Comparison of Pseudo Rigid Body Analysis and Finite Element Analysis for Predicting Force Deflection in a Compliant Mechanism by Team 21: A. Beccue J. Bedel M. Kruszynski D. Radue February 17, 2006 In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course ME 421 Advisor R. Stamper DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY i Abstract Compliant mechanism designers use pseudo-rigid body modeling (PRB) and finite element analysis (FEA) to predict and refine the behavior of parts prior to physical prototyping. Although it is generally accepted that FEA produces more accurate results because it makes fewer geometric assumptions than PRB, the accuracy comes at a significant expense in modeling time. The conditions in which this expense is warranted are unclear. In this study, both modeling techniques were used to predict the force deflection characteristics of an endoscopic handle owned by Cook Urological®. The results were then compared to experimental data in order to assess the accuracy of the models and draw conclusions about their applicability. When predicting the force-deflection curve for vertical actuation of the handle, both models deviated significantly from experimental results. Neither modeling technique captured the experimental response within bounds that accounted for material variation and other key modeling assumptions. The FEA model was more accurate; through 1.5 inches of deflection, the FEA had an average of 184% deviation from the experimental results while the PRB averaged 450% deviation. However, the FEA required between seven and ten times the man-hour investment to develop. Ultimately the study suggests that PRB might be more viable when modeling inaccuracy can be efficiently overcome through prototype refinement while FEA seems viable when prototype refinement is costprohibitive and modeling assumptions errors can be limited. ii Table of Contents Section Title Page List of Figures ..…….……………………………………….………………...………….iii Nomenclature ……….……………………………………….………………...………….iv 1. Background ...…………………………………………………………………..………1 2. Objective ..……………………………………………………………………..………1 3. Test Parts ………....………….…………………………………………………..…….1 4. Experimental Setup and Methods …...............................................................................2 4.1 Experimental Apparatus……….....…………...…………………………………2 4.2 Experimental Protocol …………………...…...…………………………………2 5. Pseudo-Rigid Body Model ..………...……………………………………..…………..3 5.1 Pseudo-Rigid Body Modeling Methods ....…...…………………………………3 5.2 Pseudo-Rigid Body Model Development and Refinement...……………………4 6. Finite Element Analysis Model .……...……………………………………..…………4 6.1 Initial Finite Element Analysis Model ...……...…………………………………4 6.2 Finite Element Analysis Refinements ………..….………………………………5 7. Results ..………….……………….……………………………………………............6 8. Conclusions and Recommendations ..……….…………………………………………5 9. References ..………….……………….…………………………………………….....6 10. Acknowledgements ..………….……………….……………………………………6 Appendices …….……………………………………………..............……………...... A-1 A: Testing Apparatus…………………..............……………….………………... A-1 B: Sample Calculations……………………..............………..……………….......A-1 C: Vendor Information……………………..............…………………………......A-4 D: Raw Data…………………………..............………...……………….............. A-5 E: Computer Code…………………………..............……………...……………. A-6 F: Task Breakdown…………………………..............……………...…………… A-7 iii List of Figures Figure Name Page Figure 1: Cook® Endoscopic Handle in Packaging ..……..….………………...………….1 Figure 2: Handle Terminology ..……………………..…...….………………...………….2 Figure 3: Handle in Fixture with Measurand Detail ...……….………………...………….3 Figure 4: Pseudo-Rigid Body Model Schematic …………….………………...………….4 Figure 5: Initial Finite Element Model ...…………………….………………...…………5 Figure 6: Force Application Point Detail for Final Finite Element Model .…...………….6 Figure 7: Sample Part Comparison ………………………….………………...………….7 Figure 8: FEA Force-Deflection Curves .…………………….………………...………….7 Figure 9: PRB Force-Deflection Curves .…………………….