is spacecraft the surrounding The sheath distance at geosynchronous orbit approximately 100 With this m. ionization rates above, it information may be shown that, at 67 and a the maximum. approximately .02% ionized. a In outgassing silicon of central force field, atoms will be with conservation of calculations reveal that all the particles ionized in the sheath will be returned to the momentum and energy, angular spacecraft. The is that .02% 32} When the spacecraft is first launched, number of particles at the detectors. extremely an dependent time ionized the significant flux may be sufficient to provide a outgassing is the of satellite. molecules vill be reattracted to the outgassing {Ref. final result then, Outgassing, however, phenomenon. Once the so the leave there is no way to replenish them, particles outgassing must rate decrease with Various time. experimental data have placed the outgassing as proportional where n varies from 0.8 to 1.6, to t~", to exp( -t/41 e-folding . 6 ) with , t in days {Refs. or as proportional The longest 32,33}. Even time then would be 41.6 days. would this lead to a decrease in the outgassing flux by three orders of magnitude over the period of 1981 above, over time conclusion however, in a year. As noted day 92 in the shadow peaks have not any significant way. This that the outgassing flux may be diminished leads a of to the contributor, but is not the prime source of the ions. What this SCATHA effect conclusion? do the thrusters and ion gun An experiment was performed spacecraft to measure the contamination 68 have aboard on the (impurities mixed with the hydrazine fuel) thruster operation. on the satellite due to sensors Two were placed the the on satellite, one in the bellyband, and one on the forward end. The were capable of detecting sensors and a current as low as 10"^^ A. deposition particle ng/cm^ 5 were located on the aft end of the vehicle, The thrusters and were once per week during the bulk of the flight time to for that precession. measurable no flux gun ion contaminants is indicated was {Ref.34} also unlikely an the detectors. to correct contaminants thruster of returned to the spacecraft. The experiment The results of the fired noted As located on the aft end of the spacecraft source above, it and directed of is away During most normal modes of operation, the energy from it. and angular momentum of the exiting particles would prohibit them from reaching the detectors. some ions but satellite mode, at low energies, may be operation continuous are potential reattracted, contribute to the flux observed at the detectors. probably they that There is a possibility that ions emitted during 35}. trickle detectors, at energies greater than the observed {Ref. returned to the are There is evidence only a small of the ion or frequent. intermittent gun in Thus, the the component, above mode outgassing primarily composed of the emitted contaminants. 69 This and is as the was not flux is With just the emissions of the contaminant flux, outgassing still numerically conceivable that the is particles sufficient produce could observations. However, it Additionally, data. the it flux the for outgassing certain that the is and this is not observed does decrease over time, flux account to focussed into a detector. Moreover, should such that be beam one energy channel it is the vide in the the at detector the angle yields such a definite change in the observed as flux unreasonable that the focussing small change in a in hard to conceive that is satellite potenials are such that the randomly ionized is it phenomena of the triangle peaks. look energy, In sum then, it does not appear likely that ionization of outgas products is the source of the observed flux. 2 Sputtering . When this work began, As the work progressed, the ion source was outgassing. became initially assumed that it was apparent that there were serious drawbacks assumption, as noted above. advantages While it in this searching for alternatives, the became clear. First, besides a small dose dependence, there is of sputtering as no reason for the sputtering yield to decay This attribute significant emission charged of was very important shadow peaks observed sputtered surface would particles lead to 70 in from over light in 1981. a observed source a of Second, time. the the differentially beams at the detectors. various the particles left the surface As initial accelerated angles energies, and they orbit. following specific trajectories would reach Thus, for each