Author(s) Melvin, Michael Edward Title Design and evaluation of ion source for satellite charge control. Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1992 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:47:16 KfeREY CA 93943-5101 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS design and evaluation of ion source for Satellite Charge control by Michael Edward Melvin June 1992 Thesis Advisor: Approved R.C. Olsen for public release; distribution is unlimited. Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION O^ THIS PAGE Form Approved OMB No 07040188 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1a RESTRICTIVE lb MARKINGS Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 2a 2b DECLASSIFICATION Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. /DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 4 NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6a 6b OFFICE Naval Postgraduate School ADDRESS (City, SYMBOL NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION 7a applicable) 33 Naval Postgraduate School and ZIP Code) State, MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 (If 6c. DISTRIBUTION/ AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 3 7b Monterey, CA 93943-5000 3a. NAME OF FUNDING SPONSORING 8b OFFICE / 1 1 ADDRESS (If (City, State, State, (City, and ZIP Code) Monterey, CA 93943-5000 ORGANIZATION 8c ADDRESS SYMBOL PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NuMBER 9 applicable) and ZIP Code) SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS 10 PROGRAM PROJECT TASK vVOP" UNiT ELEMENT NO NO NO ACCESSION NO TITLE (Include Security Classification) DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF ION SOURCE FOR SATELLITE CHARGE CONTROL 12 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Melvin 13a Michael F TYPE OF REPORT 13b Master's Thesis 16 TIME COVERED FROM DATE OF REPORT 4 (Year, Month, Day) 15 PAGE COUNl June 1992 TO 118 T SUPPLEMEN ARY NOTATION The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U. S. Government COSATI CODES 17 FIELD 19 GROUP ABSTRACT (Continue on 18 SUB-GROUP reverse if SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Satellite Charging, Satellite Charge Control, Differential Charging, Lithium Ion Source, Potassium Ton Source necessary and identify by block number) This thesis describes the design of a new spacecraft charge control device that incorporates a solid ion source made of Lithium or Potassium salt impregnated into a porous tungsten plug. The ion source was configured with a reentrant thin-wall heat shield to reduce heat loss and an experimental thermocouple imbedded in the plug to accurately measure emission temperature. The initial design of the charge control device included an extraction grid, deceleration grid, and an electron filament source Experiments were conducted on the charge control device and results were used to modify the design for optimization of current out of the device versus power used. Incremental testing and modifications resulted in the deceleration grid being removed and the extraction plate's wire mesh being removed to allow a clear path for the ions. With these changes the requirement of 10 microamps was achieved at 13 watts with the Potassium ion source. DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT SAME AS RPT £] UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED 22a NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 21 20 Richard C. 01 sen 1473, JUN 86 DDForm Q DTIC ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified USERS 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) f 4081 646-2019 Previous editions are obsolete S/N 0102-LF-014-6603 22c OFFICE SYMBOl PH/Os SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Design and Evaluation of Ion Source for Satellite Charge Control by Michael Edward Melvin Commander, United States Navy B.S., University of Colorado, 1979 Lieutenant Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1992 Woehler, Chairman, Department of Physics K. E. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the design of a that a incorporates impregnated reentrant into source ion solid new made spacecraft charge control device of Lithium or Potassium a porous tungsten plug. The ion source was configured with a thin-wall heat thermocouple imbedded temperature. The initial shield in to the reduce plug to heat loss and an experimental measure accurately were conducted on the charge and an electron filament source. control device and results Incremental testing and subsequent modifications resulted removed and the for the ions. was achieved at extraction plate's wire mesh Experiments were used the design for optimization of current out of the device versus a clear path emission design of the charge control device included an extraction grid, deceleration grid, grid being salt in to modify power used. the deceleration being removed to allow With these changes the requirement of 10 microamps 13 watts with the Potassium ion source. in /A . i TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. Spacecraft charging 3 A. ANOMALIES 3 B. Charge Development 4 1 Charging Equation 5 2. Charging Currents 6 3. C. Ambient Plasma Currents 6 b. Photoelectric Effect 7 c. Secondary Electron Emission 8 Differential Charging RESULTS OF CHARGING 1. ill. a. Timing of 9 10 Discharges by Location Spacecraft charging control 11 12 A. passive Control 12 B. ACTIVE CONTROL 13 C. 1. Electron Emission 13 2. Ion Emission 14 3. Neutral Plasma Emission RESULTS FROM SATELLITES AND ROCKETS 1. Space 2. ECHO Electric Rocket Test (SERT) 15 16 16 17 IV 8 DUDLEY KNOX USBARY hlAVAt POSTGRADUATE SCHOOt MONTEREY GA §3043-5101 3. Porcupine 4. Auroral Rocket for Controlled Release 5. Applied Technology Satellite (ATS) V. VI. 1 18 b. ATS-5 18 c. ATS-6 19 GEOS and ISEE Series Theory B. 17 ATS-4 a. A. (ARCS) a. Spacecraft Charging at High Altitude 6. IV. 17 (SCATHA) Satellites 20 20 22 ION EMISSION 22 1. Gas Discharge 22 2. Surface Ionization 23 ELECTRON EMISSION 24 DESIGN OF THE DEVICE 26 SOURCE 26 A. ION B. EXTRACTION GRIDS 28 C. ELECTRON SOURCE 29 EXPERIMENT 30 A. Vacuum Chamber 30 B. Electrical Setup 31 C experimental Procedure 31 1. Initial 32 Design a. Power Sweep b. Extraction Sweep 32 33 2. c. Deceleration d. Plate e. Comparison f. Results Sweep 34 Sweep 35 of Deceleration Grid Voltages 36 36 Removal Of Deceleration Grid 37 a. Power Sweep b. Extraction c. Plate d. Results 39 3. Grid Spacing Effects 39 4. Modified Extraction Grid 40 5. 37 Sweep 38 Sweep 38 a. Grid Spacing at 0.10 inches 40 b. Grid Spacing at 0.31 inches 42 c. Grid Spacing at 0.18 inches 42 d. Comparison of Spacing with New Extraction Grid 43 Electron Source 44 VII. DISCUSSION 45 VIII. CONCLUSION 49 APPENDIX A 51 APPENDIX B 52 APPENDIX C 95 A. GRID TRANSPARENCY 95 B. Grid Spacing 95 VI C. RESULTS 96 APPENDIX D A. LIST 99 THERMOCOUPLE 99 OF REFERENCES INITIAL 101 104 DISTRIBUTION LIST VII OF FIGURES LIST Figure Figure 1. 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. between charging events and satellite anomalies (McPherson and Schober, 1976) 52 Charging of a satellite by ambient plasma and photoemission (Grard, etal, 1983) 53 Correlatiion Illustration of current flow to 5. Figure 6. 7. (JPL Report, 1 989) a satellite experiencing charging (Grard, 1983) Potential barrier satellite Figure satellite developed by differential 55 charging on a (Davis and Katz, 1989) Emission of a neutral plasma (JPL Report, 1989) ATS-6 hollow cathode 56 to control differential charging 57 ion engine (Olsen and Whipple, 58 1978) Figure 8. SCATH A Figure 9. Solid state ion source (Spectr-Mat, hollow cathode ion engine (Olsen, et 1 al, 1 990) Electrical setup of charge control device in vacuum chamber. Components of device: (a) thermocouple, source, (c) source, (f) 59 60 980) Figure 10. Solid state ion source emitter current versus filament power( Heinz and Reaves, 1968) Figure 11. 54 Illustration of current flow to differential Figure a 61 (b) ion extraction grid, (d) deceleration grid, (e) electron collection plate, (g) screen Figure 12. Engineering drawing of 62 charge control device (Bob Berggren, Spectra-Mat, Inc) 63 Figure 13. Charge control device, side view 64 Figure 14. Charge control device, oblique view 65 VIII Figure 15. Charge control device, top view 66 Figure 16. Lithium ion source initial design 67 Figure 17. Lithium ion source design 1, 1 , 2, Figure 19. Lithium ion source design 2, 1 , current versus source power, initial current versus extraction voltage, initial 71 Figure 22. Lithium ion source initial design 1, Figure 23. Lithium ion source initial design 2, Figure 26. Lithium ion source current versus source temperature, 70 2, Figure 25. Lithium ion source design initial 69 Figure 21. Lithium ion source design Figure 24. Lithium ion source design current versus source power, 68 Figure 18. Lithium ion source initial design Figure 20. Lithium ion source design current versus source temperature, current versus extraction voltage, initial 72 current versus deceleration voltage, 73 current versus deceleration voltage, 74 1 , current versus plate voltage, initial 75 2, current versus plate voltage, initial 76 1 , comparison of current versus extraction voltage for 3 different deceleration voltages, initial 77 design Figure 27. Lithium ion source 2, comparison of current versus extraction voltage for 2 different deceleration voltages, initial 78 design Figure 28. Lithium ion source deceleration grid 2, current versus ion source power, 79 removed Figure 29. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power, deceleration grid removed 80 IX Figure 30. Lithium ion source deceleration grid 2, current versus extraction voltage, removed 81 Figure 31. Potassium ion source, current versus extraction voltage, deceleration grid removed Figure 32. Lithium ion source deceleration grid 2, 82 current versus plate voltage, removed 83 Figure 33. Potassium ion source, current versus plate voltage, deceleration grid removed 84 Figure 34. Potassium ion source, comparison of current versus ion source power for different extraction grid spacings, deceleration grid removed 85 Figure 35. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power with new extraction grid at spacing of 0.10 inches 86 Figure 36. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power while varying voltages in tandem, new extraction grid at spacing of 0.10 inches 87 Figure 37. Potassium ion source, current.versus ion source power with new extraction grid at spacing of 0.31 inches 88 Figure 38. Potassium ion source, current versus extraction voltage, new extraction grid at spacing of 0.31 inches 89 Figure 39. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power with new extraction grid at spacing of 0.18 inches 90 Figure 40. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power while varying voltages in tandem, new extraction grid at spacing of 0.18 inches 91 Figure 41. Potassium ion source, for new total current versus ion source power extraction grid at 3 different spacings 92 Figure 42. Potassium ion source, current out of the charge control device versus ion source power for new extraction grid at 3 different spacings 93 Figure 43. Electron source, current versus filament power 94 Figure C1. Current versus extraction voltage for different extraction grid 97 transparencies Figure C2. Screen current versus extraction voltage extraction grid spacings for 2 different Figure D1. Calibration of thermocouple, thermocouple voltage versus source temperature XI 98 100 I. Spacecraft charging charged a natural is and particles Introduction high energy man-made photons Numerous natural and phenomena but primarily determined it is a result of the interaction of sources space the in contribute by the collection environment. the to of satellite with charging ambient ions and electrons and the emission of photoelectrons and secondary electrons from the satellite surface. Typical values for spacecraft potential relative to the ambient plasma can exceed -1 kV in sunlight recorded on the ATS-6 spacecraft measures to control the caused anomalous electronic and potentials as high as -19 eclipse (Olsen, 1987). in satellite behavior including problems with telemetry, spurious to satellite surfaces, Adams, Additionally and the absence of charge accumulation, the subsequent discharges have commands, damage (Nanevicz In kV have been 1980). on and even satellite failure spacecraft designed for experimental work the buildup of charge can impact dramatically on results and even limit the types and degree of experiments. Control of large negative potentials has been partially achieved onboard satellites same by emitting electrons which drives the spacecraft potential result is ion source. differential properties. satellite accomplished for positively However, since most charge If forms satellites are not across an electron source charged these is used