………………...………….8 Figure 10: Comparison of Average Force-Deflection Curves….……………...………….9 iv Nomenclature Symbol Quantity F Vertical Actuator Force (lbf) (See Figure 3) Y Vertical Actuator Displacement (in) (See Figure 3) a, b, c, d Link Lengths (in) (See Figure 4) θ2, θ 3 Reference Angles (rad) (See Figure 4) K1, K2 Torsion Spring Constants (in·lbf/rad) (See Figure 4) 1 1 Background When designing compliant mechanisms, there are multiple analytical approaches for predicting part performance. These tools are often used to reduce development costs by facilitating design refinement prior to physical prototyping. Pseudo-rigid body modeling (PRB) and finite element analysis (FEA) are two such methods for predicting the performance of compliant mechanisms. PRB treats the compliant mechanism as a series of rigid links connected by springs, and then applies classical mechanics. FEA solves the differential equations of stress in the body with numerical methods by breaking the model into small elements and balancing forces on all elements simultaneously with matrix algebra. Of the two methods, FEA requires significantly more time and resources to develop than PRB; however, FEA is generally expected to be more accurate. 2 Objective The objective of this research is to compare the force-deflection characteristics of a compliant mechanism with predictions from FEA and PRB. The viability and applicability of these techniques, with regard to compliant mechanism design, is to be determined. 3 Test Parts A self-tensioning endoscopic device handle from Cook Urological® is the focus of this study. This part was originally designed using PRB and recently was the subject of an FEA course at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. It was selected for this study because of these previous analyses and at the behest of its original designer, Dr. Richard Stamper. In Figure 1 this part is shown as packaged for use. In Figure 2 the part is labeled to identify applicable terminology. Figure 1: Cook® Endoscopic Handle in Packaging 2 Vertical Actuation Point Finger Grip Base Crank Slide Cylinder Slide Track Figure 2: Handle Terminology 4 Experimental Setup and Methods 4.1 Experimental Apparatus The experimental apparatus for measuring force deflection of the handle consists of a handle fixture, an MTS – 858 Table Top System, and a 5N load cell (See Appendix A for details). Shown in Figure 3 is a schematic of the handle and experimental apparatus. The measurands, vertical actuator force (F) and vertical actuator displacement (Y), are labeled. The handle fixture was fabricated out of ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) using a fused-deposition modeler, and it allows the handle to interface with the lower grips of the MTS system while rigidly fixing the handle base. The vertical actuator of the MTS system directly contacts the handle. The load cell is attached to the vertical actuator and records strain data which is used by the associated software to calculate the force applied by the actuator. The actuator displacements are directly recorded. 4.2 Experimental Protocol The experimental protocol is performed by the software integrated with the MTS system. After the handle is fixed, the actuator depresses the handle a total of 1.75 inches at a rate of 0.05 in/sec, recording data every 0.01 seconds. The actuator returns to its starting position before the next trial. During data reduction the data set is cropped such that the first point is the point when the actuator first registers a reaction force from the handle. For the purposes of this study, eight trials were performed on two different handle samples. 