Click Here JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, E08004, doi:10.1029/2006JE002852, 2007 for Full Article Lineated valley fill and lobate debris apron stratigraphy in Nilosyrtis Mensae, Mars: Evidence for phases of glacial modification of the dichotomy boundary Joseph S. Levy,1 James W. Head,1 and David R. Marchant2 Received 31 October 2006; revised 7 March 2007; accepted 17 May 2007; published 9 August 2007. [1] The Nilosyrtis Mensae region is important among dichotomy boundary fretted terrain outcrops, as it provides evidence of overprinting of ancient landscapes by a suite of glacial features, providing a composite view of the variety of midlatitude glacial modification processes that can occur during recent Martian ice ages. On the basis of a series of criteria developed for the identification of a glacial origin for lineated valley fill and lobate debris aprons, we interpret stratigraphic, topographic, and textural relationships between lineated valley fill and lobate debris apron morphological units as evidence of local and regional glacial overprinting of the landscape during the recent Amazonian. We document (1) stratigraphic relationships between lineated valley fill subunits, including the presence of apparently superposed and small-scale lobate features, (2) the regional integration and flow of lineated valley fill material, (3) lineated valley fill degradation, and (4) the nature and stratigraphic position of lobate debris aprons. These observations suggest multiple phases or episodes of midlatitude valley glacier activity. These observations, together with those of surface units elsewhere in northern Arabia Terra interpreted as glacially modified landforms, suggest the possibility of midlatitude glacial deposits extending over broad portions of the Martian dichotomy boundary within the past several hundred million years. Citation: Levy, J. S., J. W. Head, and D. R. Marchant (2007), Lineated valley fill and lobate debris apron stratigraphy in Nilosyrtis Mensae, Mars: Evidence for phases of glacial modification of the dichotomy boundary, J. Geophys. Res., 112, E08004, doi:10.1029/2006JE002852. 1. Introduction 1.1. Previous Analyses and Interpretations of Fretted Valleys and Lineated Valley Fill [2] In order to more completely understand the geological history of the Martian dichotomy boundary, it is essential to first understand the erosional and modification processes which have acted on the boundary, producing the present topography and features [Frey and Schultz, 1988, 1991; McGill, 2000; Watters, 2003; Head et al., 2006b; Irwin et al., 2004; Kiefer, 2005; Frey, 2006; Watters and McGovern, 2006]. Lineated valley fill (LVF) and lobate debris aprons (LDA) are some of the most common modification features present on the dichotomy boundary. LVF and LDA form in association with fretted terrain and fretted channels in northern Arabia Terra [Sharp, 1973; Squyres, 1978, 1979, 1989]. Geological mapping of the region indicates that LVF and LDA represent Amazonian-aged modification of Hesperian-aged fretted terrain [Greeley and Guest, 1987; McGill, 2000]. Recent analyses of LVF in northern Arabia 1 Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. 2 Department of Earth Sciences, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union. 0148-0227/07/2006JE002852$09.00 Terra [Head et al., 2006a, 2006b] show local sources for LVF in valley-wall alcoves, down-valley flow, merging of flow into trunk valleys, and terminations in lobe-shaped deposits: features similar to terrestrial valley glacier systems [Eyles, 1983; Benn et al., 2003]. Likewise, analyses of LDA features indicate creep of rocky debris material with interstitial pore ice in a manner analogous with terrestrial rock glaciers [Mangold, 2003; Pierce and Crown, 2003; Li et al., 2005] and debris-covered glaciers [Mangold, 2003; Pierce and Crown, 2003; Li et al., 2005]. Finally, hemisphere-wide surveys of dissected mantle terrain provide evidence of widespread glacial conditions during recent Amazonian time [Head et al., 2003; Milliken et al., 2003]. Taken together, these lines of evidence suggest a complex glacial history for portions of the northern hemisphere, particularly along the dichotomy boundary, and a potential link between the stratigraphy of these terrains (desiccated mantle, LVF, LDA) and global glacial events during the past millions to hundreds of millions of years. [3] Questions about LDA/LVF which can be answered by morphological and stratigraphical analysis include: (1) the direction, extent, and continuity of flow in LDA/LVF [Carr, 2001]; (2) the sequence of emplacement and/or stratigraphic position of LDA/LVF [McGill, 2000]; (3) the climate significance of LDA/LVF [Madeleine et al., 2007]; and (4) the mode of origin of the LDA and LVF (for example, E08004 1 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 Figure 1. Shaded relief map of the Martian dichotomy boundary region of northern Arabia Terra over MOLA gridded topography. The Nilosyrtis Mensae region (box) is at the far eastern and southern extremity of this portion of the dichotomy boundary. groundwater-fed [Sharp, 1973; Carr, 1995]), ice-assisted rock creep [Squyres, 1978; Lucchitta, 1984], ice-rich landslides [Carr, 2001], rock glaciers [Mangold, 2003; Pierce and Crown, 2003], or debris-covered glaciers [Li et al., 2005; Head et al., 2006a, 2006b]. The unique physical characteristics and geographical setting of the Nilosyrtis Mensae region (Figures 1 –3) provide information on the confluence of multiple sources of LVF, LVF/LDA stratigraphy, and stages of LVF/LDA evolution, and thus, evidence of regional, potentially climate-driven changes at the dichotomy boundary. [4] The Nilosyrtis Mensae region LVF is similar in morphology to LVF described in Deuteronilus and Protonilus Mensae by Head et al. [2006a, 2006b]. Lineated valley fill there has been interpreted as a suite of features analogous to terrestrial debris-covered glaciers. We use the term debris-covered glacier to mean a lobate mass of glacial ice, overlain by a mantle of rock-fall-derived and aeolianderived till that is generated by sublimation of the uppermost portion of the buried ice. Terrestrial debris-covered glaciers are distinguished from ice-cemented rock glaciers in which ice is largely present as an interstitial phase Figure 2. Context map of the Nilosyrtis Mensae region of the dichotomy boundary, composed of MOLA gridded topography and the THEMIS global mosaic. The 500-m contour lines highlight major topographic features. 2 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 Figure 3. Context map of the Nilosyrtis Mensae region showing approximate locations of image centers. between boulders, and in lenses, rather than as the dominant phase of the glacier substrate [White, 1976]. Outwardly some of the features mapped in Deuteronilus and Protonilus Mensae, as well as some of those in Nilosyrtis Mensae, share characteristics with typical terrestrial rock glaciers and rock-glacier deposits. However, the integrated flow patterns in each region are most consistent with the formation, maturation, and degradation of debris-covered glaciers, similar to those observed in alcoves and tributary valleys in the Antarctic Dry Valleys. In this analysis we build on previous studies designed to test a glacial origin for LVF and LDA [e.g., Marchant and Head, 2007]. Our new criteria expand the observations of terrestrial glacier systems to the Martian environment, in which ice stability is enhanced by the generation of a mantling debris cover [Mangold, 2003; Head et al., 2005]. In the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, we examine spatial and temporal relations among the following features, each numbered below and provided with specific interpretations that are most consistent with debris-covered glacier activity. The greater the number of criteria observed, the stronger the argument for glacier activity: (1) alcoves, theater-shaped indentations in valley and massif walls (that may be inherited landscape features, and which form local snow and ice accumulation zones and sources of rock debris cover), (2) parallel arcuate ridges facing outward from these alcoves and extending down slope as lobe-like features (deformed flow ridges of debris), (3) progressive tightening and folding of parallel arcuate ridges where abutting adjacent lobes or topographic obstacles (constrained debris-covered glacial flow), (4) progressive opening and broadening of arcuate ridges where there are no topographic obstacles (unobstructed flow of debris-covered ice), (5) circular to elongate pits in lobes (differential sublimation of surface and near-surface ice), (6) individual LVF tributary valleys converging into larger LVF trunk valleys (local valley debris-covered glaciers merging into larger intermontaine glacial systems), (7) complex folds in LVF where tributaries join trunk systems (differential flow velocities causing folding), (8) integrated LVF flow systems extending for tens of kilometers (intermontaine glacial systems), and (9) rounded valley wall corners where flow converges downstream, and narrow arete-like plateau remnants between LVF valleys (both interpreted to be due to valley glacial streamlining). 1.2. Geological Setting [5] We examined a portion of the dichotomy boundary in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region of northwest Arabia Terra (30.5°N – 36°N, 66.5°E– 73.5°E) in which surficial exposures of dissected mantle, lineated valley fill, and lobate debris aprons are present (Figures 1 – 4 and Table 1). This portion of the dichotomy boundary is characterized by abrupt changes in topography, evident in the transition from south to north from relatively smooth upland plains (800 m elevation), through a region of extensive linked valleys (5 –10 km long, 5 km wide, and up to 1.5 km deep), to a region of isolated mesas (10 – 20 km wide and 1.5– 2 km high), and ultimately, to the northern plains (2000 m elevation) [Greeley and Guest, 1987]. The alignment of mesa edges and buttes, as well as the straightness of many valleys in the study area (Figure 2), are interpreted as indications of the presence of a number of large, Noachian-aged graben along this portion of the dichotomy boundary, consistent with lithospheric flexure associated with loading of the northern lowlands [McGill, 2000; Watters, 2003; Kiefer, 2005; Watters and McGovern, 2006]. Some graben-initiated valleys may have been subsequently pirated by fluvial systems during the late Noachian and early Hesperian, while other valleys in the 3 of 19 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 E08004 Figure 4. Schematic diagram of LVF and LDA landforms observed in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. Scale bar is 1 km in all images. Gray shading indicates plateau surfaces. Bold lines indicate landform contacts; thin lines indicate surface lineations. (a) Regional LVF (R-LVF): see Figure 5 in section 2.1. (b) Superposed LVF (S-LVF): see Figures 17 and 18 in section 2.2. (c) Small-scale superposed LVF (SSS-LVF): See Figures 20 and 21 in section 2.3. Light gray lines suggest steep lobe fronts. (d) Lobate debris aprons (LDA): See Figures 22 and 23 in section 2.4. region are purely fluvial in origin [Carr, 1995]. Where LVF and LDA modification is not present, fretted terrain shows evidence of fracture-controlled erosional processes [Irwin et al., 2004]. Phyllosilicates have been detected in this region, indicative of weathering of ultramafic Noachian basement [Poulet et al., 2006]. 2. Description and Stratigraphy of Nilosyrtis Mensae Region Morphological Units 2.1. Regional Lineated Valley Fill [6] High-resolution MOC, HRSC, and THEMIS-VIS data, coupled with MOLA topography, provide geomorphic clues that point toward locally integrated, alcove-derived valley glaciation in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. LVF is present in many of the Nilosyrtis Mensae valleys and is commonly lineated along the axis of the valley (Figure 5). Some cross-valley lineations are present, commonly as part of a lobate lineation structure [Levy and Head, 2006] (Figures 5 and 6). Tracing lineations in MOC images leads to the conclusion that most regional LVF is sourced in valley-head alcoves at a variety of elevations (1000– 200 m), where it embays the lower valley wall slopes. The valley-head alcoves and lower valley wall slopes provide a ready source for LVF debris content. The LVF has a pit-andbutte surface texture (Figure 7), suggesting modification of Table 1. Summary of Morphological Characteristics of Glacial Modification Features Present in the Nilosyrtis Mensae Study Area Morphological Characteristic Regional LVF Superposed LVF Small-Scale Superposed LVF Lobate Debris Aprons Distribution widely distributed widely distributed concentrated distribution widely distributed Size several kilometers wide, tens of kilometers long 1 km wide, <10 km long <1 km wide, <5 km long 1- to 2-km radial width Length-scale of integration ones to tens of kilometers not integrated not integrated not integrated Marginal steepness low steepness moderate steepness very steep moderate steepness Surface patterning axial and lobate lineations, pitand-butte texture axial lineations terminating in expanding lobate lineations axial lineations, rough surface texture concentric lineations, 4pit-and-butte texture 4 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 [7] Documenting LVF lineations in the Nilosyrtis Mensae study area provides insight into the origin and flow characteristics of LVF units. LVF can be traced from source alcoves to regional sinks in which the LVF texture is lost (Figures 8 – 10). Although Nilosyrtis LVF is sourced in spatially and topographically isolated alcoves (Figure 8, lower middle), flow lineations visible in high-resolution MOC images suggest confluence of LVF and deflection of LVF around topographic obstacles (Figure 5), implying integrated flow of an ice-rich medium [Head et al., 2006b; Lucchitta, 1984]. LVF forms an integrated pattern over kilometers to tens of kilometers. Lineations from several sources merge and respond to topography together (Figures 8 –10), and can be traced from alcoves, through broad trunk valleys, to local topographic lows. Flow directions are inferred from the orientation of unambiguous lobe structures visible in MOC-scale images, where available (e.g., Figures 5 and 6); else gridded topographic data are also used to determine downslope direction. For clarity in comparison with other Nilosyrtis Mensae region LVF deposits, these broadly integrated LVF deposits that line the floors of trunk and tributary valley systems will be referred to as ‘‘regional’’ LVF deposits. [8] Changes in regional LVF texture as a function of distance downslope provide evidence of ice-rich material in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, and its ablation during and following the cessation of regional LVF flow. At local topographic minima, regional LVF pit-and-butte surface textures with pronounced lineations grade into rough, nonlineated, softened surface textures (Figures 11 and 12). Regional LVF lobes maintain a convex-up profile approaching these roughly patterned topographic lows (Figure 11). This morphology is interpreted to be analogous to the profile of a retreating terrestrial glacier toe, rather than as Figure 5. (a) Regional LVF showing indications of integration, confluence of flow, and deflection around obstacles. Lineations are commonly oriented along the axis of the valley, though transverse, lobate features also occur. LVF is commonly sourced in valley-head alcoves, where it embays the lower reaches of the valley walls. Images are THEMIS-VIS image V09834018 and MOC images E0102224, M0303672, and M0401029. (b) Sketch map of regional LVF features in Figure 5a. R-LVF denotes regional lineated valley fill; P denotes plateaus between valleys; W denotes valley walls. Fine lines indicate surface lineations. the surface by sublimation subsequent to flow [Levy and Head, 2006; Mangold, 2003]. At some locations, the LVF abuts a smooth, topographically lower terrain (Figure 7, left). MOLA altimetry point data across these contacts yield a depth, and thus, an inferred thickness of the LVF unit of 50 m. Figure 6. Close-up view of lobate lineations present in regional LVF from Figure 5. Regional LVF commonly has a pit-and-butte surface texture. Lineations are commonly parallel to the valley axis, although valley-crossing or lobate lineations also occur. 5 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 Figure 7. Pit-and-butte surface textures of regional LVF in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. MOLA point profiles across the contact between the pit-and-butte texture, and the smooth, unpatterned texture at image left suggest the regional LVF is presently up to 50 m thick. Note the large, undeformed, inverted crater in the regional LVF, suggesting that significant sublimation has occurred following the cessation of regional LVF flow [e.g., Mangold, 2003]. Image is MOC E1300869. evidence of embayment of the regional LVF lobe by dust or debris. In the latter case, the topographic profile would be expected to be more uniform in height across the textural contact. Moraine-like bands and ridges are present in some topographic minima (Figure 13), further suggesting the morphological analogy between the regional LVF textural transition and features associated with the retreat of terrestrial glaciers. In summary, we interpret the transition from Figure 8. Map of regional LVF in the western portion of the study area, combining THEMIS global mosaic and MOLA gridded data. LVF is integrated, as lineations from several sources merge and respond to topography as a package. Lineations can be traced from alcoves to local topographic lows. Flow directions are inferred from unambiguous lobe structures where present; otherwise, current gridded topographic data are used. Ellipsis dots following arrows indicate textural transitions between strongly lineated pit-and-butte morphology and a rough, patchy, degraded texture. 6 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY Figure 9. Map of regional LVF in the central portion of the study area, combining THEMIS global mosaic and MOLA gridded data. LVF is integrated, as lineations from several sources merge and respond to topography as a package. Lineations can be traced from alcoves to local topographic lows. Flow directions are inferred from unambiguous lobe structures where present; otherwise, current gridded topographic data are used. Ellipsis dots following arrows indicate textural transitions between strongly lineated pit-and-butte morphology and a rough, patchy, degraded texture. Figure 10. Map of regional LVF in the eastern portion of the study area, combining THEMIS global mosaic and MOLA gridded data. LVF is integrated, as lineations from several sources merge and respond to topography as a package. Lineations can be traced from alcoves to local topographic lows. Flow directions are inferred from unambiguous lobe structures where present; otherwise, current gridded topographic data are used. Ellipsis dots following arrows indicate textural transitions between strongly lineated pit-and-butte morphology and a rough, patchy, degraded texture. 7 of 19 E08004 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY Figure 11. MOLA point profile across the transition between axially-lineated regional LVF and a local topographic minimum covered by a patchy, rough surface texture. (top) Note the low-angle, relatively flat topography, with roughened surface texture found in the depression between E and E0, in contrast to the convex-up lobate form of the regional LVF to the right of E0. (bottom) Highresolution view of the transition between axially lineated regional LVF and a patchy, softened, surface texture in a local topographic low. The relatively flat topography of the local depression is consistent with the degraded surface texture, suggesting sublimation of regional LVF lobe termini. The convex-up profile of the still-lineated regional LVF unit, coupled with the abrupt topographic transition at the contact between surface textures suggests that the LVF lobe is retreating from the topographic low, rather than being embayed or covered by dust (or some other obscuring mantle). The transition between strongly lineated surface texture and a softened surface texture is interpreted as a result of the sublimation of ice from terminal regional LVF in the topographic depression, and the production of a sublimation lag deposit. Images are THEMIS-VIS image V09834018 and MOC images M0401229 and E0102224. strongly lineated, pit-and-butte textured regional LVF to a roughly patterned surface texture in local topographic minima as evidence of sublimation of regional LVF associated with glacier retreat. In these local termini, a portion of the ice component of the regional LVF was removed by E08004 sublimation, producing a lag deposit of sublimation residue. This process is analogous to the stagnation, sublimation, and till thickening of debris-covered glacier tills in the stable upland zone of the Antarctic Dry Valleys [Marchant and Head, 2004, 2007; Marchant et al., 2002; Rignot et al., 2002]. [9] Further evidence of regional LVF ice volume loss subsequent to the cessation of flow includes the presence of steep scarps in the talus deposits above the regional LVF/ valley-wall contact (Figure 14), similar to the marginal furrows described by White [1976] for terrestrial debriscovered glaciers. Had no volume been removed from the regional LVF since the cessation of flow, talus deposits on the valley walls would be expected to slope toward a conformable contact with the regional LVF. Inspection of high-resolution MOC data reveals an abrupt scarp at the base of the talus slopes abutting regional LVF deposits, suggesting that meters to tens of meters of material have been removed from the regional LVF since the deposition of the bulk of the marginal talus deposits (Figures 14 and 15). The lack of channels or wind-sculpted features (e.g., yardangs) in the vicinity of the regional LVF units suggest that melting of ice and/or wind erosion have not been major sources of regional LVF volume loss. Rather, we interpret the apparent change in regional LVF level as deflation of the surface by the sublimation of a portion of the ice component of the regional LVF [Mangold, 2003]. This process may be analogous to the