energy, limiting observation channels have a resolution of 20 %, channels increases with energy. angles. channels. the detector, observed data a energy the bandwidth a 8. which peak energy lower narrow peak in the It seemed "secondary" SCATHA it could also spots reasonable that if such could occur for secondary electrons, essentially high The similarity between the and the data from the Minnesota became evident. the of low and high energy channels of the The detectors are listed in Table were particles Therefore, can be compressed into almost an detector Since the be only appear broad when distributed over the channels, their would by the existing electric field into parabolic would with a process occur for what Additionally, ions. the sputtering theory could explain the diffuse spectrum as particles sputtered from receipt of charged surface. a non Without the charging, the differentially the ions are not focussed into the higher channels, and can appear as a broad low energy distribution. peak, can be described by two mechanisms. motionless detector, one The third phenomena, trajectory, not scanning in angle, i.e., energy. one the shadow The first is and a observing Alternatively, the detector could be scanning laterally across an emitted beam. 71 as and thus be picking up the opposed to vertically, Figure 30 illustrates the geometry. energy at each angle. The problem with sputtering as a source, was that it never seemed to be able to provide an adequate flux had of However, the only previous mention of sputtering had ions. been prior to the advent of the Sigmund theory, it same acknowledged was that and magnetospher the at this point indicated that the regions ic Preliminary contained large numbers of oxygen ions {Ref.l}. calculations before due flux to oxygen sputtering was sufficient to account for the observed phenomena. determine It remained to model the then situation more accurately the flux at the detectors due and to sputter ing It was characteristics spacecraft. with now necessary evaluate to of the environmental interaction with the most likely target of the ions would be amorphous silicon dioxide. time period, ion flux the primarily of oxygen and hydrogen. the reasonable to expect heavier ion. See, a incident For a magnetically would be composed The Sigmund theory has a strong dependence on the mass of the incident ions, is the As the bulk of the vehicle surface was covered solar panels, disturbed physical the and much larger sputtering yield for example. Figure 14 for H* and it for 0"^ on amorphous silicon. The next step was to use the equations 8) to calculate the yield. (1-7) and (1- One roadblock to this was 72 the Detector Scamng Vertically Through Energy Detector Scanning Across Angle Receiving Constant Energy Figure 30. Detector Beam Viewing Geometry 73 inability theory Sigmund the of available for impacting molecular oxygen on {Ref.36}. we see If they and dioxide^ silicon and treat There are some sputtering from mult i -atomic targets. points adequately to listed are the data from Table 7 data silicon Table in 9 are applied to Table 9, that the sputtering yield for silicon on 0"^ will yield on silicon dioxide will range from .23 to .44 atoms per ion at range from 10 .1 for atomic oxygen on silicon is too high, accurately however, approximates the yield we will To do this, SiOz. Sigmund and will, and calculate the increase the binding from two yield curves are displayed in The more We in line with those to give us values more experiment. from the worst case approach, take yield for silicon. energy, the The sputtering yield calculated from the keV. theory Similarly, 10 keV. .18 at to the Figure The new binding energy is 26.0 eV. 31. Given that this new curve now reasonably the problem is to calculate how the sputtering yield, particles emitted from a surface will reach charged detector for describes a a many differentially realistic incident flux. The total yield of sputtered particles will be described by (3-1) In this particle Y = r^ s(v,e) V f(v) d^v expression, can have, transferred. This r is the maximum energy sputtered the maximum amount of that is, maximum a is 74 calculated by energy + Ci3 00 o + o •O o o o >^ !