3 Actuator, MTS Table Top System Handle F Y Handle Fixture Lower Grips, MTS Table Top System Figure 3: Handle in Fixture with Measurand Detail 5 Pseudo-Rigid Body Model 5.1 Pseudo-Rigid Body Modeling Methods PRB modeling is a technique where a single, complex, flexible member is assumed to be several rigid members with springs connecting the members at specific points in an effort to mimic the kinematics of original flexible member. PRB analysis uses kinematic and static mechanics to relate equations of motion to external forces applied at specified points on the members. For compliant mechanisms that incorporate compliant joints, the joints are replaced by torsional springs with characteristic spring constants that depend on material and geometric properties. For more on PRB, see Compliant Mechanisms, by Larry Howell. In order to model flexible beams as two rigid members connected with a spring, the spring has to have both a characteristic spring constant and a characteristic spring length which accounts for the distance that the spring is away from a specified end. Unlike the characteristic spring constant, the characteristic spring length does not rely on material or geometric properties but is simply chosen to be a length that best describes the angular deflection path of the original body. 4 b Y K1 a F θ2 K2 c θ3 d Figure 4: Pseudo-Rigid Body Model Schematic 5.2 Pseudo-Rigid Body Modeling Development and Refinement The PRB model was a modification of Dr. Stamper’s original analysis used to design the handle. The principle change is to treat the crank member as a flexible beam, because it tends to undergo large deflections. A diagram of the schematic for the final PRB model is shown in Figure 4 (see the Nomenclature Section for variable definition). The final model consists of two springs, one that models the junction between the base and the finger grip and a second that models the bending in the crank member. It is of note that although there appears to be a joint between the finger grip and the crank, this section of the part was reinforced such that it behaved nearly rigidly. This is why the second torsional spring is positioned on the crank and not at the junction between the crank and the finger grip. See Appendix B for a thorough derivation of the relevant equations for the PRB model. 6 Finite Element Analysis Model 6.1 Initial Finite Element Analysis Model The finite element analysis for the handle is a modification of work performed by the spring 2005 Advanced Finite Element Analysis class (ME 522) at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, instructed by Dr. Lorraine Olson. The original FEA model treats the handle in two dimensions. The part is broken into eighteen individually meshed areas, as shown in Figure 5a, and the depth of each area varies to account for differences in part thickness. Two element types are used: quadrilateral 8-node (Ansys #183) and triangular 5 6-node (Ansys #2). The model uses material properties defined by the manufacturer’s product specifications for silicon lubricated, 10% glass fiber-reinforced nylon 6/6 (RTP 201 SI 2) (See Appendix 3 for data sheet). The material is treated as linear, elastic, and isotropic. Boundary conditions on the part are assessed as fixed displacements in the xand y-directions at the base and in the y-direction at the slide-cylinder and vertical actuation point (See Figure 5b). Note that much of the base is excluded from the model because it is assumed to be rigid in comparison to the finger-grip and crank members. Because the geometry of the part is non-linear, analysis was performed through a progression of small deflections. Several meshing iterations were performed until the solution converged for each progressive deflection. Figure 5a: FEA Mesh Areas Figure 5b: FEA Displacement Nodes Figure 5: Initial Finite Element Model 6.2 Finite Element Analysis Refinements The final FEA model modifies the initial two-dimensional FEA model to account for the specific loading conditions of the experimental setup and changes in the geometry of the sample parts due to stress relaxation. In the experiment the vertical actuation force is applied normally to the surface of the handle. As the part deflects, the force application point shifts (shown in Figure 6a and 6b). Because this boundary condition cannot be readily adapted to the finite element model, there are two model versions. In the first version the force is constantly