sublimation of debris-covered glaciers in the Antarctic Dry Valleys, which produces a thick, complexly patterned sublimation lag deposit which limits subsequent sublimation, protecting the remaining buried ice [Kowalewski et al., 2006; Marchant et al., 2002; Sugden et al., 1995]. Figure 12. Regional LVF exiting a valley and transitioning into a nonlineated, softened texture. LVF lineations can be traced directly from the theater-shaped valley head alcove to a topographic low, several kilometers away, where the lineated texture grades into a softened texture (arrow indicates contact). Contours are 100 m. Image is THEMISVIS image V11057007 over MOLA gridded data. 8 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 2006b]), coupled with the interpretation of retreat of regional LVF in local topographic lows, suggests that climate conditions during the formation and evolution of the Nilosyrtis regional LVF were generally cold and dry. Sufficient water vapor was present in the atmosphere to permit snow and ice accumulation in protected alcoves in valley headwalls and to allow long-term preservation of ice under debris cover. In exposed areas, such as along glacier toes in local topographic minima and within broad trunk valleys, conditions favoring sublimation prevailed, promoting the slow sublimation of buried ice, limiting the extent of regional LVF integration, and promoting the generation of residual regional LVF lag deposits observed at present. Figure 13. Transition between axially lineated regional LVF (arrow 1) and smoother, patchy surface textures (image upper right) in a local topographic low. At the termination of the well-lineated regional LVF texture is a ridge feature oriented transverse to the regional LVF lineations (arrow 2), which is interpreted as a moraine-like structure, consistent with the retreat of glacier-like regional LVF lobes in response to climate conditions favoring terminal ablation. Images are THEMIS-VIS images V11319006, V11631004, and V11943010 and MOC image M1200021. [10] Craters were counted on 293 km2 of Nilosyrtis Mensae regional LVF using HRSC image data. These counts yield ages of 0.1– 1 Ga for craters larger than 250 m in diameter [Hartmann, 2005] (Figure 16), suggesting that the regional LVF surface is of late Amazonian age. Given the highly degraded surface texture of LVF, determining accurate surface ages with crater counts is challenging, as small craters are rapidly removed, and large craters are heavily modified [Mangold, 2003]. The paucity of deformed craters on the regional LVF indicates that the majority of the craters counted on the surface were emplaced subsequent to the cessation of LVF flow, suggesting that the crater retention age is a minimum age for the regional LVF unit. The age derived from this count is consistent with crater counts on LVF in Deuteronilus and Protonilus Mensae made by Mangold [2003] that suggest a surface age of between 0.1 and 1 Ga. Crater counts made using HRSC images covering the full extent of regional LVF at 12.5 m/pixel suggest that small craters (<100 m diameter) are being removed or made unrecognizable as fast as they are being created, while large craters provide a relatively intact record [Hartmann, 2004]. The removal of small craters on the regional LVF is consistent with surficial slumping and deflation associated with sublimation of buried ice [Mangold, 2003]. [11] The kilometers to tens of kilometers scale integration of regional LVF in the Nilosyrtis study area (compared to the hundreds of kilometer scale integration described in Deuteronilus and Protonilus Mensae by Head et al. [2006a, 2.2. Superposed LVF [12] In some locations (Figures 17 and 18), axially lineated, terminally lobate features are present in steeply inclined, small valleys that debouch into larger Nilosyrtis Mensae region trunk valleys. These features are morphologically similar to regional LVF. Like regional LVF, surface lineations on these features can be traced from valley headwalls (Figures 17 and 18), suggesting these features are also sourced in protected alcoves. Like regional LVF, these features are commonly lineated parallel to the long axis of the valley in which they are found. Like regional LVF, lineations in these features merge and are deflected as a group around obstacles, suggesting coalescence and flow of ice-rich materials similar to terrestrial debris-covered glaciers [Head et al., 2006b] (Figure 18). Unlike regional LVF, these features form in small valleys only a few km in length and are not integrated on tens of kilometer scales. The key difference between these features and regional LVF is that these features terminate in expanded, concentrically lineated lobes at the junction with the adjoining trunk valleys. This terminally lobate morphology is analogous to the expansion of debris-covered and other cold-based glacier lobes in the Antarctic Dry Valleys, where small valley glaciers debouche into larger trunk valleys [Levy et al., 2006; Marchant and Head, 2005] (Figure 19). [13] Stratigraphically, these expanding-lobe LVF features are interpreted as representing some of the youngest activity in the system, possibly even overlying material present on the floor of the trunk valley. In order to distinguish these features from other LVF features in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, we refer to them as ‘‘superposed’’ LVF. In some locations, (e.g., Figure 17), superposed LVF appears to overlie regional LVF present on the trunk valley floor. In such cases, there is a sharp contact between the regional LVF in the trunk valley (which is lineated parallel to the trunk valley axis) and the concentrically lineated superposed LVF lobe. Concentric lineations appear to cross-cut trunk-valley axial lineations, suggesting that the concentrically lineated superposed LVF formed later than, and possibly overlies, the trunk valley regional LVF. Topographically, the contact between regional LVF and superposed LVF is determined by the abrupt transition from the relatively flat-lying, low-angle regional LVF to the steeper (3.6°), markedly convex-up superposed LVF lobe front (Figures 17 and 18). Other examples of superposed LVF lobes apparently overlie patchy, softened, and stippletextured valley floor material in the adjoining trunk valley 9 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 Figure 14. (a, c) Steep scarps in the talus deposits above the regional LVF/valley-wall contact, interpreted as evidence of volume loss from the regional LVF subsequent to the cessation of flow (see Figure 15). Had no volume been removed from the regional LVF since the cessation of regional LVF flow, talus deposits on the valley walls would be expected to slope toward a conformable contact with the regional LVF. The abrupt scarp at the base of the talus slopes abutting regional LVF deposits suggests that meters to tens of meters of material have been removed from the regional LVF since the deposition of the bulk of the marginal talus deposits. (b) Close-up view of the talus scarp shown in Figure 14a. (d) Talus scarp at regional LVF margin with trough separating LVF from talus slope, consistent with marginal retreat of debris-covered glaciers from valley walls [White, 1976]. Arrows indicate illumination direction in all frames. All images are excerpted from THEMIS-VIS image V09834018; MOC images E0102224 and E0202120. (Figure 18). Such valley floor material is texturally similar to material interpreted as residual regional LVF found predominantly in local topographic minima elsewhere in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region (e.g., Figure 11). The textural contact between the patchy, softened trunk-valley floor material and the concentrically lineated, expanding superposed LVF lobe is sharp. Slope illumination suggests significant relief of superposed LVF lobes, supporting the interpretation of superposition over the softened, trunkvalley floor material. This relationship is supported by MOLA point profiles (Figure 18), which indicate an abrupt transition between a gentle (0.04°) slope for the trunk-valley floor material, and a steep (up to 8°), strongly convex-up profile of the superposed LVF lobe. Alternatively, if the contact between the superposed LVF lobe and the regional LVF is conformable, the relative positions of the two LVF subtypes still suggest a sequence of emplacement in which the formation of the superposed LVF occurs in the very latest stage of the formation of the regional LVF, implying different phases of glacial activity in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region within the past <100 Ma. [14] Taken together, abrupt changes in surface texture and topography between trunk-valley floor material and superposed LVF features are interpreted as evidence of later stage development or the superposition of the latter group of LVF features. Clearly, there is morphological evidence for earlier, integrated regional LVF flow, followed by later, less integrated superposed LVF flow. In particular, this apparent superposition relationship suggests that superposed LVF formed subsequent to the formation of the Nilosyrtis Mensae regional LVF. Had the superposed LVF been present in smaller, tributary valleys, formed contemporaneously with the regional LVF, contacts between the two (e.g., Figure 17) would likely show more evidence of coalescence and integration of the two LVF streams. Despite regional LVF integration on tens of kilometer length scales and super- 10 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY Figure 15. Schematic diagram of current relationships between the plateaus; talus deposits; and valley-floor, regional LVF in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. The abrupt scarp present in many high-resolution MOC images of the contact between talus deposits and regional LVF suggests that regional LVF levels may have been higher in the past. Volume loss can be accounted for by deflation of ice-rich regional LVF by sublimation. posed LVF integration on kilometer length scales, there is no evidence of integration between the two LVF subtypes. Rather, the contact between the two suggests a distinct change in phase from early integrated flow to later, less E08004 integrated flow, and a late-stage superposition relationship between the superposed LVF and the regional LVF. Abundant evidence has been presented for waxing, waning, and multiple phases of glaciation in the case of the Arsia Mons tropical mountain glacial deposits [Shean et al., 2005]; similar late-stage, superposed, smaller debris-covered glacial deposits are seen on the western flanks of Olympus Mons [e.g., Head et al., 2005]. We interpret the stratigraphic relationship between regional LVF and superposed LVF as an indication of changing conditions promoting valley glacier activity in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, characterized by the differential preservation and mobilization of debris-rich ice in sheltered valley microenvironments. 2.3. Small-Scale, Superposed LVF [15] A subset of superposed LVF features are interpreted as evidence of a period of valley-glacier activity in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region characterized by enhanced debris content (Figure 20). Like other examples of superposed LVF, these features (1) are present in smaller tributary valleys, (2) are axially lineated and expand into adjacent trunk valleys (commonly characterized by a textural transi- Figure 16. Crater size-frequency distribution plot of regional LVF in the Nilosyrtis Mensae study area made using HRSC image 1391_0000. Only fresh craters, clearly superposed on the regional LVF were counted. The Hartmann [2005] isochrons suggest deposition of the regional LVF 100 Ma to 1 Ga ago, with subsequent loss of small craters. The downturn in the number of craters per bin, per unit area at smaller crater sizes is likely due to crater removal at these sizes, suggesting the regional LVF surface is being actively modified, perhaps through sublimation and deflation. 11 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY tion to concentric lineation), and (3) have lineations that can be traced from valley headwall alcoves, downslope, to terminal, convex-up lobate fronts. The primary difference between these features and superposed LVF is that these features are shorter, narrower, and terminate at more abrupt lobe heads than other superposed LVF features. In order to distinguish these features from other LVF features in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, we refer to these features as ‘‘small-scale, superposed’’ LVF. Small-scale, superposed LVF is more compact than superposed LVF and regional LVF, and is only present in very small valleys, commonly <1 km wide and <5 km long. Unlike regional LVF and E08004 superposed LVF, small-scale, superposed LVF is not composed of integrated flows from multiple alcoves. Rather, small-scale, superposed LVF is only composed of single, lobate structures. In image data, small-scale, superposed LVF is strongly positive in relief and supports steep and abrupt marginal slopes; however, the small size of smallscale, superposed LVF features makes absolute height and slope measurements with MOLA point data impossible. Inspection of THEMIS-VIS imagery suggests that smallscale, superposed LVF overlies valley-wall talus deposits, which in turn overlie patchy, rough valley-floor material in valleys which do not contain regional LVF (Figure 20). [16] One small-scale, superposed LVF feature in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region provides numerous lines of evidence for glacial processes involved in small-scale, superposed LVF evolution. This small-scale, superposed LVF lobe (Figure 21) is approximately 3 km long and fills the headward portion of a small tributary valley 5 km in length. The small-scale, superposed LVF lobe is axially lineated and has a pit-and-butte surface texture. It terminates in a convex-up lobe front oriented down-valley. Between the lobe front and the valley mouth, the valley floor has a subdued pit-and-butte surface texture with faint axial lineations. The tributary valley containing the small-scale, superposed LVF lobe debouches into a larger trunk valley, at which point a curving ridge spans the tributary valley mouth, oriented convexly into the trunk valley. We interpret this ridge form as a possible terminal moraine, marking the farthest advance of the small-scale, superposed LVF lobe. The muted LVF-like surface texture between the ridge and the lobe front is interpreted as small-scale, superposed LVF residue. The LVF-residue-like texture, coupled with the lack of ridge-breaching channels or morphological features associated with aeolian erosion strongly suggest that the lobe was truncated by removal of ice through sublimation. The sharp contact between the residual small-scale, superposed LVF material and the present relief of the lobe front is interpreted as an indication of the retreat of the small-scale, Figure 17. (a) MOLA point profile of an apparently superposed LVF lobe. Between A and A0, the convex-up morphology of the superposed LVF lobe front is clearly visible. The abrupt increase in slope and unit thickness at A and to the right, coupled with the sharp textural contact, suggests the superposed LVF lobe may be overlying the relatively flat-lying, trunk valley regional LVF. The apparently superposed LVF lobe continues up the steep slope of the small valley in which it is sourced. (b) Highresolution MOC and THEMIS-VIS image data of the contact between a superposed LVF lobe and regional LVF. Note the transition between axial lineations and concentric lineations as the superposed LVF exits its source valley. Also, note that the concentric lineations of the superposed LVF lobe appear to cross-cut the axial lineations of the regional LVF. Images are THEMIS-VIS images V11319006, V11631004, and V11943010 and MOC image M1200021. (c) Sketch map of the superposed LVF/regional LVF contact in Figure 17b. Superposed LVF and regional LVF are labeled S-LVF and R-LVF, respectively; P denotes the surrounding Nilosyrtis Mensae region plateau. Lineations in both LVF subtypes are denoted with fine lines. 12 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY superposed LVF lobe in a manner analogous to the retreat of terrestrial cold-based, debris-covered glaciers [Benn et al., 2003; Head et al., 2006b; Marchant and Head, 2005; White, 1976]. [17] The positive relief of small-scale, superposed LVF features, the presence of muted small-scale, superposed LVF textures on valley floors, and the presence of pronounced terminal-moraine-like features suggest that the conditions under which the small-scale, superposed LVF evolved promoted the incorporation of enhanced debris E08004 content in the small-scale, superposed LVF features. Enhanced debris content would engender stronger, more rigid ice under present Martian conditions which could account for the steep lobe margins of the small-scale, superposed LVF [Arenson and Springman, 2005a, 2005b]. In response to sublimation, enhanced debris content could form a thicker sublimation till, which could more readily support pit-and-butte textures, preserving small-scale, superposed LVF textures as the retreating lobe was lowered to the valley floor [Mangold, 2003]. Finally, enhanced debris content could account for the pronounced terminal ridge observed at one small-scale, superposed LVF valley mouth, a feature not observed at the termini of superposed LVF lobes in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. Enhanced debris content is constitutively identical to reduced ice content. The small spatial extent and concentrated distribution of small-scale, superposed LVF features, compared to superposed LVF and regional LVF, coupled with the lack of integration of small-scale, superposed LVF features, strongly suggests that small-scale, superposed LVF formed under climate conditions which permitted the accumulation of relatively small volumes of ice, only in very specific, protected, valley-head alcove microenvironments. This interpretation suggests that the small-scale, superposed LVF phase of alcove-sourced valley glacier activity involved smaller volumes of ice accumulation and flow than earlier periods of LVF activity. The greater surface-area-to-volume ratio of small-scale, superposed LVF compared to regional or superposed LVF suggests that sublimation of buried ice may have been a more significant process for limiting small-scale, superposed LVF activity [Mangold, 2003]. If this is the case, small-scale, superposed LVF may be a very sensitive indicator of microclimate conditions permitting glacial modification of the dichotomy boundary. 2.4. Valley Wall LDA [18] Lobate debris aprons surrounding isolated mesas and forming on valley walls in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region are morphologically similar to LDA described in many locations along the dichotomy boundary (Figures 22 and 23) [Chuang and Crown, 2007; Lucchitta, 1984; Mangold, 2003; Squyres, 1978, 1979]. LDA units in the Nilosyrtis Figure 18. (a) MOLA point profile across the contact between an superposed LVF lobe and a region of patchy, softened surface texture. Between D and D0, the convex-up morphology of the S-LVF lobe front is clearly visible. The increase in slope at the textural contact is interpreted as an indication that the superposed LVF is overlying the relatively flat, softened material. The superposed LVF lobe embays the steep slope of the small valley in which it is sourced. (b) THEMIS-VIS image data of the contact between superposed LVF debouching from a small valley and a unit of softened, patchy material covering the trunk valley floor. Image is THEMIS-VIS image V11918012. (c) Sketch map of the superposed LVF contact with softened material in the trunk valley floor in Figure 18b. S-LVF denotes the superposed LVF lobe; P denotes the surrounding plateau; W denotes the valley walls; M denotes an isolated mesa; and PSF denotes patchy, softened floor material. 13 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY E08004 Figure 19. Canada and Commonwealth glaciers in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Terrestrial, cold-based glaciers flow through internal deformation from ice sheets and accumulation zones in protected alcoves in the Antarctic Dry Valleys, debouche into large trunk valleys, and expand into lobate fronts. These Antarctic Dry Valley morphologies are broadly similar to superposed LVF lobe morphologies in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region (see Figures 17 and 18), although these specific terrestrial examples are not debris-covered, as numerous other Dry Valley glaciers are (e.g., Mullins and Friedman debris-covered glaciers in Beacon Valley). Such glaciers highlight the expansion of glacial lobes over valley floor materials in hyper-arid, cold desert climates. Image is a Landsat 7 subframe. Mensae region are commonly lineated concentrically with mesa or valley wall topography. LDA units in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region have convex-up topographic profiles and a pit-and-butte surface texture, similar to that described elsewhere along the dichotomy boundary (Figure 23) [Li et al., 2005; Mangold, 2003]. The presence of LDA surrounding isolated mesas has been interpreted as evidence of the generation of LDA by means of atmospheric water-vapor diffusion [Squyres, 1978], rather than groundwater seepage, consistent with interpretations of proximal LVF units as valley-glacier-like features. [19] Stratigraphically, LDA units in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region are interpreted as overlying regional LVF units on the basis of the following observations. First, the contact between concentrically lineated LDA units and axially lineated regional LVF units is commonly sharp, with concentric lineations cross-cutting axial lineations (Figures 22 and 23). Secondly, topographically, the transition from regional LVF to LDA along MOLA point profiles is marked by an abrupt increase in thickness and slope, from the relatively gentle (1° – 1.5°) slopes of the regional LVF to strongly convex-up LDA slopes (up to 5°) on the LDA units (Figure 23). These topographic and textural relationships are identical to those that suggest the superposition of superposed LVF lobes over regional LVF and patchy, softened, valley-floor material elsewhere in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, suggesting