satellites with the made materials to of in use The of an of uniform material, different a conductive discharge a negatively charged the charge on insulated sections of the satellite the electron source and the difference to zero. will not be modified by charge between the sections of the satellite will grow. At some point this differential charge will cause an arc or discharge which has been found to correlate with observed anomalies. (Olsen, 1985) It has been found that discharging both electrons and ions together control the spacecraft potential between the sections and at the same will time reduce differential charging Present methods to create a neutral of the satellite. A plasma emission incorporate a heavy and bulky gas discharge system. simpler and smaller ion and electron charge control device solid ion emitter rather than The purpose of the gas or desired that uses a liquid. research described control device that incorporates is in this thesis was to design a charge improvements over the gas discharge system presently used. Once designed vacuum chamber for the the charge control device optimum modifications that out of the charge control device at the lowest power. was tested in a would maximize the current The results found at each step of the experiment were then used to steer the design process towards better designs and further testing. The and discussed and recommendations results of the for further experiments are presented improvements are given. Spacecraft charging II. Early rockets and satellites energy plasma environment. launched into low earth orbit experienced a low Basic (Langmuir) probe theory indicated the ambient plasma currents would be dominated by electron current which would up build the spacecraft potential energy plasma to - -1.0 V. at higher altitudes it was As later satellites probed into higher predicted that spacecraft potentials would reach higher values. (Grard, 1983) Subsequent test confirmed flights this hypothesis and additionally demonstrated that large potentials were most frequently observed on the side in geosynchronous Low orbit. negative potential on the order of -1 earth orbit satellites V A. in were charged to a with respect to the environment, while large electrostatic potentials of the order of tens of geosynchronous spacecraft night- kV have been measured on the earth's magnetosphere. (Whipple, 1981) ANOMALIES As satellite flights have become commonplace a pattern behavior onboard the spacecraft has been observed. defined as any behavior that satellite, its unordered is equipment, loss of data, to a few components, anomalies are directly affects the Anomalies can include disruption of electronic and numerous other unwanted behavior. operation and success of a for measurements. satellite This anomalous behavior anomalies unordered or unexplained that control, or experimental commands Satellite anomalous of is distracting at best but satellite. satellites. Table Because 1 lists can be very serious a summary of of the potential for failure of to the some known a satellite or cause loss of control, the of interest to the Numerous of anomalies and space community studies of all correlation observed A time. Figure time 1 behavior at between the anomaly and where the shows a concentration This geosynchronous is of its a discharge. orbit of indicates 1 soon orbit or in In fact, frame time Figure satellites. suggests that sudden changes trigger anomalous behavior the also prominent during the night side during this (Whipple, satellite some 1981). time with a satellite is in local compilation of data from several geosynchronous satellites collected frame. may have correlated the of satellites charge on the of have been affected by satellites has been for years. anomalous behavior unwanted action with a buildup Almost their elimination or control in the 2000 to 1000 local significant that in charging are more sunlight. Data anomalies after entering for the electrical environment of the spacecraft the provides a change movement of the satellite from night to day environment that makes charging and in subsequent discharge possible. B. CHARGE DEVELOPMENT Typical values of geosynchronous satellite potentials range from kV in eclipse, satellite must and and ~0 its balance. photoemission, to -1 kV in sunlight. space environment Important plasma is a -1 to -20 This potential that develops between a result of the contributors bombardment, of the charging currents which charging secondary backscattering electrons, and other charging mechanisms. equation electron are emission, 1. Charging equation Many charge and current sources contribute to the satellite buildup of charge and eventual balance of currents. The overall satellite's potential is governed by the charging equation = 'tot 'e + '/ + 'se + 'si + + 'bsce '/tv + 'exp + Uth ) where = ambient electron current = ambient se ion current = secondary electron current = secondary ion current bsce = backscattered electron current hv = photoemission current exp = active current sources such as electron or oth ion beam experiments = other current source. dV At equilibrium fjr = 0), the total current The most important (l tot ) is zero. plasma factors are the net flux of ambient the secondary emission of electrons, and photoelectric emission Additional currents include impacting electrons and ions. by the movement energy Finally to (> backscattered More of the satellite 10 keV ) satellite fluxes to sunlight. associated with subtle sources consist of current generated across an ambient magnetic field and by high electrons which deposit charge inside insulating surfaces. any onboard components such as exposed electron due current, ion thrusters or induced current flows surfaces with high potentials also contribute (Garrett, 1980). The rate of charge transfer, positive or negative, is and the operating environment (Whipple, 1981). characteristics of the satellite depends on charge already Specifically, it the the design of the satellite, 2. satellite, plays no and by general the equilibrium charge role, such as in local regions where photoemission positive. (Whipple, The major will on the vehicle, the motion magnetic and not be zero. eclipse, the equilibrium of the higher flux of electrons to be residing of electric fields. Charging Currents In will dependent on the is charge Where photoemission will be negative because an uncharged surface compared to ions. In the dominant process, the equilibrium charge 1981) natural sources of high voltage potentials are discussed next: ambient space plasma interaction with the satellite, secondary electron emission, and photoelectric emission. a) Ambient Plasma Currents One of the underlying principles of "quasi-neutrality". a plasma is the assumption of This charge neutrality requires that, on average, electron and ion densities are generally equal. However, assuming the simplest case of equal temperature, the ion and electron velocities are then quite different. Given equal temperature, the ion and electron thermal energies are equal and given by equations (2) and (3) E» = j>KT = 1 (2) mp Vp2 2 " i^e^2 (3) therefore vp \j £ m - 43 p (4, assuming an H+ plasma. Then with equal charge and density for both ions and electrons the higher electron velocity term changes the current density equation J = qnv (5) Therefore the current density for electrons for electrons. is about 43 times higher than for ions which causes a net negative charge buildup on the This negative potential increases on the satellite surface satellite. the repulsive force until on the incoming electrons produced by the electrons residing on the satellite's surface reduces the electron flux to a balance with the ion flux as shown in Figure 2(a). In midnight to temperature the plasma sheet, the hotter plasma distributions are found dawn increases Additionally, the (DeForest and Mcllwain, region the degree satellite potential is also to and velocity 1971). density current in the As the plasma also increase. which ambient plasma bombardment affects the determined by the design and structure of the individual satellite. b) Photoelectric Effect Photoemission geosynchronous (Grard, et al, orbit an important source photoemission Indeed, 1983). photoemission current is will at is to plasma densities below -1000 e'/cm 3 dominate (outside L~2) (Olsen, 1989). H Lyman-alpha) is In , the absence develops a positive charge as of sufficient surface material and knock electrons free as buildup of positive charge At the major current from the spacecraft of differential charging the spacecraft surface photons (mostly due of current for satellites. shown energy in strike the satellite's Figure 2(b). The actual influenced by the ability of the photoemission induced current of 10-100 microamps/m 2 to leave the satellite. This can be affected by the design of the satellite and the formation of potential barriers near the satellite surface. Secondary Electron Emission c) Secondary emission The impact the magnetosphere. an important charging concern of electrons is of ambient plasma on a negatively charged When a spacecraft produces secondary electron emission. spacecraft it may then escape the spacecraft at an energy of about This process can cause a spacecraft to charge positively spite of the supposed dominance The function number actual of the of the one for incident electron than one at higher energies. The plasma current can be average energies ratio of related to the of less than ambient electrons resulting in is for 1980). - The in plasma temperature. For net positive current. yield to ambient will exceed the For temperatures above ~5 -90% of the incident current is the magnetosphere the incident the absence of photoemission, equation (5) then 8 is distributions with a few keV, secondary electrons In a 1000 eV, and less secondary emission current by the secondary emission. is considerably less than the electron flux and therefore less important. In - angle of incidence, and the energies of 10 keV, the ambient electrons dominate though compensated eclipse by the impact of electrons that are emitted incident electron's energy, the typically greater than in 1 ambient electron currents. spacecraft material's emission characteristics (Garrett, ion flux particle hits the loses energy and a portion of this energy can be used to "excite" other electrons which 2 eV. in becomes and an electron energy for (6) yields a current density The nature shown Figure in Barriers of ~7 microamps/m 2 actual In many photoemission is On the current electron and equilibrium In is to ion flow is less than and ions. charge negatively when simple incident purely conductive surfaces As shown in in sunlight, Figure 4(a) the plasma ion on both the shadowed and illuminated is added to the current balance. currents the satellite charges to a positive potential As until reached. most satellites are not built with purely made Even conductive surfaces of different materials (probes, solar panels). and conducting surfaces the current flow of insulating distributed over the sunlit can charge current satellite is photoemission exceeds the difference between the ambient but consist of sections charging. and from the should buildup positive charge. the dominant current. practice mosaic it the sunlit side photoemission due the satellite to satellite with and electron currents are surfaces. . Charging For a high altitude this practice, can be created which cause a Differential , factors affect the actual flow of electrons current considerations indicate 3. density of n=10 6/m 3 equation of the various current flows to 3. straightforward as KTe = 10 4 eV and a of and the dark sides spin-stabilized satellites of the vehicle causing is With unevenly differential have permanently shadowed areas that differentially. When a satellite is configured with conductive and insulating surfaces the charging problem becomes quite complicated. As can be seen charging equation on the sunlit side of the However on the shadow satellite is in Figure 4(b) the unchanged from before. side of the satellite, unlike before, the incident plasma electron current is unable to conduct across to the by the photoemission current. The negative potential on the dark side. potential barrier potential barrier the calculate seen in Figure 5 experiencing differential charging. which is at -1 barrier is kV charge will a highly to show a An example to the sunlit side. The of this which a computer model was used to in on photoemission of effect surface and be balanced Solutions of Laplace's equations must form adjacent is satellite sunlit side a simulated spherical satellite sunlit side is the left side of the satellite The with the rest of the satellite at -5 kV. such that photoelectrons are not allowed and subsequently the whole spacecraft will to effect of this potential escape from the charge negatively, in sunlit side spite of the nominally large photocurrent.