Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Earth and Planetary Science Letters j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e p s l Kilometer-thick ice accumulation and glaciation in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars: Evidence for crater-filling events in the Late Amazonian at the Phlegra Montes James L. Dickson a,⁎, James W. Head a, David R. Marchant b a b Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA Department of Earth Sciences, Boston University, Boston MA 02215, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Accepted 25 August 2009 Available online 25 September 2009 Keywords: Mars glaciation climate change water a b s t r a c t Amazonian non-polar ice deposits on Mars record periods and events when the climate differed substantially from that of today. Particularly evident are examples of ice-rich deposits in the martian mid-latitudes (lobate debris aprons, lineated valley fill, and concentric crater fill). Uncertain, however, is the amount of ice remaining in these deposits today, and the thickness of ice that might have existed when they formed. Here, we use HRSC, CTX and HiRISE imagery and MOLA topographic data to document an occurrence of concentric crater fill within which the past minimum volume of ice can be constrained. An ~ 8 km impact crater is superposed on the rim of a ~ 32 km impact crater near the contact between the Phlegra Montes and the Vastitas Borealis Formation in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars. We find evidence for flow from the larger crater into the perched smaller crater that indicates an earlier period of significant ice accumulation and glaciation within this double crater. Lobate ridges observed outside of the perched younger crater suggest that ice filled and overtopped the crater rim, providing minimum estimates of ice thickness and volume within the system. Glacial ice must have been at least ~ 1000 m thick to overtop the rims of both craters and induce gravitational flow onto the surrounding plains, with a minimum volume of ice of ~750 km3. This is the first volumetric measurement of this kind on Mars for concentric crater fill craters, and the thickness is comparable to that measured in a lineated valley fill glacial system along the dichotomy boundary at a similar latitude. We also document late-stage episodes of more localized glacial flow that include ridges on valley walls that we interpret as late-stage glacial high-stands, and concentric crater fill (CCF) that characterizes most of the present-day crater floor. Similar deposits in a crater ~ 60 km to the northeast suggest that such episodes were at least regional in nature. This sequence provides evidence for significant spin-axis/orbital parameter-driven shifts in the Late Amazonian climate of Mars and suggests that regional ice sheets may have existed in the mid-latitudes of Mars within the last several hundred million years. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Global mapping of the surface of Mars using Viking Orbiter data revealed a suite of enigmatic Late Amazonian landforms in the midlatitudes of each hemisphere, including lineated valley fill (LVF), lobate debris aprons (LDA) and concentric crater fill (CCF) (Squyres, 1978, 1979). Morphology indicative of viscous flow and the latitudedependence of these features implicated ice-related processes in their formation (Squyres, 1979; Lucchitta, 1981), and it was proposed that small amounts of water vapor condensing within pore space mobilized dry material to produce the observed landforms (Squyres, 1978; Lucchitta, 1984). As higher resolution data have been obtained, these features have been studied in detail not available at the time of their discovery, adding insight into their formation and providing implications for the Late Amazonian climate within which they formed (Pierce and Crown, 2003; ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (J.L. Dickson). 0012-821X/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.08.031 Head et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005; Head et al., 2006a,b; Dickson et al., 2008; Holt et al., 2008; Head et al., 2010-this issue; Plaut et al., 2009). Regional mapping using the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC [Neukum et al., 2004; Gwinner et al., 2005; Scholten et al., 2005]) on Mars Express (MEX), together with other complementary data sets, has revealed valleys along the dichotomy boundary that show evidence for integrated networks of LVF (Head et al., 2005; Head et al., 2006a,b), consistent with the flow of glacial ice. Measurements using the SHAllow RADar instrument (SHARAD) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) of LDAs in each hemisphere detected subsurface reflections, with the LDAs having dielectric properties consistent with an ice-dominated composition on contemporary Mars (Holt et al., 2008; Plaut et al., 2009). Dickson et al. (2008) used HRSC elevation data to document an LVF lobe with an upslope profile that has been stranded within a box canyon at the contact of Coloe Fossae and Protonilus Mensae along the dichotomy boundary, with measurements of downwasting suggesting a previous ice thickness of at least ~920 m. While networks of LVF (Head et al., 2005; Head et al., 2006a,b) and ice-rich LDAs (Pierce and Crown, 