applied at the rightmost possible application site, and in the second version, the leftmost application site is used. This technique bounds the range of curves associated with variations in the force application point. The second major revision to the model is in starting geometry. When the parts are molded, the slidecylinder is positioned outside the slide track. In the sample parts, however, the slidecylinder has been moved to the slide track and allowed to stress relax. The initial FEA model uses the geometry of the handle as-molded, not the stress-relaxed geometry, and it uses an extra deflection step to position the slide-cylinder against the slide track. This step adds stresses that are not present in the physical piece. To account for this deviation, the model is revised to use the nodal coordinates after re-positioning of the slide-cylinder as the initial nodal coordinates without including the pre-stresses. 6 Right-most Point of Force Application Figure 6a: Undeflected Model Left-most Point of Force Application Figure 6b: 1.5 in. Vertically Deflected Model Figure 6: Force Application Point Detail for Final Finite Element Model 7 Results Figures 7, 8, and 9 display the force deflection curves of the two modeling techniques and the experimental values. There are two sets of data for each model in order to account for the biases that affect each. The experimental data for the two parts differed by an average of 0.49 lbf at 1.5 inches of deflection (see Figure 7). The two FEA analysis data sets account for the change in the application point of the force and uncertainty in the modulus of elasticity of the material. They differ from each other by 44% of the average value. The PRB model varied with the positions of the torsional springs and the lengths of the rigid body members, specifically the placement of spring along the length of the crank. The difference between the final values of the PRB model is 18% of the average force deflection curve. 7 Vertical Actuator Force (lbf) 3.00 2.50 Average 2.00 Part 2 avg diff= .49 1.50 Part 1 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Vertical Displacement (in.) Figure 7: Sample Part Comparison 8.00 FEA Upper Limit: Node 228, E=6E05 7.00 Average FEA 6.00 avg diff= 2.2 lbf Force (lbf) 5.00 4.00 FEA Lower Limit: Node 246, E=4E05 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 Displacement (in.) Figure 8: FEA Force Deflection Curves 1.60 1.80 2.00 8 16.00 14.00 PRB Upper Limit 12.00 PRB Average Force (lbf) 10.00 PRB lower Limit avg diff. = 1.71 lbf 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 Deflection (in.) Figure 9: PRB Force Deflection Curves Figure 10 shows a comparison of the average force deflection curves for the two analysis methods and the experimental results. The FEA analysis predicts values that are 184% (of the average experimental value) higher than the experimental values. The average FEA force was 4.90 lbf while the average value of the actual experimental data was 1.72 lbf. The PRB model predicts values that are 450% (of avg. exp. values) higher than the experimental values. The average value predicted by the PRB model was 9.53 lbf. While the predicted values are significantly higher than those of the experimental values, the shape of the curves show some resemblance to the force deflection curve of the actual parts. 9 14.00 12.00 Force (lbf) 10.00 PRB 8.00 avg diff= 7.8 lbf FEA 6.00 avg diff= 3.2 lbf 4.00 Experimental 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 Displacement (in.) Figure 10: Comparison of Average Force Deflection Curves 8 Conclusions and Recommendations PRB and FEA do not accurately (within 10%) predict the experimental force deflection curve of the handle; however, this should not be interpreted as a complete modeling failure. Both PRB and FEA come within an order of magnitude of the experimental values and give some semblance of the final force deflection characteristics. Between the two methods, PRB is the less complicated method, but it is also predicts the handle force-deflection curve