Merav Opher Ph.D. in Physics & Astronomy, 1998

Merav Opher
Merav Opher, Ph. D.
University of Sao Paulo:
University of Sao Paulo:
Ph.D. in Physics & Astronomy, 1998
Doctoral Thesis: “Plasma Effects in the Early
B.S. in Physics, 1992
Academic positions
2015 –
Director of Graduate Studies, Boston University
2015 –
Director of REU Program in the Astronomy Dept, Boston University
2014 – 2015 Director of the Center for Space Physics, Boston University
2013 –
Associate Professor, Astronomy Department, Boston University
2011 – 2013 Assistant Professor, Astronomy Department, Boston University
2011 – 2012 Affiliate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
George Mason University
2009 – 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
George Mason University
2005 – 2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
George Mason University
2004 – 2005 Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2001 – 2004 Caltech Postdoctoral Scholar, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
1999 – 2001 Postdoctoral Associate, Physics and Astronomy Department,
Plasma Physics Group, UCLA
Honors and Awards
• PECASE (Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers) (2008).
• NSF Young Investigator CAREER award (2008).
• Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Science (2008).
• Mason Emerging Researcher/Scholar/Creator Award (2008).
• Marie Curie Fellowship (declined) (2001).
Journal Publications
[total citations ISI web of knowledge 1678, h-index=20;
Google Scholar
2257, h-index=26
(students and postdocs in my group are underlined)
1. Gallana, L., Fratenale, F., Fosson, S. M., Magli, E., Opher, M., Richardson, H. D.,
Iovieno, M., Tordella, D., “Power and helicity spectra of solar wind at 5AU”, Journal
of Geophys. Res. In press (2016).
2. C. Kay, Opher, M., Korenblueth, M. “Probability of CME Impact on Exoplanets
Orbiting M Dwarfs and Solar-Like Stars”, Astrophysical Journal, in press. (2016).
Merav Opher
3. Fraternale, F., Gallana, L., Iovieno, M., Opher, M., Richardson, J. D., Tordella, D.,
“Turbulence in the solar wind: spectra from Voyager 2 data at 5AU”, Physica Scripta,
Volume 91, Issue 2, article id. 023011 (2016).
4. Ioveno, M., Gallana, L, Fraternale, F., Richardson, J. D., Opher, M., Tordella, D.,
“Cross and magnetic helicity in the outer heliosphere from Voyager 2 observations”,
European Journal of Mechanic B-Fluids, Vol 55, 394 (2016).
5. Opher, M., Drake, J. F., Zieger, B., Swisdak, M. and Toth, G., “Magnetized Jets
Driven by the Sun: The Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited – Updates”, Physics of
Plasmas, Vol. 23, 056501 (2016).
6. Kay, C., and Opher, M., “The Heliocentric Distance where the deflections and
rotation of Solar coronal mass ejections occur”, Astrophysical Journal Lett. Vol. 811,
Issue 2, article id. L36, 6pp (2015).
7. Zieger, B., Opher, M., Toth, G., Decker, R., Richardson, J. “Constraining the pick-up
ion abundance and temperature through the multi-fluid reconstruction of the Voyager
2 termination shock crossing”, Journal of Geophys. Res. in press (2015).
8. Drake, J. F, Swisdak, M., Opher, M., A Model of the Heliosphere with Jets,
Astrophysical Journal Letter, 808, Issue 2, article if. L44 (2015)
9. Opher, M. “The Heliosphere: What did we learn in recent years and the current
challenges”, Space Science Reviews (invited review) in press (2015)
10. Kay, C. Opher, M., Evans, R., “Global Trends of CME Deflections Based on CME
and Solar Parameters”, Astrophysical Journal, 805, Issue 2, article id. 168, 20 pp.
11. Michael, A., Opher, M., Opher, M. Provonikova, E., Richardson, J. Toth, G.
Magnetic Flux Conservation in the Heliosheath including Solar Cycle Variations of
Magnetic Field Intensity, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 803, L6 (2015).
12. C. Kay, dos Santos, L. Opher, M. Constraining the Masses and the Non-Radial Drag
Coefficient of a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 801, L21
13. Opher, M., Drake, J. F., Zieger, B., Gombosi, T. I. Magnetized Jets Driven by the
Sun: The Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 800,
L28 (2015).
14. Provornikova, E., Opher, M., Izmodenov, V. Richardson, J., Toth, G. Plasma Flows
in the Heliosheath Along the Voyager 2 and 1 Trajectories due to 11-Year Solar
Cycle Effects, Astrophysical Journal, 794, Issue 1, article id. 29 (2014).
15. Fermo, R., Opher, M., Drake, J., Magnetic reconnection in the interior of
interplanetary coronal mass Ejections, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 031101 (2014).
16. M.E. Hill, R.B. Decker, L.E. Brown, J.F. Drake, D.C. Hamilton, S.M. Krimigis, M.
Opher, “Dependence of energetic ion and electron intensities on proximity to the
magnetically sectored heliosheath: Voyager 1 and 2 Observations”, Astrophysical
Journal, 781, 94 (2014).
17. A. Vidotto, Jardine, M., Morin, J., Donati, J.F., Opher, M., Gombosi, T. I., M-dwarf
stellar winds: the effects of realistic magnetic geometry on rotational evolution and
planets, Mon. Not. R. Astron. 438, 1162 (2013).
18. M. Opher, and J. F. Drake, On the Rotation of the Magnetic Field Across the
Heliopause, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 778, L26 (2013).
19. Kozarev, K., Evans, R. M., Schwadron, N.A., Dayeh, M. A., Opher, M., Korreck, K.
Merav Opher
E., van de Holst, B, “Global Numerical Modeling of Energetic Proton Acceleration in
a CME Traveling Through the Solar Corona“, Astrophysical Journal, 778, Issue 1,
article id. 43 (2013).
20. M. Opher, C. Prested, D. McComas, Schwadron, N., Drake, J., “Probing the Nature
of the Heliosheath with the Neutral Atom Spectra Measured by IBEX in the Voyager
1 Direction”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 776, L32 (2013).
21. C. Kay, M. Opher, R. Evans, “Forecasting a Coronal Mass Ejection's Altered
Trajectory: ForeCAT”, Astrophysical Journal, 775, 5 (2013).
22. M. Swisdak, J. Drake, M. Opher, “Porous Heliopause”, Astrophysical Journal Lett.,
774, L8 (2013).
23. B. Zieger, M. Opher, N. A. Schwadron, D. J. McComas, and G. Toth, “A slow bow
shock ahead of the heliosphere”, Geophysics Research Letters, 40, Issue 12, 2923
24. E. Provornikova, M. Opher, V. Izmodenov, and G. Toth, “Propagation into the
heliosheath of a -scale disturbance bounded by a pair of shocks” Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 552, id.A99 (2013).
25. J. Richardson, L. F. Burlaga, R. B. Decker, J. F. Drake, N. F. Ness, and M. Opher
“Magnetic flux conservation in the heliosheath”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 762,
L14 (2013).
26. E. Provornikova, M. Opher, V. Izmodenov, and G. Toth, “Do CIR associated shocks
survive when they propagate into the heliosheath?” Astrophysical Journal Letters,
756, L37 (2012).
27. R. Evans, M. Opher, R. Oran, B. van der Holst, I. V. Sokolov, R. Frazin, T. I.
Gombosi, and A. M. Vasquez, “Coronal Heating by Surface Alfven Wave Damping:
Implementation in a Global Magnetohydrodynamics Model of the Solar Wind”,
Astrophysical J. 756, Issue 2, article id. 155 (2012).
28. Vidotto, A. A., Fares, T., Jardine, M., Fonati, J.F., Opher, M., Moutou, C., Catala,
C., Gombosi, T. I., “The stellar wind cycles and planetary radio emission of the Tau
Boo system”, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 423, 3285 (2012).
29. M. Opher, J. Drake, M. Velli, G. Toth, and R. Decker, “Near the boundary of the
heliosphere: a Flow Transition Region”, The Astrophysical Journal, 751, 80 (2012).
30. G. Toth, et al. (including M. Opher), “Adaptive Numerical Algorithms in Space
Weather Modeling”, Journal of Computational Science, 231, 870 (2012).
31. M. Opher, The heliosheath: the ultimate solar system frontier, Astronomical
Reviews, vol. 7, no.1, 68 (2012).
32. M. Opher, J. Drake, M. Swisdak, K. M. Schoeffler, J. D. Richardson, R. B. Decker,
and G. Toth, “Is the Magnetic Field in the Heliosheath Laminar or Turbulent Bath of
Bubbles?”, The Astrophysical Journal, 734, 71 (2011).
33. F. Alouani-Bibi, M. Opher, V. Izmodenov, D. Alexashov, and G. Toth, “Kinetic vs.
Multi-Fluid Approach for Interstellar Neutrals in the Heliosphere: Exploration of the
Interstellar Magnetic Field Effects”, The Astrophysical Journal, 734, 45 (2011).
34. Y. C. Liu, M. Opher, Y. Wang, and T. I. Gombosi, “Downstream structure and
evolution of a simulated CME-driven sheath in the solar corona”, Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 527, id. A46 (2011).
35. C. Loesch, M. Opher, M. V. Alves, R. Evans, W. Manchester, and T. I. Gombosi,
“Signatures of Two Distinct Driving Mechanisms in the Evolution of CMEs in the
Merav Opher
Lower Corona”, J. Geophys. Res., Volume 116, Issue A4, CiteID A04106 (2011).
36. I. Das, M. Opher, R. Evans, C. Loesch, and T. I. Gombosi, “Evolution of Piled Up
Compressions in Modeled CME Sheaths and the Resulting Sheath Structures”, The
Astrophysical Journal, 729, 112 (2011).
37. R. Evans, M. Opher, and T. I. Gombosi, “Learning from the Outer Heliosphere:
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Sheath Flows and the Ejecta Orientation in the
Lower Corona”, The Astrophysical Journal, 728, 41 (2011).
38. A. A. Vidotto, M. Jardine, M. Opher, J. F. Donati and T. I. Gombosi, “Powerful
Winds from Low-Mass Stars: V374 Peg”, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 412, 351 (2011).
39. A. A. Vidotto, M. Opher, V. Jatenco-Pereira, T. I. Gombosi, “Simulations of Winds
of Weak-Lined T-Tauri Stars II: The Effects of a Tilted Magnetosphere and Planetary
Interactions”, The Astrophysical Journal, 720, 1262 (2010).
40. C. Prested, M. Opher, and N. Schwadron, “The Imprint of the Very Local Interstellar
Magnetic Field on Simulated Energetic Neutral Atom Maps”, The Astrophysical
Journal, 716, 550 (2010).
41. M. Swisdak, M. Opher, J. Drake, and F. Alouani-Bibi, “The Vector Direction of the
Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Heliopause”, The Astrophysical Journal, 710,
1769 (2010).
42. J. Drake, M. Opher, M. Swisdak, and J. N. Chamoun, “A magnetic reconnection
mechanism for the generation of anomalous cosmic rays”, The Astrophysical Journal,
709, 963 (2010).
43. M. Opher, F. Alouani Bibi, G. Toth, J. D. Richardson, V.V. Izmodenov, and T. I.
Gombosi, “A Strong highly-tilted Interstellar Magnetic Field near the Solar System”,
Nature, 462, 1036 (2009).
44. A. A. Vidotto, M. Opher, V. Jatenco-Pereira, and T. I. Gombosi, “Simulations of
Winds of Weak-Lined T Tauri Stars: The Magnetic Field Geometry and The
Influence of the Wind on Giant Planet Migration”, The Astrophysical Journal, 703,
1734 (2009).
45. R. Evans, M. Opher, V. Jatenco-Pereira, and T. I. Gombosi, “Surface Alfven Wave
Dumping in 3D Simulation of Solar Wind”, The Astrophysical Journal, 703, 179
46. A. Lazarian and M. Opher, “Model of Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays by
Reconnection in the Heliosheath”, The Astrophysical Journal, 703, 8 (2009).
47. A. A. Vidotto, M. Opher, V. Jatenco-Pereira, and T. I. Gombosi, “Numerical
Simulation of Magnetized Winds of Solar-Like Stars”, The Astrophysical Journal,
699, 441 (2009).
48. Wimmer-Schweingruber, B. et al. “Interstellar heliospheric probe/heliospheric
boundary explorer mission—a mission to the outermost boundaries of the solar
system”, Experimental Astronomy, 24, 9 (2009).
49. V. Florinski et al. (including M. Opher), “The Dynamic Heliosphere: Outstanding
Issues. Report of Working Groups 4 and 6”, Space Science Reviews, 143, 57 (2009).
50. M. Opher, J. C. Richardson, G. Toth, T. I. Gombosi, “Confronting Observations and
Modeling: The Role of The Interstellar Magnetic Field in Voyager 1 and 2
Asymmetries”, Space Science Reviews, 143, 43 (2009).
Merav Opher
51. A. Lazarian, A. Beresnyak, H. Yan, M. Opher, and Y. C. Liu, “Properties and
selected implications of magnetic turbulence for interstellar medium, Local Bubble
and solar wind”, Space Science Reviews, 143, 387 (2009).
52. R. Evans, M. Opher, W. B. Manchester, M. Velli, and T. I. Gombosi, “Alfven Profile
in the Lower Corona: Implications for Shock Formation”, The Astrophysical Journal,
687, 1355 (2008).
53. Y. C. Liu, M. Opher, O. Cohen, P. Liewer, and T. I. Gombosi, “A simulation of a
CME propagation and shock evolution in the lower solar corona”, The Astrophysical
Journal, 680, 757L (2008).
54. W. B. Manchester, A. Vourilidas, G. Toth, N. Lugaz, M. Opher, T. I. Gombosi, I.
Sokolov, D. DeZeeuw, and I. Roussev, “Three-dimensional MHD simulation of the
2003 October 28 Coronal Mass Ejection: Comparison with Coronagraph
Observations”, The Astrophysical Journal, 684, 1448 (2008).
55. C. Prested, N. Schwadron, J. Passuite, B. Randol, B. Stuart, G. Crew, J. Heerikhuisen,
N. Pogorelov, G. Zank, M. Opher, F. Allegrini, D. J. Comas, M. Reno, E. Roelof, S.
Fuselier, H. Funsten, E. Moebius, and L. Saul. “Implications of universal kappa
distributions for IBEX ENA flux maps”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, Issue
A6, A06102 (2008).
56. M. Opher, E. C. Stone, and T. I. Gombosi, “The Orientation of the Local Interstellar
Magnetic Field”, Science, 316, 875 (2007).
57. M. Opher, E. C. Stone, and P. C. Liewer, “Effects of a Local Interstellar Magnetic
Field on Voyager 1 and 2 Observations”, The Astrophysical Journal, 640, L71
58. L. Bettarini, M. Velli, S. Landi, and M. Opher, “Tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz
instabilities in the heliospheric plasma”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 452, 321
59. M. Opher, P. C. Liewer, M. Velli, L. Bettarini, T. I. Gombosi, W. B. Manchester, D.
L. DeZeeuw, G. Toth, and I. Sokolov, “Magnetic Effects at the Edge of the Solar
System: MHD Instabilities, the de Laval nozzle Effect and an Extended Jet”, The
Astrophysical Journal, 611, 575 (2004).
60. M. Opher, P. C. Liewer, T. I. Gombosi, W. B. Manchester, D. L. DeZeeuw, I.
Sokolov, and G. Toth, “Probing the Edge of the Solar System: Formation of an
Unstable Jet-Sheet”, The Astrophysical Journal, 591L, 61 (2003).
61. W. Manchester, M. Opher, T. I. Gombosi, I. Roussev, D. L. DeZeeuw, I. V.
Sokolov, K.G. Powell, and G. Toth,“Three-dimensional MHD simulation of a flux
rope driven CME”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, A01102 (2004).
62. M. Opher, G. J. Morales, and J. N. Leauboff, “Krook Collisional Models of the
Kinetic Susceptibility”, Physics Review E, 66, 016407 (2002).
63. M. Opher, L. O. Silva, D. E. Dauger. V. K. Decyk and J. M. Dawson, “Nuclear
Reaction Rates and Energy in Stellar Plasmas: The effect of Highly Damped Modes”,
Physics of Plasmas 8, 2454 (2001).
64. M. Opher and R. Opher, “Dynamic Screening in Thermonuclear Reactions”, The
Astrophysical Journal, 535, 473 (2000).
65. M. Opher and R. Opher, “Energy of a Plasma in the Classical Limit, Physics Review
Letters, 82, 4835 (1999).
66. O. D. Miranda, M. Opher and R. Opher, “Generation of Seed Magnetic Fields by
Merav Opher
Primordial Supernovae”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 301,
547 (1998).
67. M. Opher and R. Opher, “Was The Electromagnetic Spectrum a Blackbody
Spectrum in The Early Universe?”, Physical Review Letters, 79, 2628 (1997).
68. M. Opher and R. Opher, “The Magnetic Field Spectrum in a Plasma in Thermal
Equilibrium in the Epoch of Primordial Nucleosynthesis”, Physical Review D, 56,
3296 (1997).
69. M. Revzen, R. Opher, M. Opher and A. Mann, “Kirchhoff's theorem and the Casimir
Effect”, Europhysics Letters, 38, 245 (1997).
70. M. Revzen, R. Opher, M. Opher and A. Mann, “Casimir's Entropy”, Journal of
Physics A, 30, 7783 (1997).
Journal Publications – Proceedings (only including those that were peer-reviewed)
71. A. A. Vidotto, M. Opher, V. Jatenco-Pereira, and T. I. Gombosi, “3D Simulations of
Tilted Magnetospheres of Weak-Lines T-Tauri Stars”, Revista Mexicana de
Astronomia y Astrofisica, 40, 133 (2011).
72. M. Opher, “Shocks and Magnetized Winds: Learning from the Interaction of the
Solar System with the Interstellar Medium”, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y
Astrofísica, 36, 60 (2009).