2003; Head et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005; Holt et al., 2008; Plaut et al., 2009) are observed in each J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 hemisphere, the question remains as to whether the glacial high-stand interpreted by Dickson et al. (2008) was an isolated occurrence or whether other regions show similar deposits consistent with glaciation and kilometer-scale ice thicknesses. In this paper, the high resolution and large spatial footprint of HRSC (Neukum et al., 2004; Scholten et al., 2005) provides context for the analysis of a second example of a hanging valley filled with glacial-like lobes of comparable inferred past thickness at the contact between the Phlegra Montes and the northern lowlands. HRSC coverage of nearby craters reveals similar landforms that suggest that such massive glaciation was regional, not local. 2. Context and background The Phlegra Montes trend north–south from the easternmost extent of the Elysium rise northwards into the northern lowlands, from ~30°N to ~52°N (Fig. 1A) (Greeley and Guest, 1987; Tanaka et al., 1992). The 333 flanks of these mountains frequently exhibit LDAs (Head et al., 2010-this issue; Safaeinili et al., 2009), and impact craters in the region host CCF (Squyres, 1979; Levy et al., 2009). To the northwest of the Phlegra Montes, at the contact with the Vastitas Borealis Formation (42.9°N, 157.8°E), is a ~32 km diameter impact crater with a smaller (~8 km diameter) impact crater superposed on its northeastern rim (Fig. 1B). The topography is such that the floor of the younger, superposed crater is elevated with respect to the floor of the larger, older crater (Figs. 1b, 2A). While the rim of the larger crater is still preserved, the walls and floor have been heavily modified and exhibit the well-defined concentric ridged terrain that is characteristic of CCF (Fig. 2). The wall itself is heavily dissected with broad ~250 m wide valleys incised into it around much of the crater (Fig. 2). The easternmost wall of the crater shows evidence for coalescing of flows, constriction between obstacles (Figs. 2, 6), and a series of convex up lobes on the floor of the crater (Fig. 2). The center of the crater floor is characterized by cuspate pitting and several “ring-mold Fig. 1. A) MOLA topography over MOLA shaded relief of part of the northern hemisphere of Mars, centered at 160°E. B) MOLA topography over HRSC image 2841_0000, showing the study area at the contact between the Phlegra Montes to the east, and the Vastitas Borealis Formation to the west. 334 J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 Fig. 2. A) CTX mosaic of images P01_001553_2232 and P01_001619_2232, showing the ~ 8 km impact crater superposed on the ~ 32 km crater. The floors of both craters show evidence for significant modification of the surface. B) MOLA topography (color) over CTX data. MOLA tracks that intersect two craters are shown. C) MOLA track 17237. Circled numbers indicate portions of the crater described in the text. D) MOLA track 13024. craters” (Kress and Head, 2008), unusual impact crater structures that suggest the presence of buried ice at the time of and subsequent to the impact event. Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) profiles show that the floor of the crater is asymmetric and generally slopes poleward (Fig. 2B–D). We subdivided the interior of the crater into five distinct segments from south to north: 1) the steep upper part of the southern interior wall that descends over 800 m from the sharp rim crest (~−3060 m) to the base of the wall; 2) a shallow depression, about 4 km wide, that corresponds to a zone of radial ridges and depressions; 3) a convex-upward portion of the floor, about 7.5 km wide, characterized by concentric ridges and troughs, and pitted terrain in its down slope portion (the lowest portion of the floor, at ~−4300 m, separates this segment from the next); 4) a slightly convex-upward portion of the floor about 8 km wide and sloping to the south that is characterized by concentrically textured and ridged material; 5) the northern inner wall of the crater, about 5 km wide, rising about 1320 m to the crater rim crest at −2880 m (Fig. 2). These topographic attributes, along with the morphology of the crater interior, are all indicative of concentric crater fill as initially described and mapped by Squyres (1979). The deposits observed on the floor of the crater represent only the final phase of modification of the crater interior. To decipher the extent of modification that occurred before this most recent phase, we examined the superposed crater on the northern rim of the larger crater, and the walls and exterior of the larger crater to study the crater filling processes. 3. Detailed geology 3.1. Superposed smaller crater The floor of the superposed smaller crater (~8 km in diameter) exhibits a texture similar to that observed in other LVF/LDA terrains J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 on Mars (Fig. 3) (Pierce and Crown, 2003; Head et al., 2005; Head et al., 2006a,b; Dickson et al., 2008; Head et al., 2010-this issue). A series of concentric, symmetric, arcuate lineations trend from the southern extent of the crater floor to the northern crater wall. This crater has been imaged several times by HRSC (Neukum et al., 2004) and twice by CTX, allowing for the generation of a stereo anaglyph at ~ 6 m horizontal resolution (Fig. 3B). In stereo, these lineations are seen to define several broad ridges. Three ridges are clearly defined, with the outermost having a width of ~ 850 m, the middle a width of ~ 420 m, and the innermost a width of ~190 m. Ridge crests are typically smoother than the troughs that separate them, and smaller but pronounced northwest–southeast trending ridges that characterize the southern portion of the crater floor are more diffuse at the distal margins of the ridges. Outside of the ridges, the base of the crater wall is mantled with smooth material with scalloped and cuspate margins facing the crater floor. Flow lineations and lobate margins have been used to identify source regions and flow directions elsewhere on Mars for LVF (e.g. Head et al., 2005, 2006a,b; Dickson et al., 2008; Head et al., 2010-this issue). The arcuate shape of the ridges (trending to the north) on the crater floor suggest that the majority of flow emanated from the south, where the crater rim has been removed. This is in contrast to typical crater-filling patterns, where material is thought to be mobilized from the crater walls and flow towards the center of the crater to produce CCF patterns (Squyres, 1979; Levy et al., 2009), as observed in the most recent deposits within the larger crater. Had this material emanated from the walls of the perched smaller crater, the arcuate ridges would trend towards the center of the crater, or one would expect continuous lineations from the walls of the smaller crater southwards towards the floor of the larger crater, had there been enough ice to sustain flow to the south. Evidence for mobilization of material from the crater walls within the younger superposed crater is absent at HRSC or CTX resolution. The western margin of the outermost arcuate ridge does appear to show some evidence of modification (Fig. 3A), possibly from material coming off of the western crater wall, but these relationships 335 are presently unclear and we interpret the dominant flow pattern responsible for the concentric ridges to be from south to north. 3.2. Contact between the two craters To test the interpretation that material flowed from south to north into the smaller crater, we investigated the contact between the two craters. This contact is observable in several MOLA tracks as a ~8° southfacing 500 m-scarp (Fig. 2B, D). At HiRISE resolution, the large ridges in the perched crater are observed to drape over this scarp where it encounters a thin (meters-across) linear but discontinuous ridge that runs perpendicular to the ridges (easternmost portion of Fig. 4A). Downslope of this thin ridge, the terrain transitions to a texture with fine-scale lineations trending downslope towards the crater floor (“lineated terrain”). This texture is common along the interior and exterior walls of the larger crater and is composed of parallel linear ridges and grooves, no more than ~10 m in width. This lineated terrain emanates from valleys incised into the scarp face, and exhibits a convexup profile within the valleys themselves. At the base of the slope, the lineations are superposed by distinct mounds of polygonally-patterned ground, seen primarily at the mouths of the valleys (Fig. 4A). The lineated terrain continues further downslope from the polygonallypatterned mounds, becoming less pronounced at its distal ends. On the walls of these valleys, HiRISE reveals a distinct ridge tens of meters above the present-day surface of valley-fill material (Fig. 4B, C). This ridge can be traced along the walls of several of the parallel valleys, and the wall below the ridge shows a slightly lower albedo than that upslope of the ridge. Dickson et al. (2008) documented similar lineations in the Coloe Fossae-Protonilus Mensae region in CTX data, and a subsequently acquired HiRISE stereo pair (PSP_008809_2215 and PSP_009455_2215) shows they are narrow ridges similar to those observed in this study. Further downslope, the unit upon which the lineated terrain occurs terminates along a broadly curvilinear and locally cuspate equatorfacing scarp (Fig. 4A). Downslope from this scarp, the terrain is Fig. 3. A) Part of CTX image P01_001619_2232, showing the superposed ~ 8 km crater. Material appears to have flowed in from the south, filled the crater, and breached the rim in at least two locations along the northern rim. B) CTXstereo anaglyph comprised of P01_001619_2232 and P01_001553_2232. Note that the two well-defined lobes on the surrounding plains to the north emanate from the depressed portions of the crater rim. C) Sketch map of the observed features. 