with less accuracy. This might be more acceptable for an application in which prototyping costs are low, because it could be the analysis completed quickly and inaccuracies could be overcome through prototype revision. By contrast, the FEA model requires significantly more time and computing power to implement. When factoring in the time invested by Dr. Stamper to make the original PRB and the time invested by the ME 522 class in making the FEA model, FEA required seven to ten times the man hours of PRB to complete. For the handle, this investment more than doubled the average model accuracy, but the FEA model still had an average error of 184%. The relative accuracy gain associated with FEA instead of PRB might be appropriate if prototype iteration is cost-prohibitive. It is worth noting that the accuracy of the either method is dependent upon the assumptions inherent to the method and the assumptions made by the designer. FEA generally captures more part geometry than PRB, but geometry is not the only driving factor in compliant mechanisms. Material properties and boundary conditions are other factors that require modeling assumptions. If a designer needs to predict part 10 performance with a high degree of accuracy, the selection of FEA instead of PRB does not guarantee an accurate model, as indicated in this study. An accurate representation of material properties and boundary conditions may be just as crucial in producing an accurate model. 9 References Howell, Larry L. Compliant Mechanisms. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2001. 10 Acknowledgements Team 21 would like to thank the following individuals and companies for contributing to our experimentation and modeling. Their contributions were critical for our work. Dr. Richard Stamper – project advisor, proposed Cook handle analysis, provided initial PRB analysis and Compliant Mechanisms Dr. Lorraine Olson – provided initial FEA model, advised FEA model modification and refinement Gary Burgess – provided access to the MTS tensile tester, assisted in testing protocol development, fabricated test fixture Rob Davignon – provided sample parts, provided material product sheets, provided Solidworks® access for test fixture design. RTP Company – provided information about the material properties of the handle Cook Urological A-1 A Testing Apparatus MTS – 858 Table Top System, #1288496 5N Load Cell – 661.11B-02, #101373 MTS Systems Corporation 14000 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Stratasys FDM 3000, #2283 Stratasys, Inc. 14950 Martin Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 A-2 B Sample Calculations Pseudo-Rigid Body Analysis Kinematics equations ai + b cos θ 2 + bi sin θ 2 = d + c cos θ 3 + ci sin θ 3 where a b c d θ2 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ (1.1) link length, in link length, in link length, in link length, in angle, rad θ 3 ≡ angle, rad b cos θ 2 = d + c cos θ 3 (1.2) a + b sin θ 2 = c sin θ 3 (1.3) ⎛ a + b sin θ 2 ⎞ ⎟ c ⎝ ⎠ θ 3 = sin −1 ⎜ d = cos θ 2 − c cos θ 3 (1.4) (1.5) Free body diagram of link b equations ∑F x =0 F12x + F32x = 0 (2.1) where F12x ≡ positive horizontal reaction force at B, lbf F32x ≡ positive horizontal reaction force at C, lbf ∑F y =0 F12y − F + F32y = 0 (2.2) where F12y ≡ positive vertical reaction force at B, lbf F32y ≡ positive vertical reaction force at C, lbf ∑M F ≡ negative vertical force applied to handle, lbf B =0 T12 − F b cos θ 2 − F32y b cos θ 2 − F32x b sin θ 2 + T32 = 0 (2.3) where T12 ≡ positive counterclockwise reaction torque at B, lbf-in T32 ≡ positive counterclockwise reaction torque at C, lbf-in T12 = K 1 (θ 2, 0 − θ 2 ) where K1 ≡ Characteristic spring constant at B, lbf-in/rad θ 2,0 ≡ Initial θ 2 , rad (2.4) A-3 T32 = − K 2 [(θ 3, 0 − θ 2, 0 ) − (θ 3 − θ 2 )] (2.5) where K 2 ≡ Characteristic spring constant at C, lbf-in/rad θ 3,0 ≡ Initial θ3 , rad Spring constant equations K1 = EI1 l1 (3.1) where E ≡ Flexural modulus, psi I1 ≡ 2nd moment of area, in4 l1 ≡ length of spring, in K 2 = πγ 2 EI 2 l2 (3.2) where I2 ≡ 2nd moment of