Sine and Cosine Sine and Cosine Sine and Cosine Recall that: Px 2IR —*where IR where px(x, x is projection the projection onto the y)x = is isthe onto the Recall that 2R2:—+R y)y)== PxpX :R px(x, Recall that → R where p (x, x the projection onto the X x-axis, and py that: R : 1R 2R —÷ IR where py(x, y)y is= the is the projection ollto the py 2—+ 2 where py(x, onto the x-axis, and that y)y)== y isy theprojection x-axis, and that p : R → R where p (x, projection onto the Y Y y-axis. y-axis. y-axis. (x)(x -----1 Px (x,) — Examples: Examples: Examples: = 2 • p (2, 8) =2 2 = ) 8 , 2 •px( X = 5 ) 5 , 3 pY(— • p •(−3, 5) =5 5 • (1 /1 √ , 2 PX 1 2 11 — 2 •pX(4) • pX 2 , 23 = = 2 = ) 5 , 3 •pY(— Y * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Definitioncosine of cosine Definition Definitionof of cosine L t 5, 1 LD * * * * functioll is the function cos : R —÷ IR defined as The cosine The Thecosine cosinefunction functionisisthe thefunction functioncos cos: R : R—+→IRRdefined definedasas 0 cos(9) = Px wind(&) cos(O) cos(θ)=pxowind(O) = pX ◦ wind(θ) * sws. àTK?I IiS. C ?LO7 8 204 223 204 * * * * = pX ◦ wind π 4 = pX √1 , √1 2 2 = pX ◦ wind π 3 = pX √ 3 1 , 2 2 00 0 oo 1Jj) 0 00 1Jj)1Jj) Cl) 0 00 Cl)Cl) 00 0 π 3 o C,)C,)C,) π 4 •• • • cos .. . 224 ‘1‘1‘1 n0n0 n0 00 0 • cos cJcJ cJ = pX 3 1 2 ,2 cI cI cI 00 0 = pX ◦ wind π 6 π 6 • cos √ C..,C..,C.., t’) t’) t’) Cl) CD CDCD Cl)Cl) Examples. √ 3 2 = = = 1 2 √1 2 • Px 2 * --j — * * * * * * * * * * * * Definition sine cosine Definition of of c.I’Q 5, sinefunction functionisisthe thefunction functioncos sin: :RR—+→RRdefined definedasas cosine TheThe sin(θ) = °pYwind(9) ◦ wind(θ) cos(9) = Px •‘LO1 0 ‘I, 0 ‘I, = pY ◦ wind √ 0 II = pY 3 1 2 ,2 = pY √1 , √1 2 2 = II II π 4 π 6 II = pY ◦ wind -d Cl) 0 π 6 II -d 0 II Cl) —0 • sin 8 8 — 204 Examples. 1 2 ci ci - -v-J-v-J π 4 ii -d 0 U) . 0 C.) • sin = ii -d 0 U) 0 C.) . --- c-) c-) 225 √1 2 I I -ICN -d 0 II C!) 0 C.) . I I -ICN -d 0 II C!) 0 C.) . — Recall that Px : JR 2 —+ JR where px(x, y) = x is the projection onto the 2 —+ R where py(x, y) = y is the projection onto the x-axis, and that py : JR y-axis. √ 3 1 = pY (x,i) , = 2 2 . I 0 π 3 -ICN = pY ◦ wind I II C!) 0 C.) . π 3 -d • sin √ 3 2 — Px Examples: ) = 8 , 2 •px( 2 ) =5 5 , 3 •pY(— Cosine and sine are the coordinates of wind v\_1 If θ ∈ R,1) then is the x-coordinate of — cos(θ) is pX ◦ wind(θ). That is, cos(θ) 5n (e (as(e), the point wind(θ). Similarly, sin(θ) is the y-coordinate of the point wind(θ). Taken* together, * we* have* * * * * * * * * * wind(θ) = cos(θ), sin(θ) •Px(’, Throughout the point on the unit circle obtained by beginDefinition of mathematics, cosine ning at the point 0) and winding a length of θ is usually written as is(1, the function cos : JR JR defined as The cosine function cos(θ), sin(θ) , and that’s the way we’ll usually write it from now on. cos(6) = Px o wind(9) C6 * c SV I*M$. I— Ecas (e, Sin (e)) L7 c.os(e) 204 It will be important to keep in mind that a point on the unit circle is a point of the form cos(θ), sin(θ) , and that any point of the form cos(θ), sin(θ) is a point on the unit circle. The next page contains a list of some common values of θ that arise in trigonometry, along with their values from cos and sin. 226 θ −π 6 wind(θ) √ 3 1 2 , −2 √ 3 2 1, 0 0 √ 3 1 2 ,2 π 6 π 4 cos(θ) 1 √ √1 , √1 2 2 √1 2 √1 2 1 2 π 2 0, 1 0 3π 4 5π 6 π 7π 6 √ 3 2 √1 , √1 2 2 − √ 3 1 2 ,2 − − 1, 0 √ − 3 1 2 , −2 √ 3 2 − 12 − √12 √ − 3 2 −1 227 0 1 2 √ 3 1 2, 2 − 12 , − 21 3 2 π 3 2π 3 sin(θ) √ − 3 2 1 √ 3 2 √1 2 1 2 0 − 21 Graphs of sine and cosine Graphs of sine and cosine C05(8’) s n (e) Zr Identities for sine and cosine An identity is an equation in one variable that is true for every possible value of the variable. For example, x + x = 2x is an identity because it’s Identities for sine and cosine always true. It does’t matter whether x equals 1, or 5, or it’s always true An identity is an equation in one variable that is true for every possible that x+x=2x. value ofofthe example, xof+identities x = 2x is because it’s an assortment foran theidentity functions The remainder thisvariable. chapter isFor 3 always true. It does’t matter whether x equals 1, or 5, or − 5 ; it’s always true sine and cosine. that x + x = 2x. Lemma The (The Pythagorean identity) Foranany number 6,of important identi(7). remainder of this chapter contains assortment ties for the functions sine +and cosine. 2 cos(O) 2 sin(0) = 1 —, Lemma (7). (The Pythagorean Forthe anyunit number Proof: Regardless the point identity) wind(9) is on circle.θ, of what 0 equals, 2 2 Recall that wind(0) = (cos(0),sin(0)), so that (cos(0),sin(0)) is a point on cos(θ) + sin(θ) =1 the unit circle. 2 Proof: equation is x2 +y = 1. sin(0)) Since (cos(θ), sin(θ)) = 1. Since is a The equation for The the unit circleforis the 2 +unit x (cos(0), 2 circle y is a unit pointcircle, on theit unit it istoathe solution of this That is, point on the is a circle, solution equation for equation. the unit circle, 2+y x 2 = 1. That is, cos(θ)2 + sin(θ)2 = 1 2 + sin(0) cos(0) 2 = 1 228 209 Lemma (8). For any number θ, π sin θ + = cos(θ) 2 Proof:The marked point on the y-axis in the picture on the left is sin θ + π2 . It’s the y-coordinate of the point obtained by winding around the circle a distance of π2 and then winding another θ more. We can rotate the picture on the left by a quarter turn clockwise, which would match sin θ + π2 with the x-coordinate of the point obtained by winding around the circle a π distance of θ, the number cos(θ). Thus, sin θ + 2 = cos(θ). S CI Lemma (9). For any number θ, π cos θ − = sin(θ) 2 Proof: We’ll use Lemma 8 to prove this lemma. Notice that Lemma 8 tells us h h πi π π i sin θ − + = cos θ − 2 2 2 Simplifying, we have π sin(θ) = cos θ − 2 which is what we had wanted to show. 229 O+7r) = —cos(9) and sin(O+7r) = —sin(O) umber ir is exactly half the length of the unit circle. There wind(9 + 7r) is the point on the unit circle that is exactly the unit circle from the point wind(&). Lemma (10). any number θ, (10). Lemma For For any number , cos(θ +=π)—cos(9) = − cos(θ)and and sin(O+7r) sin(θ +=π)—sin(O) = − sin(θ) cos(O+7r) e Proof: number π isI exactly the length of unit the unit ThereProof: The The number ir is exactly half half the length of the There point cos(θ 7r) + π) sin(θ + π)onisthe the unit pointcircle on the unit circlethat is fore,fore, the the point wind(9 is , the point that + is exactly exactly halfway around the unit circle from the point cos(θ) , sin(θ) . halfway around the unit circle from the point wind(&). 2 10). For any number 9, e hat the vector —wind(s) of the same length of I = —cos(&) andis a vector sin(&-j-7r) os(O+ir) = —sin(6) oints in the opposite direction of wind(U). e number it is exactly half the length of the unit circle. There nt wind(9 + it) is the point on the unit circle that is exactly nd the unit circle from the point wind(6). Lemma (10). For any number 9, (cos(e+’r, Sri(9+7r)) 1n (e) —cos(&) and is sin(&-j-7r) cos(O+ir) —sin(6) Also notice that the=vector —wind(s) a vector of= the same length of wind(O), that points the negative in the opposite direction of wind(U). Also notice that of the vector cos(θ) , sin(θ) , which is the Proof: The number it is exactly half the length of the unit circle. There −cos(θ) , − +sin(θ) is the vector in thethat opposite direction fore,vector the point it) is , the wind(9 on that point the points unit circle is exactly halfway around, sin(θ) the unit of cos(θ) . circle from the point wind(6). pictures above that wind(6 + ir) and —wind(E) are the two 2 (cos(e+’r, Sri(9+7r)) Therefore, (e) 1n C C os(&+), sin(O+7r)) =wind(9+ir) that the vector —wind(9) is a vector of the same length of points in the opposite = direction of wind(9). —wind(6) —( ( cos(&), sin(s)) We can see in= the two pictures above that wind(6 + ir) and —wind(E) are —cos(&), —sin(9)) the same vector.= Therefore, cos(’), -sn-i vectors are equal, their first coordinates are equal sin(O+7r)) =wind(9+ir) Also notice(cos(&+), that the vector —wind(9) is a vector of the same length of —cos(&) cos(9+ir) wind(9), in the opposite direction that = points of wind(9). = —wind(6) We can see in the two pictures above that the vectors drawn are the same. coordinatesThat are equal. cos(&), sin(s)) is, = cos(θ + π) , sin(θ + π) = − cos(θ) , − sin(θ) sin(O+7r) = —sin(&) —cos(&), —sin(9)) = in the two pictures above that wind(& —wind(O) it) andcos(’), are + Because these vectors are equal, their first-sn-i coordinates are equal . Because these vectors are equal, their first coordinates are equal or. Therefore, 211 cos(θ + π) = − cos(θ) = —cos(&) (cos(9 + it), sin(6 + it)) wind(6 cos(9+ir) + it) and their second coordinates are equal. and their second coordinates = —wind(O) are equal. sin(θ + π) = − sin(θ) = —sin(&) sin(O+7r) cos(&), sin(9)) = We can see in the two pictures above that wind(& + it) and —wind(O) are . —cos(&), —sin(9)) 230 the same vector. Therefore, = 211 se vectors are equal. their first coordinates are eqilal sin(6 + it)) (cos(9 wind(6 + it) + it), (&)) (— —( ( (— (&)) —( ( cos(&+ir) = ond coordinates are equal. —cos(9) = —wind(O) cos(&), sin(9)) Lemma (11). For any number θ, Lemma (11). For any number 0, cos(−θ) = cos(θ) cos(—9) = cos(9) Proof: Whether we wind clockwise around the circle a Proof: Whether we wind around the counterclockwise a length of θ,clockwise the x-coordinates willcircle be thea counterclockwise of 9, the i-coordinates will be the to say that cos(θ) a=length cos(−θ). to say that cos(0) cos(—0). length of θ, orY1i ‘J length of 0, o same. Which is same. Which is e Lemma (12). For any number θ, Lemma (12). For any number 0, = − sin(θ) sin(−θ) = —sin(O) Proof: The picture on the sin(—9) left shows sin(θ). The picture in the middle is theProof: first picture flipped over thearound x-axis. the Allcircle of theay-coordinates exchanged If we wind clockwise length of 9, orare counterclock with negatives, so y-coordinates the picture in will the middle shows sin(θ). The picture wise their of 9, the most likely not− be equal. However, a length on the right shows sin(−θ). the rightmost the same from the notice picture belowNotice that that the only difference picture betweenissin(9) and picture as the one in the middle, and thus, − sin(θ) = sin(−θ). sin(—9) is that one is the negative of the other. That is, sin(O) = sin(—0). — e e 231 212 Even and odd functions An even function is a function f (x) that has the property f (−x) = f (x) for every value of x. Examples of such functions include x2 , x4 , x6 , and by Lemma 11, cos(x). An odd function is a function g(x) that has the property g(−x) = −g(x) for every value of x. Examples of such functions include x3 , x5 , x7 , and by Lemma 12, sin(x). Period of sine and cosine The period of the winding function is 2π, meaning that wind(θ) = wind(θ + 2π) Therefore, cos(θ) , sin(θ) = cos(θ + 2π) , sin(θ + 2π) Because these vectors are equal, their first coordinates are equal cos(θ) = cos(θ + 2π) and their second coordinates are equal sin(θ) = sin(θ + 2π) These last two identities show that sine and cosine are, just as the winding function, periodic functions. Their period is 2π. 232 Exercises For #1-14, identify the given value. 1.) cos 5⇡ 4 8.) sin 5⇡ 4 2.) cos 4⇡ 3 9.) sin 4⇡ 3 3.) cos 3⇡ 2 10.) sin 3⇡ 2 4.) cos 5⇡ 3 11.) sin 5⇡ 3 5.) cos 7⇡ 4 12.) sin 7⇡ 4 6.) cos 11⇡ 6 13.) sin 11⇡ 6 7.) cos 2⇡ 14.) sin 2⇡ Suppose that ↵ is a real number, that 0 ↵ ⇡2 , and that cos(↵) = 23 . Use Lemmas 7-12, and that the period of sine and cosine is 2⇡ to find the following values. 15.) sin(↵) 20.) cos( ↵) 16.) sin(↵ + ⇡2 ) 21.) sin( ↵) ⇡ 2) 22.) cos(↵ + 2⇡) 18.) cos(↵ + ⇡) 23.) sin(↵ + 2⇡) 17.) cos(↵ 19.) sin(↵ + ⇡) 233 Match the numbered piecewise defined functions with their lettered graphs below. 24.) f (x) = ( 25.) g(x) = ( 26.) h(x) = ( 27.) p(x) = ( cos(x) sin(x) if x 0; and if x < 0. sin(x) cos(x) if x 0; and if x < 0. cos(x) sin(x) if x > 0; and if x 0. sin(x) cos(x) if x > 0; and if x 0. A.) B.) C.) D.) 234 For #28-39, identify the given value. 28.) log2 (8) 29.) log5 (125) 32.) log9 (3) 33.) log2 36.) log7 (49) 37.) loge (e7 ) 30.) log3 (9) 1 4 34.) log6 1 6 p 38.) loge ( e) 31.) log13 (13) 35.) log10 (10, 000) 39.) loge 1 e Find the solutions of the equations given in #40-42. 40.) x 1 x 2x = 6 41.) x 1 3x+2 235 =4 42.) x + 1 x =4