336 J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 Fig. 4. A) Part of HiRISE image PSP_007500_2235 (Context provided in Fig. 3A). Small valleys contain lineated terrain that is found on convex-up material that trends downslope. At the mouth of each valley is a polygonal mound of material. B). Detail of HiRISE image, showing a marginal ridge on the wall of a valley hosting lineated terrain. C) Detail of HiRISE image showing a similar ridge in a separate valley. characterized by small-scale polygonally patterned ground that covers and embays portions of a broad unit of hummocky terrain on the crater floor. This hummocky unit is adjacent to the central crater floor, which contains a complex assortment of rimless depressions, heavily modified impact craters, locally linear ridges frequently with central troughs (ridges are ~200 m long at most), linear dune fields, small pit chains, and a low-albedo deposit on the northeastern portion of the crater floor. Fresh craters, even at HiRISE scale, are extremely rare, suggesting a young surface age, easily eroded surface material, or both. 3.3. Surrounding plains To determine the amount of material that flowed into the superposed smaller crater from the south, we used HRSC and CTX image data along with stereo topography (Fig. 3B) to study the preserved northern walls of the crater and the adjacent plains for evidence of overtopping. While several MOLA orbits cross the rim of the crater (e.g. Fig. 2), significant gaps in the track data have prompted us to use high spatial-resolution (~6 m/px) CTX stereo anaglyphs to decipher detailed topographic relationships. Unless otherwise stated in this section, references to topography are derived from this latter data set. The northern rim of the smaller crater shows an extensive history of modification and degradation. MOLA track 13024 (Fig. 2B) shows the rim to be ~410 m above the crater floor at its northernmost extent, but a detailed study of the rim using CTX stereo reveals that the rim shows a wide variance in elevation. Directly to the east of this measurement, the rim is depressed for a distance of ~3 km (Fig. 3B, C). J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 A similar depressed segment is found along the northwestern rim that extends for ~2.1 km (Fig. 3B, C). The base of the exterior crater wall at these locations is truncated in comparison to the wall below preserved portions of the rim (Fig. 3A). On the surrounding plains at both of these locations, pronounced north-trending lobate ridges (continuous ridges with an arcuate planform) are observed emanating directly from the depressed portions of the crater rim (Fig. 3). For the northern example, a mantled but well-defined lobate ridge extends radially from the crater rim for ~ 2.5 km. The lobate ridge is ~ 750 m across at the base of the crater wall, and the ridges that delineate the lobate margin are 200 m across and are less well-defined at the lobe's distal margin. Heavily subdued concentric ridges are observed ~ 700 m outside of the welldefined lobe, and these ridges directly correspond to the margin of the depressed portion of the crater rim (Fig. 3B). For the northwestern depressed portion of the rim, another mantled but well-defined lobate ridge is observed extending to the north. This lobate ridge is ~1.1 km across at the crater wall, and the ridges that bound the lobe are ~ 250 m across and also are not as well-defined towards their distal margins. At the terminus of the lobate ridge, a more subdued lobate ridge is observed ~ 600 m downslope. This lobate ridge is concentric with the well-preserved lobate ridge. The correlation between the lobate ridges on the plains and the depressed portions of the crater rim provides evidence that material entered the smaller crater from the south, filled the crater and overtopped the rim in these two location. The alternate hypothesis, that flow within the system has only been from north to south, does not account for these features. MOLA tracks were not obtained at either of the depressed portions of the crater rim, but nearby tracks provide an upper bound (maximum elevation) of the rim at these locations. For the northern depressed portion of the rim, nearby track 13024 (Fig. 2D) determined a rim elevation of − 3190 m. For the northwestern example, track 11867 obtained data directly at the eastern margin of the depressed portion of the rim, and found a rim height of −3173 m. During the most recent phase of crater-filling, material reached this approximate elevation before overtopping the crater rim and flowing onto the exterior plains. Using this evidence for crater filling and overtopping in the superposed crater, we analyzed in detail the margins of the exterior crater wall for the larger crater to look for evidence of overtopping and flow on the adjacent plains. On the northwestern rim of this crater (Fig. 2A,B), individual lobate ridges similar to those observed on the plains exterior to the superposed crater are observed to trend radially from the larger crater towards the northwest (Fig. 5). Based upon high-resolution data acquired by CTX, these lobate ridges also appear to emanate from depressed portions of the crater rim and extend for ~ 3 km. The lobate ridges are mantled, but still allow for approximate measurements: the most prominent lobate ridges are ~1.1 km across at the entire lobe at its widest, and the ridges themselves are ~ 300 m across. These are nearly identical in size and morphology to the lobate ridges observed on the outer margins of the superposed crater to the north. Concentric lobate ridges are not observed beyond the margins of the proximal lobate ridges though the terrain has been significantly mantled and subdued. Much of the exterior walls of the larger crater are characterized by the same lineated terrain that is observed along the interior crater wall and the scarp that marks the contact between the two craters (Fig. 4A). The eastern exterior wall, however, shows a broadly