area, in4 l2 ≡ length of spring, in γ ≡ characteristic spring radius fraction Free body diagram of link c equations ∑F x =0 μ F13x + F23x = 0 (4.1) where F23x ≡ positive horizontal reaction force at C, lbf F13x ≡ positive horizontal reaction force at D, lbf μ ≡ friction coefficient ∑F y =0 F13y + F23y = 0 (4.2) where F23y ≡ positive vertical reaction force at C, lbf F13y ≡ positive vertical reaction force at D, lbf ∑M D =0 T23 + F23y c cos θ 3 − F13x c sin θ 3 = 0 (4.3) where T23 ≡ positive counterclockwise reaction torque at C, lbf-in Friction equation F13x = μ F13y (5.1) Relate θ 2 to measurand Y ⎛Y − a ⎞ sin −1 ⎜ ⎟ = θ2 ⎝ b ⎠ where Y ≡ Input deflection, in (6.1) A-4 Force-Deflection Equation (from eq 3.2) F= T12 + F32y b cos θ 2 − F32x b sin θ 2 + T32 b cos θ 2 (7.1) A-5 Data Analysis Average difference between the values of force deflection for parts 1 & 2 n ∑ (Part1 Avg _ diff _ Parts = i i =1 − Part 2 i ) (8.1) n where Part 1 → experimental force data array from the MTS machine for part 1 Part 2 → experimental force data array from the MTS machine for part 2 n ≡ array length Average difference between the values of force deflection for PRB n ∑ (PRB1 Avg _ diff _ PRB = i i =1 − PRB 2 i ) n where PRB1 → force data array from the PRB model for spring placement 1 PRB2 → force data array from the PRB model for spring placement 2 n ≡ array length ∑ (PRB n Avg _ diff _ PRBoverall = i =1 avg ,i (9.1) − MTS avg ,i ) (9.2) n where PRBavg → array of average values of forces for spring placement in the PRB model MTSavg → array of average values of forces from the MTS machine for both Part 1 and Part 2 n ≡ array length Average difference between the values of force deflection for FEA n Avg _ diff _ FEA = ∑ (Node1 i i =1 − Node2 i ) n where Node1 → force data array from the FEA model for left-most force application node Node2 → force data array from the FEA model for right-most force application node n ≡ array length ∑ (FEA n Avg _ diff _ FEAoverall = i =1 avg ,i (10.1) − MTS avg ,i ) (10.2) n where FEAavg → array of average values of forces for force application node in the FEA model MTSavg → array of average values of force deflection from the MTS machine for both Part 1 and Part 2 A-6 n ≡ array length A-7 C Vendor Information Product Data Sheet & General Processing Conditions RTP 200 Nylon 6/6 (PA) PROPERTIES & AVERAGE VALUES OF INJECTION MOLDED SPECIMENS ASTM PERMANENCE English SI Metric TEST Specific Gravity Molding Shrinkage 1/8 in (3.2 mm) section 1.14 1.14 D 792 0.0150 in/in 1.50 % D 955 MECHANICAL Impact Strength, Izod notched 1/8 in (3.2 mm) section unnotched 1/8 in (3.2 mm) section Tensile Strength Tensile Elongation Tensile Modulus Flexural Strength Flexural Modulus 1.0 ft-lbs/in 20.0 ft-lbs/in 12000 psi > 10.0 % 0.40 x 10^6 psi 15500 psi 0.40 x 10^6 psi 53 J/m D 256 1068 J/m D 4812 83 MPa D 638 > 10.0 % D 638 2758 MPa D 638 107 MPa D 790 2758 MPa D 790 THERMAL Deflection Temperature @ 264 psi (1820 kPa) Ignition Resistance* Flammability** 150 °F 66 °C D 648 HB @ 1/16 in HB @ 1.5 mm D 635 PROPERTY NOTES Data herein is typical and not to be construed as specifications. Unless otherwise specified, all data listed is for natural or black colored materials. Pigments can affect properties. * This rating is not intended to reflect hazards of this or any other material under actual fire conditions. ** Values per RTP Company testing. A-8 GENERAL PROCESSING FOR INJECTION MOLDING English Injection Pressure Melt Temperature Mold Temperature Drying Moisture Content Dew Point 10000 - 18000 psi 530 - 570 °F 150 - 225 °F 4 hrs @ 175 °F 0.20 % 0 °F SI Metric 69 - 124 MPa 277 - 299 °C 66 - 107 °C 4 hrs @ 79 °C 0.20 % -18 °C PROCESSING NOTES Desiccant Type Dryer Required. 