^ 0) ;^ > w CO > c Ul • I— o o o ;^ 0) a 00 o o CO d d d d uoi |U9piou| jsd p\Q[X 6uij9|,|nd3 Figure 31. Oxygen-Silicon Yield Curves 75 r = M2 M:l 4 Em, (Mx+Mz)^ and equivalent to the maximum energy transferred is The function f(v) collision. binary and S(v,9) function of the incident ions, y ield the is a distribution the sputtering c ve may now attempt to With the total yield in hand, The total calculate the countrate at the detector. of is in described the detector receives may be counts number by the following equation. Counts=Pdt PdAPf (3-2) This area, /N (V) (\?.n)d^v differential that the detector is assumes and energy. solid angle, If we time, in integrate over the area increment and time, we get, Counts = T (3-3) Thus, pdii (3A the countrate pv^ rr f ( v ) ( v- ri ) dv is Countrate = Counts/Time=3Arrv^f(v)(^. n)dvdil (3-4) If we must assume that limits of To continue, are not a function of energy, and that the value integration This is not actually true, depend strongly on energy, fill the entire 5 by 7 of the characteristic of integral may be given by a simple number, the detector. integration on d£ as the limits on since f(v) may not degree aperture of the detector. The 76 inaccuracy of this assumption will surface later. With the assumption, ve derive. Countrate=CR = (5A 62 (3-5 fv^ f ( v ) ( v- h dv ) r constants, two The geometric factor detectors, G, G = 1.6 combined into the constant for the detector. For our and (3A a 10~=* * are Due m= ster. aperture of the detector, is 6Sl^ to the differential the value of the dot product v- h approximately v (i.e. cos 9~1). We must now determine the distribution function From the earlier discussion of the emitted particles. Thompson Theory, it is the evident that the energy distribution flux is proportional to E/(E+Ua)^. of the yield of That is, we have the function dY dE (3-6) E (E+Ub)^ The flux Y, is (3-7) = Y A = also given by p« E B f(E) dE J where energy f(E) the distribution function as a is and B is a constant of the emitted particles, involves the integral over the solid angle. these two relationships, it constants) that (3-8) f(E) = 1 dY E dE = 1 (E + Ub)^ 77 function is evident If we of that combine (disregarding normalization We will now determine the appropriate From constants. f definition the distribution the of unct ion. (3-9) -r. d^v we assume that the yield the calculation, Continuing function distribution the and f(v) dependencies. Thus, E ( v, 9 ) =f v cose ( ) . angular similar have If we flux break down d^v, and substitute for energy, we get (3-10) n = APd0Psin(e cose depf(E)i2Ei^ ^^ 1 In the case of emission from a surface, to 2x1, and 9 will vary from k/2. to range from * will Integrating over these limits, the equation reduces to (3-11) dE n = ATt(2/m3)^ (E J This integral energy 1 extend the full energy will emitted particles, Ub)^ + that is, transferred energy to from substitutes a dummy variable, x^, standard form {Ref. 37}. n=ATt(2/m3)^ for E If dE P'' (E J (X^ + U. n=ATt(8/m3)^ dx + 78 Ub)3 s of the the maximum one then integral has a the Solving, we then get Ja <a r, collisions. the in range = r' n = ATi(8/m=)^ {(-x)/(4(x2 (l/8(Ua^)^) + tan-=^ n=An:(8/m^)^ {(r^/(8(U0 f3 ) ^ x/(8U0(x2 + ) (x/(U0)^) T))){l/U<^ + + Ua ) ^ }-a 2/(Ue, - + D) (l/(8Ua^^^)) tan-^ (r/Ua)^} + Defining U0 + large constant on the right side, ve get as the n=ATt(8/m^)"^ or (3-12) A = n m = ^2/T^38^ Using this normalization constant, the distribution function becomes (3-13) f(E,9)= (n m^/2/T^08v*) ^^^q 1 (E + Ue,)^ If we then calculate the yield flux, Y, ve obtain Y=(l/2m)^ (n/13) (3-14) Y=(l/2m)^ (n/3){-(r Y=(l/2m)^ (n/3) dE E P*" Jo (E + U, + = ) Ua/2)/(r + U0 ) = + (I/2U0)} 6 or (3-15) n=(2m)^0Y/a Therefore, substituting in the distribution function. (3-16) f(E,e) = ml Y 2k 6 cos9 1 (E + Ub) 79 ) now We an expression have This expression can then function of the emitted particles. be inserted with modification one modification into accounts for the differential the emitting surface and the detectors. to be charged eqn detectors. the countrate at the determine accelerated to the detector, . The For the + q* to necessary between particles surface the Since E will map to E (3-5) charge positively relative to the detectors, will be negative. distribution the for must therefore be * (Liouville's Theorem), we will obtain (3-17) f 2Tt (5 ( (E-*) we have assumed that the Here, <t> cos9 (E,9,0)= ml Y will + countrate expression is (3-18) CR=G(2/m=) (3-19) CR=2GY cose V on this basis. The then. f(E,e, P 3 ions are singly charged, and converted to eV from be Ub) <t>) E dE dE J To find the countrate, we must now integrate for each the detector energy channels over resolution is 0.9Ec, where The 20%, Ec= is its energy range. the upper and lower limits are of As this 1 . lEc and the central energy of the energy channel. integral in eqn. (3-19) is a standard countrate may finally be written as. 80 form, and the CR = 2GY cosQ{- (2. 