sinuous but locally lobate ridge that extends parallel to the crater rim for ~ 20 km (Fig. 6). The ridge itself is heavily pitted and dissected and protrudes through the stippled terrain that characterizes the surrounding plains to the east. This portion of the exterior rim is on the opposite side of the crater rim from the most welldeveloped lobate flows on the crater interior (Fig. 6). The exterior crater wall itself is heavily mantled by smooth material and does not show significant evidence for downslope movement of material, though several localized units of lineated terrain are observed 337 Fig. 5. Part of CTX image P01_001619_2232, showing ridges on the plains exterior to the larger, older crater (Context provided in Fig. 2A). emanating from broad valleys incised into the exterior crater wall. The crater rim itself is well-preserved, and it remains unclear whether the sinuous ridge on the exterior plains is (1) evidence for overtopping of the crater rim, (2) a deposit formed from localized mobilization of material on the exterior crater rim, or (3) remnant topography from proximal ejecta deposits that has been heavily mantled. 4. Interpretation The large crater within this study area shows the classic surface morphology and topographic asymmetries of concentric crater fill (CCF) in the mid-latitudes of Mars, interpreted to form from icerelated processes (Squyres, 1979; Levy et al., 2009). The unique geometry of a perched crater on the northern rim and the interactions on the surface between these craters provides a window into the geologic history of this region that precedes the latest episode of CCF activity. Here, we use these observations and the stratigraphic relationships among the various units to propose a sequence of events that appears to require significant amounts of glacial ice to produce the observed landforms. 4.1. Initial formation of two-crater system The initial impact event that formed the large underlying crater occurred at the contact between the Phlegra Montes to the east and the Vastitas Borealis Formation to the west (Fig. 1). Phlegra Montes is a region where mapping has shown local concentrations of LVF, LDA and CCF (Squyres, 1979), all of which are generally interpreted to arise from ice-related processes, either by ice-assisted creep of relatively dry material (Squyres, 1979; Lucchitta, 1981), or cold-based debris-covered glaciers in the Late Amazonian (e.g. Head et al., 2005, 2006a,b; Dickson et al., 2008; Holt et al., 2008; Head et al., 2010-this issue; Plaut et al., 2009). The Hesperian-aged Vastitas Borealis Formation (Greeley and Guest, 1987; Tanaka et al., 1992) covers the majority of the northern plains of Mars, and in this region HRSC data 338 J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 Fig. 6. The eastern rim of the older, larger crater (part of CTX image P01_001553_2232) (Context provided in Fig. 2B). Material along the interior rim converged and constricted between obstacles to flow onto the crater floor, leaving concentric ridges. The exterior crater wall is characterized by a sinuous ridge that trends parallel to the wall itself. show a high concentration of pedestal craters, where impact ejecta has been armored relative to the surrounding plains (Fig. 1B). Analysis of marginal pits on pedestals in the nearby Utopia Planitia provides new evidence that implicates ice as the material underlying the pedestal surface (Kadish et al., 2008), suggesting that ice (of unknown thickness) has been areally expansive in this region during the Amazonian period of martian geologic history. The westernmost ejecta deposits from this impact event are still preserved on the surface, while all other ejecta has been mantled or removed. Due to the extensive resurfacing that has occurred within and around this crater, reliable crater size-frequency information is not available, and a formation age is not yet known, though it cannot predate formation of the Vastitas Borealis Formation in the Hesperian. Superposed on the northeastern rim of this larger crater is an ~ 8 km impact crater. The ejecta deposit of this crater has mostly been removed, although its distal northeastern margin is observed in CTX data beneath a thick mantling unit. The southern rim of this crater has been completely removed, while the rest of the rim remains intact (Fig. 3). 4.2. Filling of larger crater and flow north into smaller crater The two craters are presently separated by a ~ 8° south-facing scarp (Fig. 2). Draped over this scarp are the southernmost extents of the lobate ridges that trend north onto the floor of the younger crater (Fig. 3). This draping relationship and the north-trending convex-up lobes provide strong evidence that material flowed from the larger crater into the smaller crater, reversed from what would be expected from the current topographic relationship. For this to occur, material must have filled the larger crater to the elevation of the floor of the smaller crater (~ −3700 m). Using MOLA gridded data, we calculated a volume of the larger crater beneath the −3700 m contour of ~ 265 km3 and a minimum thickness of ~ 640 m of crater-filling material. We interpret these measurements to be the minimum thickness and volume of material necessary to induce gravitational flow into the smaller crater to the northeast. 