10 Aug 2004 KMH RTP COMPANY • 580 EAST FRONT STREET • WINONA, MN 55987 • 507-454-6900 D Raw Data The raw data is available in electronic form at the following address: E Computer Code load('specimen1.dat') test1_1(:,1)=abs(specimen1(:,1)-specimen1(1,1)); test1_1(:,2)=abs(specimen1(:,2)-specimen1(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen2.dat') test1_2(:,1)=abs(specimen2(:,1)-specimen2(1,1)); test1_2(:,2)=abs(specimen2(:,2)-specimen2(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen3.dat') test1_3(:,1)=abs(specimen3(:,1)-specimen3(1,1)); test1_3(:,2)=abs(specimen3(:,2)-specimen3(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen4.dat') test1_4(:,1)=abs(specimen4(:,1)-specimen4(1,1)); test1_4(:,2)=abs(specimen4(:,2)-specimen4(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen5.dat') test1_5(:,1)=abs(specimen5(:,1)-specimen5(1,1)); A-9 test1_5(:,2)=abs(specimen5(:,2)-specimen5(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen6.dat') test1_6(:,1)=abs(specimen6(:,1)-specimen6(1,1)); test1_6(:,2)=abs(specimen6(:,2)-specimen6(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen7.dat') test1_7(:,1)=abs(specimen7(:,1)-specimen7(1,1)); test1_7(:,2)=abs(specimen7(:,2)-specimen7(1,2))/4.448; load('specimen8.dat') test1_8(:,1)=abs(specimen8(:,1)-specimen8(1,1)); test1_8(:,2)=abs(specimen8(:,2)-specimen8(1,2))/4.448; count2=2; data1(1,1)=0; data1(1,2)=0; for i1=0.01:.01:1.50 count=0; force=0; for i2=1:size(test1_1,1) if (i1-.005)<test1_1(i2,1) && test1_1(i2,1)<(i1+.0049) force=force+test1_1(i2,2); count=count+1; end end for i2=1:size(test1_2,1) if (i1-.005)<test1_2(i2,1) && test1_2(i2,1)<(i1+.0049) force=force+test1_2(i2,2); count=count+1; end end for i2=1:size(test1_3,1) if (i1-.005)<test1_3(i2,1) && test1_3(i2,1)<(i1+.0049) force=force+test1_3(i2,2); count=count+1; end end for i2=1:size(test1_4,1) if (i1-.005)<test1_4(i2,1) && test1_4(i2,1)<(i1+.0049) force=force+test1_4(i2,2); count=count+1; end end A-10 for i2=1:size(test1_5,1) F Task Breakdown Task No. Task 1 2 3 3a 3b 3c 3d 4 4a 4b 4c 4d 5 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 6 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 7 7a 7b Potential Project Idea Generation/Write-up Preliminary Project Plan Design/Construct Fixture Access and Examine Instron Tensile Tester Access Solid Model of Handle Create Fixture Model Fabricate Fixture Develop Pseudo-rigid Body Model Research Compliant Mechanisms Access and Modify Dr. Stamper’s Model Verify Dimensions/Values Verify Modeling Assumptions/Techniques Develop Finite Element Model Access Dr. Olson’s FEA Model Learn How to Modify the FEA Model 1st Pass Modification 2nd Pass Modification 3rd Pass Modification Data Collection Preliminary Measurement Run 1st Pass Data Collection 2nd Pass Data Collection 3rd Pass Data Collection Final Data Collection Data Analysis/Manipulation Preliminary Data Organizing/Formating Determine Statistical Methods Matlab Script Writing for Data Extraction/Statistical Analysis Finalize Plotting/Data Presentation Progress Report Task Breakdown Task Breakdown Updating (periodic) Mid-Project Presentation Develop Preliminary Presentation Slides Revise Presentation Slides Rehearse Presentation Revise Project Plan Final Report Rough Draft 1st Pass Revision 2nd Pass Revision 3rd Pass Revision Final Revision Project Evaluation 7c 7d 8 9 9a 10 10a 10b 10c 11 12 12a 12b 12c 12d 12f 13 Time to Accomplish* (hr.) 0.75 1 4.5 0.75 1 2 2 4 1 1.5 1 4.5 19.5 1 3 2 4.5 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 11 4 2 Responsible Person Due Date Status Team Team J.B., D.R. Team J.B., D.R. J.B., D.R. G.Burgess A.B.,M.K. A.B.,M.K. M.K. M.K. A.B. D.R. M.K.,D.R. D.R D.R D.R D.R. A.B,J.B. Team A.B.,J.B. J.B J.B A.B,J.B M.K. M.K. M.K. 11/29/05 12/1/05 12/8/05 12/1/05 12/5/05 12/7/05 12/8/05 1/6/06 12/7/05 12/13/05 1/6/06 1/6/06 2/3/06 12/5/05 12/8/05 12/9/05 1/4/06 1/9/06 1/18/05 12/9/05 12/12/05 1/4/06 1/27/06 2/1/06 2/3/06 12/14/05 1/6/06 Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete 3 M.K. 1/6/06 Complete 2 0.75 1.5 3.5 4.5 1 1.5 2 1 M.K. A.B.,J.B.,D.R. M.K.,D.R. A.B. Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team 1/25/06 12/20/05 12/20/05 Periodic 1/11/06 12/14/05 1/8/06 1/10/06 Unknown 2/17/06 1/27/06 2/1/06 2/6/06 2/8/06 2/14/06 Unknown 5 3 3 3 5 1 *Hours are listed per person for each of the persons responsible Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete