MATH 1050: College Algebra Section 001, Summer 2011 Time: Location: Instructor: Office: Office hours: Email: Telephone: Web: Class webpage: Text: M, T, W, Th 12:30–2:45 p.m. LCB 219 Parker Childs LCB 318 W 10:00-11:30 a.m. (and by appointment) 801 581 8340 Percalculus, by Larson, R. and Hostetler, R. ISBN: 978-0-7575-6427-7 Description: This course fulfills the QA credit. The curriculum for this course is the following: functions, inverses and graphs; polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and matrices; applications; arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. Basically, we will cover chapters 1-3 and 7-9 of the text. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MATH 1010 or Math ACT score of at least 23 or Math SAT score of at least 540. Homework: Homework will be online as WeBWorK at webwork2/math1050summer2011-1/ and is due on Wednesdays. I will not collect written assignments, though I will regularly assign problems as practice. Quizzes: I will be giving roughly two quizzes each week. You will not be able to make these up if you miss them. Let me know at least two days in advance if you plan on missing class and we can arrange another time for you to take the quiz. I will drop your two lowest quiz scores at the end of the term. Exams: There will be one in-class midterm and one comprehensive final exam. No calculators will be allowed or needed. Exam dates are as follows. Midterm: Thursday, July 14 Final: Friday, August 5; 12:30-2:30 p.m. Grading: Your course grade will be weighted as follows, though cutoffs for letter grades are not set until grades are calculated. Homework: 20% Quizzes: 30% Midterm: 20% Final: 30% ADA statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that reasonable accommodations be made for students with physical, sensory, cognitive, systemic, learning, or psychiatric disabilities. Please contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss any accommodations you may need for this course. 1