4.3. Flow of material on the exterior plains Evidence is found on the external margins of the smaller crater for overtopping of the crater rim and flow of material onto the adjacent plains (Fig. 3). These lobate ridges emanate from depressed portions of the crater rim, suggesting that the material that flowed into the crater from the south overtopped the rim and became concentrated at these locations. Similar lobate ridges are observed on the outside of the northwestern crater rim, also emanating from depressed sections of the rim (Fig. 5). If this interpretation is correct and material overtopped the crater rim at multiple locations, this significantly increases the minimum amount of material that filled this two-crater system. We used HRSC and high-resolution CTX imagery to map the crater rims of both craters and, using MOLA data, calculated the present-day volume of the two-crater system. A volume of ~ 750 km3 of material and a minimum thickness of ~1000 m must have been present for material to flow in the observed patterns. Provided that the floor of the larger crater has been significantly modified by CCF, this volume is interpreted to be a minimum volume necessary and is likely to have been greater than this measurement suggests. After overtopping the rims of both craters, conditions at the surface dramatically changed and large amounts of material were removed to reveal the two-crater geometry that we observe today. There is no evidence of meltwater distributary features or deposits (e.g., fluvial channels, deltas, fans) that would lead to the interpretation of wet-based glacial activity. Instead, we interpret the observed features to be consistent with cold-based glacial behavior, similar in nature to that proposed by Dickson et al. (2008) for a similar stranded lobe of LVF located along the dichotomy boundary in Coloe Fossae/ Protonilus Mensae. As cold-based glaciers are welded to the surface and deform internally (Benn and Evans, 1998), they are capable of flowing over terrain without significantly eroding the substrate. As the climate changed and accumulation waned, the ice receded in thickness and the rims of the craters became exposed, leading to the shedding of debris onto the glaciers and the development of supraglacial sublimation lags or tills. This debris would form the series of lobate ridges on the exterior plains of each crater, and on the floor of the smaller crater (Fig. 3). As the ice thickness decreased and the glacial system underwent recession, there appears to have been enough ice at certain locations along the ~ 8° scarp face that separates the two craters to initiate small amounts of backflow southward towards the center of the larger crater (Fig. 7). This flow reversal would represent the waning phase of glaciation as the system as a whole recessed. Along other portions of the scarp face, the lobate ridges that extend northward into the J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 339 Fig. 7. CTX image of the scarp that represents the contact between the two craters (part of CTX image P01_001553_2232; context provided in Fig. 3A). Deposits from the perched crater are draped over the scarp in some places, while local areas on the eastern portion of the scarp show evidence for flow reversals towards the south. smaller crater are draped over the scarp face with very little modification evident (Figs. 3, 4A). The minimum thickness necessary to fill the two-crater system with ice (~1000 m) is comparable to that calculated for a similar system at a similar latitude along the dichotomy boundary by Dickson et al. (2008) (~920 m). While the dichotomy boundary example occurred within a network of LVF (Dickson et al., 2008), the constrained nature of these units within a two-crater system allows for the first volumetric measurements of minimum ice necessary at this location. The very large amounts of glacial ice necessary to fill this two-crater system (at least ~ 750 km3) suggest that significant accumulation occurred in this region and that Phlegra Montes, this crater in particular, and other localized traps (Safaeinili et al., 2009) hosted significant reservoirs of water ice during periods of the Amazonian when surface conditions were different from today. 4.4. Formation of concentric crater fill and localized episodic flow Craters exhibiting CCF are common in the Phlegra Montes region (Squyres, 1979). The larger of the two craters in this study shows classic landforms consistent with those mapped using Viking data by Squyres (1979). Concentric ridges and grooves parallel to the crater rim, often lobate when viewed in detail, characterize most of the crater floor and extend ~10 km into the crater. This texture is more apparent in the southern portion of the crater, and the asymmetric (pole-facing) profile of the crater floor observed by MOLA (Fig. 2) argues for significant amounts of material transport from the southern crater rim towards the center of the crater late in the history of the deposit evolution. Given the lobate nature of these ridges, together with the supporting evidence for more extensive glaciation in this region, we propose a model of cold-based glacial flow and deposition to explain the late-stage CCF within the larger crater. We interpret the CCF texture to be representative of the waning phase of this extensive glaciation. As