(Grard, etal, 1983) C. Results of Charging The build-up of charge on a satellite discharge. The charge by itself has is a benign event little effect on a in the absence of a satellite except for experimental satellites attempting to conduct low energy particle measurements. However, as the potential difference between parts breakdown threshold ,a discharge or arcing will of a satellite exceed a occur across these components. Typically potential differences on the order of 500 V are needed to produce discharges that are significant to an operating system (JPL Report, 1989). this voltage differential behavior on satellites. and subsequent discharge All • spurious electronic switch activity of components • breakdown thermal coating 10 is causes anomalous discharges don't always cause anomalies. even a weak discharge can cause of vehicle that It However, and solar • amplifier • optical • unplanned • unplanned downlinking 1. degradation cell sensor degradation orbital maneuvers of telemetry Timing of discharges by location Different satellites will environment depending on to the charge to different potential levels in the their surface materials, size, sun (Gussenhoven and Mullen, 1983). different levels During as magnetic shape, and orientation Also, satellites will charge to activity varies. magnetic substorms, the removal photoelectric current same caused by eclipse passage shifts in satellite potential (Purvis, et al, is and reinstatement observed to result in At geosynchronous altitude the 1983). eV and as sunlight the vehicle charges a negative potential roughly equal to the dramatic electron temperature can reach 10 4 up of the spacecraft traverses out of to the electron temperature, (KT/e) = 10 kV. The dynamics of discharge have been observed to correlate with the build-up of spacecraft potential. As was seen in is also dependent on orbit location. discharge is more common between 0400 and 0600 the quiet time injection events and the preferred Early evening yields the minimum (Deforest, 1972) 11 1 the timing of the During normal magnetic discharge (East). Figure local. drift This may be due for injected probability of activity, to electrons a discharge event. ill. The stimulus Spacecraft charging control for controlling spacecraft potentials and on low-energy particle concern related to the ability to Ejection of an electron was beam and eventually The experiments (Whipple, 1981). use electron beams for experimental purposes. drives the spacecraft to a positive potential As the problem understood the control changing for the interfering effect of the satellite charge electric field thereby reduces the energy of the the electrons. methods investigating beam and can of satellite of spacecraft charging and prevent the further escape of discharges have was deemed become better important to control the occurrence of satellite anomalies associated with charging. Spacecraft charging control is accomplished in two basic ways: passive techniques which involve the design of the configuration, emitters to and 2) active satellite's 1) with materials and techniques which involve the use of charged particle vary the charge of the spacecraft and its distribution on the spacecraft (Whipple, 1981). A. PASSIVE CONTROL The simplest method to control spacecraft charging is to employ proper design techniques that modify the characteristics of the charging equation term that is causing the charging. In addition, the judicial use of conducting surfaces wherever possible and proper grounding techniques will significantly reduce differential charging. In practice complete elimination of insulators satellite is practically impossible as any requires certain isolated elements from the satellite ground such as 12 antennas, particle collectors, and solar arrays. carefully select satellite materials that have high secondary and photo-emission properties to reduce negative charging. cavities that contribute to shadows actions that have been tried to provide is Additionally the design should avoid that accentuate differential charging. used on the ) entire satellite. GEOS Unfortunately the procedure However, not all negative charging charge control on some To satellites was NASA nonconducting satellite potential was successfully quite expensive (Grard, et eliminated requiring 1983). al, some form of active using conductive coatings. assist the satellite designer computer program, the was When series of geosynchronous satellites were coated with conducting indium oxide the reduced. Further the coating of insulators with a conductive coating a conduction path across the surfaces (solar panels Therefore the designer should and experimenter, Charging NASA has developed a Analyzer Program (NASCAP), to evaluate a design for possible charging sites. B. ACTIVE CONTROL Another method to modify and control spacecraft potential spacecraft with a plasma source that creates new currents in artificially and ions will to configure the enhances ambient the equilibrium charging balance. emitting a neutral cloud of electrons is Utilizing fluxes or a source effectively increase the charge density around the satellite and equalize the currents to the satellite body and surfaces. 1. Electron Emission It has been suggested that the large variations in satellite potentials during eclipse passage could be eliminated by finding a suitable replacement for the photoelectron current. The operation 13 of an electron source emitting a beam of electrons of the would be an effective balance Though photoemission current. charging equation for the loss to the it may seem that adding an electron emitter would produce a current that would effectively reduce large negative potentials the spacecraft's resulting and conducting The emission potential. be undesirable. effect could insulating of electrons surfaces will a hot plasma, the In charge to a negative from the spacecraft frame can create large charging between the insulators which are at the unchanged plasma differential ground and the conducting surfaces (Davis and Katz, 1989). at the new elevated spacecraft potential This sudden increase of differential charging can accelerate or accentuate hazardous arcs. As was seen previously Figure 5 illustrates the differential charging, caused by the emission with most surfaces electron emitter on kV. The with photoemission of electrons. at -5 kV. one side figure is satellite result of experiencing a potential barrier a simulated spherical The NASCAP program was used of the satellite driving the to satellite model an conducting surface to -1 potential barrier or saddle point in front of the conducting surface prevents electrons from leaving the 2. The same on a satellite. Ion Emission Ion emission can be used to reduce positive potentials, or induce a negative charge on a satellite (Werner, 1988). charged potential positively back be a return charged an ion emitter to zero. In periods would be a useful method when to the satellite reduce the is satellite For a low energy ion source, an additional effect would flux of ions to the spacecraft to discharge the insulators which have differentially. 14 Neutral 3. Plasma Emission Neutral plasma sources provide the necessary currents to control and vary the satellite ATS-5 frame While electron emission reduced potential on potential. from several thousand to several hundred plasma sources on ATS-6 maintained the satellite at a near zero potential the satellite observed plasma conditions, both in sunlight and volts negative, the eclipse. (Purvis and for all Bartlett, 1980) Experiments and spacecraft data show that a plasma source designed control spacecraft charging must provide a to sufficient current of thermal ions to hold the insulated surfaces at spacecraft ground and a sufficient current of thermal electrons to vary the spacecraft potential. The combination of electrons and ions being discharged by the satellite is shown low energy ions that return to the satellite to discharge the insulated surfaces paramount to effective control electron currents of about 10 of satellite in Figure The addition of is Modeling shows that potentials. microamps should be 6. sufficient to control the spacecraft potential (effectively replacing photoemission), with similar levels of ion current required to discharge the insulators. potential and the most optimum discharging The control of spacecraft of insulators is accomplished by biasing the plasma source relative to the spacecraft potential. (Olsen, 1981) Additional research is needed to optimize the ion source with the goal of reducing power requirements, weight of the fuel and possible contamination of the spacecraft by the emitted material. method at all to continuously emit times (Purvis and A further step an appropriate current Bartlett, 1980). 15 would be to devise a to control satellite potential C. RESULTS FROM SATELLITES AND ROCKETS Spacecraft charging affects most satellites but most is readily plasma detectors such as those flown on the experimental ATS-6, SCATHA, and ISEE. These measure spacecraft additionally configured with ATS-5, satellites satellites carried special instrumentation to and the ATS, ISEE, and potential observed by SCATHA onboard experiments that influenced satellites were this potential. Experimentation on the relationship between charging and active plasma experimental al been has emission conducted satellites. while creating Early work on ARAKS , sponsored by the on effects rockets, 1. 1971). al, Air Force. the was Additional Electric SERT 1 and the project, collected on the Hess, et of active EXCEDE rockets plasma emission ECHO, PORCUPINE, and ARCS Rocket Test (SERT) a mercury test of flight demonstrate thrust and beam neutralization. SERT 2 was a ion beam of ions that neutralizer neutralized the thruster to satellite flight test of the ion engine at low altitude orbit with limited instrumentation. plasma bridge and satellites. was a rocket-borne successfully emitted a rockets work with poorly reported data The best documentation SCATHA Space sounding using beam experiments was done by a French and Russian satellites ATS and 1969 auroras with an electron accelerator flown on a artificial sounding rocket (Hess, et are the since The thruster The escaped from the spacecraft. beam and demonstrated that it was able to vary the spacecraft potential by varying the neutralized potential relative to the spacecraft. (Olsen, 1980) 16 ECHO 2. Winkler conducted an extensive sounding rocket program beam This included an emission. study the charging problem on a effort to sounding rocket. He found that the rocket does not charge beam emitted in space plasma or 3. locally generated plasma (Winkler, 1980). Porcupine project, comprised of two rockets launched was conducted by researchers from Germany, Two United States. beam in 1979, France, the Soviet Union, and the rockets were launched with multiple payloads of which one configured with a 200 approximate 4 the to the voltage of the general but rather draws a substantial return current from the The PORCUPINE was electron in amp beam. eV Xenon ion beam emitter capable of producing an Detectors on the other sub-payloads determined that carried a current across magnetic field lines after it propagated at least several meters from the source and a return current from the plasma was generated outside the beam. (Pollock, 1987) 4. Auroral Rocket for Controlled Release (ARCS) The ARCS capable of level of 1 mA beam. in 1980 with a single Ar+ At the initiation of the ion payload charging was observed from a in ARCS that it 2 rocket ion was launched carried two ion the diagnostic payload. and Ar+ was launched -1 V ion gun beam, evidence pre-experiment level to approximately -5 V. (Pollock, 1987) The ARCS rocket producing a 100 of transient a 1 beam on Little beam in November 1982 and differed from generators on a separable payload from information is the spacecraft potential. 