73. Opher, M., “Pinning Down the Intensity and Direction of the Local Interstellar
Magnetic Field”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1156, pp. 153-161 (2009).
74. M. Opher, E. C. Stone, P. C. Liewer, and T. I. Gombosi, “Global Asymmetry of the
Heliosphere” AIP Conference Proceedings, 858, 45 (2006).
75. M. Opher, P. C. Liewer, M. Velli, L. Bettarini, T. I. Gombosi, W.B. Manchester, D.
L. DeZeeuw, I. Sokolov, and G. Toth, “Magnetic Effects Change Our View of the
Heliosheath”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 719, 105 (2004).
Chapters in Books:
1. M. Opher, “Shocks in Heliophysics”, Heliophysics, Space Storms and Radiation:
Causes and Effects, p. 192-207, Cambridge University Press, Editors: Karel Schriver,
George Siscoe (2009).
2. M. Opher, “Effect of the Interstellar Magnetic Field on the Heliosphere”,
Local Bubble and Beyond II, American Institute of Physics, Editor: K. D. Kuntz
Professional Activities
Society Leadership and Community Service
1. Member of the CLaSP National Advisory Board Charge, Dept of Climate and Space
Sciences & Engineering Advisory, University of Michigan, 2016 2. Member of the LWS Heliophysics Summer School (HSS) Steering Committee,
20153. Member of the NASA Heliophysics Mission Senior Review Panel, 2015
Merav Opher
4. Member of the review board of Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg,
Germany (September 2015)
5. Associate Editor of Journal of Geophysics Research (2014-2017)
6. ISSI Team Leader (with Dr. Matt Hill) of “Facing the Most Pressing Challenges to
Our Understanding of the Heliosheath and its Outer Boundaries” (2015-)
7. Member of the Steering Committee for the Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program (2014-2017)
8. Member of the SPA AGU Fellows Committee (2015-) (Geoff Reeves: chair)
9. Director of the REU Program at Boston University – 2016 10. Member of the Decadal Survey in Space Physics of Solar and Heliospheric Panel
(2010-2011) –chaired the Outer Heliosphere sub-panel
11. Member of the Decadal Survey in Space Physics of the Theory and Modeling Group
12. Member of the Committee on Solar and Space Physics (CSSP) of the National
Academy of Science (2008-2011)
13. NASA-Living with a Star Steering Committee (2006, 2007)
14. Chair, American Geophysical Union of Student Committee Award (2006, 2007)
15. Co-author of the Senior Review for Voyager (2008, 2009, 2012, 2013)
16. Co-author of the Senior Review for IBEX (2012, 2013)
Conference Organization
1. Co-Chair of Space Physics at XXVI IUPAP Conference on Computational
Physics (CCP2014), Boston, Aug. 11-14, 2014.
2. Co-Chair of the Session "Magnetic reconnection and flux redistribution: 3D
dynamics at multiple scales” Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union,
December 2014
3. Spring Meeting of American Geophysical Union, Meeting of the America, cochair session “Our Evolving Understanding of the Heliosheath”, May 2013
4. Chair, Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union, Outer Heliosphere session,
December 2012.
5. Session Leader, Chair, “Outer Heliosphere” at the Solar Heliospheric &
Interplanetary Environment (SHINE 2012), August 2012.
6. SOC of the IAU Solar-Stellar Connection, China, August 2012.
7. SOC for IRIS/AIA workshop, California, May 2012.
8. Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union, two sessions (Outer Heliosphere
and Heliosphere Modeling), San Francisco, December 2010.
9. Spring Meeting of American Geophysical Union, Meeting of the Americas, Foz
de Iguacu, Special session on shocks and acceleration of particles; and the session
about Voyager and IBEX, August 2010.
10. SOC of SOHO-23, St. Andrew, September 2009.
11. SOC of the Heliophysics session, Cospar 2010.
12. Co-Chair, “Physics of the Solar Wind - Interstellar Medium Interaction: Theory,
Modeling, and Observations”, Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union,
December 2008.
13. Co-Chair, “Shocks in the Lower Corona”, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary
Environment (SHINE), July 2008, July 2009.
Merav Opher
14. Co-Chair, “A Stereo View of the Final Frontiers: Voyager 1 and 2 in the
Heliosheath”, Spring Meeting of American Geophysical Union, Acapulco, May
15. Chair, “Do We Understand Our Heliosheath? Implications for Three-Dimensional
Heliosphere and Astrosphere”, Spring Meeting of American Geophysical Union,
Baltimore, 23-26 May 2006.
16. Co-Chair, “Voyager in the Heliosheath I”, Fall Meeting of American Geophysical
Union, 5-9 December, San Francisco 2005.
17. Co-Chair, “Voyager and Beyond: Physics of the Outer Heliosphere II”, Fall
Meeting of American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, San Francisco 2004.
18. Chair, “Novel Ideas in Space Physics”, Spring Meeting of American Geophysical
Union, May 2003.
19. Member of the NSF Site Visit to Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling
(CISM), University of Boston Space Weather Group.
20. Reviewer for NASA (SR&T and LWS – panels and mail-in reviewer), NSF
Astronomy and Space Science panels and mail-in reviewer.
21. Reviewer for The Astrophysical Journal, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Journal of
Geophysical Research, Space Science Reviews, Review of Space Science and
Physical Review Letters, Solar Wind X, IEEE, EOS, Geophysical Research
Letters, Brazilian Agency FAPESP.
Invited Lectures
1. NASA Science Update on Voyager at NASA HQ, March 7-8, 2011 (with Edward
Stone and Ann Druyan widow of Carl Sagan).
2. “The Vision Lecture Series” at GMU, January 31, 2011,
3. “Thirteenth Annual Chinese-American Kavli Frontiers of Sciences”, September
23-25, 2010
4. Parker Lecture at the SPD/AAS meeting, “Surprises from the Edge of the Solar
System: Voyager at the Final Frontier”, June, Solar Physics Division (2006).
1. 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Istanbul/Turkey, 30 July - 07 Aug 2016
“Models of the heliotail”.
2. 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference: “The Science of Ed Stone:
Celebrating his 80th Birthday”, April 4-8, 2016, Cape Coral, Florida USA
3. 57th APS DPP Annual Meeting, November 16-20, 2015 in Savannah, Georgia
“Magnetized jets driven by the sun: The structure of the heliosphere revisited”
4. The Solar-Stellar Connection: Influence of Stars in their astrospheres, Michigan,
Ann Arbor, May 18-19, 2015
5. 14th Annual International Astrophysics Conference: “Linear and Nonlinear
Merav Opher
Particle Energization throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond”, April 20 - 24,
2015, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
6. “Cosmic Ray Anisotropies”, Cosmic Ray Workshop, Bad Honnef, Germany 2630 January 2015
7. KISS Workshop, Science and Enabling Technologies to Explore the Interstellar
Medium, September 8, 2014
8. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, “Global Structure of the Heliosphere:
Observations, Theory, and Modeling”, D1.1 Session, Moscow, Russia, 2-10
August 2014
9. 13th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Myrtle Beach, March 10-14,
10. “Magnetic Flux Ropes Workshop”, The Basic Plasma Science Facility (BaPSF)
UCLA, February 10-12, 2014.
11. Invited talk “The New heliosphere”, 15th Latin American Workshop on Plasma
Physics, LAWPP, January 29, 2014, San Jose, Costa Rica
12. (Invited) Plenary talk on the “The new heliosphere”, 14th ICATPP conference in
Como in September 24, 2013
13. (Invited) International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, IAGA,
XIIth Scientific Assembly, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, August 26-31, 2013 Outer
Heliosphere session
14. (Invited) “Recent development in CME Simulations”, AGU Meeting of the
Americas, Cancun, Mexico, May 14-17, 2013
15. ISSI Cosmic Plasmas “Structure formation and dynamics in cosmic plasmas”, 1519, April, Switzerland (2013).
16. IAU XXVIII, SpS10 (Invited) “Space Weather at Small Distances from the Sun
and in Extra Solar Planets Environment”, Special Session on Dynamics of the
Star-Planet Relations Beijing, China on August 20-31 (2012).
17. Joint IAU-WISER Advanced School on Space Environment (ASSE, China) talk
on “ISM-heliosphere coupling”, August (2012).
18. 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, session D2.6, Mysore, India, talk “Physics in
the Out-of the Ecliptic-Plane Orbits”, July (2012).
19. International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Team Meeting on the Heliopause,
Bern, April (2012).
20. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, session “Extended Solar Minima”,
December (2011).
21. Cosmic Rays Conference, Madison-Wisconsin, October (2011).
22. ISSS10, Banff, CA, invited review on “The Interaction of Solar System with the
Interstellar Medium: MHD models”, July 24-27 (2011).
23. IPELS-2011, Whistler, Vancouver, July (2011).
24. X Nova Fisica no Espaco, Campos do Jordao, June (2011).
25. Invited Tutorial Lecture of Interstellar Medium-Heliosphere Coupling for the
ASSE (Advanced School of Space Environment) session during IX COLAGE,
April 09 (2011).