2E.^ ^ U=, - <i>) + 2(1. 1E= + Ua - 0)= 71(5 (3-20) the energy channel If and 1 . 8E^ + 2(.9E= + Ua Ua limits are both less than 0, countrate over that channel below 0, ( zero. is - 0) 0) then the the lover limit If } = is then the integral is taken between the upper limit . CALCULATION OF THE SPUTTERING FLUX AT THE DETECTOR B. Using derived Theory Sigmund the expression for the countrate at developed a program to calculate incident and emitted flux, changes to charge, available 83, 86, developed in the and sputtering the channel the detector, and the reponse of the both the energy Data 0. above, and we yield, detector differential for the ambient plasma compositions was from the Lockheed Ion Mass Spectrometer for days The values utilized are listed in and 200 of 1979. Table 10. The first portion of the program was the calculation This value is the total yield or emitted flux. of calculated from the following expression; (3-21) Y = P- V f(v) S(v,9) d=v I In this relation, a as v f(v) function of velocity, a is the flux of the ambient ions as and S(v,9) is function of velocity and angle. S(v,e) exists in tabulated form, simple continuous function. the sputtering yield The factor Sr.(£) in and is not described by a fitted to a If the points are ve arrive at the equation; curve, S„(£)= .35874 (3-22) +( -( -( equation This in function, the (.17885)log£ -(. 14359 )( log£ ) .06193) (loge) = + .04228) doge) .00541) (log£ )= -(. 00630) (logE)« .00092) loge)^ ( and tabulated available the Figure displayed - Since Sri(£) 32. integral evaluated was is points complicated a numerically. that depended temperature on the ambient the of The energy function was calculated at a thousand points over an range are distribution, the high energy was 50000 eV and the low energy was 100 eV. 100 Maxwellian distribution. For a 4000 eV as most sputtering yields eV was chosen as the lower limit, approximately are zero by that point. At 50000 the eV point, the value of the distribution function has reduced by a factor of 10"^" from the peak value. The yield obtained in this method was then multiplied by .02, {Ref. as approximately 2%-4% of the emitted flux is the This ion yield is substituted in the countrate 29}. to obtain the detector responses. integral were integrals varied over differential charge to determine narrow emitted, are incident similar. flux is energy The values and the responses were very shows the values From a of this it is very clear much greater than the emitted the function The figures for days 83 1979. of channel and ion fluxes for oxygen as of energy for day 86 of 200 if Figures 33 as observed. incident, ionized that ion and the flux. 82 J ^ ^ ^ )<^ )i^ )¥: M m c o •I— o r— CO CD ;^ 0} C > *s U -d c 3 s 55 > a (0 _i_ CO d d d j9M0<j 6uiddo|3 paonpay Figure 32. Lindhard's Universal Function {Ref.27} 83 u> c Figure 33 Incident, Emitted, and Ion Fluxes Day 86 of 1979 84 Thus there is net accumulation of positive charge on the a spacecraft due to the ambient ion current. Figures function 35 are displays of 34 and energy of differential charge, for energy channels. concentrated constant a This is only one channel. in in fact not true. However, constant in eqn viewing center) will from charges is quite similar. a narrow become varying generate due to a range Similar calculations for the large the contributions significant flux at the of depending amount these two ambient plasma The it can simply relative components very on the temperature and density of 85 of ambient detectors, present. given a population on the same days indicate that also of cone the That is, certain a reduce the peak will most likely only respond for is as <3il The response for a specific channel and differential charge. widely, cone as noted previously, and we cone (with different energies differential hydrogen counted. are and since particles at the edges will be reduced, narrower. channel plate, flat This factor will serve to (3-3). . the countrate overall, the plate a the error due to treating the factor seeing the above the The detector viewing probably not completely filled, are eV) (35 The data indicates that it in fact should all particles reaching that that a high in 3-4 of is equations assume that the detector surface is and as for days 86 and 200 for oxygen induced We see that the countrate emission. be channel the countrate their O > o o t o o CO + a + O + + > O + S + 03 c 5 + CO O > <j\ p>. o © ««r V c Oi "5 CO 00 (/) V V 5^ o "c •o w u "c *- •^ Q u II o "y 0) > in o © CO o o © O o 4J «n fO © >^ o «; > a, _c + © O © © O CM SjDJjUnOQ Figure 34. Channel Response for a 35 V Differential Charge 0+ Incident, Day 86, 1979 86 o > a; o o o i ^^ ;o + + + + + + H + + a o + + h o ^ o o o m O a o > > 03 c en a; V C6 j: </l V w :3 41 D o o in fO II o u o c V o o o o o ,0J c > ^^ O ^ "G -- a; c in o o O o CO O O O o 02 ajOjjunoQ Figure 35. Channel Responses for a 35 V Differential Charge 0+ Incident, Day 200, 1979 87 respective distributions. contribution is general, In oxygen the dominant. The countrates from the detectors are available for three above days. countrates varied from 29 average at 360. with measured - 800 counts per second, with the For day 86, the average at 300. 213, the day On 1981, of 83 the range was 24 - 1080, with Day 200 was much lower, between 25 and average value of 120. an the available The spectrometer data was averaged over one hour periods, mass so we will generally calculate only one representative number charging time frame. the and 400 for days 83, 325, 380, The calculated 86, countrates responses compare favorably with with data, already the noted been indicated a exception of day were and 200, respectively. Considering the approximate nature of the calculations, theoretical for 200. that this data from the However, the Hi the measured it has detector sputtering source different from those seen the Lo detector. on This further supports that observation, as the sputtering yield for this event is clearly much lower. As the assumptions the in this calculation tend to number of detected particles, conclude that sputtering from reasonable it seems a differentially sufficient to account for the minimize narrow charged triangle surface is peaks. These discrete responses will serve to explain triangle and background. shadow peaks. This leaves We require a broad response, the to the diffuse with the particles equally across the energy scattered channels. gives the log distribution function as emission an for energy channels, and numerically compares favorably with Figures 21 and 24. spectrum broad described then be may the as 36 distribution The energy has its maximum in the low function function of a degrees. angle of Figure The returning emissions from non-d i f f erent ially charged surfaces. We must now explain the shadow peaks. a combination of occurrences, two differentially charged surface to acceleration scanning detector opposed from to geometry. a a These appear to be acceleration motionless detector, differentially charged laterally across the vertically. surface emitted to beam, See Figure 31 for a view this is then a variation of the Since from a or a as the of triangle peaks, the source and results would be the same. The the recreated trajectories to the detectors can be NASCAP Figure program. 37 displays the particle trajectories for the observed angles and energies at the From top to bottom, detector on day 86. a)84 eV, follows; spacecraft degrees, plane, d) 145 degrees, b) and 53 eV, the lines are or 12.5 degrees above 152 degrees, 70 eV, 188 degrees. c) 60 portion expected. These points are all located in the of the spacecraft surface. as the 175 eV, different array solar These results are The solar array has charged differentially, 89 Lo One can see that the particles track back to the spacecraft surface to points. by as and o -1 o o o o 00 a; o o o > 0) c UJ o O C\2 Figure 36. Channel Response for Charge 90 a Zero V Differential CO M X < >< <X Mw Figure 37. NASCAP Trajectories, Day 86 of 1979 91 the sputtered particles follow specific trajectories in the The limited viev cone of the detector only- electric fields. picks up specific energies. was also run for the potentials observed on day The code was run to simulate the responses of the Lo, NASCAP 94. Hi, and detectors Fix energies. to a range energies ranged from 2,0 to The noted above in the observations, to -60 V, the incoming of 90.1 particle eV. As the spacecraft was charged and peaks were noted at various lower energies on detectors. The Hi detector was parked at 67 and the Lo at 91 degrees. Thus, degrees, detectors Hi and Lo were sampling approximately the same region of space. Figures 38 and 39 depict the Lo detector trajectories in two different planes. spacecraft surface. returned are corresponding to asterisk. The left side the indicate to first shows the The top of Particles at energies less than 43 spacecraft. the observed The particles are the eV trajectories marked with second figure is a complementing view an from These two figures that the actually observed particles are emitted of the first figure. from the satellite's forward end. Additionally, gaps from which no particles are seen at the there are detector. An patches of different nonconducting material on the forward surface for explanation use in for this is the existence of the Satellite Surface Potential Monitor these patches (kapton, silvered teflon, 92 (SSPM). When and quartz) charge Figure 38. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Lo Detector 93 31. = 2 9. • 2 7. ' 25. 23. • 21. 19. • ^ 17. • 15. %<" U ' •^ ^«« 13. 11. . 9. . - 7. 5. 3. 1. 12345678 —H—H 9 10 1112 h- h N" 13 14 15 16 17 X-AXIS Figure 39. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Lo Detector 94 differentially, the particles reaching the each will follow different trajectories, energies. Additionally, forward end is the same striations. We see that the origin is satellite sheath is approximately is vicinity, fields expected in potential distort the shows The detail 100 V, 1 this extremely strong region. then the field due V/m. the In If the to the surface forward with a differential potential of 30 V, the fields be on the order of will the Again, the only nonconducting surfaces not sufficient to study the electric local of and the data on the forward end are the SSPM and the antenna. on NASCAP the and may be a particle source. also on the upper surface, is on and 41 are similar views for a model of detector trajectories. particles from and have different S-band antenna mast the nonconducting, Figures 40 Hi detector 30-60 V/m, the local trajectories of significantly and will particles. Thus, the NASCAP trajectory plotting routine is somewhat unreliable in this region. Looking at both figures, however, the origins for the two detectors are reasonably close, the local fields, and allowing for may possibly come from the same As a working hypothesis, surface. we will assume that the SSPM is the source of the emitted particles. Figures 42 and 43 model the fixed detector. are similar viewed regions to those above. We see by the fix detector come from of the spacecraft. views the particles completely different that All the obviously 95 The reattracted 910111213 14151S17 Figure 40. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Hi Detector 96 Figure 41. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Hi Detector 97 33 31 29 27„ 25„ 23 HI 3 Figure 42. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Fix Detector 98 I s Figure 43. NASCAP Trajectory, Day 94, Fix Detector 99 particles have energies of less than 43 eV, as did the other two detectors. particles skip would the bellyband mainframe potential, not trajectory the over can see that the trajectories region. of the This is as the bellyband would be expected to be at the reasonable, satellite We theory be accelerated by a and thus particles differential calculations for the Fix detector of sputtering from sur faces 100 emitted charge. also differentially The support charged IV. It reasonable to conclude that sputtering is source CONCLUSIONS observed phenomena. of the explain the flux and structure of the triangle peaks. It also can account detectors, the shadow and for the observed broad spectrum These fluxes are large enough to be measured ions. of likely a satisfactorily can It is they are but enough large by cause to substantial damage to the spacecraft surface? this data set, For incident the flux, the sputtering yield was less accretion on the surface. thesis higher energy days, result net energy low days. However, depletion. surface the Assuming damage caused by this process appears to be minor. a On the sputtering yield increases, and the surface is particle was Coincidentally, the data in this taken from relatively were result so that the net than higher energy day, with emission on the order of twice the incident silicon cells flux, one atomic layer will be dioxide surface are covered every 8 glass by the years. removed Since shields, from solar the they a will be impervious to the surface sputtering. Another facet of this is conducting coatings on spacecraft. the damage to surface These coatings are only several atoms thick and may be expected to sputter from surface within several months of the satellite launch. 101 the This account may satellite quite rapidly, and are usually not large, charges charging ISEE-1 the on sputtered energy spectrum of the the off contamination great observed . Since dies the for observed the it is differential not likely charging of the particles peak results. sputtering in general will probably be uniform over Surfaces material. opposed Therefore, it The given a will be worn down over large areas experiencing to any that significant localized as damage. appears that no short term damage will result from sputtering on spacecraft. Further work required to accurately is calculate the sputtering yields from various surfaces to prove or disprove these conclusions. of At this point, the sputtering field, certainty any ambient it is given the current state not possible to state whether extensive damage will ion bombardment. result There appears to be no work with from in progress anywhere to determine experimentally the sputtering yields for most ion-target combinations. Since the Sigmund Theory is these results are necessary for any actual calculations of the effect of the ambient heavy ion bombardment so limited, on space vehicles. This thesis demonstrates that sputtering is the probable cause of the observed low energy ion fluxes. Additional work is required to refine the NASCAP trajectory information and couple it with the theory developed here to 102 model the detector response accurately. It is recommended that work be continued when and if further applicable data become available. 103 this sputtering APPENDIX TABLE 1 MAGNETOSPHERIC IONS AND THEIR SOURCES {Ref. 7} Origin Source Ions Sun Solar Wind U*,Ue**,0^* Earth Ionosphere H*,He*,0* Earth High Altitude Thermal Plasma, Plasmasphere H*, He*, He**, 0*' 104 o**,0^* ._ TABLE 2 STORM TIME RING CURRENT COMPOSITION {Ref. 07 July Date 1977 H* Flux la-'cm-^s-1 Nov 1977 26 Mar 1978 09 8} 30 May 1978 1.26 4.20 13.0 6.0 H* 11 44 143 58 He* .72 4.3 10.9 6.6 0* 8.3 91 228 107 H-^ 8.3 5.7 5.1 6.4 He* 4.5 4.3 5.4 2.7 0* 4.9 3.8 5.3 4. 4 Dens i ty 10-=cm-3 Mean Ener gy keV 105 TABLE 3 STORM TIME MAGNETOSPHERE COMPOSITION {Ref. July 8} 04 May 29 29 1977 1977 Jan 1978 02 June 1978 3.3 2.4 10 2.8 20 10 27 He** 1.5 .16 9.3 .37 He* 1.8 .9 .3 .79 0* 3.0 13 4.9 60 8.5 4.2 6.8 He** 20.3 15.9 8.6 14.9 He* 4.8 3.9 6.4 4.8 0* 4.5 4.7 5.4 4.1 Date H* Flux 10^cm-^s-^ Density 10-=cm-^ H* 26 Mean Energy keV H* 9.6 106 TABLE 4 VALUES OF THE REDUCED STOPPING POWER {Ref.27} Sr,(£) e 0.120 0.002 Sn(£) 0.403 0.20 0.154 0. 004 0. 405 0. 40 0.211 0.01 0.356 1.00 0.261 0.02 0.291 2.00 0.311 0.04 0.214 4.00 0.372 0.10 0.128 10.0 0.393 0.15 0.0813 20.0 0.0493 40.0 107 TABLE 5 CALCULATED AND MEASURED SPUTTERING YIELDS FOR VARIOUS MATERIALS {Ref. 23} THE NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES ARE THE YIELDS CALCULATED FROM THE SIGMUND THEORY SDutterinq Ra t io TARGET MATERIAL UB(eV) Z^ Ne* Pb 2.01 82 3.6 Ag 2.94 47 4.5 Sn 3.11 50 1.8 Cu 3.46 29 Au 3.79 79 3.2 (3.7) 3.6 Pd 3.87 46 2.5 Fe 4.29 26 1.3 Ni 4.43 28 1.4 V 5.3 23 0.3 Pt 5.82 78 1.9 Mo 6.82 42 0.6 Ta 8.06 73 0.7 W 8.70 74 1.0 108 Ar* 10.5 (29.7) 10.8 (12.7) 4.3 (12.5) 6,8 (6.7) 10.2 (16.1) 5.3 [9.24) 2.3 :5.15) 3.5 5.35) 1.0 3.85) 5.3 9.35) 1.5 5.14) 1.6 6.62) 2.3 5.07) ( ateDms/ion Kr* 24.0 (44.0) 23.5 (20.1) 8.5 (19.5) 11.8 (11.9) 24.5 (23.9) 10.5 (14.1) 4.0 (8.92) 5.6 (9.01) 1.7 (6.21) 11.3 (15.3) 2.7 (7.70) 3.1 (10.0) 4.7 (9.31) ) Xe^ 44. 5 (74.6) 36.2 (24.0) 11.8 (24.9) 19 ,0 (15.5) 39.0 (27.8) 14.4 (18.1) 4.9 (11.7) 7.6 (11.8) 1.9 (8.9) 16.0 (19.2) 3.8 (10.1) 4.0 (12.3) 6.4 (11.9) TABLE 6 CALCULATED SPUTTERING YIELDS USING A MODIFIED BINDING ENERGY. TARGET MATERIAL 1.7 Ua Pb 3.42 17.5 25.9 43 .9 Ag 5.00 7.47 11.8 14 .1 Sn 5.29 7.35 11.5 14.7 Cu 5.88 3.94 7.00 9.12 Au 6.44 9 .47 14.1 16.35 Pd 6.58 5.44 8.3 10.7 Fe 7,29 3.03 5.25 6.9 Ni 7.53 3.15 5.3 6.94 V 9.01 2.26 3.55 5.24 Pt 9.89 5.50 9.00 11.24 Mo 11.59 3.02 4.53 5.94 Ta 13.7 3.89 5.88 7.24 14.79 2.98 5.48 7.00 W SDutter inq Ratio Ar-^ Kr^ 109 ( Atoms/I on Xe^ TABLE 7 RATIO OF SPUTTERING YIELD PER ATOM FOR MOLECULAR AND ATOMIC ION BOMBARDMENT {REF. 31} Projectiles Si Ag CI-CI2 ... 1.09 Se-Sez 1.15 1.44 1.44 Te-Te^ 1.30 1.67 2.15 110 Au TABLE 8 SCATHA PARTICLE DETECTOR ENERGY CHANNELS {Ref. 4} Lo Detector Step Energy eV) -0.334 ( 7 -0.29 -0.23 -0.16 -0.08 0.00 0.09 0.22 8 0. 34 9 0.50 0.67 0.87 1.10 1.36 1.66 2.00 2.39 2.83 3.34 3.94 4.60 5.37 6.25 7.25 8.40 9.72 11.23 12.96 14.96 17.23 19.83 22.80 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Step Energy eV 32 33 34 26.26 30.10 34.57 35 39 .70 36 37 38 39 45.55 52.22 60.00 68.77 78.55 90.10 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 111 ( 103. 32 118.32 135.65 155.43 178.09 203.98 233.42 267.20 306.30 350.74 401.96 457.73 525.50 601.05 687.71 787.70 902.13 1033.23 1184.33 1355.42 1529.85 1777.60 TABLE 8 CONTINUED Hi step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Energy { Detector Step eV) -4,68 -2.35 0.32 3.38 6.88 10.89 15.49 20.75 25.77 33.66 41.56 50.60 60.95 72.80 86.37 101.91 119.71 140.08 163.41 190.12 220.70 255.72 295.81 341.72 394.29 454.45 523.39 602.30 692.65 796.11 914.56 1050.19 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 112 Energy (eV) 1205.49 1383.30 1586.90 1820.02 2086.94 2392.57 2742.51 3143.19 3601.97 4127.28 4728.76 5417.45 6206.00 7108. 89 8142.70 9326.41 10681.76 12233.63 14010.53 16045.08 18374.64 21041.98 24096.09 27593.05 31597.06 36181.66 41431.02 47441. 54 54323.58 62203.53 71226.06 81556.86 TABLE 9 THE SPUTTERING YIELDS OF 10 keV ION BEAMS ON SILICON AND SILICON DIOXIDE {Ref. 36} Target Ar* Incident Ion Beam O2* Si 0.94 0.20 SiOz 0.69 0.48 113 TABLE 10 AMBIENT PLASMA VALUES FOR DAYS 83, 86, AND 200 OF 1979 DATA FROM THE LOCKHEED ION MASS SPECTROMETER. 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Peterson 91-20, Bldg. 255 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories 3251 Hanover St. Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dept. 10. Mr. E. Shelley 91-20, Bldg. 255 Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories 3251 Hanover St. Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dept. 11. D.E. Donatelli Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 12. R. Sagalyn Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 13. Mr. 14. Dr. S. Lai Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 15. Dr. B. Burke Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 16. Dr. 17. Mr. R. Gracen Joiner Office of Naval Research, Code 1114 800 North Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217-5000 Ms. Dr. G. Mullen Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 N. Maynard Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PH Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 120 18. Koons Space Sciences Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009 19 Dr J Roeder Space Sciences Laboratory The Aerospace Corporation, M2/260 P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90009 . Dr. . H.C. . 20. E.C. Whipple Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093 21. Dr. C.E. Mcllwain Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093 22. Dr. Ms. W.W. Lei Center for Astrophysics and Space Science University of California at San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093 23. Shavhan NASA Headquarters/E Washington, DC 20546 24. Dr. C.K. Purvis MC 302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH 44135 25. Mr. M. Patterson Low Thrust Propulsion Branch NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH 44135 26. Mr. J. Kolecki MC302-1 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH 44135 Dr. S. 121 27. Dr. C.R. Chappell NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL 35812 28. Dr. T.E. Moore, ES53 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL 35812 29. J.H. Waite Southwest Research Institute P.O. Drawer 28510 San Antonio, TX 78284 30. Capt. D. Allred Dr. HQ, DNA/RAEV 6801 Telegraph Rd Alexandria, VA 22310 31. D. Hastings Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 32. I ; Katz Cubed P.O. Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038-1620 Dr. Dr. S 33. Mandell Cubed P.O. Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038-1620 Dr. S 34. - M. - Davis S Cubed P.O. Box 1620 La Jolla, CA 92038-1620 Dr. V. - 35. Dr. J. Raitt CASS Utah State University Logan, UT 84322 36. Professor Nobuki Kawashima Institute of Space and Astronaut ical Science Komaba 4 - chome Meguro - ku Tokyo, Japan, 153 122 37. Professor W. Riedler Institute fur Weltrauraf orschung Oesterreichische Akademieder Wissenschaf ten Inffeldgasse 12 A - 8810 Graz, Austria 38. K. Torkar Institute fur Weltraumf orschung Oesterreichische Akademieder Wissenschaf ten Inffeldgasse 12 A - 8810 Graz, Austria 39. Dr. Dr. R. Schmidt Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 40. Pedersen Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 41. W.F. Denig Space Physics Division Air Force Geophysics Laboratory/PHG Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 42. Lt. Dr. A. Dr. C.W. Norwood 1524 St. James PI. Roslyn, PA 19001 123 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE aCTTnm Thesis N94424 c-1 Norwood Ions; generated on or near satellite surfaces.