that similar processes have been involved in the generation of this suite of morphological contacts. The abrupt changes in morphology suggest a record of multiple styles of glacial activity in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region of the dichotomy boundary. [20] The relatively small spatial extent of LDA units compared to LVF units in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, coupled with concentric LDA lineations, and LDA occurrence only on steep slopes is consistent with an interpretation of LDA as an ice-assisted flow feature sensitive to formation in protected environments [Head et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005]. On the basis of the relationships between the Nilosyrtis regional LVF and LDA (the presence of LDA along valley walls and isolated buttes; the sharp textural contact between regional LVF and LDA units, suggesting overriding of valley-floor regional LVF by LDA; and the enhanced relief and slope of the LDA compared to the largely flat and low-angle regional LVF) we suggest that the LDA may have formed in a subsequent period of glacial activity following the period of extensive regional LVF activity. This later stage of glacial activity may have been characterized by reduced ice supply to the alcoves, resulting in more debris-rich ice, which resulted in a better-preserved ice core, as suggested by the strongly convex-up morphology of the LDA [Squyres, 1978, 1979; Mangold, 2003; Li et al., 2005] and the more pronounced relief of the LDA. The lack of definitively illustrative contacts between LDA units and superposed LVF and small-scale, superposed LVF in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region makes placing the LDA units in the broader LVF stratigraphy impossible. 3. Discussion and Conclusions [21] Taken together, the presence of alcove-derived regional lineated valley fill; superposed lineated valley fill; 14 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY Figure 20. (a) Three small-scale, superposed LVF lobes overlying valley-wall talus deposits and a patchy, softened unit on the trunk valley floor. The presently steep lobe fronts and small size may indicate a higher debris content in the small-scale, superposed LVF lobes than in superposed LVF and regional LVF in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. Images are THEMIS-VIS images V11943010 and V14102005 and MOC image R1402174. (b) Sketch map of small-scale, superposed LVF lobes in Figure 20a. Smallscale, superposed LVF lobes commonly cross-cut valley wall units and talus deposits present on the valley walls. SSS-LVF denotes small-scale, superposed LVF lobes; P denotes surrounding plateaus; W denotes valley walls; T denotes talus deposits; and PSF denotes patchy, softened floor material. small-scale, superposed lineated valley fill; and lobate debris aprons; provide evidence of different styles of glacier activity in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region within the past 0.1 –1 Ga. Although all four landforms are interpreted as E08004 Figure 21. (a) A small-scale, superposed LVF lobe filling the headward portion of a small tributary valley. A subdued pit-and-butte surface texture with faint axial lineations is present between the midvalley lobe front and the tributary valley mouth. A curving ridge spans the tributary valley mouth, oriented convexly into the trunk valley, which is interpreted as a possible terminal moraine, marking the farthest advance of the small-scale, superposed LVF lobe. The muted LVF-like surface texture between the ridge and the midvalley lobe front is interpreted as small-scale, superposed LVF residue. The sharp contact between the residual small-scale, superposed LVF material and the present relief of the lobe front is interpreted as an indication of the retreat of the small-scale, superposed LVF lobe in a manner analogous to the retreat of terrestrial glaciers. Image is portion of MOC R1402174. (b) Sketch map of the smallscale, superposed LVF lobe in Figure 21a. SSS-LVF denotes the current extent of the small-scale, superposed LVF lobe; TX denotes the subdued pit-and-butte surface texture interpreted as small-scale, superposed LVF residue; R denotes the terminal ridge; P denotes the surrounding plateau; and W denotes the valley walls. 15 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY Figure 22. (a) Lobate debris aprons (LDA) surrounding isolated mesas and forming on valley walls. The LDAs are similar in morphology to those observed on isolated mesas elsewhere along the dichotomy boundary. The LDAs are lineated concentrically to the mesa surfaces and valley walls on which they form. The concentrically lineated LDA apparently cross-cuts axially lineated regional LVF, suggesting that the LDA is superposed on the regional LVF. Images are THEMIS-VIS images V13216005 and V09834018. (b) Sketch map of the contact between LDA and regional LVF in Figure 22a. Concentric LDA lineations apparently cross-cut axial regional LVF lineations, suggesting that the LDA is superposed on the regional LVF. Regional LVF (R-LVF) and LDA are denoted accordingly; M denotes the mesas on which the LDA is present. evidence of debris-covered-glacier activity, the landforms can be distinguished by their distribution, size, degree of integration, marginal steepness, surface patterning (Figure 4 and Table 1). Different morphologies are interpreted as E08004 evidence of variability in the ice and debris content of the landforms, which is in turn tied to the climatic conditions under which the deposits formed and were modified [Mangold, 2003; Arenson and Springman, 2005a; Li et al., 2005; Madeleine et al., 2007]. Considering the stratigraphic, topographic, and morphological relationships, between the three LVF landforms and LDA, the most straightforward interpretation of the glacial deposits in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region indicates an initial phase of extensive, integrated valley glaciation (regional LVF) followed by one or more phases of glacial activity involving diminished ice volume and/or local glaciation (superposed LVF; small-scale, superposed LVF; and LDA). [22] We present the following conceptual model to account for the observed relationships between LVF morphology, topography, and stratigraphy. Tracing regional LVF from accumulation zone to terminus, during periods of regional LVF-formation, debris-covered, valley glacier-like, ice-rich regional LVF originated in protected alcoves, present in previously carved valley heads, in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region. These alcoves provided a sheltered environment for ice accumulation and a source of debris for the Nilosyrtis lineated valley fill [Head et al., 2005, 2006b]. Regional LVF, composed of debris-covered-glacier-like material, flowed along local gradients as part of an integrated drainage system, and terminated in local topographic lows. The pit-and-butte surface texture of the regional LVF, the presence of depressed areas with softened textures within the regional LVF lobes, retreat of regional LVF from valleywall talus deposits, the presence of moraine-like and glaciertoe-like features in local topographic sinks, as well as the presence of largely undeformed craters on the LVF, are all consistent with a period of reduced glacial activity and sublimation following the peak flow activity of the Nilosyrtis Mensae region regional LVF [Mangold, 2003; Levy and Head, 2006]. The presence of apparently superposed LVF features (superposed LVF and small-scale, superposed LVF) suggests that the generation of LVF in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region may have occurred in phases characterized by different glacier styles. It is difficult to ascertain precisely how many glacial phases or cycles are recorded in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, particularly because glaciation events overprint the substrate, obscuring evidence of previous glacial deposits. The low crater densities present on Nilosyrtis Mensae region glacial features, particularly superposed LVF and small-scale, superposed LVF, preclude the generation of reliable crater retention ages that could be used to relatively date the features; however, the presence of a variety of LVF morphologies with a variety of integration and topographic characteristics suggests that several phases or possibly periods of alcove-sourced, valley-glacier activity have occurred in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, within the past 0.1– 1 Ga, leading to extensive modification of the valleys of the dichotomy boundary. [23] Advanced GCM and mesoscale climate models will enhance our ability to interpret the geomorphic features observed in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, as well as improve the precision to which glacial landforms can be matched to climate fluctuations driven by orbital parameters [Milkovitch and Head, 2005; Madeleine et al., 2007]. Recent models suggest that as Martian obliquity is reduced from high values (45°) to values approaching 35°, it may 16 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY be possible to accumulate 100 – 1000 m of ice in the northern midlatitudes over a 50 ka obliquity cycle: ice accumulations consistent with observations of a variety of glacial landforms [Madeleine et al., 2007]. Effective new models must address two scales of ice deposition: regionalscale, latitude-dependent deposition [Levrard et al., 2004]; and local-scale deposition dominated by kilometer-scale topography and microclimate conditions [Forget et al., 2006]. Any new models which attempt to constrain orbital parameters which produce ice accumulation in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region must account for both regional-scale ice deposition responsible for producing regional LVF and widely distributed LDA, as well as for local-scale ice deposition occurring only in protected alcoves, valley walls, butte faces, and crater rims. Of particular interest will be improved understanding of the effects of annually averaged versus seasonal conditions. Annual conditions permitting accumulating of water ice may produce regional glacial E08004 features, while annually ablating conditions with only brief seasonal periods permitting deposition may limit glacial activity to alcove-sourced valley glaciers, potentially accounting for the various styles of glacial modification observed in the Nilosyrtis Mensae study area [Madeleine et al., 2007]. Better understanding the microclimatic effects of topography and relief on ice stability [Aharonson and Schorghofer, 2006] will be key in understanding the limits of, and feedbacks to, conditions predicted by even the highest-resolution climate models, and may have the potential to significantly refine our understanding of the climate signal present in the stratigraphic relationships between LVF, LDA, and other glacial features along the dichotomy boundary [Marchant and Head, 2004]. [24] In summary, morphological, stratigraphic, and textural relationships between lineated valley fill (LVF) and lobate debris apron (LDA) units in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region of the Martian dichotomy boundary were analyzed in order to better understand (1) the nature and composition of LVF, (2) the relationship between LVF and LDA, and (3) the climatic significance of LVF and LDA units. Three distinct subtypes of LVF were described in the area, including regional LVF, which suggests periods of integrated LVF flow on tens of kilometer length scales; superposed LVF, which apparently superposes regional LVF units, and is integrated on kilometer scales or less; and small-scale, superposed LVF, which forms only in very small (<5 km) tributary valleys, supports steep margins, and is not composed of integrated lobes. Morphological analysis of LVF subtypes suggests that analogies between LVF units and terrestrial debris-covered glaciers are appropriate and readily account for many observed lobe and contact morphologies. In the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, LVF and LDA units exist in a stratigraphic relationship with LDA apparently superposing regional LVF units. Superposed LVF units are Figure 23. (a) MOLA point profile across the contact between LDA on a valley wall and regional LVF. Between B and B0, the LDA is considerably thicker than the regional LVF, and supports a steeper surface slope (5°, versus <1°). The abrupt change in topography along the contact is interpreted to support a superposition relationship between the regional LVF and the LDA, suggesting that the LDA was emplaced after the regional LVF. (b) High-resolution MOC and THEMIS-VIS image data of the contact between regional LVF and LDA. Arrows indicate the sharp contact between the LDA and the regional LVF units. Note the pitand-butte surface texture common between the two morphological units, as well as the presence of both fresh and inverted craters on the regional LVF surface. Images are THEMIS-VIS images V13216005 and V09834018 and MOC images E1300869 and E0202120. (c) Sketch map of the contact between regional LVF and LDA in Figure 23b. Note that the concentric lineations of the LDA unit apparently cross-cut the valley-axial lineations of the regional LVF. Together with the abrupt increase in slope and topography at the contact between the two units, this is interpreted to mean that the LDA is superposed on the regional LVF, suggesting that the LDA formed subsequent to the regional LVF. 17 of 19 E08004 LEVY ET AL.: NILOSYRTIS MENSAE LVF/LDA STRATIGRAPHY found to superpose regional LVF units, and small-scale, superposed LVF units are interpreted to superpose valleywall talus deposits; however, stratigraphic relationships between LDA and superposed LVF are not discernable in the study area. Both LDA and superposed LVF appear to overlie regional LVF units, suggesting that the two features may form under similar climate conditions in different geographical settings (i.e., valley headwall alcoves for LVF subtypes, valley wall and isolated mesa environments for LDA). Morphological relationships between LVF subtypes suggest a record of multiple phases and styles of valley glacier activity in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region, characterized by sequential reductions in LVF ice volume and flow intensity. This may indicate a climatic process of increasing desiccation with time, leading to increasingly limited ice accumulation and enhanced sublimation of buried ice. Climate conditions during more recent history have resulted in sublimation and ice removal from these glacial terrains, although it is possible that ice remains at depth at the present, buried under protective sublimation till. [25] Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank Caleb Fassett for assistance in crater count interpretation, analysis, and data processing. 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