26. Heliophysics School, Bolder, CO, “Shocks in the Heliophysics”, August (2010).
27. American Astronomical Society, special session, “Magnetic fields in the Local
ISM and the Local Bubble”, May (2010).
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28. Voyager/IBEX Joint Meeting, SWRI, San Antonio, March (2010).
29. International Living with the Star, ILWS, Ubatuba, “Flows in the Heliosheath and
in CMEs”, October (2009).
30. The University of Alabama in Huntsville Conference, Kauai, Hawaii, “Voyagers
in the Heliosheath: Observations, models, and plasma physics”, January 9-14
31. International Heliospheric Year Chapman Conference on Universal Heliophysical
Processes, Savanah, Georgia, “Comparative shock studies”, November 10-14
32. 2nd International Heliophysical Year Conference”, International Space Science
Institute, “Flows in Shocks”, November 10-14 (2008).
33. Living with a Star Heliophysics Summer School, Invited Faculty Lectures, July
23-July 30 (2008).
34. Heliophysics Science Division Seminar, Goddard Space Flight Center, “When
Magnetized Winds Collide: The Role of Interstellar Magnetic Field in the
Interaction of the Solar System and the Interstellar Medium”, April 16 (2008).
35. The Local Bubble And Beyond II, “Interstellar Magnetic Field Orientation”,
Philadelphia, April 21-24 (2008).
36. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, “Modeling the three dimensional
heliosphere”, Montreal, July 13-20 (2008).
37. Magnetic Fields in the Universe II: from Laboratory and Stars to the Primordial
Universe, Cozumel, Mexico, January 28-Feb 1 (2008).
38. High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows, Dublin, Ireland, September 2428 (2007).
39. International Space Science Institute (ISSI), "From the Outer Heliosphere to the
Local Bubble: Comparison of New Observations with Theory", Bern,
Switzerland, October 15-19 (2007).
40. Sixth Annual International Astrophysics Conference IGPP, “3D Simulations of
global heliosphere: The Turbulence of Heliospheric Current Sheet”, Oahu,
Hawaii, March (2007).
41. Parker Lecture at the SPD/AAS meeting June, Solar Physics Division, “Surprises
from the Edge of the Solar System: Voyager at the Final Frontier”, University of
New Hampshire, June (2006).
42. Heliospheric Workshop, Oxnard, “Living in an Asymmetric Heliosphere: What
the Voyagers are telling us”, November (2006).
43. American Geophysical Union, “Global Asymmetry of the Heliosphere: The
Effects of a Local Interstellar Magnetic Field on Voyager 1 and 2 Observations”,
Baltimore, May 23 (2006).
44. 5th IGPP: The Physics of the Inner Heliosheath, “The Effects of a Local
Interstellar Magnetic Field on Voyager 1 and 2 Observations”, Hawaii, March 04
45. Symposium in Honor of Ed Stone’s 70th Birthday, “Effects of the Interstellar
Magnetic Field on the Heliosphere”, Caltech, February 10-11 (2006).
46. American Geophysical Union, “Effects of a Local Interstellar Magnetic Field on
Voyager 1 and 2 Observations”, San Francisco, December (2005).
47. Workshop on Outer Heliosphere, Committee on Solar and Space Physics, UC
Merav Opher
Irvine, May 6-7 (2003).
48. 42nd Annual APS Division of the Plasma Physics, “Nuclear Reaction Rates and
Energy in the Plasma: The Effect of Highly Damped Modes”, Quebec, Canada,
October 23-27 (2000).
Invited Seminars/Colloquiums
1. Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado,
March 14, 2016
2. Jet Propulsion Lab, February 11, 2016
3. Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts Lowell, December 4, 2015
4. Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar, University of Maryland, March 30, 2015
“Magnetized Jets Driven by the Sun: The Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited”
5. Harvard University, ITC Lunch Seminar, March 24, 2015
6. Astronomy Department, Wesleyan University, February 11, 2015
7. Physics Department, University of New Hampshire, September 14, 2014
8. Harvard University, ITC Colloquium, November 7, 2013
9. Cornell University, Astronomy Department, March 14, 2013
10. Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering (MIPSE) Seminar,
University of Michigan, Spring 2013.
11. MIT PSFC, MIT, May 2012.
12. “The Heliosheath as a Reconnection Laboratory”, Princeton Plasma Physics
Laboratory (PPPL) PS&T Seminar, Wednesday, February 22, 2012.
13. Physics Department, University of New Hampshire, November 14, 2011.
14. Physics Department, Dartmouth College, April 5th, 2011.
15. Physics Department, University of Maryland, November 2010.
16. Physics Department, Montana University, Bozeman, October 22, 2010.
17. CSCAMM, University of Maryland, March 2009.
18. CIPS, Physics Department, University of Colorado, March 07 2009.
19. Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institute of Washington, “Pinning
Down the Direction and Magnitude of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field”,
December 05, 2008.
20. Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar, University of Maryland “Pinning Down
the Direction and Magnitude of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field”, October
27, 2008.
21. Delaware University Colloquium, October 17, 2008.
22. MIT Astronomy Colloquium, February 19, 2008.
23. Astronomy Colloquium, University Madison Wisconsin, November 22, 2007.
24. EOSS Colloquium, University of Michigan, December, 2007.
25. E.O. Hulbert Colloquium Series at Naval Research Laboratory “Knocking on the
galaxy’s Door: Voyager 1 and 2 at the Edge of the Solar System”, June 15, 2006.
26. Cornell University “Living in Asymmetric Heliosphere: Magnetic Effects in the
Heliosphere”, Plasma Astrophysics Seminar, October 24, 2006.
27. Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar, University of Maryland “Effect of the
Interstellar Magnetic Field on the Termination Shock: Explaining the Voyager
Results”, September, 2005.
Merav Opher
28. Goddard Space Flight Center “Effect of the Interstellar Magnetic Field on the
Termination Shock: Explaining the Voyager Results”, October 26, 2005.
29. Jet Propulsion Laboratory,“Effect of the Interstellar Magnetic Field on the
Termination Shock: Explaining the Voyager Results”, March, 2005.
30. Space Science Laboratory, Berkeley “From the Sun to the Edge of the Solar
System: Coronal Mass Ejection Driven Shocks and Magnetic Effects in the
Heliosheath”, October 19, 2004.
31. George Mason University “From the Sun to the Edge of the Solar System:
Coronal Mass Ejection Driven Shocks and Magnetic Effects in the Heliosheath”,
October 09, 2004.
32. IGPP, Riverside "Magnetic Effects in the Heliosheath", January 15-20, 2004.
33. South Research Institute, San Antonio "Probing the Edge of the Solar System:
Formation of an Unstable Jet-Sheet", July 1-2, 2003.
34. KITP, Santa Barbara "Probing the Edge of the Solar System: Formation of an
Unstable Jet-Sheet", June 27, 2003.
35. UCLA, “Probing the Edge of the Solar System: Formation of an Unstable JetSheet”, February 27, 2003.
36. Caltech Space Radiation Laboratory, “Probing the Edge of the Solar System:
Formation of an Unstable Jet-Sheet”, December 19, 2002.
37. “Nuclear Reaction Rates and the Contribution of Highly Damped Plasma Modes
to Stellar Evolution and the Early Universe”, Princeton Plasma Laboratory, New
Jersey, December, 2000.
Classes/Outreach Talks
Lectures on “Shocks and Particle Acceleration”: Heliophysics Summer School, Boulder
Colorado July 2016
Professional Society Memberships
• Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society
• American Geophysical Union
• American Physical Society
• American Astronomical Society
1. Speaker at Berklee College of Music, Class of Prof. Jennifer Beauregard, Spring
2. Speaker at the Panel for 2014 Path of Professorship workshop, MIT, Microsoft
NERD Center, November 14-15, 2014,
3. Speaker at the Panel for Brazilians Abroad at MIT, October 5, 2013,
4. Speaker at the “Art and Science: Not quite Parallel Realities” panel at
Merav Opher
TransCultural Exchange's 4th biennale Conference on International Opportunities
in the Arts, Oct. 10-13, 2013,
5. Speaker at the “Big Ideas for Busy People”, Cambridge Science Festival, 2013
6. Episode “Escape” on Voyager at “RadioLab” aired February 20th, 2012,
7. Outreach Material for VoyagerPoster 2010,
8. Part of the training of “NASA Solar System Ambassadors Program”,
9. Part of the panel for IBEX, NASA press release, September 2010,
10. The Space Place, NASA –cartoon link:
9. “The Journey to Interstellar Space”, six-part series video,
Selected News Coverage quotes
11., August 22, 2013, “Magnetic bubbles may mean Voyager 1 has left
the Solar System”,
12. WGBH News, “Why Did It Take NASA A Year To Realize The Voyager Left
The Solar System?”,
13. NASA spacecraft launched in 1977 enters interstellar space, Boston Globe,
September 12, 2013
14. Voyager enters realm between the stars, report says, USA Today, September 12,
15. Speaker at “This Morning” Seoul, South Korea Radio,
16. “Tracking Voyager Beyond the Solar System”,
17. Nature, Voyager: Outward bound, May 22, 2013,
18. NPR “Radio Lab”, “Voyager is Such a Tease”, March 21, 2013,
19. Science & Vie,
Merav Opher
20. "Die seltsame Grenze des Sonnensystems" (The strange Boundary of the Solar
System) in Bild der Wissenschaft (January 2013).
