MKT 309-01: Business Communication Fall 2013: M/W/F: 9am Bryan 110 Course Syllabus and Schedule are subject to change. Course Catalog Description: Business and professional communication: Job search skills; teamwork; communication technology; verbal and nonverbal strategies. Emphasis on effective persuasion, interpersonal, intercultural and organizational strategies through business styles, formats and presentations. Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission to approved program. Instructor: Ms. Lori Mackowski (Refer to me with title and last name, preferably Professor Mackowski or Professor M) Office: 380 Bryan Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. and Friday: 12:30-1:30 p.m. and by appointment Phone: 336.334.4319 (no voice mail available) E-mail: (best way to contact me) Course Philosophy and Overview: Business is built on relationships and relationships are built using effective communication. In this Writing Intensive (WI) and Speaking Intensive (SI) course, you will learn and practice oral and written business communication. As in the business world, you are evaluated on your performance, not on effort. Therefore, as a performance-based course, you are graded on your performance activities, not on effort. The key to excellence is practice! As a WI and SI course, there is extensive material to cover and the pace is intense. Keep up with the readings and assignments and plan ahead. Don’t procrastinate and don’t let yourself fall behind. It will affect the quality of your work and will negatively impact your grade. The Bryan School of Business and Economics Student Learning Objectives Common to all business students, you will: 1. Be skilled in critical thinking and decision-making, as supported by the appropriate use of analytical and quantitative techniques. 2. Recognize and assess the ethical and social dimensions of management activities and evaluate their impact on management decisions. 3. Communicate clearly and correctly and demonstrate collaboration and leadership skills. 4. Understand the core organizational functions and activities and how they interrelate to accomplish an organization’s major goals through effective processes. 5. Evaluate the role global markets have on management decisions and formulate appropriate strategies to improve performance in the world economy. MKT 309 Learning Objectives After successful completion of this course, you should: 1. Understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace. 2. Identify communication strategies to business situations. 3. Create responses to communication needs. 4. Conduct business research for evidence-based writings and presentations. 5. Use accurate documentation of sources. 6. Write concise and organized documents using the appropriate format. 7. Use the Three-Step Writing Process. 8. Write reports based on the evaluation of data. 9. Develop and demonstrate effective oral presentations with verbal and nonverbal proficiencies. 1 Teaching Methods: Course content is delivered via Blackboard and the classroom environment through: lectures, learning teams, assigned readings, class discussions, activities, a library experience, team research project as well as instructor and peer feedback. Course Materials and Requirements: Textbook: Writing That Works by Oliu, Brusaw and Alred, 11th Edition, ISBN: 978-1-4576-1113-1 Blackboard proficiency Resources: Syllabus and Course Schedule: Before asking or e-mailing a question, reference this Syllabus and Course Schedule. If you e-mail a question already addressed in these documents, you will not receive a response. Please note: It is your responsibility to read and re-read these documents carefully. Getting Started document located in the “Start Here!” link in Blackboard Resources for Plagiarism and Academic Integrity located in the “Start Here!” link in Blackboard The University Speaking Center: The University Writing Center: Bryan Career Services: University Libraries: 6-TECH Technical Support: or at 336.256.8324 Spartan Alert: *Use this link to check for University Status, Alerts and Announcements including updates regarding Adverse Weather. For Adverse Weather, we will follow the University Schedule unless otherwise notified via a Blackboard e-mail Announcement. * Course Policies and Procedures: Plagiarism and or Cheating: Will not be tolerated. Adhere to the UNCG Academic Integrity (AI) Policy which can be found online at Written work will be posted as a SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard unless otherwise instructed. SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service which checks for unoriginal content in student papers - this includes work submitted by ANY current or previous MGT/MKT 309 students as well as online resources such as websites, etc. For more information on SafeAssign, go to Any violation of the AI Policy, such as an occurrence of plagiarism, could result in failure of the course. Please note: o An occurrence can equate to plagiarizing just one sentence from a consulted source. o I need only to suspect plagiarism and or cheating has occurred in order to begin the investigative, formal process as outlined in the AI Policy. Late Work: To ensure fairness to all students, late work will not be accepted. If not submitted by the designated due date/time, you will receive an automatic zero for the assignment. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Attendance and Tardiness: In the business world, absence and tardiness may result in disciplinary action and or termination. In this course, attendance is expected as well as arriving to class on time. If you want to be successful in this course, attend every class. There is no substitute for being in class and, attendance does not merely mean showing up, but requires active participation. To ensure fairness to all students, be advised of the following: o In-class activities, etc.: Will be used to apply and expand course information and, at my discretion, may be counted as your participation credit. If you are absent, you are not eligible to receive participation credit for in-class activities, as these are in-class activities ONLY. I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. o Homework: Will be used to further classroom discussion and or lecture content and, at my discretion, may be counted as your participation credit. Therefore, you must be present/attend the entire class and turn homework in as a typed, printed hard copy in order for homework to be accepted and to receive credit. I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. 2 Strategy Sessions and Rough Drafts: Failure to attend these sessions in their entirety and or failure to bring typed, printed, hard copy Rough Drafts will negatively impact your grade. Rough Drafts are not accepted early or late, therefore, you must be in class/attend the entire session in order to receive credit. I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. o Speeches: There are no make-up days for speeches/presentations. If you miss (e.g. forget your speech day) and or are absent on day(s) you are assigned to present, you will receive zero for your speech/presentation. I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom: Any behavior that inhibits the learning process and or is disruptive to the classroom environment will not be tolerated. Examples include but are not limited to: excessive talking, usage of cell phones, iPods, pagers, etc., inappropriate use of laptops, disrespect for speakers (including fellow classmates, guests and instructor), aggressive language and or actions. Please note: It is imperative you read, understand and adhere to this policy which can be found online at Electronic Devices: Cell phones, iPods, pagers, etc. are prohibited during class. Laptops are permitted only for note taking. Failure to adhere to this policy is considered a violation of the Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Policy. Please note: It is imperative you read, understand and adhere to the Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Policy which can be found online at Faculty and Student Guidelines: Read, understand and abide by these guidelines which can be found online at Student Code of Conduct: Read, understand and abide by this code of conduct which can be found online at Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: To establish reasonable accommodations, students with disabilities are to contact the Office of Disability Services 336.334.5440 the first week of school. o Submitting Assignments: o Follow directions carefully and submit your work as requested. Points will be deducted if you do not. o Written work is to be 1) turned in as a typed, printed, hard copy at the beginning of class on the assigned due date and 2) posted as a SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard prior to class unless otherwise instructed. Be advised: If not posted by the designated day/time as a SafeAssign assignment, you will receive an automatic one-letter grade deduction for the assignment. o Full name and section number must be on your assignment and on accompanying documents. o To ensure successful posting of Blackboard SafeAssign assignments: 1. Be advised: Blackboard assignment links will not be available after the designated due date/time. 2. Save as a Word file and follow this specific document naming convention: FirstNameLastNameAssignmentName.doc. For example: LoriMackowskiResume.doc 3. Use Firefox as it is the preferred browser. Other browsers, such as Safari, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, may not work with some Blackboard features. 4. After posting an assignment, it is your responsibility to ensure the submission was received: Go to the “My Grades” link and in the assignment field, a green exclamation mark will indicate if the assignment was received and posted correctly. If you do not see a green exclamation mark, the assignment was not received/posted correctly. If not received/posted correctly, the assignment will be subject to the designated deduction. 5. If you encounter problems submitting your SafeAssign posting, you are to 1) contact 6-TECH Technical Support at 336.256.8324 or at and open a Service Desk Ticket and 2) inform me of the problem via an e-mail which includes your Service Desk Ticket number. To be successful in this course: Reference this Syllabus and Course Schedule on a regular basis. Attend every class. Bring your textbook to each class. 3 Check Blackboard prior to class for: 1) Announcements, read each Announcement carefully, 2) Expansion of the daily schedule and or 3) Information regarding homework, etc. Utilize all resources provided (PowerPoint lectures, assigned readings, in-class activities and workshops, videos, etc.). Resources and information have been carefully selected to help you understand course materials and aid in completing assignments. Please note: If you choose not to use the resources and information provided, you choose to lower your grade significantly. Adhere to established deadlines. As a WI and SI course, there is extensive material to cover and the pace is intense. Keep up with the readings and assignments and plan ahead. Don’t procrastinate and don’t let yourself fall behind. It will affect the quality of your work and will negatively impact your grade. Read all assignments in advance and bring questions to class for discussion. If you e-mail a question regarding how to complete an assignment, the day before it is due, it is unlikely you will receive a timely response. By enrolling in this course, you agree to the course timeline and responsibilities. You are to manage your time accordingly– everyone has personal and professional responsibilities to balance. Assignments are exercises in the balance of following directions and applying ingenuity. Detailed directions will be provided to help with assignment completion. Follow these directions carefully and fulfill assignment requirements as noted. Points will be deducted if you do not. Complete all assignments (graded or not). Cite all sources of information in correct APA format. Be respectful and courteous to everyone at all times. Honor team commitments and responsibilities. If you have questions, need help, clarification or do not understand something, you are encouraged to stop by during Office Hours, as I am waiting to help. Learning Teams: In this class, you will be assigned seats and teams. Learning Teams consisting of 3-4 individuals will serve as a learning community to grow in knowledge, contribution, diversity appreciation and communication skills. Teams will need to: Designate a “team computer and back-up computer” to bring to class Complete specified in-class activities and workshops Participate in Strategy Sessions Produce a Team Research Project and Speech/Presentation. Assignments and Associated Percentages: Items: Total Percentages: Strategy Session Rough Drafts (For W assignments) 5 Writing (W): W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 15 Course Final: Professional Portfolio (P): Final Portfolio Versions: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 Cover Letter (Professional and Personally Branded) Folder (Professional and Personally Branded) 36 Research Skills (R): R1, R2 15 Speaking (S): S1, S2, S3, S4 16 Participation & Relating: In-Class Activities Homework Peer Evaluation: Team Research Project 13 4 Writing: There are 5 Writing (W) assignments. Specific instructions for each assignment will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Writing (W1-W5).” To ensure fairness to all students, late work will not be accepted. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Writing assignments are as follows: W1: Instructional / “How To” Memo W2: Goodwill E-mail W3: Persuasive Application Letter W4: Persuasive Resume W5: Negative Communication Letter As a WI, business communication course, revising your work is an important part of the Three-Step Writing Process and necessary in order to produce high quality, professional documents. With each assignment, you will produce: 1. Strategy Session Rough Draft: Bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies (best quality work) to Strategy Sessions on designated days, to receive peer and instructor feedback during the session necessary for completing your Writing (W) assignments. Do not post Strategy Session Rough Drafts as a SafeAssign in Blackboard. 2. Writing (W): This is a Revised Draft based on information and comments from Strategy Session submitted for a grade and feedback. Please note the following: 1) Typed, printed, hard copy due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date and 2) posted as a SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard prior to class. Be advised: If not posted by the designated day/time as a SafeAssign assignment, you will receive an automatic one-letter grade deduction for the assignment. 3. Final Portfolio Version: Apply feedback and comments received from W assignments, to create final versions submitted for Professional Portfolio (Course Final), demonstrating significant improvements and mastery of course material/concepts. Additionally, for each W assignment, follow these instructions carefully: Begin by completing the Communication Strategy Worksheet (CSW) to plan your communication message to meet the needs of the designated audience. (Template posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in the folder titled “Writing (W1-W5).” Revise: After participating in the Strategy Session, use the Peer Evaluation form and comments provided to check the quality and accuracy of your work. Revise your assignment as needed to produce a high quality, professional document. Peer Evaluation forms are helpful in completing and checking the assignment and will provide you with a point of reference as to my expectations. Finish by carefully checking your final work using the Business Writing Checklist (BWC). (Template posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in the folder titled “Writing (W1-W5).” o Be advised: Failure to complete these documents (CSW/BWC) in their entirety and turn in with your assignment, will result in a one-grade factor deduction (for each incomplete/not submitted document) on your assignment grade. Use (at least) a three-paragraph format (Introduction, Body and Conclusion) for all writing assignments including e-mails. The Body may be more than one paragraph. Be advised: If you submit work outside of this format, your assignment will be graded as not meeting requirements (D/F). Resumes are the exception. Use and incorporate critical thinking into your writing assignments. Examine from multiple angles and incorporate that information into your message. Must be typed, single-spaced. Be advised: If you double-space, your assignment will be graded as not meeting requirements (D/F). 5 W ASSIGNMENTS: WHAT TO POST AND TURN IN: 1. SAFEASSIGN: PRIOR TO CLASS on the assigned due date, post your W assignment as a SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard using the appropriate assignment link(s) provided in the Writing (W1-W5) folder. Be advised of the following: o Blackboard assignment links will not be available after the designated due date/time. o Save your work as a Word file and follow this specific document naming convention: FirstNameLastNameAssignmentName.doc. For example: LoriMackowskiResume.doc. o If not posted by the designated day/time as a SafeAssign assignment, you will receive an automatic one-letter grade deduction for the assignment. Please note: Communication Strategy Worksheet/Business Writing Checklist not needed for SafeAssign posting. 2. PRINTED HARD COPY: AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the assigned due date, turn in a printed, hard copy of your W assignment. Be advised of the following: o Assemble your assignment in this way: The completed Communication Strategy Worksheet first, the Business Writing Checklist second and printed, hard copy of your W assignment third. All must be stapled in this order. o Full name and section number must be on your assignment and on accompanying documents. Strategy Sessions: There will be 20-30 minutes of designated class time as noted on the Course Schedule for strategy work on writing assignments. This will be collaborative time with me and your peers in which feedback will be given during the session to help you: understand and write to your audience, construct effective organization, choose appropriate language/words and create visually appealing documents. Failure to attend these sessions in their entirety and or failure to bring typed, printed, hard copy Rough Drafts will negatively impact your grade. To ensure fairness to all students, be advised of the following: To receive credit for attending these mandatory sessions, you must bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies of your Rough Draft (best quality work) on designated days. Turn in one copy and use the other copy for strategy work. Do not post Strategy Session Rough Drafts as a SafeAssign in Blackboard. Rough Drafts are not accepted early or late, therefore, you must be in class/attend the entire session and turn in a typed, printed, hard copy of your work in order to receive credit. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Visit The University Writing Center: For a one grade factor increase to the W1 and W2 grade (e.g. If the earned grade on W1 was a C, final grade with grade factor increase would be a C+). To qualify, I must receive an e-mail from The Writing Center with your name and section number as proof of your visit/appointment. Please note: This applies only to W1 and W2 and does not apply to the Final Portfolio Versions (P1 and P2). If English is your second language, you are encouraged to seek this assistance. Research Skills: Business professionals need to know how to gather information to advance the decision-making process; therefore, the research assignment is a team report consisting of 3 components. Specific instructions for each of these assignments will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Research Skills (R1, R2 and S4).” To ensure fairness to all students, late work will not be accepted. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Team Research assignments are as follows: R1: 1) Progress Report, 2) Work Schedule and 3) Team Contract R2: Formal, Investigative Research Report S4: Speech/Presentation informing and or persuading target audience about research findings, data, information, etc. 6 Additionally, for the R1 and R2 assignments, follow these instructions carefully: Begin R1/R2 assignments by completing the Communication Strategy Worksheet (CSW) to plan your communication message to meet the needs of the designated audience. (Template posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Writing (W1-W5).” Revise: o R1: After participating in the R1 Strategy Session, use the Peer Evaluation form and comments provided to check the quality and accuracy of your team’s work. Revise your assignments as needed to produce high quality, professional documents. o R2: Revise and edit your team’s work on a regular basis using strategies provided from lecture content as well as seek additional assistance