17 available of the effects of the He + The ARCS payload with 3 rocket, flown some February 1985, was a in reflight of the ARCS changed modification including both ion generators 2 to only Ar+ emission. Data collected during the numerous experiments indicate that the sub-payload was charged to at least 3 V negative during operation of the ion generator aimed perpendicular to the magnetic 5. field. Applied Technology Satellite (ATS) a) ATS-4 The ATS-4 low altitude orbit due satellite to was launched August 1968 launch vehicle failure. thruster which operated successfully. current of 100-400 The satellite carried beam During but only entered into a a Cs + ion operation the escaping microamps nearly balanced the photoelectric and ambient plasma bombardment current leaving the spacecraft during sunlight. During eclipse the neutralizer emission current did not balance the charging equation and drove the spacecraft b) to V a 100 negative potential. (Hunter, etal, 1969) ATS-5 The Applied Technology 1969 into a geosynchronous orbit. Satellite The (ATS-5) was launched satellite was in August cylindrical with solar arrays covering most of the exterior except for a bellyband containing instrumentation. Located at the endpoints were cavities containing a mixture of conducting and insulating surfaces. The satellite carried experimental onboard with a separate electron beam filament The filament neutralizers on the ion engines electrons in an attempt during eclipse. to discharge the The operation -1 cesium for neutralizing the ion were designed to -10 kV beam. to emit thermal potential of the satellite of the electron emitter did 18 ion thrusters reduce the large was unable negative potentials but charge completely to eliminate the spacecraft (Whipple, 1981). Olsen showed that because 100 V, less than 1% of the charging differential was evidence was of the of differential potentials on the order emitted electron current escaped the spacecraft. sufficient to explain the equilibrium potentials effect differential of The seen and charging would have on spacecraft configured with insulators. (Olsen, 1985) C) ATS-6 The ATS-6 1974. for It satellite was designed keeping. station was launched to carry A to a geosynchronous two ion thruster engines hollow cathode plasma orbit in to test their bridge May usefulness neutralizer was incorporated to provide charge and current balance for the main ion beam. Particle data from ATS-6 showed that the satellite largest recorded potential to date, -19 kV, when charged in eclipse up to the the plasma sources were off (Olsen, 1987). Considerable data was also obtained on the use of ion emission and electron emission on both spacecraft potential and operation of the ion thruster and plasma neutralizer in differential charging. The various environments had major effects on the spacecraft potential with respect to ambient plasma and on surface differential charging. The large spacecraft potential operation of either the ion engines or the neutralizer. was reduced by Differential charging was eliminated by operation of the ion engine and reduced by operation of the neutralizer showed when operated that neutral in ion mode. These tests carried out plasma emission could be used 19 to control on ATS-6 spacecraft charging and did not create surface differential charging as electron emission does.(Olsen, 1985) Spacecraft Charging at High Altitude (SCATHA) 6. SCATHA satellite was The The procedures. satellite carried including a mixture of particle detectors detectors. electron Xe+ Additionally a gun capable of 50 eV in 1979 conduct a complete study to near-geosynchronous altitudes and of satellite charging effects at control launched gun capable ion to 3 and magnetic electric field of 1 - keV were configured charge packages experimental thirteen and both test field 2 keV emission and an for active charge control experiments. Review charging, of SCATHA discharge, data indicates a clear linkage between and anomalous behavior (Koons, et al, satellite 1988). In experiments with the electron gun, results similar to ATS-5 were observed when the electron emission discharged the satellite caused by differential charging. differentially 1988). charged satellite Results from the The when SCATHA ion until of ion limiting point gun was very was reached effective in controlling using a neutralized ion beam (Olsen, et experiments indicate that not only was possible to reduce large negative potentials but satellite to either a it was a al, it possible to charge the negative or positive potentials by the appropriate combination and electron beam currents (Whipple, 1981). a) CEOS and ISEE series satellites Both the GEOS and ISEE series 1970's and were different than the specifically designed to avoid the satellites ATS and SCATHA problem 20 were launched in satellites in that they were of differential charging. Their the late surfaces were made entirely of, or covered in conducting material such as indium oxide to better facilitate the study of magnetospheric plasmas (Norwood Accordingly, almost no differential charging spacecraft kept a positive potential in sunlight. et al, 1988). was experienced and the The exception occurred when the spacecraft entered a relatively cold and dense electron environment where small negative potentials were observed (Grard, 1983). 21 theory IV. Active control of spacecraft charging relies on the emission of plasma The containing electrons and ions. known for many years and principle of thermionic emission the basis for any active emitter design that is deliver the required current for discharging spacecraft potentials. can be accomplished by numerous methods in particular, meet the requirements accomplished in of various has been charge ways will Ion emission, which only a few of This technique of ion emission can be control. with two of these methods, gas discharge and surface ionization, discussed further. A. ION EMISSION Gas Discharge 1. Gas discharge systems have been shown tendencies The system for ion emission. to have several excellent capable of long is life high ion densities by an electrical discharge through a gas vapor. 1 to 10 mA are easily obtained cathode and the anode (Moore, The gas discharge, engine onboard the ATS-6 liquid Cs is when a is satellite arc. applied between the heated or hollow cathode emitter, further heated anode which causes an is Ion currents of et al, 1983). heated and vaporized cathode tube voltage and produces and in and a is was used shown schematically in for the Figure 7. both the cathode and anode tubes. potential After the arc is is The The applied across the cathode and struck, the discharge by passing a current through the ionized gas. The stream 22 ion of is maintained Cs+ vapor is then accelerated out of the discharge chamber by the accelerating grids. (Moore, 1983) A for similar hollow cathode system was used onboard the experimental purposes and is illustrated in propellent at nominal currents of 0.3, 1.0 Figure and 2.0 Designed 8. mA SCATHA it satellite to emit Xenon based on the same is technology as the ATS-6 ion engine. (Werner, 1988) Though the hollow cathode system has ion streams charge it has some severe drawbacks when control. currents liquid or gas considered for relatively satellite high ion Finally satellite. experience operation of due system is heavy and voluminous bottles are discharged the satellite could experience problems with weight balance and to the electromagnetic some science stability, especially for a spin-stabilized arcing required for ionization the satellite can which interference can adversely affect the instruments. Surface Ionization The technique that is requires a high level of power, up to 20 watts, to achieve this steady it and as the 2. it Even though the hollow cathode emits Additionally the entire hollow cathode output. excellent properties for producing when an impure for production of ions material evaporate (Cobine, 1958). presence of is used here is based on the theory placed on a heated filament, positive ions Additionally, when the filament is a vapor whose ions can escape from the metal heated in will the of the filament a copious amount of ions are produced. In a study of thermionic emission of positive ions Blewett and Jones observed that Lithium with a Beta-Eucryptite coating gave roughly twice the emission as the next best mixture (Blewett and Jones, 1936). 23 It has been shown that current densities of to 1 mA 5 per square centimeter of coated filament surface can be drawn continuously (Johnson, 1962). Numerous designs have been employed concept but the utilizing this compact Lithium emitter described by Heinz and Reaves experiments is most useful control device (Heinz The is shown in low energy design of a low energy spacecraft charge and Reaves, 1968). This emitter by Spectra-Mat, Inc and Mat documents for the for Figure 9. It is is commercially produced further described in Spectra- as: emitter consists of an indirectly heated, highly porous, tungsten The molybdenum body machined with a solid partition for complete isolation between the emitter and the heater cavity. The three rhenium 120° support struts are brazed at a spacing with a moly/ruthenium eutectic in hydrogen, yielding a ductile and versatile mounting tripod. at 2100°C The heater is a noninductive wound bifilar coil with heliarc welded rhenium leads solidly potted into the body cavity. The high purity Al 2 3 potting mix is plug into which the emitter material has been fused. holding the tungsten plug H2 fired at is 1900(°C) which completely immobilizes the heater. The emitter a specially prepared, extremely porous, tungsten disc with a density 30% (70% porosity) is heliarc welded to the moly body. (Spectra-Mat, Inc. matrix, of 1980) When this emitter is sufficiently the negative potential helps ions emitter for in the presence of an electric overcome the surface vapor pressure and accelerates them outward. versus filament power B. heated The observed a 0.6 inch diameter source is of the emission current total shown field, in Figure 1 0. ELECTRON EMISSION Electrons are emitted by surfaces at high temperature thermionic emission. a process called Depending on the material properties and the temperature of the surface the electrons are emitted bombardment, in electric fields, as a result of electron bombardment, ion chemical effects, or photoemission (Cobine, 1958). 24 It has been found that electropositive metals such as thorium emit much larger electron current than metals with larger heated filament of thorium in the work functions. presence of a very high effective at producing large electron currents in the a stronger source is to material than thorium a practical mA method electric field is very range. Since tungsten of fabricating mix tungsten and thorium together to form a filament. 25 Therefore a is an electron V. design of the Device Active spacecraft charge control has been experimentally tested by the use of ion engines and neutralizes onboard satellites and sounding To date rockets. an operational active charge control device has not been flown though they are being built for design an extension is SCATHA satellites. limitations and the upcoming NASA/POLAR and of the successful ion ESA/Cluster mission. The engine results from the ATS-6 and However, the hollow cathode technology used and improvement in its NASA to date has parameters would provide a more effective feasible charge control device. A. ION The SOURCE ion source of the active charge control device was the principal design challenge with the other components designed around certain design requirements and other properties source must emit a minimum of The it. ion source has that are desirable. about 10 microamps at The ion no greater than 20 watts power. Any improvement of these parameters, higher current or lower power, highly desired. Additionally the emitter should provide control for the entire As discussed requirements but at life previously, a cost desired. The basic the of weight, ion life to of the satellite. hollow cathode system volume, and power. that incorporates the output of the hollow was have a long operational is A achieves these different ion source cathode but with lower requirements source described by Heinz and Reaves and commercially produced by Spectra-Mat, Inc was chosen. It is a 1/4" diameter Lithium or Potassium impregnated tungsten plug and a slight variation of the 26 surface ionization emitter previously discussed and the emitter to be used is parameters lifetime in Figure Note that 9. shown. 1/2 the size This ion source has been investigated and shown for different depth by Gant (1991) for current in impregnate material; Lithium, Cesium, and Potassium. His results indicate that either Lithium or Potassium hold promise for our purpose of achieving high current output emitter tested by achieved a microamps In Gant produced currents of lifetime at 93 hours. of The K 15 watts and achieved a low power input. at 10 microamps at The 1/4" Li 27 watts and emitter produced currents of lifetime of 10 44 hours. (Gant, 1991) the design of an active charge control device each component; the ion source, ion extraction system, and electron source must be optimized to provide The basic the required plasma at the least power. shown uses the ion source (b) as the foundation extraction grid (c) mounted above it with the emitter and extraction grid. component of the now Disregarding the electrical connections for Figure 11. in of the electron charge control device and is is the design charge control device with the and the deceleration The components layout of the mounted grid (d) source (e) is mounted above the in-line the final grid and emitter system so as not to interfere with them. Using this basic concept a engineering drawing in flight Figure 12. prototype This is was designed and a side view of the device and includes 3 extra copper plates at the base to assist of the various electrical leads. inches in Figures diameter and 2 inches 13 through imbedded in 15. The tall in actual charge control device and is Additionally shown an at is shown charge control the connection measured 1 .6 3 different angles of view in experimental thermocouple the heater potting for accurate temperature measurements. 27 the in was In an attempt to reduce power requirements a new method of placing a reentrant thin-wall heat shield around the ion source to reduce heat loss The attempted. shield to prevent is emitter surface space charge designed with 4 leads, 2 for unit. and support They are plate are situated base plate as shown B. in in same plane as the plate of the heat effects from the heat shield power leads leads for the thermocouple imbedded shield, the is in in was to the moly The itself. source heater and 2 other bifilar The the heater potting. ion ion source, heat welded together and must be replaced as a single the charge control device as the fourth plate from the Figures 12 through 15. Extraction Grids The extraction grids provide for acceleration once they are emitted. Each and deceleration grid is electrically isolated and its of the ions potential can be independently varied to provide for optimum extraction and then deceleration to the required ion energy level. effectiveness of slowing the ions The design The deceleration down to added to test the mesh and spacing was a result of grid is lower energy levels. of the grid's apperture, wire reviewing previous experiments with extraction grids (Rovang and Wilbur, 1982), (Homa and Wilbur, 1982), done (Appendix C) and (Haskell, et al, 1966) and from additional work with the experimental setup that was used by Gant. spacing of the grids between each other and to the ion emitter electric field needed to extract ions and the transparency will The influence the of the grid will determine the current through the grids and out to the plasma. Both of the grids are similar and situated exactly can be seen device. The in in-line with each other as Figures 12 through 15 as the top 2 plates of the charge control grids are manufactured from 28 molybdenum with HT moly wire interspersed at 0.078 inches in the 1/4" inch diameter center hole. between the acceleration and deceleration grid and the ion emitter grids Spacing and between the acceleration can be varied by using various combinations of ceramic spacers. C. ELECTRON SOURCE The electron source is an integral part of the spacecraft charge control A 0.010 purpose. The device and provides for a neutral plasma discharge from the spacecraft. inch diameter thoriated (1.5%) tungsten wire filament its was further treated with a mixture of used is for this barium carbonate from RCA to test emission properties. The electron source design has 2 filaments that can be interchanged if 1 filament was to burn out. The filaments are positioned at the top of the charge control device and above both extraction and deceleration grids. During operation the high energy electrons the space plasma to assist in will boil off discharging the spacecraft frame. 29 and discharge to VI. The spacecraft charge environment with different Experiment control device was completed by with a simulated space power supplies, optimum design. a copper mesh screen and The experimental setup by a variable power supply. various in modifications to determine the Space was simulated by a vacuum chamber collection plate biased tested and potential current is measuring equipment, and an optical pyrometer to accurately measure emitter temperature. Vacuum chamber A. The vacuum system used large (22" 18" by tall space environment consists to simulate the diameter) cylindrical glass bell jar with of a electrical connections through vacuum feedthroughs on the bottom base-plate and the glass top plate. torr by a combination control device In The chamber was maintained of turbo was mounted at an experimental vacuum The spacecraft charge and mechanical pumps. horizontally in of 10 7 the bell jar facing the cylindrical wall. addition to the charge control device the experimental setup consisted of a copper wire mesh screen wrapped around the and isolated from was connected 10 inches to all a in front of isolated from all other components. BNC feedthrough internal sidewalls of the Additionally a 4 by 6 inch copper plate at the top of the chamber and positioned and electrically was added during the the emitter face on the charge control device other components. experiment to provide a clean surface The copper plate for current collection. 30 chamber B. ELECTRICAL SETUP On the spacecraft charge control device, the extraction and deceleration grids are electrically isolated from both the ion ceramic spacers allow the varying effect of are Extra emitters. spacing to the emitter to measure the of grid spacing on plasma emission. A power supply grids, and electron is assigned to each emitter, both extraction and the copper mesh screen and shown schematically copper mesh screen and space and in collection plate. Components labeled Figure 11. collection plate respectively collect the emitted current. Components charge control device and are the electron grid, ion emitter, and the thermocouple electrical circuits (a) and and are used (c) through (g) (b) are the to simulate make up the emitter, deceleration grid, extraction respectively. To ease power supply requirements ground. As verified previously, the The and deceleration same all voltages are applied relative to results could have been obtained by varying the emitter voltage relative to the extraction grid which would be at spacecraft ground on an actual spacecraft. C. Experimental Procedure Experimental measurements were made on various configurations of the spacecraft charge control device for both a Lithium and Potassium ion emitter. Changes were made to the initial design of the charge control device after experimental results indicated modifications might improve the operation of the charge control device. operated The initial design of the charge control device at various configurations of power and biasing pertinent data that indicated design modifications Additionally, since more Lithium ion of the grids. was Only were warranted are presented. sources were available than Potassium for 31 testing, the majority of early experiments were conducted with the Lithium ion source. 1. Initial Design The design of the charge control device initial shown schematically previously and in Figure 11 without any modifications except for the addition of a copper collection plate for extraction grid was spaced 0.10 inches from deceleration grid was as described is some The experiments. the ion emitter face and the positioned another 0.05 inches from the extraction grid. This design charge control device was operated for with two different Lithium ion sources comparison of the ion in the sources and verification of the design. a) Power Sweep an After calibration of the thermocouple, using power and temperature sweep was conducted on the The V, extraction grid was biased to and the screen was biased approximately <50 eV and being attracted measured from the emitted current -100 V. to device watts. is In principle, a surface 50 show V this should give negative with respect to the deceleration the results of these sweeps. extraction grid, the deceleration grid, is Lithium ion source. -100 V, the deceleration grid was biased to -50 also plotted for comparison. be seen that the emitter produces a and 23 first a ions (emitted kinetic energy) leaving the deceleration grid Figures 16 and 17 grid. total to optical pyrometer, However, the total 32 is microamps at is The and the screen. Figures 16 and 17 current of 10 ion current that only about 2 microamps. In The current it can 1100 °C emitted from the charge control A second after a Lithium source was installed into the range of experiments was conducted on the full were obtained. After the similar results first and Lithium source series of experiments a 4 by 6 inch first copper plate was positioned 10 inches charge control device front of the in charge control device The emitter face to provide a clean collection point for current measurement. was biased extraction grid the copper plate A shown at in -150 V, the deceleration grid was biased to -100 V, to was biased to -1 50 V, and the screen was biased representative temperature and power sweep to -1 1050 °C and 24 With watts. this out of the charge control device screen and is is chamber the sum source for this Figures 18 and 19. This ion source emitted 10 microamps 5 V. is total current configuration, however, the current of the current to the plate and the approximately 6 microamps. The first Lithium ion source was unable to achieve 10 microamps output current to the screen while the second Lithium ion source achieved 10 microamps out power level is of the much charge control device effect that the extraction grid potential current the extraction grid first was varied from to -200 V and had on emitted This means Lithium ion source, the deceleration grid there is no further acceleration of the deceleration grid with a nominal kinetic energy of 100 eV. the total current emitted rose exponentially and then steadily until was biased As shown 1 to 100 leaving the ions in the extraction grid Figure 20 was -15 V rose while the magnitude of the extraction voltage 33 was the current -100 V, the screen was biased to -100 V, and the ion source was heated to °C. this Sweep To measure the For the 28 watts power. Unfortunately too high. b) Extraction measured. at was The screen increased. The excess voltage reached -8 V. microamps current stabilized at 3 was current after the extraction collected by the extraction grid on the charge control device. With the second Lithium ion source the only difference the previous example was biased to -15 V. rose exponentially before. The was that the plate As can be seen in was biased of the voltage was total the screen steadily as collected on the extraction grid was increased beyond 40 voltages significantly increase the V and was -40 V and then rose majority of the excess current as the magnitude -150 setup from Figure 21 the total current emitted again extraction voltage until to in V. Higher extraction emitted current, but the current collected by the grids on the charge control device collect the majority of any marginal current increase. c) Deceleration The Sweep next series of experiments The deceleration of the deceleration grid. energy of the emitted ions leaving the The voltage from first to Lithium ion source -200 V was meant grid to measure the influence was designed to manipulate the charge control device. was setup for a sweep of deceleration grid with the extraction grid biased at -100 V, the screen biased to -150 V, and the source heated to a temperature of 1 shows total ion that the deceleration voltage of the source. As the deceleration does not determine the grid voltage is deceleration grid increases at practically the extraction grid decreases. The 100 °C. Figure 22 production decreased the current same level as the current to the to the current out of the charge control device is approximately 5 microamps for negative deceleration voltages, but for potentials 34 > -20 V little be emitted or no ion current leaves the source. to the screen with The second first at least This means 20 eV energy. Lithium ion source was again configured source except that the plate was biased to -150 biased to -25 V. As shown in same Figure 23 the V and similarly was one experiments run on the ion source and the emitted current rose is was general pattern can be seen This experiment on the second Lithium source several experimental runs. This as the the screen except the currents measured are significantly lower than with the source. must that the ions first of the ion first significantly after not considered important for this comparison since the nature of the ratio of the currents was of interest and not the initial amplitude. d) Plate Sweep To measure the sweep of plate potential The sources. installed first effect of from Lithium to source potential versus plasma potential a -200 was heated and the extraction decrease driven in more at the 1 the 2 Lithium ion 100 °C with the copper collection plate -100 V, the deceleration grid biased to Figure 24 shows the total emitted current 12 microamps while the plate current increased extraction grid and deceleration grid current in step with a as the plate voltage was negative. When at to grid biased to -50 V, and the screen biased to -50 V. was constant V was conducted on a similar experiment was run on the second Lithium ion source same temperature with the extraction grid biased to in Figure 25. Again with plate current increasing as plate voltage 35 total the V similar results emitted current was constant deceleration grid biased to -100 V, and the screen biased to -15 were obtained as shown -150 V, was decreased to -200 V. Comparison of Deceleration Grid Voltages e) To determine extraction of ions the effect of the deceleration grid potential on the a series were conducted with source was heated sweeps of extraction grid different deceleration voltages applied. The 1100 °C with the screen biased -100 to deceleration grid potential biased at -10, -50, and -100 was varied from sweeps. The to total -200 V. Figure 26 sources of the 2 Lithium V at first Lithium V and the while the extraction grid shows the comparison of these 3 emitted current and the current leaving the charge control device increased as deceleration voltage and extraction voltage decreased. However the increase between -50 V and -100 V on the deceleration grid is very small. The same setup was used with the 2 source except that the plate was biased to -150 25 V. sweeps V and the screen Again Figure 27 shows that the results are similar source with total current emitted of the second Lithium was biased to - to the first Lithium ion and the current leaving the charge control device (plate and screen current) both increasing as the extraction voltage decreases. f) Results The design charge control initial device was configured with a deceleration grid to control the energy level of the ions leaving the spacecraft. However energy the results of these experiments indicate that controlling the kinetic of the emitted ions the net ion emission in would be difficult most cases. Since the goal was current out of the charge control device at the collection of and the deceleration a large percentage minimum of the current 36 to grid reduced reach 10 microamps possible power level, the by the deceleration grid was deemed a hindrance and the advantage of having control of the emitted ion energy was unwarranted. The was deceleration grid removed therefore for further testing. 2. Removal Of Deceleration Grid A series new potassium grid A on the direct of experiments were run on the second Lithium ion source and a ion source to total gauge the effect of the removal of the deceleration emission and the emission that leaves the charge control device. comparison between the charge control device with deceleration and then without can be made using the second Lithium a) grid ion source. Power Sweep The second microamps Lithium ion source with deceleration grid reached 10 total current at about 23 watts as shown previously in Figure 19 and the total emission does not change upon removal of the deceleration grid. Lithium source was setup as for the previous power sweep (section The l,a) discussed with the extraction grid biased to -150 V, the plate biased to -150 V, and the screen biased to -15 V. As can be seen emits 10 microamps at about 23 watts. in Figure 28, the source However, a comparison still of Figures 19 and 28 shows that without the deceleration grid the current from the extraction grid increases by the amount that the deceleration grid contributed previously. The current out of the charge control device increases with power until it steadies at about 7 microamps at 24 watts. The Potassium ion source and a power sweep was conducted was installed in the charge control device with the extraction grid biased to -100 V, the plate biased to -110 V, and the screen biased power sweep are shown in to -100 V. The results of the Figure 29 and differ significantly from the Lithium ion 37 source. Almost all by the extraction at of the total emitted current is The grid. concentrated in current collected current out of the charge control device steadies out approximately 3 microamps at 17 watts power. b) Extraction An extraction the plate biased to grid Sweep 50 -1 sweep V and of the charge control device was conducted with the screen biased to -1 5 V. With the deceleration removed the second Lithium source had an increase extraction grid current increased to 10 extraction voltage decrease was decreased to microamps then -200 V as shown of total current but decreased as steadily in Figure 30. With this extraction voltage the current out of the charge control device in increased steadily. Compared to the results with the second Lithium source showed an increase extraction current as the voltage and was deceleration grid of total current varied to -200 V in place, the and an increase as shown in of Figures 21 Current out of the charge control device steadied out at about 8 30. microamps after -40 V extraction voltage. The Potassium as the magnitude was almost totally Figure 31. The ion source also exhibited of extraction voltage due to an increase was in an increase increased. of total current However the increase extraction current as can be seen in current out of the charge control device remained constant at about 5 microamps throughout the power sweep. c) Plate A -150 V and operated at Sweep plate sweep was conducted the screen biased to -15 V. 1 100 °C. Figure 32 shows with the extraction voltage biased to The second Lithium that while total current 38 ion source was remained steady at 18 microamps, the current moved from the extraction was adjusted from plate voltage to -100 V. experiment with the deceleration grid was extraction current what is wanted not as great as for application on in as the grid to the plate While similar results occur the in place the gradient of the decrease shown in differentially Figure 25. This result charged is in roughly satellites. With the Potassium ion source very different results were obtained as all The currents remain essentially unchanged. microamps with the extraction grid current as shown total in total current is steady encompassing 65 microamps at 70 of the Figure 33. d) Results With the removal of the deceleration grid more current is was it not entirely clear that being emitted by the charge control device. It appears that the majority of the current previously collected by the deceleration grid collected by the extraction grid, at least for Lithium. out of the To improve is now the net current charge control device a way must be found to increase the transparency of the extraction grid while maintaining the electric extraction of ions. field Before pursuing this problem the effect of grid spacing for was researched. 3. Grid Spacing Effects To measure the influence that extraction extraction of ions the Potassium ion source set at 0.05, 0.18, face. The was varied V, the plate biased to -110 V, grid set and 0.31 inches distance between ion source changing the was in power grid in 39 has on the up with the extraction grid mesh and grid ion emitter with the extraction grid biased to -100 and the screen biased spacing can be seen spacing to Figure 34 which -100 V. The shows the result of plot of total 6 current emitted and current out grid spacings. As the total current plot of the shows, and current out of the for charge control device power settings up to for the 3 different about 12 watts the charge control device have similar gradients but above 12 watts the currents steady out at significantly different current levels. The closer that the extraction grid is positioned to the emitter the greater the total current emitted but the less net current emitted from the charge control device. At a spacing of 0.18 inches and above 12 watts the total current is between the 0.05 and 0.31 inch currents but the current emitted from the charge control device maximized and is is a greater percentage of the total current than at the other spacings. 4. Modified Extraction Grid As a result of the large extraction grid a modification percentage of was attempted total to reduce the current out of the charge control device. current was being collected by the wire extraction grid previously described, a not have any wire mesh, 7/1 H . new current being collected by the mesh It this current was thought of the grid extraction grid so was and increase that too in place of the fabricated that did and the center hole diameter was increased by 50 Even though the wires helped provide a more even appears that the net current improved. The new extraction on the charge control device without the deceleration grid. much grid % to electric field, it was configured The Potassium ion source was used and the spacing of the extraction grid from the emitter face was adjusted for 3 different spacings; 0.10, 0.18, and 0.31 inches. a) Grid Spacing at 0.10 inches The new biased to -140 V grid was spaced 0.10 inches from with the plate biased to -150 40 V and the emitter and was the screen biased to -140 V. A power sweep was conducted and power to the ion source is until microamps. Current out 13 watts which is a in As the Figure 35. increased the extraction current remains at zero However the 12 watts and then rises slowly. device rises steadily the results are plotted current out of the charge control 15 watts and then becomes constant of the significant until at about 13 charge control device reaches 10 microamps at improvement over the previous designs with the old grid. When compared to previous results of the the original extraction grid installed as plotted in Figure 29 the current out of the charge control device has increased dramatically. extraction grid has dropped significantly setting has improved. Note a misleading since Figure 29 little Potassium source. and the Potassium ion source with The total current collected by the same power current at the that the difference in overall current levels could is based on a very early sweep be of the Ion emission from these sources increased gradually over time. This success motivated a look at desired mode charged satellite surfaces. was conducted screen in of satellite operation; emitting A the device would behave same potential was biased 10 V below them the ion source. The in total and the was powered sweep are shown in and the grid (satellite plate (a differentially while the source results of the combination indicates an increase the combination sweep of the charge control device tandem. The screen (space plasma) and the extraction The in ions to space or differentially that varied the potential of the extraction grid, the plate, ground) were biased to the surface) how at charged 1 1 watts. Figure 36 which current as the potentials are decreased relative to current out of the charge control device increased steadily 41 and is a larger percentage of total current Surprisingly the extraction current rises and then falls off to b) Grid was biased to V in was extraction grid biased at -50 In this series of sweeps however the extraction -100 V, the plate was biased to -110 V, and the screen was A sweep the Figure 37. power to the ion of current source was increased and the results are As previously seen, the majority of the current is emitted out of the charge control device except at higher power settings. extraction current at this is makes up a much smaller percentage spacing than was seen at 0.10 inches but the also reduced from 10 microamps to 3.5 To of the test the influence of the new at the Potassium ion source 38 the extraction was 14 watts. extraction grid potential on current out set to 15 watts power. grid potential produced and the current out is biased to -150 has an almost of the V c) Grid Spacing at 0. to -1 50 As can be seen linear effect on the charge control device. the current collected by the does not increase very much beyond The emitted overall total current microamps now of total emitted current charge control device the extraction grid was biased from extraction grid V next configured at a spacing of 0.31 (midpoint settings for previous sequence). was conducted as plotted is Spacing at 0.31 Inches inches from the ion emitter face. biased to -100 the extraction grid zero. The modified grid until as the potentials are decreased. new in V while Figure total current Even as the extraction grid zero. 18 inches Since a spacing of 0.18 inches between the extraction grid and the emitter face was previously found to maximize current out of the charge control device with the old extraction grid the charge control device 42 was configured with . the new grid -140 was biased V to -140 V, the plate biased sweep with the results of the with the power sweep. The new extraction grid at this spacing for a new to extraction -150 V, and the screen biased to As plotted in Figure 39. previous in was extraction grid the majority of total current sweeps current that was able to leave the charge control device. The goal of 10 microamps current out of the charge control device increases more than is reached was seen at at 0.31 The 14 watts. extraction current inches spacing and less than at 0.10 inches spacing. A combination sweep of the extraction and screen was grid, plate, conducted as previously described with the ion source powered current out of the charge control device increases linearly. drops steadily and plate current steadies out -120 is at -120 V. The Extraction current increasing screen the only contribution to current out of the charge control device after V which is different combination sweep shown from the results found in at the 0.10 inches spacing Figure 36. Comparison of Spacing with New Extraction Grid d) The total current emitted is extraction grid from the emitter face. increases as the extraction grid movement current. 15 watts. The 40 and show that as potentials are decreased the results are plotted in Figure current at is of the extraction grid As the plot shows the affected significantly by the spacing of the As shown moved in closer to the emitter. does not appear current Figure 41 the total current However, the to linearly affect the total change from 0.10 to 0.18 is not as dramatic as from 0.1 8 to 0.31 Even more important than the charge control device. total A comparison 43 current is the current emitted out of of this current at the 3 different grid spacings is shown in spacing linearly but Figure 42. Again the current does not appear to follow the falls off sharply as grid distance from the emitter face is increased. 5. Electron Source The The electron filament source electron source was initially was tested for current emitted to the screen. brought up to a temperature of 2500 °C for 2 minutes to flash the thoriated tungsten filament. The results after flashing were not as dramatic as expected so a carbonate mixture configured on the in Figure 43. to increase thermionic emission. initial electron source is in The results for this filament charge control device and heated The screen was biased and the deceleration grid to +50 was biased from V, the plate to +100 to power requirement is easily obtained. (2.5 V, 6.4 A, 44 and 16 The 1700 °C are shown was biased The V. the milliamp range and the required out of the charge control device substantial second filament was treated with a barium 1 to V, current off the milliamp of current only problem watts). +150 is a fairly discussion Vll. The purpose of the experiments conducted was to optimize the charge control device to achieve 10 microamps current out The experiments were designed at the lowest possible to test incremental power. design modifications to the charge control device and as results were analyzed the charge control device was modified and the next set of experiments were conducted. Results of these various experiments raise a variety of interesting points. The initial design of the charge control device was tested using 2 different A Lithium ion sources. felt plate was added to the a clean collection surface was needed device to provide a clear electric current. Though at the same and the goal of and extraction for emitted power 10 microamps out of the charge control device The current to the grids was of both Lithium a percentage grids took too large of total was not benefit of having the deceleration grid available for precise control of emitted ions much case was charge control and clearer measurements for both emitters. In the possible at a reasonable power. diverting too it temperature, the emission of 10 microamps same power emitters the deceleration current directly in front of the the 2 Lithium sources were found to require different settings to reach the found to be field experimental setup after was felt to be too costly and the deceleration grid in terms of was removed from the design. When the deceleration grid was removed for a series Lithium and Potassium ion source the results were not what current that was of experiments on a was expected. The previously collected by the deceleration grid did not 45 all go out of the charge control device, rather a sizable percentage extraction grid. appears that the removal It was collected by the of the deceleration grid affected the electric field sufficiently that the majority of the ions that used to collect on the deceleration grid did not have the energy to exit the charge control device Though the removal collected on the extraction grid instead. grid improved the results is insufficient An of the deceleration charge control device the increase achieve 10 microamps at low power. to interesting result on the Potassium total of current out of the and was obtained ion source. with the removal of the deceleration grid While the Potassium source emitted a much larger current than the Lithium source the current emitted by the Potassium source went predominantly to the extraction control device with the though relative is of the Lithium depend to larger than the Lithium Potassium atom encounters more This result can be and Potassium atoms. some degree on atom and difficulty in The structure of the Beta-Eucryptite. salt is current out of the charge reached 70 microamps. masses extraction of the ions appears to Potassium atom The Potassium source never exceeded 5 microamps even total current consistently related to the grid. it is their The masses. The possible that the larger being extracted from the lattice extraction of ions through the Potassium helped by higher extraction voltages. This is an important result as emission from the Potassium ion source can be significantly improved with higher extraction voltages at no cost of higher power to the ion source. The between the extraction variation of the spacing grid found to affect the current emitted. The the extraction grid and the emitter determined by a factor of moved closer the electric field is and the emitter strength of the electric field formed by 1/d. strengthened and ion extraction 46 is As is the grid is increased. However, the current out As the relationship. current extracted on the of the grid is charge control device does not clearly follow moved closer a greater percentage of the electric field at very close distances plate than before. The collected by the extraction grid. is It was found that must a spacing divert was moved When the more of 0.18 inches of the ions to the maximized current new wire-less extraction grid effects that was installed in the the of the wires superseded much formed by the new and enlarging the center hole of the previous results found. grid diverged out of the emitter charge control device and as the grid charge control the charge control device total current that exited improved dramatically. The removal electric field if closer. device the percentage of had dramatic new effect of the grid plate out of the charge control device even though total current would be higher grid this was moved The and through the closer to the emitter an increasingly greater percentage of the total current went to the extraction grid. At a spacing of 0.10 inches the current collected by the extraction grid significantly greater total than at the other spacings. current increased more significantly current out of the charge control device spacings. Therefore the charge However, at this was spacing the over the other distances such that the was control still greater than at the other 2 device configured without the deceleration grid and with the extraction grid spaced at 0.10 inches from the emitter face provides the greatest current out which can be used for charge control. The electron source exhibited the purposes and was operated for required some experiments 47 in charge control output for tandem with the ion source without any adverse effects. be carburized at The electron source requires a coating or needs manufacture to provide the necessary emission currents active charge control. 48 to for VIII. CONCLUSION The experiments conducted on its suitability the charge control device were to determine charge control device design was modified current out at 10 The The as a replacement spacecraft charge control device. microamps extraction in succeeding steps to optimize the low power. at and deceleration grid the extraction grid was was determined design inadequate given the purpose of maximizing current was removed and initial modified. out. The to be The deceleration grid design achieved final the required current out of the charge control device by manipulating the and the spacing extraction grid's center hole the charge control device of 10 microamps which is a significant improvement over our hollow cathode designs. Additional A to the emitter face. was achieved initial at current out of a power design and is of 13 watts competitive with improvements over other designs is the low weight and volume of the charge control device and the elimination of possible electromagnetic interference. The problem of lifetime remains however, and further reductions consumption should be possible with by further improvements on the extraction grid. in An method The lifetime power can be improved the ratio of current emitted versus current collected operational design for a charge control device would be provided by mounting multiple compact sources mounted this device. in in ion sources in an array. to replenish Lithium or a matrix, with A second alternative 20-100 of the would provide a Potassium by diffusion from the back end of the emitter. 49 The power radiated oT 4 ( ) of the ion source only accounts for about 1/2 of the power used. is therefore lost in the production of ions. A on the order of 6 watts The remaining power and 7 watts of review of the charge control device some recommendations on design provides is reducing this loss factor. The ion emitter appears to lose substantial heat out of the bottom of the emitter-heat shield unit. plug, the a method could be devised If to hold this heat in, power requirements should drop. Additional heat the emitter could be reduced by the addition of reduce the power requirements by 10 - more heat such as a ceramic loss from the side of shielding which could 20 %. Additional improvements to the design of the charge control device would be movement of the electron filaments and their posts further away from the This would preclude the emission from the electron filament extraction grids. from coating the ceramics on the filament posts and providing a conduction path to the extraction grid. The present method further improvement. connection is of connecting leads to the various For testing purposes a solid but required. Instead of the 3 copper plates at the control device for connecting to the emitter 1 components needs quick base method of the charge plate separated into 3 isolated sections would ease connections and lower the weight and volume further. actual connection to the attachment point removal of the 10 microamps for emitter leads would ease change-out test of the emitter and chamber. control device with design modifications at For leads from the emitter a quick connect tab with charge control device from the The charge of met the required goal of low power and further enhancements would improve the device considerably. 50 ) Appendix Table Summary of A 1 some known anomalies (JPL Report, 1989) Anomaly Satellite Voyager Power-on resets 1 SCATHA 34 Pulses detected DSP False flag from star sensor Thermal control degradation Sensor data noise Control circuit switching DSCS Spin up II Power system Clock False GPS INTELSAT III and IV t failure (#1 shift command Unexplained spin up Skynet 2B Telemetry problems ANIK Power downs CTS Short circuit power noise bursts and inverter shutdown Meteostat Status changes GEOS Upsets and loss Solar 4 and 5 Max Navstar Telesat 1 mission of GEOS 10 upsets/year Solar array hold mode Telemetry logic switching 51 4 , APPENDIX B •«?* BO HOtlil | ». local lime distribution of AIS-6 spacecraft charging events. II V M II II DIP IOCIC UPJt tl OVT.% II DO T inllllll O INFdJlT uf!HI IV III Occurrences of melliie opertiionil snomiliei ploned orbit Figure 1. 10 II (McPherson tnd Sehober. 1976). n function of loctl lime in the geosntioniry The ndul dimnce hit no tifnificince Correlation between charging events and satellite anomalies (McPherson and Schober, 1976). 52 SJPFACE SURFACE •CNS PEPfLLEO SURFACE ~2ZSZD© 9 VMM m Pl*SM> 9 PL ASM a AS"! ELECTRONS 'I E'.E:*r;ss pepelis: N£jAT".! SjP c ACE I ty.V.WM" PLAS M » iGNS By Th{ POSHivE CMAQGE 9t the I ELECTRO ESCAPING PHCTOEIECTPONS charge a ions SOLAB PHOTONS b I P U 3T0E'.ET30NS lTTCiCTia BACK BY THE CKAP&E SUPFACE Qualitative illustration of the charging of a surface by a plasma. currents collected and emitted by a surface element is The width of the arrows is is reached when the sum of the zero, (a) Surface in shadow: the current balance proportional to the flux of each particle species; the equilibrium potential requires equaliu between the flow of the plasma ions and that of the plasma electrons impinging on the surface, (b) Surface in sunlight; equilibrium to the difference is achieved w-hen the flow of escaping photoelectrons between the incoming flows of plasma electrons and Figure 2. Charging of a satellite by ambient (Grard.efa/, 1983). 53 is equal ions. plasma and photoemission Plasma environment Surface interaction Sut face currents Secondary particles Backscatlered Figure I. electrons, (after In surface eliarpinp, current*: and pliotoclectrons from the movement of ambient result in a net current electron?;, ions, on the external surface of secondary (lie satellite body, Robinson, 1989) satellite (JPL Report, 1989). Figure 3. Illustration of current flow to a 54 PLASMA POTENTIAL RAOIAL DISTANCE Schematic representation of particle flous to and from a satellite Tor the ease of (a) a conductive The lower portion gives a qualitative plot of the associated potential surface and (b) an insulator surface. profiles in a hot plasma. Figure 4. Illustration of current flow to a satellite charging (Grard, 1983). 55 experiencing differential 12000 11 000 10 000 9 0000 8 0000 70000 eoooo 5 0000 Figure 5. 6 0000 7 0000 90000 B 0000 10000 11 000 Potential barrier developed by differential charging satellite (Davis and Katz, 1989). 56 12 000 on a XENON PLASMA SPACE PLASMA np o Figure 1 6. cm Emission of a neutral plasma to control (JPL Report, 1989). 57 differential charging ATS-6 ION ENGINE BOUNDARY ANODE RINGS PLASMA GRID {*550V) ACCELERATING GRID I-550V) RING MAGNETS DISCHARGE CHAMBER TANTALUM COIL, CATHODE VAPORIZER SHEATH HEATER NEUTRALIZER PROBE CATHODE FEED SYSTEM | NEUTRALIZER VAPORIZER Figure 7. ATS-6 hollow cathode ion engine (Olsen and Whipple, 1978). 58 NEUTRALIZE** DECEL ELECTRODE ACCEL ELECTRODE SCREEN ELECTRODE HOLLOW CATHODE ANODE KEEPER ION SOURCE_ POWER LINES XENON EXPELLENT nnnaa LINE DISCHARGE CHAMBER n VACUUM ENCLOSURE SC4 - 2 ION GUN Ion gun block diagram. Figure 8. SCATHA hollow cathode ion engine (Olsen, et a/, 1990). 59 Porous tungsten containing emitter material. He liar c weld 1 .100 .002 thick moly heat shield (3 o ^ ,530 dimpled layers) •AI2O3 heater potting ox .020 dia. moly bifilar heater wrapped with .010 moly at exit leads. "£- Re Support struts brazed to moly body. 3 places at 120°. 500 Min u- .025 Dia -.040 Dia Standard 600 Ion Source. Figure 9. Solid state ion source (Spectra-Mat, 1980). 60 900 1000 1100 EMITTER TEMPERATURE 38 1200 *C 35 76 FILAMENT POWER votlt 103 Total emission current as a function of power and temperature: Insert shows experimental arrangement. Figure 10. Solid state ion source emitter current versus filament (Heinz and Reaves. 1968). 61 power S XXXX o- t €> •t <u J I <& 1 I f r Figure 11. Electrical setup of charge control device in vacuum chamber. Components of device: (a) thermocouple, (b) ion source, (c) extraction grid, (d) deceleration grid, (e) electron source, (f) collection plate, (g) screen. 62 THORIATED TUNGSTEN FILAMENT EMITTER SUPPORT ASSEMBLY MOUNTING PLATE ION GUN ASSEMBLY Figure 12. Engineering drawing of charge control device Spectra-Mat.lnc). 63 (Bob Berggren, Figure 13. Charge control device, side view. 64 Figure 14. Charge control device, oblique view. 65 Figure 15. Charge control device, top view. 66 Lithium Source 1 Current versus Source Temperature 100 -r 10 -- CO Q_ E o o 1 — 0.1 — a? 0.01 850 900 950 1050 1000 1100 1150 1200 Source Temperature (C) Figure 16. Lithium ion source 1, current versus source temperature, design. 67 initial Lithium Source 1 Current versus Source Power 100 -r 10 — CO Q. E o o E 1 =3 0.1 — 0.01 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Source Power (W) Figure 17. Lithium ion source 1, current versus source power, design. 68 initial 28 Lithium Source 2 Current versus Source Temperature 100 10 — 1 — CO Q_ E o 2 E 0.1 -- 0.01 1000 1020 1060 1040 1080 1100 1120 1140 Source Temperature (C) Figure 18. Lithium ion source 2, current versus source temperature, design. 69 initial Lithium Source 2 Current versus Source Power 100 -r 10 -- CO CL. E o p 0.1 0.01 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Source Power (W) Figure 19. Lithium ion source 2, current versus source power, design. 70 initial Lithium Source 1 Current versus Extraction Voltage 12 -r 10 -- 8 — CO E o 2 o E 6 4 — 2 - 50 150 100 Extraction Grid Voltage Figure 20. Lithium ion source 1, ( - V) current versus extraction voltage, design. 71 200 initial Lithium Source 2 Current versus Extraction Voltage 30 -r A 50 O O Q 6 Q Q C*—^(—C>- 150 100 Extraction grid voltage ( - V) Figure 21. Lithium ion source 2, current versus extraction voltage, design. 72 200 initial Lithium Source 1 Current vs Decel Voltage -o 20 40 60 80 100 Deceleration Grid voltage Figure 22. Lithium ion source initial 1, 120 ( - o 140 o o 160 V) current versus deceleration voltage, design. 73 Lithium Source 2 Current versus Decel Voltage 20 40 80 60 Deceleration grid voltage ( - 100 V) Figure 23. Lithium ion source 2, current versus deceleration voltage, initial design. 74 Lithium Source 1 Current versus Plate Voltage CO Q_ E o p E 6 50 Plate Voltage ( - V) Figure 24. Lithium ion source 1, current versus plate voltage, design. 75 200 150 100 initial Lithium Source 2 Current versus Plate Voltage 30 -r Plate voltage Figure 25. Lithium ion source 2, ( - V) current versus plate voltage, design. 76 200 150 100 50 initial Lithium Source Different Decel Voltage 50 1 Sweeps 100 Extraction Grid Voltage 150 ( - 200 V) Figure 26. Lithium ion source 1, comparison of current versus extraction voltage for 3 different deceleration voltages, initial design. 77 Lithium Source 2 Different Decel Voltage Sweeps 8 -r 50 150 100 Extraction Voltage ( - 200 V) Figure 27. Lithium ion source 2, comparison of current versus extraction voltage for 2 different deceleration voltages, initial design. 78 Lithium Source 2 Current versus Source Power 100 -r 10 -- CO Q- E o p 1 -- 0.1 -- Z3 0.01 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 Source Power (W) Figure 28. Lithium ion source 2, current versus ion source power, deceleration grid removed. 79 29 Potassium Source Current versus Source Power 100 T 10 -- CO Q. E o s o s> «— o =3 1 -- 0.1 12 17 22 27 Source Power (W) Figure 29. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power, deceleration grid removed. 80 Lithium Source 2 Current versus Extraction Voltage 18 -r 50 100 Extraction voltage Figure 30. Lithium ion source 2, 150 ( - V) current versus extraction voltage, deceleration grid removed. 81 200 Potassium Source Current versus Extraction Voltage 70 -r 20 40 80 60 Extraction voltage Figure 31. 120 100 ( - 140 V) Potassium ion source, current versus extraction voltage, deceleration grid removed. 82 160 Lithium Source 2 Current versus Plate Voltage -« > » i« > 200 100 Plate voltage Figure 32. Lithium ion source grid removed. 2, ( - V) current versus plate voltage, deceleration 83 Potassium Source Current versus Plate Voltage 80 -r 60 -- -50 E " Extraction -n Plate - Screen -O Total -* Out o 'E 40 <v CJ> 30 20 -- 10 -- —o^ -<t> 50 Plate voltage Figure 33. 150 100 ( - V) Potassium ion source, current versus plate voltage, deceleration grid removed. 84 200 Potassium Source Comparison of Grid Spacing 1000 -r 100 -- 10 -- CO E s 1 -- 0.1 -- 0.01 -- 0.001 H 9 1 1 13 11 h15 17 19 21 Source Power (W) Figure 34. Potassium ion source, comparison of current versus ion source power for different extraction grid spacings, deceleration grid removed. 85 Potassium Source Power Sweep at 0.10 in ZU ~ 18 - 16 - 14 - E o o b 12 - 'E 10 - 8 - 6 - Vi a. 4 - 2 - 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 Source Power (W) Figure 35. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power with new extraction grid at spacing of 0.10 inches. 86 Potassium Source Combination Sweep at 0.1 20 40 60 100 80 Plate Voltage ( - in 120 140 160 V) Figure 36. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power while varying voltages in tandem, new extraction grid at spacing of 0.10 inches. 87 Potassium Source Power Sweep 14 16 at 0.31 in 18 20 Source Power (W) Figure 37. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power with new extraction grid at spacing of 0.31 inches. 88 Potassium Source Extraction Voltage Sweep at 0.31 in 8 -r 20 40 60 80 Extraction Voltage Figure 38. 120 100 ( - 140 160 V) Potassium ion source, current versus extraction voltage, new extraction grid at spacing of 0.31 inches. 89 Potassium Source Power Sweep at 0.18 in 16 -r 11 13 15 17 19 21 Source Power (W) Figure 39. Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power with new extraction grid at spacing of 0.18 inches. 90 Potassium Source Combination Sweep at 0.18 in 80 130 12 -r 10 -- CO Q_ E o 2 CJ E 6 Si O 4 -- 2 -- 60 70 90 100 110 Plate Voltage Figure 40. ( - 120 140 150 V) Potassium ion source, current versus ion source power while varying voltages In tandem, new extraction grid at spacing of 0.18 inches. 91 Potassium Source Comparison of Current Total 20 18 16 14 -- V) §- 12 a 2 o E Total (0.18 in) 10 Total (0.31 in) <w o Total (0.10 8 in) 6 4 2 10 15 20 25 Source Power (W) Figure 41. Potassium ion source, for new versus ion source power 3 different spacings. total current extraction grid at 92 Potassium Source Comparison of Current Out 14 -r 12 -- 10 -- Out (0.18 CO in) CL § O Out 8 (0.31 in) Out (0.10 QJ in) 6 4 -- 2 -- 10 15 20 25 Source Power (W) Figure 42. Potassium ion source, current out of the charge control device versus ion source power for new extraction grid at 3 different spacings. 93 Electron Source Current versus Decel Voltage 10000 1000 -- CO Q_ E o o k_ o 'E 100 -- o 10 20 40 80 60 Decel Voltage ( - V) Figure 43. Electron source, current versus filament power. 94 100 . APPENDIX C To the design of the charge control device to be used facilitate in this experiment, previous designs were investigated (Rovang and Wilbur, 1982), (Homa and Wilbur, 1982), and (Haskell, et al, These designs varied 1966). in the utilization of the ion source and used different methods to pull the ions off of the emitter face. our preliminary design the question In transparency of the effect the type of grid, the between the extraction preliminary test of the final A. Grid grid was conducted charge control device and the biased to -200 V. center hole. On was A in his installed grid to finalize the to optimize this plate and heated a set to its A design output. for with a of crossing grooves were machined. By placing different grooves a mesh pattern was formed. in sweep was then conducted in A removable plate around the of the spacings between the wires giving various transparency the results are plotted these tests. 1100 °C while the screen was and groove arrangement allowed the movement extraction grid B. program overall results. experiments was modified was manufactured equal length stainless steel wire different test actual spacing Transparency Lithium ion source plate answer these questions to raised as to what and the and the emitter face has on the The device used by Gant The grid, is at wires to to the grid. An these different transparencies and Figure C-1 Grid Spacing A set of 2 different sized ceramic spacers allowed the extraction grid to be spaced at a distance of 0.25 or 0.41 inches 95 from the emitter face. A sweep of the extraction voltage was conducted the results are plotted in C. with the ion source heated to 1 100 °C and Figure C-2. RESULTS The results of Figure C-1 indicate that grid transparency influences the current out of the emitter and to the screen. As transparency increases the current out of the emitter-grid assembly to the screen also increases. Figure B-2 indicates that spacing has an effect on the current emitted but not as great as the transparency. when the extraction grid is moved The differences closer is 96 about 10 in current out of the emitter % of total current produced. Effect of Changing Grid Mesh Size 100 -r 10 -- E o 2 "E 22 O =3 1 -- 0.1 50 100 Extraction Grid Voltage Figure C-1 . 150 ( - 200 V) Current versus extraction voltage for different extraction grid transparencies. 97 Effect of Grid Spacing on Current 18 16 -- 14 | 2 E 12 10 CD I 8 S 6 Grid at .25' 4 -Grid at .41* 2 50 150 100 Extraction Grid Voltage ( - V) Figure C-2. Screen current versus extraction voltage for 2 different extraction grid spacings. 98 200 Appendix D A. Thermocouple An experimental thermocouple made imbedded in each of Tungsten and Rhenium (5%) was The ion source's heater potting to assist in data collection. thermocouple was calibrated against the ion source's temperature readings using an optical pyrometer. accurate and and when used easily found. Each The thermocouple reading was found with the calibration table the temperature ion source was -10% the thermocouple voltage versus from source to source. measured temperature source. 99 was quickly calibrated for thermocouple voltage versus temperature prior to conducting any experiments. given temperature varies by be very to Output voltage Figure D-1 is a for a plot of for the first Lithium ion Lithium Source Calibration of 1 Thermocouple 21 20 -- 19 -- 18 1 17 - 16 -- 15 — 14 — 13 -- O " 12 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 Temperature (C) Figure D-1. Calibration of thermocouple, thermocouple voltage versus source temperature. 100 . LIST OF REFERENCES J. P., and Jones, E. 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