21. “Reshaping the Solar System, Research Magazine 2012”, BU,
22. Bild der Wissenschaft ,“Die Selstsame Grenze des Sonnensystems”, January 2013
23. WGBH “Voyager's Merav Opher on Touching the Edge of Our Solar System”,
September 14, 2012
24. “Going Boldly beyond the grasp of our sun”, Boston Globe
25. “Bubbles at the Edge of Space: Merav Opher Is Changing Astrophysics”,
Txchnologist, February 26, 2012 by John Rennie,
26. BU Today, “Beyond the Bubble”:
27. NASA News Release-
28. Voyager spacecraft see hints of huge magnetic bubbles -CNET News :
29. Voyagers ride 'magnetic bubbles'- BBC News:
30. Des bulles magnétiques aux confins du système solaire -LeMonde:
31. Magnetic Bubbles Frothing at Edge of Solar System? -Epoch Times:
32. NASA Probes Suggest Magnetic Bubbles Reside at Solar System Edge PRNewwire :
33. Frothy Magnetic-Bubble Sea Found at Solar System's Edge -National
34. Cauldron found brewing at solar system's edge - CBS News:
35. Magnetic Bubbles Detected at Edge of Solar System -Voice of America:
36. At the Far End of the Solar System: Space Bubbles PBS:
37. Edge of Solar System Filled with Bubbles, NASA Says -
38. Huge Magnetic Bubbles May Churn at Solar System's Edge
Merav Opher
39. Approaching Solar System's Edge, Voyager Probes Detect A Foamy Sea of
Magnetic Bubbles -POPSCI:
40. Solar system edge 'bunches' in magnetic bubbles: NASA- France 24
41. BU press releasePart of the NASA PANEL on Voyager: April 28, 2011:
42. (NASA LINK):
43. Images of research used in the show “Journey to the Stars” by the American
Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York (2009).
44. The New York Times, “Space Probes Show Solar System Dented, Not Round”
(July 2008).
45. National Geographic, Top Ten Space Pictures of 2007 (Dec 2007)
46. Voyager 2 Multimedia for the 2007 AGU Press Event (Dec 2007)
See Video material of Opher et al. work showing the distortion
47. ABC News, "Solar System and Milky Way doing the splits" (June 2007)
48. National Geographic, "Solar System is "Bullet Shaped" (May 2007)
25. Discover Magazine, “The Sun Flies Like a Bullet” (August 2007)
26. New Scientist, “The kink at the edge of the solar system” (May 2006)
38., “Voyager 2 detects solar system’s edge” (May 2006)
39. Nashua Telegraph, “Unlikely scientist delves deep into space at UNH”, (June
40. “To An Instability and Beyond”, Editor's Choice, Science, Vol. 300, page 2005,
41. “Did Voyager Crossed the Termination Shock?” NASA Space Science Update
(November 05, 2003) (member of the panel with Ed Stone, Tom Krimigis and
Frank McDonald)
42. NPR “Science Friday”, November 13, 2003 (commenting on Voyager)
43. L.A. Times article on Voyager November 13, 2003
44. “Past Pluto, Mason physicist’s research looks at the ends of the solar system”,
The Mason Spirit, Spring 2008 Issue
45. “Research on the Edge-Of the Solar System”, Think. Learn. Succeed.
46. Knockin’ on the Galaxy’s Door: Physics Professor Calculates Area at the Edge of
the Solar System”, The Mazon Gazette, May 30, 2006 by Tara Laskowski
47. “Scientist Receives NSF Grant for Space Study”, The Mason Gazette, March 04,
2008 by Karen Akerlof
48. “Professor’s Findings Confirmed: Solar System is Asymmetric”, The Mason
Gazette, December 21, 2007 by Tara Laskowski
49. “Mason Professor finds Direction of Magnetic Field beyond Solar System”, The
Mason Gazette, May 11, 2007 by Tara Laskowski
Merav Opher
50. The article Opher et al. 2003 The Astrophysical Journal, 591L, 61 (2003).
chosen as highlight for Science Editor's Choice, "To an Instability and Beyond",
Science, 300, 2005 (2003)]
At George Mason University
1. Rebekah Evans, Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy Department,
(Advisor: Merav Opher)
2. Indrajit Das, Ph.D. in CDS Department
3. Oscar Olmedo, Ph.D. in CDS Department, (Advisor: Prof. Jie Zhang),
4. Juan Lima (Advisor: Prof. Peter Becker)
5. Watanachak Poomvises (Advisor: Prof. Jie Zhang)
6. Robin Collanino (Advisor: Prof. Art Poland)
7. Lonnie Cumberland (Advisor: Prof. Mike Summers)
At Boston University
8. Christina Prested (Second reader) (Advisor: Prof. Nathan Schwadron)
9. Kamen Kozarev (Advisor: Prof. Nathan Schwadron)
10. Katherine Garcia-Sage (second reader) (Advisor: Prof. Jeffrey W. Hughes)
11. Michael Pavel (Advisor: Prof. Dan Clemens)
12. Lauren Cashman (Advisor: Prof. Dan Clemens)
13. Meredith Danowski (Second reader) (Advis
Ph.D. candidates
1. Marc Korenblueth (2015 - ), Astronomy Department, Boston University
2. Luisa Capannolo (2015- ), Astronomy Department, Boston University
3. Adam Michaels (2013-), Astronomy Department, Boston University
4. Christina Kay, (2011-2015), Astronomy Department, Boston University
5. Elena Provnikova – co-advisor with Vladislav Izmodenov from Moscow
University, (2010-2013) Astronomy Department, Boston University completed
6. Rebekah Evans, Physics and Astronomy, George Mason Univ. (2006-2011)
7. Cristiane Loesch de Souza, National Institute for Space Research (INPE) (20072009, co advisor with Prof. Maria Virginia Alves) completed
8. Aline A. Vidotto, Astronomy Dept., University of Sao Paulo
(2007-2009 co-advisor with Prof. Vera Jatenco Pereira) completed
9. Other: Indrajit Das, Physics and Astronomy (2008-2010) –not completed changed
advisor when I moved to BU.
Postdoctoral Supervision
1. Bertland Zieger (2012-) (he is Assistant Research Scientist), Astronomy Dept.;
Boston University
2. Dr. Christina Prested (2011-2012) Astronomy Dept., Boston University
3. Dr. Ray Fermo (2011-2013) Astronomy Dept., Boston University
Merav Opher
4. Dr. Alouani Bibi (2008-2011) Physics and Astronomy Dept.,
George Mason Univ.
5. Dr. Yong Liu (2007-2008) Physics and Astronomy Dept., George Mason Univ.
Undergrad Supervision
1. Marc Kornbleuth, Boston University (2011-2013)
Service (from the period at Boston University, 2011-)
2nd Reader PhD Defense of Meredith Danowski
Prior of 2016
1. Director of the Center of Space Physics (CSP) (2014-2015)
2. Member of the CAS Academic Policy Committee (2012-2014)
3. Chair of the Comprehensive Exam (2012, 2013)
4. Committee of Oral Exam, Dylan Morgan (Advisor: Andrew West)
5. Committee of Oral Exam, Danielle Pahud (Advisor: Jeffrey W. Hughes)
6. Committee of Oral Exam, Antonia Savcheva (Advisor: Ed DeLuca (CfA))
7. Astronomy Undergraduate Advisor (2011-)
8. Committee of PhD Defense, Kate (Advisor: Jeffrey W. Hughes)
9. Committee of PhD Defense, Michael Pavel (Advisor: Dan Clemens)
10. Committee of PhD Defense, Kamen Kozarev (Advisor: Nathan Schwadron)
11. Committee of PhD Defense, Antonia Savcheva (Advisor: Andrew West)
12. Committee of Oral Exam, Christina Kay (Advisor: Merav Opher)
13. Committee of Oral Exam, Chad Madsen (Advisor: Meers Oppenheim)
14. Committee of Oral Exam, Nicholas (Advisor: Alan Marscher)
15. Committee of Oral Exam, Mason Keck (Advisor: Alan Marscher)
16. Committee to oversee the choice of the director of Center of Space Science
Physics (appointed by the Associate Dean – 2013)
17. Committee of Oral Exam, Dylan Morgan (Advisor: Andrew West)
18. Committee of Oral Exam, Jan Marie Andersen (Advisor: Andrew West)
19. Committee of PhD Defense, Dylan Morgan (Advisor: Andrew West)-ongoing
20. Committee of PhD Defense, Ren Cashman (Advisor: Dan Clemens)-ongoing
21. Committee of PhD Defense, Jordan Montgomoery (Advisor: Dan Clemens)ongoing
22. While at GMU
23. Committee of PhD Defense, Oscar Olmedo (Advisor: Jie Zhang)
24. Committee of PhD Defense, Poomvises, Watanachak (Advisor: Jie Zhang)
Organizer of the Summer School on Plasma Processes in Space Physics at Boston
University, August 5-11 (2012)
Merav Opher
Organizer of the Summer School on Plasma Processes in Space Physics at Boston
University, July 28-August 1st (2014)
• Electromagnetic Theory (Fall 2001)
At George Mason University
• • • • • • • PHYS 305: Electromagnetic Theory (Fall 2008; Fall 2010)
PHYS 711: Statistical Mechanics (Spring 2010)
ASTR 760: Space Plasma Physics (Fall 2006; Spring 2009)
ASTR 790: Magnetic Field in Astrophysics (Fall 2007)
ASTR 113: Introduction to Astronomy (Spring 2006; Spring 2007)
ASTR 112: Introductory Astronomy Laboratory I (Fall 2005; Fall 2009)
ASTR 769: Introduction to Space Weather (Fall 2005)
At Boston University
• AS786 - The Sun and Heliosphere (Spring 2011, Fall 2014)
• AS102 – Introduction to Astronomy (Fall 2011, Fall 2013)
• AS803 - Research Methods in Astronomical Data Analysis (Spring 2012, Spring
• AS851 – Astrophysics Seminar (Spring 2012)
• AS726 – Cosmic Gasdynamics (Spring 2014)
Abstracts of Work presented as talk or poster at Conferences (students and postdocs
are underlined)
1. Vidotto, A. A., Opher, M. Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Gombosi, T.I.,
“Interactions between exoplanets and the winds of young stars”, Physics at the
Magnetospheric Boundary, Geneva, Switzerland, Edited by E. Bozzo; P.