from The Writing Center. Finish R1/R2 assignments by carefully checking your final work using the Business Writing Checklist (BWC). (Template posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Writing (W1-W5).” o Be advised: Failure to complete these documents (CSW/BWC) in their entirety and turn in with your assignment, will result in a one grade factor deduction (for each incomplete/not submitted document) on your team’s assignment grade. Attend the library research experience. Utilize critical thinking skills to examine data/information and effectively apply research findings in order to inform and or persuade target audience. Must be typed, single-spaced. Be advised: If you double-space, your team’s assignment will be graded as not meeting requirements (D/F). R1 AND R2 ASSIGNMENTS: WHAT TO POST AND TURN IN: 1. SAFEASSIGN: PRIOR TO CLASS on the assigned due date, post R1/R2 as a SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard using the appropriate assignment link(s) provided in the Research Skills (R1, R2 and S4) folder. Be advised of the following: o Blackboard assignment links will not be available after the designated due date/time. o Save your work as a Word file and follow this specific document naming convention: FirstNameLastNameAssignmentName.doc. For example: LoriMackowskiResume.doc. o If not posted by the designated day/time as a SafeAssign assignment, your team will receive an automatic one-letter grade deduction for the assignment. o Please note: R1: Post only the Progress Report and Work Schedule (as one Word file). Team Contract, Communication Strategy Worksheet/Business Writing Checklist not needed for SafeAssign posting. R2: Post only the Formal Research Report. Communication Strategy Worksheet/Business Writing Checklist not needed for SafeAssign posting. 2. PRINTED HARD COPY: AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the assigned due date, turn in a printed, hard copy of your team’s R1/R2 assignment. Be advised of the following: o Assemble your team’s R1 assignment in this way: Attach the completed Communication Strategy Worksheet first, the Business Writing Checklist second, printed, hard copy of your R1 assignment third, a separate document with team name and listing of all team members fourth. All must be stapled in this order. o o Assemble your team’s R2 assignment according to the specific instructions provided with the assignment. Team name (with a listing of all team members) and section number must be on team assignments and on accompanying documents. Speaking: There are 4 Speaking (S) assignments. Specific instructions for individual speaking assignments, S1-S3, will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Speaking (S1-S3).” To ensure fairness to all students, be advised of the following: Late work will not be accepted. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. 7 There are no make-up days for speeches/presentations. If you miss (e.g. forget your speech day) and or are absent on day(s) you are assigned to present, you will receive zero for your speech/presentation. For individual and or team presentations, if you wish to use a presentation advancer, it is your responsibility to bring or borrow one. Instructor advancer is not available for general use. As a SI, business communication course, it is necessary to practice a variety of delivery methods and receive and apply feedback in order to improve oral communication skills. Therefore, Speaking assignments are as follows: S1: Impromptu speech. Be advised: Student selection for S1 is determined prior to class on a random bias. If you are absent and or arrive late (after your name is called), you will receive a zero for S1. S2: Extemporaneous speech and Preparation Outline on the business topic of your choice. S3: Re-do your S2 speech and Preparation Outline. Use feedback on S2 outline and Speech Evaluation form to make significant improvements on S3. S4: Team speech/presentation informing and or persuading target audience about research findings, data, information, etc. Specific instructions for S4 will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Research Skills (R1, R2 and S4).” o As part of this assignment, your team is required to visit The University Speaking Center for assistance with the organization of the speech/presentation as well as the delivery. Make your team’s appointment at least 2 weeks prior to your desired appointment day/time as: 1) appointment times fill up quickly and 2) a minimum 2-day advance notice is required by The Speaking Center. This means, your appointment must be made 2-days in advance of the assignment due date. Additionally, for the S2 & S3 assignments: Follow specific instructions carefully as outlined for each assignment. Full name and section number must be on your assignment and on accompanying documents. All documents must be stapled. S2 & S3 ASSIGNMENTS: WHAT TO POST AND TURN IN: 1. 2. SAFEASSIGN: PRIOR TO CLASS on the assigned due date, post your Preparation Outline as a SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard using the appropriate assignment link(s) provided in the Speaking (S1-S3) folder. Save your work as a Word file and follow this specific document naming convention: FirstNameLastNameAssignmentName.doc. For example: LoriMackowskiResume.doc. Be advised of the following: o Blackboard assignment links will not be available after the designated due date/time. o If not posted by the designated day/time as a SafeAssign assignment, you will receive an automatic one-letter grade deduction for the assignment. PRINTED HARD COPY: AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the assigned due date, turn in a printed, hard copy of your Preparation Outline. Visit The University Speaking Center: For a one grade factor increase on the S3 grade (e.g. If the earned grade on S3 was a C, final grade with grade factor increase would be a C+). To qualify, on your S3 speech day, you must turn in authentic documentation (printed, hard copy) from The Speaking Center as proof of your visit/appointment. Make your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to your desired appointment day/time as: 1) appointment times fill up quickly and 2) a minimum 2-day advance notice is required by The Speaking Center. This means, your appointment must be made 2-days in advance of the assignment due date. If English is your second language, you are encouraged to seek this assistance. 8 Course Final: As a WI, business communication course, it is necessary to revise your work in order to produce high quality, professional documents. Therefore, the course final requires you to produce a professional portfolio. Using the feedback given on the graded, hard copies of the W assignments, you will rewrite/revise the assignments to be included in this portfolio demonstrating significant improvements and mastery of course material/concepts. Specific instructions will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Course Final.” Be advised of the following: To ensure fairness to all students, late work will not be accepted. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. It is necessary for you to save the graded, hard copies of W1-W5 in order to complete your professional portfolio. Failure to keep graded, hard copies and turn in with professional portfolio will result in an automatic one-letter grade deduction on the appropriate portfolio assignment. Rewrite/revise your W assignments as soon as you receive graded work with feedback and comments to ensure enough time to make changes necessary for completing the Professional Portfolio. Plan ahead and don’t procrastinate. See Course Schedule for due date of Professional Portfolio. Participation & Relating: You are expected and required to participate in this course by: o Attending every class o Being fully prepared for each class which also includes referencing this Syllabus and Course Schedule regularly. o Completing all course materials prior to class (homework, readings, videos, etc.) o Contributing thoughtfully to class discussions o Engaging in class activities, workshops, etc. o Honoring team commitments and responsibilities. In-class activities, etc.: Will be used to apply and expand course information and, at my discretion, may be counted as your participation credit. If you are absent, you are not eligible to receive participation credit for in-class activities, as these are in-class activities ONLY. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Homework: Will be used to further classroom discussion and or lecture content and, at my discretion, may be counted as your participation credit. Therefore, you must be present/attend the entire class and turn homework in as a printed, hard copy in order for homework to be accepted and to receive credit. Additionally, I do not make exceptions, take excuses or accept documentation of any kind, so please do not ask. Specific instructions for homework assignments will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in a folder titled “Homework.” Peer Evaluations: As part of your Team Research Project, you will be required to complete a peer evaluation on each team member detailing and grading their contributions and participation. Specific instructions for this assignment will be posted in the Blackboard link “Assignments” in the folder titled “Research Skills (R1, R2 and S4).” Be advised: Failure to complete a Peer Evaluation with a numeric grade for each team member, will result in an automatic one-letter grade deduction on YOUR Peer Evaluation. Evaluation of Performance (Grading): The following matrix will be used and specific Writing and Speaking Grading Rubrics are posted in the “Start Here!” link in Blackboard. Carefully review the Writing and Speaking Grading Rubrics to fully understand assignment expectations. Feedback will be provided on printed, hard copies and returned. Once an assignment is returned, your grade will be visible in Blackboard. 9 ALL feedback will serve as opportunities for growth and improvement. Specific and extensive feedback will be provided on initial assignments. Use this feedback to improve your business writing skills and techniques as I expect to see feedback applied to all future assignments including W’s, R’s, S’s, homework, etc. After initial feedback is given on a designated area(s) for improvement, future feedback on this area(s) may or may not be noted. With a WI and SI course, thoughtful application of feedback is necessary to improve your communication skills and be successful in this class. Assignments will be graded as quickly as possible (within 12-14 business days or earlier, if possible). Since assignments do not build off each other and differ in format and concept, at times, you may turn in one assignment, prior to receiving feedback/a grade from a previous assignment. Please note: Grades are not “given,” they are “earned” based on your demonstrated performance. As in the business world, you are evaluated on your performance, not on effort. Therefore, as a performance-based course, you are graded on your performance activities, not on effort. Remember, the key to excellence is practice! Matrix: + - A: Exceeds Expectations 100 - 97 96 - 94 93 - 90 B: Achieves Expectations 89 - 87 86 - 84 83 - 80 C: Working Toward Expectations 79 - 77 76 - 74 73 - 70 Overview of Grading Rubric: A B Exceeds Achieves Expectations Expectations Expands assignment Completes all that is into excellence and required; achieves good applies ingenuity. quality work with a few areas for improvement. + (plus) Achieves Expectations D: Below Expectations 69 - 67 66 - 64 63 - 60 C Working Toward Expectations Completes average work with a several areas for improvement. Null Meets Expectations (a few un-impactful errors) 10 F: Below Expectations 59 or below D/F Below Expectations Does not meet the assignment requirements. - (Minus) Working Toward Expectations (a few impactful errors) COURSE SCHEDULE Subject to change: Check Blackboard prior to each class for announcements, expansion of the daily schedule, homework, etc. AR=Additional Readings in Blackboard / V= Videos in Blackboard As a WI and SI course, there is extensive material to cover and the pace is intense. Keep up with the readings and assignments and plan/work ahead when possible. Don’t procrastinate and don’t let yourself fall behind. Date: WEEK 1 Monday: 8/19 Wednesday: 8/21 Agenda/Lecture Topic/Discussion: Print Syllabus and the Getting Started document. Read each document carefully and bring to class for discussion Academic Integrity (AI) Test: Due: 8/26 Academic to Business Writing Audience-Centeredness 1. Chapter 1 (entire chapter) 2. Part Four: Revision Guide, pages 619-669 3. Read Homework #1 for discussion 1. Chapter 3, pages 88-91 (Writing an Opening and Writing a Closing) 2. Chapter 8, pages 284-285 (Openings & Closings) 3. Chapter 8, pages 298-300 (Designing Memos) 4. AR: How to Create an Audience-Centered Strategy Homework #1: Due 8/28 Friday: 8/23 Language Choices (Tone, Style & Word Choices) Team Assignments: Exchange contact information (phone number, e-mail, etc.) with your team members. DUE TODAY: Academic Integrity Test Writing Instructions Wednesday: 8/28 Friday: 8/30 WEEK 3 Monday: 9/2 DUE TODAY: Homework #1 Cultural Communication: Guest Speaker, Dr. Catherine Holderness. Readings and lecture connect to Team Research Report. 1. Chapter 4, pages 112-119 (Language) 2. Chapter 8, pages 276-279 (Developing Style and Tone) 3. AR: What do You Mean You Don't Like My Style 1. Chapters 2 & 12 (entire chapters) 2. Chapter 4, pages 105-106 (Active and Passive Voice) 3. AR: Passive and Active Voice 4. Read W1 assignment for discussion 1. Chapter 7, pages 259-265 (Using Visuals to Communicate Internationally) 2. AR: Three Keys to Getting An Overseas Assignment Right 3. AR: Kiss Bow Australia 4. AR: Kiss Bow Russia W1 Instructional / “How To” Memo: Due 9/11 1. AR: Impromptu Speaking Strategies (Needed for S1) 2. AR: Organizational Structures for the Body of a Speech 3. AR: Transitions for a Speech 4. Read S2 & S3 assignments for discussion S2 & S3 Speaking assignments are due on the day(s) you signed-up. W1 Strategy Session: 9/6 No Class: Labor Day Holiday Business Speaking: Speech Preparation Impromptu Speaking: S1 (5) Wednesday: 9/4 Assignment Announcements/Due Dates and Reminders: Welcome and Introductions Review: Syllabus and Getting Started document Audience-Centeredness continued WEEK 2 Monday: 8/26 Readings, Videos and or Homework: Must be completed as preparation PRIOR to class on assigned day. Bring personal calendars to class in order to sign-up for S2 & S3 speech days. 11 S1 Speeches (4) Friday: 9/6 WEEK 4 Monday: 9/9 Wednesday: 9/11 Reminder: Start working on S2 ASAP as speeches begin in Week 6 on 9/25. W1 Strategy Session: Bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies of your W1 Rough Draft. Bring personal calendars to class in order to sign-up for S2 & S3 speech days. Business Speaking: Delivery S1 Speeches (5) Bring personal calendars to class in order to sign-up for S2 & S3 speech days. Business Speaking: How to Conduct Effective Meetings and Wrap-Up of Business Speaking S1 Speeches (7) DUE TODAY: W1 Instructional / “How To” Memo Writing the Draft S1 Speeches (5) 1. Chapter 14 2. V: Watch University Speaking Center Video Series: Public Speaking for Individual Presentations 1. AR: The Ten Commandments of Presentations Reminders: Allocate enough time to properly research, prepare and deliver your speech. Check Sign-Up sheets to confirm your speech days(s). 1. Chapter 3 (entire chapter) 2. Read Team Research Project (R1, R2 & S4) for discussion R1: Due 10/23 Friday: 9/13 WEEK 5 Monday: 9/16 Wednesday: 9/18 Friday: 9/20 WEEK 6 Monday: 9/23 Wednesday: 9/25 Friday: 9/27 R1 Strategy Session: 10/16 R2: Due 11/20 S4: Due on Exam Day Plan first team meeting ASAP and begin working on Team Contract and R1 immediately. Revising the Draft S1 Speeches (4) Researching Your Subject: Guest Speaker: Mr. Steve Cramer, Library Experience necessary for Team Research Project. Bring personal computer to class. Principles of Business Communication 1. Chapter 4 (entire chapter) 1. Chapter 6 (entire chapter) Nonverbal Communication 1. 2. 3. 1. Persuasive Communication S2 Speeches (3) 1. AR: Bovill & Thill (entire chapter) 2. AR: Emotional Picture Words Persuasive Communication: Job Search 1. Chapter 16 (entire chapter) 2. AR: Action Verbs Information Sheet 3. Read W3 & W4 assignments for discussion W2 Strategy Session: Bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies of your W2 Rough Draft. Chapter 8 (entire chapter) AR: The Business Journal, 10-12-12 Read W2 assignments for discussion AR: Guffey & Loewy (pages 63-67) W2 Goodwill E-mail: Due 10/2 W2 Strategy Session: 9/27 Reminder: Teams need to be meeting on a regular basis to complete R1 & R2 due 10/23 & 11/20. W3 Persuasive App. Letter: Due 10/9 W3 Strategy Session: 10/4 Reminder: Need to work on W3 Rough Draft ASAP! W4 Persuasive Resume: Due 10/18 W4 Strategy Session: 10/11 WEEK: 7 Monday: 9/30 Wednesday: 10/2 Persuasive Communication: Persuasive Application Letter S2 Speeches (3) Persuasive Communication: Resume S2 Speeches (3) Reminder: Need to work on W4 Rough Draft ASAP! DUE TODAY: W2 Goodwill E-mail 12 Friday: 10/4 WEEK 8 Monday: 10/7 Collaborative Writing & Informal Reports 1. Chapters 5 & 10 (entire chapters) 2. AR: Krizan, Merrier, Logan & Williams (pages 418-433) Formal Reports 1. Chapter 11 (entire chapter) W3 Strategy Session: Bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies of your W3 Rough Draft. Reminder: Teams need to be meeting on a regular basis to complete R1 & R2 due 10/23 & 11/20. Wrap-Up: Informal and Formal Reports Wednesday: 10/9 DUE TODAY: W3 Persuasive Application Letter W4 Strategy Session with Guest Speaker, Linda Pollock. Friday: 10/11 WEEK 9 Monday: 10/14 Bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies of your W4 Rough Draft and personal computer to class. No Class: Enjoy Your Fall Break! Reminder: Teams need to be meeting on a regular basis to complete R1 & R2 due 10/23 & 11/20. S2 Speeches (3) Wednesday: 10/16 Friday: 10/18 WEEK 10 Monday: 10/21 Wednesday: 10/23 Friday: 10/25 WEEK 11 Monday: 10/28 R1 Strategy Session: Bring typed, printed, hard copy Rough Drafts of your Progress Report, Work Schedule and Team Contract. Negative Communication: Delivering Bad News S2 Speeches (3) 1. Chapter 9 (entire chapter) 2. Read W5 assignment for discussion W5 Negative Communication Letter: Due 11/8 Negative Communication Workshop. Bring designated team computer to class. 1. AR: Strategies for Communicating Bad News Negative Communication Workshop continued. Bring designated team computer to class. 1. Read Course Final: Professional Portfolio for discussion Reminder: Work on S3 as soon as feedback is received on S2. S3 speeches begin in Week 12 on 11/8. Course Final: Professional Portfolio: Due 11/25 DUE TODAY: W4 Persuasive Resume DUE TODAY: R1 Negative Communication Workshop continued. Bring designated team computer to class. Designing Effective Documents and Visuals S2 Speeches (2) 1. Chapter 7 (entire chapter) S2 Speeches (3) Wednesday: 10/30 Friday: 11/1 W5 Strategy Session: 10/30 Reminder: Teams need to be meeting on a regular basis to complete R2 due 11/20. Reminder: Work on Portfolio due on 11/25. Homework #2: Due 11/6 W5 Strategy Session: Bring 2 typed, printed, hard copies of your W5 Rough Draft. Designing Effective Documents and Visuals continued S2 Speeches (2) 13 WEEK 12 Monday: 11/4 Wednesday: 11/6 Friday: 11/8 WEEK 13 Monday: 11/11 S2 Speeches (4) Designing Effective Documents and Visuals continued Writing Proposals S2 Speeches (3) 1. Chapter 13 (entire chapter) DUE TODAY: Homework #2 S2 Speeches (1) and S3 Speeches (2) Class time for R2/S4. Bring designated team computer to class. Friday: 11/15 WEEK 14 Monday: 11/18 Wednesday: 11/20 Friday: 11/22 WEEK 15 Monday: 11/25 Wednesday: 11/27 Friday: 11/29 Homework #3: Due 11/13 Reminder: Work on Portfolio due on 11/25. DUE TODAY: W5 Negative Communication Letter S3 Speeches (5) Writing for the Web Wednesday: 11/13 Reminder: Teams need to be planning / working on S4 which also includes scheduling your appointment(s) at The Speaking Center. A 2-day advance notice is required. DUE TODAY: Homework #3. Bring designated team computer to class. Reminder: Teams need to be in final stages of completing R2 due on 11/20. 1. Chapter 15 (entire chapter) 2. AR: Social Media & Writing for the Web (entire PowerPoint) S3 Speeches (5) Class time for Professional Portfolio. Bring personal computer and graded W1W5 assignments to class. S3 Speeches (5) Reminder: Work on Portfolio due on 11/25. DUE TODAY: R2 S3 Speeches (5) S3 Speeches (5) DUE TODAY: Course Final: Professional Portfolio No Class: Thanksgiving Holiday! No Class: Thanksgiving Holiday! S3 Speeches (3) WEEK 16 Monday: 12/2 Final Exam Days Reminder: Work on Portfolio due on 11/25. Last day of class! Course Wrap-Up S4 Due: All teams & team members must be present on Exam day and stay for entire length of Exam time. Section Section Section Section 01: 02: 03: 05: December 9: December 4: December 9: December 9: 8-11 a.m. 12 (Noon) -3 p.m. 12 (Noon) -3 p.m. 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. 14