regional ice deposits thinned, the crater rim crests and walls became exposed, providing rocky debris to cover the glaciers. Once debris was available to create a protective layer, rates of sublimation of ice decreased, and the late-stage deposits in crater interiors were preserved (e.g., Helbert et al., 2008; Head et al., 2010this issue). The presence of ring-mold craters (Kress and Head, 2008) in the concentric crater fill suggests that buried ice may still remain below the CCF today. On the interior eastern rim of the larger crater (Fig. 6), we observe a ~ 3.25 km wide series of concentric lobes of material that are oriented towards the crater floor. These lobes are sourced from an elevated terrace along the crater wall, where CTX data show evidence for downvalley flow and constriction between obstacles, similar in nature to the “hourglass” feature on the eastern margin of the Hellas basin in the southern hemisphere (Head et al., 2005). The concentric lobes are bounded at their margins by broad ridges with convex-up profiles consistent with glacial ice. These lobes show evidence for higher concentrations of ice than the CCF nearby, and shows the variability in accumulation at various locations within the crater. Dickson et al. (2008) found evidence for episodes of localized alpine-like valley glaciation that followed kilometer-thick-scale glaciation along the dichotomy boundary. Here we find a similar sequence of glaciation, where localized cold-trapping led to isolated flow of ice-rich material along the interior and exterior crater walls, followed by sublimation and retreat. This is most prominently displayed by the expansive units of lineated terrain (Figs. 3C, 4A). These units are characterized by downslope-trending ridges that are found atop convex-up lobes. Downslope lineations are common at the base of wet-based glacial environments on Earth (glacial scour, fluting, etc.), but these ridges occur within the unit, not at the base, and thus are not evidence for modification of the substrate. Also, the lack of evidence for wet-based glacial processes in this region (eskers, meltwater channels, etc.) lead us to consider cold-based origins to the lineated texture. We interpret these ridges to be remnants of internal flow lines or supraglacial debris, deposited within or on top of the icerich deposit. The valleys from which the lineated terrain are sourced reveal evidence along their walls for vertical downwasting of the ice that we interpret to have contributed to the formation of the lineated terrain. At HiRISE scale, a generally continuous ridge is observed tens of meters above the present day valley floor (Fig. 4B, C). HiRISE coverage of these features is limited to a small area at the scarp face that separates the two craters, and where the ridge is visible it can be traced along the walls of several valleys at a consistent elevation above the valley floors. This is identical to the sidewall lineations observed in a tributary valley at the dichotomy boundary by Dickson et al. (2008) in CTX data, which they interpreted to be the martian equivalent of terrestrial “trimlines,” which record the most-recent high-ice stands along the walls of glacial valleys. On Earth this is generally represented by either a contrast in albedo above and below 340 J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 the trimline, or as a contact between vegetated land above the trimline and bare surface below. On Mars, in both locations where we have observed this phenomenon, the “trimline” takes the form of a generally continuous ridge along the wall parallel to the slope of the valley (Fig. 4), which we interpret to be a marginal moraine that formed from deposition of debris as ice within the valley underwent downwasting before receding to its present level. 5. Conclusions The two-crater system described in this study provides evidence for glaciation involving a kilometer-scale thickness of ice in the northern mid-latitudes, followed by recession and more focused localized debris-covered glacial flow of ice within tributary valleys and the crater interior to produce the classic CCF texture. This sequence of events is similar to that inferred from the study of Dickson et al. (2008) along the dichotomy boundary. Each glacial system appears to have undergone a similar sequence of evolution (Fig. 8): 1) Kilometer-thick glaciers/ice-sheets fill valleys and regional lows such that flow into neighboring canyons is induced (Fig. 8A). 2) Environmental conditions change and ice stagnates and undergoes significant downwasting, leaving perched glacial deposits in the small crater (Fig. 8B). 3) During and after downwasting to present day topography, ice is still able to accumulate within local cold traps, producing alpinelike glaciers with convex up profiles and CCF deposits (Fig. 8C). 4) Mars undergoes continued climate change, desiccating the midlatitudes and causing sublimation of these alpine-like glaciers. The most recent high-stand is recorded in the form of marginal moraines, or the martian equivalent of terrestrial “trimlines” (Fig. 4). What are the implications of the similarity between the deposits observed along the dichotomy boundary (Dickson et al., 2008) and those observed here? If kilometer-thick ice was common at these latitudes, then we may be seeing the surface deposits of regional/ hemispheric ice sheets in the Late Amazonian (Head et al., 2010-this issue). HRSC data show that nearby craters to the system described here show similar evidence for large-scale glaciation in the Late Amazonian (Fig. 9). These examples may, however, represent more localized or regional occurrences of accumulation of wind-blown snow during transitions from high-to low-obliquity. Numerical simulations show that the present obliquity of Mars (~25°) is low compared to its predicted mean value over the last 250 million years (~34°) (Laskar et al., 2004). Therefore, the hyper-arid desert conditions observed in the mid-latitudes of Mars today may not be indicative of the surface in the relatively recent past. Precise solutions for the obliquity of Mars prior to ~20 Myr are not presently available (Laskar et al., 2004), but geologic evidence suggests that Mars may have undergone obliquity excursions in excess of 40°–45° within the last several hundred million years (Kreslavsky and Head, 2006). What is the water cycle of Mars like under such higher obliquity conditions? Head and Marchant (2003) documented evidence for tropical mountain glaciers on Mars in the Late Amazonian, leading Forget et al. (2006) to try to reproduce the conditions under which these might have formed. They showed through general circulation models (GCMs) that at obliquity values of 45°, ice from the northern polar cap can be mobilized and redistributed within the equatorial zone, preferentially on the western flanks of the Tharsis Montes (Forget et al., 2006). As Mars transitions to lower-obliquity conditions, these ice deposits become unstable and are transported back towards highlatitudes (Levrard et al., 2004). But where are the most likely places for ice to accumulate in the northern mid-latitudes? Recent GCMs show that during this transition from high to low obliquity, ice that is sourced from the Tharsis Montes glaciers would be deposited in the northern mid-latitudes (Madeleine et al., 2007). While ice can be deposited widely across the northern mid-latitudes, Madeleine et al. (2007) found that the most likely sites for significant accumulation of ice are eastern Protonilus Mensae (near the high-stand of Dickson et al. (2008) and the deposits interpreted to be of glacial origin (Head et al., 2010-this issue)) and the Phlegra Montes (each accumulating> 12.5 mm/year of ice at ~35° obliquity). The nature of the topography in this environment is such that the two-crater system is likely to have acted as a local trap and microclimate for wind-blown snow in the region, as well. In addition Fig. 8. Sequence of modification within and around the two-crater system. Base map is a CTX mosaic of P01_001619_2232 and P01_001619_2232. J.L. Dickson et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294 (2010) 332–342 341 Fig. 9. Subframe of HRSC orbit h3211_0000, showing a ~ 35 km impact crater ~ 60 km to the northeast of the two-crater system (see Fig. 1B for context). This crater shows evidence for a similar sequence of crater-filling glaciation followed by more localized accumulation along the crater walls. Remnant lineations indicate that when crater-filling glaciation occurred, flow was primarily from the south, deflecting around the central peak of the crater. to being a topographic trap, crater walls provide sheltered slopes that can shield surface ice deposits from solar insolation and from sublimation. Additionally, ice that sublimates from equator-facing slopes can be redeposited directly on pole-facing slopes (Forget et al., 2008), adding to the annual accumulation rates. This is consistent with the asymmetric profile of the crater floor and the morphologic evidence for material preferentially flowing onto the crater floor from the south (Fig. 2). Nearby craters with similar ice-related deposits show similar pole/equatorward (Fig. 9). Mars has had a long and complicated history of ice deposition and glaciation within the last several hundred million years of the Amazonian. The glacial high-stand proposed here is consistent with that of Dickson et al. (2008), providing evidence in multiple places in the northern mid-latitudes for kilometer-scale glaciation (Head et al., 2010-this issue; Head and Marchant, 2008). This may not necessitate regional ice sheets that blanketed either or both of these regions, but rather could represent localized elevated accumulation of ice. These results should be incorporated into the array of evidence for glaciation in each hemisphere to better constrain the amount of ice needed to produce these features on the global scale, and the environmental conditions that led to their formation. Acknowledgements We appreciate suggestions made by Jeffrey Plaut and an anonymous reviewer. Caleb Fassett significantly aided in the processing and registration of all data used in this study, and we thank him accordingly. The features at the core of this study were initially found in THEMIS VIS data, and we appreciate the work of the science and engineering teams for THEMIS and Mars Odyssey. Likewise, we appreciate the efforts of the science and engineering staff for HRSC, HiRISE, CTX and MOLA. John Huffman of Brown University assisted with the visualization of stereo data, and we appreciate his contributions. 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