Kretschmar; M. Audard; M. Falanga; C. Ferrigno; EPJ Web of Conferences,
Volume 64, id.04006
2. B. Zieger and M. Opher, “The Slow Bow Shock Model of the
Heliospheric Interface”
3. M. Opher, J. Drake, M. Swisdak, G. Toth, “Structure of the Heliosheath
and Heliopause”, 2013 Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, 14-17 May 2013
4. M. Opher, C. Kay, R. Fermo, J. Drake, R. Evans, B. vanDerHolst,
Merav Opher
“Update from the BU-CME Group: Accurate Prediction of CME Deflection and
Magnetic reconnection in the interior of interplanetary CMEs”, 2013 Meeting of
the Americas, Cancun, Mexico, 14-17 May, 2013
5. M. Opher, J. Drake, M. Swisdak, G. Toth, “Structure of the Heliosheath
and Heliopause”, IBEX Science Working Team Meeting held in Austin, Texas on
March 18-21, 2013
6. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, session “Extended Solar
Minima”, December (2012)-oral .
7. IAU XXVIII, SpS10, “The wind effects of solar-like and weak-lined T
Tauri stars on the environment of extrasolar planets”, Jatenco-Pereira, V., Vidotto,
A. A., Opher, M. and Gombosi, T. I.
8. IAU XXVIII, SpS10 (Invited) “Space Weather at Small Distances from
the Sun and in Extra Solar Planets Environment”, Opher, M.
9. Cospar 2012 - D1.1-0025-12 – Poster, “3D MHD modeling of effects of
corotating interaction regions on the heliosheath flow”, Provornikova, E., Opher,
M., Izmodenov, V., Toth, G.
10. Cospar 2012 - D2.6-0009-12- Invited –Oral “What did we learn about the
3D Global Structure of the Heliosphere with Voyager and IBEX”, Opher, M.,
Drake, J., Swisdak, M., Provornikova, E., Izmodenov, V., Toth, G.
11. Cospar 2012 - D1.1-0015-12 – Oral, “Magnetic reconnection in the
heliosheath and its signatures and consequences”, Drake, J., Schoeffler, K.,
Opher, M., Swisdak, M.
12. Cospar 2012, D1.3-0003-12 – Oral, “A reconnection mechanism for the
generation of anomalous cosmic rays”, Drake, J., Schoeffler, K., Opher, M.,
Swisdak, M.
13. Cospar 2012 - D1.1-0020-12, Oral, “3D Global Structure of the
Heliosheath with the Sector Region”, Opher, M., Drake, J., Swisdak, M. Toth, G.
14. Cospar 2012 - D1.1-0030-12, Poster, “The influence of pick-up ions in
multi-ion fluid simulations of the outer heliosphere and simulated energetic neutral
atom maps”, Prested, C., Opher, M., Toth, G., Schwadron, N.
15. EGU General Assembly 2012 – “Do shocks associated with merged
interaction regions in the supersonic solar wind survive in the heliosheath?”,
Provornikova, E., Opher, M., Izmodenov, V., Toth, G., Oran, R.
16. Fall AGU 2011 - SH11A-1910 Poster “3D MHD modeling of nonstationary flow in the heliosheath”, Provornikova, E., Opher, M., Izmodenov, V.,
Toth, G., Oran, R.
Merav Opher
17. Fall AGU 2011 – SH11B-1924 Poster “Reconnection at the Heliopause
and the Motion of Energetic Particles in the Outer Heliosphere”, Swisdak, M.,
Drake, J. F.,
Opher, M., Knizhnik, K.
18. Fall AGU 2011 - SH11A-1908 Poster “Flow Transition Region in the
Heliosheath“, Opher, M., Drake, J. F., Velli, M., Toth, G.
19. Fall AGU 2011 - SH13C-07, Oral “The dynamics, structure and signatures
of magnetic bubbles in the outer heliosphere”, Drake, J. F., Opher, M., Swisdak,
M., Schoeffler, K. M.
20. Fall AGU 2011 - SH43A-1933 Poster: “CME-Sheath and Shock Heating by
Surface Alfven Wave Dissipation in the Lower Corona”, Evans, R., Opher,
M., van der Holst, B.
21. Fall AGU 2011 SH23A-1937 Poster: “The Role of Coronal Holes in CME
Deflection in the Lower Corona”, Kay, C., Opher, M., Evans, R. M., Gombosi, T. I.
22. Fall AGU 2011, SH23D-06: Oral “The heliospheric structure during the recent
solar minimum: shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the
heliosheath” (Invited): Opher, M., Drake, J. F., Evans, R., Provornikova, E., Swisdak,
M., Schoeffler, K. M., van der Holst, B., Toth, G.
23. Fall AGU 2011, SH11A-1906 Poster: “Seemingly Incongruous Voyager 1 & 2
Energetic Particle Observations in the Heliosheath Through 2011”, Hill, M. E., Decker,
R. B., Drake, J. F., Hamilton, D. C., Krimigis, S. M, Opher, M., Roelof, E. C.
24. Fall AGU SH21C-07 Oral: “Variation of Pick-up Ion Pressure throughout the
Heliosheath: 3-Dimensional Multi-ion, Multi-fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation
of the Outer Heliosphere”, Prested, C. L., Opher, M., Toth, G., Schwadron, N. A. 25. American Physical Society, 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma
Physics, November 14-18, 2011, abstract #NP9.002: “A mechanism for the generation
of anomalous cosmic rays: the reconnection of the 3-D sectored heliospheric magnetic
field in the heliosheath”, Drake, J. F., Swisdak. M., Schoeffler, K., Opher, M.
26. American Physical Society, 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma
Physics, November 8-12, 2010, abstract #CP9.148, “Reconnection Effects in the Outer
Heliosphere: Is the Magnetic Field in the Heliosheath Sector Region and in the Outer
Heliosheath Laminar?”, Opher, M., Drake, J. F., Swisdak, M., Toth, G.
27. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #216, #407.19; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.862, “Surface Alfven Wave Contribution to
Coronal Heating in a Wave-Driven Solar Wind Model”, Evans, R. M., Opher, M., Oran,
R., Sokolov, I. V.
Merav Opher
28. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #216, #406.03; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.880 “Sheath Flows and Reconnection in the
Lower Corona: New Diagnostics for the Initial Orientation of the Ejecta of Coronal
Mass Ejections”, Opher, M., Evans, R. M.
29. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #216, #201.03; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.844, “Magnetic fields in the Local ISM and
the Local Bubble”, Opher, M.
30. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #349.02; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 42, p.531, “Simulations of Winds of Weak-Lined
T Tauri Stars: The Magnetic Field Geometry and The Influence of the Wind on Giant
Planet Migration”, Opher, M., Vidotto, A., Jatenco-Pereira, V., Gombosi, T.
31. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #322.05; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 42, p.324, “Relationship between Flow and
Magnetic Field in Coronal Mass Ejections”, Evans, R. M., Opher, M.
32. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany,
p.4, “Preferential Low-Latitude Acceleration and Transport of Low-Energy Anomalous
Cosmic Rays”, Hill, M., Drake, J., Opher, M.
33. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany,
p.5, “A magnetic reconnection mechanism for the generation of anomalous cosmic
rays”, Drake, J., Opher, M., Swisdak, M., Chamoun, J.
34. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany,
p.4, “The possibility of magnetic reconnection at the heliopause”, Swisdak, M., Drake,
J., Opher, M.
35. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany,
p.7, “Global Asymmetries in the Heliosphere: Signature of the Interstellar Magnetic
Field”, Opher, M., Alouani-Bibi, F., Izmodenov, V., Richrdson, J., Toth, G., Gombosi,
36. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH53A-1309,
“Surface Alfven Wave Damping in a Solar Wind Simulation Driven by Alfven Waves”,
Evans, R., M., Opher, M., Oran, R., Sokolov, I.
37. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH32A-04,
“Orientation and Magnitude of the Interstellar Magnetic Field from Heliosheath Flows”,
Opher, M.,
Alouani Bibi, F.,
Toth, G.,
Richardson, J. D.,
Izmodenov, V.,
Gombosi, T. I.
Merav Opher
38. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH31A-1450,
“Temporal & Spatial Evolution of a Modeled CME Shock and Post-shock
Compression”, Das, I., Opher, M., Evans, R. M., Gombosi, T. I.
39. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH24A-06, “A
reconnection mechanism for the generation of anomalous cosmic rays”, Drake, J. F.;
Swisdak, M. M., Opher, M., Schoeffler, K. M.
40. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH21B-1509,
“Comparison of Model ENAs Produced from Heliospheric Multi-fluid MHD with the
First All-Sky ENA Maps”, Prested, C. L., Schwadron, N. A., Opher, M.,
McComas, D. J., Funsten, H. O., Fuselier, S. A.
41. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH21B-1508, “The
link between pick-up ions and energetic neutral atoms”, Alouani Bibi, F., Opher, M.,
Prested, C. L., Schwadron, N. A., Toth, G.
42. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH21B-1507, “The
Heliopause Reconnection X-line”, Olson, D. K., Moore, T. E., Alouani-Bibi, F. A.,
Opher, M., Coplan, M. A.
43. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH21A-1498,
“Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays via Reconnection in the Heliosheath”,
Lazarian, A., Opher, M.
44. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH21A-1496,
“Hybrid simulation of interstellar wind interaction with solar wind plasma”,
Izmodenov, V., Alouani Bibi, F., Opher, M., Aleksashov, D., Toth, G.
45. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #SH21A-1491, “The
Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause”, Swisdak, M. M.,
Opher, M., Drake, J. F., Bibi, F. A.
46. American Physical Society, 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma
Physics, November 2-6, 2009, abstract #PM9.008, “A new mechanism for the
generation of anomalous cosmic rays: dissipation of the sectored heliospheric magnetic
field in the heliosheath”, Drake, J. F., Opher, M., Swisdak, M., Schoeffler, K.
47. Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, Proceedings of the
International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 259, p. 415-416,
“Numerical simulations of magnetized winds of solar-like stars”, Vidotto, A. A.,
Opher, M., Jatenco-Pereira, V., Gombosi, T. I.
48. EGU General Assembly 2009, held 19-24 April, 2009 in Vienna, Austria, p.11094, “Signatures of Two Distinct Initiation
Mechanisms while CMEs Evolve in the Lower Corona”, Alves, M. V.,
Merav Opher
de Souza Costa, C. L., Opher, M., Liu, Y. C., Manchester, W. B., Gombosi, T. I.
49. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH51B-1600, “Surface
Alfven Wave Damping in a 3D Simulation of the Solar Wind”, Evans, R. M.,
Opher, M., Jatenco-Pereira, V., Gombosi, T. I.
50. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH23B-1636,
“Signatures of Two Distinct Initiation Mechanisms in the Evolution of CMEs in the
Lower Corona”, de Souza Costa, C. L., Opher, M., Alves, M. V., Liu, Y. C.,
Manchester, W. B., Gombosi, T. I.
51. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH21B-1610, “The
Effects of Pickup Ions on Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause”, Swisdak, M.,
Opher, M., Drake, J. F.
52. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH21B-1598, “Effects
Non-uniform Flux Transfer and Empirically Based Heliosheath Plasma Distributions
on Global Maps of Heliospheric Energetic Neutral Atoms”, Prested, C.;
Schwadron, N., McComas, D., Opher, M., Crew, G., Vanderspek, R., Maynard, K.,
Goodrich, K., Fuselier, S., Funsten, H., Janzen, P., Kucharek, H., Moebius, E.,
Reisenfeld, D., Peterson, L.; Saul, L.
53. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH21A-1590, “3D
Numerical Simulations Of Magnetized Winds Of Solar-Like Stars”, Vidotto, A. A.,
Opher, M., Jatenco-Pereira, V., Gombosi, T. I.
54. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH14A-07, “Balancing
Act: The Role of The Interstellar Magnetic Field and Neutral H in Voyager 1 and 2
Asymmetries”, Opher, M., Stone, E. C., Toth, G., Izmodenov, V., Alexashov, V.,
Gombosi, T. I.
55. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH13B-1546, “Presence
Of A Reverse Shock In The Evolution Of A CME In The Lower Solar Corona”, Das,
I., Opher, M.
56. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #SH11A-07,
“Comparison of MHD Simulations of CME Evolution and Structure with
Coronagraph Observation”, Manchester, W. B., Vourlidas, A., Jai, Y., Lugaz, N.,
Roussev, I., Gombosi, T., Opher, M.
57. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2008, abstract #SH24A-08, “Role of
the Interstellar Magnetic Field in the Flows in the Heliosheath”, Opher, M.
Stone, E. C., Richardson, J. C., Gombosi, T. I.
58. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July 2008, in Montréal, Canada.,
p.2295, “When Magnetized Winds Collide: Role of the Interstellar Magnetic Field
Merav Opher
Shaping the Heliosphere”, Opher, M., Stone, E.C., Richardson, J., Toth, G.,
Alexashov, D., Izmodenov, V., Gombosi, T.
59. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July 2008, in Montréal, Canada.,
p.56, “Effects of the helisopheric and interstellar magnetic field on the heliospheric
interface”, Alexashov, D., Izmodenov, V., Malama, Y., Opher, M.
60. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH32A-0785,
“Modeling STEREO White-Light Observations of CMEs with 3D MHD
Simulations”, Manchester, W. B., Vourlidas, A., Toth, G., Lugaz, N., Sokolov, I.,
Gombosi, T., de Zeeuw, D., Opher, M.
61. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH32A-0783,
“Numerical Simulation of a Coronal Mass Ejection in the Lower Corona:
Comparison of Two Initiation Models”, Loesch, C., Opher, M., Liu, Y.,
Manchester, W. B., IV, Gombosi, T. I., Alves, M. V.
62. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH32A-0777, “A
simulation of a CME propagation and shock evolution in the lower solar corona”,
Liu, Y. C., Opher, M., Cohen, O., Gombosi, T. I.
63. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH21A-0286, “Alfven
Profile in the Lower Corona: Implications for Shock Formation”, Evans, R. M.,
Opher, M., Manchester, W. B., Velli, M., Gombosi, T. I.
64. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH14A-1688, “The
Interstellar Boundary Explorer Instrument Models and Predicted ENA Count Rates”,
Prested, C., Schwadron, N., Passuite, J., Randol, B., Stuart, B., Heerikhuisen, J.,
Opher, M., Allegrini, F., Steve, F., Funsten, H., Moebius, E.
65. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH12B-03, “The
Orientation of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field and Induced Asymmetries of the
Heliosphere: Neutrals-MHD model”, Opher, M., Stone, E. C., Izmodenov, V.,
Malama, Y., Alexashov, D., Toth, G., Gombosi, T.
66. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2007, abstract #SH51A-02, “Testparticle Orbit Simulations in Fields from a Realistic 3D MHD Simulation”,
Decker, R. B., Opher, M., Hill, M. E.
67. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2007, abstract #SH43A-07, “The
Orientation of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field and Induced Asymmetries on the
Heliosphere”, Opher, M., Stone, E. C., Gombosi, T. I.
68. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract #SH53B-1488,
“Constraining the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field Direction from Source Location
of the Heliospheric 2-3kHz Radio Emissions”, Opher, M., Stone, E. C.,
Merav Opher
Gombosi, T. I.
69. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #37, #23.01; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 38, p.250, “Surprises From The Edge Of The
Solar System: Voyager At The Final Frontier”, Opher, M.
70. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #SH22A-04, “Effects of a
Local Interstellar and Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Heliosheath”,
Opher, M., Stone, E. C., Liewer, P. C., Gombosi, T. I.
71. 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in Beijing, China.
Meeting abstract from the CDROM, #2383, “Nonlinear analysis of jet/wake and
current sheet interactions in the heliospheric plasma”, Bettarini, L.; Landi, S.,
Rappazzo, F., Velli, M., Opher, M.
72. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #SH53A-1245, “KelvinHelmholtz Instability and Turbulence Forming Behind a CME-driven Shock”,
Manchester, W. B., Opher, M., Gombosi, T., Dezeeuw, D., Sokolov, I., Toth, G.
73. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #SH43B-02, “Effect of
the Interstellar Magnetic Field on the Termination Shock: Explaining the Voyager
Results”, Opher, M., Stone, E. C., Liewer, P. C.
74. American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, #13.06; Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, Vol. 37, p.1173, Korreck, K. E., Sokoloski, J. L., Opher, M.
75. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2005, abstract #SH23A-07, “Effects
of a Tilted Heliospheric Current Sheet in the Heliosheath”, Opher, M., Liewer, P.,
Velli, M., Gombosi, T., Manchester, W., Dezeeuw, D., Toth, G.
76. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2005, abstract #SH13B-03,
“Evolution of CME-driven Shocks in the Lower Corona for the OctoberNovember 2003 Events”, Opher, M., Manchester, W., Gombosi, T.,
Liewer, P., Roussev, I., Sokolov, I., Dezeeuw, D., Toth, G.
77. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2004, abstract #SH42A-02,
“Effects of a Tilted Heliospheric Current Sheet in the Heliosheath: 3D MHD
Modeling”, Opher, M., Liewer, P., Velli, M., Gombosi, T., Manchester, W.,
Dezeeuw, D., Toth, G.
78. American Astronomical Society Meeting 205, #43.06; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 36, p.1412, “Effects of a Tilted
Heliospheric Current Sheet at the Edge of the Solar System”, Opher, M.,
Liewer, P., Manchester, W., Gombosi, T., DeZeeuw, D., Toth, G.
79. American Astronomical Society Meeting 204, #72.08; Bulletin of the
Merav Opher
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 36, p.799, “Magnetic Effects and our
Changing View of the Heliosheath”, Liewer, P. C., Opher, M., Velli, M.,
Gombosi, T. I., Manchester, W., DeZeeuw, D. L., Toth, G., Sokolov, I.
80. American Astronomical Society Meeting 204, #03.03; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 36, p.671, “Learning from our Sun: The
Interaction of Stellar with Interstellar Winds”, Opher, M., Liewer, P. C.,
Velli, M., Gombosi, T. I., Manchester, W., DeZeeuw, D. L., Toth, G.,
Sokolov, I. V.
81. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2003, abstract #SH11C-1114,
“Magnetic Effects at the Edge of the Solar System: MHD Instabilities, the de
Laval nozzle effect and an Extended Jet”, Opher, M., Liewer, P., Velli, M.,
Bettarini, L., Gombosi, T. I., Manchester, W., Dezeeuw, D. L., Toth, G.,
Sokolov, I.
82. American Astronomical Society Meeting 203, #134.03; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 35, p.1421, “Magnetic Effects at the
Edge of the Solar System: MHD Instabilities, the de Laval nozzle effect and an
Extended Jet”, Opher, M., Liewer, P. C., Velli, M., Gombosi, T.,
Manchester, W., DeZeeuw, D.
83. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #06.04; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 35, p.818, “The Formation of an
Unstable Jet-Sheet at the Edge of the Solar System”, Opher, M., Liewer, P.,
Velli, M., Gombosi, T., Manchester, W., DeZeeuw, D., Sokolov, I., Toth, G.
84. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #05.11; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 35, p.816, “Interpreting Coronagraph
Data used Simulated White Light Images and 3D MHD Models of CMEs”,
Liewer, P. C., Opher, M., Velli, M., Manchester, W., DeZeeuw, D.,
Gombosi, T., Roussev, I., Sokolov, I., Toth, G., Powell, K.
85. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2002, abstract #SH21A-0501, “3D
MHD Simulation of CME Propagation from Solar Corona to 1 AU”,
Manchester, W. B., Roussev, I., Opher, M., Gombosi, T., Dezeeuw, D.,
Toth, G., Sokolov, I., Powell, K.
86. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2002, abstract #SH21A-0485, “3D
MHD description of the region beyond the termination shock: The behaviour
of the Current Sheet”, Opher, M., Liewer, P., Gombosi, T., Manchester, W.,
Dezeeuw, D. L., Powell, K., Sokolov, I., Toth, G., Velli, M.
87. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2002, abstract #SH22D-03, “3D
MHD Simulations of Flux Rope Driven CMEs”, Manchester, W. B.,
Roussev, I., Opher, M., Gombosi, T., DeZeeuw, D., Toth, G., Sokolov, I.,
Merav Opher
Powell, K.
88. 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, The Second World Space Congress, held
10-19 October, 2002 in Houston, TX, USA, meeting abstract, “3D adaptive
grid MHD simulations of the global heliosphere with self- consistent fluid
neutral hydrogen”, Opher, M., Liewer, P., Gombosi, T., Manchester, W.,
Dezeeuw, D., Powell, K., Sokolov, I., Toth, G.
89. American Physical Society, 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of
Plasma Physics October 29 - November 2, 2001 Long Beach, California,
abstract #QP1.090, “Microscopic Density Structures and Shear Alfven
Waves”, Morales, G. J., Tsung, F. S., Leboeuf, J. N., Opher, M.
90. American Physical Society, 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of
Plasma Physics October 29 - November 2, 2001 Long Beach, California,
abstract #BP1.058, “Krook Collisional Models of the Kinetic Susceptibility”,
Opher, M., Morales, G. J., Leboeuf, J. N.
91. American Astronomical Society, 198th AAS Meeting, #90.01; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 33, p.918, “Magnetic-Field Structure and
Saturation in the Small-Scale Dynamo Theory”, Schekochihin, A., Maron, J.,
Opher, M., Cowley, S.
92. American Astronomical Society, 198th AAS Meeting, #54.11; Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, Vol. 33, p.866, “Magnetic Field Generation
in Galactic Plasmas”, Opher, M., Cowley, S., Schekochihin, A.,
Kinney, R. M., Chandran, B., Maron, J., McWilliams, J. C.
93. American Physical Society, 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of
Plasma Physics combined with the 10th International Congress on Plasma
Physics October 23 - 27, 2000 Québec City, Canada Meeting ID: DPP00,
abstract #UI2.006, “Nuclear Reaction Rates and Energy in the Plasma: The
Effect of Highly Damped Modes”, Opher, M.
94. American Physical Society, 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of
Plasma Physics combined with the 10th International Congress on Plasma
Physics October 23 - 27, 2000 Québec City, Canada Meeting ID: DPP00,
abstract #BP1.057, “Magnetic Field Generation in Galactic Plasmas”,
Opher, M., Cowley, S., Maron, J., McWilliams, J. C.
95. Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, Vol. 80, Proceedings of the
Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology held in Paris,
France, 14-18 December, 1998. CDROM contents., p.04/16, “The energy of
the primordial plasma”, Opher, M., Opher, R.
96. The Light Elements and their Evolution, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 198,
Merav Opher
held 22-26 Nov 1999, Natal, Brazil. Edited by L. da silva, R. de Medeiros, &M
Spite, 2000., p.116, “Change in Primordial Abundances Due to a Change in the
Primordial Plasma Energy Density”, Opher, M., Opher, R.
97. Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity,
Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories, held at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, 22-27 June, 1997. Edited by Tsvi Piran and Remo Ruffini. World
Scientific Publishers, 1999., p.1339, “Energy in the Primordial Plasma”,
Opher, M., Opher, R.
98. Abstracts of the 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and
Cosmology, held in Paris, France, Dec. 14-18, 1998. Eds.: J. Paul, T.
Montmerle, and E. Aubourg (CEA Saclay), meeting abstract., “Less Energy in
the Early Universe”, Opher, M., Opher, R.
99. Eighteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
/edited by Angela V. Olinto, Joshua A. Frieman, and David N. Schramm. River
Edge, N. J. : World Scientific, c1998. ("Eighteenth Texas Symposium on
Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Texas in Chicago, Chicago, 15-20
December 1996)., p.248, “Additional Energy at the Epoch of Primordial
Nucleosynthesis”, Opher, M., Opher, R.
100. Young Galaxies and QSO Absorption-Line Systems, ASP Conference
Series, Vol. 114, 1997, ed. Sueli M. Viegas, Ruth Gruenwald; Reinaldo R. de
Carvalho (1997). Proceedings of a workshop held in Santos, Brazil 8-12 April
1996., p.129, “Origin of the Magnetic Field in Young Galaxies”, Opher, M.,
Opher, R., Miranda, O. D.
101. Proceedings of the Fourth Brazilian Meeting on Plasma Physics and the
Sixth Brazilian Plasma Astrophysics Workshop, p. 162, “Primordial Magnetic
Fields and the Formation of the First Objects in the Universe”, Opher, R.,
Miranda, O. D.; Oliveira, S. R., Pires, N., Opher, M.
102. Conference Paper, Sao Paulo Univ. Brazil Inst. de Astronomico e
Geofisico, “Plasma effects on primordial nucleosynthesis”, Opher, M., Opher,
103. Conference Paper, Sao Paulo Univ. Brazil Inst. Astronomico e Geofisico,
“The formation of the large-scale structures of the universe and primordial
magnetic field by supernovae explosions”, Miranda, O. D., Opher, M.,
Opher, R.